Does The Indonesian Government Believe in Black Magic?
Does The Indonesian Government Believe in Black Magic?
Does The Indonesian Government Believe in Black Magic?
For everybody who is experienced in analyze Water quality this meant: The Lake will die very soon
now: To much nutrition, to much phosphates. And for a up to 550 m deep lake, this is the death
sentence for the whole lake forever. The water of the lake need to change for one exchange around
80 years. The phosphates will stay in the lake for this time and even longer.
For everybody experienced it was clear, that the Lake will die now in a few weeks or month. In
Harrangoal in the north of the lake already the fish dieing starts at the beginning of May 2016.
Thousands of tons of the fish died in the floating cages.
But than a wonder happen: The lake was getting totally clear
in only one week!
One week later you could see around 5 m through the water again, what was not possible since five
years anymore. The water was getting full blue again and the PH went down to 8,3. For the first
everybody was happy about this: Lake Toba has clean water again!
But is the water really clean? How it could happen? An Exchange of the water take around 80
years? The phosphates still have to be in the lake. Then in the next month a few hypothesis how it
could happen came up:
hundred tons of it, ship it to Indonesia and give it to the lake. This is already an option. Here the
link, if you want to buy hundreds of tons:
But the Glyphosate will kill all the algae. The Algae die and the rotten algae will need a lot of
oxygen. If somebody would have done like this, than by this condition of the lake, all the fish will
died in Lake Toba. Also this will work only for a few weeks or maybe some month, until the algae
grow again. All the dead algae will be on the ground and with the huge amount of phosphates the
algae will grow much faster afterwards again. If this happened, then we will see in the next weeks a
huge algae bloom again. Also it easy can be tested, because the Glyphosate is getting reduced to the
Metabolite AMPA. This can be easily analyzed in the Lake. The Government can research for this.
Ramli and Luhut B. Panjaitan said often, that all the Aquafarms will be removed from the Lake in
2016. A lot of Environment Initiatives want the Aquafarms leave lake Toba, because they argue, that
the Aquafarms destroyed the water Quality of the Lake. Then Greenpeace and also European media
look at the lake. The Tilapia fish, the Swiss Company RegalSprings Holding AG produce with their
Indonesian daughter PT.Aquafarm Nusantara, is getting sold as sustainable fish in America and in
Europe high priced. With a dieing lake in the background all the Business of world biggest Tilapia
farm in Lake Toba is gone.
Regal Springs would loose the ASC Certificate, if they cannot show a lower phosphate
concentration than 20 micrograms per liter and a visibility higher than 2 meter. The last testings of
the government gave an average result of 330 micrograms per liter and the visibility went down to
50-80 cm at end of April 2016. (A video of the Visibilitly from the 14th of April 2016: In the last Audit in December 2015 Regal Springs didnt show
the results for phosphates. But the Audit report remain them to give the results to the ASC. If they
would give the result of 330 micrograms then they loose the certificate. If they would manipulate
the lake, to reduce below 20 micrograms, then they can hold the Certificate.
The Acrylpolymers to make the whole lake clear again, this would only be 30.000 USD.
spm=a2700.7724838.0.0.XSLg6P ).
That this company all the time not really complain with the Indonesian laws, this you can read
yourself in the published Audits for the ASC Sustainable label on the webpage
Until February they dont made the water testing for the phosphates. And they only can sell the fish
as ASC-certified anymore, if they show, that the total phosphate concentration of the remaining
water is below 20 micrograms/Liter. But the Lake before has had 330! Something has to be
happened. Rudi Lamprecht, the founder of Regal Springs will know this. How to reduce the
phosphates, that they go down below 20 microgram?
Here a sreenshot from the Final Audit of the ASC-Certification from February 2016, which shows, that the Aquafarm
dont provides a phosphate testing and that the concentration of phosphates have to be less than 20 micrograms and the
visibility more than 2 m. Source:
That he dont want to give up, that shows, that he renovated after the heavy complain of the Lake
Toba Heritage Foundation the fish composting area in Silimalombu. He still want to show, that he
make a nice sustainable Business.
