Teachers' Manual: United States of America Mathematical Olympiad United States of America Junior Mathematical Olympiad
Teachers' Manual: United States of America Mathematical Olympiad United States of America Junior Mathematical Olympiad
Teachers' Manual: United States of America Mathematical Olympiad United States of America Junior Mathematical Olympiad
Instructions and Reporting Forms for School Contest Managers
dates to remember:
Congratulations! Your student(s) has/have qualified to take the 411st USA(J)MO. All qualified students have been sent a formal invitation
to participate. You and the student(s) indicated at the time of the AIME that you would accept a USA(J)MO invitation.
The exam materials will be downloaded from the web. The USA(J)MO must be administered on Tuesday, April 24 and Wednesday, April
25, 2012 in two 4.5-hour sessions each day, which are to be scheduled from 12:30pm-5:00pm EDT or equivalent in your time zone. Please
familiarize yourself with the Information for Proctor section found on page 4 of the AIME/USA(J)MO Teachers Manual. If you are not
going to be the Proctor yourself, then make sure your designee familiarizes himself/herself with these materials promptly.
There is an immediate task that must be done. Please confirm that all necessary arrangements to administer the exam have been made.
Fill out the USA(J)MO Acknowledgment Response Form (T-II form found on page 7 of the USA(J)MO Section of the AIME/USA(J)MO
Teachers Manual or downloaded from amc.maa.org) and fax to 303-374-6339 (Emergency FAX to be used only if the first number fails is
402-472-6087). In addition, your qualifying student(s) has/have been notified with instructions to completely fill out the Student/Parent
Response Form (S-III), with instructions for them to fax or mail the completed S-III form to our office. The Student/Parent Response
Form can be found at amc.maa.org or in the AIME/USA(J)MO Teacher Manual. All completed forms (T-II and S-III) sent by fax or
mailed must be received in the Lincoln office by April 18. Failure to adhere to this deadline could cause disqualification of your student(s).
The USA(J)MO is a prestigious event. Only about 500 students from about 12,000 American Invitational Mathematics Examination
participants take the USA(J)MO. The top 12 participants of the USAMO will be declared Winners and honored at ceremonies on June 4,
2012, at the National Academy of Sciences, and the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Headquarters in Washington, DC.
A Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program (MOSP) will be held from June 5-29, 2012 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Approximately 30 of the highest scoring USA(J)MO participants will be invited, along with approximately 25 ninth grade
USA(J)MO participants, all expenses paid, to the 2012 program. Selection will be based on the exams administered by the Committee
on the American Mathematics Competitions (CAMC), primarily the USA(J)MO. This year, the International Mathematical Olympiad
(IMO), will be held July 8-16, 2012, in Mar del Plata, Argentina. The United States will participate with a team of 6 students, all expenses
USA(J)MO Winners and all those invited to the MOSP will be notified by telephone shortly after the USA(J)MO grading on May 4-6,
2012. Information regarding the MOSP will be sent to those selected beginning May 11. A copy of the USA(J)MO with solutions and
results [including the score of your student(s)] will be mailed to you after Friday, May 11. Also included will be a USA(J)MO Certificate of
Participation to be presented to your student(s). Students and teachers should not inquire about results before Friday, May 11.
A good way for students to prepare for the USA(J)MO and set appropriate goals for themselves is to work on previous USA(J)MO and
IMO problems (order from www.maa.org) and former USA(J)MO questions posted online.
Please note that only the student(s) listed are allowed to take the USA(J)MO at your school and the exam must be given to all of your
qualifiers at the same time.
You will find the names of all 2012 USA(J)MO qualifiers at www.maa.org.
Steven R. Dunbar
MAA American Mathematics Competitions
USA(J)MO invitations sent via email, followed by hard copy April 9, 2012
USA(J)MO forms due to AMC office
USA(J)MO, day 1
USA(J)MO, day 2
USA(J)MO grading
June 4, 2012
Because the answer sheets are faxed, be sure you will have access
to a fax machine when the student has finished on both days. If
necessary, arrange to have someone experienced with running
the machine give you a lesson in how to use it before the first
day of the USA(J)MO.
