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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Romanticism (also the Romantic era or the Romantic period) was an artistic, literary, musical
and intellectual movement that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century and in most
areas was at its peak in the approximate period from 1800 to 1850. Romanticism was characterized
by its emphasis on emotion and individualism as well as glorification of all the past and nature,
preferring the medieval rather than the classical. It was partly a reaction to the Industrial
Revolution,[1] the aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment, and the
scientific rationalization of nature.[2] It was embodied most strongly in the visual arts, music, and
literature, but had a major impact on historiography,[3] education,[4] and the natural sciences.[5] It
had a significant and complex effect on politics, and while for much of the Romantic period it was
associated with liberalism and radicalism, its long-term effect on the growth of nationalism was
perhaps more significant.
The movement emphasized intense emotion as an authentic source of aesthetic experience, placing
new emphasis on such emotions as apprehension, horror and terror, and aweespecially that
experienced in confronting the new aesthetic categories of the sublimity and beauty of nature. It
considered folk art and ancient custom to be noble statuses, but also valued spontaneity, as in the
musical impromptu. In contrast to the rational and Classicist ideal models, Romanticism revived
medievalism[6] and elements of art and narrative perceived as authentically medieval in an attempt
to escape population growth, early urban sprawl, and industrialism.
Although the movement was rooted in the German Sturm und Drang movement, which preferred
intuition and emotion to the rationalism of the Enlightenment, the events and ideologies of the
French Revolution were also proximate factors. Romanticism assigned a high value to the
achievements of "heroic" individualists and artists, whose examples, it maintained, would raise the
quality of society. It also promoted the individual imagination as a critical authority allowed of
freedom from classical notions of form in art. There was a strong recourse to historical and natural
inevitability, a Zeitgeist, in the representation of its ideas. In the second half of the 19th century,
Realism was offered as a polar opposite to Romanticism.[7] The decline of Romanticism during this
time was associated with multiple processes, including social and political changes and the spread
of nationalism.[8]
1 Defining Romanticism
1.1 Basic characteristics
1.2 Etymology
1.3 The period
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Defining Romanticism
Basic characteristics
Defining the nature of Romanticism may be
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The group of words with the root "Roman" in the various European languages, such as "romance"
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The period
The period typically called Romantic varies greatly between different countries and different
artistic media or areas of thought. Margaret Drabble described it in literature as taking place
"roughly between 1770 and 1848",[22] and few dates much earlier than 1770 will be found. In
English literature, M. H. Abrams placed it between 1789, or 1798, this latter a very typical view,
and about 1830, perhaps a little later than some other critics.[23] Others have proposed
17801830.[24] In other fields and other countries the period denominated as Romantic can be
considerably different; musical Romanticism, for example, is generally regarded as only having
ceased as a major artistic force as late as 1910, but in an extreme extension the Four Last Songs of
Richard Strauss are described stylistically as "Late Romantic" and were composed in 194648.[25]
However, in most fields the Romantic Period is said to be over by about 1850, or earlier.
The early period of the Romantic Era was a time of war, with the French Revolution (17891799)
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followed by the Napoleonic Wars until 1815. These wars, along with the political and social turmoil
that went along with them, served as the background for Romanticism.[26] The key generation of
French Romantics born between 17951805 had, in the words of one of their number, Alfred de
Vigny, been "conceived between battles, attended school to the rolling of drums".[27] According to
Jacques Barzun, there were three generations of Romantic artists. The first emerged in the 1790s
and 1800s, the second in the 1820s, and the third later in the century.[28]
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Romantic literature
In literature, Romanticism found recurrent themes in the evocation or criticism of the past, the cult
of "sensibility" with its emphasis on women and children, the isolation of the artist or narrator, and
respect for nature. Furthermore, several romantic authors, such as Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel
Hawthorne, based their writings on the supernatural/occult and human psychology. Romanticism
tended to regard satire as something unworthy of serious attention, a prejudice still influential
The precursors of Romanticism in English poetry go back to the middle of the 18th century,
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An early German influence came from Johann Wolfgang von
Goethe, whose 1774 novel The Sorrows of Young Werther had
young men throughout Europe emulating its protagonist, a
young artist with a very sensitive and passionate temperament.
At that time Germany was a multitude of small separate states,
and Goethe's works would have a seminal influence in
developing a unifying sense of nationalism. Another
philosophic influence came from the German idealism of
Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Friedrich Schelling, making Jena
(where Fichte lived, as well as Schelling, Hegel, Schiller and
Title page of Volume III of Des
the brothers Schlegel) a center for early German Romanticism
Knaben Wunderhorn, 1808
(see Jena Romanticism). Important writers were Ludwig Tieck,
Novalis (Heinrich von Ofterdingen, 1799), Heinrich von Kleist
and Friedrich Hlderlin. Heidelberg later became a center of German Romanticism, where writers
and poets such as Clemens Brentano, Achim von Arnim, and Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff met
regularly in literary circles.
Important motifs in German Romanticism are travelling, nature, for example the German Forest,
and Germanic myths. The later German Romanticism of, for example E. T. A. Hoffmann's Der
Sandmann (The Sandman), 1817, and Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff's Das Marmorbild (The
Marble Statue), 1819, was darker in its motifs and has gothic elements. The significance to
Romanticism of childhood innocence, the importance of imagination, and racial theories all
combined to give an unprecedented importance to folk literature, non-classical mythology and
children's literature, above all in Germany. Brentano and von Arnim were significant literary
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figures who together published Des Knaben Wunderhorn ("The Boy's Magic Horn" or cornucopia),
a collection of versified folk tales, in 180608. The first collection of Grimms' Fairy Tales by the
Brothers Grimm was published in 1812.[40] Unlike the much later work of Hans Christian
Andersen, who was publishing his invented tales in Danish from 1835, these German works were at
least mainly based on collected folk tales, and the Grimms remained true to the style of the telling
in their early editions, though later rewriting some parts. One of the brothers, Jacob, published in
1835 Deutsche Mythologie, a long academic work on Germanic mythology.[41] Another strain is
exemplified by Schiller's highly emotional language and the depiction of physical violence in his
play The Robbers of 1781.
