Completed September 07 Week 2

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Tabor - School of Education - Lesson Plan

Pre-Service Teacher Name: Taylor Wilmot

Date: 07/09/16 Wednesday Week 7
Curriculum area: PE
Year level: 10
Lesson time: 60 minutes (double lesson)
General capabilities:
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Topic: Netball
Critical and Creative Thinking
Personal and Social
School: Temple Christian College
Curriculum Content
Develop, implement and evaluate movement concepts and strategies for successful outcomes
with and without equipment (ACPMP101)
Anticipated outcomes
Lesson Outcomes:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to outwit their opponents using a variety of
passes with accuracy and timing.
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to make effective decisions regarding
defensive gameplay.
Students prior knowledge
Students would have played netball in PE in prior years
Some students may have participated in external netball clubs
Some students may have participated in zone sport netball
Resources needed
Goal Posts

Revised for Australian Curriculum January 2014; logo revision February 2016.

Lesson & time sequence



Assessment of students

Evaluation for students.

Where to next?
Evaluation of your

Gather equipment, set up goals posts, etc.
Introduction to the Netball unit
Students are always
Brief explanation of what is going to be
working in pairs, and the
looked at in the lesson.
pairs are always
Outwitting opposition
alternating. Cognitive
2v2 Pass and Move Drill
students may be paired
o Students make a line at each of the 4 corners of a
with Associative
students which promotes
o 2 students stand in the middle of the square and
become defenders.
Players take turns to run through the
defenders areas as pairs.
The player without the ball leads into the
Working together they should try to pass and
move, maintaining possession of the ball,
from one side to the other.

If players successfully pass and support each

other to the other side without losing the ball
they pass the ball to the next pair and join the
back of the queue.

If the ball is intercepted, the pair that lost the

ball become the defenders and the original
defenders take the runners place at the back
of the queue.
Numbers Drill
o Split class in
o Line up on either side of the court
Ball starts on the ground in the centre circle
Teacher to call out a number between 2 and 4.
That many students to run out from each line.
Whichever team picks up the ball first
become attackers, the other team must
become defenders.
Play normal netball rules (minus offside)
First team to take a decent attempt at goal
Players go to the back of their line.
Full game
o Split class into 3 teams
o Students to decide their positions within their own
o 10 minutes per game (teachers to umpire)
Students pack up equipment including goal posts.
Gather before dismissal and discuss the next lesson.
Methods to be used:
Formative visually assessing participation, skills and attitude.
Formative offering informal feedback regarding defensive skills and strategies.

Next lesson, we will continue looking at offensive and defensive strategies with a heavier focus on
teamwork and getting into space to receive a pass.
I think this plan will work well and will keep the students both entertained and learning all lesson.
This class really loves anything that has an element of competitiveness to it and all the drills I have
selected for this lesson give them opportunities to compete against each other a little.

Revised for Australian Curriculum January 2014; logo revision February 2016.

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