Electrical Time
Electrical Time
Electrical Time
the heart over a period of time, as detected by electrodes attached to the surface of
the skin and recorded by a device external to the body. The recording produced by
this noninvasive procedure is termed an electrocardiogram.
A normal ECG wave is shown above. The amplitude and time period of various
waves are given below:
Time period:
P wave 0.25 mV
Q wave 0.4 mV
R wave 1.6 mV
The conducting system of the electrical pulses in heart is shown above. ECG
provides a wide range of cardiac disorders such as the presence of an inactive part
(infarct) or an enlargement (hypertrophy) of heart muscle. The ECG device detects
and amplifies the tiny electrical changes on the skin that are caused when
the heart muscle depolarizes during each heartbeat.
The diagnostically useful frequency range is usually 0.05 too 150Hz. The
interference of non-biological noises can be handled by using modern differential
amplifiers, which are capable of providing excellent rejection capabilities. Common
Mode Rejection Ratio of the order of 100-120db with 5K unbalance in the leads is
a desirable feature of ECG machines. It is necessary to use a notch filter tuned to
50Hz to reject hum due to power mains.
The term "lead" in electrocardiography refers to the electrical cable attaching
the electrodes to the ECG recorder. These leads are placed according to a practical
system of electrocardiography used in medical diagnostics known as Einthovens
Einthovens Triangle is an equilateral triangle whose vertices lie at the left
and right shoulders and the pubic region and whose center corresponds to the
vector sum of all electric activity occurring in the heart at any given moment,
allowing for the determination of the electrical axis. Einthoven's triangle is
approximated by the triangle formed by the axes of the bipolar electrocardiographic
(ECG) limb leads I, II, and III.
There are three different configurations of leads that are used to record ECG
signals. They are:
1. Limb leads
2. Precordial leads
3. Augmented limb leads
Leads I, II and III are called limb leads. The electrodes that form these signals
are located on the limbsone on each arm and one on the left leg. The limb leads
form the points of what is known as Einthoven's triangle.
Lead I is the voltage between the (positive) left arm (LA) electrode and right arm
(RA) electrode:
Lead II is the voltage between the (positive) left leg (LL) electrode and the right arm
(RA) electrode:
Lead III is the voltage between the (positive) left leg (LL) electrode and the left arm
(LA) electrode:
Lead augmented vector right (aVR) has the positive electrode (white) on the
right arm. The negative electrode is a combination of the left arm (black)
electrode and the left leg (red) electrode, which "augments" the signal strength
of the positive electrode on the right arm.
Lead augmented vector left (aVL) has the positive (black) electrode on the left
arm. The negative electrode is a combination of the right arm (white) electrode
and the left leg (red) electrode, which "augments" the signal strength of the
positive electrode on the left arm.
Lead augmented vector foot (aVF) has the positive (red) electrode on the left leg.
The negative electrode is a combination of the right arm (white) electrode and
the left arm (black) electrode, which "augments" the signal of the positive
electrode on the left leg.
The electrodes for the precordial leads (V1, V2, V3, V4, V5 and V6) are placed
directly on the chest. Because of their close proximity to the heart, they do not
require augmentation. Wilson's central terminal is used for the negative electrode,
and these leads are considered to be unipolar. The precordial leads view the heart's
electrical activity in the so-called horizontal plane. The heart's electrical axis in the
horizontal plane is referred to as the Z axis.
Electrode placement
In the same location where RA was placed, but on the left arm.
In the same location where RL was placed, but on the left leg.
In the fourth intercostal space (between ribs 4 and 5) just to the left
of the sternum.
In the fifth intercostal space (between ribs 5 and 6) in the midclavicular line.
A wandering baseline but otherwise normal ECG trace is usually due to the
movement of the patient or electrode, the baseline shift is eliminated by ensuring
that the patient lies relaxed and the electrodes are properly attached. Baseline
wander is usually observed immediately after the application of electrodes.
The diagram below illustrates the configuration of ECG graph paper and
where to measure the components of the ECG wave form
METHOD 2: The second method can be used with an irregular rhythm to estimate
the rate. Count the number of R waves in a 6 second strip and multiply by 10.
For example, if there are 7 R waves in a 6 second strip, the heart rate
is 70bpm (7x10=70).
METHOD 3: When the rhythm is regular, the heart rate is 1500 divided by the
number of small squares between the QRS complexes.
60 divided by [(number of small squares between the QRS complexes) *(0.04 sec)]
R R interval = t
Heart Rate = 60/t (Beats /min)
What is a cardioverter?
The conversion of atrial fibrillation to a normal rhythm by
defibrillation is usually called as Cardioversion and defibrillator with a
synchronizer is called a cardioverter which delivers a shock only after
detecting a R wave threshold.
Mention the energy requirements of pacemaker?
Heart can be stimulated with electric shock
Min Energy required 10J
Typically a pulse of 5V, 10mA, 2ms is used
More than 400J causes ventricular fibrillation
Heart rate is the number of times per minute that the heart contracts
- the number of heart beats per minute (bpm). Heart rate is most accurately
measured from the thorax with the transmitter of heart rate monitor or the
electrodes of the electrocardiograph (EKG).
Pulse is the mechanical pulse of blood flow through the capillaries
caused by the contractions of the heart per minute. Pulse can be measured
from an earlobe with a pulse meter (also called photoreflectance or infrared
sensor monitor) containing a photocell sensor