Ten Lies About God
Ten Lies About God
Ten Lies About God
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Dr. Gilbert A. Peterson
The more our post-modern society God Is More Tolerant Than He Used To Be .... 3
Rev. Wes Roberts searches for God, the more it seems to
reach the wrong conclusions. Many have God Has Never Personally Suffered ............ 4
Mr. Jim Warren fallen into the trap of formulating a God God Is Obligated to Save Followers of
for themselves, one carefully crafted to Other Religions ........................................ 5
Dr. Rick Warren
meet particular spiritual needs. Instead of God Takes No Responsibility for Natural
embracing a truthful, biblical view of God, Disasters ................................................. 5
our culture approaches spirituality through God Does Not Know Our Decisions Before
the lens of popular culture and "felt needs." We Make Them ....................................... 6
David A. Martin
Alarmingly, this "made-in-our-own- The Fall Ruined God’s Plan .......................... 7
John S. Martin, III
image God" has crept into the hearts and We Must Choose Between God’s Pleasures
Editor minds of believers. This image must be and Our Own ............................................ 7
Michael J. Chiapperino God Helps Those Who Help Themselves ...... 8
LIE #1
We were created to The God Who
seek meaning and significance. In
God's design, this spiritual hunger Hides and Seeks
is ultimately a quest for God Himself. All of these false gods stand
In our present pluralistic culture, in sharp contrast to the God of the
however, there are many gods that Bible. When we accept God's rev-
claim to satisfy our spiritual hunger. elation of Himself, we encounter
Which of these should we choose a majestic and mysterious God,
to follow? one who is holy and yet merciful.
This God is both transcendent and
From God imminent~He hides, and yet He
to Idols
When we seek to know God,
we can begin with ourselves and
attempt to reason our way to God,
seeks us. Even while we are able,
through revelation, to have true
beliefs about God, these beliefs are
always partial and incomplete.
God is infinite and beyond com-
or we can begin with God, accepting plete comprehension; He remains
His self-revelation as true. When hidden. Still, because of revelation,
we adopt the former strategy, we end we can have personal knowledge
up constructing an idol. It is only of such a being; He has sought us
when we take the latter approach out and revealed Himself to us.
that we can develop a true under- This God intrudes into our lives
standing of God. not the God of the Bible. For others, and judges us, revealing to us our
God is the "God of My Emotional utter sinfulness. But thankfully,
Idolatry need not express itself Need." According to this false view, this God who judges us also saves
in the construction of gold or silver sin is nothing more than a lack of us. He offers to us grace and for-
statues. In fact, this activity is only self-esteem. Self-knowledge and self- giveness. C
the outward manifestation of the
true spirit of idolatry, which is the
respect replace redemption and know- SB
ledge of God as our primary focus.
process of creating a god in our own LIE #2
image, and treating our opinions Still others construct a false god
about God as the truth about God. that favors their gender or sexual
Idolatry, harboring false thoughts preference. At the root of each of
about God, is attractive because it these is an idol that could be called
allows us to remain in control, at the "God of My Personal Self-Authen-
the center of our own world, defining
our own standards and expectations.
Further, idolatry prevents others
from judging our beliefs or behaviors.
tication." This God is the completely
tolerant, non-judgmental God. This
God makes no judgments, sets no
Paths Lead
The idols that work for us may not
work for others, but they are free to
create their own and leave us with
standards, and is in fact exactly what
we wish him/her/it to be. The study
of such a God turns out to be very
much a study of self.
Into God’s
Idols for
“...woe to those
who see
Pluralism rejects
Some of our false gods may have the idea that there is only one way
a loose basis in Scripture, but most themselves in to approach God. Today, God is a
are based ultimately on human de- a mirror universal source of self-satisfaction,
sires. Some of us make a god out of accessible by a plethora of pathways.
health and wealth, believing that and proclaim The God of the Bible, however, is
God desires for His children to be that they have severe, uncompromising in His de-
financially successful and physically mands, and completely holy. Thank-
healthy. This god, however, is the seen God.” fully, though, He is also loving,
god of western consumer capitalism, gracious, and merciful.
