Om05 Sepoct
Om05 Sepoct
Om05 Sepoct
September/October 2005
Keppel Shipyard is
Best Shiprepair Yard
MITA (P277/03/2003)
Rise of OSVs
Best-in-class partners
Page 6
Editorial Board
Editorial Advisor
Choo Chiau Beng
Lai Ching Chuan
Assistant Editor
Sarah Seah
Page 11
Sub Editor
Lee Yin Chiin
Committee members
Michael Chia, Nelson Yeo, Hoe Eng Hock
Yeong Wai Seng, Dr Foo Kok Seng,
Ian Chin, Quek Mong Song, David Loh
Chin Sze Kiun
Grace Chia, Yang Sook Chin, Andrew Ong
Kristine Maryann Nonis, Ahmad Loqman
Bin Ishak, Simon Ng, Stella Brant
OffshoreMarine is a bi-monthly publication of
Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd
50 Gul Road, Singapore 629351
Tel: (65) 6863 7200
Fax: (65) 6261 7719/6265 1927
Company registration no. 199900642R
Page 26
Keppel Singmarines strong orderbook has placed the Company as one of the worlds leading builders of offshore support
4 OffshoreMarine September/October 2005
Signing the delivery protocol for Al-Hail are (from left) Tong Chong Heong,
MD/COO of Keppel O&M and Abdul Munim Saif Al-Kindy, GM of NDC, as the
project teams looks on
Highlights of Al-Hail
Self-positioning fixation system
designed by Keppels R&D arm,
Offshore Technology
Development (OTD)
Remote controlled pipe handling
system with pipe pick up,
transfer and racking capabilities
Power management system
Complete AC system with
Variable Frequency Drives for
all drilling equipment
Modern accommodation,
equipped with leisure, fitness,
conferencing facilities and
ahead of schedule
Keppel FELS to build a jackup rig, which
was going to be NDCs first newbuild rig
in 20 years. It was also their first turnkey
jackup rig project with Keppel FELS. We
were excited that NDC picked Keppel
FELS as their designer and builder of
There is a Keppel maxim we proudly call
Can Do. Within three months in January
2004, we cut the first steel plate in our
Singapore yard. One month ago, we
completed the rig in Keppel FELS. Today,
she stands proud here having been
transported on the carrier all the way here.
While most rigs built by us are delivered
in Singapore to owners, Al-Hail was to be
delivered here in Abu Dhabi as
contractually required. This necessitated
Keppel FELS to book and confirm early
the availability of a suitable carrier to
transport Al-Hail here, this was especially
challenging with the upsurge in demand
for carriers worldwide. This clearly
demonstrates Keppels firm commitment
in striving for an early delivery for our
valued customer, NDC.
This is Keppel FELS first project with
NDC. It was challenging, as there were
different working styles and expectations
from both sides.
However, I recall that during the contract
award ceremony, Al-Kindy took it upon
himself to imbue both parties with the
understanding that there is no Keppel
FELS or NDC team, but one integrated
team. This team has proven to be
extremely dedicated and has
demonstrated skill, experience and
technical expertise in finding the best
possible solutions to meet the project
requirements and achieve a win-win
I applaud their efforts in proving that
they can complete the job, which often
Keppel Shipyard is
Best Shiprepair Yard
Strategic meeting
of minds
On the sideline...
More ladies, please!
Scanning across the room of more than
60 people, Choo quipped in his
opening remarks, We must encourage
more ladies to be in top management
at Keppel O&M!
Grooming young talents
For the first time, junior officers
demonstrating high potential and
growth development were invited to
attend the meeting to have a grasp of
the opportunities, challenges and risks
in each region.
Friends reunite at the International Conference on Technology and Operation of Offshore Support Vessels (OSVs)
Rise of OSVs
The new Offshore Support Vessels (OSVs) are rugged and versatile, more powerful and
are outfitted to respond to a wide range of potential emergencies.
Loyal alliance
The alliance between Keppel and Smedvig withstands the test of time to build five deepwater
drilling tenders. Their latest completed project is aptly named West Setia (Setia means
Loyal in Bahasa Indonesia) as the new tender rig sets out for the deepwaters to serve
Brunei Shell.
International, at Keppel FELS amidst a
gathering of local and overseas guests.
West Setia is one of the first offshore rigs
to be registered in Singapore since the
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
(MPA) opened its Singapore Registry of
Ships (SRS) to include offshore industry
mobile units in January 2005.
With the delivery of West Setia, Keppel
FELS has also divested its entire 72%
interest in the rig to Smedvig at an agreed
purchase price of US$65m (S$110m).
Lady Sponsor of West Setia, Debbie Straub with (from left) Michael Chia, ED of
Keppel FELS; Tong Chong Heong, MD/COO of Keppel O&M; Staale Roed, MD
of Smedvig Asia, Brian Straub, VP Technical-Asia Pacific Shell EP International
and Choo Chiau Beng, Chairman & CEO of Keppel O&M
Delivery of West Setia
Double celebrations for Keppel Shipyards on-time delivery and excellent safety record
14 OffshoreMarine September/October 2005
Minister on
board Berge
Engineering start-up
in India
Bridging partnerships
Many milestones
Hadi Establishment
Andrew Tozer, in his kilt woven in the Wallace red, green and blue.
