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Certification Authorities Software Team

Position Paper


(Rev 0)

NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated

among representatives from certification authorities in
North and South America, and Europe. However, it
does not constitute official policy or guidance from any
of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and
should be discussed with the appropriate certification
authority when considering for actual projects.

Clarifications on the use of RTCA Document DO-254 and

EUROCAE Document ED-80, Design Assurance Guidance for
Airborne Electronic Hardware
1. Purpose
Some civil aviation authorities have recognized RTCA document DO-254 and
EUROCAE document ED-80 (hereafter referred to in this paper as DO-254/ED80), Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware [Ref. a.], as
an acceptable means of compliance for satisfying the relevant regulations for
custom micro-coded components or devices (such as, Application Specific
Integrated Circuits (ASICs), Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and
Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs)) contained in airborne systems and
equipment installed on civil aircraft. This CAST paper provides clarification on
some commonly misunderstood areas of DO-254/ED-80 and provides a vehicle
for harmonization among the international certification authorities.
2. Background
a. Custom micro-coded devices are often just as complex as software
controlled microprocessor-based systems; hence a structured design approach is
needed to satisfy applicable functional and safety-related requirements, and to
ensure an appropriate level of design assurance for these devices. DO-254/ED-80
provides such an approach; however, there are some areas that need clarification.
The following areas are clarified in this paper:

Modifiable devices (see Section 4 below).

Device level assurance (see Section 5 below).
Certification plan (see Section 6 below).
Validation processes (see Section 7 below).
Verification processes (see Section 8 below).
Traceability (see Section 9 below).
Configuration management (see Section 10 below).
Tool assessment and qualification (see Section 11 below).
Commercial Off-the Shelf (COTS) Intellectual Property (see Section
12 below).

3. References
a. RTCA/DO-254 (EUROCAE ED-80), Design Assurance Guidance For
Airborne Electronic Hardware;
NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.

b. RTCA/DO-178B (EUROCAE ED-12B), Software Considerations in

Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification;
c. FAA AC 20-152, RTCA, Inc., Document RTCA/DO-254, Design
Assurance Guidance For Airborne Electronic Hardware;
d. FAA Order 8110.49, Software Approval Guidelines;
e. FAA Order 8110.4, Type Certification;
f. SAE ARP 4754/EUROCAE ED-79, Certification Considerations for
Highly-Integrated or Complex Aircraft Systems.
Related References

RTCA/DO-160E (EUROCAE ED-14), Environmental Conditions and

Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment;
SAE ARP 4761, Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety
Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems;
FAA Advisory Circular 23.1309-1, Equipment, Systems, and Installations
in Part 23 Airplanes;
FAA Advisory Circular 25.1309-1, System Design and Analysis;
FAA Advisory Circular 27-1, Certification of Normal Category
FAA Advisory Circular 29-2, Certification of Transport Category
FAA Advisory Circular 33.28-1, Compliance Criteria for 14 CFR 33.28,
Aircraft Engines, Electrical and Electronic Engine Control Systems;
FAA Advisory Circular 33.28-2, Guidance Material for 14 CFR 33.28,
Reciprocating Engines, Electrical and Electronic Engine Control Systems.

4. Modifiable Devices
a. DO-254/ED-80 does not explicitly address the modifiable aspects
of electronic hardware where a part or the entirety of the embedded logic
can be changed at any time from an external source without modification
of the device hardware, as it may be the case with custom micro-coded
devices. Section 1.2 of DO-254/ED-80 explains that the document does
not attempt to define firmware, and that the assumption is made that
functions have been allocated either to hardware or to software. The area
of field-loadable logic/software and on-board modifiable components
(e.g., user modifiable logic/software) are not explicitly addressed in DO254/ED-80.
b. When logic embedded in custom micro-coded devices is modified
in the field, in addition to the DO-254/ED-80 guidance material for the
hardware, the applicant should apply the guidance of DO-178B/ED-12B
(Sections 2.4 and 2.5) [Ref. b.] concerning user-modifiable software,
NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.

option-selectable software, and field-loadable software as applicable.

