Microsoft Word - 20080820 Overview of Vibro Compaction and Dynamic Compaction - 3

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Nathan Narendranathan, Bandula Samarasinghe, Sukumar Suntharalingham, Yap Teong
Aun@Kannan, Ramu Andy
Corresponding author: [email protected]
This paper presents an overview of Vibro Compaction and Dynamic compaction techniques,
their applications and limitations. The techniques covered will be Vibroflotation, Dynamic
Compaction by drop weights and the more recent advances in traditional dynamic compaction
by High Impact Energy Dynamic Compaction(HIEDYC) and the Rapid Impact
Compaction(RIC) methods. Areas of applications, limitations, advantages, how different
methods can be combined for best advantage will be highlighted.


It is common in many countries to develop infrastructure works on marginal (soft or loose soils)
or reclaimed areas due to shortage of land for development. Typical infrastructure works
range from housing developments, industrial estates, container port terminals, airports, oil
terminals and tank farms, pipe lines, roads and similar facilities. In addition seismicity
conditions will also pose a threat to the integrity of infrastructure by disturbing the soil.
In developing infra structure facilities on marginal land the cost of foundations or land
development can be prohibitive. Ground treatment may be required for a variety of reasons
such as;

Reduce settlements and differential settlements

Increase bearing capacity on loose or soft soils
Reduce the potential for liquefaction in areas subject to earthquake
Enable more economical foundations to be designed on strengthened ground
Enable more economical pavements to be designed on strengthened ground

Vibro compaction and Dynamic Compaction are some ground treatment methods commonly
employed for ground treatment of loose soils or soft clays. These methods can be called
Mechanical Methods, since mechanical energy is used to compact the ground. Variations
occur when these methods are modified by combining with other methods or done in
conjunction with introduction of other materials such as stones or concrete into the ground.
It should be noted that Vibro Compaction techniques are Bottom Up, while Dynamic
Compaction techniques are Top down. Hence Vibro Compaction methods are not depth
limited compared to Dynamic Compaction methods




In Vibro compaction vibration energy is used to compact the soil. Vibrating pokers commonly
called Vibroflots are inserted into the ground to be treated.
Vibroflots comprise of an eccentrically mounted weight which when rotated by the attached
hydraulic motor creates a horizontal vibratory action. The weight is housed in the bottom
section of the vibroflot, encased in heavy duty steel casing. An isolator separates the assembly
from the upper section of the Vibroflot to prevent vibration propagating up the poker. The
vibratory action of the vibroflot acts to displace and compact surrounding soils into a denser
condition, thus providing significant improvements in their geotechnical properties.
Vertical fins attached to the body of the Vibroflot prevent the vibroflot rotating during
penetration. The vibroflot is inserted into the ground under the action of its own mass, vibration
assited by water or air jetting. Sometimes the Vibroflot is mounted on a mast to provide the
pull down facility. The water jet or air flush system is usually integrated into the nose cone of
the Vibroflot to assist with penetration and compaction.

Figure 1 ; Scematic and photo of typical Vibroflot

On reaching the required design depth water jetting from the nose cone is reduced, and the
vibroflot is slowly extracted with pauses at regular intervals to ensure satisfactory levels of
compaction are achieved at each depth. Additional side water jets are often utilised to assist
with compaction and to encourage further erosion of the soils around the bore.
The vibroflot is gradually withdrawn back to the surface where a zone of compacted ground is
formed around the insertion point. Additional sand recovered from the site may also be added
at the top of the hole to fill the cone of depression that is formed. The rate of extraction is
varied to suit the conditions encountered on site and to ensure that the correct amount of
densification is achieved for each project.

Vibro compaction can be used for stabilising granular soils such as loose sands, gravels and
some hydraulic fills. In general fines content of less than 10% is the ideal soil for good
response to Vibrocompaction, though case histories have been reported in sand with upto 25%

Vibro Stone Columns(VSC)