Great Britain
In English literature, the key figures of the Romantic movement are
considered to be the group of poets including William Wordsworth,
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe
Shelley, and the much older William Blake, followed later by the
isolated figure of John Clare. Also such novelists as Walter Scott from
Scotland and Mary Shelley, and the essayists William Hazlitt and
Charles Lamb. The publication in 1798 of Lyrical Ballads, with many
of the finest poems by Wordsworth and Coleridge, is often held to
mark the start of the movement. The majority of the poems were by
Wordsworth, and many dealt with the lives of the poor in his native
Lake District, or his feelings about naturewhich he more fully
developed in his long poem The Prelude, never published in his
lifetime. The longest poem in the volume was Coleridge's The Rime of
George Henry Harlow,
the Ancient Mariner, which showed the Gothic side of English
Byron c. 1816
Romanticism, and the exotic settings that many works featured. In the
period when they were writing, the Lake Poets were widely regarded
as a marginal group of radicals, though they were supported by the critic and writer William Hazlitt
and others.
In contrast Lord Byron and Walter Scott achieved enormous fame and influence throughout Europe
with works exploiting the violence and drama of their exotic and historical settings; Goethe called
Byron "undoubtedly the greatest genius of our century".[42] Scott achieved immediate success with
his long narrative poem The Lay of the Last Minstrel in 1805, followed by the full epic poem
Marmion in 1808. Both were set in the distant Scottish past, already evoked in Ossian;
Romanticism and Scotland were to have a long and fruitful partnership. Byron had equal success
with the first part of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage in 1812, followed by four "Turkish tales", all in
the form of long poems, starting with The Giaour in 1813, drawing from his Grand Tour, which had
reached Ottoman Europe, and orientalizing the themes of the Gothic novel in verse. These featured
different variations of the "Byronic hero", and his own life contributed a further version. Scott
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England until a century after his death. Byron's plays, along with dramatizations of his poems and
Scott's novels, were much more popular on the Continent, and especially in France, and through
these versions several were turned into operas, many still performed today. If contemporary poets
had little success on the stage, the period was a legendary one for performances of Shakespeare,
and went some way to restoring his original texts and removing the Augustan "improvements" to
them. The greatest actor of the period, Edmund Kean, restored the tragic ending to King Lear;[47]
Coleridge said that, Seeing him act was like reading Shakespeare by flashes of lightning.[48]
Although after union with England in 1707 Scotland increasingly
adopted English language and wider cultural norms, its literature
developed a distinct national identity and began to enjoy an
international reputation. Allan Ramsay (16861758) laid the
foundations of a reawakening of interest in older Scottish literature, as
well as leading the trend for pastoral poetry, helping to develop the
Habbie stanza as a poetic form.[49] James Macpherson (173696) was
the first Scottish poet to gain an international reputation. Claiming to
have found poetry written by the ancient bard Ossian, he published
translations that acquired international popularity, being proclaimed as
a Celtic equivalent of the Classical epics. Fingal, written in 1762, was
Robert Burns in
speedily translated into many European languages, and its appreciation
Alexander Nasmyth's
of natural beauty and treatment of the ancient legend has been credited
portrait of 1787
more than any single work with bringing about the Romantic
movement in European, and especially in German literature, through
its influence on Johann Gottfried von Herder and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.[50] It was also
popularised in France by figures that included Napoleon.[51] Eventually it became clear that the
poems were not direct translations from the Gaelic, but flowery adaptations made to suit the
aesthetic expectations of his audience.[52]
Robert Burns (175996) and Walter Scott (17711832) were highly influenced by the Ossian cycle.
Burns, an Ayrshire poet and lyricist, is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland and a major
influence on the Romantic movement. His poem (and song) "Auld Lang Syne" is often sung at
Hogmanay (the last day of the year), and "Scots Wha Hae" served for a long time as an unofficial
national anthem of the country.[53] Scott began as a poet and also collected and published Scottish
ballads. His first prose work, Waverley in 1814, is often called the first historical novel.[54] It
launched a highly successful career, with other historical novels such as Rob Roy (1817), The Heart
of Midlothian (1818) and Ivanhoe (1820). Scott probably did more than any other figure to define
and popularise Scottish cultural identity in the nineteenth century. [55] Other major literary figures
connected with Romanticism include the poets and novelists James Hogg (17701835), Allan
Cunningham (17841842) and John Galt (17791839).[56] One of the most significant figures of
the Romantic movement, Lord Byron, was brought up in Scotland until he inherited his family's
English peerage.[57]
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Scotland was also the location of two of the most important literary
magazines of the era, The Edinburgh Review (founded in 1802) and
Blackwood's Magazine (founded in 1817), which had a major impact
on the development of British literature and drama in the era of
Romanticism.[58][59] Ian Duncan and Alex Benchimol suggest that
publications like the novels of Scott and these magazines were part of
a highly dynamic Scottish Romanticism that by the early nineteenth
century, caused Edinburgh to emerge as the cultural capital of Britain
and become central to a wider formation of a "British Isles
Raeburn's portrait of
Romanticism was relatively late in developing in French literature, even more so than in the visual
arts. The 18th-century precursor to Romanticism, the cult of sensibility, had become associated
with the Ancien regime, and the French Revolution had been more of an inspiration to foreign
writers than those experiencing it at first hand. The first major figure was Franois-Ren de
Chateaubriand, a minor aristocrat who had remained a royalist throughout the Revolution, and
returned to France from exile in England and America under Napoleon, with whose regime he had
an uneasy relationship. His writings, all in prose, included some fiction, such as his influential