Approaching An Acceptable sins that we overlook today were
God punished with death. Has God's law
Mediator and changed? Is He more tolerant than
When approaching God, we must
first be sure that we are approaching
Sacrifice He used to be?
the one, true God, and not an idol. No one enters into God's pres-
Further, we must be sure that we ap- ence unmediated. In the Old Testa- God is
proach the one, true God in the right ment, the priests mediated between
the Israelites and God, and they of-
way. Today, even in evangelical circles, When we look at what the Bible
the notion that God honors sincerity fered sacrifices continually to appease
God's righteous judgment. Because has to say in answer to this question,
is widely held, but Scriptures prove we discover that God has not changed.
otherwise. Cain (Genesis 4:5), Nadab, these sacrifices only took care of
past sins, however, they had to be The God of the Old Testament is not
and Abihu (Leviticus 10:2) discov- different from the God of the New
ered that good intentions were not reoffered continually. Today, Christ
is our mediator and His death on Testament. His nature, His truth, and
enough when approaching God. His standards all remain the same
When we ignore God's prescribed the cross was a once-and-for-all sac-
rifice to atone for all sins: past, pre- for all eternity. He does not gain or
plan and procedure as we enter His lose power; He does not age. He is
presence, we do so at our own peril. sent, and future. Only Christ can be
this once-and-for-all sacrifice. Only eternally just and compassionate.
He can be our mediator because The same God who spoke to Abra-
Following only He is able to meet God's re- ham speaks to us today. He has not
quirements of sinless perfection. changed, nor will He change in the
Protocol future. How then do we account for
According to the justice of God's the differences between the Old and
“God has character, sin demands payment. New Testament, specifically with re-
Since it [sin] is an offense to His gard to punishment for sin?
meticulously holiness, a sacrifice must be offered
spelled out to turn away God's wrath. God does God’s
not accept the sacrifices of sincerity, Administration
the proper way service, spiritual questing, or guilt.
for us to come has Changed
"Yes, we must bring an offering, While God Himself has not
into His a sacrifice to God, but it cannot changed, and while the penalties for
presence.” be of our own making if we are sin are as severe today as in the time
to win His approval. It must be of Moses, God has implemented
the sacrifice He Himself made for changes in the timing and methods
Without doubt, the priests of us. ...Jesus is the one qualified of punishment. This shift is evident
Israel had a sense of God's awesome- mediator, the only qualified in the contrast between Mount Sinai
ness. The priest who entered the Holy sacrifice, and the only qualified and Mount Zion.
of Holies would tie a rope around his Savior."
ankle so that others could pull out S Mount Sinai vs. Mount Zion
his body if he offended the Lord God At Sinai, there was a physical
while in His presence. Further, God LIE #3 distance between God and humans
told Moses "No man can see Me and that symbolized the moral distance
live." Today, however, we often seek
to enter God's presence casually, with-
out a second thought about the nature God Is More between them. The mountain was
shrouded in smoke, fire, and light-
ning. At Sinai, God came down from
heaven as a reminder that we are crea-
of the God to whom we come. Due
to the unfathomable chasm between tures beneath Him, and He remained
God and humans, we must follow inaccessible~even Moses could not
God's rules when coming before Him. see God face to face. Sinai represents
God is holy; man is sinful. God is
majestic and great; humanity is pitiful
and weak. Than He God's presence without atonement
or mediation, and as such, it reveals
a God who is intolerant of sin, a
Used To Be
terrifying God who is to be feared.
How then can this gap be bridged? Sinai's message is "Stand back!"
How can we expect to come before
God at all? The consistent message Mount Zion, however, reveals
of Scripture is that we cannot come In Old Testament the other facets of God's unchanging
before God except through the medi- times, God's law was severe and with- character. At Zion, we are invited to
ation of Christ. out exception. In that day, many
continued on page 4
versus the New Covenant CB
Sinai and Zion represent the
S of God
changing way in which God has Throughout the Bible, the concept
chosen to deal with His people. LIE #4 of substitution is present. Animals were
This contrast can also be expressed substituted for Adam and Eve to cover
their sin and nakedness. A ram was
in the language of covenants. In
the Old Testament, God made a
covenant with the whole nation of
Israel. Religion and state were one
God Has substituted for Isaac on Abraham's altar.
The blood of lambs was substituted for
the Israelites to cover their guilt before
and the same under this covenant;
God's laws simply were the laws of
the nation of Israel. However, un-
Never God. The only permanent substitute
for us before God, however, is Christ
Himself. He submitted Himself to the
der the new covenant, Christ's king- punishment demanded by our sin in
dom is not of this world. Under order to secure our redemption.
this covenant, God no longer deals
exclusively with one nation; rather, “God became
He calls His people out of every
nation, tribe, and tongue.
both our judge and
our substitute.
