Senate Hearing, 112TH Congress - Oversight of Dodd-Frank Implementation: Monitoring Systemic Risk and Promoting Financial Stability

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MAY 12, 2011

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TIM JOHNSON, South Dakota, Chairman
JACK REED, Rhode Island
BOB CORKER, Tennessee
JIM DEMINT, South Carolina
PATRICK J. TOOMEY, Pennsylvania
HERB KOHL, Wisconsin
MARK KIRK, Illinois
MARK R. WARNER, Virginia
ROGER F. WICKER, Mississippi
KAY HAGAN, North Carolina
DWIGHT FETTIG, Staff Director
WILLIAM D. DUHNKE, Republican Staff Director
CHARLES YI, Chief Counsel
LAURA SWANSON, Policy Director
COLIN MCGINNIS, Professional Staff Member
BRETT HEWITT, Legislative Assistant
ANDREW OLMEM, Republican Chief Counsel
HESTER PEIRCE, Republican Senior Counsel
MICHAEL PIWOWAR, Republican Senior Economist

THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2011

Opening statement of Chairman Johnson .............................................................

Opening statements, comments, or prepared statements of:
Senator Shelby ..................................................................................................
Prepared statement ...................................................................................


Neal S. Wolin, Deputy Secretary, Department of the Treasury ..........................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
Responses to written questions of:
Senator Shelby ...........................................................................................
Senator Reed ..............................................................................................
Senator Crapo ............................................................................................
Senator Corker ..........................................................................................
Senator Vitter ............................................................................................
Senator Toomey .........................................................................................
Senator Moran ...........................................................................................
Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System ...................................................................................................................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
Responses to written questions of:
Senator Corker ..........................................................................................
Senator Moran ...........................................................................................
Sheila C. Bair, Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ....................
Prepared Statement .........................................................................................
Responses to written questions of:
Senator Shelby ...........................................................................................
Senator Reed ..............................................................................................
Senator Hagan ...........................................................................................
Senator Crapo ............................................................................................
Senator Corker ..........................................................................................
Senator Vitter ............................................................................................
Senator Toomey .........................................................................................
Senator Kirk ..............................................................................................
John Walsh, Acting Comptroller of the Currency .................................................
Prepared Statement .........................................................................................
Responses to written questions of:
Senator Shelby ...........................................................................................
Senator Reed ..............................................................................................
Senator Crapo ............................................................................................
Senator Corker ..........................................................................................
Senator Vitter ............................................................................................
Senator Toomey .........................................................................................
Senator Kirk ..............................................................................................
Mary L. Schapiro, Chairman U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Prepared Statement .........................................................................................
Responses to written questions of:
Senator Shelby ...........................................................................................
Senator Hagan ...........................................................................................
Senator Crapo ............................................................................................
Senator Vitter ............................................................................................
Senator Toomey .........................................................................................



Mary L. Schapiro, Chairman U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Responses to written questions ofContinued
Senator Moran ...........................................................................................
Gary Gensler, Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Prepared Statement .........................................................................................
Responses to written questions of:
Senator Shelby ...........................................................................................
Senator Crapo ............................................................................................
Senator Vitter ............................................................................................
Senator Toomey .........................................................................................



THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2011

Washington, DC.
The Committee met at 9:37 a.m. in room SD538, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Hon. Tim Johnson, Chairman of the Committee, presiding.





Chairman JOHNSON. I would like to call this hearing to order.

Today, as the Committee continues its oversight of the DoddFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, I welcome
our witnesses back to talk about systemic risk and financial stability. Last year, when this Committee set out to respond to the
worst economic crisis in generations, addressing systemic risk and
too big to fail were key tasks. Any serious financial reform effort
had to include an early warning system that could detect systemic
risk before it could threaten to bring down the entire economy.
Equally important was creating a new orderly liquidation process
to prevent future bailouts and to force large risky financial firms
to plan ahead for their own possible failure.
In Dodd-Frank, we accomplished these goals, but those changes
cannot just take place at the flick of a switch. Today our witnesses
will provide us with an update on the implementation of the provisions related to monitoring systemic risk and promoting financial
stability less than 10 months after the legislation was signed into
law. Each of these agencies here is part of the Financial Stability
Oversight Council, or FSOC, established to be the early warning
watchdog for our financial system.
It is important to note that the seats of two voting members of
the FSOC remain vacantthe CFPB Director and the independent
insurance member. We need to nominate and confirm those members as soon as possible. Any political game plan surrounding these
nominees to try to subvert critical Wall Street reforms would be irresponsible and risk our Nations economic recovery.
One of FSOCs early tasks is to write rules for designating large
risky nonbank financial institutions for enhanced supervision. The
so-called shadow banking system was one of the key pieces that led
to the crisis. And while it is important to provide oversight of the

shadow banking system, it is also important that this designation
does not become a synonym for too big to fail.
The Dodd-Frank Act ended too-big-to-fail bailouts by establishing the orderly liquidation authority to unwind failing financial
firms without putting the financial system or taxpayers at risk. In
fact, Ranking Member Shelby worked closely with then-Chairman
Dodd to craft an amendment that became the final text of this provision in Dodd-Frank, and I want to thank Ranking Member Shelby for his work.
While we will never be able to anticipate every possible cause of
a future crisis, we are much better equipped to deal with the next
crisis if and when it occurs. We should never forget the magnitude
of the costs of the financial crisis, especially the destruction of millions of jobs and trillions of dollars of household wealth.
Opponents of financial reform may want to use revisionist history, but Americans have not forgotten that the recession was
caused in part by excessive risk among some of the largest financial firms. With Dodd-Frank, we have created a new, sound economic foundation that will protect against the entire economy
being exposed the next time a large financial firm rolls the dice on
a bet it cannot back up. The effective, timely, and well-coordinated
implementation of these reforms is critical to our economic security.
I want to remind my colleagues and the witnesses that as soon
as we have a quorum present, we will move into executive session
to report our six nominees. When finished with the nominees, we
will return to our hearing. Given the time constraints today, only
the Chairman and the Ranking Member will deliver opening statements.
Ranking Member Shelby.

Senator SHELBY. Mr. Chairman, to expedite the hearing, I ask

unanimous consent that my opening statement, which is lengthy,
be made part of the record, and we can get on with the witnesses.
Chairman JOHNSON. It will be included.
Senator SHELBY. Mr. Chairman, I believe I am right on the number, but you are the counter. I believe we just need one more person to show up to have a quorum.
Chairman JOHNSON. Mr. Wolin, please proceedwe have a
[Whereupon, at 9:42 a.m., the Committee proceeded to other
business and reconvened at 9:55 a.m.]
Chairman JOHNSON. Before I begin the introductions of our witnesses today, I want to remind my colleagues that the record will
be open for the next 7 days for any materials you would like to submit.
Our witnesses today have all been before this Committee numerous times this year, so I will keep the introductions brief.
The Honorable Neal S. Wolin is Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

The Honorable Ben S. Bernanke is currently serving his second
term as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
The Honorable Sheila C. Bair is Chairman of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation. Chairman Bair recently announced that
she will be stepping down as the Chairman of the FDIC at the beginning of July when her current term expires. Sheila, I would like
to thank you for all your work you have done to serve the people
of the United States. I will truly miss you come July, and we wish
you well in any future endeavors that you pursue.
The Honorable Mary L. Schapiro is Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Honorable Gary Gensler is the Chairman of the Commodity
Futures Trading Commission.
Mr. John Walsh is Acting Comptroller of the Currency of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
I thank you all for being here today. Secretary Wolin, you may
begin your testimony.

Mr. WOLIN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Shelby, members of the
Committee, I appreciate the opportunity to update you on the
Treasury Departments implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Although our economy and financial markets have made progress
toward recovery, we cannot forget why the Congress passed and
the President signed the Dodd-Frank Act last year.
In the fall of 2008, we witnessed a financial crisis of a scale and
severity not seen in decades. The crisis exposed fundamental failures in our financial system. Our system favored short-term gains
over stability and growth. Our system was weak and susceptible to
crisis, and our system left taxpayers to save it in times of trouble.
We had no choice but to build a better, stronger system. Enacting
Dodd-Frank was the beginning of that process, and as we move forward with implementation, our efforts are guided by broad principles.
We are moving quickly but carefully. Treasury and regulators
are seeking public input and are committed to getting the details
We are conducting this process in the open, bringing full transparency to implementation. We are consulting broadly, making
input on rulemakings publicly available, and posting the details of
senior officials meetings online so that the American people can
see who is at the table.
Wherever possible, we are seeking to streamline and simplify
Government regulation. Dodd-Frank consolidates organizational
rationalizing patchwork regulations built up over decades.
We are creating a more coordinated regulatory process. Regulators are working together to close gaps and to prevent breakdowns in coordinationand within the Financial Stability Oversight Council, we are working across agencies and instilling joint
accountability for the strength of the financial system.

We are working to ensure a level playing field. We are working
hard internationally to develop similar frameworks on the key
issues where global consistency is essential, such as liquidity, leverage, capital, and OTC derivatives.
We are working hard to achieve a careful balance and to protect
the freedom for innovation that is absolutely necessary for growth.
We are keeping Congress fully informed of our progress on a regular basis.
Treasury has made significant progress in the short time since
the Dodd-Frank Act was enacted. In those months, we have stood
up the FSOC, which is working to identify risks to U.S. financial
stability and promote market discipline, while developing procedures for deciding which nonbank financial institutions and financial market utilities will be subject to heightened prudential standards.
We have made significant progress in creating the Office of Financial Research, which is working to improve the quality of financial data available to policymakers and to facilitate more robust
and sophisticated analysis of the financial system.
Dodd-Frank creates, and the Treasury is standing up, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which is working to protect
consumers, making sure they have the information they need to
understand the terms of financial products.
Treasury is also working to enhance our ability to monitor the
insurance sector through the Federal Insurance Office, which, for
the first time provides the U.S. Government dedicated expertise regarding the insurance industry.
We have made significant progress in the 10 months since enactment. Continuing to move forward is essential to our countrys financial well-being. There is no responsible alternative because if
we do not invest in reform now, we run the unacceptable risk that
we will pay dearly later. We cannot allow that.
Dodd-Frank Act was enacted to make sure that our financial system is the worlds strongest, most dynamic, and most productive.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman JOHNSON. Thank you, Mr. Wolin.
Chairman BERNANKE.

Mr. BERNANKE. Thank you. Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member

Shelby, and other Members of the Committee, thank you for the
opportunity to testify on the Federal Reserve Boards role in monitoring systemic risk and promoting financial stability, both as a
member of the Financial Stability Oversight Council and under our
own authority.
The Dodd-Frank Act created the FSOC to identify and mitigate
threats to the financial stability of the United States. During its
existence thus far, the FSOC has promoted interagency collaboration and established the organizational structure and processes
necessary to execute its duties.
The FSOC and its member agencies also have completed studies
on limits on proprietary trading and investments in hedge funds
and private equity funds by banking firmsthe so-called Volcker

ruleon financial sector concentration limits, on the economic effects of risk retention, and on the economic consequences of systemic risk regulation. The FSOC is currently seeking public comments on proposed rules that would establish a framework for
identifying nonbank financial firms and financial market utilities
that could pose a threat to financial stability and that, therefore,
should be designated for more stringent oversight. Importantly, the
FSOC has begun systematically monitoring risks to financial stability and is preparing its inaugural annual report.
In addition to its role on the FSOC, the Federal Reserve has
other significant financial stability responsibilities under the DoddFrank Act, including supervisory jurisdiction over thrift holding
companies and nonbank financial firms that are designated as systemically important by the Council. The act also requires the Federal Reserve (and other financial regulatory agencies) to take a
macroprudential approach to supervision and regulation; that is, in
supervising financial institutions and critical infrastructures, we
are expected to consider the risks to overall financial stability in
addition to the safety and soundness of individual firms.
A major thrust of the Dodd-Frank Act is addressing the too-bigto-fail problem and mitigating the threat to financial stability
posed by systemically important financial firms. As required by the
act, the Federal Reserve is developing more stringent prudential
standards for large banking organizations and nonbank financial
firms designated by the FSOC. These standards will include enhanced risk-based capital and leverage requirements, liquidity requirements, and single-counterparty credit limits. The standards
will also require systemically important financial firms to adopt socalled living wills that will spell out how they can be resolved in
an orderly manner during times of financial distress. The act also
directs the Federal Reserve to conduct annual stress tests of large
banking firms and designated nonbank financial firms and to publish a summary of the results. To meet the January 2012 implementation deadline for these enhanced standards, we anticipate
putting out a package of proposed rules for comment this summer.
Our goal is to produce a well-integrated set of rules that meaningfully reduces the probability of failure of our largest, most complex
financial firms and that minimizes the losses to the financial system and the economy if such a firm should fail.
The Federal Reserve is working with other U.S. regulatory agencies to implement Dodd-Frank reforms in additional areas, including the development of risk retention requirements for
securitization sponsors, margin requirements for noncleared overthe-counter derivatives, incentive compensation rules, and risk
management standards for central counterparties and other financial market utilities.
The Federal Reserve has made significant organizational changes
to better carry out its responsibilities. Even before the enactment
of the Dodd-Frank Act, we were strengthening our supervision of
the largest, most complex financial firms. We have created a centralized multidisciplinary body to oversee the supervision of these
firms. This Committee uses horizontal, or cross-firm, evaluations to
monitor interconnectedness and common practices among firms
that could lead to greater systemic risk. It also uses additional and

improved quantitative methods for evaluating the performance of
firms and the risks that they might pose. And it more efficiently
employs the broad range of skills of the Federal Reserve staff to
supplement supervision. We have established a similar body to
help us effectively carry out our responsibilities regarding the oversight of systemically important financial market utilities.
More recently, we have also created an Office of Financial Stability Policy and Research at the Federal Reserve Board. This office
coordinates our efforts to identify and analyze potential risks to the
broader financial system and the economy. It also helps evaluate
policies to promote financial stability and serves as the Boards liaison to the FSOC.
As a complement to those efforts under Dodd-Frank, the Federal
Reserve has been working for some time with other regulatory
agencies and central banks around the world to design and implement a stronger set of prudential requirements for internationally
active banking firms. These efforts resulted in the agreements
reached in the fall of 2010 on the major elements of the new Basel
III prudential framework for globally active banks. The requirements under Basel III that such banks hold more and better quality capital and more robust liquidity buffers should make the financial system more stable and reduce the likelihood of future financial crises. We are working with the other U.S. banking agencies
to incorporate the Basel III agreements into U.S. regulations.
More remains to be done at the international level to strengthen
the global financial system. Key tasks ahead for the Basel Committee and the Financial Stability Board include determining how
to further increase the loss-absorbing capacity of systemically important banking firms and strengthening resolution regimes to
minimize adverse systemic effects from the failure of large, complex
banks. As we work with our international counterparts, we are
striving to keep international regulatory standards as consistent as
possible, to ensure both that multinational firms are adequately supervised and to maintain a level international playing field.
Thank you, and I would be pleased to take your questions.
Chairman JOHNSON. Thank you, Chairman Bernanke.
Chairman BAIR.

Ms. BAIR. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Shelby, and Members of the Committee, thank you for
the opportunity to testify today on behalf of the FDIC.
The recent financial crisis has highlighted the critical importance
of financial stability to the functioning of our real economy. While
emergency measures taken in the crisis stabilized financial markets and helped end the recession, in its wake, almost 14 million
Americans remain out of work and our nation faces a number of
other serious economic challenges.
Consistent with historical precedent, a central cause of the crisis
was excessive debt and leverage in our financial system. In the fall
of 2008, many of the large intermediaries at the core of our financial system had too little capital to maintain market confidence in
their solvency. In the period leading up to this crisis, we saw excess

leverage of financial institutions and securitization structures and
in real estate loans that made our entire system highly vulnerable
to a decline in home prices and a rise in problem mortgages. The
need for stronger bank capital requirements is being addressed
through Basel III and through implementation of the Collins
Amendment here in the United States.
One of the most powerful inducements toward excess leverage
and institutional risk taking before the crisis was the de facto policy of too big to fail. With the expectation of a Government backstop the largest financial companies are insulated from the normal
discipline of the marketplace that applies to smaller banks and
practically every other private company. This situation represents
a dangerous form of state capitalism, in which the market expects
these companies to receive generous Government subsidies in times
of financial distress. Unless reversed, the result is likely to be more
concentration and complexity in the financial system, more risk
taking at the expense of the public, and in due time, another financial crisis.
However, the Dodd-Frank Act does provide the basis for a new
resolution framework designed to make it possible to resolve systemically important financial institutions, or SIFIs, without a bailout and without sparking a systemic crisis. Being designated as a
SIFI will in no way confer a competitive advantage by anointing an
institution as too big to fail. The heightened supervisory requirements placed on SIFIs, including higher capital requirements and
the need to maintain resolution plans, seems to represent a powerful disincentive for large institutions to seek SIFI status.
A key consideration in designating a firm as a SIFI should be
whether it could be resolved in a bankruptcy process without systemic impact. Provided we have sufficient information to evaluate
the resolvability, it is likely that relatively few non-bank financial
companies will ultimately be designated as SIFIs and subject to the
heightened supervisory requirements. But we do need the information to make that determination.
The orderly liquidation authority has been called a bailout mechanism by some and a fire sale by others, but neither is true. Instead, it is, I believe, a highly effective resolution framework that
greatly enhances our ability to provide continuity and minimize
losses and financial institution failures.
Excess leverage is a problem that extends beyond the purview of
financial regulators to a broader range of economic policies that encourage the use of debt as opposed to equity, and this is where I
hope the Members of the Senate Banking Committee can perhaps
play a leadership role in promoting economic policies, including tax
measures and fiscal reforms that can reduce or eliminate incentives
for excess leverage in our financial system and our economy.
There are two additional risk management issues that I feel
should be high priorities for the new Financial Stability Oversight
Council under its mandate to identify and address emerging risks
to financial stability. First, mortgage servicing deficiencies remain
a serious area of concern. Although the FDIC does not supervise
the largest loan servicers, over 4 years ago, we began identifying
and trying to address these problems using the authorities at our
disposal. Problems in mortgage servicing are yet another result of

the misaligned incentives in the mortgage process, where fixed
compensation provides few incentives to implement the more costly, labor intensive servicing techniques that are necessary to deal
with high volumes of problem loans. Not only do these problems
represent significant operational, reputational, and litigation risks
to mortgage servicers, which we insure, they are also holding back
the recovery of U.S. housing markets. The FSOC needs to consider
the full range of potential exposure to this problem and the related
impact on the industry and the real economy.
We also believe the FSOC needs to actively monitor interest rate
risk, or the vulnerability of borrowers and financial institutions to
sudden volatile spikes in interest rates. Borrowers and depository
institutions may be subject to sudden increases in interest costs
when interest rates riseand they will inevitably rise. This issue
takes on particular urgency now in light of the current low level
of interest rates and rapid growth in U.S. Federal debt. Developing
policies that clearly demonstrate the sustainability of the U.S. fiscal situation will be of utmost importance in maintaining investor
confidence and ensuring a smooth transition to higher interest
rates in coming years.
Thank you again for the opportunity to testify about these critically important issues. I would, of course, be pleased to answer
your questions.
Chairman JOHNSON. Thank you, Chairman Bair.
Because our Republican colleagues need to leave shortly, I ask
that the remaining witnesses testimony be submitted for the
record. We will now move directly to questions.
Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Shelby, and Members of the Committee, I appreciate the opportunity to provide an update on the OCCs
work to implement the Dodd-Frank Act provisions related to monitoring
systemic risk and promoting financial stability, and our perspectives on the
functions and operations of the Financial Stability Oversight Council, or
The Dodd-Frank Act includes several provisions to address systemic issues
that played a role in the financial crisis. These include constraining excessive risk taking, instituting stronger capital requirements and more robust
stress-testing requirements, and bridging regulatory gaps. The OCC is
among the financial regulators that have rulewriting authority for many of
these provisions, and my testimony describes our progress in these areas.
One of the key provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act created the Financial Stability Oversight Council, which brings together the views, perspectives, and
expertise of the financial regulatory agencies and others to identify, monitor, and respond to systemic risk.
FSOC has three major objectives: to identify risks to the financial stability
of the United States; to promote market discipline, and to respond to
emerging threats to the stability of the U.S. financial system.
In some cases, the Council has direct responsibility to make decisions and
take actions. This includes designating certain non-bank financial companies to be supervised by the Federal Reserve and subject to heightened prudential standards should the Council determine that material financial distress at such companies would pose a threat to the financial stability of the
United States. In other areas, the Councils role is more of an advisory body
to the primary financial regulators, such as conducting studies and making
recommendations to inform future agency rulemakings.

The varied roles and responsibilities that Congress assigned to the Council
appropriately balance and reflect the desire to enhance regulatory coordination for systemically important firms and activities, while preserving and
respecting the independent authorities and accountability of primary supervisors.
As detailed in my written statement, FSOC has taken action on a number
of items, including the publication of two required studies and proposed
rulemakings on the designation of systemically important non-bank financial firms and financial market utilities.
The Council and its committees are also making strides in providing a more
systematic and structured framework for identifying, monitoring, and deliberating potential systemic risks to the financial stability of the United
States. Briefings and discussions on potential risks and the implications of
current market developments on financial stability are a key part of the
closed deliberations of each Council meeting.
While I believe FSOC enhances the agencies collective ability to identify
and respond to emerging systemic risks, I would offer two cautionary notes.
First, I believe the Councils success ultimately will depend on the willingness and ability of its members and staff to engage in frank and candid discussions about emerging risks, issues, and institutions. These discussions
are not always pleasant as they can challenge ones longstanding views or
ways of approaching a problem. But being able to voice dissenting views or
assessments will be critical in ensuring that we are seeing and considering
the full scope of issues.
In addition, these discussions often will involve information or findings that
require further verification or that are extremely sensitive to the operation
of either an individual firm or an entire market segment. In some cases,
the discussions, if misconstrued, could undermine public and investor confidence and create or exacerbate problems in the financial system. As a result, I believe that it is critical that these types of deliberationsboth at
the Council and staff levelbe conducted in a manner that assures their
confidential nature.
Second, even with fullest deliberations and best data, there will continue
to be unforeseen events that pose substantial risks to the system, markets,
or groups of institutions. We should not expect FSOC to prevent such occurrences. FSOC will, however, provide a mechanism to communicate, coordinate, and respond to such events to help contain and limit their impact.
The issues that the Council will confront in carrying out these duties are,
by their nature, complex and far-reaching in terms of their potential effects
on our financial markets and economy. Developing appropriate and measured responses to these issues will require thoughtful deliberation and debate among the member agencies. The OCC is committed to providing its
expertise and perspectives and in helping FSOC achieve its mission.
Thank you, and Ill be happy to respond to your questions.

Chairman JOHNSON. Senator Shelby.

Senator SHELBY. Mr. Chairman, thank you for yielding to us. We
are all, as you know, going down to the White House to meet with
the President. I yield my time to Senator Toomey.
Senator TOOMEY. Senator Shelby, thank you very much. I appreciate that as well as all of your cooperation in this process and in
many other matters. Thank you.
Mr. Chairman, thank you very much for holding this hearing. I
think it is a very important topic and I appreciate your doing this,
and to all the witnesses, I know how busy you are and I am grateful that you are here once again to answer our questions.
I would like to zero in, if I could, on the process by which the
Council will be designating non-bank financial institutions as
SIFIs. I think this is a very, very important issue, and I will confess up front, I am hoping that this Council will cast the narrow
net rather than a very broad net, and I think it is vitally important

that we have a well defined and very objective process by which we
make these designations.
The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that came out in January, I
would suggest, lacked the necessary specificity that we need to understand how this process is going to unfold. As I think everybody
knows, it essentially restated the statute and did not provide the
kind of guidance on how the statute will be applied.
Now, I think several of you, maybe all of you, have acknowledged
in your written testimony the intent to provide additional guidance,
and I appreciate that. But I feel very strongly that the form that
that additional guidance takes really needs to be a new proposed
rule, and that new proposed rule needs to have a comment period,
and that comment period needs to be at least 60 days because we
just have not had a chance for anybody to evaluate how this is
going to be applied.
So I would appreciate it if each of you would confirm that it is
your intent to issue a new proposed rule and to provide such a comment period.
Mr. WOLIN. Senator, as our written testimonies have indicated,
we will be issuing additional guidance. It will be in the form of
some public rulemaking and we will be seeking public comment. I
think the Council has not yet landed on precisely how the rule will
be styled and exactly what the length of the comment period will
be. Obviously, we want to make sure that we get sufficient public
input, as we think we have already given a few opportunities for
public input. I think as we provide further clarification as to how
this process will unfold, we will want to make sure we provide adequate opportunity for people to react and provide their views.
Senator TOOMEY. If I could, just very briefly, I appreciate that.
I just would like to underscore there has been really no opportunity
to respond yet on how the statute will be applied, and so the Presidents Executive Order called for all agencies to, as a general matter, provide 60 days. I really think that is a minimum that is necessary, but I am sorry. I am interrupting.
Mr. BERNANKE. Senator, I think more details are necessary. I
favor providing more information to the public and getting robust
input and comment.
I should say that while I think we can provide more information
in terms of the metrics and criteria, I do not think that we could
provide an exact formula that will apply mechanically without any
application of judgment. I think, ultimately, we are going to have
to look at a whole variety of issues which cannot always be put into
a numerical metric. That being said, I certainly agree with you that
we should get all the input we can from the public on this process.
Ms. BAIR. Yes, we support going out for comment again with
more detailed metrics, and the 60-day comment period is something we have tried to adhere to in our rulemaking for major
rulemakings. So, I think it is important to get public comment and
to provide more clarity and hard metrics.
That said, I would agree with Chairman Bernanke. I do not
think we can provide complete bright lines. There will need to be
some area for judgment. But clearly, we can do a better job than
we have done so far in getting more detailed metrics out.

Senator TOOMEY. And is it your view that the form that that
should take would be a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking?
Ms. BAIR. That is a good question, Senator. I would be fine with
that. I understand there may be a legal issue with the FSOCs ability to write rules with this kind of criteria versus guidance and I
would defer to the Treasury Legal Counsel on the format. If we
have legal authority to do it as a rule, I think that would be fine,
but I would defer to Treasury on that.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Senator, I agree with, really, everything that has
been said, and particularly with Chairman Bernanke about the
need to balance reliance on objective factors with the exercise of
reasonable judgment. But that said, I think more transparency and
more specificity about this process would be very valuable, and I
think a robust comment period will inform the process greatly, so
I would be very supportive of that.
Mr. GENSLER. Senator, just concurring, again, I think Chairman
Bernanke said it well. I think it is a mixture of judgment and
metrics. I think it would be good to put the metrics out to public
comment. We at the CFTC have generally used 60 days. I think
that is a good period of time. Whether it is guidance or an actual
rule, I really have not had an informed view on and largely have
to hear from Treasury as to thethe guidance, I think, works very
well, often, as well, as long as we get the public input.
Mr. WALSH. Well, going sixth, it would be hard to think of something new to say
Mr. WALSH.but certainly, going out again with greater detail
and greater clarity and seeking views and pursuing a process of review and comment, I think is entirely appropriate.
Senator TOOMEY. Let me just strongly urge that we go with a
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking as the mechanism by which we do
this and we have at least 60 days. I think this is very important.
I would also like to stress, I think we really have to have this
as objective as possible. The implications for a firm being designated are huge, as you know very, very well. It is really profound.
And so it is perfectly reasonable for firms to be able to expect to
be able to anticipate whether or not they will be brought in by virtue of these objective standards. So I would strongly urge you to
pursue that.
If I have time for one quick additional question, Mr. Chairman
Chairman JOHNSON. Yes.
Senator TOOMEY. Thank you very much. I would like to touch on
specifically the question of mutual funds, and again, I will say that
by their very nature, their inherent characteristics, I think as a
general matter, it is very unlikely that mutual funds are systemically significant to the degree that would justify this designation.
I understand certain issues surrounding money market funds that
occurred during the crisis are very important, but I also know that
the SEC has taken significant steps to address some of these in the
rules of last year, in a new set of rules or regulations that are
being contemplated now that deal with issues like liquidity and reserves.

So my question is, are money market funds currently under consideration for this designation, and if so, why? Mr. Wolin?
Mr. WOLIN. Senator, I think it is premature for me to be able to
answer that question. The deputies of the FSOC have been putting
together some preparatory material. I think as we just confirmed
to you, we are planning on putting out additional guidance for the
public to comment, and until we do that and get the responses from
the public and until the FSOC principals have an opportunity to
have these kinds of conversations, I think it is hard to know what
the right answer to that question is. We will move forward, obviously, with the publics input and with the transparency that the
FSOC has been providing to date.
Senator TOOMEY. Would anybody else like to comment?
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Senator, I would just add that I think the SIFI
determination is really an institution-by-institution designation
and not an entire sector. So under any circumstances, I think we
would have to look at individual entities. And we held a one-day
roundtable this week exploring the systemic risk issues that are
implicated with respect to money market funds and how they invest, and I think that will inform us at the SEC as we go forward
in making determinations about what further efforts we might
make specifically with regard to the regulation of money market
funds. Also, all FSOC members were represented at that roundtable and were able to participate in a very robust discussion directly with the mutual fund industry as well as with European regulators. So I think we will be well informed when we get to the
process of thinking about institution-by-institution designation in
the money market fund or mutual fund area.
Senator TOOMEY. I see my time has long since expired, so I
thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman JOHNSON. Thank you, Senator Toomey.
Secretary Wolin, Chairman Bernanke, and Chairman Bair, Titles
I and II are important cornerstones of the Dodd-Frank Act, yet the
House Republican budget proposal includes the repeal of Title II.
In addition, other legislation has been introduced in both Houses
to repeal the entire Dodd-Frank Act. What do you think of these
repeal efforts? Should we go back to the system of regulation that
existed before the financial crisis?
Mr. WOLIN. Mr. Chairman, as I said in my opening comments,
I think that there is no alternative but to move forward with the
Dodd-Frank statute as enacted. The idea that taxpayers would continue to be on the hook in these moments of stress is one that is
unacceptable and I think the statute clearly puts an end to. We
think it is critical that in the areas that you discussed in your
opening statement, orderly liquidation authority and the resolution
plans that need to be put forward to both the Fed and to the FDIC,
that these are critical elements of making sure that we end too big
to fail and that we make certain that taxpayers are no longer on
the hook.
Chairman JOHNSON. Chairman Bernanke?
Mr. BERNANKE. Mr. Chairman, it was clear that the regulatory
system that was existing during the crisis was insufficient. There
has been a long and thoughtful process about how to reform financial regulation. I would reiterate what Mr. Wolin said about the

importance of addressing too big to fail. Chairman Bair also mentioned this. The new legislation addresses this on a number of levels, including enhanced oversights, tougher capital liquidity requirements, and the resolution regime, which is also very important. Just getting rid of too big to fail would be a very important
More generally, the philosophy of Dodd-Frank, which is to encourage a systemic or macro prudential approach to regulation
where broad systemic risks are taken into account as well as individual firm or market risks, I think is a very important step and
one that is being adopted globally as well as by the United States.
Chairman JOHNSON. Chairman Bair?
Ms. BAIR. Yes. I think it would be very harmful to repeal it.
There is a lot of work going on now that is moving toward ending
too big to fail. The tools are there. The implementation capability
is there. I would not want that work to be diverted. I think repealing and trying to revert back to a bankruptcy process, we know
bankruptcy does not work, and so that will be an open invitation
to more bailouts if there is no alterative to that.
So we are working very hard to implement this authority, to convince the market that it can and will be used. There were some
very highly important and constructive improvements sponsored by
Senators Dodd and Shelby during consideration of the Dodd-Frank
Act that passed overwhelminglyI think the vote was 93 in
favorthat put in additional important safeguards, like the
clawback authority. So I do think it is a very good provision and
one that we are taking very seriously to implement and I hope will
be getting bipartisan support to continue that process.
Chairman JOHNSON. According to Chairman Angelides of the
FCIC, who testified before the Committee on Tuesday, as well as
others, the fear of the Federal bank regulators to address the significant consumer protection issues contributed to the financial crisis. Secretary Wolin and Chairman Bair, would you please discuss
why we need an independent consumer protection agency and how
this new agency can identify and mitigate systemic risks.
Mr. WOLIN. Mr. Chairman, I think that it is clear that failures
of consumer protection were very much at the core of what caused
the financial crisis we have just been through. The Federal Government was not well equipped to make sure that consumer protection
issues were handled well. The responsibility for consumer protection was spread out across a wide range of agencies in the Federal
Government. It is absolutely critical, in our view, that there is an
agency that focuses very intensely on consumer protection issues.
We need to ensure that consumers have the information they need
to make responsible choices, to make sure that the kinds of judgmentswhich contributed in the individual and certainly in the aggregate so mightily to our financial stressare looked after.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau implementation team
is off to a very strong start. They are making sure that they put
together a set of rules, efficient but nonetheless clear, that consumers can use to make sure they understand the implications of
their judgmentsto make sure that those rules are adhered to
across the financial system, not just amongst banks, but also
amongst the non-bank parts of the financial system, which have

heretofore not been something that the Federal Government has
had authority to focus on.
Chairman JOHNSON. Chairman Bair?
Ms. BAIR. Yes, I think the regulatory arbitrage for consumer protections was a very profound problem leading up to the crisis. We
had a Community Banking Advisory Committee meeting yesterday.
We have a number of community banks on our Advisory Committee
that are mortgage originators and in the years leading up to the
crisis, as the craziness continued, they lost significant market
share to essentially completely unregulated third-party mortgage
originators that had not much in the way of consumer protection
requirements. So I think these are good lenders and people who
want to do the right thing for their customer and they are regaining market share again in this area.
But as we get farther and farther away from the crisis, a lot of
this could startup again and I think we really do need an agency
to provide good, strong, common sense standards across the board.
I think it will be good for consumers and I think it will also be good
for more heavily regulated sectors and for the good players in the
industry who are trying to do the right thing.
That said, I think it is important for there to be a market approach to consumer regulation, and the focus is, as I think the current leadership has indicated, on having simpler disclosures and
better information to consumers so they can make their own decisions. That is really what we need, and I think that will be a very
important value added from the consumer agency.
Chairman JOHNSON. Senator Brown.
Senator BROWN. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate that.
I have questions for the panel concerning the SIFIs, but I am
going to say a couple of things first. Before any institution will be
subject to stronger examination and rules for capital risk, it must
first be designated as a SIFI, and the Council will soon be missing
five full-time members, and I am sorry our colleagues are not here
to hear this because I do want to speak pretty bluntly about this.
The five are the heads of the FDIC, the CFPB, OCC, FHFA, and
the insurance representative, and that will undoubtedly make it
harder to designate new companies as systemically important. We
need strong nominees who will not be afraid to take bold steps to
prevent a new financial crisis.
But if qualified nominees for these important positions are
blocked, it will increase the likelihood we have another AIG or Lehman Brothers. I would urge everyone on the Committee to remember what happened to the financial system and the economy 3
years ago and that this is serious business and should not be so
politicized that they block nominee after nominee after nominee. I
think we allI am sure people on the panel agree with that. I am,
again, sorry my colleagues are not here to at least discuss this and
think clearly through what actually can happen.
My question for Deputy Secretary Wolin is about the financial
crisis. It was in large part precipitated by shadow banking complex
activities initiated by Wall Street firms that typically fell outside
the scope of regulation. The designation of systemically important
financial institutions is supposed to address this problem.

I want to agree with Senator Toomeys comments and his questions to each of you that the Council-proposed rule seems like a reflection, not an elaboration or road map to determine what is systemically important. It is not clear to me, and I guess from the answers to his questions, from you, at what point a large, highly leveraged hedge fund becomes systemically important. It is impossible to know whether heavily regulated Main Street property and
casualty insurers would be systemically important.
And my question, Mr. Secretary, is do you believe that mutual
companies engaging in personal lines of insurance, do you think
they pose a threat to the financial stability of our economy? Should
they be categorized as systemically important?
Mr. WOLIN. Senator, thank you for that question. We are amidst
a process under which we are going to provide further elaboration.
I think it is, again, premature for me to make judgments about
who is in and who is out. It is a firm-specific kind of consideration,
as Chairman Schapiro mentioned. The statute obviously lays out
the factors that are relevant.
The Council will put out additional guidance and clarification
about how we think about those various factors. Firms, in the first
instance, will make judgments about whether they think they are
of sufficient size, sufficient interconnectedness, sufficient leverage,
and so forth. I think until that process reaches a further level of
maturity, until the members of the Council have an opportunity to
have conversations about how to think about those criteria, I am
not in a position to rule any particular firm in or out.
Firms can make judgments based on whether they have those
kinds of attributes or not based on the additional guidance that we
give, and we will be giving firms an opportunity to be heard on
these questions. That is in the statute. We have laid out in our own
rulemakings what the process will be. Even before there is a proposal for a designation, they will have an opportunity to come to
the FSOC and lay out what they think about the application of
these factors to their particular circumstance. So there will be a
long process in which individual firms have a very substantial opportunity to be heard and their views be considered before any designations are made.
Senator BROWN. Thank you, and thank you, Mr. Chairman. I just
wanted to say to Chairman Bair, thank you for your service the
last half-decade. You have served your country well and you have
been very helpful to so many of us. Thank you.
Chairman JOHNSON. Senator Bennet.
Senator BENNET. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you very
much for holding this hearing. Thank you to all of you for everything you are doing to try to implement this bill so that we do not
have the kind of systemic risk we faced on the front end of the crisis, and I think the oversight of this Committee is a very important
part of this.
And it is in that spirit I wanted to ask Secretary Wolin and
Chairman Bernanke whether, in your analysis of what we are facing in the economy right now, that there is anything that would
create more systemic risk to our economy than the U.S. Congress
failing to raise the debt ceiling of the United States.

Mr. WOLIN. Well, Senator Bennet, I think it is absolutely unthinkable that we would not raise the debt ceiling in order to make
good on obligations that Congresses and Presidents in the past
have made. Secretary Geithner has spoken many times publicly
about the wide range of catastrophic implications to failing to raise
the debt limit as necessary with respect to, first of all, losing this
great national asset that we have, which is that the full faith and
credit of the United States has been considered sacred. The real
implications with respect to funding rates and interest rates, that
will affect not just the U.S. Government, ironically, which has its
own set of fiscal implications, but also individuals
Senator BENNET. Let me just stop you there for 1 second. Has
its own set of fiscal implications in the sense that it would actually
make our fiscal condition worse rather than better?
Mr. WOLIN. It would, Senator, because it would require us to
spend more money to finance the deficit that has already built up.
If the interest rates go up, our funding rates go up.
Senator BENNET. And you were headedI interrupted you, but
where you were headed was what the implications were for people
living in places like Colorado, so
Mr. WOLIN. Right. So every American, whether they are buying
a house or buying a car or just paying off their credit card bills will
have to experience higher interest rates, which will have very real
effects on their pocketbooks. But I think more broadly, the effects
on wealth and so forth, peoples balances in their mutual fund accounts and so forth, all will be put in jeopardy in ways that are
unthinkable. The implications are enormous. It is something that
we think of as enormous risk.
We have said and we believe that, as has been the case in the
past, Congress will increase the debt limit. It is absolutely critical
that that happen and that we work through the broader set of fiscal issues, which are obviously enormously important and ones that
the President has been very clear need to be addressed, but that
we not hold the debt limit as hostage to those critically important
Senator BENNET. Mr. Chairman?
Mr. BERNANKE. Senator, first, let me say that this is in the context of a broader discussion about fiscal sustainability and fiscal
discipline, and I fully support all the efforts of the Congressand
I know they are very difficult challengesto bring the long-term
fiscal situation into something closer to balance. So in no way do
I disagree with those objectives.
That being said, I think using the debt limit as a bargaining chip
is quite risky. We do not know exactly what would happen if the
debt limit was not approved. There are certainly significant operational problems, legal problems associated with making sure that
the debt is paid. Even if the debt is paid, there is the issue of market confidence and how the market will respond to the risk of default or even the default on non-debt obligations. So I think it is
a risky approach, not to raise the debt limit at a reasonable time.
Again, the costs. At minimum, the costs would be an increase in
interest rates, which would actually worsen our deficit and would
hurt all borrowers in the economy, including mortgage borrowers
and the like. The worst outcome would be one in which the finan-

cial system was again destabilized, as we saw following Lehman,
which, of course, would have extremely dire consequences for the
U.S. economy.
Senator BENNET. Well, I share, obviously, your concern about the
fiscal conditions, as well, and I believe that we are going to be able
to have a constructive conversation about it.
One thing I would like to say, or ask you, Secretary Wolin,
maybe in particular, is the longer this goes on the debt ceiling, is
there not risk that the markets will react even before the August
date that Secretary Geithner has given us to get this done? Or is
there risk?
Mr. WOLIN. Senator, we have not seen it to date, but there is
that risk if we get too close and the markets do not see a credible
way through this, yes.
Senator BENNET. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman JOHNSON. Senator Reed.
Senator REED. Thank you very, very much, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
Chairman Bair, let me join my colleagues and thank you for your
extraordinary service and wish you well. Your testimony reflects on
one of the most pressing economic problems we have throughout
the country, and that is the housing crisis. We have taken extraordinary measures to assist the financial sector. We have taken very
few effective measures to assist homeowners. Twenty-eight percent
of homeowners in the United States are underwater today. That is
probably the biggest, in my view, drag on the economic expansion
and recovery we face, yet the most recent attempt by the regulators
to provide some clarity in my view is woefully inadequate. I wonder
if you might comment on that and what we have to do to be as fair
to homeowners as we have been to the financial industry.
Ms. BAIR. Well, I do think the regulatory orders are just one
step, and the examinations were focused on process issues. They
did not really get into broader issues of whether loan modifications
were appropriately evaluated and approved or denied.
We have done some broader analysis of banks that service loans
under loss share agreements and have found not insignificant error
rates in making a net present value determination about whether
the borrower should qualify for a mortgage modification.
So, we think in the next phase of thisthe third-party lookback
that the orders requireit is very important that they view 100
percent of consumer complaints and certainly 100 percent of modification denials, because we are seeing that there are, again, a not
insignificant number of errors in these calculations based on the
sampling we have done with our loss share acquirers.
I think more broadly we need to be thinking about simplifying
the servicing process, the modification process, as well as the relocation process for borrowers who are not going to make it, and
there are some out there.
We have also been exploring ways to provide relocation assistance as an incentive when there is not the possibility of a loan
modification for the borrower because they simply do not have the
income to make an economically viable restructuring. We think
that will save us money because the foreclosure process is so
backed up now, and this is one of the reasons the housing market

is not clearing, and it cannot recover until it clears. The short sales
or relocation assistance can shorten the time that it takes to get
the property back on the market, and that also can mitigate losses,
which we see is in our financial interest to do.
So, yes, I think there needs to be much more aggressive action
in terms of looking back for the borrowers that have already been
harmed. Looking forward, we need more streamlined processes. We
need single points of contact to make sure there is one person,
which would be an important quality control on servicing to make
sure that the borrower is appropriately dealt with and loss mitigation and loan restructuring efforts occur where they should. So I
think that is positive. But there is just a lot more work to be done,
and the market is not going to clear until we get this fixed.
Senator REED. You know, what you have saidand I agree with
ithas been said repeatedly for the last 2 years, and yet all of you
collectively as the Federal regulators had the chance to make these
things happen. And essentially what I think you chose to do was
to just kick the can down the road a bit further, let the banks appoint an independent evaluator to go in and look again.
Can I ask you, what is the definition of independent? Would
this be someone who has never done any business with the bank
before? Is this a division of a company that has big contracts with
all these banks and would be independent in the sense that the
rating agencies were independent?
Ms. BAIR. Well, we are not the primary regulator of any of the
major servicers, so the representatives of the primary regulators
might want to respond to that.
We do have one bank that originates loans for a servicer who has
problems, and we put an order on that bankto tell the bank that
the servicer for them needed to take some significant remedial
steps. Our view is that the third party does need to be independent, and there also needs to be some validation process done
independently by the regulators.
Senator REED. But from your participation, there is no definition
of independence?
Ms. BAIR. Again, I would defer to Mr. Walsh and Mr. Bernanke,
if they want to share thoughts on that, because they are the primary regulators of these servicers. But I agree with you. I think
there are a lot of professional banking consultants out there that
may be independent in the sense that they do not work for the
bank, but they may have other business with them or future business they would like to do with them. So I think this is a huge
issue, and there needs to be some validation process
Senator REED. Let me ask another question, and that is, you indicated that the loan modification process was explicitly excluded
from this review. Is that correct?
Ms. BAIR. This review was focused on mortgage document processing.
Senator REED. Again, 2 years of struggling through this, multiple
times we have attempted to fix it. The problem is foreclosure and
modification together, not one or the other. And this to me is just
a way of defining away the problem. And, frankly, it is very disappointing.

