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Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor Using Infrared Receiver Module

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ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753

ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization

Volume 4, Special Issue 9, July 2015

National Conference on Emerging Technology and Applied Sciences-2015 (NCETAS 2015)

On 21st & 22nd February, Organized by
Modern Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bandel, Hooghly-712123, West Bengal, India

Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor

Using Infrared Receiver Module
Souvik Kumar Dolui 1, Dr.Soumitra Kumar Mandal2
M.Tech Student, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, NITTTR, Kolkata, Salt Lake City, India
Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, NITTTR, Kolkata, Salt Lake City, India
ABSTRACT: In this paper the design and implementation of speed control of a single phase induction motor through
infrared receiver module is presented. The proposed speed control method enables the user to operate an induction motor
remotely. In this scheme any button on the remote can be used for the speed control of the induction motor. Whenever
any push button switch of remote controller is pressed on the remote control, the infrared light emitting diode transmits
the signal to the regulators infrared sensor. Subsequently, this signal was decoded by the decoder and the firing angle of
ac voltage controller can be controlled. Hence the induction motor operates at the reference speed in accordance with the
action commanded by the remote controller.
KEYWORDS:IR decoder, AVR Microcontroller, Control, Display.
Today, electronics are widely used in home appliances such as the motor speed regulation of a washing machine, the
control of a vacuum cleaner, the light dimming of a lamp and the heating in a coffee vendor machine etc. This provision
increases rapidly because appliances require enhanced features, easy to build and modify as electronics based solutions
become cheaper and more sophisticated. With the evolution of VLSI technology, the microcontrollers replace analog
controllers and discrete solutions are available in low cost applications. The design and development of a variable-speed
controllerof AC motor drives, employing CPLD device is reported in [1]. The control of induction motor drives is a quite
complex task. Usually the vector control algorithm is used to control induction motor. In vector control scheme, the rotor
speed and the position of the magnetic flux inside the motor during the speed control process are required [2]. The
measuring, modelling, and decoupling of saturation-induced saliencies in carrier signal injection based sensor less control
is reported in [3]. AC drive system in conveyor applications can be very challenging. This scheme is suitable for a
medium voltage AC drive system where electrical power can besupplied through a common AC Bus [4]. Stator flux
estimation may be used to control the electromagnetic torque of the induction motor during soft starting. The inherent
problems related to pure integration of the back electromagnetic force. To estimate the stator flux are minimized using
the low pass filter [5]. A speed-estimation method may be used for controlling the induction-motor drive and it operates
based on a special current-control scheme called integral sliding-mode current control. Classic current control for the
induction motor drive is done by regulating the d-q synchronous reference frame currents using PI controllers with or
without a decoupling compensator[6]. In this paper, the design and development of speed control of a single phase
induction motor through infrared receiver module is presented. The proposed method enables the user to operate an
induction motor remotely.
The schematic block diagram of proposed speed control scheme is depicted in Figure 1. This block diagram consists of
IR transmitter, IR receiver, microcontroller, and driver circuit. Generally IR sensor module receives the IR pulses which
are sent from remote location and converts it to corresponding electric pulses. These electrical pulses are given to a
microcontroller that decodes it to corresponding data byte using a zero crossing detector and on chip timer and interrupt.
These data bytes are used to take further control decisions. The control output signals are given to driver circuit, which
drives the actual device.

Copyright to IJIRSET



ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753

ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization

Volume 4, Special Issue 9, July 2015

National Conference on Emerging Technology and Applied Sciences-2015 (NCETAS 2015)

On 21st & 22nd February, Organized by
Modern Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bandel, Hooghly-712123, West Bengal, India

In proposed speed control system, sony IR remote is used and it operates based on 12-bit SIRC protocol as illustrated
in Figure 2a. The code starts with a header of 2.4ms followed by 7-bit command and 5-bit device address in which least
significant bits (LSB) are transmitted first. Subsequently, thecommands are repeated after 45ms as long as the switch is
ON and the remote control is held down. The address and commands are exist for logical ones and zeros. A space of
600s or 1T and a pulse of 1200s or 2T form are used to represent logical one. A logical zero is formed by a space of
600s and the pulse of 600sis shown in Figure 2b. Usually, thezero crossing detectors generate pulses for each zero
crossing of the input ac signal. After that these pulses are fed to the microcontroller interrupt pin through the opto coupler. The opto - coupler is used for the isolation of the high voltage ac to the low voltage dc supply at the
microcontroller side. The microcontroller was interrupted at each zero crossing which triggers the triac as per