Today, behaviors that merited In the face of the evil He both sentenced
the death penalty under the old that we face each day on this planet,
covenant are now matters for disci- many turn to belief in finite or deistic us to eternal
pline within the church. With re- gods that seem to be compatible with condemnation and
gard to the same behavior in unbe- human suffering; the omnipotent
lievers, though, it is not the respon- paid that price
Christian God seems incompatible
sibility of the church to judge or with our experience of evil. It would on our behalf.”
punish. Under the new covenant, seem that an all-powerful God would
the immediate physical judgment have intervened to prevent evil. The
that was a part of Israel's laws has fact that this apparently has not oc- The Suffering
been replaced with future, eternal
judgment. We should not assume
curred suggests to some that the Chris- of God
tian God is indifferent to our suffer- No one can cause God to suffer
that God's apparent silence in the ings~such a God is certainly not
face of sin signals His indifference against His will; yet God chose to
worthy of worship. suffer~in fact, it pleased Him to do so
toward it. God's judgment of sin is
not eliminated; it is deferred. Be- (Isaiah. 53:10). He chose to uphold
Such skepticism with regard to His standards of holiness while bearing
tween the sin and the punishment, the Christian God comes hand in
grace is offered. Those who accept the punishment for sin Himself. Out
hand with the belief that God Himself of love, God willingly suffered. The
that grace are spared from punish- has never suffered. The assumption
ment by virtue of Christ's atoning love and justice of God meet in the
is that if God has not suffered, He has cross; but God's suffering did not end
sacrifice on their behalf. For those no reason to be concerned with the
who refuse that grace, punishment there. God continues to be grieved by
sufferings of His creatures. our sin and fallenness. He bears with
is severe and without exception.
us in our sufferings, understanding and
caring for us. God has personally ex-
Published by Christian Book Summaries, Inc., 850 Morrison Road, Gahanna,
Ohio 43230, August 2000. Published monthly. Subscription $59.95 in the perienced the suffering of His creation,
United States; $64.95 in Canada; and, by airmail, $79.95 in all other countries. and consequently, He can comfort us
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Christian Book Summaries, in the midst of our sorrows. C
1550 Lewis Center Rd., Suite G, Lewis Center, OH 43035-9925
LIE #5 if they had been born into different and through each person's inner
circumstances, they would have be- consciousness of God. Every per-
God Is
lieved and He redeems them on that son has an innate sense of God's
basis. Lastly, some theologians teach standards of righteousness. These
that God accepts Christ's sacrifice on two sources of revelation will be
behalf of those who sincerely seek God the basis for the judgment of
that they have been given, wheth-
which is explicitly stated in the pages er general or specific. We regular-
of the Bible. Ultimately, each of these ly "suppress" the truth in our un-
arguments rests on the assumption righteousness, deceiving ourselves
If God indeed cares
standing of fairness to God. Anyone
could make a case that God's denial
of eternal life to anyone is somehow
"unfair." In the final analysis, however,
In the end, we must recognize
that the final word belongs to
God alone, and His judgments
are always just. C
for us and suffers with us, then how we cannot base our judgments on our
is it that He can send a good person concept of fairness. We must rely only
to an eternal hell just because she on that which is explicitly stated in LIE #6
happened to belong to a non-Christian God's Word.
religion? If God really loves the whole
world, would He really limit salvation “We cannot go God
t God
only to those privileged few who,
beyond what God
through accident of birth, were born
in countries where the gospel was
readily accessible? For many in today's
has revealed.
If He has a plan to
Takes No
pluralistic culture, such concepts are
too difficult to accept.
Is Salvation
save those of other
religions, He has not
Through Christ
seen fit to reveal
it to us.”
for Natural
In John 14:6, Jesus clearly states,
"I am the way and the truth and the
life. No one comes to the Father ex- How Will Those
cept through me." Jesus is the only Is God in
acceptable mediator and sacrifice. The Who Have Not Control of
question then becomes this: could Heard of Christ Natural
God save followers of other religions
because of Christ? Be Judged? Disasters?