My time has expired. If there is an opportunity again, I will raise
this with the primary regulators. But, frankly, one of the reasons
I raised it with you is that I think you have been very forthright,
and the FDIC going back to 2007 has been effective, where the
other agencies have been more apologetic than effective.
Thank you.
Chairman JOHNSON. Senator Schumer.
Senator SCHUMER. Well, thank you, Mr. Chairman.
First, Chairman Bernanke, I have a couple of statements that
were recently made by the Speaker of the House, John Boehner,
and I would like to ask you about them. The first is he said, We
are calling for an end to the Government spending binge that is
crowding out private investment and threatening the availability of
capital needed for job creation.
Now, several economists have refuted the notion that given particularly now with our current slack in the economy and corporate
America having lots of money and still being reluctant to invest it
for other reasons, so they have disputed the notion that we are
crowding out private investment with Government spending.
Do you agree with Speaker Boehners statement that Government spending is at this time crowding out private investment?
Mr. BERNANKE. Well, in the near term, I do not think that there
is a lot of crowding out. As you point out, interest rates are quite
low. There is a lot of excess resources available for firms that need
to hire additional workers.
That being said, if we do not address the fiscal trajectory we are
on, we are going to be facing increasingly severe crowding out problems and perhaps financial stability problems in the future.
Senator SCHUMER. But it is not occurring now?
Mr. BERNANKE. Not to a substantial extent. I do think that if we
had a long-term plan to reduce our long-term fiscal deficit, it might
help to lower interest rates and increase confidence today. But
under conventional definitions of crowding out in terms of credit
markets and labor markets, we are not seeing too much of that.
Senator SCHUMER. Thank you.
The second statement is the inverse of that. Speaker Boehner
said, The recent stimulus spending binge hurt our economy and
hampered private sector job creation in America.
CBOs own analysis seemed to contradict that statement. Do you
agree with Speaker Boehners statement that the stimulus spending hurt our economy and hampered private sector job creation in
Mr. BERNANKE. Well, again, I would distinguish, Senator, between the short run and the long run.
Senator SCHUMER. Now we are just talking about the stimulus.
Mr. BERNANKE. We have a very significant long-run problem, and
to the extent that we are pushing our debt situation further and
further into the red, we are taking greater risks.
That being said, I have cited the CBO analysis in the past as
being a reasonable analysis of
Senator SCHUMER. Do you disagree with Speaker Boehners view
that the stimulus, the stimulus we passed last year, hurt our economy and particularly hampered private sector job creation?

Mr. BERNANKE. My best guess is that the stimulus increased employment.
Senator SCHUMER. Thank you. I am glad you disagree.
Next question. This is also for you. This one is not the same type
of question.
Senator SCHUMER. The Fed, along with other prudent regulators
and the CFTC, issued proposed rules relating to when counterparties in derivative transactions are required to post margin, that is,
put up cash as security for their obligations. As you know, I had
spoken to you about this shortly after the rules were announced,
and several members of the New York delegation sent you a letter
on this.
I am concerned with the part of the proposalwe all are in the
New York delegationthat would apply only to U.S. firms and
would result in them facing competitive disadvantages vis-a-vis
international competitors.
Here is the basic issue as reported last week in the Financial
Times: If a German car manufacturer were to do an interest rate
swap with a U.S. banks London arm, it would have to cough up
margin; but if the German car maker did a swap with a British
bank, it would not have to. That is the Financial Times summation
of this.
So do you agree that this might cause U.S. firms to be at a competitive disadvantage?
Mr. BERNANKE. Yes, I do agree. In transactions with U.S. customers, both foreign and domestic banks have the same rules. In
transactions with foreign customers, we have put out margin and
capital rules, which have a good purpose, which is increase the
safety of our financial system.
Currently, under the Basel agreement, similar capital rules will
probably be in effect for foreign banks, but at this point they have
not yet done the margin
Senator SCHUMER. So that leads to my last question with the
Chairmans indulgence, since I have 16 seconds left. What is Treasury doing, Secretary Wolin, to ensure that European regulators
adopt the same or very similar rules? And would we go forward
and enact our rules before they did if it put our U.S. firms at a disadvantage? Because, obviously, I would like to see American institutions do as much foreign business as possible. It creates jobs in
New York.
Mr. WOLIN. Senator Schumer, we are working very hard with the
Europeans in Brussels and also in individual European capitals to
make sure that we have absolutely as much as possible a level
playing field. I think we are making good progress on that, but we
will have to stay vigilant.
On the question of whether we would put forward rules, I would
obviously defer to the Chairman and to the market regulators as
to how they would move forward. But I think it is, of course, important, as we have said repeatedly, to have essentially level playing
fields so as not to disadvantage U.S. businesses where that is
Senator SCHUMER. I assume you are urging the regulators to do
just that right here.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman JOHNSON. Senator Merkley.
Senator MERKLEY. Thank you very much, Mr. Chair, and thank
you all for your testimony.
I was just downstairs in the gathering of the HELP Committee
in a hearing that was wrestling with the impact on the middle
class over the last 30 years and essentially the hollowing out of the
middle class in America. And I think there is a chart that captures
much of the concern. It is a chart that shows how middle-class
wages rose with the productivity of the country over the 30 years
following World War II, but starting in roughly 1975, 1974, for the
next 30 years enormous divergence in which middle-class working
wages, inflation adjusted, stayed flat. But we had a tremendous increase in the wealth of the country and the productivity of the
country, but working families did not share in that. And it really
raises the question of what kind of a country do we want. Do we
want a country where families participate in the wealth of this Nation, where they are able to send their children to college, plan for
their retirement, own a home, be part of an ownership society, or
one in which essentially fewer and fewer families are in a position
to access those fundamental instruments related to quality of life?
And it is discouraging to see that path over this last 30 years.
In some ways many of the issues that we dealt with in DoddFrank Act are related. We have seen basically a doubling of the national debt under the Bush administration and then a tripling of
the national debt as a result of the house of cards that was built
in the mortgage deregulation by the Bush administration. And now
we are seeing the recommendations from the House that say, OK,
well, let us dismantle what is left of the programs to provide support for families as a consequence of the debt, even though the debt
was created by strategies that were not designed to support the
middle class to begin with. The entire picture troubles me.
There is a link between this and the Financial Stability Oversight Council and a couple issues that trouble people in our working communities. One is the ongoing foreclosure crisis, and certainly that is related to financial stability. Another is the speculation driving up the cost of petroleum. And I do not know if you
have all addressed either of these, but if you have, feel free to be
short. But these are kind of nitty-gritty, on-the-ground economic
issues that may not have to do with whether the financial system
as a whole collapses, but it is certainly related to the performance
of the financial system as it affects families.
So with the anticipated additional wave of foreclosures, almost 5
million on the horizon, the impact of that on the construction industry, which affects almost every aspect of my State economy, and
the rising cost of oil, have these been topics that have been wrestled with the Financial Stability Oversight Council? Should they
be? And I will just open it up to whoever would care to comment?
Mr. BERNANKE. Senator, first, you talk about a number of broad
macro issues, and I cannot do justice to them, but I would just note
that the Federal Reserve in its monetary policy is trying to address
unemployment, which, of course, is a major source of foreclosures,
as well as mortgage interest rates and other factors affecting the
foreclosure crisis. So we are addressing it in that respect.

Attempting to address the foreclosure crisis directly, you know,
there has been a lot of effort and so far only modest success. It has
proven very difficult to find solutions in many cases. In other cases,
the process has not, you know, been adequate in the case of banks,
and we have already discussed here a bit the recent review of servicing practices. The Federal Reserve and the OCC, with the support of the FDIC, have reviewed those practices. We have issued
cease-and-desist orders to try to stop bad practices and to try to require banks to go back and discover who was harmed and to help
offset those problems where possible. Going forward, we expect to
assess civil money penalties as well.
But you are right that this remains a very, very difficult problem, and at some level it is a problem of regulation and a problem
of bank operation. But at some level it is also a macroeconomic
problem, and that needs to be addressed in terms of global and national employment and economic conditions.
Senator MERKLEY. Anyone else care to comment on this?
Mr. GENSLER. Well, I just thought I would say the Financial Stability Oversight Council has not talked about some of these matters, about the rising commodity prices, as a council. It may have
at staff levels. I think the Dodd-Frank Act has a number of features that helps market regulators like the CFTC have broader
oversight that the markets work better for the American public. We
are not a price setter, and that is not what Congress or the American public is asking the market regulator to be. But the DoddFrank Act gave us broader authority to see the whole market, the
whole derivatives market, swaps, stronger anti-manipulation authority in our case, more similar to the SECs, to actually bring in
some of the foreign boards of trade, some foreign exchanges, and
also to move forward with what I think Congress said with regard
to limiting some of the size of the speculators positions in these
So we have put proposals out on all of these matters consistent
with congressional intent, and we look forward to public comment
and trying to finalize the rules.
Senator MERKLEY. Thank you.
Chairman JOHNSON. Senator Tester.
Senator TESTER. Yes, thank you, Chairman Johnson.
I appreciate all of you being here today. I want to talk about
debit interchange, of course. Chairman Bernanke, we were here in
February. We talked about the serious risk that the Durbin amendment would have on small community banks and credit unions because of the lack of ability to enforce the $10 billion and under exemption. You have gotten more information since then. Do you still
feel, with the information you have got on hand, that an exemption
can work?
Mr. BERNANKE. Well, to be honest with you, we were agnostic.
We still are not sure whether it will work. A number of the networks have expressed their interest or willingness to maintain a
tiered interchange fee system, but that is not required. There is no
law which says they have to do that.
A suggestion that we got was that we should ask or even require
the networks to make public what the interchange fees were that
they were charging, and that would be of at least some value in

terms of the transparency. But, again, there are market forces that
would work against the exemption.
Senator TESTER. OK. You have been in the business for a long
time, and you are a very intelligent guy. And I know we are in a
political process here, and I know you probably have been getting
a lot of pressure from people, or at least one person from the Senate. I am talking about rural America here. I am talking about
community banks and credit unions that if they go away, it is another nail in our coffin. It is really important. I think it is really
important. Is it going to work?
Mr. BERNANKE. I cannot say with certainty, but I think there is
good reason to be concerned about it.
Senator TESTER. Very good reason to be concerned about it. And
if it does not work, what are the impacts on rural America?
Mr. BERNANKE. Well, it is going to affect the revenues of the
small issuers, and it could result in some smaller banks being less
profitable or even failing.
Senator TESTER. OK. Thank you. Wouldnt it seem the prudent
thing to do to step back and get more information? Wouldnt you
agree the amendment was put in rather quickly?
Mr. BERNANKE. It was put in quickly, but I think I have to defer
to Congress on what kind of information you want to get. We have
done one review, and we have gotten 11,000 comments.
Senator TESTER. Can you make good decisions with bad information?
Senator TESTER. Can you?
Mr. BERNANKE. You cannot, of course, but
Senator TESTER. Can you make good decisions with little or no
Mr. BERNANKE. That is not a problem. We have plenty of information. We have received 11,000 comments, and we have done an
enormous amount of surveying of the industry and so on.
Senator TESTER. And you have been able to wade through those
Mr. BERNANKE. That is why we wrote to this Committee that we
were going to be late with our rule, but we are making considerable
progress, yes.
Senator TESTER. OK. Chairwoman Bair, before I get done, I want
to thank you for your service. I very, very much appreciate all the
work you have done. As Senator Brown said, you have been very
good at what you have done.
The same issue. From your vantage point, do you think it is possible to exempt community banks from the debit interchange?
Ms. BAIR. I think it is questionable. We had suggested that the
Fed perhaps could try to use the authority under Reg. E to require
that the networks accept two-tier pricing, and our lawyers probably
have different perspectives on that, and I think that is obviously
the Feds call because it is the Feds rule. So if their view is that
there is no legal authority to require that, I think it does become
even more problematic. And so I do think this is going to reduce
revenues at a number of smaller banks, and they will probably
have to pass that on to customers in terms of higher fees, primarily
for transaction accounts.

So I think that is going to happen, and, again, is that the right
result, the result Congress wanted? You need to determine that.
But I think that is what will happen.
Senator TESTER. Well, any impact on their safety and soundness?
Community banks I am talking about.
Ms. BAIR. In our initial analysis, it does not look like it would,
but it would clearly stress some institutions. Putting them to the
point of failure, no, we do not think that will happen, but clearly
it would stress some, and if there are other challenges that are confronting the community banking sector, it is probably something
they do not need to be dealing with right now.
Senator TESTER. OK. So you talked about you did not know if
this is what the impact that Congress would have. I trust that this
would potentially mean or probably mean or most certainly mean
higher fees in other areas for consumers?
Ms. BAIR. Yes, it would have to be passed on in other fees.
Senator TESTER. OK. Mr. Walsh, do you have anything you
would like to add to this issue?
Mr. WALSH. Only that we provided a comment letter that did not
address particularly this distinction. It dealt more with the flexibility the Fed has to set the overall interchange level. But we have
been doing a fair amount of outreach to community bankers, and
certainly it has been a key concern for them.
Senator TESTER. The impact on community banks, do you see it
very similar to the wayhow do you see it? I do not want to put
words in your mouth.
Mr. WALSH. Well, I would just say that to the extent that it
works out as is suggested where it cuts into revenue for community
banks, it is one more stress on them.
Senator TESTER. Right. Do you think an exemption can be implemented?
Mr. WALSH. I have not really studied the issue of whether that
can work.
Senator TESTER. OK.
Mr. WALSH. I would defer on that one.
Senator TESTER. All right. Thank you. Thank you all very much.
Chairman JOHNSON. Senator Warner.
Senator WARNER. Well, thank you, Mr. Chairman, and let me say
it is great to see you all again. Let me start by adding my comments to so many of my other colleagues in thanking Chairman
Bair for her, I think, extraordinary service and lots of help I know
personally to me and Senator Corker as we tried to navigate
through some of these issues.
I hope, Mr. Chairman, we are going to getsince we are down
to the few at this point, maybe we can get a second round of questions because I have got lots of things I would love to raise.
First of all, for Deputy Secretary Wolin, I continue to think the
jury is out on whether at least this members hope and aspiration
of what the FSOC would be will be accomplished. I think it is a
critically important early warning signal. One of the things that I
think will make the FSOC a more informed entity will be the active creation of the OFR, and I was wondering as my first question,
Do you have any sense of when we might actually get a nominee
for the OFR?

Mr. WOLIN. Senator Warner, we certainly hope soon. I expect,
you know, the President will make a nomination for that important
job soon. I want to assure you that in the meantime we are working with an awful lot of intensity and focus to stand up the OFR,
to make it the important addition to the landscape that it is beginning to be and that it will be.
We have made, I think, very good progress in hiring senior people. We have just now in the last few weeks brought on Dick
Berner, a very accomplished individual with lots of experience in
the markets and in risk, with impeccable credentials, to lead the
stand-up effort. We have hired a chief business officer, someone to
run the data center; a chief operating officer and a range of other
folks. They are, I think, together beginning the work with the other
members of the FSOC in evaluating risk and trying to work
through the kinds of debt issues that will be critical for the OFR
to work through in order to
Senator WARNER. I have got a lot of questions, but I would like
toagain, I appreciate that, but it has been 11 months. We need
a nominee.
I want to also re-echo what a numberSenator Toomey and Senator Brown mentioned as well in terms of the SIFI designation.
You know, we have got to give some more clarity here, the sooner
the better, and, you know, one of the notions, at least I personally
believe, is that if we give guidance to a firm in kind of a quasi-safe
harbor, if they can take actions to ensure they are not SIFI designated, I think that inures to the benefit of the system. That
means that, in fact, they will be managinglimiting their risk exposure so they do not get this designation. Again, I think that netnet helps us move along in this process, and I concur with Chairman Bernankes comments. This cannot be done with a strict kind
of simple metric of dollars a sense. There has got to be a subjective
judgment. But the sooner we can move this forward the better, and
the notion of some sense of a safe harbor, whether it is mutual insurance funds, some of the money market funds, I think is helpful.
I would put one other caveat here, that from some of our financial institutions that repeatedly would come and appeal to meand
perhaps Chairman Johnson remembers this as wellduring the
formation of Dodd-Frank, when they said, Please, please, do not
give us firm guidelines in the legislation. Leave it to the regulators. And now they are coming back and saying, Oh, my gosh,
the regulators have got so much to do. Hopefully those in the audience who were visiting my office when they were saying please
do not, Congress, legislate specifics, that you will recall that this
is some of what you asked for.
I would also urge thatagain, some of our colleagues were not
here, and I know one of my other colleagues asked, the point of
some of this kind of chipping-away effort, my sense is that there
is enormouswhile not complete agreement with what we have
done, but across the EU, across the UK, around the world, they are
glad we went first. And any effort to try to retract that would be,
I think, potentially devastating to international implementation.
And I wanted toI know my time is gone, but, Chairman
Bernanke, one of the things that you think about with the G20
and my fear is that as the crisis gets further away, this financial

harmonization issue kind of falls down the level a little bit. How
do we make sure that on Basel III we really do get there? How do
we make sure that as the UK and the EU look at kind of bailin options rather than some of the resolution activities we have
gottenmaybe Chairman Bair could address this as wellthat we
keep this international implementation and internationalperhaps
slightly different rules, but at least a unified approach on track?
Mr. BERNANKE. Well, that is a major priority of the whole process, and I think on the whole it has gone pretty well. People have
joined in in good faith to try to create a level playing field.
So while there are some international differences, at this point
I do not see very many. Senator Schumer talked about some aspects of margin requirements and things of that sort. But for banking in general, I do not see many irresolvable differences at this
Moreover, a very important part of this is ensuring that the rules
are both implemented in a consistent way across countries and enforced in a consistent way across countries. And part of what the
Basel Committee and the Financial Stability Board are doing is
trying to set up frameworks for looking at those things as well as
at the paper rules.
Senator WARNER. Do you orand my time has expired, but I will
stay around for a second round. Do you or Chairman Bair want to
comment about potential challenges on resolution, for example,
with the UKs bail-in?
Ms. BAIR. Well, I think there has been a lot of work. I think that
the international consensus is you do need special resolution regimes for large financial entities. No one is trying to use a bankruptcy process. It is just not suited for it. It should be used as
much as it can, but in some instances it is just not suited for it.
And I think the G20 over a year ago approved core principles for
resolution regimes. We each co-chaired the Cross-Border Resolution
Group at the Basel Committee and played a leading role in devising those. So, there is clearly progress moving forward, and I think
bail-in is another tool in the toolkit. I think we have agreement
with the UK on that. We think bail-in as one tool in the toolkit is
a good thing. They are not suggesting it can replace resolution regimes, because it cannot. You will always need that backstop, I
Also, bail-in as a post-resolution tool, in other words, converting
some of the unsecured debt into an equity investment in the new
institution, I think there is a lot of progress. Again, it is one of the
structures we might pursue in our resolution planning.
So I think there is a tremendous amount of progress. We have
entered bilateral agreements already with the UK, China, and
have a number in development with other European countries.
Alsothe EU is moving forward with development of special resolution regimes. So I think there is tremendous progress, both domestically and internationally, and I hope we can continue that forward progress. As I said before, there is good bipartisan political
support for it.
Chairman JOHNSON. At the suggestion of Senator Reed, we will
proceed with a brief second round.

For all the panelists, currently there are several vacancies at the
financial services regulatory agencies. This summer, there will be
several more vacancies. I am increasingly concerned about comments by some of my colleagues that any and every nominee will
be blocked. Not having strong individuals in place at the agencies
as we continue to implement Dodd-Frank seems to me to be detrimental to our fragile economic recovery and financial stability.
What do you believe is the impact of these vacancies?
Mr. WOLIN. Mr. Chairman, these are important roles, and it is
important to fill them. The President I think will be making nominations on these open positions soon, those that he has not already
made nominations for. I think that it is, of course, important to
have leaders in these seats.
Having said that, the work of these various agencies goes on, and
the FSOC has been off to a very strong start and has been very
effective in its early days and will continue to be so. But that is
not to suggest that it is not important to get folks in these various
Chairman JOHNSON. Chairman Bernanke.
Mr. BERNANKE. Mr. Chairman, while I do think the agencies are
continuing to do their work, the leadership does set direction and
tone, and I think it is important to have highly qualified people at
the heads of these agencies.
That being said, of course, the Senate has to do its duty of advise
and consent and ensuring that these are qualified people. But I
hope there will not be unnecessary delays and politically motivated
blockages that prevent those qualified people from undertaking
their duties.
Chairman JOHNSON. Chairman Bair.
Ms. BAIR. Yes, I think this is very important. At my own agency,
after I depart on July 8th, our OTS board member will be gone
July 21st, which is obviously the transfer date for the OTS. We
could rapidly go from five to three directors quickly and actually
down to two because one of our internal directors right now is on
holdover status and has other opportunities.
So I think that this is very important, and I think having a
Presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed nominee is very important. It is important for the Senate to have their say and their role
in the process. It is important for the President to have his prerogatives as the one who is constitutionally charged with nominations
and appointments.
So I do think, too, if members want independent thought at an
agency, it is important for that Presidential appointment and Senate confirmation process. I look back on my last 5 years and all the
tough decisions I had to make, and if I had been in an acting capacity, it would have been inhibiting to me in making some of the
tough decisions I had to do. So I hope the process can move forward.
Chairman JOHNSON. Chairman Schapiro.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I think, Mr. Chairman, for five-member commissions such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, it is really
critical that we have, and always maintain, our full complement of
Commissioners. I think it is particularly true right now given the
huge volume of work that the agency is facing, both with respect

to our law enforcement activity but most particularly with respect
to the rule-writing responsibilities that we have taken on under
We have no vacancies at the moment, although we do have one
Commissioner whose term expired a year ago and has been holding
over in that position.
Chairman JOHNSON. Chairman Gensler.
Mr. GENSLER. Like the Securities and Exchange Commission, we
are a five-person commission and we are fortunate to have five
very able and thoroughly engaged Commissioners, but we do have
a term that comes up. Commissioner Dunn, after serving two
terms, will be up in June, and yesterday, the President did forward, or at least announced that he is forwarding a nomination to
the Senate. So I was glad to see that and I would look forward to
maintaining a full CommissionI think it is very helpful to always
have five Commissioners who are actively and thoughtfully engaged.
Chairman JOHNSON. Comptroller Walsh?
Mr. WALSH. Well, as the one acting agency head here at the
table, I guess I would add the thought that Secretary Geithner invited me to do this job and certainly encouraged me to do the job
as if it was my job, but the fact is that I have said to him and said
repeatedly that I do think it is very important for independent supervisory agencies to have nominated and confirmed heads in
place. It is important for that independence and for the perception
of independence, and I think it is obviously the right way to proceed since that is the structure that exists. So I would join others
in support of that thought.
Chairman JOHNSON. Senator Merkley, do you have any follow-up
Senator MERKLEY. You bet. First, I want to join my colleagues
in thank you, Chairman Bair, for your hard work during an incredibly difficult time in Americas financial picture, so I wish you well
in the next chapter of your life and will continue to, I am sure,
many of us, look to your insights and advice.
One of the things I wanted to pursue, and Deputy Secretary
Wolin, I think it is probably appropriate to ask you about this, and
that is if we turn the clock back a year and a half, there was and
there continues to be a real challenge in terms of lending capacity
at a lot of our community banks and often our healthy community
banks. In wrestling with this and talking to many, many experts
and stakeholders, we have produced a plan called Small Business
Lending Fund which was to essentially counter the irrational fear
that had followed the irrational exuberance as that fear related to
capitalizing community banks. And that capitalization, as leveraged, could provide up to $300 billion in community bank lending.
That was something that was amended into the small business jobs
bill in a bipartisan fashion.
And I have banks coming to me now who are applying and saying there is no sign that Treasury is ever going to respond to our
applications. It just seems like the process is absolutely frozen.
What is wrong and how is Treasury going to fix it? This is an important issue to putting our economy back on track.

Mr. WOLIN. Thank you, Senator, for that question. The Small
Business Lending Fund is a critical element of getting credit flowing again to small businesses. We support it very strongly and are
spending a lot of energy implementing it. We have now received
lots of applications. I think you can expect that we will start making announcements very quickly in response to those applications.
Senator MERKLEY. That is great news, and I thank you, and I
will not have the same stream of folks coming and asking me what
is going wrong.
The second question I wanted to ask, and let me turn to Chair
Schapiro, is related to follow-up to the flash crash from a year ago.
The SEC, I believe, has had the ability to address greater audit
trail for about 20 years and the flash crash kind of put an exclamation point on the need to both develop a real-time audit trail
and to develop other issues related to preferential treatment for
high volume, high speed trading. Maybe you can update us on
where the SEC process is and your personal perspectives on how
important this is in terms of the confidence of small investors and
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I would be happy to, and let me start with the
last part first. I think it is absolutely essential to the confidence
of small investors that we have a market structure that is resilient
and capable and perceived by all market participants to be fair and
that is fair.
Coming off of May 6, we very quickly made a number of changes
to the market structure to deal specifically with the extraordinary
volatility we saw on that day. We instituted single stock circuit
breakers so that if the price of a stock moves more than 10 percent
in a five-minute period, trading is halted. It gives time for people
to catch their breath, contraside interest in trading the security to
come back into the marketplace.
We also eliminated the rules that would permit stub quotes,
those executions at one cent and $100,000 that we saw on that day.
The exchanges clarified the rules of the road for when they would
break trades that were clearly erroneous or were not valid trades
in the marketplace, because about 20,000 trades were broken on
that day in May last year.
And finally, we banned naked access to the market so that customers and broker-dealers orders must go through a risk management system and cannot directly enter the marketplace. So important things have been done.
Our next step with respect to May 6 is to move to a limit up,
limit down proposal, proffered by the exchanges, that would actually limit the ability to even put into the marketplace an order that
was out of a reasonably tight range around the current trading,
and I think that will be an important improvement, as well.
But we have broader issues that we are very focused on. Many
of them were raised in our concept release of about 14 months ago,
15 months ago, and they focused a lot on high-frequency trading
and the strategies that are used by algorithmic traders. We are
moving forward with that in pieces and hopefully will begin to take
some action in that area.
Two of the most important pieces are the consolidated audit trail
and the large trader reporting system that were specifically pro-

posed by the agency a year ago, or almost a year ago, and it is my
hope that those will come back to the Commission for final approval in the next couple of months. They are absolutely essential
to our ability to reconstruct trading after an eventful day like May
6, but also for us to be able to determine whether people are manipulating the markets or taking advantage of other market participants in any way. And so the consolidated audit trail, which
brings together the data from the many trading venues that exist
in the U.S. markets, is really a critical regulatory tool. It simply
has not been done and we are going to move ahead and try to get
it done in the next couple of months.
Senator MERKLEY. I appreciate that it remains something that
you are hard at work on, and thank you.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. I am absolutely committed to it.
Chairman JOHNSON. Senator Warner?
Senator WARNER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I want to pick up where Senator Merkley left off just as kind of
a quick comment. I appreciate the actions that the SEC has taken.
I still have some concerns that can you keep up with the technological challenges, collocation, the sniffing techniques, some of the
other technology aspects. And one of the things, Mr. Chairman, I
find a little curious is that there aresome of our colleagues on the
other side have attacked the new Consumer Bureau because of its
ability to have a funding source, and I think we all, as we were
trying to get this bill in place, wanted to make sure that the prudential supervisors were in at least parity if not a preeminent role
vis-a-vis the new consumer entity, and it is curious that one of the
ways you do that, particularly with the SEC, would have been to
make sure they had adequate funding so they could upgrade their
technology, so when they deal with flash crash technology challenges, when we are thinking about perhaps loading on a new challenge to the SEC in terms of reporting back as major publicly traded companies are subjects of cyber attacks, we keep layering on additional challenges, and if we are going to maintain that parity and
keep the prudential supervisor, I think, appropriately in the preeminent role, they have got to have the resources to do it.
And that brings me now to one of the areas that I want to ask
both Chairman Schapiro and Chairman Gensler on. We are seeing
as, I guess, normally through this process on some of the swap execution challenges the difference between the SECs approach to and
the notion that Chairman Gensler has of trying to, let us get five
quotes. I have gotI am not sure where this should all play out,
but I am anxious to see how we, between the two entities, have
that reconciliation and whether at some point, you know, is this
where we willultimately it will be bumped up to an FSOCrecognize you have got different markets, but at some point having
some type of clarity and will this ultimately end up at the FSOC,
on swap execution facilities.
Ms. SCHAPIRO. Let me begin and then I will turn it over to Gary.
I think it should not be a surprise that we have some different approaches with respect to specific rules. Some of those are a result
of our having different statutory foundations and different traditions of how we regulate, but also because there are differences in
some of the products based on their liquidity characteristics and

how they trade, and that really argues for, in some instances, a different regulatory approach.
But I will say we are working together extremely closely. We are
still at the proposing stage for all of these rules. We have sought
cross comment. So if the CFTC took a different approach, for example, SEFs, as they did, then we sought cross comment. We asked
questions about whether that was a better approach or whether the
SEC approach was better or was there an entirely different way to
go. We continue to review each others comment letters on our proposals, so we have a good understanding, and we continue to meet
with industry and other interested parties to talk about what is the
optimum approach for fulfilling the statutory mandate to bring
these products under a regulatory regime, but to do it in a way
that is cost efficient and effective and does not have institutions in
particular subjected to different sets of regulations where that
would be silly and unnecessarily costly.
So we are very focused on all of these issues and our staffs continue to do really fabulous work together to try to narrow those differences, and I expect as we get to the stage where we begin to
adopt rules, you will see differences continue to narrow.
Mr. GENSLER. If I could just come back to the one core piece,
transparency is a key part of how markets work best. I truly believe that open and competitive and transparent markets are what
helps the American public and lowers the systemic risk of a future
In terms of our working relationship, it has been remarkably
close in a dozen or 15 joint roundtables and sharing all the comment letters, as Chairman Schapiro said, and asking cross comments.
More particularly, on the swap execution facility rule, one of the
challenges that we have is that the futures regime, the regime for
trading futures, was mandated in the 1930s that all of it is on a
central exchange. One hundred percent of it has to be transparent
and out there for the public to see. That is a good thing, I think,
for the American public. The securities laws are a bit different. So
there are gaps when we start between securities and futures.
So as we come up with rules for swaps, like interest rate swaps,
we have to be mindful that they are not so far off from the futures
market that we start to undermine even our futures markets that
worked very well in this country, even through the crisis. So we are
focused not just on the gap between security-based swaps and
swaps, but we are also focused on are we creating something that
undermines the futures markets when we do this rule writing for
something called swap execution facilities. So it is trying to marry
that up.
Senator WARNER. I just want to make sure that we do not have
an indirect result of, for those non-exchange-traded swaps, that if
we have too high a threshold in terms of additional quotes, that we
push it into some
Mr. GENSLER. Well, actually, Senator Warner, this only relates
to something that is cleared. It has to be cleared. It has to be made
available for trading. And third, it cannot be a block. The way that
both of us looked at this rule, it was this is for the smaller trade.

This is for the $5 or $10 million interest rate swap, not $250 million or $500 million interest rate swap
Senator WARNER. Right.
Mr. GENSLER.and it is not for the bilateral swaps. It is not
for those swaps done with corporate America as opposed toor the
non-financial corporate America. This is just financial entity to financial entity, a transaction that is cleared, made available for
trading, and is not a block. So it is that.
Senator WARNER. Two last questions, very briefly, and I appreciate the Chairmans granting me this. One is, and I am notwe
clearly need to move as many of these transactions as possible onto
clearinghouses. I just raise a question, not a critique, but we want
to have an open access, to not just create such a limited number
of clearinghouses. I do have some questions whether your $50 million capital baseI sure want to make sure that $50 million capital base requirement for any clearinghouse is true capital and we
get that right. I think trying to have robust competition among
clearinghouses is good, but we have got to make sure that they
really have the ability to give that counterparty assurance.
Mr. GENSLER. This is important to ensure robust competition
amongst dealers. What has happened in this world right now, it is
a very closed, concentrated group of dealers.
Senator WARNER. Right.
Mr. GENSLER. In the futures world and in the securities world,
there are many members of clearinghouses, and that is allowed.
There are 60 to 70 members of the Chicago Mercantile clearinghouse, for instance. In the swaps world, it is very closed, and I
think there were high and, I believe, arbitrary limits, that you had
to have $5 billion of capital and a $1 trillion swap book, and I
think that was in part done to keep a barrier to entry, frankly.
And I think Congress addressed that by saying that clearinghouses have to have open access. We have put a proposal rule out
for comment to hear from the public. But it is also for pension
funds and asset managers to have more choices as to who is going
to be their clearing member, who is going to represent them on the
buy side. So I think this is actually a rule that helps pension funds,
the asset managers of America, the financial entities who are not
swap dealers, have access to this clearing and not be constrained
and have to go through a handful of big Wall Street firms.
Senator WARNER. And finally, just again, Secretary Wolin, I do
hope that, and it sounds like the SEC and the CFTC are working
well together, but at some point, it was at least this members hope
that so that we would not have this patchwork and siloed approach
and duplicative sets of regulations, the FSOC was hopefully that
place that would help resolve these issues. At some point there
needs to be that umpire, and I hope Secretary Geithner will realize, not just in this particular case, but in a series of others, if you
have any closing comments. And again, I thank the indulgence of
the Chair.
Mr. WOLIN. Senator Warner, as you heard from the two Chairmen, I think they are still early in their process and will move forward. I think while respecting the independence of the regulators,
obviously, the FSOC does have a responsibility to look at things
that have systemically important implications and to try to bring

to bear consistency across the system where those issues are systemically relevant. That is something we have been focused on.
There is also, of course, from Treasurys perspective, a need to
worry about the international dimensions so that not only do we
have consistency where we can here within the United States, but
also what is going on elsewhere in the G20 and beyond, again, for
the sort of level playing field kinds of implications that we think
are important.
Chairman JOHNSON. Todays hearing has been very helpful and
given us all a better understanding of the important provisions in
the Dodd-Frank Act to promote financial stability in our nations
economy going forward. We cannot afford to go back to the old financial system that destroyed millions of jobs and cost the economy
trillions of dollars. The creation of the FSOC and the other new
tools given to our Federal regulators to monitor systemic risk and
to unwind failing financial institutions address many of the weaknesses in the old system and this will help the regulators better
manage future crises.
Thanks again to my colleagues and our panelists for being here
This hearing is adjourned.
[Whereupon, at 11:32 a.m., the hearing was adjourned.]
[Prepared statements and responses to written questions supplied for the record follow:]

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Todays hearing will examine the difficult task of defining and regulating systemic
risk. Dodd-Frank established the Financial Stability Oversight Council and charged
it with monitoring risk in the U.S. financial system. The Council is also responsible
for designating firms for special, systemic risk regulation by the Federal Reserve.
Unfortunately, Dodd-Frank provides little guidance on exactly which firms should
be designated for systemic risk regulation and what that regulation should involve.
Instead, these decisions were left to the discretion of the regulators through broad
delegations of authority. Accordingly, before regulators move forward, they will need
to devise a well-considered and transparent regulatory scheme that limits adverse
So far, regulators appear to be divided on what the final rules should look like
and what entities should be designated as systemically significant financial institutions. It is not surprising that regulators are having difficulty determining how to
regulate firms for systemic risk. Many commentators have questioned whether it is
even possible to make such a determination with any degree of accuracy. Indeed,
Secretary Geithner recently told the Special Inspector General for TARP: You wont
be able to make a judgment about whats systemic and whats not until you know
the nature of the shock.
Despite the divergent views of its members, the Council is moving forward with
its framework for designating nonbank financial entities for extra regulatory scrutiny. Unfortunately, the Council has not yet released for public comment the detailed rules on how they will designate firms. Instead, the Council has issued proposed rules that merely restate the broad statutory parameters. As a result, there
is a great deal of confusion about how the Council will proceed with its rulemaking.
This has created uncertainty in our markets as firms are unsure which types of activities will cause them to be subject to systemic risk regulation.
Accordingly, I want to hear more details from our witnesses about how they envision systemic risk regulation will function in practice. I am particularly interested
in hearing how they will address the potentially adverse consequences that could
arise. Most importantly, how will regulators ensure that selecting a handful of firms
for enhanced regulation will not increase moral hazard if markets believe that regulators will never allow a designated firm to fail?
As we saw during the recent financial crisis, regulators may go to great lengths
to rescue a firm in order to cover up their mistakes. In other words, does the Councils designation responsibility threaten to undermine one of the Councils other responsibilitiesthe promotion of market discipline by eliminating expectations that
the Government will bail out financial institutions if there is a crisis?
In addition, I am interested in hearing how regulators believe designating firms
will impact the competitiveness of our markets. In the lead up to the financial crisis,
our regulators failed on a grand scale to monitor the activities of individual institutions. There is good reason to doubt whether our regulators can effectively monitor
the risks posed system-wide.
Thus, the burden is on our regulators to demonstrate that they know exactly what
they are doing before they begin to implement this new form of regulation. The last
thing our fragile economy needs is a far-reaching Government experiment that destabilizes the financial system it is intended to protect.
Thank you.
MAY 12, 2011
Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Shelby, and Members of the Committee, I
appreciate the opportunity to provide an update on the Treasury Departments implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Last year, the President signed into law the most sweeping financial reforms
since the Great Depression. Although our economy and our financial markets have
made important progress on the path toward recovery, we cannot forget why we enacted this legislation.
In the fall of 2008, we witnessed a financial panic of a scale and severity not seen
in decades. The crisis was brought about by fundamental failures in our financial
system. The failures were many and they were varied. The crisis erased trillions of
dollars of wealth, put Americans out of work across the country, and shook the foun-

dations of our entire economy. And the crisis exposed the fundamental flaws in our
financial system.
There was no alternative to reform. The system we had favored short-term gains
for individual firms over the stability and growth of the economy as a whole. The
system we had was weak and susceptible to crisis. And the system we had left taxpayers to save it in times of trouble.
We had no choice but to build a better, stronger system. Thats why we proposed,
Congress passed, and the President signed into law a sweeping set of reforms to do
just that.
But enacting this law was just the beginning.
We are now undertaking the difficult and complex process of implementation, and
today Id like to discuss some of our accomplishments and our next steps as we approach the 10 month mark since enactment.
Before I describe how we are implementing the Dodd-Frank Act, I want to detail
the broad principles guiding our efforts. First, we are moving as quickly and as carefully as we can.
Wherever possible, we are quickly providing clarity to the public and the markets.
But the task we face cannot be achieved overnight. We are writing rules in some
of the most complex areas of finance; consolidating authority that was previously
spread across multiple agencies; setting up new institutions for consumer protection
and for addressing systemic risks; and negotiating with countries around the world.
In getting this done, we are making sure to get it right.
After the Dodd-Frank Act was signed into law, many who criticized the legislation
said that it lacked details, and that the uncertainty of the shape of final regulations
made it difficult for businesses to plan for the future. These critics called for clarity
without delay.
Now many of these same critics suggest that the pace of implementation, as prescribed by law, is moving too fast.
Treasury and regulators have consistently indicatedthen and nowthat we
would move quickly but carefully to implement the legislation, that we would seek
public input into the process, and that it was critical to get the details right. Over
the past 10 months, Treasury and regulators have been doing just thatimplementing the statute in a careful, considered, and serious manner.
Second, we are conducting this process out in the open, bringing full transparency
to implementation activities.
As new rules have been proposed, we have consulted with a broad range of groups
and individuals. The American people are able to see who is at the table. Comments
have been made publicly available. Treasury has made public the topics of meetings
on Dodd-Frank implementation and the names of the attendees.
In addition to providing transparency across Treasurys activities, the studies and
rulemaking processes conducted at Treasury or through the Financial Stability
Oversight Council (FSOC or Council) have benefited from significant public outreach
and comment, often through both Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. This process allows interested parties the opportunity
to provide input, as well as understand the evolution of rules.
The Office of Financial Research (OFR), Federal Insurance Office (FIO) and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) have all provided transparency and
sought public input in their efforts to implement Dodd-Frank reforms.
Third, wherever possible, we are seeking to streamline and simplify Government
Over the years, our financial system has accumulated layers upon layers of rules,
which can be overwhelming. That is why alongside our efforts to strengthen and improve protections through the system, we seek to avoid duplication and to eliminate
rules that do not work. For example, Dodd-Frank exempts small companies from
complying with certain internal control rules of Sarbanes-Oxley.
The Dodd-Frank Act recognizes the need to update and rationalize the patchwork
regulatory framework that was built over decades. Consolidation of organizational
structures and oversight responsibilities are a critical part of the statutes reforms.
In addition, the statute requires many joint rulemakings, and even where rules
are not required to be issued jointly, agencies must often coordinate to adopt comparable rules for functionally or economically similar products or entities. Through
this process we seek to avoid overlapping and inconsistent rules.
These efforts build on a core priority of President Obama. In January, the President issued an Executive Order relating to streamlining and simplifying regulations,
seeking to ensure cost-effective, evidence-based regulations that are compatible with
economic growth, job creation, and competitiveness. Among other things, the Order
requires that agencies: consider costs and benefits and choose the least burdensome
path (to the extent consistent with law); encourage public participation in rule-

making; attempt to coordinate, simplify, and harmonize regulations to reduce costs
and promote certainty; and conduct retrospective analyses of rules, on a periodic
basis, to identify rules that may be outmoded, ineffective, insufficient, or excessively burdensome.
We are following these priorities as we implement Dodd-Frank. Indeed, we believe
that the enactment of Dodd-Frank provides a historic moment for all of the affected
agencies to pause and take stock: an opportunity to ensure that future regulation
is consistent with these priorities, and that rules currently on the books are serving
their intended purposes. Properly applied, these priorities and guidelines can help
strike the right regulatory balance: ensuring that regulations protect our financial
system and improve the performance of our economy, without imposing unreasonable costs on society.
Fourth, we are creating a more coordinated regulatory process.
Dodd-Frank requires regulators, more than ever before, to work together to close
gaps in regulation and to prevent breakdowns in coordinationthis is a central
change brought about by the law. Beyond joint rules and consultation required on
specific rulemakings, the statute requires working together where issues cut across
multiple agencies, to make the pieces of reform fit together in a sensible, coherent
While our financial regulatory system is built on the independence of regulators
and given the importance of Dodd-Frank implementation, independent regulators
will have different views on complicated issuesworking through differences is an
important part of getting the substance right.
The Dodd-Frank Act preserves agency independence, while providing a new forum
for collaboration and consultation among regulators. The Financial Stability Oversight Council, which is a key component of Dodd-Frank, has a mandate to coordinate across agencies and instill joint accountability for the strength of the financial
Already, we have worked through the FSOC to develop an integrated roadmap for
implementation, to coordinate an unprecedented six-agency proposal on risk retention, and to develop unanimous support for recommendations on implementing the
Volcker Rule. As Chair of the FSOC, the Secretary of the Treasury will continue
to make it a top priority that the work of the regulators is well-coordinated.
Fifth, we are working to ensure a level playing field.
We are working hard at the international level to make sure that others put in
place similar frameworks on the key issues where international consistency is essentialsuch as OTC derivatives, and financial institutions liquidity, leverage, and
The details of these rules governing complex markets and institutions are critical
and when different jurisdictions implement commonly agreed-to international principles, disagreements may arise. That is why in addition to dialogue in international
fora like the G20 and the Financial Stability Board, we work every day with our
foreign counterparts, especially in Europe, through our financial market and regulatory dialogue.
But as we work in the international sphere to promote a level playing field, we
must not fail to implement our reforms at home. U.S. leadership on reform is essential to making sure that a level playing field is in place. Ultimately, if we fail to
do what is necessary to reform and protect our system, we put at risk its fundamental strength and resilience.
Detailed rules of financial regulation will always vary among sovereign nations.
Whats important, what we have made good progress onand what we are committed tois closing regulatory gaps, ending opportunities for geographic arbitrage,
and preventing a global race to the bottom.
Sixth, we are working to protect the freedom for innovation that is absolutely necessary for growth.
Before the crisis, our financial system allowed too much room for abuse and excessive risk. But as we put in place rules to correct those mistakes, we have to achieve
a careful balance and safeguard the freedom for competition and innovation that is
essential for growth.
For example, as enhanced capital requirements are introduced, we will work to
achieve a balanced regime that strengthens firms so they can withstand stress, but
that also allows U.S. firms to compete effectively on a global basis.
Moreover, new provisions in Dodd-Frank will increase transparency and reduce
risks in the derivatives markets. These electronic trading and central clearing provisions will tighten spreads, reduce costs, and increase understanding of risks for
market participants. These new transparent structures will promotes efficient markets, capital formation, and growth in the broader economy, while reducing the risk
and potential costs of another destabilizing financial crisis.