novella of exile Ren (1802), which anticipated Byron in its alienated hero, but mostly
contemporary history and politics, his travels, a defence of religion and the medieval spirit (Gnie
du christianisme 1802), and finally in the 1830s and 1840s his enormous autobiography Mmoires
d'Outre-Tombe ("Memoirs from beyond the grave").[62]
After the Bourbon Restoration, French Romanticism developed in the lively world of Parisian
theatre, with productions of Shakespeare, Schiller (in France a key Romantic author), and
adaptations of Scott and Byron alongside French authors, several of whom began to write in the
late 1820s. Cliques of pro- and anti-Romantics developed, and productions were often accompanied
by raucous vocalizing by the two sides, including the shouted assertion by one theatregoer in 1822
that "Shakespeare, c'est l'aide-de-camp de Wellington" ("Shakespeare is Wellington's aide-decamp").[63] Alexandre Dumas began as a dramatist, with a series of successes beginning with Henri
III et sa cour (1829) before turning to novels that were mostly historical adventures somewhat in
the manner of Scott, most famously The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo, both of
1844. Victor Hugo published as a poet in the 1820s before achieving success on the stage with
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Romanticism in Poland is often taken to begin with the publication of Adam Mickiewicz's first
poems in 1822, and end with the crushing of the January Uprising of 1863 against the Russians. It
was strongly marked by interest in Polish history.[66] Polish Romanticism revived the old
"Sarmatism" traditions of the szlachta or Polish nobility. Old traditions and customs were revived
and portrayed in a positive light in the Polish messianic movement and in works of great Polish
poets such as Adam Mickiewicz (Pan Tadeusz), Juliusz Sowacki and Zygmunt Krasiski, as well
as prose writers such as Henryk Sienkiewicz. This close connection between Polish Romanticism
and Polish history became one of the defining qualities of the literature of Polish Romanticism
period, differentiating it from that of other countries. They had not suffered the loss of national
statehood as was the case with Poland.[67] Influenced by the general spirit and main ideas of
European Romanticism, the literature of Polish Romanticism is unique, as many scholars have
pointed out, in having developed largely outside of Poland and in its emphatic focus upon the issue
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Influenced heavily by Lord Byron, Lermontov sought to explore the Romantic emphasis on
metaphysical discontent with society and self, while Tyutchev's poems often described scenes of
nature or passions of love. Tyutchev commonly operated with such categories as night and day,
north and south, dream and reality, cosmos and chaos, and the still world of winter and spring
teeming with life. Baratynsky's style was fairly classical in nature, dwelling on the models of the
previous century.
Romanticism in Spanish literature developed a well-known literature with a huge variety of poets
and playwrights. The most important Spanish poet during this movement was Jos de Espronceda.
After him there were other poets like Gustavo Adolfo Bcquer, Mariano Jos de Larra and the
dramatist Jos Zorrilla, author of Don Juan Tenorio. Before them may be mentioned the
pre-romantics Jos Cadalso and Manuel Jos Quintana.[70] The plays of Antonio Garca Gutirrez
were adapted to produce Giuseppe Verdi's operas Il trovatore and Simon Boccanegra. Spanish
Romanticism also influenced regional literatures. For example, in Catalonia and in Galicia there
was a national boom of writers in the local languages, like the Catalan Jacint Verdaguer and the
Galician Rosala de Castro, the main figures of the national revivalist movements Renaixena and
Rexurdimento, respectively.[71]
Modern Portuguese poetry develops its character from the work of its Romantic epitome, Almeida
Garrett, a very prolific writer who helped shape the genre with the masterpiece Folhas Cadas
(1853). This late arrival of a truly personal Romantic style would linger on to the beginning of the
20th century, notably through the works of poets such as Alexandre Herculano, Cesrio Verde and
Antnio Nobre. However, an early Portuguese expression of Romanticism is found already in
Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage, especially in his sonnets dated at the end of the 18th century.
Romanticism in Italian literature was a minor movement, yet still important; it began officially in
1816 when Mme de Stal wrote an article in the journal Biblioteca italiana called "Sulla maniera e
l'utilit delle traduzioni", inviting Italian people to reject Neoclassicism and to study new authors
from other countries. Before that date, Ugo Foscolo had already published poems anticipating
Romantic themes. The most important Romantic writers were Ludovico di Breme, Pietro Borsieri
and Giovanni Berchet. Better known authors such as Alessandro Manzoni and Giacomo Leopardi
were influenced by Enlightenment as well as by Romanticism and Classicism.[72]
South America
Spanish-speaking South American Romanticism was influenced heavily by Esteban Echeverra,
who wrote in the 1830 and 1840s. His writings were influenced by his hatred for the Argentine
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United States
In the United States, at least by 1818 with William Cullen
Bryant's "To a Waterfowl", Romantic poetry was being
published. American Romantic Gothic literature made an early
appearance with Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy
Hollow (1820) and Rip Van Winkle (1819), followed from 1823
onwards by the Leatherstocking Tales of James Fenimore
Cooper, with their emphasis on heroic simplicity and their
fervent landscape descriptions of an already-exotic mythicized
Thomas Cole, The Course of
frontier peopled by "noble savages", similar to the philosophical
Empire: The Savage State (1 of
theory of Rousseau, exemplified by Uncas, from The Last of the
5), 1836
Mohicans. There are picturesque "local color" elements in
Washington Irving's essays and especially his travel books.
Edgar Allan Poe's tales of the macabre and his balladic poetry were more influential in France than
at home, but the romantic American novel developed fully with the atmosphere and melodrama of
Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter (1850). Later Transcendentalist writers such as Henry
David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson still show elements of its influence and imagination, as
does the romantic realism of Walt Whitman. The poetry of Emily Dickinsonnearly unread in her
own timeand Herman Melville's novel Moby-Dick can be taken as epitomes of American
Romantic literature. By the 1880s, however, psychological and social realism were competing with
Romanticism in the novel.
