PL Financial Accounting and Reporting Sample Paper 1
PL Financial Accounting and Reporting Sample Paper 1
PL Financial Accounting and Reporting Sample Paper 1
(3 hours)
Ensure your candidate details are on the front of your answer booklet.
Answers to each written test question must begin on a new page and must be clearly
numbered. Use both sides of the paper in your answer booklet.
The examiner will take account of the way in which answers are presented.
Unless otherwise stated, make all calculations to the nearest month and the nearest .
All references to IFRS are to International Financial Reporting Standards and International
Accounting Standards.
Question papers contain confidential
information and must NOT be removed
from the examination hall.
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Portway Ltd is a retailer of outdoor leisure products. Yakini, the financial controller, has
started to produce the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2012 from the
companys nominal ledger. However, there are a number of issues outstanding. The draft
financial statements, as prepared by Yakini, are set out below.
Draft statement of financial position as at 31 March 2012
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment
Intangibles (Note 1)
Current assets
Inventories (Note 2)
Trade and other receivables
Cash and cash equivalents
Total assets
Cost of sales
Gross profit
Administrative expenses
Other operating costs
Operating profit
Finance costs (Note 6)
Profit before tax
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Portway Ltd undertook some research and development in the year in respect of rain
proof material. The costs have been capitalised above and represent the total balance
included in intangibles. 50,000 of these costs were incurred prior to 1 January 2012,
the date on which the costs met the criteria for recognition as an intangible asset. Also
included is 30,000 that was incurred on an advertising campaign and which it is
estimated will generate an additional 300,000 of revenue over a two year period. The
material was in its final stages of development at 31 March 2012 and the recoverable
amount was estimated at 200,000.
The warehouse supervisor was late finalising the inventories figure for 31 March 2012
so when preparing the draft financial statements above Yakini assumed that closing
inventory was exactly the same as the opening inventory brought forward from last
years financial statements. Closing inventory has now been finalised at 373,600,
including the goods purchased from overseas referred to in Note (3) below. However,
when preparing this figure the warehouse supervisor identified that there had been a
computation error in the final inventory figure at 31 March 2011 which resulted in it
being overstated by 21,800.
The provision recognised above, and included in other operating costs, is for
dismantling one of Portway Ltds retail units and returning the site to its original
condition. This was a condition put in place by the local government authority when the
unit was constructed. The unit was completed on 31 March 2012 and will need to be
removed in ten years time. The estimated cost (today) of dismantling the unit in
10 years time is 25,000.
Yakini was waiting for the current year tax liability to be calculated by one of her
colleagues, which is why she did not include it in the above draft financial statements. It
has now been finalised at 38,200. There was an over-provision last year with the final
amount paid being 2,500 lower than the amount provided for in the financial
statements for the year ended 31 March 2011. Yakini has left the balance of tax
overprovided in current liabilities.
An ordinary dividend was paid on 1 January 2012 at 20p per share. Yakini wasnt sure
where to record this dividend so she included it in finance costs.
Portway Ltd uses a discount rate of 7% pa where necessary to reflect the time value of
money in the preparation of the financial statements.
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a revised income statement for Portway Ltd for the year ended 31 March 2012 and a
revised statement of financial position as at that date in a form suitable for publication;
an extract from the statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 March 2012
showing the retained earnings column only.
(15 marks)
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Avebury plc is listed in the UK and provides leisure facilities. Draft consolidated financial
statements have been prepared for the year ended 31 March 2012. The finance director,
Yena, has asked her deputy, Noku, to make any adjustments required to complete the
financial statements in respect of a few outstanding issues. Both Yena and Noku are
chartered accountants.
Yena told Noku: As you know, the year-end profit figure is of critical importance. In order to
retain the confidence of shareholders and lenders we need to report as high a profit as
possible. You also need to remember that if we maintain our basic earnings per share above
250p we will all get a bonus.
Im leaving the company for a new job in four weeks time, so if you do a good job on the
consolidated financial statements Ill put in a good word for you, as Im sure youd make a
great replacement for me. Please calculate the effects of the final adjustments on the
consolidated financial statements and also calculate basic earnings per share.
The following information has been extracted from the draft consolidated financial
Avebury plc introduced a loyalty card scheme for its customers in July 2011. Customers
pay 25 each for the cards and they claim a 20% discount on all future use of Avebury
plcs leisure facilities for three years from the date of purchasing the card. By 31 March
2012 Avebury plc had issued 9,000 loyalty cards, which have an average unexpired
period of 30 months. Yena has credited the income statement for the year ended
31 March 2012 with 225,000 in respect of the sale of these cards.
On 1 April 2011 Avebury plc opened a new leisure complex which is subject to straightline depreciation over its estimated useful life of 10 years. Avebury plc selected a
location, in an economically deprived area, because of the availability of government
grants to assist with the cost of the building. A grant of 250,000 was received in May
2011, and was credited to other income. Avebury plcs stated accounting policy is to use
the deferred income approach.
