Calculation and Analysis of Transformer Inrush Current Based On Parameters of Transformer and Operating Conditions
Calculation and Analysis of Transformer Inrush Current Based On Parameters of Transformer and Operating Conditions
Calculation and Analysis of Transformer Inrush Current Based On Parameters of Transformer and Operating Conditions
T 190
Magnetizing inrush current in transformers results
from any abrupt changes of the magnetizing voltage. This
current in transformer may be caused by energizing an
unloaded transformer, occurrence of an external fault,
voltage recovery after clearing an external fault and out-ofphase synchronizing of connected generator [1-2]. Because
the amplitude of inrush current can be as high as a shortcircuit current, a detailed analysis of the magnetizing
inrush current under various conditions is necessary for the
concerns of a protective system for the transformers. In
this regard, some numerical and analytical methods have
been proposed in the literature. In [3], analytical
expressions for the magnetic fluxes of no-load three-phase
transformer is presented that can be used for inrush current
calculation. In [4], by analytical solution of two differential
equations that governs the behavior of a transformer, the
magnetic flux and inrush current are determined. For
modeling transformer core including hysteresis, [5] used
Jiles-Atherton theory and presented a new algorithm on a
sample transformer. In [6], an analytic formula is presented
to calculate the peak inrush current of a nonlinear inductor
with a series resistor. In [7], a simple model for the
transient period of inrush current is presented. This model
is developed from the structural parameters of transformer.
To avoid malfunctiom of protection system under
magnetizing inrush current, many researches are conducted
for the discrimination of inrush current from internal fault
currents. For example, in [8-10], inrush current are
discriminated from internal fault current by second
harmonic criterion. For discrimination of these currents,
[11] used the sum of active power flowing into the
transformer from each terminal. In [12], a criterion
function in terms of difference of amplitude of wavelet
coefficients is defined. Then by using this criterion
function for three phases, the internal faults are
discriminated from the inrush current.
In this paper, first, the fundamentals of inrush current
and the formulas that are used for calculation it, are
presented. Then a one-phase transformer is simulated in
MATLAB and the effects of switching angle variation,
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Simulation results
In this paper, the effects of some parameters on the
characteristics of inrush current are investigated in
MATLAB Simulink.
Received 2010 07 04
M. Jamali, M. Mirzaie, S. Asghar Gholamian. Calculation and Analysis of Transformer Inrush Current Based on Parameters
of Transformer and Operating Conditions // Electronics and Electrical Engineering. Kaunas: Technologija, 2011. No. 3(109).
P. 1720.
An inrush current is a transient current with high amplitude that may occur when a transformer is energized under no load or lightly
loaded conditions. The magnitude of inrush current may be as high as ten times or more times of transformer rated current. This could
result in huge mechanical and thermal stresses on transformer in addition to inadvertent operation of the protective relay systems. This
paper represents the effects of some factors on the inrush current of transformers. For this purpose, a one-phase transformer is simulated
in MATLAB and the effects of switching angle variation, the energizing circuit impedance and the remanent flux on the characteristics
of inrush current are investigated. The results show that increasing circuit resistance or switching angle will decrease inrush current
amplitude. Also, it is concluded that for reducing inrush current, appropriate switching angle with respect to the remanent flux must be
selected. The results can be used for a better understanding of the inrush current characteristics and proper actions of the protective
system. Ill. 7, bibl. 13, tabl. 1 (in English; abstracts in English and Lithuanian).
M. Jamali, M. Mirzaie, S. Asghar Gholamian. Transformatoriaus parametr[ ir darbo s\lyg[ >takos transformatoriaus
>magnetinimo srovei apskaiiavimas ir tyrimas // Elektronika ir elektrotechnika. Kaunas: Technologija, 2011. Nr. 3(109).
P. 1720.
magnetinimo srov/ yra didel/s amplitud/s momentin/ srov/, kuri gali atsirasti, kai transformatorius susiadina, kai n/ra jokios
apkrovos arba kai ji maa. magnetinimo srov/ gali bti daugiau nei deimt kartQ didesn/ u nominali vert. Toks poveikis, atsirads
d/l mechaniniQ ir terminiQ procesQ, neigiamai veikia reles. Apraomi veiksniai, turintys takos magnetinimo srovei. Atliktas vienfazio
transformatoriaus modeliavimas programQ paketu Matlab, vertinti pagrindiniai parametrai. Il. 7, bibl. 13, lent. 1 (anglQ kalba;
santraukos anglQ ir lietuviQ k.).