Vibro Stone Columns (VSCs) method is also called Vibro Replacement since some of the
natural sub soils are replaced with stones. This method can be used in soils where
Vibroflotation would not work efficiently. Hence higher fines content sand, clays etc can be
treated by the VSC method. The method is similar to the Vibroflotation in operation except that
stones are introduced into the process. The stones could be introduced from the top (top feed
method) or from the bottom (bottom feed method)
Dry Top Feed Method
In the simplest stone column installation technique - the dry top feed method - the vibroflot
penetrates the weak soil or fill by its own mass, the vibratory action of the poker and air flush in
order to form a bore hole. Once refusal or design depth is reached the flot is removed and
stone fill is introduced into the bore, the 'charge' is typically 500-800mm deep. The flot is reinserted and 'packs' the stone into the surrounding strata - successive charges of stone are
added and compacted bringing the column up to working level. Typically the stone grading is
Dry Bottom Feed Method
Alternatively, in weaker soils or situations where there is a high water table and the bore hole
is liable to collapse between flot insertions, the dry bottom feed method is required. The flot
again penetrates by mass, air flush and vibrations, but at design depth the stone is introduced
via a hopper into a stone pipe fixed to the side of the vibroflot. The stone, usually of 40m
size, exits the pipe at the tip of the vibroflot and into the bottom of the bore hole. As with the
'top feed' method the stone is then compacted into the surrounding soil by repeated withdrawal
and insertion of the poker.
Wet Bottom Feed Method
Water jetting from the tip of the vibroflot is used in order to maintain an open hole where fines
and silts are present before successive stone 'charges' are introduced and packed. This
process results in larger diameter stone columns with enhanced settlement control
In general the top feed method is cheaper, and also can create larger stone columns.

Figure 2a Top Feed stone column

Figure 2b Bottom feed stone column




Traditional Deep Dynamic Compaction (DDC)

The Dynamic Compaction technique involves using a crane to drop weights of between 5 to 20
tons, from heights of up to 20m. The technique is best suited to large, open sites where few
obstructions are present.
Depending on the weight used and the drop height the depth of treatment could vary from 8m
to 20m in sands. The number of drops, weights used and the height of the drops depend on
the required post treatment bearing capacity, settlement performance and soil
conditions. Between two and five passes are generally required with the first or earlier high
energy treatment passes aimed at treating the deeper soil layer and a final low-energy
contiguous tamping pass to compact the shallow near-surface soils disturbed during the earlier
higher energy treatment passes. DDC is commonly used in reclaimed areas, land fill
rehabilitation to provide a strong ground with less susceptibility for settlement or differential
The authors experience has shown that DDC can be used in Clays in combination with
prefabricated Vertical Drains or Jute drains that can withstand the impact of the drop weight.

Figure 3 Deep Dynamic compaction


Rapid Impact Compaction(RIC)

Dynamic soil-compaction methods have historically involved the use of tall cranes and freefalling weights, imposing limitations on the types of sites that can be treated. The Rapid Impact
Compaction(RIC) is an economical technique developed for treating fills and natural sub soils
from 3-8 metres depth, depending on the hammer weight.

The RIC unit is generally fitted to tracked base excavator of 35tonne to 70 tonne weight which
provides the dual benefit of allowing improved mobility and site accessibility. Having the RIC
mounted on a tracked machine gives it the versatility to move about in narrow and limited
height spaces, such as within existing warehouses and urban area lots. Also being mounted
on a tracked excavator, transport to site is easier.
Dynamic energy is imparted by a falling drop weight dropping from a controlled height onto a
foot plate of 1m sq or 1.5m sq. or circular plate. . The RIC impacts the soil at a rate of 40-60
blows per minute using a 5, 7, 9 or 12 Tonne drop weight. The drop height varies from 1m to
2m. Since the dropping is controlled by the hydraulics RIC is some times called Controlled
Dynamic Compaction. Energy is transferred to the ground safely and efficiently as the RIC's
foot remains in contact with the ground. No flying debris is ejected.
Compaction parameters - Energy, Blow Counts and Soil Penetration are automatically
controlled and monitored from the RIC's cab with an on-board data acquisition system. The
Rapid Impact Compactor employs an on-board computer to control impact set termination
criteria, and to record critical data. Acquired data at each impact point include: total energy
input, total penetration, and penetration of final set. Noise levels have been measured of the
order of 88 dB at 6m.
At 30m the peak particle velocities have been measured to vary from 1.2 to 5mm/sec.
Vibrations will vary with material type, and will increase as the degree of compaction achieved
increases. Results to date indicate that without site specific testing, a safe working distance to
structures can be on the order of 6m.
Blows at each treatment position create imprints, which are subsequently filled with granular
material. The pattern is then repeated at offset locations in order to provide treatments depths
of around 3m. The technique can usually be employed within 10-15m of sound structures.
Spacing of blows could vary from 2m to 4m
RIC can be mixed with Dynamic Compaction on larger sites where nearby structures exist on
the boundary of the site, thus increasing the area which can be treated by compaction
RIC can be used in shallow granular fills containing contaminants where penetrative ground
improvement techniques such as vibro stone columns would risk exposing contaminants to the
atmosphere. RIC can also be employed on sites where made ground contains coal waste
deposits which are potentially susceptible to spontaneous combustion (vibro stone columns
are precluded due to the risk posed by friction generated by the vibroflot equipment in the