Implementation of Dodd-Frank will result in a strong, stable financial system,
which is the foundation needed to foster competition, innovation and economic
Seventh, we are keeping Congress fully informed of our progress on a regular
Guided by these principles, we have made significant progress since Dodd-Frank
was enacted almost 10 months ago. Id like to update you on a few of the institutions at the heart of this legislationthe Financial Stability Oversight Council, the
Office of Financial Research, the Federal Insurance Office and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
The Dodd-Frank Act created the Financial Stability Oversight Council to coordinate across agencies and instill joint accountability for the stability of the financial
system. The Council is mandated to identify and monitor risks to U.S. financial stability, respond to any emerging threats in the system and promote market discipline. The Act also provides the Council with a leading role in several important
regulatory decisions, including which nonbank financial institutions and financial
market utilities will be designated for heightened prudential standards.
The Council has made significant progress in the short time since the Dodd-Frank
Act was signed into law. Since enactment, the Council has: (1) built its basic organizational framework; (2) laid the groundwork for the designation of nonbank financial companies and financial market utilities; (3) initiated monitoring for potential
risks to U.S. financial stability; (4) carried out the explicit statutory requirements
of the Council, including the completion of several studies; and (5) served as a forum
for discussion and coordination among the agencies implementing Dodd-Frank.
We have built a structure for the Council that is designed to promote accountability and action. Every 2 weeks, a Deputies Committee comprised of senior officials from each of the member agencies meets to set the Councils agenda, and to
direct the work of the Councils Systemic Risk Committee and five functional committees. The functional committees are organized around the Councils ongoing statutory responsibilities: designations of nonbank financial companies, designations of
financial market utilities, heightened prudential standards, orderly liquidation and
resolution plans, and data.
In the 10 months since Dodd-Frank was enacted, the Councils principals have
met four times and plan to meet again later this monthsignificantly more often
than the statutorily required quarterly meetings.
At each meeting to date, the Council has held a public session. This exemplifies
a commitment to conduct its work in as open and transparent a manner as practicable given the confidential supervisory and sensitive information that is at the
heart of the Councils work.
For the first time, Dodd-Frank requires consolidated supervision of and heightened prudential standards for the largest, most interconnected nonbank financial
companies that could pose a threat to the financial system. The statute also authorizes heightened standards be applied to designated financial market utilities and
payment, clearing and settlement activities.
The Council is engaging in two parallel rulemakings to establish a process and
define criteria for these designations that are robust and transparent. While the
statute carefully outlines the considerations and process requirements for making
these designations, the Council is conducting rulemakings to ensure transparency
and to obtain input from all interested parties.
For its nonbank designations work, the Council issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking or ANPR in October 2010 and a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
or NPRM in January 2011 providing guidance on the statutorily mandated criteria
and defining the procedures that the Council will follow in considering the designation of nonbank financial companies. For designations of financial market utilities,
public comments from last Novembers ANPR informed an NPRM released in
March. The comment period for that NPRM is 60 days and closes on May 27. The
Councils member agencies continue to work in close collaboration, having received
significant input from market participants, non-profits, academics, and members of
the public to develop an analytical framework for designations that will provide a
consistent approach and will incorporate the need for both quantitative and qualitative judgments. We plan to provide additional guidance regarding the Councils
approach to designation and we will seek public comment on it.

It is important to understand that the Council needs to retain flexibility to exercise judgment as it considers both quantifiable metrics and the unique risks that
a particular firm may present to the financial system. Moreover, flexibility is needed
because financial markets are dynamic and the designation process must take into
account changes in firms, markets and risks. That is one of the key reasons that
the statute mandates an annual reevaluation of any designation made by the Council.
The Councils commitment to a robust designations process goes beyond transparency during the rulemaking process. Every designation decision will be firm-specific and is subject to judicial review. Moreover, even before the Council votes on
a proposed designation, a company under consideration will have the opportunity
to submit written materials to the Council on whether, in the companys view, it
meets the standard for designation. Only after Council members have reviewed that
information will they vote on a proposed designation, which requires the support of
two-thirds of the Council (including the affirmative vote of the Chair) and requires
the Council to provide the company with a written explanation of the basis of the
proposed designation to the firm. If challenged, the proposed designation is subject
to review through a formal hearing process and a two-thirds final vote. Upon the
final vote approving the designation, the Council must then submit a report to Congress detailing its final decision.
Monitoring threats to financial stability is the cornerstone of the Councils responsibilities. This macroprudential role demands coordination, collaboration and information sharing among each of the members of the Council. We are working together
to bring the best information to bear, while protecting the security and confidentiality of sensitive information.
The Council has established a committee structure to support its monitoring function. The structure is intended to balance the need for an interdisciplinary and
cross-cutting approach with the need to leverage existing expertise and experience,
and is the locus of accountability for systemic risk monitoring.
Through this structure, the FSOC focuses on identifying and analyzing cross-cutting risks that may affect financial institutions and financial markets in the medium and longer term. With respect to financial institutions, the FSOC focuses on
structural issues such as trends in leverage or funding structure, new products, or
exposures to particular risks. With respect to financial markets, the FSOC focuses
on issues such as trends in volatility or liquidity, market structure, or asset valuations.
In addition, the FSOC serves as a forum for agencies to discuss emerging issues
of immediate importance as well as share information about issues that arise in the
course of their supervisory and oversight work that could impact financial stability.
The Dodd-Frank Act provides for a public report to Congress detailing this monitoring in the form of an annual report on the activities of the Council and the health
of the financial system. As stated in the statute this report will: outline the activities of the Council, including any designations or recommendations made with respect to activities that could threaten financial stability; detail significant financial
market and regulatory developments, including insurance and accounting regulations and standards; and, describe potential emerging threats to the financial stability of the United States. The statute also requires that the report provide recommendations to enhance the integrity, efficiency, competitiveness, and stability of
United States financial markets; promote market discipline; and maintain investor
Staff at each of the member agencies is hard at work preparing the Councils first
annual report.
On January 18, the Council released a study and recommendations on the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Acts Volcker Rule. The Council sought input from
the public in advance of the study on issues associated with the statutory required
considerations and received more than 8,000 comments. The study recommends
principles for implementing the Volcker Rule and suggests a comprehensive framework for identifying activities prohibited by the Rule. That framework includes an
internal compliance regime, quantitative analysis and reporting, and supervisory review.
Also, at its January meeting, the Council approved a study of the effects of the
Dodd-Frank Acts limits on the concentration of large companies on financial stability and released the studys recommendations for public comment. The Councils
study found that the concentration limit will reduce moral hazard, increase financial

stability, and improve efficiency and competition within the U.S. financial system.
The study also made largely technical recommendations to mitigate practical difficulties likely to arise in the administration and enforcement of the concentration
limit, without undermining its effectiveness in limiting excessive concentration
among financial companies. The Council received six comments and is currently reviewing those comments to determine whether any of the recommendations should
be modified.
The Council continues to have specific responsibilities to study key issues outlined
in Dodd-Frank. For instance, the Council must complete a study regarding the
treatment of fully secured creditors in the context of the Acts orderly liquidation
authority by July and a study regarding contingent capital instruments by July
The Council also has served as a forum for discussion and coordination among the
agencies implementing the Dodd-Frank Act. For the Councils first meeting in October 2010, the staff of member agencies developed a detailed, public road map for
implementation of the legislation. This integrated roadmap outlined a coordinated
timeline of goals, both for the Council and its independent member agencies, to fully
implement the Dodd-Frank Act.
As Chair of the Council, the Treasury Secretary is required to coordinate several
major rulemakings under the Dodd-Frank Act. For example, to facilitate the joint
rulemaking on credit risk retention, Treasury staff held frequent interagency discussions beginning shortly after the Dodd-Frank Act was passed to develop the rule
text and preamble. This joint rulemaking required reaching consensus among six
rulemaking agencies. The proposed rule, released on March 31, demonstrates our
ability to promote effective collaboration, and it is a significant step toward
strengthening securitization markets. Treasury staff is currently engaged in a similar process with the staff of member agencies tasked with drafting the Volcker Rule.
The Councils regulatory coordination role is greater than the specific statutory instances where coordination is required. Deputies meetings have served as a forum
for sharing information about significant regulatory developments, particularly
those that impact the work of more than one member agency and relate to financial
stability. For example, the Federal Reserve recently briefed deputies on the results
of its Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review. Treasury has provided updates
on housing finance reform.
In order to constrain systemic risk effectively, the Council and its members must
have the ability to effectively monitor it.
The Dodd-Frank Act established the Office of Financial Research (OFR) to improve the quality of financial data available to policymakers and facilitate more robust and sophisticated analysis of the financial system.
In the lead-up to the financial crisis, financial reporting failed to adapt to a rapidly evolving financial system. Supervisors and market participants lacked data
about the increasing leverage in the rapidly growing shadow banking system. Policymakers and investors responded to the crisis with inadequate information about
the interconnectedness of firms and associated risks to the financial system.
The Dodd-Frank Act established two complementary centers within the OFRone
focused on data, and one focused on research and analysisto help ensure that,
going forward, regulators understanding of the risks within the financial system
can keep pace with innovation and with market developments.
The OFR will standardize and provide data and analytical tools for OFR researchers, the FSOC, its members, and the public. In collecting information, the OFR will
minimize the reporting burden on industry by, whenever possible, relying on data
already in the regulatory system, and by assisting Council members in standardizing information collected by those members. The OFR is already working to accomplish both goals and its staff is working closely with the regulatory community
to catalog data already collected to help ensure duplication will not occur. And the
OFR is collaborating with the SEC and CFTC to standardize reporting of parties
to swap transactions.
More broadly, the OFR is exploring ways in which it can help make Government
more efficient. For example, the OFR is investigating how it might act as a central
warehouse of data for the regulatory community and other ways in which it could
facilitate data sharing. The OFR has also been soliciting input from FSOC member
agencies to find ways to support their efforts.
The OFRs Research and Analysis Center, will measure and analyze factors affecting financial stability and help to develop policies that promote it. The OFR will also

report to the Congress and the public on its analysis of significant financial market
developments, potential emerging threats to stability and policy responses. The combination of better, more granular data, and new analytic capabilities focused on systemic threats can help all market participantsindustry as well as regulatorsbetter understand risks within the financial system.
Attracting and hiring top quality senior leadership is critical to OFR and in guiding its mission.
The search for an OFR Director is ongoing and a high priority for the Administration. The Administration is evaluating candidates based on a combination of strong
analytical ability, experience in financial services, management experience, and
communication skills. In the meantime, key personnel have been hired.
Richard Berner recently joined the Treasury Department as Counselor to the Secretary with the responsibility to oversee the implementation of the Office of Financial Research. Mr. Berner is a well-respected economist who will bring judgment
and leadership to the OFR implementation team, along with critical risk management and financial industry expertise.
The OFR also is filling senior personnel roles including its Chief Operating Officer, Chief Data Officer and Chief Business Officer. The OFR is hiring top-tier talent
with deep industry experience in data management, technology, and risk management. Industry experience will help ensure that the organization will collect data
in a systematic, structured, and non-duplicative way, with clear benefits to industry
and regulators.
The OFR is also making progress in establishing its research team and network,
which will include academics from across the country and in a variety of disciplines.
The interdisciplinary research team will add significant capacity to the FSOCs ability to measure and analyze the many dimensions of financial stability.
We project that by the end of September, the OFR will have over 60 full-time employees. Treasury is committed to providing this implementation team with needed
support and guidance, and I, along with other senior Treasury officials, are meeting
with the team weekly to make sure priorities are identified, progress is measured
and that the stand-up of the OFR is well executed.
As the OFR continues to recruit highly qualified individuals to lead and support
its work, current staff is already working with regulators and industry to standardize financial reporting. This will improve the ability of policymakers and private
industry to aggregate information-critical to risk management. It will also facilitate
more efficient processing by private firms and markets.
The OFRs first step in this direction has been to promote the establishment of
a global standard for identifying parties to financial transactions: a legal entity
identifiers (LEI). During the financial crisis, a LEI could have given policymakers
and private institutions a clearer understanding of the interconnections among financial institutions.
The LEI initiative is moving forward quickly. The OFR is working closely with
U.S. and foreign financial regulators to define consistent requirements, and is using
established international forums, such as the Financial Stability Board, to engage
in multilateral discussions. The OFR already published a framework in its November Policy Statement, consistent with the requirements set forth by the SEC and
CFTC in their Notices of Proposed Rulemakings for swap transaction reporting.
Meanwhile, various financial trade associations and their members formed a global
coalition to produce a common set of requirements for such a standard. Last week
they published a white paper that lays out draft requirements, and they are seeking
input from public and private entities. The International Organization for Standardizationwhich has deep expertise in this area and representation from industry and
regulatorsis moving quickly to define a new standard that it intends to be consistent with public and private requirements.
In addition to these efforts, OFR staff is supporting the work of the Financial Stability Oversight Council. This includes data and analysis in support of the FSOCs
evaluation of nonbank financial companies for designation and its report on systemic risk.
The OFR is also establishing forums and networks to allow experts within and
outside the regulatory system to contribute to the Councils mission. This year, the
OFR will host along with the National Science Foundation, a conference that brings
together top academics in finance, economics, and computer science, and members
of industry and the regulatory community on systemic risk monitoring and potential
responses. OFR staff also will be participating in the academic community through
its publications.

While the Council and the Office of Financial Research are designed to help us
monitor and address risk in the broader financial system, the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau was created to address a specific gap in our regulatory structurethe need for a single agency dedicated to consumer protection.
The CFPB, which will assume existing authorities of seven Federal agencies on
July 21, 2011, will work to make sure that consumers have the information they
need to understand the terms of their agreements with financial companies. It will
also work to make regulations and guidance as clear and streamlined as possible
in order to ease the burden on providers of consumer financial products and services.
The CFPB will consolidate existing Federal rulemaking authorities with respect
to consumer financial products and services, have enforcement and supervision authority for depository institutions with over $10 billion in assets and their affiliates,
as well as supervise the consumer financial services activities of many non-bank financial firms that sell consumer financial services.
The Act charges the Secretary of Treasury with standing up the CFPB until a director is appointed. Under his leadership we set up an implementation team with
a clear mandate shortly after enactment.
Elizabeth Warren, as Special Advisor to the Secretary, is leading Treasurys effort
to build the CFPB. The CFPB implementation team, now consisting of over 200 staff
members, is focused on setting up key functions of the bureau such as bank supervision, fair lending and enforcement programs and research, markets, and regulation teams. In order to do this, CFPB is making major investments in infrastructure
and human capital. The CFPB implementation team has reached agreement with
the six agencies transferring staff with regards to a process for transferring staff
to CFPB that will minimize disruption to existing agencies while allowing CFPB to
gain from existing expertise.
The CFPB implementation team has made a concentrated effort to reach out to
the public, industry, and other concerned groups during the initial stand up of the
CFPB. As an example of this extensive outreach, Elizabeth Warren has made it a
priority to meet with community bankers and credit unions from all 50 States. She
has also met with dozens of CEOs and other executives of the largest financial institutions and consumer advocates. The CFPBs office of servicemember affairs, led by
Holly Petraeus, is actively working with the Department of Defense to help inform
and protect servicemembers from financial tricks and traps.
The CFPB is well on track to meet the statutory deadlines for reports mandated
by Dodd-Frank, and the CFPB implementation team is planning and preparing for
the promulgation of certain rules mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act. For example,
the CFPB implementation team is actively working to complete initial steps toward
the consolidation of the TILA/RESPA mortgage disclosure forms. This consolidation
will allow us to reduce the regulatory burden on industry and provide consumers
with more of the information they need to make the right decision.
There has been significant progress toward standing up core elements of the
CFPB by the designated transfer date of July 21, 2011. In addition to its bank supervision program, the CFPB will stand up components of its consumer response
system and be prepared to take over rule writing projects that will transfer over
to the bureau.
And the agency will be accountable in executing these tasks. Dodd-Frank includes
several provisions to ensure the agencys accountability.
The CFPB must submit annual reports to Congress, the Director must testify
multiple times each year on the agencys budget and activities, and the GAO audits
the CFPBs expenditures annually. Furthermore, the CFPB is currently subject to
the oversight of the inspectors general of Treasury and the Federal Reserve. And,
most importantly, there is direct oversight of the agencys rulemaking: the FSOC
can review and even reject the CFPBs rules, and, as with any other regulator, Congress has the ability to overturn any of the CFPBs rules.
The goal of the CFPB is to make markets for consumer financial products and
services work for Americanswhether they are applying for a mortgage, choosing
among credit cards, or using any number of other consumer financial products. The
CFPB implementation team is on track to standing up an agency capable of accomplishing this goal.
In addition to providing for new regulatory protections and oversight for consumers, the Dodd-Frank Act enhances the Federal Governments ability to monitor
the insurance sector and coordinate and develop Federal policy on major domestic
and international insurance issues. The crisis highlighted the lack of expertise with-

in our Federal Government regarding the insurance industry. In response, the Act
establishes the Federal Insurance Office (the FIO), which will provide the U.S.
Governmentfor the first timededicated expertise regarding the insurance industry.
The FIO will monitor for problems or gaps in insurance regulation that can contribute to a systemic crisis in the insurance industry or the financial system; gather
data and information on the industry and insurers; and coordinate Federal policy
in the insurance sector.
The Act does not provide the FIO with general supervisory or regulatory authority
over the business of insurance. The States remain the functional regulators.
Through the FIO, however, the Federal Government will work toward modernizing
and improving our system of insurance regulation.
Secretary Geithner announced at the March FSOC meeting that Michael McRaith
has been selected to become the Director of the FIO. Mr. McRaith is currently the
Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance, and will bring significant experience and judgment to the FIO.
Treasury also recently announced that the Department will establish a Federal
Advisory Committee on Insurance. The objective of the Committee is to present advice and recommendations to the FIO to assist the Office in carrying out its duties
and authorities. The Advisory Committee will reserve half of its membership for the
State insurance commissioners so that the FIO will benefit from the knowledge and
regulatory experience of our functional regulators. The remaining members will represent a diverse set of expert perspectives from the various sectors of the insurance
industry (life, property and casualty, reinsurance, agents and brokers), as well as
academics, consumer advocates, or experts in the issues facing underserved insurance communities and consumers.
The FIO has served an important consultative role in advising on several DoddFrank studies, rule writing processes and ongoing responsibilities. These include
providing expert advice on the Volcker Rule study and rule writing, Orderly Liquidation Authority rule writing and participating in the FSOC insurance working
The Federal Insurance Office has become a provision member of the International
Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), where it will represent the United
States, and it is expected to be voted-in as a full member in the fall. The FIO is
also leading the U.S. delegation for the insurance and pensions committee of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
The Secretary of the Treasury, supported by the FIO, together with the United
States Trade Representative, is now empowered to negotiate certain international
agreements regarding prudential insurance measures. We anticipate that the FIO
will be actively involved, for example, in working with the representatives of other
countries on reinsurance collateral and U.S. equivalence under Solvency II.
The Dodd-Frank Act builds a stronger financial system by addressing major gaps
and weaknesses in regulation. It puts in place buffers and safeguards to reduce the
chance that another generation will go through a crisis of similar magnitude. It protects taxpayers from bailouts. It brings fairness and transparency to consumers of
financial services. And it lays the foundation for a financial system that is pro-investment and pro-growth. The Act and its successful implementation will help ensure that our financial system becomes safer, stronger and, just as in the past century, the world leader.
Thank you very much.
MAY 12, 2011
Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Shelby, and other Members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify on the Federal Reserve Boards role
in monitoring systemic risk and promoting financial stability, both as a member of
the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) and under our own authority.
Financial Stability Oversight Council
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank
Act) created the FSOC to identify and mitigate threats to the financial stability of
the United States. During its existence thus far, the FSOC has promoted interagency collaboration and established the organizational structure and processes nec-

essary to execute its duties.1 The FSOC and its member agencies also have completed studies on limits on proprietary trading and investments in hedge funds and
private equity funds by banking firms (the Volcker rule), on financial sector concentration limits, on the economic effects of risk retention, and on the economic consequences of systemic risk regulation. The FSOC is currently seeking public comments on proposed rules that would establish a framework for identifying nonbank
financial firms and financial market utilities that could pose a threat to financial
stability and that therefore should be designated for more stringent oversight. Importantly, the FSOC has begun systematically monitoring risks to financial stability
and is preparing its inaugural annual report.
Additional Financial Stability-Related Reforms at the Federal Reserve
In addition to its role on the FSOC, the Federal Reserve has other significant financial stability responsibilities under the Dodd-Frank Act, including supervisory
jurisdiction over thrift holding companies and nonbank financial firms that are designated as systemically important by the council. The act also requires the Federal
Reserve (and other financial regulatory agencies) to take a macroprudential approach to supervision and regulation; that is, in supervising financial institutions
and critical infrastructures, we are expected to consider the risks to overall financial
stability in addition to the safety and soundness of individual firms.
A major thrust of the Dodd-Frank Act is addressing the too-big-to-fail problem
and mitigating the threat to financial stability posed by systemically important financial firms. As required by the act, the Federal Reserve is developing more-stringent prudential standards for large banking organizations and nonbank financial
firms designated by the FSOC. These standards will include enhanced risk-based
capital and leverage requirements, liquidity requirements, and single-counterparty
credit limits. The standards will also require systemically important financial firms
to adopt so-called living wills that will spell out how they can be resolved in an orderly manner during times of financial distress. The act also directs the Federal Reserve to conduct annual stress tests of large banking firms and designated nonbank
financial firms and to publish a summary of the results. To meet the January 2012
implementation deadline for these enhanced standards, we anticipate putting out a
package of proposed rules for comment this summer. Our goal is to produce a wellintegrated set of rules that meaningfully reduces the probability of failure of our
largest, most complex financial firms, and that minimizes the losses to the financial
system and the economy if such a firm should fail.
The Federal Reserve is working with other U.S. regulatory agencies to implement
Dodd-Frank reforms in additional areas, including the development of risk retention
requirements for securitization sponsors, margin requirements for noncleared overthe-counter derivatives, incentive compensation rules, and risk-management standards for central counterparties and other financial market utilities.
The Federal Reserve has made significant organizational changes to better carry
out its responsibilities. Even before the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, we were
strengthening our supervision of the largest, most complex financial firms. We created a centralized multidisciplinary body called the Large Institution Supervision
Coordinating Committee to oversee the supervision of these firms. This committee
uses horizontal, or cross-firm, evaluations to monitor interconnectedness and common practices among firms that could lead to greater systemic risk. It also uses additional and improved quantitative methods for evaluating the performance of firms
and the risks they might pose. And it more efficiently employs the broad range of
skills of the Federal Reserve staff to supplement supervision. We have established
a similar body to help us effectively carry out our responsibilities regarding the
oversight of systemically important financial market utilities.
More recently, we have also created an Office of Financial Stability Policy and Research at the Federal Reserve Board. This office coordinates our efforts to identify
and analyze potential risks to the broader financial system and the economy. It also
helps evaluate policies to promote financial stability and serves as the Boards liaison to the FSOC.
International Regulatory Coordination
As a complement to those efforts under Dodd-Frank, the Federal Reserve has
been working for some time with other regulatory agencies and central banks
1 The FSOCs internal structure consists of a Deputies Committeecomposed of personnel
from all of the voting and nonvoting membersand six other standing committees, each with
its own specific duties. The Deputies Committee, under the direction of the FSOC members, coordinates the work of the six committees and aims to ensure that the FSOC fulfills its mission
in an effective and timely manner.

around the world to design and implement a stronger set of prudential requirements
for internationally active banking firms. These efforts resulted in the agreements
reached in the fall of 2010 on the major elements of the new Basel III prudential
framework for globally active banks. The requirements under Basel III that such
banks hold more and better-quality capital and more-robust liquidity buffers should
make the financial system more stable and reduce the likelihood of future financial
crises. We are working with the other U.S. banking agencies to incorporate the
Basel III agreements into U.S. regulations.
More remains to be done at the international level to strengthen the global financial system. Key tasks ahead for the Basel Committee and the Financial Stability
Board include determining how to further increase the loss-absorbing capacity of
systemically important banking firms and strengthening resolution regimes to minimize adverse systemic effects from the failure of large, complex banks. As we work
with our international counterparts, we are striving to keep international regulatory
standards as consistent as possible, to ensure that multinational firms are adequately supervised, and to maintain a level international playing field.
Thank you. I would be pleased to take your questions.
MAY 12, 2011
Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Shelby, and Members of the Committee,
thank you for the opportunity to testify today on behalf of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) on issues related to monitoring systemic risk and promoting the stability of our financial system.
The recent financial crisis has highlighted the critical importance of financial stability to the functioning of our real economy. In all, over eight and a half million
jobs were lost in the recession and its immediate aftermath, and over half of these
were lost in the 6-month period following the height of the crisis in September 2008.
While the economy is now in its eighth consecutive quarter of expansion, to date
only about 20 percent of the jobs lost in the recession have been regained, and the
number of private sector payroll jobs stands at the same level it did 12 years ago,
in the spring of 1999.
A central cause of this crisisas has been the case with most previous crises
was excessive debt and leverage in our financial system. At the height of the crisis,
the large intermediaries that make up the core of our financial system proved to
have too little capital to maintain market confidence in their solvency. The need for
stronger capitalization of our financial system is being addressed in part by
strengthening bank capital requirements through the Basel III capital protocols and
implementation of the Collins amendment. We also learned in the crisis that leverage can be masked through off-balance-sheet positions, implicit guarantees,
securitization structures, and derivatives positions. The crisis showed that the problem with leverage is really larger than the bank balance sheet itself. Excessive leverage is a general condition of our financial system that is subsidized by the tax
code and lobbied for by financial institutions and borrower constituencies alike, to
their short-term benefit and to the long-term cost of our economy.
The ability of many large financial institutions to operate with relatively thin levels of capitalization was enabled by the markets perception that they enjoyed implicit Government backing; in short, they were too big to fail. This market perception was ratified in the heat of the crisis when policymakers were faced with the
dilemma of providing this assistance or seeing our economy endure an even more
catastrophic decline.
As a consequence, the Dodd-Frank Act mandates higher prudential standards for
systemic financial entities. Importantly, the Act authorizes the creation of a new
resolution framework for systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs) designed to ensure that no institution is too big or too interconnected to fail, thereby
subjecting every financial institution to the discipline of the marketplace. My testimony will summarize the progress to date in implementing the elements of this
framework and will highlight specific areas of importance to their ultimate effectiveness.
In addition to discussing FDIC efforts to implement provisions of the Dodd-Frank
Act that address key drivers of the recent financial crisis, I will also discuss future
risks to our system which I believe must be proactively addressed by the Government. These include deeply flawed servicing practices which have yet to be corrected
and the resulting overhang of foreclosures and looming litigation exposure which is

further depressing home prices. Also of concern is interest rate risk and the impact
sudden, volatile spikes in interest costs could have on banks and borrowers who rely
upon them for credit.
Excessive Reliance on Debt and Financial Leverage
A healthy system of credit intermediation, where the surplus of savings is channeled toward its highest and best use by household and business borrowers, is critically important to the modern economy. Without access to credit, households cannot
effectively smooth their lifetime consumption and businesses cannot undertake the
capital investments necessary for economic growth. But a starting point for understanding the causes of the crisis and the changes that need to be made in our economic policies is recognition that the U.S. economy has long depended too much on
debt and financial leverage to finance all types of economic activity.
In principle, debt and equity are substitute forms of financing for any type of economic activity. However, owing to the inherently riskier distribution of investment
returns facing equity holders, equity is generally seen as a higher-cost form of financing. This perceived cost advantage for debt financing is further enhanced by the
standard tax treatment of payments to debt holders, which are generally tax deductible, and equity holders, which are not. In light of these considerations, there is a
tendency in good times for practically every economic constituencyfrom mortgage
borrowers, to large corporations, to startup companies, to the financial institutions
that lend to all of themto seek higher leverage in pursuit of lower funding costs
and higher rates of return on capital.
What is frequently lost when calculating the cost of debt financing are the external costs that are incurred when problems arise and borrowers cannot service the
debt. As we have witnessed so many times in this crisis, the lack of a meaningful
commitment of equity capital or skin in the game feeds subpar underwriting and
imprudent borrower behavior that ultimately results in defaults, workouts, repossessions, or liquidations of repossessed assets in order to satisfy the claims of debt
holders. These severe adjustments, which tend to occur with high frequency in economic downturns, impose very high costs on economic growth and our financial system. For example, foreclosures dislodge families from their homes, create high legal
costs, and, when experienced en masse, tend to lower the values of nearby properties. Commercial bankruptcies impose losses on lenders and tend to remove assets
from operating businesses and place them on the open market at liquidation prices.
When financial institutions cannot meet their obligations, the result can be, at best,
an interruption in their ability to serve as intermediary and, at worst, destabilizing
runs that may extend across the financial system.
As demonstrated in the recent financial crisis, the social costs of debt financing
are significantly higher than the private costs. When a household, business or financial company calculates the cost of financing its spending, it can no doubt lower its
financing costs by substituting debt for equityparticularly when interest costs on
debt are tax deductible. In good economic times, when few borrowers are forced to
default on their obligations, more economic activity can take place at a lower cost
of capital when debt is substituted for equity. However, the built-in private incentives for debt finance have long been observed to result in periods of excess leverage
that contribute to financial crisis.
As Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff describe in their 2009 book This Time
Is Different:
If there is one common theme to the vast range of crises we consider in this
book, it is that excessive debt accumulation, whether it be by the Government, banks, corporations, or consumers, often poses greater systemic risks
than it seems during a boom.1
This is precisely what was observed in the run up to the recent crisis. Mortgage
lenders effectively loaned 100 percent or more against the value of many homes
without underwriting practices that ensured borrowers could service the debt over
the long term. Securitization structures were created that left the issuers with little
or no residual interest, meaning that these deals were 100 percent debt financed.
In addition, financial institutions not only frequently maximized the degree of onbalance-sheet leverage they could engineer; many further leveraged their operations
by use of off-balance-sheet structures. For all intents and purposes, these off-balance-sheet structures were not subject to prudential supervision or regulatory capital requirements, but nonetheless enjoyed the implicit backing of the parent institution. These and many other financial practices employed in the years leading up to
1 Reinhart, Carmen and Ken Rogoff. This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly.
Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2009. p. xxv.

the crisis made our core financial institutions and our entire financial system more
vulnerable to financial shocks.
One important element to restraining financial leverage and enhancing the stability of our system is to strengthen the capital base of our largest financial institutions. The economic costs of the crisis were very much on the mind of the Basel
Committee on Bank Supervision (BCBS) when it published the December 2009
paper that ultimately led to the Basel III capital accord.2 Basel III is not perfect,
but it is a great improvement over what came before. The accord not only addresses
the insufficient quality and quantity of capital at the largest banks, but also requires capital buffers over and above the minimums so that the macroeconomy is
not forced into a deleveraging spiral as banks breach these minimums during a period of high losses. Importantly, Basel III includes an international leverage requirement, a concept that was met with derision when I proposed it in 2006 but has now
been embraced by the Basel Committee and the G20. Finally, the Basel Committee
has committed to additional capital and liquidity requirements for large, systemically important institutions that are higher, not lower, than those applicable to
small banks. I firmly believe that this extra capital requirement must result in a
meaningful cushion of tangible common equity capital. Moreover, I believe we
should impose even higher capital charges on systemic entities until they have developed a resolution plan which has been approved as credible by their regulators.
This would help ensure that large institutions in all BCBS member countries take
seriously their obligation to demonstrate that they can be unwound in an orderly
way should they fail.
As the Basel Committee has considered ways to strengthen capital requirements,
the financial industry has repeatedly warned of economic harm if it is required to
replace debt financing with equity. A 2010 report by the Institute of International
Finance argued that the new, higher capital requirements and other reforms will
raise bank funding costs, raise the cost of credit in the economy, and have a significant adverse impact on the path of economic activity.3 But the bulk of credible research shows that higher capital requirements will have a relatively modest effect
on the cost of credit and economic activity. These studies, conducted by economists
at Harvard, Stanford, the University of Chicago, Bank of England and the Bank for
International Settlements, account for not only the private costs and benefits of
funding through equity capital, but also the social costs and benefits.4 As we saw
in 2008, when a crisis hits, highly leveraged financial institutions dramatically contract credit to conserve capital. FDIC-insured institutions as a group have reduced
their balances of outstanding loans during nine of the last 10 quarters, and their
unused loan commitments have declined by $2.5 trillion since the end of 2007. As
we have seen, these procyclical lending policies can have a devastating impact on
the real economy. As we move forward with important regulatory changes to improve institutional structures in finance, we must do so with an eye to what is in
some ways a larger, built-in distortion in our financial systemexcessive reliance
on debt as opposed to equity.
Under the provisions of Section 941 in the Dodd-Frank Act, the FDIC and other
agencies recently issued proposed rules to address the excessive risk-taking inherent
in the originate-to-distribute model of lending and securitization. These rules require originators of asset-backed securities to retain not less than 5 percent of the
credit risk of those securities, and define standards for Qualifying Residential Mortgages (QRMs) that will be exempt from risk retention when they are securitized.
The proposal sets forth a flexible framework for issuers to achieve the 5 percent risk
retention requirement. Together, the risk retention and QRM rules will help to limit
leverage and better align financial incentives in asset-backed securitization, and
give loan underwriting, administration, and servicing much larger roles in credit
risk management. They are an important step in restoring investor confidence in
2 See
Interim Report on the Cumulative Impact on the Global Economy of Proposed Changes
in the Banking Regulatory Framework, Institute of International Finance, June 2010. http://
4 See: Admati, Anat, Peter M. DeMarzo, Martin R. Hellwig and Paul Pfleiderer. Fallacies, Irrelevant Facts, and Myths in the Discussion of Capital Regulation: Why Bank Equity is Not
Expensive. Stanford Graduate School of Business Research Paper No. 2065, March 2011.
Hanson, Samuel, Anil Kashyap and Jeremy Stein. A Macroprudential Approach to Financial
Regulation. Working paper (draft), July 2010.
Marcheggiano, Gilberto, David Miles and Jing Yang. Optimal Bank Capital. London: Bank
of England. External Monetary Policy Committee Unit Discussion Paper No. 31, April 2011.
3 See:

a market where the volume of issuance remains depressed in the aftermath of the
Ending Too Big to Fail by Facilitating Orderly Resolutions
One of the most powerful inducements toward excess leverage and institutional
risk-taking in the period leading up to the crisis was the lack of effective market
discipline on the largest financial institutions that were considered by the market
to be too big to fail. The financial crisis of 2008 centered on the so-called shadow
banking systema network of large-bank affiliates, special-purpose vehicles, and
nonbank financial companies that existed not only largely outside of the prudential
supervision and capital requirements that apply to federally insured depository institutions in the United States, but also largely outside of the FDICs process for
resolving failed insured financial institutions through receivership.
Several large, complex U.S. financial companies at the center of the 2008 crisis
could not be wound down in an orderly manner when they became nonviable. Major
segments of their operations were subject to the commercial bankruptcy code, as opposed to bank receivership laws, or they were located abroad and therefore outside
of U.S. jurisdiction. In the heat of the crisis, policymakers in several instances resorted to bailouts instead of letting these firms collapse into bankruptcy because
they feared that the losses generated in a failure would cascade through the financial system, freezing financial markets and stopping the economy in its tracks.
As it happened, these fears were realized when Lehman Brothersa large, complex nonbank financial companyfiled for bankruptcy on September 15, 2008. Anticipating the complications of a long, costly bankruptcy process, counterparties
across the financial system reacted to the Lehman failure by running for the safety
of cash and other Government obligations. Subsequent days and weeks saw the collapse of interbank lending and commercial paper issuance, and a near complete
disintermediation of the shadow banking system. The only remedy was massive
intervention on the part of governments around the world, which pumped equity
capital into banks and other financial companies, guaranteed certain non-deposit liabilities, and extended credit backed by a wide range of illiquid assets to banks and
nonbank firms alike. Even with these emergency measures, the economic consequences of the crisis have been enormous.
Under a regime of too big to fail, the largest U.S. banks and other financial companies have every incentive to render themselves so large, so complex, and so
opaque that no policymaker would dare risk letting them fail in a crisis. With the
benefit of this implicit safety net, these institutions have been insulated from the
normal discipline of the marketplace that applies to smaller banks and practically
every other private company.
Having recently seen the nations largest financial institutions receive hundreds
of billions of dollars in taxpayer assistance, the market appears to expect more of
the same going forward. In February, Moodys reported that its ratings on the senior
unsecured debt of eight large U.S. banking organizations received an average uplift of 2.2 ratings notches because of the expectation of future Government support.
Meanwhile, the largest banks continue to enjoy a large competitive advantage over
community banks in funding markets. In the fourth quarter of last year, the average interest cost of funding earning assets for banks with more than $100 billion
in assets was about half the average for community banks with less than $1 billion
in assets. Indeed, I would also argue that well-managed large banks are disadvantaged by too big to fail as it narrows the funding advantage they would otherwise
enjoy over weaker competitors.
Unless reversed, we could expect to see more concentration of market power in
the hands of the largest institutions, more complexity in financial structures and
relationships, more risk-taking at the expense of the public, and, in due time, another financial crisis. However, the Dodd-Frank Act introduces several measures in
Title I and Title II that, together, provide the basis for a new resolution framework
designed to render any financial institution resolvable, thereby ending the subsidization of risktaking that took place prior to these reforms.
The new SIFI resolution framework has three basic elements. First, the new Financial Stability Oversight Council, chaired by the Treasury Secretary and made up
of the other financial regulatory agencies, is responsible for designating SIFIs based
on criteria that are now being established by regulation. Once designated, the SIFIs
will be subject to heightened supervision by the Federal Reserve Board and required
to maintain detailed resolution plans that demonstrate that they are resolvable
under bankruptcynot bailoutif they should run into severe financial distress. Finally, the law provides for a third alternative to bankruptcy or bailoutan Orderly
Liquidation Authority, or OLA, that gives the FDIC many of the same trustee powers over SIFIs that we have long used to manage failed-bank receiverships.

I would like to clarify some misconceptions about these authorities and highlight
some priorities I see for their effective implementation.
SIFI Designation It is important at the outset to clarify that being designated
as a SIFI will in no way confer a competitive advantage by anointing an institution
as too big to fail. The reality is that SIFIs will be subject to heightened supervision and higher capital requirements. They will also be required to maintain resolution plans and could be required to restructure their operations if they cannot
demonstrate that they are resolvable. In light of these significant regulatory requirements, the FDIC has detected absolutely no interest on the part of any financial institution in being named a SIFI. Indeed, many institutions are vigorously lobbying against such a designation.
We believe that the ability of an institution to be resolved in a bankruptcy process
without systemic impact should be a key consideration in designating a firm as a
SIFI. Further, we believe that the concept of resolvability is consistent with several
of the statutory factors that the FSOC is required to consider in designating a firm
as systemic, those being size, interconnectedness, lack of substitutes and leverage.
If an institution can be reliably deemed resolvable in bankruptcy by the regulators,
and operates within the confines of the leverage requirements established by bank
regulators, then it should not be designated as a SIFI.
What concerns us, however, is the lack of information we might have about potential SIFIs that may impede our ability to make an accurate determination of resolvability before the fact. This potential blind spot in the designation process raises the
specter of a deathbed designation of a SIFI, whereby the FDIC would be required
to resolve the firm under a Title II resolution without the benefit of a resolution
plan or the ability to conduct advance planning, both of which are so critical to an
orderly resolution. This situation, which would put the resolution authority in the
worst possible position, should be avoided at all costs. Thus, we need to be able to
collect detailed information on a limited number of potential SIFIs as part of the
designation process. We should provide the industry with some clarity about which
firms will be expected to provide the FSOC with this additional information, using
simple and transparent metrics such as firm size, similar to the approach used for
bank holding companies under the Dodd-Frank Act. This should reduce some of the
mystery surrounding the process and should eliminate any market concern about
which firms the FSOC has under its review. In addition, no one should jump to the
conclusion that by asking for additional information, the FSOC has preordained a
firm to be systemic. It is likely that, after we gather additional information and
learn more about these firms, relatively few of them will be viewed as systemic, especially if the firms can demonstrate their resolvability in bankruptcy at this stage
of the process.
The FSOC issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) last October and a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) on January 26, 2011 describing the
processes and procedures that will inform the FSOCs designation of nonbank financial companies under the Dodd-Frank Act. We recognize the concerns raised by several commenters to the FSOCs ANPR and NPR about the lack of detail and clarity
surrounding the designation process. This lack of specificity and certainty in the
designation process is itself a burden on the industry and an impediment to prompt
and effective implementation of the designation process. That is why it is important
that the FSOC move forward and develop some hard metrics to guide the SIFI designation process. The sooner we develop and publish these metrics, the sooner this
needless uncertainty can be resolved. The FSOC is in the process of developing further clarification of the metrics for comment that will provide more specificity as
to the measures and approaches we are considering using for designating non-bank
SIFI Resolution Plans A majorand somewhat underestimatedimprovement
in the SIFI resolution process is the requirement in the Dodd-Frank Act for firms
designated as SIFIs to maintain satisfactory resolution plans that demonstrate their
resolvability in a crisis.
When a large, complex financial institution gets into trouble, time is the enemy.
The larger, more complex, and more interconnected a financial company is, the
longer it takes to assemble a full and accurate picture of its operations and develop
a resolution strategy. By requiring detailed resolution plans in advance, and authorizing an onsite FDIC team to conduct pre-resolution planning, the SIFI resolution
framework regains the informational advantage that was lacking in the crisis of
The FDIC recently released a paper detailing how the filing of resolution plans,
the ability to conduct advance planning, and other elements of the framework could
have dramatically changed the outcome if they had been available in the case of

Lehman.5 Under the new SIFI resolution framework, the FDIC should have a continuous presence at all designated SIFIs, working with the firms and reviewing
their resolution plans as part of their normal course of business. Thus, our presence
will in no way be seen as a signal of distress. Instead, it is much more likely to
provide a stabilizing influence that encourages management to more fully consider
the downside consequences of its actions, to the benefit of the institution and the
stability of the system as a whole.
The law also authorizes the FDIC and the Federal Reserve Board to require, if
necessary, changes in the structure or activities of these institutions to ensure that
they meet the standard of being resolvable in a crisis. In my opinion, the ultimate
effectiveness of the SIFI resolution framework will depend in large part on the willingness of the FDIC and the Federal Reserve Board to actively use this authority
to require organizational changes that promote the ability to resolve SIFIs.
As currently structured, many large banks and nonbank SIFIs maintain thousands of subsidiaries and manage their activities within business lines that cross
many different organizational structures and regulatory jurisdictions. This can
make it very difficult to implement an orderly resolution of one part of the company
without triggering a costly collapse of the entire company. To solve this problem,
the FDIC and the Federal Reserve Board must be willing to insist on organizational
changes that better align business lines and legal entities well before a crisis occurs.
Unless these structures are rationalized and simplified in advance, there is a real
danger that their complexity could make a SIFI resolution far more costly and more
difficult than it needs to be.
Such changes are also likely to have collateral benefits for the firms management
in the short run. A simplified organizational structure will put management in a
better position to understand and monitor risks and the inter-relationships among
business lines, addressing what many see as a major challenge that contributed to
the crisis. That is whywell before the test of another major crisiswe must define
high informational standards for resolution plans and be willing to insist on organizational changes where necessary in order to ensure that SIFIs meet the standard
of resolvability.
Orderly Liquidation Authority (OLA) There also appear to be a number of
popular misconceptions as to the nature of the Orderly Liquidation Authority. Some
have called it a bailout mechanism, while others see it as a fire sale that will destroy the value of receivership assets. Neither is true. While it is positioned as a
backup plan in cases where bankruptcy would threaten to result in wider financial
disorder, the OLA is actually a better-suited framework for resolving claims against
failed financial institutions. It is a transparent process that operates under fixed
rules that prohibit any bailout of shareholders and creditors or any other type of
political considerations, which can be a legitimate concern in the case of an ad-hoc
emergency rescue program. Not only would the OLA work faster and preserve value
better than bankruptcy, but the regulatory authorities who will administer the OLA
are in a far better position to coordinate with foreign regulators in the failure of
an institution with significant international operations.
The FDIC has made considerable progress in forging bilateral agreements with
other countries that will facilitate orderly cross-border resolutions. In addition, we
currently co-chair the Cross Border Resolutions Group of the Basel Committee. It
is worth noting that not a single other advanced country plans to rely on bankruptcy to resolve large, international financial companies. Most are implementing
special resolution regimes similar to the OLA. Under the OLA, we can buy time,
if necessary, and preserve franchise value by running the institution as a bridge
bank, and then eventually sell it in parts or as a whole. It is a powerful tool that
greatly enhances our ability to provide continuity and minimize losses in financial
institution failures.
While the OLA strictly prohibits bailouts, the FDIC could use the authority to
conduct advance planning, to temporarily operate and fund the institution under
Government control to preserve its value as a going concern, and to quickly pay partial recoveries to creditors through advance dividends, as we have long done in
failed-bank receiverships. The result would be a faster resolution of claims against
the failed institution, smaller losses for creditors, reduced impact on the wider financial system, and an end to the cycle of bailouts.
The history of the recent crisis is replete with examples of missed opportunities
to sell or recapitalize troubled institutions before they failed. But with bailout now
off the table, management will have a greater incentive to bring in an acquirer or
new investors before failure, and shareholders and creditors will have more incen5 The Orderly Liquidation of Lehman Brothers Holdings under the Dodd-Frank Act, FDIC
Quarterly, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2011.