Additionally, Chapters 5, 6, and 7 of FAA Order 8110.49, Software
Approval Guidelines, [Ref. d.] should be considered.
5. Design Assurance at the Device Level
a. In this paper, the use of the term design assurance should be
considered in the context of the design process as defined in DO254/ED-80. These two terms are defined in DO-254/ED-80 as the
Design Assurance All of those planned and
systematic actions used to substantiate, at an
adequate level of confidence, that design errors
have been identified and corrected such that the
hardware satisfies the application certification
Design Process The process of creating a
hardware item from a set of requirements using the
following set of processes: requirements capture,
conceptual design, detailed design, implementation
and product transition.
b. The definition of "hardware item" in DO-254/ED-80 explains that
this can be a Line Replaceable Unit (LRU), a circuit board assembly, or a
component. Section 5 of DO-254/ED-80 states that design processes may
be applied at any hierarchical level of the hardware item, such as LRU,
circuit board assembly, or device level. However, similar to FAA
Advisory Circular (AC) 20-152 [ref. c.] this CAST paper specifically
addresses custom micro-coded devices, such as ASICs and PLDs, rather
than LRUs and circuit board assemblies.
c. Therefore, the objectives and guidelines of DO-254/ED-80,
together with the clarification of this CAST paper, will provide the needed
guidelines to be satisfied at the device level for those custom micro-coded
devices classified in accordance with Table 2-1 of DO-254/ED-80.
Additionally, Table 5-1 in DO-254/ED-80 indicates how the processes
described in the document translate to activities at the device level.
d. There may be some cases where an acceptable level of design
assurance for a custom micro-coded device can be obtained by verification
and/or architectural strategies at the system or equipment level; however,
such design assurance approaches should be agreed-to with the cognizant
NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.

certification authority early in the project and should be documented in the

system certification plan [Ref. f., Section 4.4.1] or Plan for Hardware
Aspects of Certification [Ref. a., Section 10.1.1] for electronic devices and
in the same manner as other alternative means of compliance or alternative
6. Certification Plan
DO-254/ED-80 specifies the Plan for Hardware Aspects of Certification (PHAC),
which is described in Section 10.1.1 of the document. The PHAC addresses the
processes and activities for a particular system containing electronic hardware
devices. However, when an aircraft or equipment implements multiple systems
with software and hardware components, there is a need for a higher-level
certification plan that describes the overall development, integration, and
compliance approach. Section 2-3.d of FAA Order 8110.4 [Ref. e], Type
Certification, states: All TC applicants are required to submit a certification plan
to the FAA and to keep it current throughout the project. ARP 4754 [Ref. f.]
Section 4.4 states that the certification plan is part of the minimum certification
data to be submitted to the certification authority. The plan should be submitted
early in the project and updated as necessary throughout the project. Order
8110.4 and ARP 4754 Section 4.4.1 describe the typical contents of a certification
plan. Such a plan is essential to determine the level of certification authority
involvement, to reduce risk of misunderstandings, to ensure that the design
assurance activities are appropriate and support the system safety assessment, and
to agree on any alternative methods proposed by the applicant.
a. The plans for electronic hardware can be packaged in a number of
ways, including: (i) each electronic hardware component could have its
own stand-alone document (PHAC) to support reuse in multiple systems,
(ii) all electronic hardware components of a system could be combined in
a stand-alone PHAC to support maintenance and changes to that systems
electronic hardware, or (iii) the PHAC content could be combined with
other planning data for the aircraft or system (e.g., system certification
plan). The system certification plan should address custom micro-coded
devices (perhaps by reference to the applicable PHAC(s)), as well as their
integration with software and other hardware components of the system.
In addition to the specified information for a PHAC listed in DO-254/ED80 Section 10.1.1, the system certification plan or PHAC for all electronic
hardware components should include:
(1) Each custom micro-coded device should be listed, along with its
failure condition classification and a description of its function
NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.

