DB Questions

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Q 1 - Which of the following is not true about single row functions?

A - They operate on single rows only and return one result per row.
B - They accept arguments that could be a column or any expression.
C - They cannot be nested.
D - They may modify the data type.
Answer : C
Q2- A subquery can be placed in which of the SQL clauses?
A - The WHERE clause
B - The HAVING clause
C - The FROM clause
D - All of the above.
Answer : D

wildcard in a WHERE clause is useful when?

An exact match is necessary in a SELECT statement.
An exact match is not possible in a SELECT statement.
An exact match is necessary in a CREATE statement.
An exact match is not possible in a CREATE statement.

Answer: Option B
q4. The || is is an example of what function SELECT last_name||','||first_name||
' '||middle_name from employee;
E.None of the above
Ans D
Q5.You want all dates when any employee was hired. Multiple employees were hired
on the same date and you want to see the date only once.
query-1 Select distinct hiredate from hr.employee order by hiredate;
Query-2 Select hiredate from hr.employee group by hireddate order by hiredate;
Which of the above query is valid?
Ans:Cs except for
q6.All aggregate functions ignore NULLs excepts for....
D)None of Above

Q7.For the purpose of ........ null values are considered equal to other nulls a
re grouped together into a single result row.
b)Group By
c)Both of above
D)None of above
Q8. Which of the following comparison operators could be used in a multiple row
A - IN operator
B - ANY operator
C - ALL operator
D - All of the above
Answer : D
q9.Consider the following schema STUDENTS(student_code, first_name, last_name, email,
phone_no, date_of_birth, honours_subject, percentage_of_marks);
Which of the following code will create a simple view named all_marks_english th
at contains the names and percentage of marks of the students in the honours_sub
ject Eng01 ?
A - create view all_marks_english as select first_name, last_name, percentage_of
_marks from students where honours_subject = Eng01 ;
B - create view all_marks_english as ( first_name, last_name, percentage_of_mark
s from students where honours_subject = Eng01 );
C - select view all_marks_english as select first_name, last_name, percentage_of
_marks from students where honours_subject = Eng01 ;
D - None of the above.
q10 - Consider the following schema STUDENTS(student_code, first_name, last_name, email,
phone_no, date_of_birth, honours_subject, percentage_of_marks);
Which of the following query would display the full name of a student, with a co
lumn heading "Name"
A - select first_name, last_name as

Name from students;

B - select Name from students;

C - select first_name || last_name as

Name from students;

D - select first_name, last_name from students;

Answer : C
Q11- Which of the following is not true about the COALESCE function?
A - It takes multiple alternate values.
B - It returns the first non-null expression in the parameter list.
C - It returns the first value in the parameter list if it is null.
D - None of the above.
Show Answer
Answer : C
q12.Which of the following is not true about the MAX and MIN functions?
A - Both can be used for any data type.
B - MAX returns the maximum value.
C - MIN returns the minimum value.
D - All are true.
Show Answer
Answer : D
q13.Which of the following is true about subqueries?
A - Subqueries could be used for Top-N analysis.
B - Subqueries can be of two types

single-row subquery and multiple-row subquery

C - The outer and inner queries can get data from different tables.
D - All of the above.
Answer : D
q-14. Which of the following is not true about multiple-row subqueries?
A - Multiple row subqueries return multiple rows from the outer SELECT statement
B - Multiple row subqueries return multiple rows from the inner SELECT statement
C - Multiple row subqueries use multiple-row comparison operators.
D - All of the above.
Answer : B
q-15.Consider the following schema -

STUDENTS(student_code, first_name, last_name, email,

phone_no, date_of_birth, honours_subject, percentage_of_marks);
Which of the following query would display names of all the students whose honou
rs subject is English and percentage of marks more than 80, or honours subject i
s Spanish and percentage of marks more than 80?
A - select first_name, last name from students where (honours_subject =
honours_subject = Spanish ) and percentage_of_marks > 80;
B - select first_name, last name from students where honours_subject =
honours_subject = Spanish and percentage_of_marks > 80;



C - select first_name, last name from students where (honours_subject =

honours_subject = Spanish and percentage_of_marks > 80);


D - select first_name, last name from students where (honours_subject =

r honours_subject = Spanish and percentage_of_marks > 80;

English ) o

Answer : A
q-16 - Which of the following query will result in an error?
A - select dept_id, avg(salary) from employees group by dept_id;
B - select avg(salary) from employees group by dept_id;
C - select dept_id, job_id, avg(salary) from employees group by dept_id, job_id;
D - select dept_id, count(name) from employees;
Answer : D
q-17 Consider the following schema STUDENTS(student_code, first_name, last_name, email,
phone_no, date_of_birth, honours_subject, percentage_of_marks);
Which of the following query would display names of all the students whose email
ids are not provided?
A - select first_name, last name from students where email = 0;
B - select first_name, last name from students where email =

C - select first_name, last name from students where email is null;

D - select first_name, last name from students where email = null ;
Answer : C
q-18 Consider the following schema HONOURS_SUBJECT(subject_code, subject_name, department_head);
LOCATIONS(subject_code, department_name, location_id, city);
Select the right query for retrieving records from the tables HONOURS_SUBJECT an
d LOCATIONS with a left outer join
A - select h.subject_name, l.department_name, h.department_head, l.city from hon
ours_subject h left outer join location l on(h.subject_code = l.subject_code);


B - select h.subject_name, l.department_name, h.department_head, l.city from hon

ours_subject h left outer join location l on(subject_code);
C - select h.subject_name, l.department_name, h.department_head, l.city from hon
ours_subject h left join location l on(h.subject_code = l.subject_code);
D - None of the above.
Answer : A
The result of a SQL SELECT statement is a(n) ________ .
Answer: Option D

-92 wildcards are ____ and ____ .

asterisk (*); percent sign (%)
percent sign (%); underscore (_)
underscore(_); question mark (?)
question mark (?); asterisk (*)

Answer: Option B

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