Cast 27
Cast 27
Cast 27
Position Paper
3. References
a. RTCA/DO-254 (EUROCAE ED-80), Design Assurance Guidance For
Airborne Electronic Hardware;
NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.
4. Modifiable Devices
a. DO-254/ED-80 does not explicitly address the modifiable aspects
of electronic hardware where a part or the entirety of the embedded logic
can be changed at any time from an external source without modification
of the device hardware, as it may be the case with custom micro-coded
devices. Section 1.2 of DO-254/ED-80 explains that the document does
not attempt to define firmware, and that the assumption is made that
functions have been allocated either to hardware or to software. The area
of field-loadable logic/software and on-board modifiable components
(e.g., user modifiable logic/software) are not explicitly addressed in DO254/ED-80.
b. When logic embedded in custom micro-coded devices is modified
in the field, in addition to the DO-254/ED-80 guidance material for the
hardware, the applicant should apply the guidance of DO-178B/ED-12B
(Sections 2.4 and 2.5) [Ref. b.] concerning user-modifiable software,
NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.
(2) The proposed means of compliance for each device (e.g., DO-254/ED80 and/or DO-178B/ED-12B) should be stated.
(3) The proposed design assurance level of the device and justification for
the level should be provided.
(4) Hardware design standards appropriate to the device should be
(5) Certification data to be delivered and/or available to the certification
authority should be listed.
(6) If alternative methods to those described in DO-254/ED-80 are
proposed, the applicant should explain their interpretation of the basic
objectives and guidelines, describe the alternative methods, and
present to the certification authority early in the project, their
justification of compliance to the applicable regulations.
(7) If reverse engineering of a device is proposed, the applicant should
present and justify to the certification authority the strategy to be used.
7. Validation Processes
Section 6.1 of DO-254/ED-80 addresses validation. SAE ARP 4754,
Certification Considerations for Highly-Integrated or Complex Aircraft System,
[Ref. f.] addresses both verification and validation of aircraft systems. Aircraft
systems should have a consistent combination of validation and verification
activities to ensure that the aircraft-level requirements are translated correctly into
system requirements, and further down into requirements for the electronic
devices. The validation activities should address the specification of the devices,
the safety-related requirements, and the derived requirements, as further explained
in DO-254/ED-80 Sections 5.1, 6.1 and 6.3, and Appendix A. The following
items clarify the DO-254/ED-80 validation activities:
a. The hardware requirements and design specification, safety-related
requirements and derived requirements should be identified and validated.
Validation of requirements may be satisfied by review, analysis,
simulation, testing, or a combination of these methods. Completion of the
validation processes should be based on defined criteria.
NOTE: Derived requirements for memory address
assignments need to be validated particularly when
associated with partitioning and other protection concepts
for integrated modular avionics (IMA) architectures.
b. The validation processes should be documented as specified by the
hardware design assurance level and control category as defined in DO254/ED-80 Appendix A.
NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.
NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.
NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.