Figure 4 - RIC in progress for ground treatment(courtesy BSP foundations)


High Impact Energy Dynamic Compaction(HIEDYC)

HIEDYC ground treatment imparts vertical energy into the ground to depths ranging from 2m
to 5m. In view of the near vertical energy input, the spread of energy along the ground surface
as surface waves in minimised. It is the surface waves that generally cause the vibration to be
transmitted along the ground to adjacent structures. In conventional compaction, especially
with the use of vibrating rollers, considerable energy is transmitted as surface energy. This
surface energy is normally confined to the top 300mm of the soil under compaction and hence
deep compaction is not possible with conventional static or vibratory rollers with a round drum.
In conventional Deep Dynamic Compaction using large drop weights of 10 to 15 tonne
weights, the upper 1 to 3m of the fill is disturbed and is not compacted. The upper 1 to 3m
layer will then require separate compaction operation making the time and cost involved for an
approach using
Conventional dynamic compaction is relatively expensive and slow. Furthermore conventional
Dynamic Compaction also causes severe vibration due to large amount of surface energy
dissipated during the dynamic impact of the large flat steel drop hammer. With the use of
HIEDYC ground treatment process, the levels of vibration are relatively low and the use of
HIEDYC ground treatment is suitable close to existing structures. HIEDYC has been used
within 3m of existing structures.
HIEDYC ground treatment relies upon a towed non-circular module of 3, 4 or 5 sides that
compacts as it rotates around a corner and falls to impact onto the ground. See figure 5
showing the 3 sided(HIEDYC 3) module at work compacting loose silts.
HIEDYC ground treatment has found application on loose soils for sub divisions, road
subgrades, airport subgrades, land fills, sand and dredged fill, gravels and crushed rock, mine
haul roads and waste materials of various types including refuse, industrial waste and building
rubble. Significant density and strength improvement is usually obtained to 2m-5m (or more)
in sands and waste materials and is far more than any conventional static or vibratory roller.
Improvement upto 9m depth has been reported.

Figure 5 - HIEDYC ground treatment for airport

The HIEDYC ground treatment creates a uniform density gradient across a site, developing a
uniform soil raft that has a thickness of 2 to 5m depending on the degree of ground treatment
and the type of soil. This can be used for re designing of stronger shallow foundations or
HIEDYC has been deployed for land development near existing buildings housing vibration
sensitive computer controlled equipment, housing developments next to existing houses, and
existing Industrial buildings. In addition work for container ports and marine oil terminals were
all undertaken near existing operating facilities. In all instances excessive vibration was not
encountered. This is primarily because the HIEDYC compactor drums are configured to input
energy in a vertical direction minimising the surface waves that normally cause excessive
vibration near adjacent structures.
Vibration is normally less than 9mm/second (peak particle velocity) at a distance of 6 to 10m.
At distances of more than 20m the vibrations are less than 3mm/s peak particle velocity.
Noise generated by the equipment is similar to noise generated by construction equipment
such as wheel loaders or dozers on construction sites and is less than 70Db at 10m away.
The high productivity of the HIEDYC equipment enables very fast and relatively low cost
ground treatment compared to DDC or RIC methods.
HIEDYC treatment is possible for land fills, sands, silts and clays. However in very soft
saturated clays it is not effective unless combined with prefabricated vertical drains. This
scheme has been adopted in tailing ponds and airports by the authors.
The authors experience is that both DDC and HIEDYC in combination with PVD can be useful
for deployment in soft clays.


