14 - A. Razak Purba, Oil Palm Pollinator, 2016, P&D

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Oil Palm Pollinator weevil Elaeidobius Kamerunicus and

the fruit set in Indonesia

Abdul Razak Purba, Agus Prasetyo, Ambar Kurniawan, Nanang Supena, Heri
Adriwan Siregar, Sujadi, Hasrul Abdi Hasibuan, Mohamad Arif, Edy Suprianto
Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute, Jl. Brigjen Katamso No. 51, Medan 20158
Correspondence : [email protected]; Tel. +62 812 658 6095

Palm oil production is a result of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) and oil extraction rate (OER),
where bunch weight and percentage of fruit to bunch are factors which are highly
affected by the environment. Frequently asked question is Are the both components
(bunch production and OER) influenced by affectivity of pollination, which is generally
conducted by Elaeidobius kamerunicus?
Surveys on fruit set condition have been done in several oil palm planttaions in
Indonesia since 2007. Existance and activity of Elaeidobius were also observed in the
surveys, which was followed by deep analysis on correlation between fruit set and
various components of bunch production as well as oil extraction rate. Further more,
studies on phenology and bunch analysis of various oil palm varieties, which are
produced by IOPRI, are expected to provide clear illustration on pollination effectivity in
correlation with pollen availability as well as pistil position on spikelet and inside the
In general, low fruit set condition was observed in new plantings area in Kalimantan,
while older estates in Sumatera had higher fruit set percentage. It was also noted that
Elaeidobius in Kalimantan was less active then those in North Sumatera. Phenology
study showed that between tested oil palm varieties, there were differences on pattern
of male inflorescence production as pollen source. Evidently, fruit set was more
correlated to oil rate component, i.e. fruit to bunch, instead of to bunch weight. In
percentage, there was significant difference on fruit set scores in correlation with fruit

position in a bunch as well as on spikelet. However, oil rate was more determined by
fruit location on a spikelet compared to fruit position in a bunch.
Hedgehog bunch phenomenon which occurred in several oil palm plantations in
Indonesia within the last 5 years, presumably can be traced by Elaeidobius activity as
well as condition of various bunch components and oil rate.
Key words : fruit set, Elaeidobius kamerunicus, bunch production and oil extraction rate
components, phenology study

Palm oil production is the result of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) and oil extraction rate
(OER). FFB has two components, namely bunch number (BN) and bunch weight (BW),
while the OER is formed by components of fruit weight to bunch (F/B), mesocarp weight
to fruit (M/F) and oil content to mesocarp (O/M). OER components are generally
expressed in percentages. These oil production components are strongly related to how
fruit is formed and organized in the bunch, which is simply known as fruit set. As any
other characters, fruit set is determined by genetic properties of the plant, environment
in which the plant grows as well as interaction of the both factors.
Development of oil palm organ is following a spiral pattern. This phenomenon can
clearly be seen on the mature oil palm trunk, where frond composition is obeying left or
right spiral forming 1/8 phyllotaxis, meaning that frond number 1 and number 9 are first
frond on its spiral system, and frond number 9 is located as if below the frond number 1.
The pattern seems to occur the same on spikelet (where fruits are attached)
composition on its stalk (peduncle), as well as on the arrangement of fruits on its
spikelet. This spiral pattern provides more effective way for space in a bunch to be filled
with spikelets and fruits, causing more spikelets on a bunch and more fruits on a
spikelet are available. Plant effort to maximally utilize space is not without hindrance,
especially on possibility of each pistil to be pollinated, and appropriateness of
surrounding microclimate to enlarge fruits.