On 1 April 2011 Avebury plc issued 200,000 7% 10 convertible bonds at par. The
bonds can be redeemed on 31 March 2014 for ordinary shares converted at the rate of
five ordinary shares for each 10 bond.
The proceeds of the issue have been credited to non-current liabilities. The interest is
payable annually in arrears and 140,000 has been accrued in finance costs. The
equivalent effective interest rate on similar bonds without conversion rights is 11% pa.
On 1 April 2011 Avebury plc acquired all of the share capital of Silbury Ltd. Yena has
correctly consolidated the net assets and results for Silbury Ltd in the draft consolidated
financial statements. Goodwill of 420,000 was recognised in respect of the acquisition.
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However, on further investigation Yena has now discovered that Silbury Ltd has a brand
that was not recognised in its own financial statements and wondered whether the
brand should have been recognised. An external consultant valued the brand at
240,000 on 1 April 2011 and it is thought to have a useful life of 12 years.
On 1 April 2011 Avebury plc had in issue 250,000 1 ordinary shares. On 1 September 2011
Avebury plc issued, for cash, 50,000 1 ordinary shares for full market value of 105p per
share. A 1 for 5 bonus issue was then made on 1 January 2012. These share transactions
have been correctly reflected in the draft consolidated financial statements.
Explain the required IFRS accounting treatment of the four issues above, preparing all
relevant calculations and setting out the required adjustments.
(17 marks)
Using your results from part (a) calculate revised extracts from the draft consolidated
financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2012.
(5 marks)
Calculate basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 March 2012.
Identify and explain any ethical issues arising for Yena and Noku and any action that
Noku should take.
(3 marks)
(3 marks)
(28 marks)
NOTES: Ignore the impact of taxation on the above issues.
The preparation of disclosure notes is not required.
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During the year-ended 31 March 2012 Witan Ltd entered into a number of transactions
relating to non-current assets. The financial controller is preparing the draft consolidated
financial statements and is unsure how to treat these transactions. Prior to dealing with these
transactions, draft consolidated retained earnings were 390,800 as at 31 March 2012.
Information relating to the non-current assets as at 1 April 2011 is set out below.
Plant and machinery
Witan Ltd has previously adopted the cost model for all its property, plant and
equipment. However, on 1 April 2011 the directors decided to revalue the land and
buildings to the amounts shown above.
The buildings were originally being depreciated over 50 years but at the date of
valuation it was determined that the remaining useful life was 40 years. Witan Ltd
wishes to make an annual transfer between the revaluation surplus and retained
A new building, Eaglestone, was constructed on a site that Witan Ltd has owned for a
number of years. Construction commenced on 1 April 2011 and total building costs
incurred during the year were:
Architects fees
Legal costs
Project management fees
Building costs
Management costs
Project management fees represent amounts paid to an independent project
management company whereas management costs are internal administration costs
reallocated to the project. Included in the building costs is the cost of buying and
installing a goods lift. The total cost of the lift was 15,000 and it was thought that it
would need replacing every ten years. The lift should be classified as plant and
The building was completed on 31 December 2011, was ready for use on
1 February 2012 and has a useful life of 50 years. On 1 April 2011 Witan Ltd borrowed
400,000 at an interest rate of 6% pa to fund the construction and up to 31 March 2012
had earned 8,000 of investment income from the temporary investment of unused
funds. Witan Ltd has met the conditions to apply IAS 23 Borrowing Costs.
During January 2012 one of Witan Ltds major pieces of plant developed a substantial
fault and rectification work was carried out at a cost of 10,000. The accounting entry
made at the time of the payment was to debit a suspense account until the correct
accounting treatment could be determined.
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This plant, which is included in plant and machinery above, had cost 100,000 on
1 April 2009 and is being depreciated straight-line over eight years. At 31 March 2012
the plant was assessed as having a fair value of 30,000, with costs to sell at 3,000.
Its value in use has been estimated at 32,000.
Depreciation is charged on the remaining plant and machinery at a rate of 15% pa
straight line.
Witan Ltd entered into a 45 year lease for land and buildings on 1 April 2011. The
buildings had an estimated useful life of 50 years. The fair value of the leasehold
interest is 1,100,000 of which 20% relates to land. The present value of the minimum
lease payments in respect of the buildings is 873,000 and the interest rate implicit in
the lease is 5% pa. The total annual lease payment is 61,400 commencing on
31 March 2012.
Witan Ltd dealt with this transaction by including the 61,400 lease payment made on
31 March 2012 in operating expenses. No other accounting entries were made.
On 1 April 2011 Witan Ltd purchased 35% of the 200,000 ordinary shares in
Chaffron Ltd for cash of 57,000. Witan Ltd has significant influence over Chaffron Ltd.