tive to go along with such a plan in order to salvage the value of their claims. These
new incentives to be more proactive in dealing with problem SIFIs will reduce their
incidence of outright failure and also lessen the risk of systemic effects arising from
such failures.
In summary, the measures authorized under the Dodd-Frank Act to create a new,
more effective SIFI resolution authority will go far toward reducing leverage and
risktaking in our financial system by subjecting every financial institution, no matter its size or degree of interconnectedness, to the discipline of the marketplace.
Prompt and effective implementation of these measures will be essential to constraining the tendency toward excess leverage in our financial system and our economy, and in creating incentives for safe and sound practices that will promote financial stability in the future. In light of the ongoing concern about the burden arising
from regulatory reform, I think it is worth mentioning that none of these measures
to promote the resolvability of SIFIs will have any impact at all on small and
midsized financial institutions except to reduce the competitive disadvantage they
have long encountered with regard to large, complex institutions. There are clear
limits to what can be accomplished by prescriptive regulation. That is why promoting the ability of market forces to constrain risk taking will be essential if we
are to achieve a more stable financial system in the years ahead.
Macroprudential Supervision
Beyond the regulatory steps to ensure that the core of our financial system is
more resilient to shocks, we also need a regulatory process that is much more attuned to developing macro risks and how they may affect systemically important institutions. This task, generally referred to as macroprudential supervision, has been
assigned collectively to the FSOC. Among other things, the Dodd-Frank Act directs
the FSOC to facilitate regulatory coordination and information sharing among its
member agencies regarding policy development, rulemaking, supervisory information, and reporting requirements. The FSOC is currently working on a number of
fronts to better identify and respond to emerging risks to our financial system. The
Dodd-Frank Act requires that the FSOC produce annual financial stability reports
and that each voting member submit a signed statement stating whether the member believes that the FSOC is taking all reasonable actions to mitigate systemic
The success of the FSOC in accomplishing its goals will depend on the diligence
and seriousness about those goals on the part of the members. So far, the FDIC believes that the FSOC member agencies are committed to the success of the Council,
and we have been impressed with the quality of staff work in preparation for the
meetings as well as the rigor and candor of the discussions. We also believe that
the FSOC has provided an efficient means for agencies to jointly write rules required by the Dodd-Frank Act and to seek input from other agencies on independent
rules. The FDIC strongly supports the FSOCs collective approach to identifying and
responding to risks. Conducting multidisciplinary discussion and review of issues
that cut across markets and regulatory jurisdictions is a highly effective way of
identifying and mitigating risks, even before they become systemic.
In response to the Committees request for additional information on potential
risks to the financial stability of the United States, I would like to offer some observations on two specific topics: problems in mortgage servicing documentation and
interest rate risk at financial institutions in light of rapid growth in U.S. Government debt.
Problems in Mortgage Servicing Documentation Mortgage servicing is a serious area of concern and one which the FDIC identified years ago. As early as the
Spring of 2007, we were speaking to the need for mortgage servicers to build programs and resources to restructure troubled mortgages on a broad scale. When, over
a year ago, we proposed a new safe harbor for bank-sponsored securitizations, we
included requirements for effective loss mitigation and compensation incentives that
reflect the increased costs associated with servicing troubled loans. In my testimony
at the end of last year, in the wake of mounting problems with mortgage servicing
and foreclosure documentation at some of the nations largest servicing companies,
I emphasized the need for specific changes to address the most glaring deficiencies
in servicing practices, including a single point of contact for distressed borrowers,
appropriate write-downs of second liens, and servicer compensation structures that
are aligned with effective loss mitigation.
The FDIC believes that mortgage servicing documentation problems are yet another example of the implications of lax underwriting standards and misaligned incentives in the mortgage process. In particular, the traditional fixed level of compensation for loan servicing proved wholly inadequate to cover expenses required to

implement the high-touch and specialized servicing on the scale needed to deal with
the huge increase in problem mortgage loans caused by risky lending practices.
We now know that the housing bust and the financial crisis arose from a historic
breakdown in U.S. mortgage markets. While emergency policies enacted at the
height of the crisis have helped to stabilize the financial system and plant the seeds
for recovery, mortgage markets remain deeply mired in credit distress and private
securitization markets remain largely frozen. Serious weaknesses identified with
mortgage servicing and foreclosure documentation have introduced further uncertainty into an already fragile market.
The FDIC is especially concerned about a number of related problems with servicing and foreclosure documentation. Robo-signing is the use of highly automated
processes by some large servicers to generate affidavits in the foreclosure process
without the affiant having thoroughly reviewed facts contained in the affidavit or
having the affiants signature witnessed in accordance with State laws. The other
problem involves some servicers inability to establish their legal standing to foreclose, since under current industry practices, they may not be in possession of the
necessary documentation required under State law. These are not really separate
issues; they are simply the most visible of a host of related problems that we continue to see, and that have been discussed in testimony to this Committee over the
past several years.6
As you know, even though the FDIC is not the primary Federal regulator for the
largest loan servicers, our examiners participated with other regulators in horizontal reviews of these servicers, as well as two companies that facilitate the loan
securitization process. In these reviews, Federal regulators cited pervasive misconduct in foreclosures and significant weaknesses in mortgage servicing processes.
Unfortunately, the horizontal review only looked at processing issues. Since the
focus was so narrow, we do not yet really know the full extent of the problem. The
Consent Order, discussed further below, requires these servicers to retain independent, third parties to review residential mortgage foreclosure actions and report
the results of those reviews back to the regulators. However, we have heard concerns regarding the thoroughness and transparency of these reviews, and we continue to press for a comprehensive approach to this look back.
I want to underscore that the housing market cannot heal and begin to recover
until this problem is tackled in a forthright manner and resolved. As the insurer
of the deposits at these banks, we will not know the full extent of the problems and
potential litigation exposure they face until we have a thorough review of foreclosed
loan files.
These servicing problems continue to present significant operational risks to mortgage servicers. Servicers have already encountered challenges to their legal standing
to foreclose on individual mortgages. More broadly, investors in securitizations have
raised concerns about whether loan documentation for transferred mortgages fully
conforms to applicable laws and the pooling and servicing agreements governing the
securitizations. If investor challenges to documentation prove meritorious, they
could result in putbacks of large volumes of defaulted mortgages to originating institutions.
There have been some settlements regarding loan buyback claims with the GSEs
and some institutions have reserved for some of this exposure; however, a significant amount of this exposure has yet to be quantified. Given the weaknesses in the
processes that have been uncovered during the review, there appears to be the potential for further losses. Litigation risk is not limited to just securitizations. Flawed
mortgage banking processes have potentially infected millions of foreclosures, and
the damages to be assessed against these operations could be significant and take
years to materialize. The extent of the loss cannot be determined until there is a
comprehensive review of the loan files and documentation of the process dealing
with problem loans. This is one reason that I have urged the servicers and the State
Attorneys General to reach a global settlement. We believe that the FSOC needs
to consider the full range of potential exposure and the related impact on the industry and the real economy. FSOC members have a range of relevant expertise in regulating the various participants and processes associated with the foreclosure problem. We need to fully understand the potential risks and develop appropriate solutions to address these deficiencies.
In April 2011, the Federal banking agencies ordered fourteen large mortgage
servicers to overhaul their mortgage-servicing processes and controls, and to compensate borrowers harmed financially by wrongdoing or negligence. The enforcement orders were only a first step in setting out a framework for these large institu6 Hearings before the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: July
16, 2009; November 16, 2010; December 1, 2010.

tions to remedy deficiencies and to identify homeowners harmed as a result of
servicer errors. The enforcement orders do not preclude additional supervisory actions or the imposition of civil money penalties. Also, a collaborative settlement effort continues between the State Attorneys General and Federal regulators led by
the U.S. Department of Justice. It is critically important that lenders fix these problems soon to remedy the foreclosure backlog, which has become the single largest
impediment to the recovery of U.S. housing markets.
Interest Rate Risk At the end of 2010, the U.S. domestic financial and nonfinancial sectors owed credit market debt totaling just over $50 trillion, a figure that
is some 92 percent higher in nominal terms than it was just a decade ago. Much
of this debt was issued during the recent period of historically low interest rates.
Not only did the Federal Open Market Committee lower the Federal funds target
rate to a 49-year low of 1 percent for a 12-month period in 2003 and 2004, but it
has continuously held the fed funds target rate at an all-time low of 0 to 0.25 percent since December 2008. Long-term rates have also been at historic lows during
this period. The average yield on 10-year Treasury bonds over the past decade was
the lowest for any 10-year period since the mid-1960s. It is clear that the most likely direction of interest rates from todays historic lows is upward. The question is
how far and how fast interest rates will rise, and how ready lenders and borrowers
will be to cope with higher rates of interest.
In theory, rising interest rates will represent a zero-sum game in which the higher interest payments demanded of borrowers will be perfectly offset by the higher
interest income of savers in the economy. In practice, however, rising interest rates
can impose considerable distress on borrowers or lenders depending on how debts
are structured. Floating-rate or short-term borrowers will see their interest costs
rise over time with the level of nominal interest rates. Not only will this have an
effect on their bottom line, but higher borrowing costs could lead them to demand
a lower volume of credit that they did at lower rates. However, in the case of longterm, fixed-rate debt, it is often the lender that suffers a capital loss, a decline in
operating income, or both as interest rates rise. Depository institutions are traditionally vulnerable to losses of this type in times of rising interest rates because
their liabilities are typically of shorter duration than their assets.
Given the prospect for higher interest rates going forward, effective management
of interest rate risk will be an essential priority for financial institution risk managers in coming years. Unfortunately, there is a tendency during periods of high
credit losses, such as the past few years, for risk managers to focus their attention
mostly on credit risk, and to divert their attention away from interest rate risk at
just the time that their portfolio is becoming more vulnerable to rising rates. It was
just this type of inattention to the implication of rising interest rates that contributed to growth in structured notes in the early to mid-1990s, when a number of
banks took on complex and interest-rate-sensitive investments that they did not understand in search of higher yields.
The FDIC has been actively addressing the need for heightened measures to manage interest rate risk at this critical stage of the interest rate cycle. In January 2010
we issued a Financial Institution Letter (FIL) clarifying our expectations that FDICsupervised institutions will manage interest rate risk using policies and procedures
commensurate with their complexity, business model, risk profile, and scope of operations.7 That same month, the FDIC hosted a Symposium on Interest Rate Risk
Management that brought together leading practitioners in the field to discuss the
challenges facing the industry in this area.8
Effective management of interest rate risk assumes a heightened importance in
light of the recent high rates of growth in U.S. Government debt, the yield on which
represents the benchmark for determining private interest rates all along the yield
curve. Total U.S. Federal debt has doubled in the past 7 years to over $14 trillion,
or more than $100,000 for every American household. This growth in Federal borrowing is the result of both the temporary effects of the recession on Federal revenues and outlays and a long-term structural deficit related to Federal entitlement
programs. In 2010, combined expenditures on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid accounted for 44 percent of primary Federal spending, up from 27 percent in
1975. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that annual entitlement
spending could triple in real terms by 2035, to $4.5 trillion in 2010 dollars. According to CBO projections, Federal debt held by the public could rise from a level equal
to 62 percent of gross domestic product in 2010 to an unsustainable 185 percent in
7 See
8 See

The U.S. has long enjoyed a unique status among sovereign issuers by virtue of
its economic strength, its political stability, and the size and liquidity of its capital
markets. Accordingly, international investors have long viewed U.S. Treasury securities as a haven, particularly during times of financial market uncertainty. However, as the amount of publicly held U.S. debt continues to rise, and as a rising portion of that debt comes to be held by the foreign sector (about half as of September
2010), there is a risk that investor sentiment could at some point turn away from
dollar assets in general and U.S. Treasury obligations in particular.
With more than 70 percent of U.S. Treasury obligations held by private investors
scheduled to mature in the next 5 years, an erosion of investor confidence would
likely lead to sharp increases in Government and private borrowing costs. As recent
events in Greece and Ireland have shown, such a reversal in investor sentiment
could occur suddenly and with little warning. If investors were to similarly lose confidence in U.S. public debt, the result could be higher and more volatile long-term
interest rates, capital losses for holders of Treasury instruments, and higher funding costs for depository institutions. Household and business borrowers of all types
would pay more for credit, resulting in a slowdown in the rate of economic growth
if not outright recession.
Over the past year, the U.S. fiscal outlook has assumed a much larger importance
in policy discussions and the political process. Members of Congress, the Administration, and the Presidential Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform have
all offered proposals for addressing the long-term fiscal situation, but political consensus on a solution appears elusive at this time. It is likely that the capital markets themselves will continue to apply increasing pressure until a credible solution
is reached. Already, the cost for bond investors and others to purchase insurance
against a default by the U.S. Government has risen from just 2 basis points in January 2007 to a current level of 42 basis points.
Financial stability critically depends on public and investor confidence. Developing policies that will clearly demonstrate the sustainability of the U.S. fiscal situation will be of utmost importance in ensuring a smooth transition from todays historically low interest rates to the higher levels of interest rates that are inevitable
in coming years. Government policies to slow the growth in U.S. Government debt
will be essential to lessening the impact of this shock and reducing the likelihood
that it will result in a costly new round of financial instability.
The inherent instability of financial markets cannot be regulated out of existence.
Nevertheless, many of the Dodd-Frank Act reforms, if properly implemented, can
make the core of our financial system more resilient to shocks by restoring market
discipline, limiting financial leverage, and making our regulatory process more
proactive in identifying and addressing emerging risks to financial stability.
Working together on these reforms, regulators and the financial services industry
can improve financial stability and minimize the severity of future crises. With this
in mind, the FDIC will continue to carefully and seriously perform its duties as a
voting member of FSOC, expeditiously complete rulemakings, and actively exercise
its new authorities related to orderly liquidation authority and resolution plans.
The stakes are extremely high. To continue the pre-crisis status quo would be to
sanction a new and dangerous form of state capitalism, where the market assumes
that large, complex, and powerful financial companies are in line to receive generous
Government subsidies in times of financial distress. The result could be a continuation of the market distortions that led to the recent crisis, with all of the attendant
implications for risk-taking, competitive structures, and financial instability. In
order to avoid this outcome, we must follow through to fully implement the authorities under the Dodd-Frank Act and thereby restore market discipline to our financial system.
Finally, I would like to emphasize that many of the problems and challenges confronting the financial sector are beyond the control of the regulatory community.
Obviously, restoration of fiscal discipline is the province of the executive and legislative branches. Similarly, tax code changes that could reduce or eliminate incentives
for leverage by financial institutions and borrowers must be acted upon by Congress. So it is my hope that Senate Banking Committee members can play a leadership role in making sure that the ongoing budget and tax discussions include consideration of the ramifications of different policy options for the stability of the financial system going forward.
Thank you again for the opportunity to testify about these critically important
issues. I would be pleased to answer any questions.

MAY 12, 2011
I. Introduction
Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Shelby, and Members of the Committee, I
appreciate the opportunity to provide an update on the Office of the Comptroller of
the Currencys (OCC) implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act, and in particular,
those provisions related to monitoring systemic risk and promoting financial stability, and on the operations and activities of the Financial Stability Oversight
Council (FSOC).*
As I described before this Committee in February, the OCC is actively working
on approximately 85 Dodd-Frank Act projects. Broadly speaking, these projects fall
into three major categories: our extensive efforts to prepare to integrate the OTSs
staff and supervisory responsibilities into the OCC, and to facilitate the transfer of
specific functions to the CFPB; our consultative role in a variety of rulemakings
being undertaken by other agencies; and our own rule-writing responsibilities for
implementing key provisions of the Act.
There are numerous provisions within the Dodd-Frank Act that address systemic
issues that contributed to, or that accentuated and amplified the effects of, the recent financial crisis. These provisions include those that address flawed incentive
structures and are designed to constrain excessive risk-taking activities; those that
strengthen the resiliency of individual firms to financial shocks through stronger
capital requirements and more robust stress-testing requirements; and those that
address previous regulatory gaps, including the supervision of systemically important non-bank financial companies, and the orderly resolution of large banking organizations and non-bank financial companies in the event of failure. The OCC, along
with other financial regulators, has rule-writing authority for many of these provisions, and I am pleased to report that we are making good progress on our rulemaking efforts on these critical provisions. Since I last appeared before the Committee, the OCC and other agencies have issued notices of proposed rulemaking on
the following provisions:
Section 956, that prohibits incentive-based compensation arrangements that encourage inappropriate risk taking by covered financial institutions and are
deemed to be excessive, or that may lead to material losses;
Section 941, that addresses adverse market incentive structures by requiring a
securitizer to retain a portion of the credit risk on assets it securitizes, unless
those assets are originated in accordance with conservative underwriting standards established by the agencies in their implementing regulations;
Sections 731 and 764, that establish, for security-based swap dealers and major
swap participants, capital requirements and margin requirements on swaps
that are not cleared.
In my role as a director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, I also have
approved the issuance of the FDICs recent rulemakings under Title II of the DoddFrank Act related to its orderly liquidation authority.
Certainly one of the key provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act as it relates to systemic
risk and financial stability, and the focus of my testimony today, is the creation of
the Financial Stability Oversight Council. The FSOC brings together the views, perspectives, and expertise of Treasury and all of the financial regulatory agencies to
identify, monitor, and respond to systemic risk. As my testimony will detail, Congress has set forth very specific mandates regarding the role and function of FSOC
in a number of areas, but certainly the overarching mission that Congress assigned
to the Council is to identify risks to the financial stability of the United States, to
promote market discipline, and to respond to emerging threats to the stability of the
U.S. financial system.1
I believe FSOC enhances the agencies collective ability to fulfill this critical mission by establishing a formal, structured process to exchange information and to
probe and discuss the implications of emerging market, industry, and regulatory developments for the stability of the financial system. Through the work of its committees and staff, FSOC also is providing a structured framework and metrics for track* Statement Required by 12 U.S.C. 250: The views expressed herein are those of the Office
of the Comptroller of the Currency and do not necessarily represent the views of the President.
1 See Section 112(a)(1).

ing and assessing key trends and potential systemic risks. I would note that FSOCs
activities and mandates complement the separate roles, responsibilities, and authorities that the OCC and other financial regulators have with respect to implementing specific provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act and more broadly in monitoring
risks and conditions within the financial industry. For example, the OCC will continue to use our National Risk Committee and the insights we gain through our onand offsite supervisory activities to identify, monitor, and respond to emerging risks
to the banking system. We will, of course, also continue to share our insights and
expertise with the FSOC in its deliberations.
While the process and systems that FSOC has created are positive steps forward,
I would offer two cautionary notes.
First, FSOCs success ultimately will depend not on its structure, processes, or
metrics, but on the willingness and ability of FSOC members and staff to engage
in frank and candid discussions about emerging risks, issues, and institutions.
These discussions are not always pleasant as they can challenge ones longstanding
views or ways of approaching a problem. But being able to voice dissenting views
or assessments will be critical in ensuring that we are seeing and considering the
full scope of issues. In addition, these discussions often will involve information or
findings that will need further verification; that are extremely sensitive either to the
operation of a given firm or market segment; or if misconstrued, that could undermine public and investor confidence and thereby create or exacerbate a potentially
systemic problem. As a result, the OCC believes that it is critical that these types
of deliberationsboth at the Council and staff levelbe conducted in a manner that
assures their confidential nature.
Second, even with fullest deliberations and best data, it is inevitable that there
will still be unforeseen events that may result in substantial risks to the system,
markets, or groups of institutions. Business and credit cycles will continue. It is not
realistic to expect that FSOC will be able to prevent such occurrences. However,
FSOC will provide a mechanism to communicate, coordinate, and respond to such
events so as to help contain and limit their impact, including, where applicable, the
resolution of systemically important firms.
The remainder of my testimony focuses on FSOC, with a discussion of the specific
mandates Congress has given to the FSOC; its structure and operations; and finally
its achievements to date.
II. FSOCs Statutory Mandates
FSOCs primary mission, as set forth in section 112 of the Dodd-Frank Act is to:
1) Identify risks to the financial stability of the United States that could arise
from the material financial distress or failure, or ongoing activities, of large,
interconnected bank holding companies or non-bank financial companies, or
that could arise outside the financial services marketplace;
2) Promote market discipline by eliminating expectations on the part of shareholders, creditors, and counterparties of such companies that the Government
will shield them from losses in the event of failure; and
3) Respond to emerging threats to the stability of the U.S. financial system. The
Dodd-Frank Act assigns FSOC a variety of roles and responsibilities to carry
out its core mission2 that are described in greater detail throughout the Act.
In some cases, the Council has direct and ultimate responsibility to make decisions and take actions. Most notable of these is the authority given to FSOC
to determine that certain non-bank financial companies shall be supervised by
the Federal Reserve Board and subject to heightened prudential standards,
after an assessment as to whether material financial distress at such companies would pose a threat to the financial stability of the United States.3 Similarly, the Council is charged with the responsibility to identify systemically important financial market utilities and payment, clearing, and settlement activities.
In addition, affirmation by two-thirds of the Council is required in those cases
where the Federal Reserve determines that a large, systemically important financial
institution poses a grave threat to the financial stability of the United States such
that limitations on the companys ability to merge, offer certain products, or engage
in certain activities are warranted, or if those actions are insufficient to mitigate
2 See
3 See

section 112.
section 113(a)(1).

risks, the company should be required to sell or otherwise transfer assets or off-balance items to unaffiliated entities.4
The FSOC is also empowered to collect information from member agencies and
other Federal and State financial regulatory agencies as necessary in order to monitor risks to the financial system, and to direct the Office of Financial Research
under the Treasury Department to collect information directly from bank holding
companies and non-bank financial companies.5
The Dodd-Frank Act also identified specific areas where the Council is to provide
additional studies, including recommendations, to inform future regulatory actions.
These include studies of the financial sector concentration limit applicable to large
financial firms imposed by the Act;6 proprietary trading and hedge fund activities;7
the treatment of secured creditors in the resolution process;8 and contingent capital
for nonbank financial companies.9
In other areas, the Councils role is more of an advisory body to the primary financial regulators. For example, the Dodd-Frank Act requires the Council to make recommendations to the Federal Reserve concerning the establishment of heightened
prudential standards for risk-based capital, liquidity, and a variety of other risk
management and disclosure matters for non-bank financial companies and large,
interconnected bank holding companies supervised by the Board.10 The Federal Reserve, however, retains the authority to supervise and set standards for these
firms.11 The Council is also given authority to review, and as appropriate, may submit comments to the Securities and Exchange Commission and any standard-setting
body with respect to an existing or proposed accounting principle, standard, or procedure.12 Similarly, FSOC is assigned a consultative role in several rulemakings by
member agencies, including for all of the rules that the FDIC writes pursuant to
Title II of the Dodd-Frank Act regarding the orderly liquidation of failing financial
companies that pose a significant risk to the financial stability of the United States.
The Council may also recommend to member agencies general supervisory priorities
and principles 13 and issue nonbinding recommendations for resolving jurisdictional
disputes among member agencies.14
The varied roles and responsibilities that Congress assigned to the Council appropriately balance and reflect the desire to enhance regulatory coordination for systemically important firms and activities while preserving and respecting the independent authorities and accountability of primary supervisors. For example, under
section 120, FSOC has the authority to recommend to the primary financial agencies that they apply new or heightened standards and safeguards for a financial activity or practice conducted by firms under their respective jurisdictions should the
Council determine that the conduct of such an activity or practice could create or
increase the risk of significant liquidity, credit, or other problems spreading among
financial institutions, the U.S. financial markets, or low-income, minority, or underserved communities. Each agency retains the authority to not follow such recommendations if circumstances warrant and the agency explains its reasons in writing to the Council.
III. FSOC Structure and Operations
The FSOC has established committees and subcommittees comprised of staff from
the member agencies to help carry out its responsibilities and authorities. These
groups report up through a Deputies Committee of senior staff from each agency.
The Deputies Committee generally meets on a bi-weekly basis to monitor work
progress, review pending items requiring consultative input, discuss emerging systemic issues, and help establish priorities and agendas for the Council. A Systemic
Risk Committee and subcommittees on institutions and markets provide structure
for the FSOCs analysis of emerging threats to financial stability. Five standing
functional committees support the FSOCs work on the following specific provisions
assigned to the Council: designations of systemically important non-bank financial
companies and of financial market utilities and payment, clearing, and settlement
activities; heightened prudential standards; orderly liquidation authority and resolu4 See

section 121.
section 112.
section 622.
7 See section 619.
8 See section 215.
9 See section 115.
10 See section 112.
11 See section 165.
12 See section 112.
13 See section 112.
14 See section 119.
5 See
6 See

tion plans; and data collection and analysis. OCC staff are active participants and
contributors to each of these committees. In addition to these groups, the FSOC also
has an informal interagency legal staff working group that assists with various legal
issues concerning the Councils operations and proceedings. Each of these committees and work groups is supported by staff from Treasury.
IV. Accomplishments To Date
Since its creation with the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, the Council has met
four times, with meetings occurring approximately every 6 weeks. As with any
newly formed body, a large proportion of the Councils early work was focused on
the necessary administrative rules and procedures that will govern the Councils operations. In addition to the creation and staffing of the aforementioned committees,
this work has included the adoption of a transparency policy for Council meetings;
rules of organization that describe the Councils authorities, organizational structure, and the rules by which the Council takes action; establishment of a framework
for coordinating regulations or actions required by the Dodd-Frank Act to be completed in consultation with the Council; approval of an initial operating budget for
the Council; and the publication of a proposed rulemaking to implement the Freedom of Information Act requirements as it pertains to Council activities.
The Council has also taken action on a number of substantive items directly related to its core mission and mandates. These include the following:
Study and Recommendations Regarding Concentration Limits on Large Financial Companies 15Section 622 of the Dodd-Frank Act establishes a financial
sector concentration limit that generally prohibits a financial company from
merging, consolidating with, or acquiring another company if the resulting companys consolidated liabilities would exceed 10 percent of the aggregate consolidated liabilities of all financial companies. Pursuant to the mandate in section
622, on January 18, 2011, the Council approved the publication of this study
of the extent to which the concentration limit would affect financial stability,
moral hazard in the financial system, the efficiency and competitiveness of U.S.
financial firms and financial markets, and the cost and availability of credit and
other financial services to households and businesses in the United States. The
study concludes that the concentration limit will have a positive impact on U.S.
financial stability. It also makes a number of technical recommendations to address practical difficulties likely to arise in its administration and enforcement,
such as the definition of liabilities for certain companies that do not currently
calculate or report risk-weighted assets.
Study and Recommendations on Prohibitions on Proprietary Trading and Certain Relationships with Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds 16As mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act, FSOC conducted a study on how best to implement section 619 of the Act (commonly known as the Volcker Rule), which is
designed to improve the safety and soundness of our nations banking system
by prohibiting propriety trading activities and certain private fund investments.
To help formulate its recommendations, the Council published a Notice and Request for Information in the Federal Register on October 6, 2010, and received
more than 8,000 comments from the public, Congress, and financial services
market participants. Key themes in those comments urged agencies to:
Prohibit banking entities from engaging in speculative proprietary trading or
sponsoring or investing in prohibited hedge funds or private equity funds;
Define terms and eliminate potential loopholes;
Provide clear guidance to banking entities as to the definition of permitted and
prohibited activities; and
Protect the ability of banking firms to manage their risks and provide critical
financial intermediation services and preserve strong and liquid capital markets.
After careful consideration of these comments, on January 18, 2011, the Council
approved publication of its study and recommendations that are intended to help
inform the regulatory agencies as they move forward with this difficult and complex
15 A copy of the study is available at:
16 A copy of the study is available at:

rulemaking. The study endorses the robust implementation of the Volcker Rule and
makes ten broad recommendations for the agencies consideration.17
As I noted at the Council meeting at which this matter was considered, the OCC
believes this study strikes a fair balance between identifying considerations and approaches for future rulemaking, and being overly prescriptive. As noted earlier, this
is an area where Congress chose to make a careful and, in my view, judicious distinction in authoritiesrequiring the Council to conduct the study and make recommendations, but leaving responsibility for writing the implementing regulations
to the relevant supervisory agencies. Recognizing this distinction is essential to the
process because the rulewriting agencies are required by law to inviteand considerpublic comments as they develop the implementing regulations. This means
the agencies must conduct the rulemaking without prejudging its outcome. We and
the other agencies are in the midst of developing the proposed implementing rule
and will be soliciting comment on all aspects of it when it is published.
Proposed Rulemakings on Authority to Require Supervision and Regulation of
Certain Non-bank Financial CompaniesAs noted earlier, in contrast to the
Volcker Rule where the Councils role is primarily one of an advisory body, the
Council is directly given authority under the Dodd-Frank Act to designate systemically important non-bank financial firms for heightened supervision. On
October 1, 2010, the Council approved for publication an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) that sought public comment on the implementation
of this provision of the Dodd-Frank Act. Approximately 50 comments were received on the ANPR. On January 18, 2011, the Council approved publication
of a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that outlines the criteria that will
inform the Councils designation of such firms and the procedures the FSOC
will use in the designation process. The NPRM closely follows and adheres to
the statutory factors established by Congress for such designations. The framework proposed in the NPRM for assessing systemic importance is organized
around six broad categories, each of which reflects a different dimension of a
firms potential to experience material financial distress, as well as the nature,
scope, size, scale, concentration, interconnectedness, and mix of the companys
activities. The six categories are: size, interconnectedness, substitutability, leverage, liquidity, and regulatory oversight.
The comment period for this NPRM closed on February 25, 2011, and staffs are
in the process of reviewing the comments received and assessing how we should
move forward with implementing this important provision of the Dodd-Frank Act.
In response to concerns raised by commenters, there appears to be general agreement among the agencies on the need to provide and seek comment on additional
details regarding FSOCs standards for assessing systemic risk before issuing a final
rule. I fully support this decision. It is critical that FSOC strikes the appropriate
balance in providing sufficient clarity in our rules and transparency in our designation process, while at the same time avoiding overly simplistic approaches that fail
to recognize and consider the facts and circumstances of individual firms and specific industries. Ensuring that firms have appropriate due process throughout the
designation process will be critical in achieving this balance. In this regard, consistent with statutory provisions, the designation of a non-bank firm as systemically
important will require consent by no fewer than two-thirds of the voting members
of the Council, including the affirmative vote of the Chairperson of the Council. Before being designated, a firm will be given a written notice that the Council is considering making a proposed determination with an opportunity to submit materials
applicable to such a determination. Firms also are provided the right to a hearing
once they receive a written notice of proposed determination.
Proposed Rulemakings on Authority to Designate Financial Markets Utilities as
Systemically ImportantSection 804 of the Dodd-Frank Act provides FSOC
with the authority to identify and designate as systemically important a financial market utility (FMU) if FSOC determines that the failure of the FMU could
create or increase the risk of significant liquidity or credit problems spreading
among financial institutions or markets and thereby threaten the stability of
the U.S. financial system. On December 21, 2010, the Council published an
ANPR regarding the designation criteria in section 804. The Council received
12 comments in response to the ANPR. At its March 18, 2011, meeting, the
Council approved the publication of a NPRM that describes the criteria, analyt17 See: Financial Oversight Council, Study & Recommendations on Prohibitions on Proprietary
Trading & Certain Relationships with Hedge Funds & Private Equity Funds, (January 2011)
at 3.

ical framework, and process and procedures the Council proposes to use to designate an FMU as systemically important. The NPRM includes the statutory
factors the Council is required to take into consideration and adds subcategories
under each of the factors to provide examples of how those factors will be applied. The NPRM also outlines a two-stage process for evaluating and designating an FMU as systemically important. This process includes opportunities
for a prospective FMU to submit materials in support of or opposition to a proposed designation. Consistent with statutory provisions, any designation of an
FMU will require consent by the same supermajority and affirmative vote procedure described above for designation of non-bank firms. The Council must
also engage in prior consultation with the Federal Reserve Board and the relevant Federal financial agency that has primary jurisdiction over the FMU.
Systemic Risk MonitoringThe Council and its committees are also making
strides in providing a more systematic framework for identifying, monitoring,
and deliberating potential systemic risks to the financial stability of the U.S.
Briefings and discussions on potential risks and the implications of current
market developmentssuch as recent events in Japan, the Middle East, and
Northern Africaon financial stability are a key part of the closed deliberations
of each Council meeting, allowing for a free exchange of information and insights. As part of these discussions, members assess the likelihood and magnitude of the risks, the need for additional data or analysis, and whether there
is a current need to supplement or redirect current actions and supervisory
oversight to mitigate these risks. In addition, the Councils Data Subcommittee
has overseen the development and production of a standard set of analyses that
FSOC members receive prior to each Council meeting that summarize current
conditions and trends related to the macroeconomic and financial environment,
financial institutions, financial markets, and the international economy.
Annual Systemic Risk ReportSection 112 of the Dodd-Frank Act requires the
FSOC to annually report to and testify before Congress on the activities of the
Council; significant financial market and regulatory developments; potential
emerging threats to the financial stability of the United States; all determinations regarding systemically important non-bank financial firms or financial
market utilities or payment, clearing and settlement activities; any recommendations regarding supervisory jurisdictional disputes; and recommendations to enhance the integrity, efficiency, competitiveness, and stability of U.S.
financial markets, to promote market discipline, and to maintain investor confidence. Work is under way in preparing the first of these reports and much of
the aforementioned work on systemic risk monitoring will help shape its content. It is our understanding that Treasury plans to issue the report later this
Consultative and Regulatory CoordinationFSOC and its committees have also
facilitated consultation and coordination on a number of important Dodd-Frank
Act rulemakings. For example, Treasury played a coordinating role in the recently released notice of proposed rulemaking that would implement section 941
on credit risk retention, and is engaged in a similar role with respect to the
Volcker rulemaking activities. As part of each Deputies Committee meeting,
Treasury circulates a bi-weekly consultation report that provides a snapshot of
pending rules for consultation. In this regard, the Councils Resolution Authority/Resolution Plans Committee has provided input to the FDIC and FRB, and
recommendations to the Council, on issues related to the various Title II rulemaking initiatives. These have included input on the FDICs and FRBs recent
joint rulemaking to implement resolution plan requirements for certain nonbank financial companies and bank holding companies pursuant to Section
165(d) and the FDICs rulemakings on its orderly liquidation authority pursuant to Section 209.
V. Conclusion
The Dodd-Frank Act has assigned FSOC important duties and responsibilities to
help promote the stability of the U.S. financial system. The issues that the Council
will confront in carrying out these duties are, by their nature, complex and farreaching in terms of their potential effects on our financial markets and economy.
Developing appropriate and measured responses to these issues will require
thoughtful deliberation and debate among the members. The OCC is committed to
providing its expertise and perspectives and in helping the Council achieve its mission.

MAY 12, 2011
Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Shelby, Members of the Committee:
Thank you for the opportunity to testify 1 regarding the Securities and Exchange
Commissions efforts to monitor systemic risk and promote financial stability, two
functions that are critical in fulfilling our mission to protect investors, maintain fair,
orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation. Over the past few
years, all financial regulators have been faced with key issues of systemic risk and
financial stability. At the SEC, our activities have included a broad-based appraisal
of both the strengths and weaknesses of our current equity market structure, and
our capacity to monitor trading across all trading venues and to enforce the securities laws and regulations and self-regulatory organization (SRO) rules.
With the passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act (Dodd-Frank Act), Congress provided the SEC with important tools to better
meet the challenges of todays financial marketplace. These provisions included a
mandate for oversight of the over-the-counter derivatives marketplace, private fund
adviser registration and reporting, and rulemakings related to nationally recognized
statistical rating organizations (NRSROs). Additionally, Title I of the Dodd-Frank
Act created the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), and with it, a formal structure for coordination amongst the various financial regulators to monitor
systemic risk and to promote financial stability across our nations financial system.
Each of these developments has enhanced the Commissions ability to protect Americas investors and oversee financial markets.
Strengthening Market Structure
Market structure encompasses all aspects of the organization of a market, including the number and types of venues that trade a financial product and the rules
by which they operate. Although these issues can be complex and the rules technical, a fair, orderly and efficient market structure is the backbone of the equity
markets and has significant implications for our financial system more broadly. The
Commission has undertaken a broad-based appraisal of both the strengths and
weaknesses of our current equity market structure. This review includes an evaluation of recent market structure performance and an assessment of whether rules
have kept pace with recent significant changes in trading technology and practices.
The goal of this evaluation is to effectively address any market structure weaknesses while preserving its strengths.
In addition, last year, the SEC published a concept release on equity market
structure in (the Concept Release). The Concept Release described the current
market structure and then broadly requested comment from the public on three categories of issues: (1) the quality of performance of the current market structure, (2)
high frequency trading, and (3) undisplayed liquidity in all its forms.
To date, the Commission has received more than 200 comments in response to the
Concept Release. A number of commenters identified benefits of the current market
structure, in particular noting that it has fostered competition among trading
venues and liquidity providers that has lowered spreads and brokerage commissions. These investors cautioned against regulatory changes that might lead to unintended consequences. Other commenters, however, raised concerns about the quality
of price discovery and questioned whether the current market structure continues
to offer a level playing field to investors in which all can participate meaningfully
and fairly. These commenters suggested a variety of possible initiatives.
The Commission continues to evaluate these issues in a responsible, timely, and
comprehensive fashion, with particular focus on obtaining the appropriate data and
analysis to support our decisions to proceed with or to table any particular initiative.
Responses to May 6 Trading Disruption
Just over 1 year ago, the U.S. equity markets experienced one of the most significant price declines and reversals since 1929. In September, the staffs of the SEC
and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) published their second
joint report on their inquiry into the days events. Producing the report required an
extraordinary amount of staff resources. On the securities side in particular, much
1 The views expressed in this testimony are those of the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, a member of FSOC, and do not necessarily represent the views of the full

of the time and effort was devoted to collecting and then painstakingly sifting
through the data necessary to reconstruct trading. These efforts highlighted the
pressing need for enhanced data functionalities in the securities markets.
The joint report lays out the multiple factors that in our view significantly contributed to the liquidity failure and disruptive trading on that day, outlining the
complex interplay of multiple factors across the securities and futures markets. This
interplay is significant because it demonstrates the need for a multi-faceted regulatory response that addresses the full scope of the risks in a comprehensive and
responsible way.
It is vital that the rules that govern market structure and market participant behavior support equity markets that warrant the full confidence of investors and listed companies. The Commission recently has adopted a number of important initiatives to further this goal:
Less than 2 weeks after May 6, the Commission posted for comment proposed
exchange rules that would halt trading for certain individual stocks if their
price moved 10 percent in a 5-minute period. Barely more than 6 weeks after
the event, exchanges began putting in place a pilot uniform circuit breaker program for S&P 500 stocks. In September, the program was extended to stocks
in the Russell 1000 Index and specified exchange-traded products. The aim of
this program is to halt trading under disorderly market conditions, which in
turn should help restore investor confidence by ensuring that markets operate
only when they can effectively carry out their critical price-discovery functions.
In September, the Commission approved pilot exchange rules designed to bring
order and transparency to the process of breaking clearly erroneous trades.
On May 6, nearly 20,000 trades were invalidated for stocks that traded 60 percent or more away from their price at 2:40 PM. That 60 percent benchmark,
however, was set after the fact. We now have consistent rules in place governing clearly erroneous trades that will apply to a future disruption.
In November, the Commission approved exchange rules to enhance the
quotation standards for market makers. In particular, the new rules eliminate
stub quotesa bid to buy or an offer to sell a stock at a price so far away
from the prevailing market that it is not intended to be executed, such as a bid
to buy at a penny or an offer to sell at $100,000. Executions against stub quotes
represented a significant proportion of the trades that were executed at extreme
prices on May 6 and were subsequently broken.
Also in November, the Commission took an important step to promote market
stability by adopting a new market access rule. Broker-dealers that access the
markets themselves or offer market access to customers will be required to put
in place appropriate pre-trade risk management controls and supervisory procedures. The rule effectively prohibits broker-dealers from providing customers
with unfiltered access to an exchange or alternative trading system. By helping ensure that broker-dealers appropriately control the risks of market access,
the rule should prevent broker-dealers or their customers from engaging in
practices that threaten the financial condition of other market participants and
clearing organizations, as well as the integrity of trading on the securities markets.
In addition, the Commission recently proposed exchange and FINRA rules that
provide for a limit up/limit down procedure that would directly prohibit trades
outside specified parameters, while allowing trading to continue within those
parameters. This procedure should prevent many anomalous trades from ever
occurring, as well as limiting the disruptive effect of those that do occur.
In addition to these rules, the Commission has proposed large trader reporting requirements and a consolidated audit trail system to improve our ability to regulate
the equity markets. These proposals would tremendously enhance regulators ability
to identify significant market participants, collect information on their activity, and
analyze their trading behavior. Both of these initiatives seek to address significant
shortcomings in the agencys present ability to collect and monitor data in an efficient and scalable manner and to address discrete market structure problems.
Today, there is not a standardized, automated system to collect data across the
various trading venues, products and market participants. Some, but not all, markets have their own individual and often incomplete audit trails. As a result, regulators tracking suspicious activity or reconstructing an unusual event must obtain
and merge a sometimes immense volume of disparate data from a number of different markets. And even then, the data does not always reveal who traded which
security, and when. To obtain individual trader information the Commission must
make a series of manual requests that can take days or even weeks to fulfill. In

brief, the Commissions tools for collecting data and surveilling our markets do not
incorporate the technology currently used by those we regulate. Further, they do not
provide the Commission with adequate information to conduct timely reconstructions of market events.
If implemented, the consolidated audit trail would, for the first time, allow SROs
and the Commission to track trade data across multiple markets, products and participants simultaneously. It would allow us to rapidly reconstruct trading activity
and to more quickly analyze both suspicious trading and unusual market events. It
is important to recognize, however, that implementation of the consolidated audit
trail is a significant undertaking, and thus will need to be implemented in phases
over time. In addition, in order to obtain the maximum benefit from this new infrastructure, the Commissions own technology and human resources will need to be
expanded beyond their current levels.
Finally, a principal lesson of the financial crisis is that, because todays financial
markets and their participants are dynamic, fast-moving, and innovative, the regulators who oversee them must continuously improve their knowledge and skills to
regulate effectively. In response to the ever-changing nature of our financial system,
the SECs Office of Compliance, Investigations and Examinations and our Division
of Enforcement have adopted new approaches to promote fair, orderly and efficient
operation of the markets.
New Tools Provided by the Dodd-Frank Act
The Dodd-Frank Act includes over 100 rulemaking provisions applicable to the
SEC. Several of those provisions will play an important role in enhancing the Commissions ability to mitigate systemic risk and promote financial stability.
Over-The-Counter Derivatives. The Dodd-Frank Act mandates oversight of the
OTC derivatives marketplace. Title VII of the Act provides that the Commission will
regulate security-based swaps and the CFTC will regulate other swaps. To implement the security based swap provisions, the SEC is writing rules that address,
among other things, mandatory clearing, the operation of security-based swap execution facilities and data repositories, capital and margin requirements and business conduct standards for security-based swap dealers and major security-based
swap participants, and regulatory access to and public transparency for information
regarding security-based swap transactions. This series of rulemakings should improve transparency and facilitate the centralized clearing of security-based swaps,
helping, among other things, to reduce counterparty risk. It should also enhance investor protection by increasing disclosure regarding security-based swap transactions and helping to mitigate conflicts of interest involving security-based swaps.
In addition, these rulemakings should establish a regulatory framework that allows
OTC derivatives markets to continue to develop in a more transparent, efficient, accessible, and competitive manner.
Private Fund Adviser Registration and Reporting. Under Title IV of the DoddFrank Act, hedge fund advisers and private equity fund advisers will be required
to register with the Commission, which is expected to occur in the first quarter of
2012. Under the Act, venture capital fund advisers and private fund advisers with
less than $150 million in assets under management in the United States will be exempt from the new registration requirements. In addition, family offices will not be
subject to registration. To implement these provisions, the Commission has proposed:
Amendments to Form ADV, the investment adviser registration form, to facilitate the registration of advisers to hedge funds and other private funds and to
gather information about these private funds, including identification of the private funds auditors, custodians and other gatekeepers;2
To implement the Acts mandate to exempt from registration advisers to private
funds with less than $150 million in assets under management in the United
States; 3
A definition of venture capital fund to distinguish these funds from other
types of private funds;4 and
A rule to exempt family offices and a definition of family office that focuses
on firms that provide investment advice to family members (as defined by the
2 See Release No. IA3110, Rules Implementing Amendments to the Investment Advisers Act
of 1940 (November 19, 2010),
3 See id.
4 See Release No. IA3111, Exemptions for Advisers to Venture Capital Funds, Private Fund
Advisers with Less Than $150 Million in Assets Under Management and Foreign Private Advisers (November 19, 2010),

rule), certain key employees, charities and trusts established by family members and entities wholly owned and controlled by family members.5
In addition, following consultation with staff of the member agencies of the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), the Commission and CFTC jointly proposed
rules to implement the Acts mandate to require advisers to hedge funds and other
private funds to report information for use by the FSOC in monitoring for systemic
risk to the U.S. financial system.6 The proposal, which builds on coordinated work
on hedge fund reporting conducted with international regulators, would institute a
tiered approach to gathering the systemic risk data, which would remain confidential. Thus, the largest private fund advisersthose with $1 billion or more in hedge
fund, private equity fund, or liquidity fund assetswould provide more comprehensive and more frequent systemic risk information than other private fund advisers.
Financial Stability Oversight Council
FSOC was created by Title I of the Dodd-Frank Act and has 10 voting members:
the senior officials at each of the nine Federal financial regulators7 and an independent member with insurance expertise appointed by the President. FSOCs composition also includes five nonvoting advisory members: three from various State financial regulators 8 as well as the Directors of the new Federal Insurance Office and
Office of Financial Research (OFR).9
Under the Dodd-Frank Act, Congress has given FSOC the following primary responsibilities:
identifying risks to the financial stability of the United States that could arise
from the material financial distress or failureor ongoing activitiesof large,
interconnected bank holding companies or nonbank financial holding companies,
or that could arise outside the financial services marketplace;
promoting market discipline by eliminating expectations on the part of shareholders, creditors, and counterparties of such companies that the Government
will shield them from losses in the event of failure (i.e., addressing the moral
hazard problem of too big to fail); and
identifying and responding to emerging threats to the stability of the United
States financial system.10
In fulfilling its responsibilities, FSOC is charged with identifying and designating
certain nonbank financial companies as systemically important financial institutions
(SIFIs) for heightened prudential supervision by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve Board).11 In addition, FSOC may make
recommendations to the Federal Reserve Board concerning the establishment and
refinement of heightened prudential standards for firms designated under the SIFI
process and large, interconnected bank holding companies already supervised by the
Federal Reserve Board.12 Such recommendations may address, among other things,
risk-based capital, leverage, liquidity, contingent capital, resolution plans and credit
exposure reports, concentration limits, enhanced public disclosures and overall risk
management.13 In addition, FSOC must identify and designate financial market
5 See Release No. IA3098, Family Offices (October 12, 2010);
6 See Release No. IA3145, Reporting by Investment Advisers to Private Funds and Certain
Commodity Pool Operators and Commodity Trading Advisors on Form PF (January 26, 2011),
7 The senior officials are the Secretary of the Treasury (Chairperson); Chairman of the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve; Comptroller of the Currency; Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission; Chairperson
of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; Chairperson of the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission; Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency; and Chairman of the National
Credit Union Administration. See Dodd-Frank Act 111(b)(1).
8 The State financial regulators include a State insurance commissioner designated by the
State insurance commissioners; a State banking supervisor designated by the State banking regulators; and a State securities commissioner designated by the State securities commissioners.
See Dodd-Frank Act 111(b)(2).
9 See Dodd-Frank Act 111(b)(2).
10 See Dodd-Frank Act 112(a)(1).
11 See Dodd-Frank Act 112(a)(2)(H) and 113.
12 See Dodd-Frank Act 112(a)(2)(I).
13 See id.

utilities (FMUs) and payment, clearing, and settlement activities that are, or are
likely to become, systemically important.14
The recent financial crisis demonstrated the potential for risks to quickly spread
across the financial sector and undermine general confidence in the financial system. To address issues of siloed information and the potential for regulatory arbitrage, another key responsibility of FSOC is to monitor the financial markets and
regulatory framework to identify gaps, weaknesses and risks and make recommendations to address those issues to its member agencies and to Congress.15 In
addition, by combining the information resources of its member agencies and working with the OFR, FSOC is responsible for facilitating the collection and sharing of
information about risks across the financial system.16
FSOC Activities Update
Since passage of the Dodd-Frank Act, FSOC has taken steps to create an organizational structure, coordinate interagency efforts, and build the foundation for meeting its statutory responsibilities. In the weeks leading up to the inaugural October
1, 2010 meeting of the principals of the FSOC agencies, staff from the Treasury Department coordinated interagency staff work to establish by-laws and develop a
transparency policy. During that period, FSOC also formed several interagency committees to address specific statutory requirements.
Designation of Systemically Important Financial Institutions
To begin defining and implementing the process to identify and designate SIFIs
for heightened supervision by the Federal Reserve Board, FSOC established a SIFI
designations committee and several staff subcommittees to tackle specific tasks.
On October 6, 2010, FSOC issued an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking soliciting public comment on the specific criteria and analytical framework for the
SIFI designation process, with a focus on how to apply the statutory considerations
for such designations. FSOC received over 50 comment letters from trade associations, financial firms, individuals, and others. These comment letters included views
on the designation process itself, as well as suggestions on the specific criteria and
metrics to be used and the frameworks for their application.
On January 26, 2011, FSOC issued a notice of proposed rulemaking regarding the
SIFI designation process. The proposed rule describes the criteria that will inform
and the processes and procedures established under the Dodd-Frank Act fordesignations by FSOC. Such criteria would be rooted in the eleven statutory considerations set forth in the Dodd-Frank Act for such designations, and would include,
among other considerations, a firms size, leverage, liquidity risk, maturity mismatch, and interconnectedness with other financial firms. The proposed rule also
implements certain other provisions of the designation process, including: (1) the
anti-evasion authority of FSOC; (2) procedures for notice of, and the opportunity for
a hearing on, a proposed determination; and (3) procedures regarding consultation,
coordination, and judicial review in connection with a determination. We plan to
provide additional guidance regarding the Councils approach to designations and
will seek public comment on it.
Designation of Systemically Important Financial Market Utilities
Financial Market Untilities (FMUs) are essential to the proper functioning of the
nations financial markets.17 These utilities form critical links among marketplaces
and intermediaries that can strengthen the financial system by reducing
counterparty credit risk among market participants, creating significant efficiencies
in trading activities, and promoting transparency in financial markets. However,
FMUs by their nature create and concentrate new risks that could affect the stability of the broader financial system. To address these risks, Title VIII of the DoddFrank Act provides important new enhancements to the regulation and supervision
of FMUs designated as systemically important by FSOC (DFMUs) and of payment,
clearance and settlement activities. This enhanced authority in Title VIII should
provide consistency, promote robust risk management and safety and soundness, reduce systemic risks, and support the stability of the broader financial system.18 Importantly, the enhanced authority in Title VIII is designed to be in addition to the
14 See

Dodd-Frank Act 112(a)(2)(J) and 804(a).