Oil palm is a cross-pollinated plant, which process is assisted by wind, human, and
pollinator insects. Especially in Southeast Asia, Elaeidobius kamerunicusis is a
dominant insect pollinator on oil palm. Officially released by the Indonesian government
in 1983 in Marihat, North Sumatera, the Anaesoplidae ordo beetle has spread
throughout oil palm plantations in the country with population depends on available
male flowers, which serve as food sources as well as breeding sites of the beetle.
However, presence of predators, such as rats, may cause depletion on Elaeidobius
It is not fully recognized whether estragol hormone, which is produced by female flower
of oil palm, is affected by plant condition. Estragol hormone produces scent which smell
identically similar to that produced by male flowers, so Elaeidobius accidently visit
female flower and place pollen which is attached on the beetles body. It is assumed
that the healthier the palm, the more Estragol is produced. Boron, for example, is
believed having an important role in the production of such hormone, so that the
element is considered effecting oil palm pollination system.
This paper will briefly discuss fruit set and problems of what it is called hedgehog
bunch as well as declining bunch weight. Discussion is done by looking fruit set
problems which occur in several regions in Indonesia, as well as several factors which
are assumed to be the cause. Dynamics of Elaeidobius and bunch anatomy in
correlation with fruit set and oil productivity will be discussed further.

Materials and Methods

Fruit set in various regions in Indonesia
Fruit set studies were conducted from 2007 to 2014 in various estates in 10 provinces of
Indonesia. Of each estate, three blocks, which were reported with high hedgehog
bunch occurrences, were chosen. Out of each block, 3 to 5 fraction 0 bunches
(morphologically ripe without any loose fruit) were randomly taken. From each bunch,
20 spikelets were circular-randomly taken, from the base part of the bunch to the end of
it. Fruits on every spikelet are counted and separated between developed and

parthenocarpy fruits. Fruit set of the bunch is calculated as percentage of developed

fruits to total fruits within the sample.
In addition, sex ratio of 143 palms, which were randomly picked, is counted to represent
sex ratio of the block. In each sample palm, male and female inflorescences as well as
formed bunches, were counted. Observed sex ratio was calculated as percentage of
female inflorescences and formed bunches to all flowers and bunches in the palm.
Sample palms, which were utilized, were the same palms which were used on sex ratio
observation. If there were anthesis male flowers, 3 spikelets of each inflorescence were
taken as sample. The spikelet sampling was done carefully by using a transparent
plastic so that visiting Elaeidobius do not fly away. Caught E. kamerunicus were
counted to predict its population per spikelet, per bunch, and per hectare.
1 North Sumatera

South Sumatera
North Kalimantan



Central Sulawesi

Marihat, Adolina, Dolok Ilir, and Pulu Raja (PTPN IV);
Binanga Mandala (Merbau Jaya Group)
Tandun, Sei Berlian, Sei Rokan (PTPN V)
Dawas (PPKS)
Bekri (PTPN VII)
Kertajaya (PTPN VIII)
Long Bangun Prima Sawit, Swakarsa Sinar Sentosa,
Astra Agro Lestari, Bima Palma Nugraha
Bumitama Gunajaya Agro, Globalindo Agung Lestari,
Graha Inti Jaya, Citra Borneo Indah, Astra Agro
Kencana Group
Sitorandi (Nusaina Group)
Bio Inti Agrindo

Phenology study and sex ratios of various varieties

Phenology study was conducted on 8 varieties planted as demonstration block in
Adolina Estate, Serdang Bedagai district, North Sumatera. From every variety, 3 palms
were chosen as sample palms and observed every 10 days. Observation was done on
emergence of new fronds, flowers and bunches, as well as bunch development until the
bunch was harvested.
Correlation between fruit set and bunch weight - OER

Stratified sampling model, which is based on plant performance according to block for
every planting year group, was utilized. This procedure revised method of potential oil
yield analysis, which took random fresh fruit bunch (FFB) from each palm and sample
results are utilized as potencies of CPO and PKO (Herawan et al., 2015). Determination
on amount and location of the bunch samples was conducted on each planting year
group in every estate, based on mean average bunch weight (ABW) and average bunch
number (ABN) achievement in year (x-1) through the current month (year x). Oil rate
analysis performed 3-spikelets sampling method (Hasibuan et al., 2014). Cumulative
value of oil rate potency one state level was calculated as cumulative of oil rate potency
based on planting year group with weighting factor was production percentage value
base on planting year group to estate total production.
Bunch Anatomy and fruit set
Bunch samples were divided into 9 quadrants by detaching spikelets from their stalk
and fruits from their spikelets, separating base, middle, and top spikelets, as well as
inner, middle and outer fruits (Figure 1). All fruits from each quadrant, were then
separated between unfertilized flowers, parthenocarpy, and normal fruits. Bunch and oil
analysis was conducted by following sampling method (Blaak, 1963) as performed by
IOPRI. In addition, bunch analysis was also conducted by taking varios ages of fruit

Figure 1. Spiral structure on bunch stalk (left)

and spikelet (right). Colours indicate bunch and
spikelet parts, which form the 9 quadrants.

