Research Paper - English: Vol. 1, Issue II / March 2011
Research Paper - English: Vol. 1, Issue II / March 2011
Research Paper - English: Vol. 1, Issue II / March 2011
Research Paper - English
Assistant Librarian
Gulbarga University,P.G.Centre,Raichur
organizational design and structure that
allows it to establish an identifiable domain
and exercise appropriate influence over its
members. It is based on communications
technology. There is a stress on
Collaboration in the above definitions.
Networks are IT driven, with a well defined
administrative structure, and get goals.
The developments in information
technology have made it possible for
libraries to network. But today library
networks are must because of:
Increasing amount of information is in
electronic form
Information is stored in print, film,
magnetic and optical storage media. The
information produced in the year 2002 was
distributed in these various media as under:
Media Percentage of information stored
Hard disks 92% Films 7% Paper 0.01%
Optical Media 0.002%
Bibliographic access to information is also
in electronic form
Access to information is provided
through databases produced online and
offline which require libraries to be
The existence of Internet is a major
factor that has changed the way information
is produced, published, stored, transmitted
and used. This requires libraries to be
networked for accessing their information.
Timely access to information
It is difficult for an individual to lay
hands on his specific information in the
large mass of information available.
Computer helps to process and easily access
Indian Streams Research Journal