Why Problem Based Learning Works
Why Problem Based Learning Works
Why Problem Based Learning Works
Why problem-based learning works: Theoretical foundations. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 25(3&4),
Problem-based learning (PBL) is an instructional method that drives
all learning via solving an authentic problem. The idea of basics first
goes out the window in PBL; rather, one learns the basics in the context
of a meaningful, but ill-structured problem solving activity. A cohesive
body of research is beginning to show the effectiveness of PBL (see Hung,
Jonassen, and Liu, 2008). Authors in this special issue, respectively, provide
PBL Overview
History of PBL
Problem-based learning has its implementation roots in the field of
medical education starting in the 1950s (Savery & Duffy 1995). It grew
from dissatisfaction with the traditional medical education practice at
McMaster University in Canada (Barrows, 1996; Barrows & Tamblyn,
1980). These PBL pioneers criticized traditional health science education
for its lecture format and heavy emphasis on memorization of fragmented biomedical knowledge at the expense of helping students develop
the clinical problem-solving skills required for a lifetime of practice and
learning (Albanese & Mitchell, 1993; Barrows, 1996).
This first PBL curriculum implemented many of the characteristics
that typify PBL today. Students worked in small groups where they
interacted with simulated patients who had complex and meaningful
medical problems. They used patient interviews, records, and selected
laboratory results to identify learning issues and develop a diagnosis and
treatment plan (Barrows & Tamblyn, 1976; Torp & Sage, 1998). This may
seem like the students were metaphorically thrown into boiling water,
but in a PBL environment, student learning is supported and coached by
a faculty member whose role is to facilitate discussion-based learning by
asking questions and monitoring the problem-solving process (Barrows,
1985, 1986, 1996; Hmelo, 1998). If students are stuck, they can go to the
facilitator for guidance and resources. Rather than learning basic science
knowledge via memorization, textbooks, and lectures (methods that have
a high forgetting curve), students learn these basics during the meaningful, hands-on task of solving clinical problems (Barrows, 1985, 1986;
Reality (the sense that we make of the world) is in the mind of the
The sense making process described above produces a perception of the
external, physical world that is unique to the knower; this representation
Situated Learning
A related perspective posits that PBL has its roots in theories of situated learning (Hung, 2002). Situated learning or situated cognition was
proposed by Brown et al. (1989) and argued that meaningful and lasting
learning takes place best when it is embedded in a social and physical context as similar as possible to that in which the learning would be applied.
This idea was in contrast to the way most formal learning took place at that
time (and still, unfortunately, does)that is, devoid of authentic context
and far removed from any aspect of actually using what is to be learned.
Situated cognition proposes that the contextual setting of knowledge is
essential and that meaning making is rooted in the relationships that we
construct between ourselves as learners and our surrounding situations
and interactions (Hung, 2002). Stated another way, knowledge is, at its
root, produced via interactions between the mind and the world in which
it is situated.
In a PBL, the situation or the meaningful context is to a large degree
provided by the ill-structured problem the learners are solving. This learning situation is similar to what we do in our everyday and professional
lives, where we are continuously solving ill-structured problems. Because
meaning is derived by learners from the contexts in which they are working or learningideas abstracted from contexts and presented as theories
have little, if any, meaning to learnersknowledge that is anchored, or
situated in specific contexts is more meaningful, more integrated, better retained, and more transferable. One reason for this phenomenon is
the means by which students represent their understanding (Jonassen,
is implemented in PBL. Authentic cases are the way that the learning is
situated in a real-world setting and, additionally, the means by which
students situate the basic knowledge (for example, basic sciences for
medical school, engineering fundamentals for the engineering students)
they are learning as part of the case. There are, however, different kinds
of cases and different ways of using them in a PBL (Jonassen, 2010).
Figure 1 illustrates the functions that cases may have in a PBL. It shows
that example cases and cases to analyze serve primarily as instructional
supports, whereas the case as a PBL problem to solve is the basis for students learning of content and skills (Jonassen, 2010).
assume responsibility for their learning by interpreting case problems
self-reflectively, generating learning issues and objectives throughout the
case, determining their own assignments, accessing learning materials,
monitoring their own learning, and applying their knowledge back to
the problem. In PBL programs, cases are merely the vehicle for initiating reflective, self-directed learning but are central and essential to that
learning process.
know that these instructional means are based on the theoretical underpinnings of PBL. But where does all this leave us as faculty members in
the midst of trying to implement and improve PBL for our students? Entire
books have been written on this topic (see Amador, Miles, & Peters, 2007;
Woods, 1994); however, in this section we will briefly address strategies
based on the theoretical and implementation foundations discussed that
can help to continually improve PBL environments. These strategies are
based on the principles of formative evaluationevaluation designed
to monitor and improve a product or process that is still available to be
Problems are a critical aspect of a PBL. They embody the in situ nature
of PBL and are the basis for the construction of knowledge. They exist to
trigger the learning process and are the basis for student learning activities. Creating an effective problem is, thus, essential for successful PBL.