With him are (to his left) his wife, Alison,Wang Look Fung and (on his right)
Choo Chiau Beng and Eileen Choo
18 OffshoreMarine September/October 2005
Mission accomplished
fter two months since her arrival
on 23 July 2005, Stena Clyde is
now back in ship-shape and has
returned to resume her duties.
Room for
rigbuilding boom
Wong Xin Yi (left), Marketing
Executive and Wilson Goh (right),
Senior Project Manager, Keppel FELS
to begin her journey to her next
Shared a visibly excited Lewis after the
undocking, This is my first project
since I returned to Keppel FELS after
studying abroad for two years. I am
honoured to have worked alongside
an excellent project team from the
Production and Engineering
departments as well as all the other
sections who were involved in this
Like Lewis, Stena Clyde was Xin Yis
first time assisting with a project. As
she recollected the months of hard
work with the project team, she
shared, I felt a tinge of sadness as I
saw the rig leave the yard. But this was
quickly overcome by the sense of
accomplishment in being able to
achieve so much in such a short time.
Stena Clyde left a better and improved
rig and I am proud to have been part
of this significant achievement.
Keppel FELS Pioneer Yard has recently increased its capacity with new facilities
OffshoreMarine September/October 2005 21
Artist impression of
ENSCO 8500
ss partners
Whether in Singapore
or the US, Keppel and
ENSCO share a
win-win relationship
ENSCO International
Incorporated is one of
the leading offshore oil
and gas drilling
contractors in the
world. Headquartered
in Dallas, Texas, ENSCO
owns and operates a
modern fleet of offshore
drilling rigs servicing
most of the major oil
and gas provinces of the
world through three
major business units,
including North &
South America, Europe
& Africa, and Asia &
Pacific Rim.
ENSCO 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 64, 67, 81, 82,
86, 89 and 99 to name a few.
Whether it is in Singapore, USA or the other
Keppel yards, one thing for sure Keppel will
continue to provide valued customers such as
ENSCO, quality solutions on time and on
(Previously known as Chiles Columbus*)
(Previously known as Chiles Magellan*)
(Previously known as Chiles Discovery*)
End 2005
1Q 2007
1Q 2008
ENSCO 8500
(built to ENSCOs design)
Supporting the
Keppel FELS Brasil, together with its
shipyard BrasFELS in Angra dos Reis, is
one of the top socially conscious
companies in Brazil and the best in Rio
Project Small Apprentice, a part of Keppel
FELS Brasils corporate citizenry projects,
provides youths an opportunity to learn a
new trade
Keppel Can Do! Chairman & CEO of Keppel O&M, Choo Chiau Beng,
gives the thumbs up for a job well done. To his left is Lim Swee Say,
Minister, Prime Ministers Office and Deputy Secretary-General of NTUC.
On the right is Nicholas Kao from Community Chest
Family Day
Officiating the ceremony are Cecilie Fredriksen (sitting) and Kathrine Fredriksen
twin daughters of SeaDrill Ltd owner, John Fredriksen
ENSCO 108 was off to a striking start
on 1 July 2005 when it had its first
piece of steel cut in a smooth
symbolic ceremony to signify the
beginning of construction.
Building to Keppels proprietary
design, ENSCO 108 is a KFELS B
Class jackup rig. She is similar to
sister rig ENSCO 106, which is
operating in Australia.
ENSCO 108 is expected to be
delivered on time in the first quarter
of 2007.
Another rig, ENSCO 107, which is
under construction at Keppel FELS
yard, is due for delivery in early 2006.
The P-53 team gathered for the commencement of a new project at the strike
steel ceremony
visit or contact
Tracey Yeo at [email protected] or
(65) 6561 2149.
Time: 7pm
Fee: FOC
3As to Innovation!
Partnership of Union
LNG Vesta calls at
Keppel Shipyard
for the second time
IV Project that delivers LNG on Freight-OnBoard (FOB) basis from Indonesia to the three
major Japanese gas buyers Tokyo Gas, Osaka
Gas and Toho Gas Companies.
Between 25 July to 19 August 2005, LNG Vesta
underwent major works including the renewal
of its boiler tube, main turbine overhaul and
cargo machinery works.
The vessel departed Keppel Shipyard on the
morning of 19 August 2005 for its sea trial
before proceeding to its loading port in Bontang,
Indonesia to fulfill her charter commitments.
LNG Vesta adds to Keppel Shipyards track
record as the leading LNG/LPG shiprepair yard
in Asia outside of Japan, having repaired 68
LNGCs since 1990.