In the year ended 31 March 2012 Chaffron Ltd:
Witan Ltd recognised its investment in Chaffron Ltd at cost and the dividend received
has been credited to a suspense account. An impairment in the value of Chaffron Ltd of
5,000 needs to be recognised in the consolidated financial statements.
In respect of issues (4) and (5) only prepare extracts from Witan Ltds
consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended 31 March 2012.
(24 marks)
NOTE: Notes to the financial statements are not required.
No written explanation of the IFRS accounting treatment is required.
Explain any differences between IFRS and UK GAAP in respect of the financial
reporting treatment of all the above issues.
(4 marks)
Historical cost is one of the four measurement bases referred to in the Conceptual
Framework. Explain the usefulness and limitations of measuring non-current assets
using the historical cost model compared to the revaluation model under IAS 16
Property, plant and Equipment.
(3 marks)
(31 marks)
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Tongwell plc has investments in two companies, Watling Ltd and Groveway Ltd. The draft
summarised statements of financial position of the three companies at 31 March 2012 are
shown below:
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment
Current assets
Trade and other receivables
Cash and cash equivalents
Total assets
Ordinary share capital (1 shares)
Revaluation surplus
Retained earnings
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables
Tongwell plc
Watling Ltd
Additional information:
Tongwell plc acquired 75% of Watling Ltds ordinary shares on 1 April 2010 for total
cash consideration of 691,000. 250,000 was payable on the acquisition date and the
remaining 441,000 two years later, on 1 April 2012. The directors of Tongwell plc were
unsure how to treat the deferred consideration and have ignored it when preparing the
draft financial statements above.
On the date of acquisition Watling Ltds retained earnings were 206,700. Tongwell plc
chose to measure the non-controlling interest at the acquisition date at the noncontrolling interests share of Watling Ltds net assets.
The intangible asset in Watling Ltds statement of financial position relates to goodwill
which arose on the acquisition of an unincorporated business, immediately prior to
Tongwell plc purchasing its shares in Watling Ltd. Cumulative impairments of 18,000 in
relation to this goodwill had been recognised by Watling Ltd as at 31 March 2012.
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The fair values of the remaining assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of Watling Ltd
at the date of their acquisition by Tongwell plc were equal to their carrying amounts,
with the exception of a building purchased on 1 April 2008, which had a fair value on the
date of acquisition of 120,000. This building is being depreciated by Watling Ltd on a
straight-line basis over 50 years and is included in the above statement of financial
position at a carrying amount of 92,000.
(3) Immediately after its acquisition by Tongwell plc, Watling Ltd sold a machine to
Tongwell plc. The machine had been purchased by Watling Ltd on 1 April 2008 for
10,000 and was sold to Tongwell plc for 15,000. The machine was originally
assessed as having a total useful life of five years and that estimate has never changed.
Groveway Ltd is a jointly controlled entity, set up by Tongwell plc and a fellow venturer
on 30 June 2010. Tongwell plc paid cash of 100,000 for its 40% share of Groveway
Ltd and accounts for its interest in Groveway Ltd using the equity method of accounting.
During the current year Tongwell plc sold goods to Watling Ltd for 12,000 and to
Groveway Ltd for 15,000, earning a 20% gross margin on both sales. All of these
goods were still in the purchasing companies inventories at the year end.
At 31 March 2012 Tongwell plcs trade receivables included 50,000 due from Watling
Ltd. However, Watling Ltds trade payables included only 40,000 due to Tongwell plc.
The difference was due to cash in transit.
In the next financial year, Tongwell plc decided to invest in a third company, Arlott Ltd. On
1 December 2012 Tongwell plc acquired 80% of Arlott Ltds ordinary shares for 385,000. On
the date of acquisition Arlott Ltds equity comprised share capital of 320,000 and retained
earnings of 112,300. Tongwell plc chose to measure the non-controlling interest at the
acquisition date at the non-controlling interests share of Arlott Ltds net assets. Goodwill
arising on the acquisition of Arlott Ltd has been correctly calculated at 39,160 and will be
recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 March 2013.
An appropriate discount rate is 5% pa.
Set out the journal entries that will be required on consolidation to recognise the
goodwill arising on the acquisition of Arlott Ltd in the consolidated statement of financial
position of Tongwell plc as at 31 March 2013.
(2 marks)
IAS 31, Interests in Joint Ventures, allows each venturer in a jointly controlled entity to
recognise its share of that entity in its consolidated financial statements using either
proportionate consolidation or the equity method of accounting. Identify and explain the
principles behind the use of the equity method of accounting for jointly controlled entities
in consolidated financial statements.
(4 marks)
(26 marks)
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