Dodd-Frank Act 112(a)(2)(C)(G).
Dodd-Frank Act 112(a)(2)(A)(B).
17 Section 803(6) of the Dodd-Frank Act defines a financial market utility as any person that
manages or operates a multilateral system for the purpose of transferring, clearing, or settling
payments, securities, or other financial transactions among financial institutions or between financial institutions and the person.
18 See Dodd-Frank Act 802.
15 See
16 See

authority and requirements of the Securities Exchange Act and Commodity Exchange Act that may apply to FMUs and financial institutions that conduct designated activities.19
FSOC established an interagency DFMU committee to develop a framework for
the designation of systemically important FMUs, in which staff from the SEC has
actively participated. On December 21, 2010, FSOC published an advanced notice
of proposed rulemaking seeking public comment on the designation process for
FMUs. In response, FSOC received twelve comment letters from industry groups,
advocacy and public interest groups, individual FMUs and financial institutions.
Among other things, commenters generally encouraged the development of metrics
and an analytical framework to further define the statutory considerations for designation contained in Title VIII, and also emphasized the need for FSOC to apply
consistent standards for all FMUs under consideration for designation that incorporate both qualitative and quantitative factors.
On March 28, 2011, FSOC published a notice of proposed rulemaking to provide
further information on the process it proposed to follow when reviewing the systemic
importance of FMUs. FSOC is considering using a two-stage process for evaluating
FMUs prior to a vote on a proposed designation by the Council. The first stage
would consist of a largely data-driven process to identify a preliminary set of FMUs
whose failure or disruption could potentially threaten the stability of the U.S. financial system. In the second stage, FMUs so identified would be subject to a more indepth review, with a greater focus on qualitative factors and FMU- and market-specific considerations. Under the proposal, the Council expects to use the statutory
considerations as a base for assessing the systemic importance of FMUs.20 Application of this framework, however, would be adapted for the risks presented by a particular type of FMU and business model.
Systemic Risk Assessment
In addition to initiating work on the identification of SIFIs and DFMUs, FSOC
has established a Systemic Risk Committee that seeks to identify, highlight and review possible risks that could develop across the financial system. The Dodd-Frank
Act also requires FSOC to report annually to Congress regarding these risks,21 and
we expect the work of this committee will inform that report.
Other Activities
In addition to seeking to identify possible risks in the financial system, FSOC was
required under Section 619(b) of the Dodd Frank Act to study and make recommendations on implementing the Acts restrictions on proprietary trading, commonly referred to as the Volcker rule, to achieve certain goals enumerated in the
statute, including:
to promote and enhance the safety and soundness of banking entities;
protect taxpayers and consumers; and
enhance financial stability by minimizing the risk that insured depository institutions and their affiliates will engage in unsafe and unsound activities.
On January 18, 2011, FSOC released its study and recommendations on implementation of the Volcker rule. The study recommends the creation of rules and a
supervisory framework that effectively prohibit proprietary trading activities
throughout banking entitiesas defined by the Dodd-Frank Actand appropriately distinguish prohibited proprietary trading from statutorily described permitted activities. The recommended supervisory framework consists of a programmatic compliance regime, metrics, supervisory review and oversight, and enforcement procedures for violations for the respective regulatory agencies conducting
supervisory review and oversight. In addition, the study identified potential challenges in delineating prohibited proprietary trading activities from permitted activities, including potential difficulties in determining whether a position was taken in
anticipation of near term customer demand or for non-permissible prop trading purposes.
19 See

Dodd-Frank Act 805.

804(a)(2) of the Dodd Frank Act provides that these considerations are: (1) the aggregate monetary value of transactions processed by the FMU or carried out through the PCS
activity; (2) the aggregate exposure of the FMU or a financial institution engaged in PCS activities to its counterparties; (3) the relationship, interdependencies, or other interactions of the
FMU or PCS activity with other FMUs or PCS activities; (4) the effect that the failure of or
a disruption to the FMU or PCS activity would have on critical markets, financial institutions,
or the broader financial system; and (5) any other factors that FSOC deems appropriate.
21 See Dodd-Frank Act 112(a)(2)(N).
20 Section

The study also recognizes that effective oversight by the agencies will require specialized skills and be resource intensive. For example, the study notes agencies will
need additional resources to develop appropriate data points, build infrastructure to
obtain and review information, and hire and train additional staff with quantitative
and market expertise to identify and investigate outliers and questionable trading
Money Market Fund Roundtable
Earlier this week, the SEC hosted a Money Market Fund Roundtable, which included representatives of each of the voting members of FSOC. The roundtable featured an in-depth discussion of various policy options to address the risk that a run
on money market funds could have on the broader financial markets. Participants
at the roundtable included money market fund sponsors, investors, academics, industry observers and representatives from entities that issue the commercial paper
in which many money market funds invest. The roundtable enabled SEC Commissioners, FSOC principals and their representatives to discuss first-handand in a
public foruma significant issue related to the ongoing monitoring of systemic risk.
I look forward to continued work on coordination with FSOC with respect to money
market funds.
Next Steps
While FSOC has made substantial progress in taking up its new responsibilities,
its efforts are ongoing, and much remains to be done. Some of the most challenging
issues regarding the potential designation of systemically important financial institutions and FMUs lie ahead, and public input both generally on this processand
specifically with respect to the notices of proposed rulemakingwill be critically important. In addition, as Dodd-Frank implementation proceeds, the coordination of
the FSOC agencies will continue to be a vital consideration.
In sum, the Commission recognizes the importance of monitoring systemic risk
and promoting financial stability, and has responded to the challenges presented by
recent market developments. As the Commission moves forward, we will look comprehensively at the issues, and take appropriate steps, both within the Commission
and with our regulatory partners in the FSOC, to address any threats to our nations financial system in a balanced manner that preserves the strengths of the system and protects investors. As we move ahead, we look forward to working closely
with Congress to continue addressing these critical issues. Thank you for inviting
me to testify today. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.


MAY 12, 2011
Good morning Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Shelby and Members of the
Committee. I thank you for inviting me to todays hearing on monitoring systemic
risk and promoting financial stability. I am pleased to testify alongside my fellow
This morning I will provide an update on the status of the Commodity Futures
Trading Commissions (CFTCs) process to implement the derivatives titles of the
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and discuss the how
the CFTC has contributed to the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC). Before I begin, Id like to thank my fellow Commissioners the hardworking staff of the
CFTC for their continued efforts to implement the Dodd-Frank Act.
Dodd-Frank Implementation Status
The CFTC is working deliberatively, efficiently and transparently to implement
the Dodd-Frank Act. At this point, we have substantially completed the proposal
phase of our rule-writing to implement the Dodd-Frank Act. Since the President
signed the Dodd-Frank Act last July, the Commission has promulgated rules covering all of the areas set out by the Act for swaps regulation, with the exception
of the Volcker Rule, for which the Act set a different timeline.
With the substantial completion of the proposal phase of rule-writing, the public
now has the opportunity to review the whole mosaic of rules. This will allow market
participants to evaluate the entire regulatory scheme as a whole.

To further facilitate this process, last month the Commission approved reopening
or extending the comment periods for most of our Dodd-Frank proposed rules for
an additional 30 days.
This time will allow the public to submit any comments they might have after
seeing the entire mosaic at once. As part of this, I am hopeful that market participants will continue to comment about potential compliance costs as well as phasing
of implementation dates to help the agency as we go forward with finalizing rules.
We will begin considering final rules only after staff can analyze, summarize and
consider comments, after the Commissioners are able to discuss the comments and
provide feedback to staff, and after the Commission consults with fellow regulators
on the rules.
One component that we have asked the public about is phasing of rule implementation. Earlier this month, CFTC staff worked with SEC staff to host a roundtable
to hear directly from the public about the timing of implementation dates of DoddFrank rulemakings. Prior to the roundtable, CFTC staff released a document that
set forth concepts that the Commission may consider with regard to the effective
dates of final rules for swaps under the Dodd-Frank Act. We also opened a public
comment file last month to hear specifically on this issue. The roundtable and public
comments help inform the Commission as to what requirements can be met sooner
and which ones will take a bit more time.
Though we have substantially completed the proposal phase of rule-writing, the
public will not be adequately protected until the agency completes final rules.
Rules Relating to Systemic Risk
The CFTC has proposed rules in three primary areas that are intended, in part,
to lower systemic risk: regulating swap dealers, promoting transparency in the swap
markets and requiring clearing of standardized swaps.
Regulating Swap Dealers
The financial crisis demonstrated the risk to the public of ineffectively regulated
swap dealers. The Dodd-Frank Act addresses this by requiring comprehensive oversight of swap dealers. The CFTC has proposed rules to fulfill the Dodd-Frank Acts
mandate that dealers meet minimum capital requirements to prevent a dealers failure. We also have proposed rules mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act to require marginor collateralrequirements to help prevent one financial entitys failure from
spreading through the financial system to other entities and the broader economy.
Congress recognized the different levels of risk posed by transactions between financial entities and those that involve non-financial entities, as reflected in the nonfinancial end-user exception to clearing. Consistent with this, the CFTCs proposed
margin rules focus only on transactions between financial entities rather than those
transactions that involve non-financial end-users. Further, we have proposed business conduct standards, including documentation, confirmation and portfolio reconciliation requirements. Each of these is an important tool to lower risk that the
swap markets pose to the economy.
We also have proposed rules under the Dodd-Frank Act that set business conduct
rules and set position limits to promote market integrity and protect against fraud,
manipulation and other abuses. This helps ensure that the users of derivatives get
the benefit of transparent, open and competitive markets.
Promoting Transparency
The Dodd-Frank Act includes essential reforms to bring sunshine to the opaque
swaps markets. Economists and policymakers for decades have recognized that market transparency benefits the public. Transparency also helps lower systemic risk.
The more transparent a marketplace is, the more liquid it is for standardized instruments, the more competitive it is and the lower the costs for hedgers, borrowers
and, ultimately, their customers.
The CFTC has proposed rules to implement the Dodd-Frank Acts mandate to
bring transparency to the swaps market in each of the three phases of a transaction.
First, we have proposed rules to bring transparency to the time immediately before
the transactions are completed, so-called pre-trade transparency. This will be required for those standardized swapsthose that are cleared, made available for
trading and not blocksthat the Dodd-Frank Act mandates be traded on exchanges
or swap execution facilities (SEFs).
Exchanges and SEFs will allow investors, hedgers and speculators to meet in a
transparent, open and competitive central market. This will benefit end-users by
providing better pricing on derivatives transactions.
Second, as required by the Dodd-Frank Act, the CFTC has written rules to bring
real-time transparency to the pricing immediately after a swap transaction takes
place. This post-trade transparency provides all end-users and market participants

with important pricing information as they consider whether to lower their risk
through a similar transaction.
Third, the CFTC has proposed rules as mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act to bring
transparency to swaps over the lifetime of the contracts. End-users and the public
will benefit from knowing the valuations of outstanding swaps on a daily basis. If
the contract is cleared, proposed rules would require the clearinghouse to publicly
disclose the daily settlement price for each swap cleared by the clearinghouse. If the
contract is bilateral, proposed rules would require swap dealers to share mid-market
pricing with their counterparties every day and agree on valuation methodologies
in their swap documentation. This daily valuation will help prevent similar scenarios to 2008 when we were unable to price toxic assets.
Additionally, we have proposed rules to make the swaps markets transparent to
regulators through swap data repositories. The Dodd-Frank Act Act includes robust
recordkeeping and reporting requirements for all swaps transactions so that regulators can have a window into the risks posed in the system and can police the markets for fraud, manipulation and other abuses.
Lowering Risk through Central Clearing
The Dodd-Frank Act also requires that standardized swap transactions between
financial entities be brought to clearinghouses. Central clearing has been a feature
of the U.S. futures markets since the late-19th century. Clearinghouses act as middlemen between two parties to a derivatives transaction after the trade is arranged.
They protect the financial system and the broader economy from the failure of a
swap dealer. They require dealers to post collateral so that if one party fails, its failure does not harm its counterparties and reverberate throughout the financial system. They have functioned both in clear skies and during stormy timesthrough
the Great Depression, numerous bank failures, two world wars and the 2008 financial crisisto lower risk to the economy.
Currently, swap transactions stay on the books of the dealers that arrange them,
often for many years after they are executed. Like AIG did, these dealers engage
in many other businesses, such as lending, underwriting, asset management, securities trading and deposit-taking. These dealers often are interconnected with other
financial entities. This interconnectedness heightens the risk that a dealers failure
will reverberate throughout the economy as a whole. Uncleared swaps allow the failure of one institution to potentially cascade, like dominoes, throughout the financial
system and ultimately crash down on the public.
The CFTC has proposed rules to implement the Dodd-Frank Acts clearing mandate and its requirement for enhanced oversight of clearinghouses. In close consultation with our fellow domestic and international regulators, and particularly with the
Federal Reserve and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the CFTC
proposed rulemakings on risk management for clearinghouses. These rulemakings
take account of relevant international standards, particularly those developed by the
Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems and the International Organization
of Securities Commissions.
The Financial Stability Oversight Council
The Dodd-Frank Act established the FSOC to ensure protections for the American
public. The Council is an opportunity for regulatorsnow and in the futureto ensure that the financial system works better for all Americans. The financial system
should be a place where investors and savers can get a return on their money. It
should provide transparent and efficient markets where borrowers and people with
good ideas and business plans can raise needed capital.
The financial system also should allow people who want to hedge their risk to do
so without concentrating risk in the hands of only a few financial firms. One of the
challenges for the Council and for the American public is that the financial industry
has gotten very concentrated around a small number of very large firms. As it is
unlikely that we could ever ensure that no financial institution will failbecause
surely, some will in the futurewe must do our utmost to ensure that when those
challenges arise, the taxpayers are not forced to stand behind those institutions and
that these institutions are free to fail.
There are important decisions that the Council will make, such as determinations
about systemically important nonbank financial companies and systemically important financial market utilities, such as clearinghouses, resolving disputes between
agencies and completing important studies as dictated by the Dodd-Frank Act.
Though these specific decisions are important, to me it is essential that the Council
make sure that the American public doesnt bear the risk of the financial system
and that the system works for the American public, for investors, for small businesses, for retirees and for homeowners.

The Councils eight current voting members have coordinated closely. Treasurys
leadership has been invaluable. To support the FSOC, the CFTC is providing both
data and expertise relating to a variety of systemic risks, how those risks can
spread through the financial system and the economy and potential ways to mitigate those risks. We also have had the opportunity to coordinate with Treasury and
the Council on each of the studies and proposed rules issued by the FSOC.
I will focus this portion of my testimony discussing a number of matters that have
been on the FSOCs agenda.
Title VIII of the Dodd-Frank Act gives the FSOC important roles in clearinghouse
oversight by authorizing the Council to designate certain clearinghouses as systemically important. Title VIII also permits the Federal Reserve to join in the examination of such clearinghouses and to recommend heightened prudential standards in
certain circumstances.
The FSOCs notice of proposed rulemaking on designating systemically important
financial market utilities complements the CFTCs rulemaking efforts that I described above. Public input will be valuable in determining how the Council should
apply statutory criteria to determine which clearinghouses qualify for designation
as systemically important.
Volcker Rule Study
Section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Act provides that, other than certain permitted activities, a banking entity shall not engage in proprietary trading, including trading
in futures, options on futures and swaps. The CFTC is directed to adopt rules to
carry out this requirement with respect to any entity for which the CFTC is the
primary financial regulatory agency.
As part of the Volcker rules coordinated rulemaking requirement, CFTC staff has
been meeting frequently with other agencies, including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Federal Reserve, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
(OCC), SEC and Treasury Department. The goal of these meetings is to ensure, to
the extent possible, that our rules on section 619 are comparable and provide for
consistent application.
The FSOCs Study & Recommendations on Prohibitions on Proprietary Trading &
Certain Relationships with Hedge Funds & Private Equity Funds, also known as
the Volcker Rule study, provides thoughtful recommendations to carry out
Congresss intent to separate proprietary trading from otherwise permitted activities
of banking entities. The study also provides a basis upon which each of our agencies
can move forward with the required rule-writing to carry out Congresss mandate.
In particular, the study covers financial instruments both in the cash market and
in the derivatives and swaps markets. This is significant, as any risk that a banking
entity could take on in the cash markets also could be expressed through swaps and
derivatives. The inclusion of both prevents regulatory arbitrage. In addition, the
study indicates that the books of banking entities, including swap dealers, would not
be precluded from the definition of a trading account regardless of whether those
accounts held illiquid financial instruments, such as swaps, and regardless of
whether those positions are short-term or long-term.
Supervision of Certain Nonbank Financial Companies and Concentration Limits
Title I of the Dodd-Frank Act authorizes the FSOC to determine whether certain
activities of nonbank financial companies could pose a threat to the financial stability of the United States. Those companies would be supervised by the Federal Reserve and subject to specific prudential standards. In January, the FSOC issued a
proposed rulemaking concerning its Authority to Require Supervision of Certain
Nonbank Financial Companies. Effective regulation of systemically important
nonbank financial entities is essential to preventing the next AIG from threatening
the financial system.
The Dodd-Frank Act also includes a provision that no financial company be permitted to grow through either merger or acquisition if the resulting companies consolidated liabilities would exceed 10 percent of all the aggregate consolidated liabilities of all financial companies. The FSOCs Study & Recommendations Regarding
Concentration Limits on Large Financial Companies is an important step in implementing Congresss direction. These limits are designed to promote financial stability by preventing the liabilities of the financial sector from becoming too concentrated in any given financial entity. The 2008 financial crisis demonstrated the
potential repercussions to the American public of concentration within our financial

Annual FSOC Report to Congress
Under section 112 of the Dodd-Frank Act, the FSOC is to report annually to Congress. Staff of the CFTC, including in our Chief Economists office, Division of Market Oversight, and Division of Clearing and Intermediary Oversight, have been contributing to that effort. I believe this annual report can serve as an important
means for the Council to communicate to Congress on the stability of the financial
system and make recommendations to enhance the U.S. financial markets and protect the public.
Coordination with FSOC Member Agencies
The CFTC is consulting heavily with the member agencies of the FSOC to implement the Dodd-Frank Act. We are working very closely with the SEC, Federal Reserve, FDIC, OCC and other prudential regulators, which includes sharing many of
our memos, term sheets and draft work product. We also are working closely with
the Treasury Department and the new Office of Financial Research. CFTC staff has
had more than 600 meetings with other regulators on implementation of the Act.
This close coordination has benefited the rulemaking process and will strengthen
the markets. The CFTC will consider final rules only after we have the opportunity
to consult with our fellow regulators.
Thank you for the opportunity to testify. Id be happy to take questions.



Q.1. Currently one of the voting seats of the FSOC is empty; no

insurance expert has been nominated for the Council. Will any decisions with respect to the designation of insurance companies be
made before an insurance expert has been named?
A.1. On June 27, the President nominated Roy Woodall as the
FSOCs independent member having insurance expertise. Mr.
Woodall is a former Commissioner of Insurance for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. He has also served as a Senior Insurance Policy Analyst at the Department of the Treasury, an Insurance Consultant for the Congressional Research Service, and as President of
the National Association of Life Companies (NALC). Expeditious
Senate confirmation of Mr. Woodall to this position will allow him
to begin offering his considerable expertise to the FSOC.
In the meantime, as the FSOC works carefully and deliberately
to satisfy its responsibilities under the Dodd-Frank Act, two of its
non-voting members have substantial insurance expertise: Federal
Insurance Office Director Michael McRaith, who most recently
served as the Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance, provides relevant expertise that helps inform the FSOCs work, and
John Huff, the Director of the Missouri Department of Insurance,
Financial Institutions and Professional Registration, offers the important perspective of the primary functional insurance regulators.
Q.2 The SEC and CFTC are regulating an overlapping set of market participants engaging in transactions in similar products. They
are taking two different approaches to the regulatory mandates
they have been given. Is the Council considering whether the fact
that two regulators are regulating in the same space will dilute accountability and lead to regulatory arbitrage that could endanger
the financial system?
A.2. One of the duties of the FSOC, which the Secretary of the
Treasury chairs, is to facilitate information-sharing and coordination among the member agencies regarding rulemaking, examinations, reporting requirements, and enforcement actions. However,
while the Dodd-Frank Act establishes the FSOC as a forum for collaboration and consultation, it also preserves the independence of
regulators such as the SEC and CFTC. The FSOC has worked to
develop an approach that recognizes that independence while acting as a coordinator to facilitate a consistent and integrated approach to implementation. The SEC and CFTC, as independent
regulators, are working together on their derivatives rulemakings
to develop a consistent approach that reduces regulatory arbitrage.
Treasury, as Chair of the FSOC, has and will continue to prioritize
coordination among the regulators, including the SEC and CFTC

on their derivatives rulemakings, to promote financial stability and
market discipline.
Q.3. In your testimony you mentioned how valuable a recent executive order by President Obama was in seeking to ensure cost-effective, evidence-based regulations that are compatible with economic
growth, job creation, and competitiveness. What are you doing to
encourage the agencies charged with Dodd-Frank rulemaking to
undertake cost-effective, evidence-based regulations that are compatible with economic growth, job creation, and competitiveness?
Will the FSOCs rulemaking be subject to the executive order?
A.3. The Treasury Secretary has encouraged FSOC members to
adopt the principles and guidelines set forth in the Presidents Executive Order 13563 of January 18, 2011 Improving Regulation
and Regulatory Review. Although the Executive Order does not
apply to independent regulatory agencies, the Secretary encouraged
all FSOC members agencies to adopt the principles and guidelines
it sets forth. In addition, earlier this month, the President signed
Executive Order 13579, asking the independent regulatory agencies
to follow the cost-saving, burden-reducing principles in Executive
Order 13563. These priorities and guidelines can help strike the
right regulatory balance: ensuring that regulations improve the
performance of our economy and protect consumers and investors,
without imposing unreasonable costs on society.
The FSOC strives to perform its duties efficiently and effectively
in achieving its mandate under the Dodd-Frank Act while avoiding
undue burdens on the private sector. In addition, the FSOC works
to fulfill its statutory mandate under the Dodd-Frank Act to coordinate across member agencies and, where practicable, ensure consistent regulation.
Q.4. Your testimony mentions that the Council has begun monitoring for potential risks to U.S. financial stability. Please provide
more detail about who is conducting the monitoring, how it is being
done, and how the monitoring differs from monitoring that individual Council members undertook prior to the establishment of
the FSOC.
A.4. The Dodd-Frank Act established the FSOC as a forum for regulators to work together on a permanent basis to identify issues
that could affect financial stability and impact the economy. The
FSOC membersnine Federal regulators, an independent member
with insurance expertise, the Office of Financial Research (OFR)
Director, the Federal Insurance Office (FIO) Director, and State
banking, insurance, and securities supervisorscontribute their expertise about sectors and institutions to develop a broader view of
trends, risks, and challenges in the financial system. The FSOC
has collective accountability for identifying, monitoring and responding to threats to U.S. financial stability.
The FSOC has designed a collaborative structure to promote the
appropriate coordination, cooperation, information-sharing and
transparency necessary for FSOC members to identify, analyze and
respond to vulnerabilities in the system and emerging threats to
U.S. financial stability. The FSOC has instituted a three-pronged
committee structure: the Deputies Committee, the Systemic Risk
Committee and the standing functional committees. These commit-

tees, which are composed of staff of FSOC member agencies with
supervisory, examination, data, surveillance, and policy expertise,
share information to assess risks that affect financial markets and
institutions. The Systemic Risk Committee, with its subcommittees
on financial institutions and markets, is accountable for interagency coordination and information-sharing regarding issues that
could impact financial stability. The OFR is also working closely
with the FSOC and member agencies to support this work, including through the development of tools for risk measurement and
Q.5. The FSOC has an ambitious mandate. It is not clear how this
mandate will work in practice. Has the FSOC developed a strategic
plan for achieving its goals? If so, please provide the plan.
A.5. The FSOC has identified goals that it is working diligently to
achieve. These goals include building an effective forum for collaboration and coordination between its members; carrying out the
statutory requirements of the Dodd-Frank Act; identifying, monitoring, and responding to potential risks to U.S. financial stability;
and laying the groundwork for designations of nonbank financial
companies and financial market utilities.
To meet these goals, the FSOC has met six times since inception,
exceeding the statutory requirement. Each of the FSOC member
agencies has also designated a senior official to serve on the Deputies Committee, which meets every 2 weeks to discuss and make
decisions that advance the FSOCs work. In addition to the Deputies Committee, the FSOC has established a Systemic Risk Committee and various standing functional committees focused on policy areas including heightened prudential standards, resolution,
and data. These committees, which are composed of member agency officials and staff who have relevant supervisory, examination,
data, surveillance, and policy expertise, communicate and meet regularly to support the FSOCs ongoing work. The FSOCs statutorily
required annual report, which the FSOC expects to release later
this month, will reflect the extensive discussions and analysis that
have occurred through this collaborative interagency process.
Q.6. The FSOCs transparency policy states that the FSOC will
close meetings, inter alia, under circumstances that necessarily
and significantly compromise the mission or purposes of the FSOC,
as determined by the Chairman with the concurrence of a majority
of the voting member agencies or by a majority of the voting member agencies. What types of circumstances would call for holding
closed meetings under this provision of the transparency policy?
A.6. The FSOCs transparency policy states that a central mission
of the FSOC is to monitor risk and emerging threats to U.S. financial stability. To fulfill this mission, the FSOC will discuss confidential supervisory information and market-sensitive data during
Council meetings. This information may concern individual firms,
as well as specific transactions and markets. Protection of this information is necessary to prevent destabilizing market speculation
that could occur if the information were to be disclosed publicly.
The FSOC is committed to holding open meetings and will hold
closed meetings only when appropriate. It is important to note that
the FSOC has held four public meetings since its inception.

Q.7. In January, the Council issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Regarding Authority to Require Supervision and Regulation of Certain Nonbank Financial Companies. There have been
questions about whether the Dodd-Frank Act gives the Council the
authority to adopt such a rule. Does the Council have the authority
to adopt this rule?
A.7. The FSOC has the authority to issue its proposed regulations
on the process for determining that a nonbank financial company
will be supervised by the Federal Reserve, and to re-propose those
rules for further public comment. The FSOC has already exercised
its rulemaking authority to issue a notice of proposed rulemaking
and plans to issue for further public comment additional guidance
regarding its approach to designations of nonbank financial companies. The FSOC plans to release a final rule and guidance that will
reflect the input received on its proposals.
Q.8. The Council has established a Deputies Committee and six
other standing committees. Please identify the members of the
Deputies Committee, the six committees, and their subcommittees.
Please also identify the permanent staff and detailees on the FSOC
staff and provide a synopsis of their qualifications.
A.8. Each of the FSOC member agencies has designated a senior
official to serve on the Deputies Committee. Treasury has designated Jeffrey Goldstein, the Under Secretary for Domestic Finance. In addition to the Deputies Committee, the FSOC also has
established a Systemic Risk Committee and various standing functional committees focused on policy areas including heightened prudential standards, resolution, and data. These committees are composed of member agency officials and staff who have relevant supervisory, examination, surveillance, and policy expertise. Moreover, the FSOC itself is supported by a Treasury Deputy Assistant
Secretary and a small number of permanent career Government
employees, all of whom have the necessary experience and expertise to help coordinate and implement the policies set by the FSOC
members agencies. Finally, the FSOC member agencies have made
various personnel available through short-term detail arrangements to offer the FSOC additional support and subject-matter expertise.
Q.9. Under Dodd-Frank, swap data repositories, before sharing any
information with a regulator other than their primary regulator,
must obtain an indemnification agreement with that other regulator. Will this requirement adversely affect regulators ability to
obtain a comprehensive view of the swaps markets?
A.9. The Dodd-Frank Act requires swap data repositories (SDRs)
and security-based swap data repositories (SBSDRs) to make data
available, on a confidential basis, to certain domestic and foreign
regulators. The Dodd-Frank Act further requires regulators (other
than the primary regulator) that request data to execute a written
confidentiality and indemnification agreement with the SDR or
SBSDR prior to receiving any data. The CFTC and the SEC have
proposed rules for SDRs and SBSDRs, respectively, that require
such confidentiality and indemnification agreements (see 75 FR
80808 (December 23, 2010) and 75 FR 77306 (December 10, 2010),

Both agencies acknowledged in their proposed rules that the indemnification requirement could affect other regulators access to
the information maintained by SDRs and SBSDRs. However, both
agencies also highlighted the importance of ensuring that other
regulators have access to swap data to carry out their regulatory
mandates and responsibilities. The CFTC and SEC have requested
comment on the required confidentiality and indemnification agreements and are evaluating feedback.
Q.10. One of the Councils purposes is to monitor systemic risk and
alert Congress and regulators of any systemic risks it discovers.
What are the most serious systemic risks presently facing the U.S.
A.10. The Dodd-Frank Act charges the Council with the responsibility for identifying risks to the financial stability of the United
States, promoting market discipline, and responding to emerging
threats to the stability of the U.S. financial system. To help satisfy
its mandate, the FSOC established a Systemic Risk Committee
which identifies, analyzes, and monitors vulnerabilities in the financial system and emerging threats to maintaining stability. As
part of its ongoing efforts, the Council and its members monitor
emerging issues such as the state of mortgage foreclosures in the
United States, sovereign fiscal developments in Europe and the
United States, and natural disasters such as the earthquake and
tsunami in Japan. The Council will continue to think broadly about
threats to stability from external shocks as well as structural
vulnerabilities within the system. Later this month, the Council
will address a number of these issues in its statutorily required annual report.

Q.1. In early January, I was assured by Secretary Geithner that

Treasury is committed to working with the other FSOC member
agencies to mobilize all tools available to fix that nations system
of mortgage servicing and foreclosure processing. What tools have
been mobilized? Do these consent orders represent a full mobilization of all the tools available to FSOC member agencies? Why or
why not? What additional tools do you believe are necessary?
A.1. The consent decrees issued in April 2011 by the OCC, OTS,
and Federal Reserve to certain financial institutions represent just
one of the tools available to address mortgage servicer misconduct.
Other tools follow from the work that Federal agencies, including
Treasury and other FSOC member agencies, and their State partners are doing to coordinate a law enforcement effort that addresses mortgage servicer misconduct and improper foreclosure processing. Among other things, members of this group have been conducting onsite reviews of major mortgage servicers and vendors.
These reviews revealed critical deficiencies in foreclosure processing and mortgage servicing, including the failure to follow State
and Federal law. Servicers that engaged in improper foreclosure
processing in violation of the law must be held fully accountable for
their actions, and any deficiencies must be corrected.

In addition, Treasury is working with the OCC, the Federal Reserve, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to develop national
mortgage servicing standards. Work underway includes a study of
measures that would improve borrower protections and provide
clarity and consistency to borrowers and investors regarding their
treatment by servicers, especially in the event of delinquency. The
working group is building on modification standards Treasury developed for its Making Home Affordable Program (MHA). The MHA
standards have improved mortgage modifications, including short
sales and deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure, across the industry and have
made key changes in the way mortgage servicers assist struggling
homeowners. Treasury also supports the FHFAs review of servicing compensation structures and possible alternatives, which
could help improve incentives for servicers to invest the time and
effort to work with borrowers to avoid foreclosure.
Treasury believes continued coordination among Federal and
State partners will be important for developing additional tools for
addressing issues related to foreclosure processing and mortgage
Q.2. The GAO also recommended that the Federal Reserve, OCC,
OTS, and FDIC assess the risks of potential litigation or repurchases due to improper mortgage loan transfer documentation and
require that the institutions act to mitigate the risks, if warranted Has this been done? What are the estimated costs of potential litigation? Has this issue been discussed or considered by
FSOC? What is Treasury doing, as Chair of the FSOC, to ensure
that these recommendations are considered?
A.2. Treasury cannot speak on behalf of the independent regulators
regarding analysis, potential litigation, or the specific regulatory
actions they may undertake. However, the Dodd-Frank Act charges
the FSOC with the responsibility for identifying risks to the financial stability of the United States, promoting market discipline, and
responding to emerging threats to the stability of the U.S. financial
system. Working groups addressing mortgage servicing and foreclosure processing have briefed the FSOC, which the Treasury Secretary chairs, on these issues, and the FSOC will continue to monitor developments.
Q.3. On April 29th, the Department of the Treasury announced its
intention to exempt foreign exchange swaps and forwards from the
scope of Dodd-Frank. Why should the foreign exchange swaps and
forwards not be subject to the same transparency provisions as the
rest of the derivatives marketplace? Please explain in detail.
A.3. Recognizing that the unique characteristics and existing oversight of the foreign exchange swaps and forwards market already
incorporate many of Dodd-Franks objectives for reformincluding
high levels of transparency, effective risk management, and financial stabilityCongress provided the Secretary of the Treasury
with the authority to determine whether central clearing and exchange trading requirements should apply to foreign exchange (FX)
swaps and forwards. On May 5, 2011, Treasury requested public
comment on a Notice of Proposed Determination to exempt FX
swaps, FX forwards, or both, from the definition of a swap under

the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA). As explained in the notice, FX
swaps and forwards trade in a highly transparent market with
well-developed settlement protections. Market participants already
have access to readily available pricing information through multiple sources, and the prevalence of electronic trading platforms in
these marketsapproximately 41 percent and 72 percent of FX
swaps and forwards, respectively, already trade on these platformsalso provides a high level of pre-and post-trade transparency. The Dodd-Frank Act will further heighten this transparency by subjecting all derivatives, including FX swaps and forwards, to mandatory reporting to swap data repositories.

Q.1. According to the American Banker, Annette L. Nazareth, a

former SEC Commissioner, called the timetables imposed by the
Dodd-Frank Act wildly aggressive. These agencies were dealt a
very bad hand, she said. These deadlines could actually be systemic-risk raising. Given the importance of rigorous cost-benefit
and economic impact analyses and the need for due consideration
of public comments, would additional time for adoption of the
Dodd-Frank Act rules improve your rulemaking process and the
substance of your final rules?
A.1. A guiding principle for implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act
has been to move quickly and carefully. Regulators are working to
meet statutory deadlines and to quickly provide clarity to the public and the markets. At the same time, rulewriters understand the
importance of getting the rules right and are taking additional time
where necessary to improve the process and substance of their final
The Dodd-Frank Act does not require the FSOC to issue substantive regulations. Nonetheless, the FSOC has chosen to conduct
rulemakings on the designations of nonbank financial companies
and financial market utilities to promote transparency regarding
the FSOCs decisionmaking process, to solicit public input, and to
provide clarity on the criteria and process for designations.
Q.2. Chairman Bairs testimony was unclear regarding whether the
FSOC has the authority to issue a revised rule on the designation
of nonbank financial institutions. She and others indicated some
type of guidance might be issued instead. Is it in fact the case, in
general, that the FSOC does not have authority to issue rules
under Title I that have the force and effect of law? If the FSOC
has the authority in general to issue such rules on designation,
why specifically would the FSOC be precluded from re-proposing a
rule that is currently pending? Is there additional authority the
FSOC would need from Congress to issue such rules or to proceed
with re-proposing its NPR on designation? If yes, what specific authority would the FSOC need from Congress for the FSOC to have
the ability to proceed?
The FSOC has the authority to issue its proposed regulations on
the process for determining that a nonbank financial company will
be supervised by the Federal Reserve, and to re-propose those rules
for further public comment. The FSOC has already exercised its

rulemaking authority to issue a notice of proposed rulemaking and
plans to issue for further public comment additional guidance regarding its approach to designations of nonbank financial companies. The FSOC plans to release a final rule and guidance that will
reflect the input received on its proposals.
Q.3. In an August speech at NYUs Stern School of Business,
Treasury Secretary Geithner outlined six principles that he said
would guide implementation, and then he added, You should hold
us accountable for honoring them. His final principle was bringing
more order and integration to the regulatory process. He said the
agencies responsible for reforms will have to work together, not
against each other. This requires us to look carefully at the overall
interaction of regulations designed by different regulators and assess the overall burden they present relative to the benefits they
offer. Do you intend to follow through with this commitment with
some form of status report that provides a quantitative and qualitative review of the overall interaction of all the hundreds of proposed rules by the different regulators and assess the overall burden they present relative to the benefits they offer?
A.3. One of the duties of the FSOC, which the Secretary of the
Treasury chairs, is to facilitate information-sharing and coordination among the member agencies and other Federal and State
agencies regarding financial services policy development,
rulemakings, examinations, reporting requirements, and enforcement actions. In this capacity, the Secretary recently sent FSOC
members a letter encouraging them to review their regulations in
accordance with the principles and guidelines identified in the
Presidents Executive Order 13563 Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review. The Treasury Department, after conducting its
own review, published a preliminary plan under which it will periodically review its existing significant regulations in order to identify rules that may be outmoded, ineffective, insufficient, or excessively burdensome. The principles and guidelines set forth in the
Executive Order can help ensure that regulations protect our citizens and improve the performance of our economy without imposing unreasonable costs on society.
In addition, the FSOC has worked to develop an approach to coordination that recognizes the independence of the regulators while
bringing consistency and integration to the regulatory process. For
example, soon after Dodd-Franks passage, the FSOC worked with
member agencies to release an Integrated Implementation Roadmap that sets forth a coordinated timeline of statutory and nonstatutory goals for implementation. The FSOC is also coordinating
implementation of rulemakings, including the Volcker Rule, so that
the regulations issued by the various agencies will be comparable
and consistent.