(2) The proposed means of compliance for each device (e.g., DO-254/ED80 and/or DO-178B/ED-12B) should be stated.
(3) The proposed design assurance level of the device and justification for
the level should be provided.
(4) Hardware design standards appropriate to the device should be
(5) Certification data to be delivered and/or available to the certification
authority should be listed.
(6) If alternative methods to those described in DO-254/ED-80 are
proposed, the applicant should explain their interpretation of the basic
objectives and guidelines, describe the alternative methods, and
present to the certification authority early in the project, their
justification of compliance to the applicable regulations.
(7) If reverse engineering of a device is proposed, the applicant should
present and justify to the certification authority the strategy to be used.
7. Validation Processes
Section 6.1 of DO-254/ED-80 addresses validation. SAE ARP 4754,
Certification Considerations for Highly-Integrated or Complex Aircraft System,
[Ref. f.] addresses both verification and validation of aircraft systems. Aircraft
systems should have a consistent combination of validation and verification
activities to ensure that the aircraft-level requirements are translated correctly into
system requirements, and further down into requirements for the electronic
devices. The validation activities should address the specification of the devices,
the safety-related requirements, and the derived requirements, as further explained
in DO-254/ED-80 Sections 5.1, 6.1 and 6.3, and Appendix A. The following
items clarify the DO-254/ED-80 validation activities:
a. The hardware requirements and design specification, safety-related
requirements and derived requirements should be identified and validated.
Validation of requirements may be satisfied by review, analysis,
simulation, testing, or a combination of these methods. Completion of the
validation processes should be based on defined criteria.
NOTE: Derived requirements for memory address
assignments need to be validated particularly when
associated with partitioning and other protection concepts
for integrated modular avionics (IMA) architectures.
b. The validation processes should be documented as specified by the
hardware design assurance level and control category as defined in DO254/ED-80 Appendix A.
NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.

c. For Levels A and B, the validation processes should be satisfied

with independence, independence being defined in Appendix C and
further discussed in Appendix A and Table A-1 of DO-254/ED-80.
8. Verification Processes
DO-254/ED-80 Section 6.2 addresses verification, and Section 6.3 addresses in
more detail the verification methods. There are a number of specific device-level
verification areas clarified below:
a. Hardware Description Language (HDL) Clarification: HDLs, as
defined in DO-254/ED-80 Appendix C, have attributes similar to software
programming languages. DO-254/ED-80 does not explicitly address these
aspects. Therefore, clarification is needed to ensure that potential unsafe
aspects of HDLs will not lead to unsafe features of the devices. If an HDL
is used, then coding standards for this language consistent with the system
safety objectives should be defined, and conformance to those standards
should be established by HDL code reviews. These reviews should also
include assessment of the HDL (detailed design) with respect to the
requirements for completeness, correctness, consistency, verifiability and
NOTE: For Levels C and D, only the traceability data from requirements
to test is needed (see Note 6 of Table A-1 of DO-254/ED-80).
b. Testing Clarification: Testing is described in DO-254/ED-80
Section 6.3.1 as a method that confirms that the hardware item correctly
responds to a stimulus or series of stimuli. Robustness testing is not
explicitly addressed in DO-254/ED-80; however, the note in Section
5.1.2(4) calls for safety-related derived requirements to address abnormal
(worst case) and boundary conditions with respect to input data range,
state machines, power-supply and electrical signals. Therefore, to be
consistent with derived requirement capture process activities and
verification process activities mentioned in Sections 5.1.2(4) and 6.2.2(4)
of DO-254/ED-80, both normal and abnormal operating conditions should
be captured as derived requirements and addressed in the tests. That is, to
demonstrate robustness, requirements-based testing should be defined to
cover normal and abnormal operating conditions. Where necessary and
appropriate, additional verification activities, such as analysis and review,
may have to be performed to address robustness aspects.
c. Test Case and Procedure Review Clarification: Test cases and
procedures should be reviewed to confirm they are appropriate for the
NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.

