Companies of Battle - : Strategic Tabletop Medieval War-Game
Companies of Battle - : Strategic Tabletop Medieval War-Game
Companies of Battle - : Strategic Tabletop Medieval War-Game
What You'll Need-Companies of Battle is both a board game, and a table top miniatures game, and can be played as both,
or one or the other. While playing as just a board game, or just a miniatures game is fun, the best way
to play is both together.
For the board game portion, you will need:
-CoB map tiles
-CoB pieces and markers
-Cohort cards
-Fortune cards
-Dice: D12, D6, D4
For the miniatures portion you will need:
-CoB models (at least 1 cohort, 1 commander)
-CoB formation trays
-Terrain pieces
-Ruler/tape measure
-Archery template
-Dice: D20, 10+D6s, D4
For playing campaigns (both board and miniatures) you will need all of the above, and it is suggested
you have:
-At least 6 cohorts, and commanders (2 sword, 2 spear, 1 archer, 1 cavalry suggested)
-As many cohorts as possible
-Multiple formation trays for each cohort
-CoB Town pieces
-CoB Wall/Gate pieces
-Map Extension frame/tiles
The RoundA round is the full cycle of players' turns, and represents approximately a month in game.
There are 12 rounds in a game.
At the beginning of the first round, all players roll 2D3 (a D6: 1-2:1 3-4:2 5-6:3), and receive that
many coin tokens.
At the beginning of each subsequent round, each player rolls a D3, for every village they add 1, for
every city, add 2, and take that many coin tokens.
At the end of the round Players must pay 1 Supply token for every cohort they own. A village grants
one cohort free supply, a city grants two cohorts free supply.
Once the round ends, Players draw a fortune card from the deck, and apply any results. All results
apply simultaneously, i.e. If one card gives coin, and another card allows a player to take coin, the
coins can be taken from the given coin.
The TurnDuring a players turn they may do any of the following, in any order-spend coin tokens
-move troops
-use Fortune cards (if applicable)
-engage in battle.
Spending CoinDuring a player's turn they can spend coin they have earned on a variety of things.
gain 2 Supply tokens
3 rounds
settlement upgrades to city
2 rounds
(added to the troop type)
Rules described below
-Long swords
Rules described below
Rules described below
Rules described below
Renew one cohort by one wound.
Moving troopsA cohort, or group of cohorts can be moved up to 2 tiles on a road, or 1 across country. A cohort may
move through a tile occupied by another cohort, of any side, however, the other player may decide
weather or not to attack. To cross a forest will take up a whole turn, however, it only takes one tile to
move into a forest. A cohort's speed modifier adds tiles that can be moved
Use Fortune cardsSome fortune cards are not applied as soon as the player gets them. Some can be held and played at
different times. For cards that apply to only one opponent, the player may designate which opponent (if
there are more than one) to use the card.
Engage in battle-When two Cohorts (or groups) of different players occupy the same tile, the player whose turn it is,
may choose to initiate, or wait, and let the enemy initiate.
-The player who initiates a battle get a +1 to the first roll.
-Both players roll a 2D6 for each cohort, applying all relevant modifiers. The winner rolls a D6 for
each Cohort, The loser rolls a D6 for each Cohort as well, but subtracts 1. Both sides take the number
of wound counters on the Cohort card.
-The loser then rolls a d6 for each cohort, on the result of a 6, the losing cohort is able to break away,
and combat ends. On the result of a 2-5, the combat continues. On the result of a 1 the entire cohort is
-When there are multiple cohorts in combat the rules remain the same, as long there are even sides,
however, if one side has more Cohorts add +2 on the 2D6 roll for every cohorts that outnumber.
UpgradesLongswords- give a cohort a +2 against all infantry cohorts.
Spears- give a cohort a +2 against cavalry cohorts.
Bows- before the regular combat rolls, the armies who have archers roll a D4, those wounds are then
distributed as the wounded player decides.
Banner- If a cohort has a banner, it no longer can be destroyed at the result of a 1 when defeated in
battle, 1 then acts as 2-5.
CitiesCities come from upgrading villages. After three rounds, the village is upgraded. When a city is
purchased, bows can also be purchased with it, however, if bows are not purchased, the garrisoned unit
may not later purchase bows. A city has 6 hit points. In addition, there is a garrisoned cohort that also
has 6 HP, that can not leave the city.
Garrisoning UnitsThere is no limit to how many units can garrison a city or village, however, supply costs must be
accounted for. A Village garrisoned, provides a +1 defense, a city provides a +2 defense.
ForestsA forest can not be moved through in one turn, it can be moved into, or out of, at only one tile, but
counts as across country. Units inside a forest gain a +1 defense
Bows and forests- An archer cohort who attacks a cohort inside a forest can not roll for using bows,
however, an archer unit inside a forest can shoot an attacking cohort. If both cohorts have bows, and
start inside the forest, both benefit from shooting attacks.
WinningWinning a game can be accomplished by various means, but the game ends at the end of the 12th round.
Conquest- If a player takes another player's capitol, and destroys any remaining forces, the victor wins.
Economic- If a player gathers 30 coins, they win.
Time- At the end of the 12th round, the player who controls the most settlements wins.