Yard ties
Visit by BG Tay, CE of MPA
Strengthening ties: (from left) Teh Kong Leong (ED, SMF), Michael Chia (ED,
Keppel FELS), Choo Chiau Beng (Chairman & CEO, Keppel O&M),
BG Tay Lim Heng (Chief Executive, MPA), Tong Chong Heong (MD/COO,
Keppel O&M), Winnie Low (ED, ASMI) and Nelson Yeo (ED, Keppel Shipyard)
The Bao Chuan is amongst the largest wooden ships ever built in history,
estimated to be 400 feet in length, many times larger than Columbus Santa
Maria (1492)
TGD Aida
Keppel Batangas
Keppel Cebu
TGD Aida
TGD Aida came in to Batangas for 20 days of maintenance and
overhaul works which involved 38 tonnes of steel. A grab
dredger, she is owned by F.F. Cruz & Co. Inc, one of the leading
engineering firms in the Philippines.
Repeat customer, Aboitiz Transport System Corporations
MV SUPERFERRY 16 sailed into Keppel Cebu for renewal, repair
and other works. Shortly before the arrival of the cargo and
passenger carrier, her sister vessel, MV SUPERFERRY 9,
left Keppel Batangas.
Swiss bulk carrier Appenzell sailed into Batangas yard for
various maintenance works and renewal of sparring bar inside
her cargo holds, on top of the fabrication and installation of its
mooring bitt. Almost 200 metres in length and weighing in at
27,011 tonnes, she belongs to V.Ships Switzerland SA.
Hailing from New Zealand, the Tradex Pacific Ltd owned cargo
vessel was drydocked for several major works such as the
ultrasonic cleaning of her keel cooling system, overhauling of
her main and auxiliary engines and 70 tonnes of steel renewals
among others.
Subic Shipyard
Prince of Nature
Japanese Prince of Nature of MK Ship Management Co Ltd,
drydocked at Subic for hull grit blasting/painting, cargo hold
maintenance and main engine works.
Another Japanese vessel, OGISHIMA came in on the same day
as the Prince. The Hachiuma Steamship Co. Ltd owned bulk
carrier drydocked for various renewal and maintenance works,
on top of installing a water ingress alarm system. She has a length
of 289 metres and weighs 87,383 tonnes.
OffshoreMarine, July/August 2005, Page 27, Meritorious
Partner in National Defence In the article and photo
caption, it was incorrectly identify that Daniel Chang,
Senior GM (Operations), received the award from
Mr Teo Chee Hean, Minister for Defence. It was Mr Ng
Eng Hen, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister
for Defence who presented the award. We apologise for
the error.
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Bill Kee, President
Keppel FELS Brasil S/A
Rua da Assembeia, 10 2002
20011-000 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Tel: 55 21 2102 9400
Fax: 55 21 2224 2248
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Tay Kim Hock, President & CEO
Keppel FELS Baltech Ltd
54 Debar Street, Varna 9000, Bulgaria
Tel: 359 52 684 250/1
Fax: 359 52 684 252 (Admin)
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Lyudmil Stoev, General Manager
Keppel Nantong Shipyard
No. 9 Yan Jiang Road
Nantong City, Jiangsu Province
P.R.China 226005
Tel: 86 513 560 3070
Fax: 86 513 5601936
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Lee Tai Kwee, President
Keppel Seghers Engineering & Construction (China)
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Branch Office
6th Floor, Chiwan Petroleum Building
Chiwan Road No. 3
P.R. China 518068
Tel: 86 755 26851902, 86 755 26851959,
65 68637215 (Singapore Contact)
Fax: 86 755 26851670
Email (China): [email protected]
Email (Singapore): [email protected]
Contact Person: Ho Jong Heng, General Manager
Keppel FELS Offshore and Engineering Services
Mumbai Pvt Ltd
Unit Number 3, 8th Floor, Prism Tower-A
Mindspace, Link Road, Goregaon (West)
Mumbai 400 062, India
Tel: 91-22 50018888
Fax: 91-22 50018898
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Joseph Mathew, Engineering Manager
Keppel Kazakhstan LLP
SEZ Seaport Aktau
Aktau 130000, Mangistau Oblast
Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel: +7 3292 571 100
HP: +7 300 528 4885
Fax: +7 3292 571 110
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Yick Ping Wong, President
Keppel Verolme BV
Prof. Gerbrandyweg 25, 3199 KK Rotterdam-Botlek
Harbour no. 4550, P O Box 1001, 3180 AA Rozenburg
The Netherlands
Tel: 31 181 234300
Fax: 31 181 234346
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Harold W.M. Linssen, Managing Director
Offshore & Marine A/S
Strandgaten 147, P O Box 425
4304 Sandnes, Norway
Tel: +47 5160 2500
Fax: +47 5160 2510
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Odd Skjaerseth, Managing Director
Keppel Philippines Marine Inc
Unit 3-B Country Space 1 Building
Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Salcedo Village
Makati City 1200, Philippines
Tel: 63 2 892 1816