InfoBulletin01 Fuels v1111
InfoBulletin01 Fuels v1111
InfoBulletin01 Fuels v1111
2 | Marine Fuels Information Bulletin 1: ISO 8217: Test Methods Precision And Interpretation
Case 2
Density specification limit (A1): 991.0 kg/m3 @ 15C.
R (test method ISO 12185:1996): 1.5 kg/m3
Single test result X' available: 991.4 kg/m3 @ 15C.
The single test result exceeds the specification limit A1;
however, because it is lower than A1 + 0.59R, multiple
testing may still result in finding the density on spec
(A1 + 0.59R X' > A1).
(991.0 + 0.59 1.5 > 991.4 > 991.0 or 991.0 + 0.9 >
991.4 > 991.0 or 991.9 > 991.4 > 991.0)
Sulphur, % (m/m)
1. ISO 8754
For values > 0.05% (m/m) and 5.00% (m/m):
R = 0.0812 (x + 0.15)
Where x is the average of the results
being compared
For values 0.03% (m/m) and 0.05% (m/m):
R = 0.1781 (x + 0.05)
Where x is the average of the results
being compared
2. ISO 14596
For sulphur content in the range 0.100.99 m/m %:
R = 0.02
For sulphur content in the range 1.002.50 m/m %:
R = 0.04
H2S, mg/kg
IP 570
For residual fuel oils:
R = 0.5232x0.6
Where x is the average of the results
being compared
Cetane index (4 variable equation)
ISO 4264
Precision depends on:
The precision of the original density
The distillation recovery temperature
determinations that enter into the calculation
Oxidation stability, g/m3
ISO 12205
R = 10.6 (x/10)0.25
Where x is the average of the results being
Micro carbon residue, % (m/m)
ISO 10370
R = X2 3 0.2451
Where X is the average of the results
being compared
Cloud Point, C
ISO 3015
For distillate fractions:
R = 4C
* Edition of test methods as cited in ISO 8217:2010 paragraph 2. Normative references
Marine Fuels Information Bulletin 1: ISO 8217: Test Methods Precision And Interpretation | 3
Ash, % (m/m)
ISO 6245
For ash content between 0.001 and 0.079 wt%:
R = 0.005
For ash content between 0.080 and 0.180 wt%:
R = 0.024
Lubricity, corrected wear scar diameter, m
ISO 12156-1
R = 102m
CCAI (Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index)
Precision (R) depends on the precision (R)
of the density and viscosity of the residual
fuel oil that enter into the calculation
Total existent sediment, % (m/m)
ISO 10307-1
Heavy fuels:
R = 0.294 x
Distillate fuels containing heavy components:
R = 0.174 x
Where x is the average of the test results
in %(m/m)
Total sediment potential ageing, % (m/m)
ISO 103072
Heavy fuels:
R = 0.294 x
Distillate fuels containing heavy components:
R = 0.174 x
Where x is the average of the test results
in %(m/m)
Water, % (v/v)
ISO 3733
Water collected between 0.0 and 1.0 ml:
R = 0.2ml
Water collected between 1.1 and 25 ml:
R = 0.2 ml or 10% of mean, whichever
is greater
Vanadium, mg/kg
1. ISO 14597
Applicable to products having V content in
the range of 5 to 1,000 mg/kg, although
reproducibility data have only been determined
up to 100 mg/kg for V
For V content between 5 30 mg/kg:
R = 5 mg/kg
For V content between 31 100 mg/kg:
R = 10 mg/kg
2. IP 501
R = 1.6799 x 0.6
Where x is the average of the results
(mg/kg) being compared
3. IP 470
R = 3.26 x0.5
Where x is the average of the results
(mg/kg) being compared
Cat fines Al + Si, mg/kg
1. ISO 10478, IP 501
ICP detection:
Al: R = 0.337x
Si: R = 0.332x
2. IP 470
AAS detection:
Al: R = 0.789x 0.67
Si: R = 1.388x 0.67
Where x is the average of the results (mg/kg)
being compared
Ca, Zn, P, mg/kg
1. Ca
IP 501 (ICP) R = 0.6440x0.65
IP 470 (AAS) R = 1.139x 0.8
2. Zn
IP 501 (ICP) R = 0.5082x0.7
IP 470 (AAS) R = 0.580x 0.75
3. P
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