12:30-5:00pm, EDT
11:30-4:00pm, CDT
10:30-3:00pm, MDT
9:30-2:00pm, PDT
1. Fax the T-III Certification Form for each day indicating that
the answer forms will be sent overnight.
2. After the completion of Day 2 USA(J)MO, send one
overnight package with both Day 1 and Day 2 Student Answer
American Mathematics Competitions
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
1740 Vine Street
Lincoln, NE 68508-0658
If you have any questions concerning this exam, contact us:
AMC Office
FAX 303-374-6339
(Emergency FAX # 402-472-6087)
VI. Cancellation
If for some reason the student or school cancels participation,
call us immediately (800-527-3690).
This is to inform you that I have received official notification of the qualified student(s) and will strictly follow
the implementation instructions.
Signature: ________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________
CEEB: ___________________
I have received and carefully noted the password in the invitation letter. This enables me to access the
USA(J)MO on the day of the contest. (If you have questions, call the AMC office.)
Please print the name(s) and USA(J)MO number(s) of your student(s) participating in the 2012 USA(J)MO below:
___________________________________ T-II
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1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
Please print the name and USA(J)MO Number of your student participating in the 2012 USA(J)MO below:
USA(J)MO number
This form must be completed and returned by fax (303-374-6339) to the AMC Office immediately following the administration of the
USA(J)MO. Both the USA(J)MO School Exam Manager and the school Principal or Vice Principal must sign this form. The Principal
or Vice Principal must sign at the time he or she observes the downloading of the exam. The Exam Manager must wait until all aspects
of the exam process of the school have been completed.
For the Principal or Vice Principal:
I Certify that
a) I witnessed the downloading of the test at the start of the examination;
b) I further attest that I observed that the exam was given only to qualified students;
I accept that failure to follow these rules and procedures could result in DISQUALIFICATION from official standing of all
scores from our school
Title __________________________________________________________
Date ____________________
Email _____________________________________________________________________
End Time______________________
1) TOTAL number of pages faxed or mailed including the Certification Form as the cover page ______
2) I will overnight all of my student answer forms including this certification form YES
T-III (24)
This Page
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4. _____
5. _____
6. _____
Please print the name and USA(J)MO Number of your student participating in the 2012 USA(J)MO below:
USA(J)MO number
This form must be completed and returned by fax (303-374-6339) to the AMC Office immediately following the administration of the
USA(J)MO. Both the USA(J)MO School Exam Manager and the school Principal or Vice Principal must sign this form. The Principal
or Vice Principal must sign at the time he or she observes the downloading of the exam. The Exam Manager must wait until all aspects
of the exam process of the school have been completed.
For the Principal or Vice Principal:
I Certify that
a) I witnessed the downloading of the test at the start of the examination;
b) I further attest that I observed that the exam was given only to qualified students;
c) I accept that failure to follow these rules and procedures could result in DISQUALIFICATION from official standing of all scores
from our school
Title __________________________________________________________
Date ____________________
1) TOTAL number of pages faxed or mailed including the Certification Form as the cover page ______
2) I will overnight all of my student answer forms including this certification form YES
End Time______________________
T-III (25)
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Steven R. Dunbar
MAA American Mathematics Competitions
Students who are not citizens of the USA are eligible to participate in the USA(J)MO if they are attending school in the USA or Canada.
Print Clearly
Date of Birth_______________________Place of Birth_______________________________
USA(J)MO Participant
Verified by:________________________________________Date:_____________________
Section B
USA(J)MO/IMO PARTICIPATING STUDENT (American Citizen or Legal Resident)
I have read the Instructions to Participate-Form S-II and my teacher has made arrangements for me to take the USA(J)MO
on Tuesday, April 24, 2012 and Wednesday, April 25, 2012.
Circle one: If invited, I ( am or am not ) willing to attend the 2012 Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program (June
5-June 29), provided I am eligible according to the selection rules. Students graduating in the current year are not
eligible for MOSP unless they are a USAMO winner.
Circle one: I ( am or am not ) able to present proof of United States citizenship or Permanent Residency.
Circle one: If invited, I ( am or am not ) willing to serve as a USA Team Member at the IMO, July 8-16, 2012,
in Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Home phone(___)__________________________Email:__________________________________
May/June Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________
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