Q.1. Your institutions have been assigned the task of macro prudential risk oversight. Specifically, the Dodd-Frank Act tasked the
FSOC with identifying risks to the financial stability that could
arise from the material financial distress or failure of large inter-

connected bank holding companies or nonbank financial companies. As you know nearly all banks carry U.S. Treasury bills,
notes, and bonds on their balance sheet with no capital against
them. They are deemed, both implicitly and explicitly, as risk free.
But with a $14 trillion debt, no one can guarantee that the bond
market will continue to finance U.S. securities at affordable rates.
What steps have you taken to ensure that systemically important
financial institutions could withstand a material disruption in the
U.S. Treasury market from an event such as a major tail at an auction, the liquidation of securities by a major investor such as a foreign central bank, concerns that the United States will attempt to
inflate its way out of its debt obligations, an outright debt downgrade by a major rating agency, or market concern over the prospects for a technical default? What impact would an event such as
the loss of market confidence in U.S. debt and subsequent increase
in U.S. borrowing rates have on the institutions in your purview?
And what steps can you take to ensure that the balance sheets of
systemically important institutions could withstand such an event
and that such an event would not lead to a systemic crisis similar
to or worse than that experienced in 2008?
A.1. The Treasury Department does not believe the potential disruptions to Treasury markets that you mention are likely to occur
because we believe that Congress will raise the debt limit in a
timely fashion. Demand for Treasuries remains extremely strong.
Rates are at historically low levels, and auctions are showing high
levels of coverage. This reflects the confidence that markets currently have in the creditworthiness of the United States.
The Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) continues to
identify, monitor, and respond to vulnerabilities in the financial
system and emerging threats to financial stability, including the
risks you mention. More immediately, the threat posed by the failure to raise the debt limit grows every day that we fail to address
it, and FSOC members remain focused on this issue. If the debt
limit is not raised on a timely basis, the United States would be
forced to default on the existing legal obligations made by past
Congresses and Presidents of both parties.
The Administration is committed to addressing the serious fiscal
challenges our country faces and working with you and other Members of Congress to do so. The ongoing discussions convened by the
President with leaders from both parties and both houses of Congress have been constructive and all participants are working to
reach agreement as soon as possible. However, regardless of the
path we choose to bring down our deficits, Congress must raise the
statutory debt limit.
Q.2. What other major systemic risks are you currently most concerned about? What steps are you taking to address these?
A.2. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act (Dodd-Frank Act) charges the FSOC with the responsibility to
identify and monitor risks to the financial stability of the United
States to promote market discipline, and to respond to emerging
threats to the stability of the U.S. financial system. To help satisfy
this mandate, the FSOC established a Systemic Risk Committee
which identifies, analyzes, and monitors vulnerabilities in the fi-

nancial system and emerging threats to financial stability. As part
of its ongoing efforts, the FSOC and its members monitor emerging
issues such as the state of mortgage foreclosures in the United
States, sovereign fiscal developments in Europe, and natural disasters such as the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The FSOC will
continue to monitor and assess the threats to financial stability
from external shocks as well as structural vulnerabilities within
the system. Later this month, the FSOC will address a number of
these issues in its statutorily required annual report.

Q.1. Dodd-Frank set forth a comprehensive list of factors that

FSOC must consider when determining whether a company posed
a systemic risk and deserves Fed oversight. The council, in its advanced notice of proposed rulemaking, sets forth 15 categories of
questions for the industry to comment on and address. However,
the proposed rules give no indication of the specific criteria or
framework that the council intends to use in making SIFI designations-other than what is already set forth in Dodd-Frank. As a result, potential SIFIs have no idea where they may stand in the designation process. Will the council provide additional information
about the quantitative metrics it will use when making an SIFI
A.1. The Council will seek comment on additional guidance regarding its approach to these designations. The Council is working to
strike the right balance between the use of quantitative metrics
and for the exercise of judgment when assessing the unique risks
that a particular firm may present to the financial system.
Q.2. Would the council agree that leverage is likely to be the one
factor that is most likely to create conditions that result in systemic risk? If so, how will the council go about identifying which
entities use leverage?
A.2. The Dodd-Frank Act requires the Council to consider a variety
of factors, including leverage, when evaluating what firms will be
designated. No one factor will form the basis of a designation.
Every designation will be firm-specific, taking into account each
firms comprehensive risk profile. The FSOC intends to obtain relevant data from its members, the OFR, and publicly available information. The Council continues to work toward an approach that
will allow firms to assess whether they are likely candidates for
designation while maintaining flexibility as the nature of institutions and markets changes.
Q.3. One of the first steps in the systemic designation process, as
outlined in the proposed rule, is that after identifying a nonbank
financial company for possible designation the FSOC will provide
the company with a written preliminary notice that the council is
considering making proposed determination that the company is
systemically significant. Is receipt of such a notice a material event
that might affect the financial situation or the value of a companys
shares in the mind of the investors? If so, wouldnt it need to be
disclosed to investors under securities laws?

A.3. The SEC is charged with determining the disclosure requirements applicable to public companies, and I respectfully defer to
the SECs judgment on this question.

Q.1. As FSOC considers how to determine the systemic relevance

of the investment fund asset management industry, wouldnt it be
more appropriate for FSOC to look at the various individual funds
themselves, of which there may be several under one advisor, rather than focus on the advisor entity?
a. Isnt it true that each of those funds may operate with separate and distinct investment strategies, each with its own
unique risks?
b. Isnt it the case that the vast majority of the assets are located at the funds and not at the adviser entity?
A.1. Individual investment funds may operate with their own strategies and unique risk profiles, and for many asset management
firms, most of the assets are not held on the balance sheet of the
advisor entity. The FSOC recognizes that there are differences between the advisor entity and the individual funds, and both the
funds and advisor may present different sets of risks. In accordance
with the Dodd-Frank Act, in making determinations of nonbank financial companies to be supervised by the Federal Reserve, the
FSOC will consider the extent to which assets are managed, rather
than owned, by investment advisors.
Q.2. What additional protection/supervision could the Fed provide
for mutual funds that the SEC isnt already providing? Do we really need to subject this industry to an additional layer of regulation,
especially a systemic risk regulation?
A.2. Section 113 of the Dodd-Frank Act gives the FSOC authority
to designate U.S. nonbank financial companies if the Council determines that material financial distress at the U.S. nonbank financial company, or the nature, scope, size, scale, concentration,
interconnectedness, or mix of the activities of the U.S. nonbank financial company, could pose a threat to the financial stability of
the United States. Additionally, one of the 10 considerations the
Dodd-Frank Act requires the FSOC to take into account during the
designation process is the degree to which the company is already
regulated by one or more primary financial regulatory agencies.
Categorical exclusion of mutual funds, or any other type of
nonbank financial company, from the possibility of designation
without evaluating all of the considerations the FSOC is statutorily
required to take into account would be premature.
Q.3. Can you share with us what the FSOC, OFR, FDIC and Fed
are contemplating by way of fees that they may assess on SIFIs?
A.3. The Dodd-Frank Act created the Financial Research Fund to
support the operations of the OFR and the FSOC. The Federal Reserve Board is required by statute to provide interim funding for
the first 2 years after enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act. After this
period, the Treasury Secretary, with the Councils approval, must

establish by rule an assessment schedule for Federal Reserve-supervised bank holding companies and designated nonbank financial
companies to cover these expenses.
The FSOC and the OFR have not finalized their budget estimates beyond FY 2012; however, funding estimates for the Financial Research Fund for FY 2011 and FY 2012 were made public in
the Presidents budget request earlier this year.
International Competitiveness
Q.4.a. It is critical for the continued competitiveness of the U.S.
markets that a regulatory arbitrage does not develop among markets that favors markets in Europe and Asia over U.S. markets.
Will the FSOC commit to ensuring that the timing of the finalization and implementation of rulemaking under Dodd Frank does not
impair the competitiveness of U.S. markets?
Q.4.b. How will FSOC ensure that U.S. firms will have equal access to European markets as European firms will have to U.S. markets?
Q.4.c. How will FSOC ensure that Basel III will be implemented
in the United States in a manner that is not more stringent than
in Europe, making U.S. firms less competitive globally?
A.4.a.c. The Council understands that major financial centers in
Europe and Asia need to adopt strong measures similar to the
Dodd-Frank Act to help maintain a level playing field for U.S.
firms and reduce the opportunity for regulatory arbitrage. The
United States has taken a leading role in laying the groundwork
to set an international effort in motion, and the Councils members
are playing an important part in coordinating this effort so that
implementation across national authorities is consistent and timely.
The Councils members are working through international forums like the G20 and Financial Stability Board to build a global
regulatory framework, including areas like capital standards and
derivatives regulation, so that markets remain competitive and accessible. The Councils members are also engaging with their counterparts around the globe, including through bilateral financial dialogues with the European Commission, Japan, China, India, Singapore, and Canada, to develop consistent approaches of regulating
major financial jurisdictions.
Q.5. Is a broker/dealer that is not self-clearing less likely to pose
systemic risk because it receives the financial backing and risk
management attention of its clearing firm which already performs
extensive monitoring of risk for the broker-dealers and which in all
likelihood will itself be a SIFI?
A.5. As reflected in Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Act, central clearing is an important means of addressing the threats to the financial system posed by counterparty defaults in the context of certain
derivatives transactions. However, these threats can also spread
through other transmission mechanisms, including asset fire sales,
withdrawals of funding or demands for additional collateral. As a
result, broker-dealer clearing arrangements, including clearing

through a clearing firm, may reduce, but do not eliminate these
Q.6. Titles I and II of Dodd-Frank references an entitys asset
threshold or total consolidated assets several times. Are such
calculations to be made in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)?
A.6. When establishing capital measures, many U.S. regulators require an entity to adjust its GAAP-based results and apply regulatory accounting principles. This adjustment is made to ensure
that the regulators objectives are met.
For purposes of calculating asset threshold and total consolidated assets, we expect that regulators would adopt a similar approach. They would use the principles established under U.S.
GAAP, but would require adjustments to these calculations to meet
their objectives.

Q.1. One of the first steps in the designation process is that after
identifying a nonbank financial company for possible designation,
the FSOC will provide the firm with a written notice that the
Council is considering them for possible designation. Can you walk
us through this step and describe possible scenarios in which there
is some question as to a firms systemic significance? Who decides
to whom the notice will be sent if no vote is taken?
A.1. The FSOC issued a notice of proposed rulemaking regarding
the criteria and procedures for the designation of nonbank financial
companies. The FSOC requested public comment on various parts
of the proposed rule, including on the provisions governing notice
of a proposed determination. The FSOC is continuing to work
through the details of this process, and expects to release for public
comment additional guidance on the proposed procedures.
Q.2. You are aware of my concerns with the structure established
in Dodd-Frank. In fact, I favor the approach first sent to the Hill
by your Administration almost 2 years ago; a 5-member Board.
That being said, can you please tell us why it has taken more than
10 months to secure a suitable candidate for this position? Back in
November of 2010, Congressman Bachus asked Secretary Geithner
when we might expect the President to nominate someone to head
the CFPB and the Secretary responded soon. When will we see
a nomination? Would it have been more appropriate for the first
Director of this Bureau to be the individual hiring several hundred
employees, establishing the agenda, setting a budget?
A.2. Earlier this week, the President nominated Richard Cordray,
who is currently the Chief of Enforcement at the CFPB, to serve
as its Director. Mr. Cordray is a former Attorney General and State
Treasurer of Ohio. Earlier in his career, Mr. Cordray was an adjunct professor at the Ohio State University College of Law, served
as a Ohio State Representative, and was the first Solicitor General
in Ohios history. In the Dodd-Frank Act, Congress granted the
Secretary of the Treasury interim authority to stand up the CFPB
before a Director is confirmed. To ensure an orderly stand-up of the

agency and a responsible transfer of functions from seven Federal
agencies, this process has necessitated extensive research, planning, budgeting, and hiring.
Q.3. My initial research tells me that over the past 100-years or
more of U.S. history, there is not a single instance in which an
agency of this size and status was filled with a recess appointed
head in its inception. Can you commit to us that your Administration will not break this long-established precedent and make an
end-run around the Senate?
A.3. Filling existing vacancies, including the CFPB Director position, is a priority for this Administration. I cannot, however, speak
for the President with respect to any particular nominations.

Q.1. Your institutions have been assigned the task of macro prudential risk oversight. Specifically, the Dodd-Frank Act tasked the
FSOC with identifying risks to the financial stability that could
arise from the material financial distress or failure of large interconnected bank holding companies or nonbank financial companies. As you know nearly all banks carry U.S. Treasury bills,
notes, and bonds on their balance sheet with no capital against
them. They are deemed, both implicitly and explicitly, as risk free.
But with a $14 trillion debt, no one can guarantee that the bond
market will continue to finance U.S. securities at affordable rates.
What steps have you taken to ensure that systemically important
financial institutions could withstand a material disruption in the
U.S. Treasury market from an event such as a major tail at an auction, the liquidation of securities by a major investor such as a foreign central bank, concerns that the United States will attempt to
inflate its way out of its debt obligations, an outright debt downgrade by a major rating agency, or market concern over the prospects for a technical default?
What impact would an event such as the loss of market confidence in U.S. debt and subsequent increase in U.S. borrowing
rates have on the institutions in your purview? And what steps can
you take to ensure that the balance sheets of systemically important institutions could withstand such an event and that such an
event would not lead to a systemic crisis similar to or worse than
that experienced in 2008?
A.1. I agree that the fiscal situation is a serious problem that must
be addressed. Currently, the Federal debt-to-income ratio is at levels not seen since World War II in part because the budgetary position of the Federal Government has deteriorated substantially during the past two fiscal years. The recent deterioration was largely
the result of a sharp decline in tax revenues brought about by the
recession and the subsequent slow recovery, as well as by increases
in Federal spending needed to alleviate the recession and stabilize
the financial system. Looking out a few years, under current policy
settings, the Federal budget will be on an unsustainable path, with
the debt-to-income ratio of the United States rising at an increasing pace.

That said, financial market participants evidently expect the
Congress and the Administration to come to a solution that puts
the United States on a sustainable fiscal path. Yields on 10-year
Treasury bonds are currently at extremely low levels, consistent
with investors requiring little compensation for the risk of lending
the U.S. Government for an extended horizon. If investors were to
seriously doubt the United States willingness to meet its obligations, the result could be widespread financial disruptions that
could derail the recovery and that would almost certainly raise the
long-term cost of borrowing for the Government, further complicating our fiscal problem.
As a regulator, we have conducted extensive analyses of the impact that an abrupt rise in interest rates would have on the institutions we supervise and will continue to monitor any impact that interest rates increases have on these institutions. However, we recognize that a material disruption in the U.S. Treasury market from
investor concerns about a sustainable fiscal path would not just affect these institutions but, as noted, would have more widespread
Q.2. What other major systemic risks are you currently most concerned about? What steps are you taking to address these?
A.2. There are a number of risks that we are monitoring and assessing in our role as a member of the FSOC, as well as in meeting
the Federal Reserves independent responsibility to promote financial stability. The FSOC Annual Report, submitted to Congress in
July, identifies a number of potential systemic risks and makes recommendations to mitigate these risks and promote financial stability. Among those identified are structural risks, including features of money market funds that make them susceptible to runs,
fragilities in the tri-party repo market, inadequate mortgage servicing practices, and weaknesses in capital and liquidity risk management practices at some of the largest financial institutions. The
Federal Reserve, as well as the FSOC, has publicly urged the SEC
to take additional steps to mitigate the risk of runs in money market funds, including pursuing reform alternatives such as mandatory floating net asset value (NAV), capital buffers to absorb fund
losses, or deterrents to redemptions. In addition, the Fed is an active participant in the Task Force on Tri-Party Repo Infrastructure, which is taking steps to reduce intraday credit exposures and
strengthen collateral management practices to increase the stability of this market. As a banking supervisor, we are working to
establish improved national mortgage servicing practices. We also
conducted the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review exercise earlier this year, and have been working with institutions to
further improve their capital planning processes, including contingencies for resolution that would facilitate resolvability without
Government assistance. In addition, the Fed is working on proposed enhanced prudential standards for certain large and complex
financial firms, which need to be implemented in a consistent manner across the global financial system, and is working with FSOC
to designate systemically important nonbank financial institutions.
There also are a number of emerging risks that the FSOC identified, including unexpected increases in interest rates, declining dis-

cipline in underwriting standards for some financial assets, and
more generally new and developing emerging financial products
and practices, and the Federal Reserve is closely monitoring these
developments. Going forward, the Federal Reserve will continue to
work with the FSOC and its other member agencies to identify
risks and structural vulnerabilities in the financial system, and to
take steps to increase its resilience.

Q.1. In a recent speech, Governor Tarullo stated that the list of

systemically significant institutions will be short, and that the
standard for designation set by Congress should be quite high.
There has been conflicting reports that there are some on the
FSOC which would like a more inclusive group of firms, in effect
casting a wider net. Do you agree with Governor Tarullo that the
list is likely to be limited to a small group of truly interconnected
A.1. I believe that the Financial Stability Oversight Council
(FSOC) should designate any nonbank financial company if the
FSOC determines that material financial distress at the nonbank
financial company, or the nature, scope, size, scale, concentration,
interconnectedness, or mix of the activities of the nonbank financial
company, could pose a threat to the financial stability of the United
States. Whether a firm meets this standard inevitably involves a
judgment on the combined effect of all potential transmission channels from the firm to the broader financial system and economy. At
this time, I expect that a relative handful of firms likely meet this
standard. Because the FSOC is still developing its analytic framework and is still working on a final rule for the designation process, it is too soon to know how many firms the FSOC will designate.

Q.1. In your testimony, you noteand I agreethat allowing continuation of the pre-crisis status quo would be to sanction a new
and dangerous form of state capitalism. However, you also state
that the FDIC should have a continuous presence at all designated
SIFIs and the FDIC and the Federal Reserve should actively use
their authority to require organizational changes at SIFIs. Does
such an active Government-financial institution partnership run
the risk of laying the groundwork for, as you described it, a dangerous form of state capitalism in which a few large financial entities operate under the shadow and protection of the Government?
A.1. It is important at the outset to clarify that being designated
as a SIFI will in no way confer a competitive advantage or suggest
that it operates under the protection of the Government by anointing an institution as too big to fail. SIFIs will be subject to
heightened supervision and higher capital requirements. They also
will be required to maintain resolution plans and could be required
to restructure their operations if they cannot demonstrate that they

are resolvable. In light of these significant regulatory requirements, the FDIC has detected absolutely no interest on the part of
any financial institution in being named a SIFI. Indeed, many institutions are vigorously lobbying against such a designation.
As shown by the recent crisis, the larger, more complex, and
more interconnected a financial company is, the longer it takes to
assemble a full and accurate picture of its operations and develop
a resolution strategy. By requiring detailed resolution plans in advance, and authorizing an onsite FDIC team to conduct pre-resolution planning, the SIFI resolution framework regains the ability to
gather information that was lacking in the crisis of 2008. The FDIC
should have a continuous presence at all designated SIFIs under
the new resolution framework, working with the firms and reviewing their resolution plans as part of their normal course of business. Thus, our presence should in no way be seen as a sign of Government protection or a signal of distress. Instead, it is much more
likely to provide a stabilizing influence that encourages management to more fully consider the downside consequences of its actions, to the benefit of the institution and the stability of the system as a whole.
Q.2. Your testimony calls into question claims that higher capital
requirements will adversely affect economic growth. If higher capital requirements had been in effect before the crisis, what effect
do you think that would have had on the number of institutions
that failed?
A.2. At the height of the crisis, the large financial companies that
make up the core of our financial system proved to have too little
capital to maintain market confidence in their solvency. Thin levels
of capital exacerbated the limited tools policymakers had to deal
with several large, complex U.S. financial companies at the center
of the 2008 crisis when they became nonviable.
With respect to banks that failed during the crisis, failures were
highest in certain areas of the country that were hardest hit by the
collapse of the real estate market, such as the southern States of
Florida and Georgia, the Great Lakes Region, and along the Pacific
Coast. Many of these banks had other risk factors, such as high
concentrations in construction loans and other higher-risk types of
real estate loans, heavy reliance on noncore funding dependence,
and poor underwriting and risk management practices, among others. However, even when operating in difficult markets, many
banks survived because they took steps to mitigate risks, for example, by not engaging in lax underwriting or credit practices and by
maintaining sufficient capital to absorb losses or successfully recapitalizing when market conditions changed.
Q.3. One of the Councils purposes is to monitor systemic risk and
alert Congress and regulators of any systemic risks it discovers.
What are the most serious systemic risks presently facing the U.S.
A.3. From the FDICs perspective, the most important systemic
risks and emerging threats to our financial system at the present
time involve excessive reliance on debt and financial leverage, continued lack of market discipline due to perceptions of too big to
fail, lingering problems in mortgage servicing, and interest rate

risk. My written statement to the Committee describes these areas
more fully, along with the steps being taken to address them.

Q.1. At your speech at the Chicago FRB conference, you offered

some interesting ways forward on the designation of nonbank financial institutions (SIFI). In that speech, you noted that the resolvability of the non-bank financial firm should be the ultimate
deciding factor in the designation process. That approach seems
logicalcan you elaborate on how it would work?
A.1. SIFIs will be subject to heightened supervision and higher
capital requirements. They also will be required to maintain resolution plans and could be required to restructure their operations if
they cannot demonstrate that they are resolvable. We believe that
the ability of an institution to be resolved in a bankruptcy process
without systemic impact should be a key consideration in designating a firm as a SIFI. Further, we believe that the concept of resolvability is consistent with several of the statutory factors that
the FSOC is required to consider in designating a firm as systemic,
those being size, interconnectedness, lack of substitutes, and leverage. If an institution can reliably be deemed resolvable in bankruptcy by the regulators, and operates within the confines of the
leverage requirements established by bank regulators, then it
should not be designated as a SIFI.
The approach of using resolvability as the deciding factor in the
SIFI designation process seems relatively straightforward. However, we are concerned with the lack of information we might have
about potential SIFIs that may impede our ability to make an accurate determination of resolvability before the fact. This potential
blind spot in the designation process raises the specter of a deathbed designation of a SIFI, whereby the FDIC would be required
to resolve the firm under a Title II resolution without the benefit
of a resolution plan or the ability to conduct advance planning,
both of which are critical to an orderly resolution. This situation,
which would put the resolution authority in the worst possible position, should be avoided at all costs.
Thus, we need to be able to collect detailed information on a limited number of potential SIFIs as part of the designation process.
We should provide the industry with some clarity about which
firms will be expected to provide the FSOC with this additional information, using simple and transparent metrics such as firm size,
similar to the approach used for bank holding companies under the
Dodd-Frank Act. This should reduce some of the mystery surrounding the process and should eliminate any market concern
about which firms the FSOC has under its review. In addition, no
one should jump to the conclusion that by asking for additional information, the FSOC has preordained a firm to be systemic. It is
likely that after we gather additional information and learn more
about these firms, relatively few of them will be viewed as systemic, especially if the firms can demonstrate their resolvability in
bankruptcy at this stage of the process.

Q.2. The interaction of global capital requirements (Basel III) and
U.S. requirements (FSOC) could result in different criteria being
applied to the same financial institution. For example, an institution could be deemed systemically important to the global financial
system but not to the financial system in the United States. How
is this being addressed? Does this pose any unique risks?
A.2. Per the Dodd-Frank Act, all bank holding companies operating
in the United States with $50 billion or more in assets have been
deemed systemically important and thus subject to enhanced supervision and prudential supervision, including risk-based capital
requirements. The asset threshold for globally systemically important banks (GSIBs) set by the Basel Committee will likely be
many times higher than that set by the Dodd-Frank Act. Therefore,
it is unlikely that a U.S. bank holding company designated as G
SIB by the Basel Committee would not also be systemically important in the United States.
As members of the Basel Committee, the U.S. banking agencies
are actively participating in the Committees designation of GSIBs
and determining the capital surcharge that will be imposed. At the
same time, in the United States, the FDIC and our fellow FSOC
members are addressing any issues and potential risks as they
arise to ensure both approaches are complementary. Finally, the
implementation of both the Basel proposals for GSIBs and the
U.S. approach for systemically important bank holding companies
will be subject to the U.S. notice and comment rulemaking process.
Q.3. A number of commentators and academics have asserted that
Basel III capital requirements are too low. For example, a recent
Stanford University study (Admati et al, published in March 2011)
stated that equity capital ratios significantly higher than 10 percent of un-weighted assets should be seriously considered. It also
noted that bank equity is not socially expensive and better capitalized banks suffer from fewer distortions in lending decisions
and would perform better. In addition, Switzerland has adopted
capital ratios for its banks in excess of Basel III. What are the
strengths and weaknesses of capital adequacy ratios in excess of
those considered under Basel III? (Adinanti, DeMarzo, Hellwig,
Pfleiderer, Fallacies, Irrelevant Facts, and Myths in the Discussion of Capital Regulation: Why Bank Equity is not Expensive.
Stanford Graduate School of Business Research Paper No. 2065,
March 2011.)
A.3. The FDIC agrees that strong, uniform capital requirements
are an essential element of a stable banking system. The first and
most obvious reason is that banking and financial crises have devastating effects on economic growth and job creation. Maintaining
strong capital levels consistent with a safe-and-sound banking system both promotes long-term economic growth and makes bank
lending less procyclical.
The rapid depletion of capital in the early stages of the crisis
contributed to a massive deleveraging in banks and other financial
intermediaries. Loans and leases held by FDIC-insured institutions
have declined by nearly $750 billion from peak levels, while unused
loan commitments have declined by $2.5 trillion. Trillions more in
capital flows were lost with the collapse of the securitization mar-

ket and other shadow providers of credit. A similar pattern has
been observed following previous financial crises around the world.
Some observers, especially those representing banks, have expressed concern that higher capital requirements will curtail credit
availability and hurt economic growth. However, the consensus of
recent academic literature, including the March 2011 studies by
Admati et al, is that increases in capital requirements, within the
ranges currently being discussed, have a net positive effect on longterm economic growth. The reason for this conclusion is that the
costs of banking crises for economic growth are severe, as outlined
in my written testimony, so that reducing their frequency and severity is highly beneficial. On the other hand, the literature suggests the cost of higher capital requirements in terms of lost economic output is modest.
Arguments that balance sheet constraints associated with higher
capital requirements reduce banks ability to lend typically assume,
explicitly or implicitly, that banks simply cannot raise new capital.
Thus, according to this argument, the industrys fixed dollar
amount of capital can support less lending the higher the capital
requirement. But it is the FDICs experience that most banks can
and do raise capital when needed, often even banks in extreme financial difficulties.
As I have testified previously, I was disappointed the Basel Committee did not propose somewhat higher capital requirements than
were contained in the Basel III paper published in December 2010.
I had hoped for a total common equity requirement across all
banks of 8 percent, but the Committee agreed on 7 percenta 4.5
percent minimum plus a 2.5 percent capital conservation buffer, all
comprised of common equity. Nonetheless, that is a significant improvement over the pre-crisis requirement of what was effectively
2 percent common equity.
Now the Basel Committee is working on an additional capital
surcharge for globally systemically important banking organizations (GSIBs). Switzerland has adopted an additional capital surcharge for their largest banks additional common equity and a requirement for contingent capital in addition to the additional common equity. The additional common equity Switzerland is requiring
for its largest banks may prove to be in line with the Basel requirements for GSIBs.
Finally, although the focus has been on the risk-based capital ratios, the Basel Committee has taken the important step of proposing an international leverage ratio as a backstop for the riskbased capital ratios. A major shortcoming of the Basel II regime
(the advanced approaches) is that it allowed large banks to use
their own models to steadily reduce their capital requirements,
while their leverage increased. The leverage ratio is an essential
part of a strong regulatory capital framework.
Q.4. In March, Bloomberg noted that 77 percent of the banking assets are held by the nations ten largest bankswith 35 banks
holding assets of $50 billion or more. In February, Moodys granted
higher ratings to eight large U.S. banks because of an expectation
of future Government supportimplicitly suggesting that risky behavior by large banks would be more tolerated, and they would be

insulated from failure. Has systemic risk increased after the financial crisis? Why or why not? How is this being addressed?
A.4. While banks and other financial companies continue to address elevated levels of problem assets and cope with refining their
business plans during what has been a sluggish recovery, overall,
bank balance sheets and the financial system as a whole are healing slowly. In the wake of the recent crisis, the FDIC and other
regulators are working to implement an updated statutory mandate under the Dodd-Frank Act to reduce systemic risk by improving the resilience of our financial system.
As described more fully in my written statement, several large,
complex U.S. financial companies at the center of the 2008 crisis
could not be wound down in an orderly manner when they became
nonviable, which resulted in a terrible dilemma for policymakers:
bail out these firms or expose the financial system to destabilizing
liquidations through the normal bankruptcy process. While necessary, there is genuine alarm about the immense scale and seemingly indiscriminate nature of the Government assistance provided
to large banks and nonbank financial companies during the crisis,
and what effects these actions will have on the competitive landscape in banking.
Nevertheless, the uplift in ratings for large financial institutions suggests that despite having recently seen the nations largest
financial institutions receive hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer assistance, the market appears to believe that they are too
big to fail, although rating agencies have recently indicated a reassessment of the likelihood of Federal support. Under a regime of
too big to fail, the largest U.S. banks and other financial companies have every incentive to render themselves so large, so complex, and so opaque that no policymaker would dare risk letting
them fail in a crisis. With the benefit of this implicit safety net,
these institutions have been insulated from the normal discipline
of the marketplace that applies to smaller banks and practically
every other private company.
A major improvement in reducing systemic risk and restoring
market discipline for large financial companies, and one that, in
my opinion, has been somewhat underestimated by the skeptics, is
the requirement for SIFI resolution plans. When a large, complex
financial institution gets into trouble, time is the enemy. The larger, more complex, and more interconnected a financial company is,
the longer it takes to assemble a full and accurate picture of its operations and to develop a resolution strategy. By requiring detailed
resolution plans in advance, and authorizing an onsite FDIC team
to conduct pre-resolution planning, the SIFI resolution framework
regains the ability to gather information that was lacking in the
crisis of 2008.
The large financial companies that collapsed during the crisis
(and many other companies today) maintained thousands of subsidiaries and managed their activities within business lines that
cross many different organizational structures and regulatory jurisdictions. This can make it very difficult to implement an orderly
resolution of one part of the company without triggering a costly
collapse of the entire company. To solve this problem, the FDIC
and the Federal Reserve must define high informational standards

for resolution plans and be willing to insist on organizational
changes where necessary in order to ensure that large financial
companies meet the standard of resolvability well before a crisis occurs. Unless these structures are rationalized and simplified in advance, there is a real danger that their complexity could make a
large financial company resolution far more costly and more difficult than it needs to be.

Q.1. Chairwoman Bair, inherent in any discussion of capital levels

is a tradeoff between economic growth and the possibility of disruptive bank failures. With high unemployment, sluggish output, and
extraordinary monetary policy in many developed countries, the
economic impact of higher capital levels requires special attention.
It is my understanding that the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision and the Financial Stability Board are considering a
further increase in capital requirements for Systemically Important
Financial Institutions, including the possibility of as much as 300
basis points on firms deemed to be systemically important on a
global basis.
One of the costs traditionally associated with a bank failure is
the loss of proprietary information and knowledge at the institution. This is one argument for higher capital requirements. With
the robust resolution mechanisms in place in the United States,
should domestic banks face equal capital charges as institutions in
jurisdictions with less robust resolution frameworks?
A.1. A robust resolution framework, combined with resolution
plans for large bank holding companies and SIFIs, can mitigate the
impact on the financial system of the failure of a large, complex,
and interconnected financial company. Even more importantly, we
need a robust cross-border resolution framework internationally
that harmonizes national resolution laws and processes. While
there is much to be done internationally, we are making progress
there are new statutory regimes in Germany, the United Kingdom,
and of course in the United States.
To spur the development of robust resolution frameworks internationally, the Basel Committees consultative paper on the capital
surcharge on systemically important banks includes the understanding that a country can add an additional 1 percent common
equity requirement if the banking organization does not have an
acceptable resolution and recovery plan This additional 1 percent
would be on top of the 2.5 percent capital surcharge for globally
systemically important banks, all of which will be filled with common equity. The Basel Committee and the Governors and Heads of
Supervision agreed that there was too much uncertainty about contingent capital and bail-in debt to consider these hybrid capital instruments as loss absorbing capital for the capital surcharge. (The
consultative paper on the capital surcharge for systemically important banks should be published in mid-July 2011.)


Q.1. According to the American Banker, Annette L. Nazareth, a

former SEC Commissioner, called the timetables imposed by the
Dodd-Frank Act wildly aggressive. These agencies were dealt a
very bad hand, she said. These deadlines could actually be systemic-risk raising. Given the importance of rigorous cost-benefit
and economic impact analyses and the need for the consideration
of public comments, would additional time or adoption of the DoddFrank Act rules improve your rulemaking process and the substance of your final rules?
Chairman Bairs testimony was unclear regarding whether the
FSOC has the Authority to issue a revised rule on the designation
of nonbank financial institutions. She and others indicated some
type of guidance might be issued instead. Is it in fact the case, in
general, that the FSOC does not have authority to issue rules
under Title I that have the force and effect of law? If the FSOC
has the authority in general to issue such rules on designation,
why specifically would the FSOC be precluded from re-proposing a
rule that is currently pending? Is there additional authority the
FSOC would need from Congress to issue such rules or to proceed
with reproposing its NPR on designation? If yes, what specific authority would the FSOC need from Congress for the FSOC to have
the ability to proceed?
In an August speech at NYUs Stern School of Business, Treasury Secretary Geithner outlined six principles that he said would
guide implementation, and then he added, You should hold us accountable for honoring them. His final principle was bringing
more order and integration to the regulatory process. He said the
agencies responsible for reforms will have to work together, not
against each other. This requires us to look carefully at the overall
interaction of regulations designed by different regulators and assess the overall burden they present relative to the benefits they
offer. Do you intend to follow through with this commitment with
some form of status report that provides a quantitative and qualitative review of the overall interaction of all the hundreds of proposed rules by the different regulators and assess the overall burden they present relative to the benefits they offer?
A.1. The FDIC is actively engaged in striving to meet the mandated timeframes for the interagency rulemakings set forth in the
Dodd-Frank Act. With respect to questions about the FSOCs authority to issue regulations, the FDIC defers to the Treasury Secretarys legal counsel. The FSOC issued an ANPR and NPR describing the processes and procedures that will inform the FSOCs
designation of SIFIs. Concerns have been raised about the lack of
detail and clarity regarding the designation process, and the FDIC
agrees that it is important that the FSOC seek further comment
on its plans for designating firms and provide additional specificity,
both qualitative and quantitative, that the Council expects to employ when making SIFI designations.
One of the purposes of the FSOC is to facilitate regulatory coordination and information sharing regarding policy development,
rulemaking, supervisory information, and reporting requirements.
The FDIC and other financial regulators have had a longstanding

practice of information sharing, but the FDIC believes that the
FSOC has provided more order and integration to that process.
The FDIC assesses the costs or burden versus the benefits of its
rulemakings in the normal course of our business. Many of our regulations are required by statute and/or are aimed at protecting the
Deposit Insurance Fund. That being said, the FDIC has had a longstanding policy to ensure that the rules it adopts are the least burdensome to achieve those goals. The FDICs policy recognizes our
commitment to minimizing regulatory burdens on the public and
the banking industry and the need to ensure that our regulations
and policies achieve legislative and safety and soundness goals effectively.
The FDIC also follows express statutory requirements that mandate consideration of the economic and other effects of proposed
rules, such as the Regulatory Flexibility Act (effect on small entities), the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Congressional Review Act,
and the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (for example, in connection
with assessments). The FDIC is fully prepared to cooperate with
the Treasury Secretary, in the capacity as FSOC Chairman, if he
decides to prepare an integrated status report of rulemaking cost
benefit analyses across the FSOC agencies.
As you know, the FDICs Office of Inspector General recently provided a review, at the request of you and some of your colleagues
on the Senate Banking Committee, on the FDICs economic analysis performed in three specific rulemakings. The FDIC OIG reported that, in all three cases, the FDIC performed quantitative
analysis of relevant data, considered alternative approaches to the
extent allowed by the legislation, requested comments from the
public on numerous facets of the rules, and included information
about the analysis that was conducted and the assumptions that
were used in the text of he proposed rule. In addition, the report
notes that the FDIC is also considering the cumulative burden of
all Dodd-Frank Act rulemakings.
Q.2. On April 12, 2011, the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Housing Finance Agency,
the Farm Credit Administration, and the Office of the Comptroller
of the currency published proposed rules governing margin and
capital requirements applicable to covered swap entities that are
banks. The proposed rules appear (i) to require those covered swap
entities to collect margin from nonfinancial end-users that exceed
margin thresholds, and (ii) to specify that such margin be in the
form of cash or cash equivalents only. Is this proposal consistent
with section 731 of the Dodd-Frank Act which specifically provides
that prudential regulators shall permit the use of noncash collateral, as the regulator . . . determines to be consistent with . . .
preserving the financial integrity of markets trading swaps; and
. . . preserving the stability of the United States financial system?
A.2. For swap dealers, major swap participants, and financial endusers, the Agencies were cautious in the proposed rule with respect
to the allowable types of noncash collateral; limiting such collateral
to only certain types of highly liquid, high-quality debt securities.
The Agencies are concerned about the procyclicality associated
with other forms of collateral. That is, during a period of financial

stress, the value of non-cash collateral pledged as margin is more
likely also to come under stress just as counterparties default and
the noncash collateral is required to offset the cost of replacing defaulted swap positions. However, the Agencies are mindful of the
need to fully consider other forms of noncash collateral and have
included in the NPR a request for comment on whether the Agencies should broaden the list of acceptable noncash collateral and, if
so, what haircut should be applied to such collateral.
The Agencies noted in the NPR that even without expanding the
list of acceptable collateral, counterparties that wish to rely on
other noncash assets to meet margin requirements could pledge
those assets with a bank or group of banks in a separate arrangement, such as a secured financing facility, and could draw cash
from that arrangement to meet margin requirements. For non-financial end-users, who are the most likely type of counterparty to
wish to post noncash collateral, the proposed rule provides credit
exposure thresholds, under which a covered swap entity may determine the extent to which available noncash collateral appropriately
reduces the covered swap entityscredit risk, consistent with its
credit underwriting expertise. As such, commercial end-users will
likely find that they will be able to continue to post the same forms
of noncash collateral as they currently post.

Q.1. Your institutions have been assigned the task of macro prudential risk oversight. Specifically, the Dodd-Frank Act tasked the
FSOC with identifying risks to the financial stability that could
arise from the material financial distress or failure of large interconnected bank holding companies or nonbank financial companies. As you know nearly all banks carry U.S. Treasury bills,
notes, and bonds on their balance sheet with no capital against
them. They are deemed, both implicitly and explicitly, as risk free.
But with a $14 trillion debt, no one can guarantee that the bond
market will continue to finance U.S. securities at affordable rates.
What steps have you taken to ensure that systemically important
financial institutions could withstand a material disruption in the
U.S. Treasury market from an event such as a major tail at an auction, the liquidation of securities by a major investor such as a foreign central bank, concerns that the United States will attempt to
inflate its way out of its debt obligations, an outright debt downgrade by a major rating agency, or market concern over the prospects for a technical default? What impact would an event such as
the loss of market confidence in U.S. debt and subsequent increase
in U.S. borrowing rates have on the institutions in your purview?
And what steps can you take to ensure that the balance sheets of
systemically important institutions could withstand such an event
and that such an event would not lead to a systemic crisis similar
to or worse than that experienced in 2008?
A.1. Financial institutions as well as other investors have significant holdings in U.S. Government-related debt, so material events
related to these investments could have a substantial credit impact
on these firms. Moreover, as more fully described in response to

question 2 below, the loss of confidence in U.S. debt could create
sudden volatility in interest rates, which could prove challenging to
bank and bank-holding company revenue streams. These firms are
in a substantially better position with regard to capital and liquidity to withstand stress than they were in 2008; however, depending
on the length and depth of an event such as described, this would
have a significant adverse impact on their operations.
The largest banks and bank-holding companies are generally supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve). Nevertheless, in the normal course, the FDIC works with
these agencies to evaluate the level of capital and liquidity they
hold relative to specific asset classes and their overall risk structure and to evaluate these firms ability to withstand stress events.
Going forward, Section 165 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) requires stress testing by the regulators and the firms themselves, for large banking
organizations and systemically important nonbank financial institutions (SIFIs) supervised by the Federal Reserve.
Additionally, just last week, Federal banking regulators issued
supervisory guidance for comment to outline broad principles for a
satisfactory stress testing framework and how stress testing can be
employed as an important component of risk management.
Q.2. What other major systemic risks are you currently most concerned about? What steps are you taking to address these?
A.2. The primary purpose of the Financial Stability Oversight
Council (FSOC) is to identify risks to financial stability, respond to
emerging threats in the system, and promote market discipline.
From the FDICs perspective, the most important systemic risks
and emerging threats to our financial system at the present time
involve excessive reliance on debt and financial leverage, continued
lack of market discipline due to perceptions of too big to fail, lingering problems in mortgage servicing, and interest rate risk. My
written statement to the Committee describes these areas more
fully, along with the steps being taken to address them.

