People of The Philippines Vs Retubado

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People of the Philippines vs.

Jesus Retubado
Someone played a joke on Edwin Retubado, the appellants younger brother who was mentally ill.
Someone inserted a lighted firecracker in a cigarette pack and gave it to Edwin. While Edwin and his
father were having dinner, it exploded. The suspect was their neighbor Emmanuel Caon, Jr. The matter
was brought to the attention of the barangay captain who conducted an investigation. It turned out that
Emmanuel Caon, Jr. was NOT the culprit. The appellant, however, was bent on confronting Emmanuel
Caon, Jr. Thereafter, the father of Emmanuel Jr., 50 y.o. Emmanuel Caon, Sr., (pedicab driver) was
confronted by Jesus when the former was on his way home. Emmanuel Sr. ignored Jesus so the latter
pushed the pedicab which nearly fell into a canal. Jesus followed Emmanuel Sr. to his house. His wife,
Norberta Caon was in the balcony of their house, above the porch waiting for him to arrive. Emmanuel,
Jr., meanwhile, was already asleep. Emmanuel Sr. demanded to know why he was being followed. Jesus
told Emmanuel that he just wanted to talk to Emmanuel Jr., but Emmanuel Sr. told the appellant that his
son was already asleep. Norberta went down from the balcony and placed her hand on her husbands
shoulder to pacify him. Jesus forthwith pulled out a handgun from under his T-shirt and shot Emmanuel
on the forehead. The latter fell to the floor as the appellant walked away from the scene. Emmanuel was
brought to the Tuburan District Hospital, but he died shortly thereafter. Jesus surrendered to the police but
failed to surrender the firearm he used to kill the victim.
Jesus admitted shooting the victim but claimed that he was merely performing a lawful act with
due care hence, cannot be held criminally liable for the victims death. He testified that when he insisted
that Emmanuel wake up his son, Emmanuel went to his room and emerged therefrom holding a handgun.
Jesus grabbed Emmanuels hand, they struggled for the gun but eventually, Emmanuel fell on his knees.
Jesus pulled the gun to the level of Emmanuels forehead, and the gun suddenly went off. Jesus then
rushed to his house to change clothes. He placed the gun on the dining table. When he went back to the
dining room his sister told him that their brother Edwin had taken the gun and thrown it into the sea.
Trial court convicted Jesus of murder, and sentenced him to reclusion perpetua.
1. WON Jesus was merely performing a lawful act with due care hence, cannot be held criminally
liable for the victims death - No!
2. WON Jesus is liable for murder - No! Homicide only
The phrase state of necessity is of German origin. Countries which have embraced the classical
theory of criminal law, like Italy, do not use the phrase. The justification refers to a situation of grave peril
(un mal), actual or imminent (actual o imminente). The word propiedad covers diverse juridical rights
(bienes juridicos) such as right to life, honor, the integrity of ones body, and property (la vida, la integridad
corporal, el pudor, el honor, bienes patrimoniales) belonging to another. It is indispensable that the state
of necessity must not be brought about by the intentional provocation of the party invoking the same.
The defense of a state of necessity is a justifying circumstance under Article 11, paragraph 4 of
the RPC. It is an affirmative defense that must be proved by the accused with clear and convincing
evidence. By admitting causing the injuries and killing the victim, the accused must rely on the strength of
his own evidence and not on the weakness of the evidence of the prosecution. Whether the accused
acted under a state of necessity is a question
of fact, which is addressed to the sound discretion of the trial court.
There is no basis to deviate from the findings of the trial court that the appellant was the
provocateur, the unlawful aggressor and the author of a deliberate and malicious act of shooting the
victim at close range on the forehead. The court came to this conclusion based on:
1. Norberta Caons testimony.
2. There is no evidence that the appellant informed the police authorities that he killed the victim in a
state of necessity and that his brother, Edwin, threw the gun into the sea.
3. The appellant had the motive to shoot and kill the victim.
There is no treachery in the present case to qualify the crime to murder. To appreciate treachery,
two (2) conditions must be present, namely, (a) the employment of the means of execution that give the
person attacked no opportunity to defend himself or to retaliate, and (b) the means of execution were
deliberately or consciously adopted. The prosecution failed to adduce an iota of evidence to support the
confluence of the abovementioned conditions.
The appellant is entitled to the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender.

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