Results and Discussion

Fruit set observation and factors which affect the occurrence, such as availability of
anthesis male inflorescence, as well as E. kamerunicus population in several provinces
in Indonesia, are described in Table 2. In general, low fruit set was found in all observed
provinces. However, there was a tendency that fruit set in Sumatera was higher than
those in other islands, especially Kalimantan, even though E. kamerunicus populations
were low.
In Marihat Estate, the place where E. kamerunicus was released for the first time, fruit
set was relatively good even the Elaeidobius population in the estate was not fairly high.
Meanwhile, in Adolina and Pulu Raja estate, low fruit set occurrences in certain areas
were due to lack of anthesis male inflorescence (Susanto et al., 2013a; Susanto and
Prasetyo, 2014). In Binanga Mandala estate, high-quality fruit set was found after efforts
to increase E. kamerunicus population in the field (Prasetyo, 2013).

Table 1. Fruit set and sex ratio, availability of anthesis male inflorescence, and
Elaeidobius kamerunicus population in the observed estates



Sumatera Marihat
Dolok Ilir
Pulu Raja
Sei Berlian
Sei Rokan
Sumatera Dawas
Lampung Bekri
Kalimant Long
an Timur Bangun
Kalimant Graha Inti
Astra Agro
Kalimant Parindu
an Barat
Sulawesi Kencana

Range of
fruit set (%)

Average of
sex ratio (%)

69.9 - 98.2
22.6 -79.7
30.3 - 83.7
41.4 - 73.0
37.6 - 88.6

97.5 - 97.9
98.8 - 100.0
97.0 - 99.0
98.5 - 99.2


41.9 - 80.3
48.5 - 79.8
5.6 - 18.8
42.7 - 79.5

95.1 - 98.8
96.2 - 98.4
97.7 - 98.3
97.3 - 98.1



30.2 - 96.8
76.5 - 94.8

89.0 - 99.0



5.8 - 70.6
50.1 - 81.5

87.6 - 98.5
89.2 - 97.4



6.6 - 44.3

97.8 100.0



17.0 - 44.0
44.6 - 60.6

96.6 - 97.8



6.4 - 33.5
8.8 - 10.6
37.6 - 78.3
40.5 - 80.0

97.8 - 99.6
98.4 - 99.6



39.7 - 72.8




25.0 - 71.0

75.0 - 89.0



0.5 - 80.2
46.5 - 73.8
66.0 - 76.0

97.9 - 99.5
95.9 - 99.3



Population of

In other estates, especially in oil palm development areas in Kalimantan, fruit set scores
were relatively low despite the availability of sufficient anthesis male inflorescences. It is
believed that the occurrence was caused by most of post-anthesis male inflorescences
were damaged by rats, as it was found in Globalindo estate (Prasetyo and Sujadi.
2012). Long Bangun (Prasetyo et al., 2013a), Graha Inti (Prasetyo et al., 2013b), and
Swakarsa. Other contributing factor is that E. Kamerunicus in Astra Agro Lestari,
Swakarsa Sinarsentos, and Citra Borneo estates in Kalimantan were considered less
aggressive than those in North Sumatera, despite the population of the beetle.
Availability of male inflorescence, which affect fruit set percentage, is influenced by
genetic factor of the palm. Bunch number (previously recognize as female
inflorescence) is a character with high heritability. A study in IOPRI showed that,
besides there was significant differences between parental lines in a population and
between different populations, it was also recognized that bunch number was decrease
with increasing palm age (Purba, 2000) (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Bunch number evolution
based on palm age.