Q.1. Dodd-Frank set forth a comprehensive list of factors that

FSOC must consider when determining whether a company posed
a systemic risk and deserves Fed oversight. The council, in its advanced notice of proposed rulemaking, sets forth 15 categories of
questions for the industry to comment on and address. However,
the proposed rules give no indication of the specific criteria or
framework that the council intends to use in making SIFI designationsother than what is already set forth in Dodd-Frank. As a result, potential SIFIs have no idea where they may stand in the designation process. Will the council provide additional information
about the quantitative metrics it will use when making a SIFI designation?
A.1. The FSOC issued an ANPR and NPR describing the processes
and procedures that will inform the FSOCs designation of SIFIs

under the Dodd-Frank Act. Concerns have been raised about the
lack of detail and clarity regarding the designation process in the
ANPR and NPR. The FDIC agrees that it is important that the
FSOC move forward and develop some hard metrics to guide the
SIFI designation process. The FSOC is in the process of developing
further clarification of the metrics for comment that will provide
more specificity as to the measures and approaches being considered.
Q.2. Would the council agree that leverage is likely to be the one
factor that is most likely to create conditions that result in systemic risk? If so, how will the council go about identifying which
entities use leverage?
A.2. The FDIC does not speak for the FSOC as a whole, but from
the FDICs perspective, excessive reliance on debt and financial leverage is currently one of the most important systemic risks and
emerging threats to our financial system, along with continued lack
of market discipline due to perceptions of too big to fail, lingering
problems in mortgage servicing, and interest rate risk. My written
statement to the Committee describes these areas more fully, along
with the steps being taken to address them.
The Federal banking agencies that are members of FSOC closely
monitor leverage in the banking system through the normal supervision process. Also, under the Dodd-Frank Act, the largest, most
interconnected financial institutionsbanks and nonbank financial
companieswill be subject to enhanced prudential standards. Core
elements of these enhanced standards will be strengthened capital
and liquidity requirements.
The FDIC believes that recent efforts to strengthen the capital
base of our largest financial institutions are an important element
to restraining financial leverage and enhancing the stability of our
system. Going forward, the FSOC and its member agencies will
need to continue to monitor and look for ways to reduce excess leverage throughout the system.
Q.3. One of the first steps in the systemic designation process, as
outlined in the proposed rule, is that after identifying a nonbank
financial company for possible designation the FSOC will provide
the company with a written preliminary notice that the council is
considering making proposed determination that the company is
systemically significant. Is receipt of such a notice a material event
that might affect the financial situation or the value of a companys
shares in the mind of the investors? If so, wouldnt it need to be
disclosed to investors under securities laws?
A.3. The FSOC is responsible for designating nonbank SIFIs. A
company designated as a SIFI will continue to be required to comply with other applicable laws, such as the securities laws, which
require certain public disclosures. The FDIC does not administer
securities laws and thus defers to the Securities and Exchange
Commission on questions regarding a public companys disclosure
requirements under U.S. securities laws.
While a preliminary notice from the FSOC could be significant
for a company, in many cases the market may already have anticipated such a designation with respect to the value of a companys


Q.1. Last week, Chairman Bernanke indicated that bank holding

companies larger than $50 billion, designated as systemically significant by the Dodd-Frank Act, will be treated on a tiered scale
when you establish enhanced supervisory standards. These institutions range from relatively basic commercial banks not much larger
than the $50 billion to more complex and interdependent global financial firms that are up to 40 times the threshold. Do you expect
the tiered standards to be based on a firms asset size or on factors
more directly related to financial system risk, such as complexity
of a firms businesses, its funding sources and liquidity, its importance to the daily functioning of the capital markets and its interconnectedness to other financial firms?
A.1. The tiered standards mentioned in the question relate to the
way the Federal Reserve will apply heightened prudential standards to bank holding companies as the primary Federal regulator
of these companies. The FDIC will be dealing with these firms from
a resolution perspective, and their resolution plans will reflect the
complexity of their operations. While there will not be any formal
tiering of plan review and monitoring at this point, there are some
natural breaks in the size and complexity of the firms. The larger
more complex and interdependent global financial firms resolution
plans will be very large and will require substantial resources to
analyze and monitor. They are expected to cover every aspect of a
firms operations so the larger the firm the more extensive the
plan. Smaller firms will be expected to have the same comprehensive coverage of their operations; however, because of the smaller
size and less complex nature of their operations, the firms plans
will be significantly smaller and therefore take less time to analyze
and monitor.
Q.2. As FSOC considers how to determine the systemic relevance
of the investment fund asset management industry, wouldnt it be
more appropriate for FSOC to look at the various individual funds
themselves, of which there may be several under one advisor, rather than focus on the advisor entity?
Isnt it true that each of those funds may operate with separate and distinct investment strategies, each with its own
unique risks?
Isnt it the case that the vast majority of the assets are located
at the funds and not at the adviser (sic) entity?
A.2. In March, the FSOC reviewed broad risks in the structure of
a particular type of mutual fund, money market mutual funds
(MMMFs), SEC regulatory actions to address these risks, and the
additional risk-constraining options presented in the Presidents
Working Group on Financial Markets (PWG) report on MMMFs.
As described in the PWG report, MMMFs can be a risk transmission mechanism for the financial system. For example, the September 2008 run on money market funds, which began after the
failure of Lehman Brothers, caused significant capital losses at a
large MMMF. Amid broad concerns about the safety of MMMFs
and other financial institutions, investors rapidly redeemed MMMF

shares, and the cash needs of MMMFs exacerbated strains in
short-term funding markets.
These strains, in turn, threatened the broader economy, as firms
and institutions dependent upon those markets for short-term financing found credit increasingly difficult to obtain. Forceful Government action was taken to stop the run, restore investor confidence, and prevent the development of an even more severe recession. Even so, short-term funding markets remained disrupted for
some time. Last month, the FDIC participated with other FSOC
members in an SEC-sponsored roundtable with interested stakeholders to discuss reform options further.
While the FSOC has considered broad systemic risks related to
MMMFs, the thrust of the question above appears to relate to
whether and how the FSOC would designate mutual funds and/or
their advisors as SIFIs. The SEC is the primary regulator of mutual funds, and we cannot dispute the statements above about the
operations of mutual funds. Nevertheless, the process of designating which SIFIs will be subject to heightened supervision by the
Federal Reserve under Title I of the Dodd-Frank Act is not yet
complete. Therefore, it is still uncertain which entities will receive
a SIFI designation.
In determining the appropriate way to designate SIFIs, the FDIC
is focused on getting the metrics right rather than identifying specific types of entities for designation. Importantly, and as described
more fully above, the FDIC believes that the ability of an entity to
be resolved in bankruptcy without systemic impact should be a key
consideration in the SIFI designation process.
Q.3. What additional protection/supervision could the Fed provide
for mutual funds that the SEC isnt already providing? Do we really need to subject this industry to an additional layer of regulation,
especially a systemic risk regulation?
A.3. The SEC is the primary regulator for mutual funds. As described above, the SIFI designation process is not yet complete.
Therefore, no heighted prudential standards or capital requirements have been imposed by the Federal Reserve on any SIFI, nor
have any additional regulations on a particular industry been proposed incident to the SIFI designation process.
Q.4. Can you share with us what the FSOC, OFR, FDIC and Fed
are contemplating by way of fees that they may assess on SIFIs?
A.4. Section 155(d) of the Dodd-Frank Act requires the Treasury
Secretary, beginning 2 years after enactment, to establish, by regulation, an assessment schedule applicable to bank holding companies with total consolidated assets of $50 billion or greater and
nonbank financial holding companies supervised by the Federal Reserve to collect assessments equal to the total expenses of the Office of Financial Research (OFR). The FDIC is not aware of any
proposed rule by the Treasury Secretary in this regard. The FDIC
is not contemplating assessing fees on SIFIs and is not aware of
any plans by FSOC to assess such fees.
International Competitiveness
Q.5. It is critical for the continued competitiveness of the U.S. markets that a regulatory arbitrage does not develop among markets

that favors markets in Europe and Asia over U.S. markets. Will
the FSOC commit to ensuring that the timing of the finalization
and implementation of rulemaking under Dodd Frank does not impair the competitiveness of U.S. markets?
How will FSOC ensure that U.S. firms will have equal access to
European markets as European firms will have to U.S. markets?
A.5. The FSOCs statutory duties under section 112(a)(2) of the
Dodd-Frank Act include monitoring domestic and international regulatory proposals and developments and advising Congress and
making recommendations in such areas that will enhance the competitiveness of U.S. financial markets as well as the integrity, efficiency, and stability of such markets. Also, under section 752 of the
Dodd-Frank Act, the CFTC, the SEC, and the prudential regulators
are required to consult and coordinate with foreign regulatory authorities on establishing consistent international standards with respect to the regulation of covered derivatives.
Consistent standards will ensure equal access to all markets. The
FDIC, however, would not support weak standards in order to be
consistent with lower standards adopted by a foreign jurisdiction.
With respect to timing, the prudential regulators, the CFTC, and
the SEC have primary authority to address the effective date of derivatives reform regulations and are able to take international coordination into account.
Q.6. How will FSOC ensure that Basel III will be implemented in
the United States in a manner that is not more stringent than in
Europe, making U.S. firms less competitive globally?
A.6. International consistency in capital requirements is a worthy
goal. We must, however, guard against pursuing the competitiveness of U.S. firms in a way that compromises their safety-andsoundness and the stability of our banking system. The cost of financial crises for the real economy is severe, and we need to pursue the changes in capital regulation needed to prevent a recurrence.
The Federal banking agencies will have primary responsibility
for implementing the Basel III capital and liquidity standards.
Within the Basel Committee we have worked to ensure as level a
playing field as possible for U.S. banking organizations, not only in
Europe but across the rest of the global financial system. In seeking to restore the resilience of the international financial system,
we have allied ourselves with those Basel Committee members
seeking strong capital and liquidity standards. However, as always
in the international arena, certain countries believe the Basel III
capital and liquidity standards are too stringent. Of necessity,
Basel III is a compromise. Even so, Basel III goes a long way toward addressing the weaknesses in the regulatory capital framework exposed by the financial crisis.
The Basel capital standards always have been stated minimums
and, in the United States, we consistently have had higher standards than Basel required (and many other Basel member countries
are in the same situation). For example, the Basel I and Basel II
minimum capital requirements were 4 percent tier 1 and 8 percent
total risk-based capital ratios. However, in the United States, to be
well capitalized a bank must have 6 percent tier 1 and 10 percent

total risk-based capital ratios. When Basel II was introduced in the
United States, we set higher floors over a longer period to ensure
that regulatory capital at the largest internationally active U.S.
banks would not decline precipitously. Currently, we also are one
of the few countries to have a leverage ratio that complements our
risk-based capital requirements. We believe our higher capital requirements strengthen our banks and support their international
competitiveness. However, we are aware that implementation of
capital requirements across a number of Basel member countries
is not as rigorous as in the United States, and we continually monitor this as part of our normal supervisory process and through the
Basel Committee.

Q.1. Much about SIFI designation focuses on too big to fail institutions. What about financial management practices that can
weaken a number of smaller players in an industry? What can
FSOC do to encourage best practices of asset/liability management,
or assure the proper allocation of capital that reflects the risk underlying assets held?
A.1. The primary purpose of the FSOC is to identify risks to financial stability, respond to emerging threats in the system, and promote market discipline. The statutory language of the Dodd-Frank
Act in Section 112 addresses these responsibilities largely in terms
of large interconnected bank holding companies and SIFIs because
they can pose significant risks to the financial stability of the
United States, as demonstrated in the recent crisis.
However, as the primary Federal supervisor for most community
banks in the United States, the FDIC is keenly aware of their importance in our financial system. Community banks provide credit,
depository, and other financial services to consumers and businesses on main street, and are playing a vital economic role as cities and towns recover from the recession. As the FSOC discusses
and issues recommendations regarding broad issues and best practices, including those described above, they should consider effects
on all players in the financial system, large and small. In my capacity as an FSOC voting member and in the FDICs role as a community bank supervisor, I am particularly focused on ensuring that
the Council considers community banks and the communities they
serve in its deliberations.

Q.1. One of the Councils purposes is to monitor systemic risk and

alert Congress and regulators of any systemic risks it discovers.
What are the most serious systemic risks presently facing the U.S.
A.1. The potential loss of investor confidence in U.S. debt and the
impact such a loss would have on interest rates and the overall
economy, is a serious concern that we are monitoring closely. While
current Treasury yields and implied volatilities remain relatively

low, suggesting continued market confidence, I share the views of
many others that over the long term our nations current fiscal imbalance is not sustainable and must be addressed. More generally,
we are concerned that the prolonged low interest rate environment
has created incentives for banks and other investors to take on significant levels of interest rate risk. In response, the OCC and other
U.S. banking agencies have been emphasizing the need for bankers
to improve their interest rate risk management systems.
As the economy begins to recover, we are seeing some signs of
weakening underwriting standards, especially in the leveraged loan
markets. While our recent annual underwriting survey did not indicate that standards have weakened systematically across lending
products, we are concerned that banks not return to the lax underwriting practices that became widespread prior to the crisis. When
we released our survey results, we cautioned national banks on the
need to maintain prudent underwriting standards. The agencies
Shared National Credit review, currently underway, will be another key window in helping us to evaluate the current quality of
banks large credit portfolios and whether additional action is needed.
The housing sector continues to be an area that poses substantial
risk to the overall economy and many banks credit portfolios.
While there are many factors affecting this market, the overhang
of distressed properties that need to be resolved is certainly one of
them. The action taken against the mortgage servicers under our
jurisdiction to fix their servicing and mortgage foreclosure processing problems should help unblock the system. More broadly, we
continue to closely monitor trends in mortgage loan portfolios, including mortgage modifications, through our comprehensive Mortgage Metrics database and reports.
Through the FSOCs systemic risk committee, we continue to
monitor a number of other potential risk areas including the European debt situation, continued vulnerabilities in short-term funding
markets, and concentrations within the financial sector.
Finally, as noted in recent remarks before the Housing Policy
Council of The Financial Services Roundtable, I agree with others
that the sheer volume and magnitude of regulatory changes forthcoming under the Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III reforms has created uncertainty as supervisors and market participants attempt to
digest and assess the cumulative impact that these changes may
have on markets and business models.

Q.1.a. The Interagency Review of Foreclosure Policies and Practices notes that about 2,800 borrower foreclosure files in various
stages of foreclosure were reviewed.
The second footnote in The Interagency Review of Foreclosure
Policies and Practices briefly explains how these files were selected,
but please describe, with as much detail as possible, the sampling
methodology and the population from which the samples were selected. What attributes were selected for testing? Please provide
the deviations that were found. We would be particularly interested

in what factors affected examiner judgment in the selection of
these files.
A.1.a. The file review sample was judgmentally selected to include
loans from all States where the servicer had foreclosure activity
both judicial as well as non-judicial States. In selecting file samples, examiners gave consideration to States with the highest foreclosure activity and those where internal self assessments noted
issues or concerns. Examiners also considered complaints filed with
the OCC.
Q.1.b. How is the OCC confident that these 2,800 borrower files
constitute a statistically significant sample size?
A.1.b. The file review was not intended to make any statistical inferences with respect to foreclosure actions. Instead, it was intended to draw and support general conclusions about servicer
processes, including the accuracy and compliance of legal filings.
While this was not a statistical sample, it was an objective and unbiased reflection of each servicers foreclosure activities.
Q.1.c. Of these 2,800 borrower foreclosure files, how many of these
files reflected completed foreclosures?
A.1.c. Of the 1,697 files reviewed at the eight OCC banks, 623
were completed foreclosure sales.
Q.2.a. The OCCs Consent Order requires banks to hire an independent consultant to review foreclosures from 2009 and 2010 to
ensure that everything was done in accordance with applicable
laws and regulations.
What factors, if any, prevented the OCC from conducting such a
A.2.a. The extraordinary resource demands needed to conduct foreclosure reviews of the scope that the OCC will require, make it impossible for the OCC to perform that work within any reasonable
timeframe. In addition, the Government procurement process for
awarding contracts directly with third parties to conduct foreclosure reviews would be lengthy and significantly delay implementation of the foreclosure reviews and restitution to any affected customers. As described below, the OCC has applied a number of
measures to assure that the consultants are independent and conduct their work independently.
Q.2.b. Please describe all criteria to be used by the OCC in determining that an independent consultant is acceptable to the OCC.
Will an independent consultant be expected to have expertise in
servicing issues? If so, how will the OCC determine that this independent consultant has sufficient expertise to qualify as an independent consultant?
A.2.b. The OCC considers various factors concerning a consultants
prior work in determining the independence of the consultant. We
also determine if the proposed consultant has sufficient resources
and expertise to successfully complete the review. And we have required that specific language be included in the engagement letters
entered into between the servicer and the consultant that makes
clear that the consultant takes direction from the OCC, not the

Q.2.c. Please describe the process for the OCC to review the selection of an independent consultant and, if necessary, object to the
A.2.c. Per the Consent Orders, the OCC must approve the independent consultant and their engagement letter that sets forth: (a)
the methodology for conducting the foreclosure review, including: (i)
a description of the information systems and documents to be reviewed, including the selection of criteria for cases to be reviewed;
(ii) the criteria for evaluating the reasonableness of fees and penalties; (iii) other procedures necessary to make the required determinations (such as through interviews of employees and third parties and a process for submission and review of borrower claims
and complaints); and (iv) any proposed sampling techniques; and
(b) expertise and resources to be dedicated to the foreclosure review. The independence, expertise and resources of each consultant
will be reviewed by OCC examiners in consultation with OCC Enforcement and Compliance attorneys.
Q.2.d. What is the definition of an independent consultant? What
is considered to be independent? Would an independent public accounting firm or contractor that has previously performed auditing
services or other services for the bank be considered independent?
A.2.d. Consultants hired to undertake the foreclosure review must
function as true independent parties, with no conflicting interests
or priorities. For example, firms and/or counsel that currently, or
have in the past represented the servicer in any manner concerning areas addressed in the Consent Orders may not meet the
standards of independence. In addition, sample segments and sizes
must be decided by the independent consultant and final results
must be the product and opinion of the independent consultant, unaffected by the views of the institution or its directors or management.
The independent consultants may retain outside counsel to provide necessary legal expertise in completing the foreclosure review.
However, any such outside counsel must be independent of the outside counsel retained by the institution to provide legal representation to the institution with respect to the Consent Orders or legal
advice concerning matters covered by the Consent Orders. The
independent consultants work may not be subject to direction or
influence from counsel for the institution.
Likewise, an independent public accounting firm that has previously performed auditing services or other services for the bank
may be independent, but only if previous work performed does not
conflict with foreclosure review and there is a clear separation of
duties between auditors performing the foreclosure review and
those performing other auditing services.
Q.2.e. Who at the Bank will be engaging the independent consultant? The Board of Directors, the CEO, the CFO, an independent
committee, or someone else? Will the OCC be a party to the engagement letter or have any rights under the engagement letter?
A.2.e. The OCC requires the independent consultant to be retained
by the bank, and the OCC will not be a party to the engagement
letters. The Board of Directors is responsible for engagement of the

independent consultant, but it may delegate authority to execute
the engagement letter to senior management.
Q.2.f. Will the letters of engagement be made available to the relevant Congressional Committees? If the protection of proprietary
information is a concern, will the OCC make the necessary arrangements to share these letters with the relevant Congressional
Committees so that Congress may conduct its oversight role?
A.2.f. The engagement letters are confidential supervisory information.
Q.2.g. How will the OCC ensure that the consultants procedures
for the Foreclosure Review will be sufficient?
A.2.g. OCC onsite examiners will review action plans developed by
independent consultants including methodology for conducting foreclosure reviews. In addition, the OCC will conduct a horizontal review of all engagement letters and action plans across banks to ensure consistency in foreclosure review methodology and identify
and address common deficiencies. Per the Orders, the engagement
letters will set forth: (a) the methodology for conducting the foreclosure review, including: (i) a description of the information systems and documents to be reviewed, including the selection of criteria for cases to be reviewed; (ii) the criteria for evaluating the
reasonableness of fees and penalties; (iii) other procedures necessary to make the required determinations (such as through interviews of employees and third parties and a process for submission
and review of borrower claims and complaints); and (iv) any proposed sampling techniques; and (b) expertise and resources to be
dedicated to the foreclosure review. Onsite examiners will maintain
ongoing contact with the independent consultants during the review process to ensure that the action plans are appropriately implemented.
Q.3.a. As part of this review, the consultants are supposed to determine if any errors, misrepresentations, or other deficiencies
identified in the review resulted in financial injury to the borrower.
Will a consistent methodology be applied to ensure that the selection criteria provides for a representative sample? If not, why not?
How will the sampling results be considered reliable absent a statistically valid sampling methodology?
A.3.a. On May 20, 2011, the OCC provided and discussed Foreclosure Review guidance with all institutions subject to Consent
Orders. The Foreclosure Review guidance addressed supervisory
expectations for the review, including the process for selecting a
representative sample of customer cases. Certain segments of the
population of foreclosure cases may be subject to a statistically
valid sampling methodology to achieve the objective of the foreclosure review, while other segments may require more extensive
or 100 percent review. The guidance is expected to be applied consistently across OCC-supervised institutions.
Q.3.b. If sampling is used, what methodology will OCC utilize to
provide adequate compensation to all persons that were harmed?
A.3.b. The OCC has instructed all institutions subject to the Consent Orders that any sampling methodology must include procedures for extensive investigation of identified errors, including fur-

ther deep-dive reviews as necessary, to ensure that as many similarly affected borrowers as possible are identified for appropriate
remediation. The biggest factor in determining an appropriate remedy is to determine the actual financial harm suffered by homeowners as a result of an improper foreclosure action. The Consent
Orders require the independent consultants to develop and submit
for OCC approval a plan to remediate all financial injury to borrowers caused by any errors, misrepresentations, or other deficiencies identified in the Foreclosure Review Report. The identification of financial harm will be done through the foreclosure review
by the independent consultant. Given that every case is different,
the remedy must be specific to the details of the individual case.
This could include reimbursing impermissible or excessive penalties, fees, or expenses, or other financial injury suffered that
could include taking appropriate steps to remediate any improper
foreclosure sale. Restitution will begin after the OCC has provided
supervisory non-objection to the remediation plan.
Q.3.c. How will you ensure that this Foreclosure Review is comprehensive, fair, and reliable? What specifically, will you insist on
regarding these points?
A.3.c. OCC actions taken and/or planned to ensure the foreclosure
review is comprehensive, fair and reliable include:
1. On May 20, 2011, the OCC provided expectations for foreclosure reviews, including guidance on consultant independence, sampling methodology, scope of review, and the process
for submission and review of customer complaints, to all of the
banks and thrifts subject to Consent Orders.
2. The OCC will review all engagement letters to determine
their acceptability prior to the consultants beginning their review. This supervisory review will include an assessment of
each engagement letter with the requirements of the Consent
Order as well as foreclosure review guidance. Shortcomings
will need to be corrected prior to commencing the review.
3. The independent foreclosure review will achieve identification
of harmed borrowers through two distinct means: 1) a public
complaint process which will provide borrowers who believe
they may have suffered financial harm as a result of the
banks foreclosure process with the opportunity to have their
complaint reviewed by the independent consultant, and 2) a
sampling of loans to uncover, for example, borrowers in high
risk segments. We intend to require mortgage servicers to deliver notice letters to every borrower covered by the look-back
period to inform them of their right to have their complaint
reviewed by an independent consultant. Multiple attempts to
reach borrowers will be required for any returned notices.
Servicers will be required to undertake a broad range of efforts to reach borrowers that includes broadscale advertising,
outreach to State attorneys general, Department of Justice,
and other Federal regulatory agencies to solicit information
about borrowers who may have filed foreclosure-related complaints with those authorities in the 20092010 time period.
As well, the consultants are required to conduct a targeted review of high risk segments that includes a robust and tar-

geted sampling methodology to detect borrowers most at risk
of harm. This might include a review of covered borrowers
who were denied loan modifications, or those who submitted
a foreclosure-related complaint to the servicer. Certain borrower segments will require a 100 per cent review such as
borrowers protected by the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
and borrowers in bankruptcy whose mortgage was foreclosed
upon and whose home was sold.
4. Any foreclosure-related complaints received by the OCCs Customer Assistance Group will be forwarded to the bank for review by the independent consultant.
5. OCC examiners will review foreclosure review findings and results on an ongoing basis and require independent consultants
to take action to address any supervisory concerns.
6. Independent consultants must develop and submit for OCC
approval a plan to remediate all financial injury to borrowers
caused by any errors, misrepresentations, or other deficiencies
identified in the Foreclosure Review Report.
7. OCC will review all remediation plans submitted by independent consultants. Restitution will begin after the OCC has
provided supervisory non-objection to the remediation plans,
and the bank is required to provide the OCC with a report detailing all payments and credits made under the plan.
Q.3.d. How will the OCC determine what qualifies as financial injury to the borrower or mortgagee? If an affiant, as part of a foreclosure affidavit, did not have personal knowledge of the assertions
in the affidavit, would this qualify as financial injury according
to the OCC?
A.3.d. For purposes of OCC Consent Orders, financial injury to
the borrower or mortgagee means monetary harm to the borrower
or the mortgagee or owner of the mortgage loan directly caused by
errors, misrepresentations, or other deficiencies identified in the
foreclosure review. Monetary harm does not include physical injury, pain and suffering, emotional distress or other non-financial
harm. This definition of financial injury will be used by independent consultants to determine financial injury. Cases involving
affidavits prepared by affiants without personal knowledge will
need to be evaluated by the independent consultant for the existence of financial harm.
Q.3.e. If the independent consultant uncovers potentially illegal
acts, how is the independent consultant expected to proceed? Will
the consultant be required to report this to the Banks Audit Committee? Other than the OCC, are there other regulators who will
be informed about these discoveries? Will these potentially illegal
acts be covered and disclosed in the consultants written report?
A.3.e. Potentially illegal acts discovered should be included in the
Foreclosure Review Report prepared by the independent consultant. Under the OCCs supervision, the findings from the Foreclosure Review Report will be submitted to the Board of Directors
for review and action.
Q.3.f. Why have you limited the scope of this review just to 2009
and 2010? Is the OCC confident that prior to 2009, there were no

significant problems in foreclosure processing among the banks
under the OCCs jurisdiction? As part of its normal examinations
from year to year, did the OCC previously uncover the issues and
problems cited in The Interagency Review of Foreclosure Policies
and Practices? If so, how did the OCC address these issues and
problems? If not, please explain why the OCC did not identify these
issues earlier?
A.3.f. OCC/OTS Mortgage Metrics data shows that the majority of
foreclosure actions occurred in the 2009 and 2010 timeframe. The
OCC did not previously identify the type of unsafe and unsound
practices that were noted in the Interagency Review of Foreclosure
Policies and Practices because: (1) supervisory efforts were focused
on loss mitigation activities; (2) examiners placed reliance on internal audit and compliance functions and other third party, external
reviews which did not identify major concerns; and (3) foreclosure
processing was historically considered a low-risk activity performed
with the assistance of outside legal counsel.
Q.3.g. Once the consultant has completed the review, the consultant, per the OCCs consent order, will be required to submit a written report detailing the findings of the foreclosure review. Will this
written report be publicly available? If not, why not? If the protection of proprietary information will be the reason for not making
this report public, will the OCC, at the very least, make the necessary arrangements to share this report with the relevant Congressional Committees so that Congress may conduct its oversight
A.3.g. The Consent Orders require the independent consultants retained by the servicers to prepare a written report detailing the
findings of the Foreclosure Review within 30 days of completion of
the review, and to submit the report to the OCC. The reports constitute confidential supervisory information, subject to privilege
and other legal restrictions on disclosure and, consequently, they
will not be publicly available. However, we expect to provide a public interim report on the look-back process once the details of the
look-back are finalized, and then to provide a public report on the
results at the end of the process.
Q.4.a. Also as part of this review, the independent consultant will
be reviewing the banks loss mitigation activities.
Will the OCC be requiring the independent consultant to review
all denied loan modification files as part of this review? If not, why
A.4.a. Foreclosures where the borrower was denied for a loan modification was discussed with the institutions as a distinct sampling
segment that could be included in their foreclosure review. To the
extent errors are found, we will extensively investigate identified
errors, including further deep-dive reviews as necessary, to ensure that as many similarly affected borrowers as possible are
identified for appropriate remediation.
Q.4.b. The Interagency Review of Foreclosure Policies and Practices notes that the review did not focus on the loan-modification
process. Why not, especially in light of the fact that you are asking

the consultants to review loss mitigation activities as part of their
A.4.b. The primary scope of the review was centered on foreclosure
documentation preparation, governance and vendor management
because of documented and publicized cases of robo signing. However, as part of this foreclosure review, examiners checked to determine if loss mitigation actions, including loan modifications, were
offered to borrowers in the sample. If a borrower was denied a loan
modification, examiners determined if there was a documented and
sufficient reason for the denial.
Q.5. The interaction of global capital requirements (Basel III) and
U.S. requirements (FSOC) could result in different criteria being
applied to the same financial institution. For example, an institution could be deemed systemically important to the global financial
system but not to the financial system in the United States. How
is this being addressed? Does this pose any unique risks?
A.5. There are a number of areas where the Basel III capital requirements and the capital-related provisions of the Dodd-Frank
Act intersect that the agencies will need to resolve and address as
we move forward with our rulemakings. Sorting through and resolving these interactions is one reason why we have moved more
slowly than originally anticipated on some of these initiatives. With
respect the designation of systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs), we believe the $50 billion threshold established in
Dodd-Frank will be more inclusive than the threshold that will be
adopted for the so-called global SIFI provisions. Thus we do not believe it is likely that a U.S. bank would be deemed systemically important to the global financial system but not to the United States.
Q.6. A number of commentators and academics have asserted that
Basel III capital requirements are too low. For example, a recent
Stanford University study (Admati et al, published in March 2011)
stated that equity capital ratios significantly higher than 10 percent of un-weighted assets should be seriously considered. It also
noted that bank equity is not socially expensive and better capitalized banks suffer from fewer distortions in lending decisions
and would perform better. In addition, Switzerland has adopted
capital ratios for its banks in excess of Basel III. What are the
strengths and weaknesses of capital adequacy ratios in excess of
those considered under Basel III? (Admati, DeMarzo, Hellwig,
Pfleiderer, Fallacies, Irrelevant Facts, and Myths in the Discussion of Capital Regulation: Why Bank Equity is Not Expensive.
Stanford Graduate School of Business Research Paper No. 2065,
March 2011.)
A.6. While parts of the paper by Admati, DeMarzo, Hellwig, and
Pfleiderer1 (hereafter ADHP) are thoughtful and well argued, many
of their arguments are too simplistic in important respects. The
framework used by ADHP to analyze the case for higher capital
standards is incomplete, because there is no clear mechanism in
the paper to create any upper limit to the required capital ratio.
1 Anat R. Admati, Peter M. DeMarzo, Martin F. Hellwig, and Paul Pfleiderer, Fallacies, Irrelevant Facts, and Myths in the Discussion of Capital Regulation: Why Bank Equity is Not Expensive, unpublished manuscript, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, March 23,

In their hypothetical world, there is little or no downside to higher
capital, because there are unlimited amounts of liquid assets for
banks to hold, and unlimited amounts of equity capital that can be
[H]igher equity capital requirements do not mechanically limit banks activities, including lending, deposit taking and the issue of liquid, moneylike, informationally insensitive securities. Banks can maintain all their existing assets and liabilities and reduce leverage through equity issuance
and the expansion of their balance sheets. (ADHP, p.ii)

But the U.S. banking system is in fact fairly large relative to existing markets for equity and liquid securities, so the banking system cannot in practice adopt the approach suggested in the ADHP
quote above. As a consequence, although ADHP use the reasoning
above to dismiss suggestions that higher capital requirements
might reduce the aggregate amount of banking activity, they conduct the discussion within a framework that is incapable of fully
addressing the issue.
With regard to higher proposed capital standards in other countries, it is correct that Switzerland recently announced minimum
capital requirements well above those under discussion by the
Basel Committee as part of Basel III, and that the UK has announced similar measures. However, these other countries face situations markedly different from the United States. In particular,
both Switzerland and the UK are home to banks that are far larger
relative to their domestic financial systems than is the case in the
United States. Each of the three largest UK-based banks has assets that exceed the size of the British economy. The largest Swiss
banks are two to three times the size of the entire Swiss economy.
In contrast, in the United States the situation is reversed; annual
U.S. GDP is about seven times the asset size of even the largest
U.S. bank-holding company.
As a result, countries such as Switzerland and the UK face a
much different and more acute systemic challenge than the United
States; failure or financial distress at firms of such sizes relative
to the domestic economy would pose an almost insurmountable
challenge for the sovereign. It should not be surprising that those
governments feel compelled to take drastic measures to reduce the
risks associated with large institutions, and might be willing to do
so even at significant expected economic cost in the near-term.
While it is important not to be complacent about the significant
risks posed by large systemically important institutions in the
United States, the nature and scale of the challenge is distinguishable from that in many other developed countries. The U.S. economy is much larger, as are the resources potentially available for
addressing problems. This fact reduces the value of comparisons to
other countries.
Capital requirements that prevent instability are valuable because unstable banks can be extremely costly to the economy, as
is evident during financial crises. But at some level, higher capital
also tends to raise the cost of providing banking services, and higher costs lead to those banking services being provided at higher
prices (higher interest rates on loans, lower interest rates on deposits, and so on), or to a reduction in the quantity of banking services
provided to the economy, or both.

Q.7. In March, Bloomberg noted that 77 percent of the banking assets are held by the nations ten largest bankswith 35 banks
holding assets of $50 billion or more. In February, Moodys granted
higher ratings to eight large U.S. banks with higher ratings because of an expectation of future Government supportimplicitly
suggesting that risky behavior by large banks would be more tolerated, and they would be insulated from failure. Has systemic risk
increased after the financial crisis? Why or why not? How is this
being addressed?
A.7. The mergers and failures resulting from the financial crisis
have left the banking sector more concentrated. Concentration
within the financial sector is an issue that FSOC is discussing and
addressing on a number of fronts. First and foremost are the efforts
being led by the FDIC and Federal Reserve to implement the orderly liquidation authorities under Title II of the Dodd-Frank Act
that will facilitate liquidation of large firms. An important corollary
to this work will be heightened prudential capital, liquidity, and
risk management standards that these firms will be required to
meet. Pursuant to section 622 of the Dodd-Frank Act, the FSOC
has also issued a study and made recommendations on the implementation of section 622 of the Dodd-Frank Act that establishes a
financial-sector concentration limit generally prohibiting a financial
company from merging, consolidating with, or acquiring another
company if the resulting companys consolidated liabilities would
exceed 10 percent of the aggregate consolidated liabilities of all financial companies. The study, published for comment, concluded
that a concentration limit will have a positive impact on U.S. financial stability. It also made a number of technical recommendations
to address practical difficulties likely to arise in its administration
and enforcement, such as the definition of liabilities for certain
companies that do not currently calculate or report risk-weighted
assets. Final recommendations, following the notice and comment
period, are expected later this year.

Q.1.a. According to the American Banker, Annette L. Nazareth, a

former SEC Commissioner, called the timetables imposed by the
Dodd-Frank Act wildly aggressive. These agencies were dealt a
very bad hand, she said. These deadlines could actually be systemic-risk raising. Given the importance of rigorous cost-benefit
and economic impact analyses and the need for due consideration
of public comments, would additional time for adoption of the
Dodd-Frank Act rules improve your rulemaking process and the
substance of your final rules?
A.1.a. I share the view that the Dodd-Frank Act requires the agencies to issue a very large number of rules that will affect businesses
and consumers profoundly. The OCC recognizes that we must balance the requirement that we meet applicable statutory deadlines
with the need to carefully consider the impact of regulations, and
to provide a comment period that allows the public sufficient time
to contribute meaningful comments. While meeting all of our statutory deadlines will be a challenge, in my view, we should not favor

speed over a robust process designed to ensure that we get a rule
Q.1.b. Chairman Bairs testimony was unclear regarding whether
the FSOC has the authority to issue a revised rule on the designation of nonbank financial institutions. She and others indicated
some type of guidance might be issued instead. Is it in fact the
case, in general, that the FSOC does not have authority to issue
rules under Title I that have the force and effect of law? If the
FSOC has the authority in general to issue such rules on designation, why specifically would the FSOC be precluded from re-proposing a rule that is currently pending? Is there additional authority the FSOC would need from Congress to issue such rules or to
proceed with re-proposing its NPR on designation? If yes, what specific authority would the FSOC need from Congress for the FSOC
to have the ability to proceed?
A.1.b. The FSOC has the authority to issue rules setting forth its
understanding and interpretation of the governing statute.
The process of making systemic risk determinations is a critical
function of the FSOC. As I noted in my testimony, the FSOC must
achieve the right balance between providing sufficient clarity in our
rules and transparency in our designation process and avoiding
overly simplistic approaches that fail to recognize and consider the
facts and circumstances of individual firms and specific industries
and fail to maintain the necessary flexibility to react to the evolving nature of firms and markets. In response to concerns raised by
industry participants, the FSOC plans to seek comment on additional details regarding its standards for assessing systemic risk
before issuing a final rule.
Q.1.c. In an August speech at NYUs Stern School of Business,
Treasury Secretary Geithner outlined six principles that he said
would guide implementation, and then he added, You should hold
us accountable for honoring them. His final principle was bringing
more order and integration to the regulatory process. He said the
agencies responsible for reforms will have to work together, not
against each other. This requires us to look carefully at the overall
interaction of regulations designed by different regulators and assess the overall burden they present relative to the benefits they
offer. Do you intend to follow through with this commitment with
some form of status report that provides a quantitative and qualitative review of the overall interaction of all the hundreds of proposed rules by the different regulators and assess the overall burden they present relative to the benefits they offer?
A.1.c. I agree that the various rules required by the Dodd-Frank
Act involve complex issues and, as I have noted, they will interact
in ways that we cannot yet envision. I believe that an accurate assessment of the overall interaction of all of the hundreds of rules
being proposed by different regulators cannot be made until the
final rules have been issued and we begin to judge the effect they
have on how institutions conduct business.
Q.2. On April 12, 2011 the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Housing Finance Agency,
the Farm Credit Administration, and the Office of the Comptroller

of the Currency published proposed rules governing margin and
capital requirements applicable to covered swap entities that are
banks. The proposed rules appear (i) to require those covered swap
entities to collect margin from nonfinancial end-users that exceed
margin thresholds, and (ii) to specify that such margin be in the
form of cash or cash equivalents only. Is this proposal consistent
with section 731 of the Dodd-Frank Act which specifically provides
that prudential regulators shall permit the use of noncash collateral, as the regulator . . .determines to be consistent with . . . preserving the financial integrity of markets trading swaps; and . . .
preserving the stability of the United States financial system?
A.2. Currently, the customer relationship between a bank swap
dealer and a commercial end-user generally is broader than swaps.
In addition to acting as the commercial firms swap dealer, the
bank will typically also act as a lender to the commercial firm, extending working capital lines of credit and other types of loans.
Like a line of credit, a swap transaction exposes the bank to
credit riskthe risk that the counterparty will not be able to make
future payments due under the terms of the swap transaction. Accordingly, banking regulators require banks under their supervision to manage the credit risk of the swaps aspect of their customer relationships the same way they manage other credit relationships, and to manage the combined credit risks of each customer on an aggregate basis. This includes steps such as performing independent credit underwriting of new customers to set a
combined credit exposure limit for the particular customer, monitoring their financial condition and creditworthiness on an ongoing
basis, and reporting all credit exposures with each customer to
management on a combined basis. If a customers financial condition declines such that their existing credit limit is no longer justified, or if the customers credit exposure to the bank is nearing the
limit for other factorssuch as unanticipated changes in the market factors underlying swap transactionsbanking regulators expect management of the bank to be proactive in addressing the situation. Appropriate steps by the bank include enhanced monitoring, working with the customer to reduce the credit exposure,
working with other credit institutions to see if they will take over
portions of the banks credit relationships with the customer, obtaining additional collateral, etc. This supervisory oversight is a
core component of safety and soundness supervision, and the banking regulators have maintained published guidance requiring these
measures for years.
The proposed rule makes something of a change, in that it would
codify the central tenet of this guidance into a regulation. But importantly, it does not contemplate any fundamental change in current practice. It simply requires banks, in determining whether to
enter into a swap with a nonfinancial customer, to evaluate the
range of credit exposure that is expected to arise under the swap
and, if it exceeds the banks all-in credit exposure limit for that
customer, decline the transaction or take other appropriate steps
before proceeding, such as obtaining collateral, freeing up additional credit limit by reducing undrawn lines of credit, obtaining a
guarantee, etc. If unexpected market factors cause the credit exposure to exceed the limit over the life of an executed swap trans-

action, the bank would be expected to manage it proactively, as per
current standards. But if the bank intends to enter into swaps exceeding its internal credit exposure limit for the customer, it must
obtain margin. Any other approach would be contrary to core safety
and soundness principles.
On the topic of noncash collateral and commercial counterparties,
the preamble of the proposed rule notes that banks may determine
the extent to which available noncash collateral appropriately reduces the banks credit risk in setting the commercial counterpartys credit limit, consistent with the banks credit underwriting
expertise. We believe this appropriately allows commercial endusers to obtain the benefit of their noncash collateral in swap
transactions consistent with section 731. There would be profound
practical difficulties incorporating most types of noncash collateral
into the definition of eligible collateral under the regulations. In
order to serve the purpose of having margin requirements in the
first place, margin collateral must be highly liquid in times of crisis
and susceptible to certainty in its valuation. While certain forms of
noncash items can meet this standard, such as very high quality
debt instruments subject to regulatory-specified haircuts to account for their interest rate price risk and liquidity risk as observed in periods of previous market stress, it is impractical to attempt to establish haircuts for all the different possible types of
noncash collateral that commercial counterparties might want to
offer. In addition, the haircuts, in order to be prudent, would of necessity be quite steep.

Q.1. Your institutions have been assigned the task of macro prudential risk oversight. Specifically, the Dodd-Frank Act tasked the
FSOC with identifying risks to the financial stability that could
arise from the material financial distress or failure of large interconnected bank holding companies or nonbank financial companies. As you know nearly all banks carry U.S. Treasury bills,
notes, and bonds on their balance sheet with no capital against
them. They are deemed, both implicitly and explicitly, as risk free.
But with a $14 trillion debt, no one can guarantee that the bond
market will continue to finance U.S. securities at affordable rates.
What steps have you taken to ensure that systemically important
financial institutions could withstand a material disruption in the
U.S. Treasury market from an event such as a major tail at an auction, the liquidation of securities by a major investor such as a foreign central bank, concerns that the United States will attempt to
inflate its way out of its debt obligations, an outright debt downgrade by a major rating agency, or market concern over the prospects for a technical default? What impact would an event such as
the loss of market confidence in U.S. debt and subsequent increase
in U.S. borrowing rates have on the institutions in your purview?
And what steps can you take to ensure that the balance sheets of
systemically important institutions could withstand such an event
and that such an event would not lead to a systemic crisis similar
to or worse than that experienced in 2008?

A.1. The U.S. fiscal situation, and its potential impact on the markets confidence in U.S. debt securities and on the role of the dollar
as the principal international reserve asset, has been and continues
to be an issue that FSOC is closely monitoring. Treasury Department staff provides periodic briefings on their assessments of the
U.S. Treasury debt markets and available short-term tools to provide continued funding of the U.S. Government under the current
statutory debt limit. Although current Treasury yields and implied
volatilities remain relatively low, suggesting continued market confidence, I share the views of many others that over the long term,
our nations current fiscal imbalance is not sustainable and must
be addressed. And indeed there are some signs of increasing concerns by some market players. For example, the volume of trading
on credit-default swaps insuring U.S. Treasuries is up sharply.
U.S. Treasury securities represent a fairly small proportion of
national banks total investment securities portfolios. As of March
31, 2011, U.S. Treasury securities in national banks securities
portfolios totaled approximately $137 billion, representing 8.4 percent of their total securities holdings and 1.6 percent of total assets. An additional $28 billion was held in national banks trading
portfolios (representing only 4 percent of trading assets and 0.3
percent of total national bank assets). While it is true that under
the OCCs risk-based capital rules, U.S. Treasuries are assigned a
zero credit risk-weight, these holdings are included in a banks leverage capital ratio and in the market risk capital requirements for
banks with significant trading portfolios.
Rather than direct losses on their Treasury holdings, the greater
risk posed to national banks from the loss of investor confidence in
U.S. debt is the potential impact such a loss would have on interest
rates and banks attendant interest rate risk exposures, and the
secondary effects that higher interest rates would have on the overall economy, and hence banks credit portfolios. The potential effect
of higher interest rates on banks capital and earnings is a risk
that the OCC monitors and our examiners assess as part of our ongoing supervision of national banks. We have been particularly concerned that the prolonged low interest rate environment, coupled
with a relatively steep yield curve and lackluster loan demand, has
provided incentives for banks to take on additional interest rate
risk. In January 2010, the OCC and other Federal banking agencies issued an advisory to all financial institutions on interest rate
risk management. The advisory highlights the need for institutions
to identify, monitor, and manage their interest rate risk exposures
and to conduct periodic stress tests of their exposures beyond typical industry conventions, including changes in rates of greater
magnitude (e.g., up and down 300 and 400 basis points) across different tenors to reflect changing slopes and twists of the yield
curve. Monitoring and assessing banks interest rate risk continues
to be an area of emphasis in our examinations. At large national
banks that have significant trading operations, examiners likewise
regularly evaluate the market, operational, liquidity, and credit
risks arising from those activities. These assessments include evaluating the banks contingency funding plans, and the use of U.S.
Treasury securities as collateral in those operations.

Q.2. What other major systemic risks are you currently most concerned about? What steps are you taking to address these?
A.2. In addition to heightened interest rate risk, there are several
other risk areas that we are closely monitoring. As the economy begins to recover, we are seeing some signs of weakening underwriting standards, especially in the leveraged loan markets. While
our annual underwriting survey does not indicate that standards
have weakened systematically across lending products, we are concerned that banks not return to the lax underwriting practices that
became widespread prior to the crisis. When we released our survey results, we cautioned national banks on the need to maintain
prudent underwriting standards. The agencies Shared National
Credit review, currently underway, will be another key window in
helping us to evaluate the current quality of banks large credit
portfolios and whether additional action is needed.
The housing sector continues to be an area that poses substantial
risk to the overall economy and many banks credit portfolios.
While there are many factors affecting this market, the overhang
of distressed properties that need to be resolved is certainly one of
them. The action taken against the mortgage servicers under our
jurisdiction to fix their servicing and mortgage foreclosure processing problems should help unblock the system. More broadly, we
continue to closely monitor trends in mortgage loan portfolios, including mortgage modifications, through our comprehensive Mortgage Metrics database and reports.
Through the FSOCs systemic risk committee, we continue to
monitor a number of other potential risk areas including the European debt situation, continued vulnerabilities in short-term funding
markets, and concentrations within the financial sector.
Finally, as noted in recent remarks before the Housing Policy
Council of The Financial Services Roundtable, I agree with others
that the sheer volume and magnitude of regulatory changes forthcoming under the Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III reforms has created uncertainty as supervisors and market participants attempt to
digest and assess the cumulative impact that these changes may
have on markets and business models.

Q.1. Dodd-Frank set forth a comprehensive list of factors that

FSOC must consider when determining whether a company posed
a systemic risk and deserves Fed oversight. The council, in its advanced notice of proposed rulemaking, sets forth 15 categories of
questions for the industry to comment on and address. However,
the proposed rules give no indication of the specific criteria or
framework that the council intends to use in making SIFI designationsother than what is already set forth in Dodd-Frank. As a result, potential SIFIs have no idea where they may stand in the designation process. Will the council provide additional information
about the quantitative metrics it will use when making an SIFI
A.1. In response to concerns raised by commenters and others,
FSOC has agreed to provide and seek comment on additional de-

tails regarding FSOCs standards for assessing systemic risk before
issuing a final rule. While the details of such additional guidance
is still being developed, I anticipate it will include more specific examples of some of the metrics and thresholds that FSOC will consider in making these determinations. As I noted in my written
statement, it will be critical that FSOC strikes the appropriate balance in providing sufficient clarity in our rules and transparency
in our designation process, while at the same time avoiding overly
simplistic approaches that fail to recognize and consider the facts
and circumstances of individual firms and specific industries. Ultimately, the decision to designate a company must be based on an
assessment of the unique risks that a particular firm may present
to the financial system.
Q.2. Would the council agree that leverage is likely to be the one
factor that is most likely to create conditions that result in systemic risk? If so, how will the council go about identifying which
entities use leverage?
A.2. Yes, consistent with the statutory provisions and lessons
learned from the financial crisis, leverage is one of the six categories of risk factors that FSOC has proposed to consider in making SIFI designations. As commenters have suggested, FSOC will
need to consider and distinguish between different types and
sources of leverage when evaluating the effect that such leverage
may have on a firm. To the extent possible, FSOC will use information from existing public and supervisory sources to make initial
assessments about a firms leverage and other risk factors. This information may be supplemented with requests for more specific information from the firm.
Q.3. One of the first steps in the systemic designation process, as
outlined in the proposed rule, is that after identifying a nonbank
financial company for possible designation the FSOC will provide
the company with a written preliminary notice that the council is
considering making proposed determination that the company is
systemically significant. Is receipt of such a notice a material event
that might affect the financial situation or the value of a companys
shares in the mind of the investors? If so, wouldnt it need to be
disclosed to investors under securities laws.
A.3. The FSOC has not taken up the issue of disclosure in this regard. The rulemaking is still pending and no designations have
been made yet. As with other possible regulatory actions with respect to which institutions receive advance notice, an institution
should consult counsel to determine whether receipt of the notice
is a material event requiring disclosure under securities laws.