requirements to which they trace (see Section 6.2.2(4b) of DO-254/ED80).

d. Verification Completion Criteria Clarification: Consistent with
verification Objectives 1 and 2 in DO-254/ED-80 Section 6.2.1, Section
6.2.2 (4) specifies a verification coverage analysis to determine that the
verification process is complete, that is, each requirement has been
verified appropriately and discrepancies between expected and actual
results are explained, especially with respect to safety-related
requirements. DO-254/ED-80 Section 6.3.1 specifies that when testing of
the hardware item is not feasible, other verification means should be
provided and justified. Therefore, the PHAC and/or hardware verification
plan should state and justify the intended level of verification coverage of
the requirements achieved by test. The following guidelines should be
(1) The level of verification coverage of the requirements achieved by test on
the device itself should be measured and recorded.
(2) Inability to verify specific requirements by test should be justified, and
alternate verification means provided and justified.
In addition to complete verification coverage of the requirements, DO-254/ED-80
Section 2.3.4 also specifies that advanced design assurance strategies described in
Appendix B be applied for Levels A and B functions. However, DO-254/ED-80
does not explicitly identify completion criteria for these advanced design
assurance activities; Appendix B discusses the use of Elemental Analysis, which
may be applied to determine completion criteria. Regardless of the approach, the
completion criteria of design assurance methods for Level A and B functions
should be documented in the PHAC. In particular, for devices that are Design
Assurance Levels A or B the following guidelines should be addressed:
(3) A target level of verification coverage of the internal structure of the
design implementation using verification procedures that achieve the
verification objectives of DO-254/ED-80 Section 6.2 should be defined
and justified.
(4) Inability to generate correct and acceptable assurance data showing
complete coverage of the internal structure of the design implementation
should be justified, and additional advanced design assurance methods
should be used to provide mitigation of potential hardware failures and
anomalous behaviors.
(5) Verification processes should be satisfied with independence as discussed
in DO-254/ED-80 Appendix A and Table A-1.
NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.

e. Partitioning (separation or isolation of functions or circuits) within

the device may not be assumed. Partition integrity should be
demonstrated, verified, and documented, if partitioning is used to justify a
combination of different design assurance levels within a device.
9. Traceability
Multiple sections in DO-254/ED-80 address traceability (e.g., 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 6.1,
6.1.2, 6.3.2, 6.3.3, and 10.4.1). Two areas need clarification for Levels A and B:
a. Traceability between the system requirements, the conceptual
design (e.g., high level architecture and detailed functional description),
the detailed design (e.g., HDL), and the implementation (e.g., functional
elements appropriate for design assurance level), should be ensured.
b. Traceability between the requirements and design items of 9.a
above, and the corresponding verification and validation activities, should
be ensured.
NOTE: For Levels C and D, only the traceability data from requirements
to test is needed (see Note 6 of Table A-1 of DO-254/ED-80).
10. Configuration Management
a. DO-254/ED-80 Section 7.0 provides guidance on configuration
management and problem reporting. For complex electronic devices,
documented change control and problem reporting should be implemented
early in the project when the process of configuration identification as
defined in DO-254/ED-80 commences. Implementation of change control
and problem reporting may need to precede the baseline from which
certification credit is claimed.
b. Although DO-254/ED-80 does not explicitly specify a hardware
configuration index (HCI), other documented design assurance guidance
such as ARP 4754 Section 4.4.2, and DO-178B Sections 9.3 and 11.16
specify either a system or software configuration index to be submitted to
the certification authorities. DO-254/ED-80 Section does
specify submission to the certification authorities a top-level drawing that
uniquely identifies the hardware item and relevant documentation that
defines the hardware item; however, it is not clear if a top-level drawing
will include configuration information to completely identify the
configuration of the hardware and the embedded logic for a specific
custom micro-coded device. Therefore, appropriate configuration
NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.