That is why there are genetic materials which produce high bunch number with very low
amount of male inflorescence, in other words genetic materials with high sex ratio. On
the other hand, there are also genetic materials with low and balance sex ratio.
Phenology observation can describe sex ratio condition at a certain time or during the
observation being conducted, as can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Observation on development of inflorescences on plants with high sex ratio

(SR) (Left) and balanced sex ratio (Right).
Furthermore, sex ratio works as indicator of male inflorescence availability as pollen
source. As cross pollinated tree, oil palm gains pollens from its neighbouring palms, but
it donor pollens to the others at the same time. It is estimated that 4 anthesis male
inflorescences are adequate to fertilize 1 hectare of oil palm plantation (Susanto et al.,
2007). Without sufficient pollen fertilization will be disrupted. This appearance is
apparent in young age plantation (Figure 2) or in a certain palm population where sex
ratio is relatively high (Figure 3). Unpollinated female flowers will produce bunches
where fruits are only formed at the outside part of the bunch, but not in the inside part
(Figure 4). In extreme cases, female flowers may fall because none of the flower buds
develop into fruits (Figure 5).
The insufficient fertilization condition will affect production, where effected component is
bunch weight because reduction on fertilized flower buds will decrease fruit to bunch
proportion. However, a study in two estates in North Sumatera showed that fruit set was
not correlated with bunch weight. The condition is likely due to in both estates fruit set
averages are more than 75% with interval between 45 and 95%. On the other hand, fruit
set is relatively correlated with fruit to bunch (% F/B), which is highly correlated to oil
extraction rate (Herawan et al., 2015). In other words, increase on fruit set will affect
OER even though not on bunch weight. Correlation between fruit set and bunch weight
will only be seen where low initial fruit set (less than 30%) occurs.

Table 2. Bunch anatomy of six IOPRI varieties in Adolina Estate. North Sumatra
Fruit position on spikelet
Inner Middle Outer
15.23 Fruit weight average
76.09 80.84
85.16 Mesocarp / Fruit(%)
48.27 51.33
46.05 Oil / Mesocarp (%)
22.97 25.95
24.76 Oil / Bunch (%)
63.04 67.96
75.91 Fruit Set (%)
13.95 Fruit weight average
82.86 Mesocarp / Fruit(%)
position Middle 46.94 50.03
49.42 Oil / Mesocarp (%)
on Stalk
21.81 24.79
25.61 Oil / Bunch (%)
41.51 54.69
64.84 Fruit Set (%)
12.87 Fruit weight average
74.87 78.35
77.45 Mesocarp / Fruit(%)
45.59 47.59
49.22 Oil / Mesocarp (%)
21.48 23.29
25.27 Oil / Bunch (%)
23.15 34.36
41.42 Fruit Set (%)
Anatomical studies performed on 6 varieties of IOPRI planted in Adolina, PTPN IV in
North Sumatera, showed interesting phenomenon. Albeit differences occur between
varieties, in general bunches which were harvested around October 2014 show points
indicated in Table 2 beneath.
Except for fruit set, fruit position on a spikelet affects more on all observed characters
compared to spikelet position on bunch stalk. Table 2 shows that mean fruit weight.
mesocarp to fruit, oil to mesocarp, and oil rate are not significantly different between
fruits which are detached on base, middle and top spikelets. However, all of the
characters mentioned were relatively higher on fruit which are located in the outer
compared to those in the middle and inner fruits. In addition, fruit set is influenced by
both fruit position on spikelet as well as spikelet position on stalk. Fruits, which were
located on top and outer part of the bunch, provided higher value of all characters
compared to the other 8 quadrants.

In certain sense, Hedgehog bunch phenomenon can be explained by activity of
Elaeidobius and oil palm inflorescence pattern. Fruit set as pollination indicator has
important meaning on enhancement of oil extraction rate instead of overcoming bunch
weight fluctuation. It is assumed that increase on fruit set will affect significantly to
bunch weight when the fruit set percentage was very low. Fruit set percentage itself was
highly depended on pistil position in a bunch as well as on spikelet. However. oil
rendement components (especially mesocarp per fruit) was more determined by fruit
location on a spikelet than fruit position in a bunch.


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