Influence of European Romanticism on American writers
The European Romantic movement reached America in the early 19th century. American
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Romanticism was just as multifaceted and individualistic as it was in Europe. Like the Europeans,
the American Romantics demonstrated a high level of moral enthusiasm, commitment to
individualism and the unfolding of the self, an emphasis on intuitive perception, and the assumption
that the natural world was inherently good, while human society was filled with corruption.[74]
Romanticism became popular in American politics, philosophy and art. The movement appealed to
the revolutionary spirit of America as well as to those longing to break free of the strict religious
traditions of early settlement. The Romantics rejected rationalism and religious intellect. It
appealed to those in opposition of Calvinism, which includes the belief that the destiny of each
individual is preordained. The Romantic movement gave rise to New England Transcendentalism,
which portrayed a less restrictive relationship between God and Universe. The new philosophy
presented the individual with a more personal relationship with God. Transcendentalism and
Romanticism appealed to Americans in a similar fashion, for both privileged feeling over reason,
individual freedom of expression over the restraints of tradition and custom. It often involved a
rapturous response to nature. It encouraged the rejection of harsh, rigid Calvinism, and promised a
new blossoming of American culture.[74][75]
American Romanticism embraced the individual and rebelled against the confinement of
neoclassicism and religious tradition. The Romantic movement in America created a new literary
genre that continues to influence American writers. Novels, short stories, and poems replaced the
sermons and manifestos of yore. Romantic literature was personal, intense, and portrayed more
emotion than ever seen in neoclassical literature. America's preoccupation with freedom became a
great source of motivation for Romantic writers as many were delighted in free expression and
emotion without so much fear of ridicule and controversy. They also put more effort into the
psychological development of their characters, and the main characters typically displayed
extremes of sensitivity and excitement.[76]
The works of the Romantic Era also differed from preceding works in that they spoke to a wider
audience, partly reflecting the greater distribution of books as costs came down during the
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mounted Arab warriors. His Liberty Leading the People (1830) remains, with the Medusa, one of
the best-known works of French Romantic painting. Both reflected current events, and increasingly
"history painting", literally "story painting", a phrase dating back to the Italian Renaissance
meaning the painting of subjects with groups of figures, long considered the highest and most
difficult form of art, did indeed become the painting of historical scenes, rather than those from
religion or mythology.[81]
Francisco Goya was called "the last great painter in whose art thought and observation were
balanced and combined to form a faultless unity".[82] But the extent to which he was a Romantic is
a complex question. In Spain, there was still a struggle to introduce the values of the
Enlightenment, in which Goya saw himself as a participant. The demonic and anti-rational
monsters thrown up by his imagination are only superficially similar to those of the Gothic
fantasies of northern Europe, and in many ways he remained wedded to the classicism and realism
of his training, as well as looking forward to the Realism of the later 19th century.[83] But he, more
than any other artist of the period, exemplified the Romantic values of the expression of the artist's
feelings and his personal imaginative world.[84] He also shared with many of the Romantic painters
a more free handling of paint, emphasized in the new prominence of the brushstroke and impasto,
which tended to be repressed in neoclassicism under a self-effacing finish.
Sculpture remained largely impervious to Romanticism,
probably partly for technical reasons, as the most prestigious
material of the day, marble, does not lend itself to expansive
gestures. The leading sculptors in Europe, Antonio Canova and
Bertel Thorvaldsen, were both based in Rome and firm
Neoclassicists, not at all tempted to allow influence from
medieval sculpture, which would have been one possible
approach to Romantic sculpture. When it did develop, true
Romantic sculpturewith the exception of a few artists such as
Rudolf Maison[85] rather oddly was missing in Germany, and
mainly found in France, with Franois Rude, best known from
his group of the 1830s from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris,
David d'Angers, and Auguste Prault. Prault's plaster relief
entitled Slaughter, which represented the horrors of wars with
exacerbated passion, caused so much scandal at the 1834 Salon
that Prault was banned from this official annual exhibition for
nearly twenty years.[86] In Italy, the most important Romantic
sculptor was Lorenzo Bartolini.[87]
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In France, historical painting on idealized medieval and Renaissance themes is known as the style
Troubadour, a term with no equivalent for other countries, though the same trends occurred there.
Delacroix, Ingres and Richard Parkes Bonington all worked in this style, as did lesser specialists
such as Pierre-Henri Rvoil (17761842) and Fleury-Franois Richard (17771852). Their pictures
are often small, and feature intimate private and anecdotal moments, as well as those of high
drama. The lives of great artists such as Raphael were commemorated on equal terms with those of
rulers, and fictional characters were also depicted. Fleury-Richard's Valentine of Milan weeping for
the death of her husband, shown in the Paris Salon of 1802, marked the arrival of the style, which
lasted until the mid-century, before being subsumed into the increasingly academic history painting
of artists like Paul Delaroche.[88]
Another trend was for very large apocalyptic history paintings, often combining extreme natural
events, or divine wrath, with human disaster, attempting to outdo The Raft of the Medusa, and now
often drawing comparisons with effects from Hollywood. The leading English artist in the style was
John Martin, whose tiny figures were dwarfed by enormous earthquakes and storms, and worked
his way through the biblical disasters, and those to come in the final days. Other works such as
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Viennese Classical and Romantic periods was proposed. The key figure in this trend was Guido
Adler, who viewed Beethoven and Franz Schubert as transitional but essentially Classical
composers, with Romanticism achieving full maturity only in the post-Beethoven generation of
Frdric Chopin, Robert Schumann, Berlioz, and Franz Liszt. From Adler's viewpoint, found in
books like Der Stil in der Musik (1911), composers of the New German School and various
late-19th-century nationalist composers were not Romantics but "moderns" or "realists" (by
analogy with the fields of painting and literature), and this schema remained prevalent through the
first decades of the 20th century.[92]
By the second quarter of the 20th century, an awareness that radical changes in musical syntax had
occurred during the early 1900s caused another shift in historical viewpoint, and the change of
century came to be seen as marking a decisive break with the musical past. This in turn led
historians such as Alfred Einstein[96] to extend the musical "Romantic Era" throughout the 19th
century and into the first decade of the 20th. It has continued to be referred to as such in some of
the standard music references such as The Oxford Companion to Music[97] and Grout's History of
Western Music[98] but was not unchallenged. For example, the prominent German musicologist
Friedrich Blume, the chief editor of the first edition of Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart
(194986), accepted the earlier position that Classicism and Romanticism together constitute a
single period beginning in the middle of the 18th century, but at the same time held that it
continued into the 20th century, including such preWorld War II developments as expressionism
and neoclassicism.[99] This is reflected in some notable recent reference works such as the New
Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians[92] and the new edition of Musik in Geschichte und
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In the contemporary music culture, the romantic musician followed a public career depending on
sensitive middle-class audiences rather than on a courtly patron, as had been the case with earlier
musicians and composers. Public persona characterized a new generation of virtuosi who made
their way as soloists, epitomized in the concert tours of Paganini and Liszt, and the conductor
began to emerge as an important figure, on whose skill the interpretation of the increasingly
complex music depended.[101]
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History writing was very strongly, and many would say harmfully,
influenced by Romanticism.[104] In England Thomas Carlyle was a
highly influential essayist who turned historian; he both invented and
Akseli Gallen-Kallela,
exemplified the phrase "hero-worship",[105] lavishing largely uncritical
The Forging of the
praise on strong leaders such as Oliver Cromwell, Frederick the Great
Sampo, 1893. An artist
and Napoleon. Romantic nationalism had a largely negative effect on
from Finland deriving
the writing of history in the 19th century, as each nation tended to
inspiration from the
produce its own version of history, and the critical attitude, even
Finnish "national epic",
cynicism, of earlier historians was often replaced by a tendency to
create romantic stories with clearly distinguished heroes and
the Kalevala
Nationalist ideology of the period placed great emphasis
on racial coherence, and the antiquity of peoples, and tended to vastly over-emphasize the
continuity between past periods and the present, leading to national mysticism. Much historical
effort in the 20th century was devoted to combating the romantic historical myths created in the
19th century.