documentation either in the top-level drawing or a HCI should be

submitted to the certification authorities to completely identify the
configuration of the hardware and the embedded logic.
c. Furthermore, a hardware life cycle environment configuration
index (HECI), which identifies the configuration of the hardware life cycle
environment for the hardware and embedded logic, should be available for
review by the certification authorities. Similar to the software life cycle
environment configuration index as described in DO-178B Section 11.15,
the HECI is written to aid reproduction of the hardware and embedded
logic life cycle environment, embedded logic regeneration, reverification,
or embedded logic modification.
11. Tool Assessment and Qualification
a. Section 11.4 of DO-254/ED-80 provides guidance on tool
assessment and qualification. Figure 11.1 is sometimes incorrectly
interpreted to indicate that if there is relevant tool service history (Box 5),
no further qualification activities are needed. However, DO-254/ED-80
Section 11.4.1(5) explains that data should be available to substantiate the
relevance and credibility of the tools service history. That is, it should be
shown that the service history proves that the tool produces acceptable
results and the previous tool usage is relevant to the proposed tool usage.
b. A claim for credit of relevant tool history, as discussed in DO254/ED-80 Section 11.4.1(5), should be justified to the certification
authority early in the project and documented in the appropriate
certification plan/PHAC.
12. Commercial Off-the Shelf (COTS) Intellectual Property (IP)
Although some civil aviation authorities have recognized DO-254/ED-80 as an
acceptable means for design assurance of custom micro-coded components, they
have not recognized DO-254/ED-80 as an acceptable means for Commercial Offthe Shelf (COTS) components. Per DO-254/ED80, a COTS component is defined
as the following with the corresponding note:
Component, integrated circuit or subsystem developed by a
supplier for multiple customers, whose design and
configuration is controlled by the suppliers or industry

NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.

Note: Examples of COTS components include resistors,

Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and Erasable
Programmable Logic Devices (EPLD, PLD), other
integrated circuit types and their implementable models,
printed wiring assemblies and complete LRUs which are
typically available as a catalogue item.
In this paper, COTS components are limited to COTS Intellectual Property (IP). A
COTS IP is defined as commercially available functional logic blocks used to
design and implement part or complete custom micro-coded components such as
PLDs, FPGAs, or similar programmable devices. A COTS IP may be provided
with or without the custom micro-coded component device.
a. Since the use of a COTS IP can greatly impact the performance
and functionality of a custom micro-coded component, the rigor of the
development processes for a COTS IP implemented in a custom microcoded device for use in airborne systems or equipment should be
commensurate with its intended use and should satisfy applicable
functional and safety-related requirements.
b. Moreover, the guidance in section 11.2 of DO-254/ED-80 may not
be sufficient for design assurance of a COTS IP implemented in a custom
micro-coded device that support safety critical applications such as Level
A or B aircraft functions. As a result, life cycle data (i.e., verification,
testing, and analysis) of a COTS IP may need to be developed or
augmented to demonstrate its intended function, satisfy applicable
regulations, and meet airworthiness requirements.
13. Certification Authorities Software Team (CAST) Position
The applicant and certification authority should ensure that the clarifications to
the objectives and guidelines of RTCA/DO-254 (EUROCAE/ED-80) provided in
this paper are addressed when custom micro-coded devices are implemented in
systems and equipment installed on civil aircraft. CAST recognizes the need to
continue clarifying and addressing other and emerging technical issues when
using DO-254/ED-80. The intent is to provide future CAST papers to address
other issues with design assurance of airborne electronic hardware as needed.

NOTE: This position paper has been coordinated among representatives of certification
authorities from North and South America, and Europe. However, it does not constitute
official policy or guidance from any of the authorities. This document is provided for
educational and informational purposes only and should be discussed with the appropriate
certification authority when considering for actual projects.

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