LifePlanWorkbook1 PDF
LifePlanWorkbook1 PDF
LifePlanWorkbook1 PDF
A Step-by-Step Guide for Developing
and Achieving Your Career Goals
Michael Zigarelli
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read some of the articles under
the category Your Work is Your
Consider how this perspective
about work differs from how we
usually think about work. What
difference does it make if we
finally adopt that divine
perspective as our own?
Three Clues
Regarding the first clue, Gods direct
revelation to me, Paul told me that I
should do more of what I was
already doing reading scripture,
praying for counsel, meditating to
hear Gods voice. Specifically, he said
that all scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting and training in
righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16) and
that I should also pray continually
(1 Thessalonians 5:17, Philippians
4:6), meaning I should try to remain
mindful of God at all times and in all
decisions. And this was a big one.
Another clue, Paul confided,
involved looking at myself in the
mirror -- looking very closely and well
beyond the physical appearance (1
Corinthians 11:28, 2 Corinthians
13:5, Galatians 6:4). What was
inside? How had God created me?
Paul said that God gifts each one of
us in specific ways and that these
giftings indicate what God might
like us to do with our lives (Romans
12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:28,
Ephesians 4:11). Paul also said that I
could look to the virtues that were
being manifest in my life to see how
these might complement the giftings.
Was I strong in patience?
Compassion? Joy? (Galatians 5:2223, Colossians 3:12-17). What kind
The activities on the next
few pages may give you
some clues about Gods
purpose for your work life.
Complete the activities as
carefully as you can,
recording your insights in
the Get a Clue Worksheet.
When you have completed
the three activities, use the
From Clues to Careers tool
to identify some promising
vocational options.
Activity 1
Get a Clue from Self-Assessment
Complete the Christian Character
Index and any other assessments you
find interesting at Also complete
one of the many spiritual gifts
assessments that are freely available
online. I recommend the one from
Rock Church in San Diego (42
Activity 2
Get a Clue from Your Friends
Sometimes God speaks through
people, especially people who know
Him well. And if those people know
you well, too, they may be in a
position to speak into your life.
This activity entails seeking the
counsel of those Christians closest to
you. Ask them what they discern to
be Gods will for your life. Spend lots
of time listening and little time talking.
Without revealing to them your
results from Activity 1 above, see if
your friends opinions comport with
those results. Consider whether they
clarify, illuminate or extend those
There is no one right way to do this.
I recommend, though, that you (1)
schedule some time when you will
not be interrupted and (2) simply
explain to your friend the purpose of
the conversation. Then, a good
opening question might be: Given
what you know about me my gifts
and talents, my strengths and
weaknesses, my personality traits
what do you think God wants me to
do with my life?
Whatever your friend says, be sure
to write it down as he or she says it
or very soon thereafter, and be sure
to contemplate it closely (even if you
dont like it). Then summarize the
conversation in your Worksheet.
Activity 3
Get a Clue from Direct Revelation
God is our ally in this process. He
will reveal much to us, if we have
ears to hear.
Throughout the centuries, people
have heard God and understood
His will through His written Word,
the Bible, and through their prayer
life. So Activity 3 is relatively openended and unstructured. Set aside a
certain amount of time each day to
specifically seek Gods intent for
your spiritual and professional
What is it that God desires for you
to be and to do? Ask Him regularly
and read the scriptures, keeping
track of what youre learning.
(Activity 1)
Clues from
(Activity 2)
Clues from
(Activity 3)
Careers in this
intersection may be
the best possible fit
for you
Financial Needs
What will pay the bills? What
level of income is required to
care for your needs and those
of your dependents?
In light of what you have learned from reflecting on your
spiritual condition and from thinking through Jesuss
retirement speech about you, write out two sets of goals:
a set of spiritual goals and a set of career goals for the
few years or so (perhaps longer, if it would be helpful).
As a guideline, ensure that the goals you set are SMART:
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant to your life
mission, and Time-bound.
In whatever format you find helpful, begin to create a LifePlan,
a strategy for pursuing the goals you set in Step Two.
One part of the plan should describe how you can achieve your
spiritual growth goals; the other part should focus on your
career goals. To some extent, these will be related pieces
insofar as Christian formation is a foundation for a Godhonoring career, but youll be well-served by distinguishing the
Theres no one right way to do this, though some find a
spreadsheet a useful tool for keeping things organized.
Regardless your approach, you may want to put into your plan:
Specific action items for each goals you set in Step Two (e.g.,
complete a Masters degree in education, read that bestselling
book on gaining empathy)
A timetable for each action item (e.g., finish the degree by
May, 2018; read the book by the end of the summer)
The major threats you anticipate to achieving each goal (e.g.,
For each action item youve created in your LifePlan, develop
some way of measuring your progress (if youve set SMART
goals, this should be feasible since the M in SMART stands for
measureable). Add these measures to your plan from Step
If your plan includes growing in patience, for example, youll
need some good measures of your patience. Maybe its the
number of times you raise your voice every day. Maybe it
entails getting weekly feedback from your spouse. Maybe it
means using the CCI instrument from Step Two every six
months or so. Whatever the measures you choose, make a
priority of actually using them.
The same is true with your career aspirations. You have a
plan in place for moving toward your desired destination.
Now you need a speedometer and odometer to tell you how
fast and far youre moving. Develop some gauges. Perhaps
its a quarterly personal retreat to reflect on your progress.
Perhaps the measure involves others providing feedback.
Regardless, put something in place to monitor yourself and to
hold you accountable. Thats a key to permanent progress.