Fig 1. Block diagram of speed control of IM

Fig 2a

Fig 2b. IR transmitter protocol


The system circuit diagram is depicted Figure 3. The proposed speed control scheme has been designed using the
Atmega8 microcontroller. The microcontrollers on-chip peripherals like programmable I/O port, timer, oscillator,
EEPROM, and power on reset etc. are being used to reduce the cost and to increase the efficiency and reliability of
Copyright to IJIRSET



ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753

ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization

Volume 4, Special Issue 9, July 2015

National Conference on Emerging Technology and Applied Sciences-2015 (NCETAS 2015)

On 21st & 22nd February, Organized by
Modern Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bandel, Hooghly-712123, West Bengal, India

proposed system. This makes the AVR microcontroller a better choice for such embedded systems. This microcontroller
uses calibrated 8 MHz internal RC oscillator. TSOP- 1740 receiver module is used to receive the IR signal from the
transmitter. This sensor module demodulates the received IR signal that is compatible to the microcontroller.
Microcontroller decodes the demodulated frame from the sensor module to corresponding command and address data byte.
This decoded data bytes are then used to take an actual control decision. In the present system, in order to increase or
decreasethe output ac voltage, the function keys volume + and volume - on IR remote transmitter are used respectively
and to ON-OFF ac mains switch power function key is used.

Fig 3. Circuit diagram of proposed speed control system

The corresponding decoded command bytes are 19, 20, and 21 respectively.The power control device used here is a
triacwhich is least expensive power switch to operate directly on the 110/240V ac supply. Thus it is the optimal switch for
most of the low-cost power appliances which are operating online. It can withstand a maximum load current typically 5A.
The phase angle control technique is employed to control the load power. The output power is controlled by the phase
delay of the triac. This delay refers to the zero crossing of the line voltage detected by zero crossing detector circuit. The
control output from microcontroller port pin is given to opto-coupler for isolation between control circuit and power
circuit. The output of opto-coupler is used to trigger the triac. Usually, the triac is driven in first and third quadrants with
60 mA gate current with 100 s pulse width. This pulse width is sufficiently long to ensure that the triac gets latched at
the end of the pulse. Changing the operation from 50Hz to 60Hz can be achieved by making simple modifications to the
microcontroller EPROM look-up table defining the triac conduction angle versus power level. The automatic selection of
50Hz or 60Hz look-up tables could be done by programming.

Copyright to IJIRSET



ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753

ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization

Volume 4, Special Issue 9, July 2015

National Conference on Emerging Technology and Applied Sciences-2015 (NCETAS 2015)

On 21st & 22nd February, Organized by
Modern Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bandel, Hooghly-712123, West Bengal, India

Fig 4. Hardware Circuit

Fig 5. The basic flow chart of the device software

Copyright to IJIRSET



ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753

ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization

Volume 4, Special Issue 9, July 2015

National Conference on Emerging Technology and Applied Sciences-2015 (NCETAS 2015)

On 21st & 22nd February, Organized by
Modern Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bandel, Hooghly-712123, West Bengal, India

The concept of speed control of ac motors which are used in home appliances can be implemented using the proposed
method. It can control the speed of induction motor effectively. The experimental results are illustrated in Table I.
Relationship between speed vs voltage and speed vs Power are depicted in Figure 6 and Figure 7 respectively.
Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the Output voltage across induction motor at remote switch position 2 and 9 respectively.
Remote Switch Position

Volt (V)

Amp (A)
































Fig 6. Graph Plot of V vs RPM

Fig 7. Graph Plot of Power vs RPM

Copyright to IJIRSET



ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753

ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization

Volume 4, Special Issue 9, July 2015

National Conference on Emerging Technology and Applied Sciences-2015 (NCETAS 2015)

On 21st & 22nd February, Organized by
Modern Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bandel, Hooghly-712123, West Bengal, India

Fig 8.Output voltage across induction motor at =85

Fig 9.Output voltage across induction motor at =30

The proposed speed control system of single phase induction motor using inferred receiver module has been designed
and implemented. The developed system has been tested and the experimental results are reported in this paper. The
proposed speed to operate induction motor remotely. This variable speed drive with variable voltage control provides
low-cost solutions for light commercial and consumer applications.
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Copyright to IJIRSET



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