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Dips Specs Sheet FULL

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Dips 6.

Graphical & Statistical Analysis of Orientation Data

software tools for rock and soil

Dips is designed for the interactive analysis of orientation based geological data. The program is capable
of many applications and is designed for the novice or occasional user, and for the accomplished user of
stereographic projection who wishes to utilize more advanced tools in the analysis of geological data.

Input Data
Orientation data can be entered in
several common formats dip/dip
direction or strike/dip (planar data),
trend/plunge (linear data), or oriented
core. Mixed orientation formats
can be included within a single
Dips file. Extra columns allow you
to record any additional qualitative
or quantitative information, with
convenient spreadsheet entry and
unlimited file size.

Stereonet Plots
Stereonet plots include pole, scatter,
contour and planes plots. Contour
plots provide statistical contours of
orientation clustering. Symbolic pole
plots are used for feature attribute
analysis. User defined set windows
allow the selection of orientation
clusters on the stereonet. Joint sets
can also be determined from cluster
analysis. Mean orientations are
calculated and set statistics such as
confidence and variability cones can
be displayed.

Kinematic analysis, planar sliding using pole vectors, daylight envelope, 30 degree friction angle, 70
degree slope angle.

Kinematic Analysis
For rock slope stability analysis, Dips
includes a comprehensive kinematic
analysis toolkit for quick evaluation of
planar sliding, wedge sliding, flexural
toppling and direct toppling. Input
the slope orientation and friction
angle, and Dips will automatically
display an interactive overlay for the
chosen failure mode. The number
of poles within critical regions will be
highlighted and a complete analysis
report can be generated. For safety
factor analysis joints can be exported
to Swedge or Unwedge.

Dips file showing input data spreadsheet, contour plot with overlaid symbolic pole plot, rosette plot
and chart.

2013 Rocscience Inc.

Dips 6.0

software tools for rock and soil

Technical Specifications

Input Data

Statistical Analysis

Filtering/Attribute Analysis

integrated spreadsheet
linear/planar orientation data
quantity column for multiple
identical data entries
declination for magnetic/
azimuth correction
unlimited number of columns
for additional data

user-defined set windows for

orientation (pole) clusters
fuzzy cluster analysis for
automatic detection of joint
mean vector calculation
confidence and variability
statistics listed in Info Viewer
Fisher distributions for
contour plots
global mean vector
best fit plane through poles
(fold analysis)

powerful database query,

easily create data subsets
create charts or symbolic
pole plots based on any data
column in the file
plot qualitative/quantitative
edit symbols, create symbol
master list
histogram, line or pie charts
filter by set

Orientation Formats
dip/dip direction
strike/dip (right or left hand
rule for strike)
trend/plunge (linear data)
oriented core (alpha/beta)
multiple formats in one file
using traverses

linear (e.g. scanline)
planar (e.g. wall map)
borehole (oriented core)
bias correction (Terzaghi
Stereonet Plots
pole plot
symbolic plot
scatter plot
contour plot
planes plot
pole or dip vector mode
view intersections
overlay of contours, poles,
planes, intersections
rosette plot
customize display options

equal angle, equal area
upper/lower hemisphere

File Output
save processed file
export to Excel
JTDIST utility program
define up to five synthetic joint
sets, generate a Dips file

Kinematic Analysis
planar sliding
wedge sliding
flexural toppling
direct toppling
poles, dip vectors,
lateral limits
highlight critical zones
export results to Excel

Viewing Options
current view state saved with
global undo / redo
sidebar for quick access to
display options
interactive graphical editing
improved printing with
customizable headers and
save plots to .bmp, .jpg,
metafile, DXF

Stereonet Toolkit
polar/equatorial grid overlay
user defined trend/strike
reference line
add planes (rubber plane for
interactive data analysis)
plot lineations on planes
small circles about any axis
(e.g. friction circles, toppling
daylight envelopes for sliding
analysis in slope design
onscreen pole identification
data rotation about arbitrary
onscreen angle
drawing tools, text

Price & Licensing

Dips 6.0 is sold at the prices listed below.

Personal License (no USB key)

$595 USD ($595 CAD)

Portable License (Uses USB key)

$895 USD ($895 CAD)

Flexible Licenses are also available;

they are sold as a yearly subscription,
with price based on the number of
concurrent users. Please contact
[email protected] for more

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