People Vs Delim
People Vs Delim
People Vs Delim
Yes. Conspiracy is when two or more persons agree and decide to commit a felony. This is
proven by acts of criminal. Before during and after crime committed and that accused had same
purpose and united in execution; act of one act of all. Wharton criminal lawactual presence not
necessary if theres direct connection bet actor and crime
4. Whether witness testimonies were valid?
Yes. Inconsistencies mean and even strengthen. It was not rehearsed
5. Whether alibi warranted?
No. Positive identification over alibi. Unable to prove that they
were in another place and impossible to go to crime scene
6. Whether there was treachery and other aggravating circumstances?
No. Treachery and taking advantage of superior strength was not proven as there was no witness
or evidence. The unlicensed firearm and dwelling was further not included in information.
Held: Conviction affirmed with modification