Dolmans, Snellen-Balendong, Wolfhagen, and Van der Vleuten (1997)
outlined seven principles of problem design. They described that problems should (1) simulate real life, (2) lead to elaboration, (3) encourage
integration of knowledge, (4) encourage self-directed learning, (5) fit
in with students prior knowledge, (6) interest students, and (7) reflect
the faculty members learning objectives. Jonassen and Hung (2008) focused on one of the problem characteristics originally indicated by Shaw
(1976)problem difficultyand defined it to be characterized by problem
complexity and problem structuredness. According to Jonassen and Hung
(2008), problem complexity refers to the breadth, difficulty level, intricacy,
and interrelatedness of problem space, while problem structuredness represents the intransparency, variety of interpretations, interdisciplinary,
and interdisciplinary nature of problems.
Working to instantiate these ideas about problem characteristics into
practice, Jacobs, Dolmans, Wolfhagen, and Scherpbier (2003) developed
and validated a questionnaire to assess the degree of complexity and
structuredness of PBL problems and how students differentiated between
these characteristics. Their results indicate that although students could
clearly differentiate between simple and well-structured problems, these
students were not able to discern ill-structured from complex problems.
Perhaps more helpful to designing PBL problems with characteristics
that will support successful PBL implementations, Des Marchais (1999)
used a Delphi technique with six PBL experts who were asked to identify
three criteria considered most essential for the design of problems. The
study identified that the two most important criteria were that the problem
should stimulate thinking or reasoning and lead to self-directed learning
in students. Sockalingam and Schmidt (2011) turned to PBL students and
can be supported in a PBL environment, we turn to a specific PBL implementation. The Iron Range Engineering (IRE) program, a collaboration
between Itasca Community College (ICC) and Minnesota State University
Mankato, is an exemplar of the gradually growing number of engineering
programs implementing PBL (Litzinger, Lattuca, Hadgraft, & Newstetter,
2011). The IRE curriculum is unusual, however, in the degree to which it
implements PBL as there are no formal classes.
IRE has implemented an entire upper-division engineering curriculum
using semester-long industry-based PBL projects. IRE students do not
enroll in traditional courses; rather, every semester students (with the
help of faculty) designate a number of specific technical and professional
competencies that they propose to attain during the term. Students work
with faculty to develop individualized syllabi that guide their learning
activities and assessments for these competencies.
A majority of these competencies and associated learning activities are
accomplished via team-based PBL projects undertaken via partnerships
with regional mining, milling, and manufacturing industries. Other
student learning, however, occurs individually or in student-organized
small groups. Students have a wide variety of resources available to them
for accomplishing their learning. These resources span the spectrum of
printed materials and electronic libraries to faculty and industry experts.
In both the industry-based projects and in individual learning, students
must exercise metacognitive skills and be self-directed learners as they
make decisions about how best to complete the learning tasks necessary
to achieve competency.
IRE faculty have recognized the need to support the development of
students metacognitive skills and have introduced several means of doing
so. Although most learning takes place via their industry projects, or via
informal student groups, faculty have instituted for a more formalized
learning activity called learning conversations. The format of a learning
conversation can vary from a small group of students working with a faculty member to get guidance on how to solve thermodynamics problems, to
a more formalized, regularly scheduled gathering of all first-year students
as a faculty member presents content associated with a competency that
many students are trying to meet that term. Each year, as new IRE students
arrive, faculty introduce them to the concept of metacognition, its value
in their success at IRE and as life-long learners, and ways to develop and
apply their metacognitive skills while at IRE.
As students engage in learning activities, they complete a metacog
memo documenting their reflections on the learning processes they used,
the judgments they made on the quality of the learning, and the regulative
PBL is one of several instructional methodologies being implemented in
higher education settings that are student centered. In PBL environments,
learning is entirely focused around solving an authentic problem, which
is often presented in a case. And in contrast to traditional pedagogies,
learners do not learn the basic first and in a separate, often inauthentic
mode (for example, read about a theory or a model rather than use
it); rather, they learn basic content in the context of solving the complex,
authentic problem.
The challenging news is that this pedagogy requires significant changes
for both learners and teachers. The hopeful news is that understanding
the basic theoretical premises on which PBL is foundedspecifically,
constructivism and situated cognitioncan help practitioners be more
effective in designing, implementing, and improving PBL environments.
This article has explored those theoretical foundations and then applied
them to help educators understand and use cases effectively to support
PBL, design problems appropriate for PBL environments, and develop
and use the metacognitive supports students need during PBL activities.
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