To insulate theology from reductionism in science, 19th-century post-Enlightenment German
theologians moved in a new direction, led by Friedrich Schleiermacher and Albrecht Ritschl. They
took the Romantic approach of rooting religion in the inner world of the human spirit, so that it is a
person's feeling or sensibility about spiritual matters that comprises religion.[107]
Romantic nationalism
One of Romanticism's key ideas and most enduring legacies is the assertion of nationalism, which
became a central theme of Romantic art and political philosophy. From the earliest parts of the
movement, with their focus on development of national languages and folklore, and the importance
of local customs and traditions, to the movements that would redraw the map of Europe and lead to
calls for self-determination of nationalities, nationalism was one of the key vehicles of
Romanticism, its role, expression and meaning. One of the most important functions of medieval
references in the 19th century was nationalist. Popular and epic poetry were its workhorses. This is
visible in Germany and Ireland, where underlying Germanic or Celtic linguistic substrates dating
from before the Romanization-Latinization were sought out. And, in Catalonia, nationalists
reclaimed Catalanism from before the Hispanicization of the Catholic Monarchs in the 15th
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This view of nationalism inspired the collection of folklore by such people as the Brothers Grimm,
the revival of old epics as national, and the construction of new epics as if they were old, as in the
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Kalevala, compiled from Finnish tales and folklore, or Ossian, where the claimed ancient roots
were invented. The view that fairy tales, unless contaminated from outside literary sources, were
preserved in the same form over thousands of years, was not exclusive to Romantic Nationalists,
but fit in well with their views that such tales expressed the primordial nature of a people. For
instance, the Brothers Grimm rejected many tales they collected because of their similarity to tales
by Charles Perrault, which they thought proved they were not truly German tales;[109] Sleeping
Beauty survived in their collection because the tale of Brynhildr convinced them that the figure of
the sleeping princess was authentically German. Vuk Karadi contributed to Serbian folk
literature, using peasant culture as the foundation. He regarded the oral literature of the peasants as
an integral part of Serbian culture, compiling it to use in his collections of folk songs, tales, and
proverbs, as well as the first dictionary of vernacular Serbian.[110] Similar projects were undertaken
by the Russian Alexander Afanasyev, the Norwegians Peter Christen Asbjrnsen and Jrgen Moe,
and the Englishman Joseph Jacobs.[111]
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Emerging Romanticism in the 18th century
Philip James de
Coalbrookdale by Night,
1801, a key location of the
English Industrial
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J. M. W. Turner, The
Burning of the Houses of
Lords and Commons
(1835), Philadelphia
Museum of Art
Romantic authors
Jane Austen
Nikoloz Baratashvili
William Blake
Bront family
Robert Burns
Lord Byron
Thomas Carlyle
Alexander Chavchavadze
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Alexandre Dumas
Maria Edgeworth
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ugo Foscolo
Aleksander Fredro
Johann Wolfgang von
Nikolai Gogol
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Victor Hugo
Washington Irving
John Keats
Zygmunt Krasiski
Jzef Ignacy Kraszewski
Herman Melville
Adam Mickiewicz
Cyprian Kamil Norwid
Mikhail Lermontov
Alessandro Manzoni
Grigol Orbeliani
Edgar Allan Poe
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Alexander Pushkin
Mary Robinson
George Sand
Walter Scott
Mary Shelley
Percy Shelley
Juliusz Sowacki
Henry David Thoreau
William Wordsworth
Scholars of Romanticism
Gerald Abraham
M. H. Abrams
Donald Ault
Jacques Barzun
Ian Bent
Isaiah Berlin
Tim Blanning
Harold Bloom
Friedrich Blume
James Chandler
Jeffrey N. Cox
Carl Dahlhaus
Northrop Frye
Peter Kitson
Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe
Paul de Man
Jerome McGann
Anne K. Mellor
Jean-Luc Nancy
Ashton Nichols
Leon Plantinga
Christopher Ricks
Charles Rosen
Ren Wellek
Susan J. Wolfson
See also
Related terms
Opposing terms
The Academy
The Enlightenment
Related subjects
Coleridge's theory of life
Dark Romanticism
Gothic fiction
List of romantics
Mal du sicle
Middle Ages in history
Romantic epistemology
Romantic hero
Romantic medicine
Romantic poetry
List of Romantic
Romanticism in science
Opium and Romanticism
Related movements
Decadent movement
Dsseldorf School
German Romanticism
Hudson River School
List of Hudson River
School artists
Nazarene movement
Norwegian romantic
Sturm und Drang
Vegetarianism and
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1. Encyclopdia Britannica. " ''Romanticism''. Retrieved 30 January 2008, from Encyclopdia Britannica
Online". Retrieved 2010-08-24.
