A washing with water, which symbolises
the cleansing of believers from the stain
and dirt of sin through the grace of God.
Jesus Christ submi!ed to baptism as an
example to believers. "rough the work
of the Holy Spirit, baptism is linked with
union with the risen Jesus Christ.
baptism, of Jesus Christ
See 2510 Jesus Christ, baptism of
baptism, with Holy Spirit
See 3242 Holy Spirit, baptism with
baptism, in the Gospels
In the Gospels baptising is based on the
symbolic practice in the OT and Judaism
of cleansing with water.
Washing was the means of achieving
ritual purity
Jn 3:5
The disciples of Jesus Christ baptised
like Johns
Jn 3:22-23; 4:1
Jesus Christ was baptised by John
baptism, practice of
Baptism is associated with repenting of
sin, believing the gospel message and
becoming a member of Christs body.
Baptism is ordained by Jesus Christ
Manser, M. H. (2009). Dictionary of Bible !emes: !e Accessible and Comprehensive Tool for Topical Studies.
London: Martin Manser.
Exported from Logos Bible Software, 8:16 PM July 12, 2016.
baptism, signicance of
"e NT uses a variety of images to
explain the meaning of baptism, such as
dying and rising with Christ, sharing in
his death and being cleansed from sin.
Baptism is a symbol of the death of
Jesus Christ
Manser, M. H. (2009). Dictionary of Bible !emes: !e Accessible and Comprehensive Tool for Topical Studies.
London: Martin Manser.
Exported from Logos Bible Software, 8:16 PM July 12, 2016.
1Co 10:1-2 In and through the exodus experience Israel was united with and obedient to
Moses, as Jesus Christs people are to him. See
also Ex 14:19-24
Baptism symbolises washing from sin