That this is in no way a sustainable Business, this is clear for everybody, who just can think:
The fish food comes from Brazil and America from the American Company Cargill, Genetic
manipulated soy treated with RoundUp from Monsanto shipped to Indonesia,
getting enriched with Phosphates, than dropped as swimming pellets to the fish pools.
The fingerlings (fish babies) getting transgendered with the anabolic Androgen MH 17 to
The Tilapia is getting fat in the floating cages. One floating cage contains at the end before
harvesting around 60 tons of Tilapia. The amount is so huge, that the fish cannot really move
anymore. This is the concept of the Aquaculture Industry, because than the fish needs less
All the Excrement going direct to the lake. Around 200 tons a day. Full of Nitrates and
Phosphates. All the time Regal Springs could be happy that the Pora-Pora fish established
himself around the cages to eat the waste and the local fishermen took them out. But at the
end of 2015 the Pora Pora disappeared, because the PH was getting to high and at the remote
areas at the coast there was no oxygen anymore that the babies could survive. Now all is
going to the Lake.
than they are growing in 6 month up to 1 kg (normally the Tilapia eats algae and needs 6
years to get this weight),
Then the fish getting transported with steel tanks 2 hours to Ajibata and than with trucks
(alive!) around 6 hours to the processing unit in Medan. There the Tilapia filets are getting
frozen. On the trip to Medan the fish will have huge stress and they will produce a lot of the
carcinogen stress hormone Cortisol.
More than 60 percent is getting transported to the US and the rest is getting sold in Europe.
Why he dont produce the fish in America directly? There is just one simple answer: It is not
allowed to pollute the lakes in the US or in Europe with this kind of fish food. But in Indonesia he
can destroy the whole Lake Toba. He knows, what he is doing here in Indonesia!
Out of this to invest the 30.000 USD to buy the Acrylamids from China would be easy for him. He
produce every day around 120 tons of Tilapia which are sold than approximately maybe for around
5 USD/kilo to his wholesalers and restaurants. Until the consumer he has the full Logistic chain.
This will be the amount of around 600.000 USD/day. Therefore 30.000 is just 5 % Investment of a
day turnaround. Even the effort to drop the Polyacrylamids on the lake is maybe much higher and
the price he sold the fish from PT Aquafarm to Regalssprings Corp. in America is much less it is a
small investment to continue his lake destroying business.
For the Owner Rudi Lamprecht, he even offered the headman of Silimalombu, where one fish farm
of his company is located at Lake Toba just up to 180.000 USD, after the headman send him a letter,
where he accused Lamprecht, that he has destroyed the water of lake Toba and the people have to
buy the drinking water. (Here the Link to the letter from the Headman of Silimalombu to Rudi
To drop the 120 tons of chemicals to the Lake it is for PT. Aquafarm Nusantara easy. Every day
around 10 trucks bring the fish food in 40 kg bags. Its needs 200 tons of food each day. They are
getting packed on the boats to deliver them to the fish cages around the lake. For the 120 tons of
needed Polyacrylamids it needs around 4-5 boatloads. Loading one boat in the evening. Doing this
at five days and spread the bags of chemicals on the lake, its only need 3 people they drive the boat
and open the bags and drop the Polyamidacryls to the Lake. After 5 days, the work is done. But to
go around with the Polyacylamids it is really dangerous and carcinogen if it is getting into contact
with water. The substance also can go in less than 30 seconds through the rubber cloves and can go
inside the skin and can cause there thrombosis and also it is really neurotoxic.
If the hypothesis 3 is right, than the workers will go to a hospital and than they will tell about the
thing, they have worked on. Even when they got money that they dont talk about this, what they
have done. Maybe Regal Springs told them, that they give something to the water, what the whole
lake make clean again. That they can be proud, to do this. But this should stay as a secret.
But Rudi Lamprecht is a clever man, therefore he would not give this dirt to his workers, because he
know, that if they are getting ill, they will tell. Therefore Hypothesis 3 cannot be right.