2. Casey, Christopher (October 30, 2008). " "Grecian Grandeurs and the Rude Wasting of Old Time":
Britain, the Elgin Marbles, and Post-Revolutionary Hellenism". Foundations. Volume III, Number 1.
Archived from the original on May 13, 2009. Retrieved 2014-05-14.
3. David Levin, History as Romantic Art: Bancroft, Prescott, and Parkman (1967)
4. Gerald Lee Gutek, A history of the Western educational experience (1987) ch. 12 on Johann Heinrich
5. Ashton Nichols, "Roaring Alligators and Burning Tygers: Poetry and Science from William Bartram to
Charles Darwin," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 2005 149(3): 304315
6. Perpinya, Nria. Ruins, Nostalgia and Ugliness. Five Romantic perceptions of Middle Ages and a spoon
of Game of Thrones and Avant-garde oddity (
Berlin: Logos Verlag. 2014
7. "'A remarkable thing,' continued Bazarov, 'these funny old romantics! They work up their nervous
system into a state of agitation, then, of course, their equilibrium is upset.'" (Ivan Turgenev, Fathers and
Sons, chap. 4 [1862])
8. Szabolcsi, B. (1970). "The Decline of Romanticism: End of the Century, Turn of the Century-Introductory Sketch of an Essay". Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 12: 263.
doi:10.2307/901360. JSTOR 901360.
9. Novotny, 96
10. From the Preface to the 2nd edition of Lyrical Ballads, quoted Day, 2
11. Day, 3
12. Ruthven (2001) p.40 quote: "Romantic ideology of literary authorship, which conceives of the text as an
autonomous object produced by an individual genius."
13. Spearing (1987) quote: "Surprising as it may seem to us, living after the Romantic movement has
transformed older ideas about literature, in the Middle Ages authority was prized more highly than
14. Eco (1994) p.95 quote: Much art has been and is repetitive. The concept of absolute originality is a
contemporary one, born with Romanticism; classical art was in vast measure serial, and the "modern"
avant-garde (at the beginning of this century) challenged the Romantic idea of "creation from
nothingness," with its techniques of collage, mustachios on the Mona Lisa, art about art, and so on.
15. Waterhouse (1926), throughout; Smith (1924); Millen, Jessica Romantic Creativity and the Ideal of
Originality: A Contextual Analysis, in Cross-sections, The Bruce Hall Academic Journal Volume VI,
2010 PDF (; Forest Pyle, The Ideology of
Imagination: Subject and Society in the Discourse of Romanticism (Stanford University Press, 1995)
16. Day 34; quotation from M.H. Abrams, quoted in Day, 4
17. Berlin, 92
18. Ferber, 67
19. Ferber, 7
20. Christiansen, 241.
21. Christiansen, 242.
22. in her Oxford Companion article, quoted by Day, 1
23. Day, 15
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24. Mellor, Anne; Matlak, Richard (1996). British Literature 1780-1830. NY: Harcourt Brace &
Co./Wadsworth. ISBN 978-1413022537.
25. Edward F. Kravitt, The Lied: Mirror of Late Romanticism (
q=%22Four%20Last%20Songs%22%20%22Late%20Romantic%22&f=false) (New Haven and
London: Yale University Press, 1996): 47. ISBN 0-300-06365-2.
26. Greenblatt et al., Norton Anthology of English Literature, eighth edition, "The Romantic Period
Volume D" (New York: W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 2006):
27. Johnson, 147, inc. quotation
28. Barzun, 469
29. Day, 13; the arch-conservative and Romantic is Joseph de Maistre, but many Romantics swung from
youthful radicalism to conservative views in middle age, for example Wordsworth. Samuel Palmer's
only published text was a short piece opposing the Repeal of the corn laws.
30. Berlin, 57
31. Several of Berlin's pieces dealing with this theme are collected in the work referenced. See in particular:
Berlin, 34-47, 57-59, 183-206, 207-237.
32. Berlin, 57-58
33. Linda Simon The Sleep of Reason by Robert Hughes (
34. Three Critics of the Enlightenment: Vico, Hamann, Herder, Pimlico, 2000 ISBN 0-7126-6492-0 was one
of Isaiah Berlin's many publications on the Enlightenment and its enemies that did much to popularise
the concept of a Counter-Enlightenment movement that he characterised as relativist, anti-rationalist,
vitalist and organic,
35. Darrin M. McMahon, "The Counter-Enlightenment and the Low-Life of Literature in Pre-Revolutionary
France" Past and Present No. 159 (May 1998:77112) p. 79 note 7.
36. "Baudelaire's speech at the "Salon des curiosits Estethiques" (in French). Retrieved
37. Sutherland, James (1958) English Satire (
pg=PA1) p.1. There were a few exceptions, notably Byron, who integrated satire into some of his
greatest works, yet shared much in common with his Romantic contemporaries. Bloom, p. 18.
38. John Keats. By Sidney Colvin, page 106. Elibron Classics
39. Thomas Chatterton, Grevel Lindop, 1972, Fyffield Books, page 11
40. Zipes, Jack (1988). The Brothers Grimm: From Enchanted Forests to the Modern World (1st ed.).
Routledge. pp. 78. ISBN 0-415-90081-6.
41. Zipes, Jack (2000). The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales. Oxford University Press. pp. 1314,
218219,. ISBN 978-0-19-860115-9.