For those who have never heard The parade of natural disasters
Some theologians say "yes." Some the gospel, God will judge them ac- that fill newspaper headlines al-
of these thinkers (e.g., Clark Pinnock cording to the revelation that they most daily are clear evidence of
and John Sanders) would argue that have received. That is, they will be the fact that nature suffers under
while Christ is indeed the only way judged on the basis of general revela- the curse of sin. Does this mean
to God, it is not necessary to place tion. It would be unjust of God to ask that God is uninvolved in natu-
direct faith in Him in order to benefit those who never heard of Christ why ral disasters? Is God simply allow-
from His sacrificial mediation. Others they did not believe in Him! Accord- ing a sin-cursed world to spiral
argue that through His foreknowledge, ing to the first two chapters of Romans, downward in decay, undirected
God saves people who do not directly God reveals himself through nature by His providence?
place faith in Christ. He knows that continued on page 6
FOR NATURAL DISASTERS continued from page 5 And in the New Testament, the disci- our moral obligations (including
ples marveled that "even the wind some of the Ten Commandments)
In response to these questions, and the sea obey Him!" (Mark 4:41). do not apply to God. Thus, it may
we should note that the immediate be that God is still good, even while
cause of natural disasters could be Similarly, the Bible tells us that ordaining death and destruction.
explained in terms of purely physical the heavens declare the glory of God,
conditions~like weather patterns and and natural disasters serve to present Furthermore, God does not de-
shifting layers of the earth's crust. a balanced view of God as revealed light in His creatures' sufferings. He
The ultimate cause of all things, how- through nature~revealing His judg- delights in pursuing His plans and de-
ever, must be seen as God, the creator ment along with His mercy. God can- fending His glory, and sometimes
and sustainer of the universe. All not be separated from even the destruc- natural disasters are necessary means
things are under His providential tive forces of nature; they are subject to these ends; but the suffering of hu-
control, as clearly demonstrated in to His meticulous control. manity is never an end in itself for God.
Finally, we must recognize that
God judged the world with a flood
Dare We Charge it is not our place to judge God's ac-
and sent plagues upon Egypt. In the God With Evil? tions or intentions. We will never
book of Job, God granted Satan per- How can a good God bring about comprehend the full extent of God's
mission to use the forces of nature to or permit instances of destruction? eternal purposes, nor is it necessary
test Job. In the book of Jonah, it was In response to this, we must first real- for us to do so before we can humbly
undeniably God who sent the storm ize that the rules are different for bow in submission before Him.
that led to Jonah's brush with death. God than they are for us. Certain of CB
LIE #7
God’s Plan
Many people look
dained things in such a way that our
desires are in harmony with His pur-
poses. Thus, we are responsible,
since we act on our desires; and yet
overcome, that wrongs will be set
right, and that love and justice will
prevail in the end. If God is not in
control, then we have no guarantee
that any of this will happen. Only in
at Christ's atoning sacrifice at Cal- God is in control.
God's sovereign hands can evil be
vary as God's "Plan B." They believe seen as having a purpose. Apart
that the fall ruined God's original
plan for creation, forcing Him to go “...any view of free from God, evil is brutal and sense-
will that denies that less. C
with a backup plan; this is an in-
correct reading of the Bible. Viewed SB
God rules among the
from an eternal perspective, God's
plan of creation, fall, and redemp- inhabitants of earth LIE #9
tion has always been God's "Plan A." ris unscriptural; any
God’s Eternal
view of predestination We Must
Purposes, Eternal
that makes us into
puppets is equally Choose Between
and Final
unscriptural.” God’s Pleasures
God does everything for His A second question raised by the
and Our Own
own glory. He must honor and pur-
We tend to set God’s
above account is this: how can an desires for us over against our own
sue that which is of highest value, evil world be Plan A? To answer desires and assume that submission
and only God himself is of highest this question, we can distinguish to God's desires means that we cannot
value. Thus, all that God does is God's revealed will from His hidden seek our own pleasure any longer.
directed at honoring Himself. Crea- will. His revealed will is the source The choice is seen as one between a
tion is the first link in a chain that of His standards for right and wrong free sense of personal happiness on
culminates in the glory of God. behavior; but His hidden will is His the one hand, and a somber, dutiful
continued on page 8
truth! The Bible teaches that our de- be the most rewarding for us. God does
sire for pleasure is God-given and is not promise that there will be no diffi-
to be satisfied. Further, it teaches that
it is only by putting God first that we
culties in the life of one who rejoices
in Him. He does promise that intimacy ummaries
truly satisfy our deepest desires for with Him will bring delights, even in
pleasure. the midst of hardship.
Volume 1, Number 22
Five Links in the LIE #10 Publishers
David A. Martin
Chain of Joy
1. God Himself Has Many Pleasures
God delights in His Son, and has done
so for all eternity. God also delights
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