Q.1. Last week, Chairman Bernanke indicated that bank holding

companies larger than $50 billion, designated as systemically significant by the Dodd-Frank Act, will be treated on a tiered scale
when you establish enhanced supervisory standards. These institutions range from relatively basic commercial banks not much larger
than the $50 billion to more complex and interdependent global fi-

nancial firms that are up to 40 times the threshold. Do you expect
the tiered standards to be based on a firms asset size or on factors
more directly related to financial system risk, such as complexity
of a firms businesses, its funding sources and liquidity, its importance to the daily functioning of the capital markets and its interconnectedness to other financial firms?
A.1. The Federal Reserve has primary rulemaking authority for
this provision of the Dodd-Frank Act. We expect to be consulting
with the Federal Reserve as it moves forward with its rulemaking.
Q.2. Can you share with us what the FSOC, OFR, FDIC and Fed
are contemplating by way of fees that they may assess on SIFIs?
A.2. While we are aware of the FDICs recent announced changes
to its insurance assessment structure, the Federal Reserve and
OFR have not yet disclosed their plans for assessing fees on systemically important institutions.
International Competitiveness
Q.3.a. It is critical for the continued competitiveness of the U.S.
markets that a regulatory arbitrage does not develop among markets that favors markets in Europe and Asia over U.S. markets.
Will the FSOC commit to ensuring that the timing of the finalization and implementation of rulemaking under Dodd Frank does not
impair the competitiveness of U.S. markets?
A.3.a. The OCC recognizes that the Federal banking agencies must
proceed carefully as we implement the Dodd-Frank provisions, so
that we do not create unnecessary limitations that restrict the ability of U.S. banking institutions to manage risk efficiently, and to
compete internationally. As we draft regulations to implement
these provisions, we have attempted to address these concerns to
the extent possible given the statutory framework. We also support
Treasurys efforts to address any competitive inequalities caused by
the Dodd-Frank Act through the G20 process.
Q.3.b. How will FSOC ensure that U.S. firms will have equal access to European markets as European firms will have to U.S. markets?
A.3.b. Rules and regulations promulgated by the United States as
well as foreign jurisdictions should be assessed periodically to ensure equivalent/national treatment across borders. The FSOC
member agencies will have the ability to look across sectors and jurisdictions to identify areas where equivalent/national treatment
is not afforded to U.S. firms. Where this is identified, U.S. agencies
will work with their foreign counterparts to effect change, but also
assess whether U.S. rules need to be changed. The FSOC may also
seek legislative changes where needed.
Q.3.c. How will FSOC ensure that Basel III will be implemented
in the United States in a manner that is not more stringent than
in Europe, making U.S. firms less competitive globally?
A.3.c. To implement Basel III in the United States, a rule must
first be drafted. Through the rulemaking process, areas of potential
inconsistency with other jurisdictions may be identified and rectified to the extent possible. The U.S. agencies responsible for the

supervision of Basel III implementation are currently responding to
questions from firms about Basel III and reviewing capital plans to
determine how the firms are factoring Basel III into their capital
planning processes. The U.S. agencies will coordinate to ensure
consistent implementation by U.S. firms.
On the international front, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has initiated an evergreen Basel III implementation questionnaire that will be completed periodically to gauge
the progress of Basel III implementation by member jurisdictions.
This process will also facilitate the identification of areas of inconsistency that may require clarification and/or more guidance from
the BCBS regarding Basel III. The U.S. agencies are actively involved in the BCBS and will work with their global counterparts
to address areas of inconsistency.

Q.1. Much about SIFI designation focuses on too-big-to-fail institutions. What about financial management practices that can
weaken a number of smaller players in an industry? What can
FSOC do to encourage best practices of asset/liability management,
or assure the proper allocation of capital that reflects the risk underlying assets held?
A.1. The OCC and other Federal banking agencies have well-established mechanisms in place to coordinate efforts to promote and encourage sound risk management practices for financial institutions
of all sizes, including smaller community banks. Much of this work
is facilitated by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination
Council. Because of heightened concerns about interest rate and liquidity risk, in 2010 the agencies issued an interagency policy
statement on funding and liquidity risk management, and a joint
advisory on interest rate risk management. These policy statements provide guidance to bankers on sound practices for asset/liability management. Similarly, virtually all of the Federal banking
agencies capital rules are developed and issued on a collaborative
basis. As part of the implementation of the enhanced capital provisions set forth in Basel III, the agencies are considering and plan
to propose revisions to the general risk-based capital rules that
apply to small banking institutions. Such changes would only go
into effect after a notice and comment process.

Q.1. If a public company is told by the Council that it is considering designating it as systemically significant, the company may
believe that such information is material and must be disclosed to
the public under the securities laws. What is your view on whether
a company would have to publicly disclose the fact that it has been
informed that it may be designated by the Council?
A.1. There are currently no specific line item requirements to disclose that a company has been notified that it is being considered
for possible designation or if it has been notified and not des-

ignated. However, a company would need to review its description
of its regulatory status and requirements to determine whether its
disclosure requires updating. The company and its advisors would
need to determine whether being notified that the company may be
systemically important (and, once a determination has been made
with regard to designation, the outcome of that determination) is
material information that must be disclosed to investors. The test
for materiality is whether there is a substantial likelihood that the
disclosure of the omitted fact would have been viewed by the reasonable investor as having significantly altered the total mix of information made available. Whether a contingent or speculative
event is material requires a balancing of both the indicated probability that the event will occur and the anticipated magnitude of
the event in light of the totality of the company activity.
If material, the company would need to disclose the possible designation and/or the final determination as to designation, for example, in an annual or quarterly report. The possible designation and/
or the final determination as to designation are more likely to be
material if FSOC designations have had a material effect on other
companies stock prices. The materiality determination also would
be affected by the consequences of being designated systemically
important, such as capital requirements and limitations on business activities.
Q.2. You began your written testimony with a lengthy discussion
of market structure issues. Do you believe these issues to be the
biggest potential source of systemic risk on your regulatory agenda? If so, should the Council be paying more attention to market
structure issues than it is now?
A.2. The SECs regulatory agenda encompasses a broad range of
complex financial activity and firms, including, among others, equity market structure, broker-dealers, clearing agencies, money
market funds, hedge funds, and over-the-counter derivatives; and
we have been working with the Council members on all of these.
Clearly, however, maintaining the integrity of the U.S. equity market structure is a vitally important part of the SECs regulatory
agenda. Accordingly, as discussed in my testimony, the SEC has
undertaken a series of steps to promote fair and orderly trading
and to help prevent extraordinary volatility in the future.
Q.3. Under Dodd-Frank, swap data repositories, before sharing any
information with a regulator other than their primary regulator,
must obtain an indemnification agreement with that other regulator. Will this requirement adversely affect regulators ability to
obtain a comprehensive view of the swaps markets?
A.3. The Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended by the
Dodd-Frank Act, requires a security-based swap data repository
(SDR) to obtain a written agreement from certain domestic and foreign regulators whereby the regulator agrees to indemnify the SDR
and the Commission for litigation expenses arising from the disclosure of data maintained by the SDR as a condition for the SDR to
provide information directly to a regulator other than the Commission.
Some domestic and foreign regulators have expressed concern
about their ability to comply with the requirement to enter into an

indemnification agreement with an SDR in order to obtain information directly from the SDR. In a recent letter to Michel Barnier,
European Commissioner for Internal Markets and Services, Chairman Gensler and I noted these potential difficulties, and set forth
circumstances in which this requirement would not apply to foreign
regulators, including when the SDR is also registered with a foreign regulator and that regulator, acting within the scope of its jurisdiction, seeks information from the SDR.
The Commission staff is still considering issues relating to the
indemnification requirement, and is consulting and coordinating
with CFTC staff regarding such issues. Because the Commission
staff has not yet completed its recommendations for final rules in
this area, the Commission has not had the opportunity to fully consider the application of the indemnification provision in all scenarios involving requests from regulators for information in SECregistered trade repositories. I anticipate that the Commission will
consider recommendations from our staff designed, consistent with
the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act and the statutes we administer, to facilitate the access to information at trade repositories
that regulators need to carry out their responsibilities.
Q.4. One of the Councils purposes is to monitor systemic risk and
alert Congress and regulators of any systemic risks it discovers.
What are the most serious systemic risks presently facing the U.S.
A.4. The FSOC is working to complete its annual report called for
by the Dodd-Frank Act, which will describe the overall macroeconomic environment, significant trends and risks, including systemic risks, and recommendations for regulatory action.

Q.1. Chairwoman Schapiro and Chairwoman Bair, In March Federal financial regulators published a proposed rule that would implement Section 956 of the Dodd-Frank Act. Section 956 requires
regulators to issue rules that prohibit covered financial institutions from entering into incentive-based compensation arrangements that encourage inappropriate risks.
Covered financial institutions are defined to include investment
advisers that have $1 billion or more in total consolidated assets
(as opposed to assets under management).
On what basis did the SEC choose to consider only consolidated
assets on the balance sheet of the investment adviser and not take
into account assets under management?
A.1. Paragraph (f) of Section 956 of the Dodd Frank Act exempts
covered financial institutions with assets of less than
$1,000,000,000 from the requirements of Section 956. In carving
out institutions with less than $1 billion in assets, Congress thus
determined that the covered financial institutions listed in Section 956(e) with $1 billion or more in assets are covered by Section
In drafting the proposed rules, the SEC and the six other agencies charged with rulemaking under Section 956 (together, the

Agencies) considered that the statute uses the term assets,
which is predominantly understood to mean the total assets of a
firm, and does not refer to assets under management, which is
predominantly understood to mean the assets that a firm manages
on behalf of its clients. Additionally, the measurement of asset size
for most firms generally is made with reference to the assets on the
balance sheet of the firm. For example, we understand that the size
of a bank generally would be described by reference to the total assets on the balance sheet of the bank, not by reference to the
amount of customer assets the bank manages (for example, as the
trustee of a customers trust). Similarly, an investment advisers
assets under management generally do not appear as assets on the
firms balance sheet because the assets under management belong
to another individual or entity. As a result, the Agencies did not
propose to include customer assets, such as assets under management, in the calculation of the $1 billion threshold.
The other important factor to note is that Section 956 requires
the Agencies to engage in joint rulemaking. The Agencies interpreted this statutory directive as requiring the Agencies to propose
a rule that was substantially similar from agency to agency to the
greatest extent practicable, and sought to maintain the general
consistency of the rule from agency to agency, and between types
of covered financial institutions regulated by the SEC (broker-dealers and investment advisers). Thus, the SEC proposed an asset test
for investment advisers intended to mirror the way such asset tests
are proposed to be calculated and applied to the other covered financial institutions, which are based on the total assets on the balance sheet of each firm, and which exclude in each case assets that
are held for others.
Finally, all of the covered financial institutions, except investment advisers, report to their respective regulator the amount of
their assets. For example, banks regulated by the OCC, Federal
Reserve, and FDIC report total assets on Call Reports, and brokerdealers regulated by the SEC file a year-end audited consolidated
statement of their financial condition that includes total consolidated assets. The proposed rule would rely on the total assets reported in these reports to determine the size of each firms assets
for purposes of section 956. Recently, the SEC proposed to require
advisers to report on Form ADV whether they have $1 billion or
more in total balance sheet assets. Requiring advisers to use the
amount of total assets on their balance sheets, as proposed, would
dovetail with this proposal and be consistent with the method for
evaluating other intermediaries under the proposed rule.
The Agencies requested comment on whether all of the Agencies
should use a uniform method to determine whether an institution
has $1 billion or more in assets, and whether any of the Agencies
should define total consolidated assets differently than the proposed calculations. The Agencies also specifically requested comment on the proposed method of determining asset size for investment advisers, including whether the determination of total assets
should be further tailored for certain types of advisers. The Agencies will carefully review and consider public comments that have
been received discussing this and any other issues. The interagency

drafting committee will take all such comments into account when
developing a final rule proposal for consideration by the Agencies.

Q.1. According to the American Banker, Annette L. Nazareth, a

former SEC Commissioner, called the timetables imposed by the
Dodd-Frank Act wildly aggressive. These agencies were dealt a
very bad hand, she said. These deadlines could actually be systemic-risk raising. Given the importance of rigorous cost-benefit
and economic impact analyses and the need for due consideration
of public comments, would additional time for adoption of the
Dodd-Frank Act rules improve your rulemaking process and the
substance of your final rules?
A.1. Implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act is a substantial undertaking. The Acts requirements that a significant number of Commission rulemakings be completed within 1 year of the date of enactment poses significant challenges to the Commission. Throughout, the staff and Commission have been diligent in working to implement the requirements of the Act while also taking the time
necessary to thoughtfully consider the issues raised by the various
We recognize that many of our new rules may have near term
market implications and costs and important long-term benefits.
We must carefully consider these implications, including by engaging in a robust cost-benefit and economic impact analysis. As a result, we are providing market participants with sufficient time to
understand the obligations that may apply to them as well as the
potential costs and benefits, and economic implications, of those obligations.
While we are eager to get these important rules in place, it is
critical that we get the rules right, and that we promulgate the
rules in a timely fashion, taking into account the complexities of
the markets being regulated and the number of rulemakings involved.
To help keep the public informed, we have a section on our Web
site that provides detail about the Commissions implementation of
the Act. We also are taking steps to gather additional input on our
implementation process where appropriate, such as the joint roundtable held on May 2 and 3 with the CFTC regarding the implementation of derivatives rules under Title VII. We value, and are committed to seeking, the broad public input and consultation needed
to promulgate these important rules.
Q.2. Chairman Bairs testimony was unclear regarding whether the
FSOC has the authority to issue a revised rule on the designation
of nonbank financial institutions. She and others indicated some
type of guidance might be issued instead. Is it in fact the case, in
general, that the FSOC does not have authority to issue rules
under Title I that have the force and effect of law? If the FSOC
has the authority in general to issue such rules on designation,
why specifically would the FSOC be precluded from re-proposing a
rule that is currently pending? Is there additional authority the
FSOC would need from Congress to issue such rules or to proceed

with re-proposing its NPR on designation? If yes, what specific authority would the FSOC need from Congress for the FSOC to have
the ability to proceed?
A.2. Like the FDIC, the Commission has not conducted its own
independent legal analysis of this issue, but as discussed at the
hearing, members of the FSOC have sought guidance from the Department of the Treasury, Office of the General Counsel. We understand from the Treasury Department that the FSOC has the authority to issue its proposed regulations on designations, and to repropose those rules for further public comment. The FSOC has already exercised its rulemaking authority to release a notice of proposed rulemaking on the designation of nonbank financial companies to be supervised by the Federal Reserve. The FSOC plans to
seek further public comment on guidance regarding its approach to
designations of nonbank financial companies, and release a final
rule that will reflect the input received on the proposed rule and
Q.3. In an August speech at NYUs Stern School of Business,
Treasury Secretary Geithner outlined six principles that he said
would guide implementation, and then he added, You should hold
us accountable for honoring them. His final principle was bringing
more order and integration to the regulatory process. He said the
agencies responsible for reforms will have to work together, not
against each other. This requires us to look carefully at the overall
interaction of regulations designed by different regulators and assess the overall burden they present relative to the benefits they
offer. Do you intend to follow through with this commitment with
some form of status report that provides a quantitative and qualitative review of the overall interaction of all the hundreds of proposed rules by the different regulators and assess the overall burden they present relative to the benefits they offer?
A.3. We have been working closely, cooperatively, and regularly
with our fellow regulators to develop the new regulatory framework
and we are committed to continuing to do so.
We meet regularly, both formally and informally, with other financial regulators. SEC staff working groups, for example, consult
and coordinate with the staffs of the CFTC, Federal Reserve Board,
and other prudential financial regulators, as well as the Department of the Treasury, on implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Our objective is to establish consistent and comparable requirements, to the extent possible, taking into account differences in
products, participants, and markets, and this objective will continue to guide our efforts as we move forward.
Finally, because the world today is a global marketplace and
what we do to implement many provisions of the Act will affect foreign entities, we are consulting bilaterally and through multilateral
organizations with counterparts abroad. The SEC and CFTC, for
example, are directed by the Dodd-Frank Act to consult and coordinate with foreign regulators on the establishment of consistent
international standards governing swaps, security-based swaps,
swap entities and security-based swap entities. We believe that the
recently formed IOSCO Task Force on OTC Derivatives Regulation,
which the SEC co-chairs, and other international fora, as well as

bilateral discussions with international regulators, will help us
achieve this goal.

Q.1. Dodd-Frank set forth a comprehensive list of factors that

FSOC must consider when determining whether a company posed
a systemic risk and deserves Fed oversight. The council, in its advanced notice of proposed rulemaking, sets forth 15 categories of
questions for the industry to comment on and address. However,
the proposed rules give no indication of the specific criteria or
framework that the council intends to use in making SIFI designationsother than what is already set forth in Dodd-Frank. As a result, potential SIFIs have no idea where they may stand in the designation process. Will the council provide additional information
about the quantitative metrics it will use when making an SIFI
A.1. As Department of the Treasury Under Secretary Goldstein
noted in his letter to Senator Shelby:
The Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) recognizes the importance of a public review of its decisionmaking criteria and is working diligently to provide the public with greater detail on the process and framework for making designations. One of the FSOCs key guiding principles is
transparency and openness, as demonstrated by our deliberate emphasis on
continued public input in the rulemaking process.
The process of determining which companies pose a potential risk to U.S.
financial stability is not an easy task, but it is imperative that the FSOC
get it right. The FSOC continues to work toward an approach that will
allow the financial industry to assess whether they are candidates for designation while maintaining flexibility as the nature of institutions and markets change. Of course, ultimately the decision to designate a company will
be based on an assessment of the unique risks that a particular firm may
present to the financial system. The FSOC plans to seek public comment
on additional guidance regarding its approach to designations.
In addition to public comments from industry participants, the FSOC will
also rely on the expertise of its members and their agencies staff. These
individuals have expertise that spans all aspects of the financial services
industry. Any designation decision will draw on this experience.

Q.2. Would the council agree that leverage is likely to be the one
factor that is most likely to create conditions that result in systemic risk? If so, how will the council go about identifying which
entities use leverage?
A.2. Leverage is an important element of the systemic risk analysis
and is identified as such in the criteria for making a SIFI determination under the Dodd-Frank Act. Leverage may be the factor
that is most relevant for some institutions, but other factors may
predominate for other firms. FSOC is pursuing the identification of
specific metrics that could be used for different types of firms, including metrics with respect to leverage.
Q.3. One of the first steps in the systemic designation process, as
outlined in the proposed rule, is that after identifying a nonbank
financial company for possible designation the FSOC will provide
the company with a written preliminary notice that the council is
considering making proposed determination that the company is
systemically significant. Is receipt of such a notice a material event

that might affect the financial situation or the value of a companys
shares in the mind of the investors? If so, wouldnt it need to be
disclosed to investors under securities laws?
A.3. There are currently no specific line item requirements to disclose that a company has been notified that it is being considered
for possible designation or if it has been notified and not designated. However, a company would need to review its description
of its regulatory status and requirements to determine whether its
disclosure requires updating. The company and its advisors would
need to determine whether being notified that the company may be
systemically important (and, once a determination has been made
with regard to designation, the outcome of that determination) is
material information that must be disclosed to investors. The test
for materiality is whether there is a substantial likelihood that the
disclosure of the omitted fact would have been viewed by the reasonable investor as having significantly altered the total mix of information made available. Whether a contingent or speculative
event is material requires a balancing of both the indicated probability that the event will occur and the anticipated magnitude of
the event in light of the totality of the company activity.
If material, the company would need to disclose the possible designation and/or the final determination as to designation, for example, in an annual or quarterly report. The possible designation and/
or the final determination as to designation are more likely to be
material if FSOC designations have had a material effect on other
companies stock prices. The materiality determination also would
be affected by the consequences of being designated systemically
important, such as capital requirements and limitations on business activities.

Q.1. One of the first steps in the systemic designation process, as

outlined in the proposed rule, is that after identifying a nonbank
financial company for possible designation the FSOC will provide
the company with a written preliminary notice that the Council is
considering whether to make a proposed determination that the
company is systemically significant. Is receipt of such a notice a
material event that might affect the financial situation or the
value of a companys shares in the mind of investors? If so,
wouldnt it need to be disclosed to investors under securities laws?
A.1. There are currently no specific line item requirements to disclose that a company has been notified that it is being considered
for possible designation or if it has been notified and not designated. However, a company would need to review its description
of its regulatory status and requirements to determine whether its
disclosure requires updating. The company and its advisors would
need to determine whether being notified that the company may be
systemically important (and, once a determination has been made
with regard to designation, the outcome of that determination) is
material information that must be disclosed to investors. The test
for materiality is whether there is a substantial likelihood that the
disclosure of the omitted fact would have been viewed by the rea-

sonable investor as having significantly altered the total mix of information made available. Whether a contingent or speculative
event is material requires a balancing of both the indicated probability that the event will occur and the anticipated magnitude of
the event in light of the totality of the company activity.
If material, the company would need to disclose the possible designation and/or the final determination as to designation, for example, in an annual or quarterly report. The possible designation and/
or the final determination as to designation are more likely to be
material if FSOC designations have had a material effect on other
companies stock prices. The materiality determination also would
be affected by the consequences of being designated systemically
important, such as capital requirements and limitations on business activities.
Q.2. As FSOC considers how to determine the systemic relevance
of the investment fund asset management industry, wouldnt it be
more appropriate for FSOC to look at the various individual funds
themselves, of which there may be several under one advisor, rather than focus on the advisor entity?
Isnt it true that each of those funds may operate with separate and distinct investment strategies, each with its own
unique risks?
Isnt it the case that the vast majority of the assets are located
at the funds and not at the adviser entity?
A.2. It is true that each of these funds may operate with separate
and distinct investment strategies, each with its own unique risks.
But a manager could advise several funds (and even separate accounts) with similar or identical investment strategies in a parallel
or similar manner. These advisers may aggregate the trades for
many funds for execution and then allocate the securities among
the various funds. For example, an asset manager could engage in
same trading strategy (which can be of systemic relevance) across
several of the funds it manages. While the assets may be owned
by individual funds, their trading may be done jointly. Thus in assessing systemic risk we recognize that it is important to engage
in robust process and examine the issue holistically.
Q.3. What additional protection/supervision could the Fed provide
for mutual funds that the SEC isnt already providing? Do we really need to subject this industry to an additional layer of regulation,
especially a systemic risk regulation?
A.3. Under Title I, The Federal Reserve would have authority to
impose enhanced prudential regulation over individual nonbank financial companies that are designated for oversight by two-thirds
of the FSOC. However, one factor FSOC is required to consider
when determining whether to designate any nonbank financial
company for supervision by the Federal Reserve is the degree to
which the company is already regulated by one or more primary financial regulatory agencies. We believe, therefore, that FSOC will
consider whether designation is appropriate for firm after considering current regulation as well as the other factors the DoddFrank Act requires that FSOC consider before designating any
nonbank financial company. Its also important to note, that while

the SEC has significant legal authority in this area; (1) the SECs
historic mission has been one of investor protection rather than
systemic risk; and (2) the SEC far fewer staff to perform examinations and oversee firms activities.
Q.4. Can you share with us what the FSOC, OFR, FDIC and Fed
are contemplating by way of fees that they may assess on SIFIs?
A.4. I understand that such fees would be considered and adopted
by the Federal Reserve Board as part of the authority assigned it
by the Dodd-Frank Act to supervise SIFIs, rather than by FSOC
or the Commission.
International Competitiveness
Q.5.a. It is critical for the continued competitiveness of the U.S.
markets that a regulatory arbitrage does not develop among markets that favors markets in Europe and Asia over U.S. markets.
Will the FSOC commit to ensuring that the timing of the finalization and implementation of rulemaking under Dodd Frank does not
impair the competitiveness of U.S. markets?
A.5.a The FSOC was created by Title I of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Under the Dodd-Frank Act, Congress has given FSOC the following
primary responsibilities:
identifying risks to the financial stability of the United States
that could arise from the material financial distress or failureor ongoing activitiesof large, interconnected bank holding companies or nonbank financial holding companies, or that
could arise outside the financial services marketplace;
promoting market discipline by eliminating expectations on the
part of shareholders, creditors, and counterparties of such companies that the Government will shield them from losses in the
event of failure (i.e., addressing the moral hazard problem of
too big to fail); and
identifying and responding to emerging threats to the stability
of the United States financial system.
The FSOC has 10 voting members, including the Chairman of
the SEC. The SEC is charged with regulating, among other areas,
the security-based swaps markets, and in doing so we consider the
potential impact on the global competitiveness of U.S. markets. To
this end, we have been carefully considering the potential consequences of certain provisions of Title VII and our proposed rulemaking for domestic and foreign market participantsin particular
the impact on the ability of U.S. market participants to compete effectively with foreign market participants that may not be subject
to the Dodd-Frank Act. In fact, we are required to take into account potential burdens on competition when engaging in rulemaking, including rulemaking under the Dodd-Frank Act. Our goal
is to establish a level playing field for all market participants while
adhering to the regulatory requirements and objectives of the
Dodd-Frank Act, and we are considering how to promulgate regulations in a way that accomplishes this goal.
The SEC has been working closely with the CFTC, the Federal
Reserve Board and other Federal prudential regulators who also
are members of FSOC, in developing a harmonized approach to im-

plementing the statutory provisions of Title VII to the extent practicable.
As we move from the proposing stage to implementation, we recognize that part of balancing regulatory concerns with competitiveness concerns involves establishing an implementation process for
derivatives regulation that permits market participants sufficient
time to establish systems and procedures in order to comply with
new regulatory requirements without imposing undue implementation burdens and costs. We also are cognizant of the timing of legislation, rulemaking and implementation in other jurisdictions.
To this end, we have been discussing with our fellow regulators
and with market participants what timeframes would be reasonable for the various rulemakings, and what steps market participants will need to take in order to comply with our proposed rules.
Further, in addition to our consultation and coordination with the
CFTC and other U.S. authorities, we have been engaged in ongoing
bilateral and multilateral discussions with foreign regulators and
have been speaking with many foreign and domestic market participants in order to better understand what areas of derivatives
regulation pose such arbitrage opportunities. We have solicited and
welcome comments on our proposed rulemakings regarding the potential impact they may have on the position of the U.S. securitybased swap markets, especially comments that offer suggestions for
mitigating regulatory arbitrage opportunities while achieving the
goals of the Dodd-Frank Act.
As Dodd-Frank implementation proceeds, we expect to continue
working closely with the other FSOC agencies.
Q.5.b. How will FSOC ensure that U.S. firms will have equal access to European markets as European firms will have to U.S. markets?
A.5.b. Many foreign jurisdictions, including the European Union,
are in the process of adopting derivatives legislation and implementing regulations, and are at much earlier stages of development
in their efforts than is the United States. While there are a range
of views internationally on the appropriate level of derivatives regulation, the SEC has been actively engaged in ongoing bilateral
and multilateral discussions with foreign regulators regarding the
direction of international derivatives regulation generally, and the
SECs efforts to implement Title VIIs requirements.
For example, the SEC, along with the CFTC, the United Kingdom Financial Services Authority, and the Securities and Exchange
Board of India, is co-chairing the International Organization of Securities Commissions Task Force on OTC Derivatives Regulation
(Task Force). One of the primary goals of this task force is to
work to develop consistent international standards related to OTC
derivatives regulation. In addition, on behalf of IOSCO, the SEC,
along with the European Commission and an international organization of central banks, co-chairs the Financial Stability Boards
OTC Derivatives Working Group (FSB Working Group). The
CFTC and Federal Reserve Board also are members of the FSB
Working Group.
These and other bilateral and multilateral efforts serve to keep
the SEC informed about emerging similarities or differences in po-

tential approaches to derivatives regulation and provide us with an
opportunity to work with our counterparts in other jurisdictions in
order to foster the development of common frameworks and coordinate regulatory efforts as much as possible with a view to mitigating systemic risk and preventing regulatory arbitrage.
The SEC expects to continue to work closely with the other members of the FSOC and recognizes that the FSOC can help bring
agencies together to exchange information.
Q.5.c. How will FSOC ensure that Basel III will be implemented
in the United States in a manner that is not more stringent than
in Europe, making U.S. firms less competitive globally?
A.5.c. The Basel standards relate to bank capital adequacy and liquidity. The U.S. prudential regulators, including members of the
FSOC have jurisdiction under Dodd-Frank for promulgating rules
for capital and margin requirements for banks, and accordingly will
utilize the Basel III agreement. The SEC has responsibility for promulgating capital and margin requirements under Dodd-Frank for
nonbank security-based swap dealers.
The SEC has been carefully considering the potential consequences of certain provisions of Title VII and our proposed rulemaking for domestic and foreign market participantsin particular
the impact on the ability of U.S. market participants to compete effectively with foreign market participants that may not be subject
to the Dodd-Frank Act. In fact, we are required to take into account potential burdens on competition when engaging in rulemaking, including rulemaking under Title VII. Our goal is to establish a level playing field for all market participants while adhering
to the regulatory requirements and objectives of the Dodd-Frank
Act, and we are considering how to promulgate regulations in a
way that accomplishes this goal.
Q.6. Is a broker/dealer that is not self-clearing less likely to pose
systemic risk because it receives the financial backing and risk
management attention of its clearing firm which already performs
extensive monitoring of risk for the broker-dealers and which in all
likelihood will itself be a SIFI?
A.6. Broker-dealers that are not self-clearing (otherwise referred to
as an introducing broker-dealer), as a general matter, are less likely to pose systemic risk than do clearing firms because they do not
maintain custody of customer assets and usually do not have proprietary positions in substantial size such that their failure would
result in exposure to other large firms or result in market impacts
from the liquidation of assets.
Whether a clearing firm would ever be a SIFI will depend on the
approach taken by the FSOC to the designation of SIFIs. At a minimum, in order to be designated as a SIFI, any firm would first
need to be evaluated by the FSOC with respect to size, leverage,
concentrations, and other relevant factors. Under Commission
rules, an introducing broker-dealer is required to enter into a contract with a clearing broker-dealer who agrees to both settle trades
and maintain custody of customer assets. Further, under the Commissions financial responsibility rules, a clearing broker-dealer
must monitor all introduced accounts and take appropriate actions,
including taking capital charges, in the event those accounts do not

have sufficient assets to be able to self-liquidate. The failure of
an introducing broker-dealer that handles a large number of customer accounts could create disruption resulting from the need to
transfer those accounts to one or more other introducing firms, but
generally speaking it should not result in systemic effects of the
type that might accompany the failure of a large clearing firm.
Q.7. Titles I and II of Dodd-Frank references an entitys asset
threshold or total consolidated assets several times. Are such
calculations to be made in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)?
A.7. The terms asset threshold and total consolidated assets appear in a number of places in Title I and Title II, but the DoddFrank Act does not define them. While the terms appear in connection with the work of FSOC, they do not arise directly in connection with the Commissions responsibilities. FSOC is considering
what definitions or interpretations of such terms may be required.

Q.1. Regarding this initial consultation phase which will occur

prior to designation, should we assume that the markets and public
will know to whom such notices are sent? Do you believe that public companies are obligated to disclose receipt of such a notice in
their filings? What would happen if a firm that disclosed having received a notice was not designated as systemically significant? Is
there a possibility that the markets would react to that news?
A.1. There are currently no specific line item requirements to disclose that a company has been notified that it is being considered
for possible designation or if it has been notified and not designated. However, a company would need to review its description
of its regulatory status and requirements to determine whether its
disclosure requires updating. The company and its advisors would
need to determine whether being notified that the company may be
systemically important (and, once a determination has been made
with regard to designation, the outcome of that determination) is
material information that must be disclosed to investors. The test
for materiality is whether there is a substantial likelihood that the
disclosure of the omitted fact would have been viewed by the reasonable investor as having significantly altered the total mix of information made available. Whether a contingent or speculative
event is material requires a balancing of both the indicated probability that the event will occur and the anticipated magnitude of
the event in light of the totality of the company activity.
If material, the company would need to disclose the possible designation and/or the final determination as to designation, for example, in an annual or quarterly report. The possible designation and/
or the final determination as to designation are more likely to be
material if FSOC designations have had a material effect on other
companies stock prices. The materiality determination also would
be affected by the consequences of being designated systemically
important, such as capital requirements and limitations on business activities.


Q.1. You mentioned in your written testimony that it is important

for people who want to hedge their risk to do so without concentrating risk in the hands of only a few financial firms. How much
concentration of the market in the top firms is too much? Are you
concerned that the aggressive approach that you have taken with
respect to swap dealer regulation will cause the field of dealers to
narrow, not broaden, thus further concentrating the swap dealer
A.1. The Dodd-Frank Act brings essential reforms to the swaps
markets that will benefit the American public and end-users of derivatives. While the derivatives market has changed significantly
since swaps were first transacted in the 1980s, the constant is that
the financial community maintains information advantages over
their nonfinancial counterparties. When a Wall Street bank enters
into a bilateral derivative transaction with a corporate end-user,
for example, the bank knows how much its last customer paid for
similar transactions. That information, however, is not generally
made available to other customers or the public. The bank benefits
from internalizing this information. The Dodd-Frank Act brings
sunshine to the opaque swaps markets. The more transparent a
marketplace is, the more liquid it is, the more competitive it is, and
the lower the costs for hedgers, borrowers and their customers.
In implementing the Dodd-Frank Act, the Commission is adhering closely to the statute with the intent to comply fully with its
provisions and Congressional intent to lower risk and bring transparency to these markets.
Q.2. You state that end-users will enjoy better pricing on derivatives transactions because of the rules that the CFTC is putting
into place. Has your agency conducted economic analysis to support
your conclusion that end-users will pay less for derivatives transactions under the Dodd-Frank framework?
A.2. Economists and policymakers for decades have recognized that
market transparency benefits the public. There are two types of
transparency that Congress, through the Dodd-Frank Act, sought
to bring to the swaps markets. The first is transparency to the regulators, which will include swap data repositories that will provide
data to regulators. The second is transparency to the public.
There are three phases that a swap transaction goes through
that will be more transparent under the Dodd-Frank Act. The first
occurs before the transaction takes place by moving standardized
swap transactions onto exchanges or swap execution facilities
These exchanges will allow investors, hedgers and speculators to
meet in a transparent, open and competitive central market. The
Act includes exceptions from this requirement for block trades and
transactions involving commercial end-users.
The second phase occurs immediately after the transaction takes
place, when pricing data is made public in real time. Congress also
has been very specific that market participants and end-users
should benefit from such real-time reporting. This post-trade transparencyother than for block tradesmust be achieved as soon

as technologically practicable after a swap is executed, which will
enhance price discovery. This requirement applies to both cleared
and uncleared swaps.
The third phase occurs over the lifetime of the swap contract.
The Dodd-Frank Act requires that swaps be marked to market
every day until they expire and that such valuations be shared
with market participants. If the contract is cleared, the clearinghouse will be required to publicly disclose the pricing of the swap
every day. If the contract is bilateral, swap dealers will be required
to share mid-market pricing on a daily basis with their counterparties.
In implementing the Act, the Commission is adhering closely to
the statute.
Q.3. Judging from the proposed rules we have seen, the CFTCs
rulemaking to date has not been particularly well-coordinated with
the SECs rulemaking. Are you willing to take your disputes to the
Council for resolution before you move to the adopting stage, or are
you planning to proceed with your preferred approach ahead of the
SEC and hope that they will follow suit?
A.3. See response to question 4.
Q.4. Your agency is deeply engaged in rulemaking regarding overthe-counter derivatives. Judging from the proposed rules we have
seen, your rulemaking to date has not been particularly well-coordinated. Are you willing to take unresolved disputes to the Council for resolution before you move to the adopting stage, or are you
planning to proceed with your preferred approach before the SEC
acts and hope that the SEC will follow suit?
A.4. Throughout the Dodd-Frank rule-writing process, the Commission is consulting heavily with both other regulators and the broader public. We are working very closely with the SEC, the Federal
Reserve, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency and other prudential regulators,
which includes sharing many of our memos, term sheets and draft
work product. CFTC staff has held over 600 meetings with other
regulators on implementation of the Act. Our rule-writing teams
are working with the Federal Reserve in several critical areas.
With the SEC, we are coordinating on the entire range of rule-writing, including swap dealer regulation, clearinghouse regulation and
swap data repositories, as well as trading requirements, real-time
reporting and key definitions. So far, we have proposed two joint
rules with the SEC as required by Congress. We will continue to
work closely together through the implementation process.
Q.5. Under Dodd-Frank, swap data repositories, before sharing any
information with a regulator other than their primary regulator,
must obtain an indemnification agreement with that other regulator. Will this requirement adversely affect regulators ability to
obtain a comprehensive view of the swaps markets?
A.5. Under the provision, domestic and foreign authorities, in certain circumstances, would be required to provide written agreements to indemnify SEC and CFTC-registered trade repositories,
as well as the SEC and CFTC, for certain litigation expenses as a
condition to obtaining data directly from the trade repository re-

garding swaps and security-based swaps. Regulators in foreign jurisdictions have raised concerns regarding the potential effect of
the provision. However, I believe that the indemnification provision
need not apply when a foreign regulator, acting within the scope
of its jurisdiction, seeks information directly from a trade repository registered with both the CFTC and the foreign jurisdiction.
Under the CFTCs proposed rules regarding trade repositories duties and core principles, foreign regulators would not be subject to
the indemnification and notice requirements if they obtain information that is in the possession of the CFTC.
Q.6. One of the Councils purposes is to monitor systemic risk and
alert Congress and regulators of any systemic risks it discovers.
What are the most serious systemic risks presently facing the U.S.
A.6. Under section 112 of the Dodd-Frank Act, the Council must
provide an annual report to Congress that sets forth what it believes are potential emerging threats to the financial stability of
the United States. This annual report represents the Council and
its members analyses of emerging threats to financial stability and
potential systemic risks to the economy. The report is prepared by
both prudential and market regulators and identifies both the most
serious risks to the U.S. economy as well as developing risks that
may become more dangerous in the future.

Q.1. According to the American Banker, Annette L. Nazareth, a

former SEC Commissioner, called the timetables imposed by the
Dodd-Frank Act wildly aggressive. These agencies were dealt a
very bad hand, she said. These deadlines could actually be systemic-risk raising. Given the importance of rigorous cost-benefit
and economic impact analyses and the need for due consideration
of public comments, would additional time for adoption of the
Dodd-Frank Act rules improve your rulemaking process and the
substance of your final rules?
A.1. The Dodd-Frank Act provides the Commission with ample
flexibility to phase in implementation of requirements. The CFTC
and SEC staff held roundtables on May 2 and 3, 2011, and have
solicited comments from the public regarding such concerns. This
important input informs the final rulemaking process.
Weve also reached out broadly on what we call phasing of implementation, which is the timeline for rules to take effect for various market participants. This is critically important so that market participants can take the time now to plan for new oversight
of this industry.
Next month, it is my hope that we vote on two proposed
rulemakings seeking additional public comment on the implementation phasing of swap transaction compliance that would affect the
broad array of market participants. The proposed rulemakings
would provide the public an opportunity to comment on compliance
schedules applying to core areas of Dodd-Frank reform, including
the swap clearing and trading mandates, and the internal business

conduct documentation requirements and margin rules for
uncleared swaps. These proposed rules are designed to smooth the
transition from an unregulated market structure to a safer market
Q.2. Chairman Bairs testimony was unclear regarding whether the
FSOC has the authority to issue a revised rule on the designation
of nonbank financial institutions. She and others indicated some
type of guidance might be issued instead. Is it in fact the case, in
general, that the FSOC does not have authority to issue rules
under Title I that have the force and effect of law? If the FSOC
has the authority in general to issue such rules on designation,
why specifically would the FSOC be precluded from re-proposing a
rule that is currently pending? Is there additional authority the
FSOC would need from Congress to issue such rules or to proceed
with re-proposing its NPR on designation? If yes, what specific authority would the FSOC need from Congress for the FSOC to have
the ability to proceed?
A.2. The FSOCs proposed rule concerning nonbank financial institutions described the framework that the Council would use to determine whether an entity should be designated as systemically important. In response to concerns that have been expressed, the
FSOC is considering a variety of ways in which it may be able to
provide greater guidance and more clarity. FSOC member agencies
are collaborating to develop further guidance to be provided in a
manner consistent with statutory requirements and are also considering the appropriate form that updated guidance should take.
Q.3. In an August speech at NYUs Stern School of Business,
Treasury Secretary Geithner outlined six principles that he said
would guide implementation, and then he added, You should hold
us accountable for honoring them. His final principle was bringing
more order and integration to the regulatory process. He said the
agencies responsible for reforms will have to work together, not
against each other. This requires us to look carefully at the overall
interaction of regulations designed by different regulators and assess the overall burden they present relative to the benefits they
offer. Do you intend to follow through with this commitment with
some form of status report that provides a quantitative and qualitative review of the overall interaction of all the hundreds of proposed rules by the different regulators and assess the overall burden they present relative to the benefits they offer?
A.3. The Commission is committed to consultation with fellow regulators here in the United States as well as in other countries.
Throughout our rule-writing process, the Commission has shared
term sheets and draft proposals with other regulators and sought
their feedback. This coordination has helped to promote consistent
and comparable standards. As we consider final rules, our teams
are reviewing the proposals from other agencies as well to see how
they interact with the Commissions proposals. As part of our significant outreach with other regulators, CFTC staff has met more
than 600 times with other regulators on Dodd-Frank implementation.


Q.1. Dodd-Frank set forth a comprehensive list of factors that

FSOC must consider when determining whether a company posed
a systemic risk and deserves Fed oversight. The council, in its advanced notice of proposed rulemaking, sets forth 15 categories of
questions for the industry to comment on and address. However,
the proposed rules give no indication of the specific criteria or
framework that the council intends to use in making SIFI designationsother than what is already set forth in Dodd-Frank. As a result, potential SIFIs have no idea where they may stand in the designation process. Will the council provide additional information
about the quantitative metrics it will use when making an SIFI
A.1. I expect that the council will provide additional information in
this regard.
Q.2. Would the council agree that leverage is likely to be the one
factor that is most likely to create conditions that result in systemic risk? If so, how will the council go about identifying which
entities use leverage?
A.2. Leverage may very well be a factor that the FSOC considers
in assessing the systemic risk arising from a firms activities. Leverage is traditionally a measure of the relationship between a
firms total assets and its equity.
Q.3. One of the first steps in the systemic designation process, as
outlined in the proposed rule, is that after identifying a nonbank
financial company for possible designation the FSOC will provide
the company with a written preliminary notice that the council is
considering making proposed determination that the company is
systemically significant. Is receipt of such a notice a material event
that might affect the financial situation or the value of a companys
shares in the mind of the investors? If so, wouldnt it need to be
disclosed to investors under securities laws?
A.3. This question is more appropriately answered by others on the

Q.1. Can you share with us what the FSOC, OFR, FDIC and Fed
are contemplating by way of fees that they may assess on SIFIs?
A.1. The FSOC recently received a briefing concerning appropriate
enhanced prudential standards generally, including discussion of
systemically important financial institutions. These matters are
also being considered at the international level as prudential regulators seek to ensure the development of consistent standards, particularly with respect to global systemically important banks. The
Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
have taken the lead on these matters.

International Competitiveness
Q.2.a. It is critical for the continued competiveness of the U.S.
markets that a regulatory arbitrage does not develop among markets that favors markets in Europe and Asia over U.S. markets.
Will the FSOC commit to ensuring that the timing of the finalization and implementation of rulemaking under Dodd Frank does not
impair the competitiveness of U.S. markets?
A.2.a. As a member of FSOC, I believe we should be aware of the
competitive implications of FSOC decisions. I look forward to working with my fellow members on these issues as we move toward the
finalization and implementation of Dodd-Frank rules.
Q.2.b. How will FSOC ensure that U.S. firms will have equal access to European markets as European firms will have to U.S. markets?
A.2.b. It is important that the FSOC consider not only how the regulatory structure in the United States affects both U.S. and foreign
institutions, but also how foreign regulatory structures affect those
institutions. As a member of FSOC and Chairman of the CFTC, I
regularly review foreign regulatory standards and proposals and
how those standards and proposals will affect U.S. firms.
Q.2.c. How will FSOC ensure that Basel III will be implemented
in the United States in a manner that is not more stringent than
in Europe, making U.S. firms less competitive globally?
A.2.c. As a member of the FSOC, I consult with prudential regulators concerning these matters in any way that proves helpful and
will continue to do so going forward.
Q.3. Is a broker/dealer that is not self-clearing less likely to pose
systemic risk because it receives the financial backing and risk
management attention of its clearing firm which already performs
extensive monitoring of risk for the broker-dealers and which in all
likelihood will itself be a SIFI?
A.3. As a member of the FSOC, when deciding whether to designate an institution as a SIFI, I would consider the potential systemic risk that the firms activities may create, consistent with the
statutory framework. I also would consider any factors that might
mitigate such systemic risk.
Q.4. Titles I and II of Dodd-Frank references an entitys asset
threshold or total consolidated assets several times. Are such
calculations to be made in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)?
A.4. As a member of FSOC, I look forward to working with my fellow members to determine how best to apply these statutory terms
to different types of institutions, consistent with the statutory
framework and Congressional intent.

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