42. Christiansen, 215.
43. Christiansen, 19296.
44. Christiansen, 197200.
45. Christiansen, 21320.
46. Christiansen, 18889.
47. Or at least he tried to; Kean played the tragic Lear for a few performances. They were not well received,
and with regret, he reverted to Nahum Tate's version with a comic ending, which had been standard
since 1689. See Stanley Wells, "Introduction" from King Lear Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 69.
48. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Table Talk, 27 April 1823 in Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Morley, Henry
(1884). Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Christobel, &c.
New York: Routledge. p. 38.
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49. J. Buchan, Crowded with Genius (London: Harper Collins, 2003), ISBN 0-06-055888-1, p. 311.
50. J. Buchan, Crowded with Genius (London: Harper Collins, 2003), ISBN 0-06-055888-1, p. 163.
51. H. Gaskill, The Reception of Ossian in Europe (Continuum, 2004), ISBN 0826461352, p. 140.
52. D. Thomson, The Gaelic Sources of Macpherson's "Ossian" (Aberdeen: Oliver & Boyd, 1952).
53. L. McIlvanney, "Hugh Blair, Robert Burns, and the Invention of Scottish Literature", EighteenthCentury Life, vol. 29 (2), Spring 2005, pp. 2546.
54. K. S. Whetter, Understanding Genre and Medieval Romance (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008), ISBN
0-7546-6142-3, p. 28.
55. N. Davidson, The Origins of Scottish Nationhood (Pluto Press, 2008), ISBN 0-7453-1608-5, p. 136.
56. A. Maunder, FOF Companion to the British Short Story (Infobase Publishing, 2007), ISBN
0816074968, p. 374.
57. P. MacKay, E. Longley and F. Brearton, Modern Irish and Scottish Poetry (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2011), ISBN 0521196027, p. 59.
58. A. Jarrels, "'Associations respect[ing] the past': Enlightenment and Romantic historicism", in J. P.
Klancher, A Concise Companion to the Romantic Age (Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, 2009), ISBN
0631233555, p. 60.
59. A. Benchimol, ed., Intellectual Politics and Cultural Conflict in the Romantic Period: Scottish Whigs,
English Radicals and the Making of the British Public Sphere (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010), ISBN
0754664465, p. 210.
60. A. Benchimol, ed., Intellectual Politics and Cultural Conflict in the Romantic Period: Scottish Whigs,
English Radicals and the Making of the British Public Sphere (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010), ISBN
0754664465, p. 209.
61. I. Brown, The Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature: Enlightenment, Britain and Empire
(17071918) (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007), ISBN 0748624813, pp. 22930.
62. Christiansen, 202203, 24142.
63. Christiansen, 23946, 240 quoted.
64. Christiansen, 24446.
65. Christiansen, 13038 on de Stal.
66. Leon Dyczewski, Values in the Polish cultural tradition (2002) p. 183
67. Christopher J. Murray, Encyclopedia of the romantic era, 17601850 (2004) vol. 2. p 742
68. "Nie-Boska komedia" (in Polish).
69. "Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (17991837)". University of Virginia Slavic Department. Retrieved
1 August 2011.
70. Philip W. Silver, Ruin and restitution: reinterpreting romanticism in Spain (1997) p. 13
71. Gerald Brenan, The literature of the Spanish people: from Roman times to the present (1965) p 364
72. La nuova enciclopedia della letteratura. Milan: Garzanti. 1985. p. 829.
73. Roberto Gonzlez Echevarra and Enrique Pupo-Walker, The Cambridge History of Latin American
Literature: Brazilian Literature (1996) vol. 2 p. 367
74. George L. McMichael and Frederick C. Crews, eds. Anthology of American Literature: Colonial through
romantic (6th ed. 1997) p 613
75. "Romanticism, American", in The Oxford Dictionary of American Art and Artists ed by Ann Lee
Morgan (Oxford University Press, 2007) online (
76. The relationship of the American poet Wallace Stevens to Romanticism is raised in the poem "Another
Weeping Woman" and its commentary.
77. Novotny, 96101, 99 quoted
78. Novotny, 112121
79. Honour, 184190, 187 quoted
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80. Walter Friedlaender, From David to Delacroix, 1974, remains the best available account of the subject.
81. "Romanticism".
82. Novotny, 142
83. Novotny, 133142
84. Hughes, 279280
85. McKay, James, The Dictionary of Sculptors in Bronze, Antique Collectors Club, London, 1995
86. Novotny, 397, 37984
87. Dizionario di arte e letteratura. Bologna: Zanichelli. 2002. p. 544.
88. Noon, throughout, especially pp. 124-155
89. Boyer 1961, 585.
90. Ferchault 1957.
91. Grtre 1789.
92. Samson 2001.
93. Hoffmann 1810, col. 632.
94. Boyer 1961, 58586.
95. Wagner 1995, 77.
96. Einstein 1947.
97. Warrack 2002.
98. Grout 1960, 492.
99. Blume 1970; Samson 2001.
100. Wehnert 1998.
101. Christiansen, 17678.
102. Cunningham, A., and Jardine, N., ed. Romanticism and the Sciences, p.15.
103. Bossi, M., and Poggi, S., ed. Romanticism in Science: Science in Europe, 17901840, p.xiv;
Cunningham, A., and Jardine, N., ed. Romanticism and the Sciences, p.2.
104. E. Sreedharan (2004). A Textbook of Historiography, 500 B.C. to A.D. 2000. Orient Blackswan.
pp. 12868.
105. in his published lectures On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History of 1841
106. Ceri Crossley (2002). French Historians and Romanticism: Thierry, Guizot, the Saint-Simonians,
Quinet, Michelet. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-134-97668-3.
107. Philip Clayton and Zachary Simpson, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science (2006) p 161
108. Fichte, Johann (1806). "Address to the German Nation". Fordham University. Retrieved October 1,
109. Maria Tatar, The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales, p. 31 ISBN 0-691-06722-8
110. Prilozi za knjievnost, jezik, istoriju i folklor (in Serbian). ,
. 1965. p. 264. Retrieved 19 January 2012.
111. Jack Zipes, The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm, p 846,
ISBN 0-393-97636-X
Adler, Guido. 1911. Der Stil in der Musik. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hrtel.
Adler, Guido. 1919. Methode der Musikgeschichte. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hrtel.
Adler, Guido. 1930. Handbuch der Musikgeschichte, second, thoroughly revised and greatly
expanded edition. 2 vols. Berlin-Wilmersdorf: H. Keller. Reprinted, Tutzing: Schneider, 1961.
Barzun, Jacques. 2000. From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life, 1500
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38 of 42
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39 of 42
in The Sewanee Review, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Jan., 1926), pp. 4049.
Wehnert, Martin. 1998. "Romantik und romantisch". Die Musik in Geschichte und
Gegenwart: allgemeine Enzyklopdie der Musik, begrndet von Friedrich Blume, second
revised edition. Sachteil 8: QuerSwi, cols. 464507. Basel, Kassel, London, Munich, and
Prague: Brenreiter; Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler.
Further reading
Abrams, Meyer H. 1971. The Mirror and the Lamp. London: Oxford University Press. ISBN
Abrams, Meyer H. 1973. Natural Supernaturalism: Tradition and Revolution in Romantic
Literature. New York: W.W. Norton.
Azurmendi, Joxe. 2008. Volksgeist. Donostia: Elkar. ISBN 978-84-9783-404-9.
Barzun, Jacques. 1943. Romanticism and the Modern Ego. Boston: Little, Brown and
Barzun, Jacques. 1961. Classic, Romantic, and Modern. University of Chicago Press. ISBN
Berlin, Isaiah. 1999. The Roots of Romanticism. London: Chatto and Windus. ISBN
Blanning, Tim. The Romantic Revolution: A History (2011) 272pp
Breckman, Warren, European Romanticism: A Brief History with Documents. New York:
Bedford/St. Martin's, 2007. "European Romanticism: A Brief History with Documents". Retrieved 2010-08-24.
Cavalletti, Carlo. 2000. Chopin and Romantic Music, translated by Anna Maria Salmeri
Pherson. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series. (Hardcover) ISBN 0-7641-5136-3 ;
ISBN 978-0-7641-5136-1.
Chaudon, Francis. 1980. The Concise Encyclopedia of Romanticism. Secaucus, N.J.:
Chartwell Books. ISBN 0-89009-707-0.
Ciofalo, John J. 2001. "The Ascent of Genius in the Court and Academy." The Self-Portraits
of Francisco Goya. Cambridge University Press.
Cox, Jeffrey N. 2004. Poetry and Politics in the Cockney School: Keats, Shelley, Hunt and
Their Circle. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521604239.
Dahlhaus, Carl. 1979. "Neo-Romanticism". 19th-Century Music 3, no. 2 (November):
Dahlhaus, Carl. 1980. Between Romanticism and Modernism: Four Studies in the Music of
the Later Nineteenth Century, translated by Mary Whittall in collaboration with Arnold
Whittall; also with Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Music and Words", translated by Walter Arnold
Kaufmann. California Studies in 19th Century Music 1. Berkeley: University of California
Press. ISBN 0-520-03679-4 (cloth); 0520067487 (pbk). Original German edition, as Zwischen
Romantik und Moderne: vier Studien zur Musikgeschichte des spteren 19. Jahrhunderts.
Munich: Musikverlag Katzbichler, 1974.
Dahlhaus, Carl. 1985. Realism in Nineteenth-Century Music, translated by Mary Whittall.
Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-26115-5 (cloth); ISBN
10/4/2016 4:16 PM
40 of 42
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41 of 42
Masson, Scott. 2007. "Romanticism", Chapt. 7 in The Oxford Handbook of English Literature
and Theology, (Oxford University Press) 2007.
Murray, Christopher, ed. Encyclopedia of the romantic era, 17601850 (2 vol 2004); 850
articles by experts; 1600pp
O'Neill, J, ed. (2000). Romanticism & the school of nature : nineteenth-century drawings and
paintings from the Karen B. Cohen collection. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Plantinga, Leon. 1984. Romantic Music: A History of Musical Style in Nineteenth-Century
Europe. A Norton Introduction to Music History. New York: W. W. Norton. ISBN
0-393-95196-0 ; ISBN 978-0-393-95196-7
Reynolds, Nicole. 2010. Building Romanticism: Literature and Architecture in Nineteenthcentury Britain. University of Michigan Press. ISBN 978-0-472-11731-4.
Riasanovsky, Nicholas V. 1992. The Emergence of Romanticism. New York: Oxford
University Press. ISBN 978-0195073416
Rosen, Charles. 1995. The Romantic Generation. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press. ISBN 0-674-77933-9.
Rosenblum, Robert, Modern Painting and the Northern Romantic Tradition: Friedrich to
Rothko, (Harper & Row) 1975.
Rummenhller, Peter. 1989. Romantik in der Musik: Analysen, Portraits, Reflexionen.
Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag; Kassel and New York: Brenreiter.
Ruston, Sharon. 2013. Creating Romanticism: Case Studies in the Literature, Science and
Medicine of the 1790s. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1137264282.
Schenk, H. G. 1966. The Mind of the European Romantics: An Essay in Cultural History.:
Spencer, Stewart. 2008. "The 'Romantic Operas' and the Turn to Myth". In The Cambridge
Companion to Wagner, edited by Thomas S. Grey, 6773. Cambridge and New York:
Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-64299-X (cloth); ISBN 0-521-64439-9 (pbk).
Steve (2010-06-30). "Lionel Gossman's Making of a Romantic Icon: The Religious Context
of Friedrich Overbeck's "Italia und Germania" (American Philosophical Society Transaction
97-5; ISBN 0-87169-975-3) Diane Publishing's Blog". Retrieved
Tekiner, Deniz. 2000. Modern Art and the Romantic Vision. Lanham, MD. University Press of
America. ISBN 9780761815280 (cloth); ISBN 9780761815297 (pbk.).
Workman, Leslie J. 1994. "Medievalism and Romanticism". Poetica 3940: 134.
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