In carrying out ground treatment works it is essential for adequate technical control of the work.
Normally additional site investigations will be carried out. These investigations will comprise of
boreholes (if necessary) or other testing such as Dutch Cone tests, Pressurementer tests etc.
Seismic investigations or other geophysical techniques such as resistivity, Ground penetrating
radar etc are also carried out when appropriate, to rapidly assess the sub soil conditions. The
non invasive investigation techniques are useful to
Indicate the depth of uncontrolled fill placed
Depth of hard layers
Presence of any trapped slime/soft soil lenses which can then be removed by
excavation and replaced with fill.
Assessment of compaction achieved in random fills is typically more difficult to test (and hence
quantify). In such situations the settlement of the ground can be monitored. However authors
have successfully used seismic velocity measurements for assessing ground treatment.

After the ground treatment works post improvement validation tests are carried out.
In general this consists of one or more of the following;
Plate Bearing tests
Penetrometer tests Dutch Cone, Perth sand or Dynamic Cone
Seismic surveys
Pressure meter tests

Seismic wave velocity measurements are useful for assessing and optimizing ground
treatment works when conducted by experienced personnel. Figure 6 below shows an
example of seismic shear wave and compression wave velocity measurements during
HIEDYC ground treatment.

Figure 6 - Example of seismic velocity measurement during HIEDYC ground treatment

The post improvement investigations will provide an assessment of the level of improvement
achieved. Generally the target improvement performance is pre-agreed with the client and
their consultants. In addition vibration monitoring is done to ensure that the vibration levels
during the HIEDYC ground treatment is within acceptable limits.
It is very important that the post improvement parameter be agreed prior to commencement of
the ground treatment to avoid disputes. In this respects it should be noted that many of the
test and empirical correlations have been established for specific soil types and the limitations
should be understood by all parties. If necessary site specific correlations should be
established and agreed.


The basic concepts behind Vibro Compaction and Dynamic Compaction have been presented.
In addition, traditional drop weight deep Dynamic Compaction as well as recent advances in
Dynamic compaction have been presented. The two recent Dynamic Compaction methods
presented are the RIC and HIEDYC. It should be noted that the methods could be mixed too.
For example Vibroflotation could be done with HIEDYC whereby Vibroflotation can densify the
deeper layers leaving the upper 2m to 4m to be treated by the more productive and cheaper
HIEDYC method. DDC method can be combined with RIC or HIEDYC whereby DDC will
improve the deeper layer and RIC or HIEDYC will improve the upper layers. HIEDYC has
been used in soft clays in combination with PVD drains with satisfactory results.

Table 1 Summary of Vibro and Dynamic ground treatment techniques






From 250m to
300m per flot per
day, spacing
varies from 2m to
4.5m depending
on the type of flot
From 250m to
300m per flot per
day, spacing
varies from 3m to
5m depending on
the type of flot
used, soil type
and lods,
diameters vary
from 600mm to



fast, in-situ densification of

loose sands to depths of up to
30 metres, economical and
sustainable, significantly
reduces the threat
of liquefaction in the event
of seismic shock ,
bearing capacities of pressures
of between 100- 200kN/m2
typically achievable settlement
reduced accelerates the
dissipation of excess pore
water induced by the loads,
economical alternative to pile
foundations for a vast array of
sectors and applications,
included housing, road, rail,
ports, commercial, retail,
industrial, education, medical,
wind farms, utilities, leisure
and military projects
Suitable, for use on
contaminated or obstructed
sites. Levels can often be
reduced by up to 10% of the
depth of fill being treated
extremely economical and can
be used for large sites, has
been used up to 20m depths

Generally sands with

less than 10% fines,
The upper 2m to 3m
may not be very dense
and may require other

Not suitable within 50m

or even 100m of
settlement sensitive
structures and in urban
built up areas, top 2m
to 3m may not be as
compact as deeper
layers, cant be done

50sq.m to
100sq.m per

Fast and economical, higher

productivity, safer compared to

Not suitable within 6m

of structures,
improvement not
reported beyond 10m,
not suitable for soft
clays, cant be done
under water
Needs larger sites
since HIEDYC moves
at speed (generally site
has to be 25m wide by
100m long minimum),
improvement not
reported beyond 9m

500sq.m to
800sq.m pr

Not a very long history

of application for
deep(>20m) soft clays,
creep effects not fully
studied yet in clays,
wet method will
produce slurry run off,
dry method is more
expensive and slower
but does not produce

Extremely effective for
sand compaction tank
farms, ports and
marine structures, can
go upto 30m, can be
done in marine
Can be used in
granular soils, mixed
fills, and cohesive
soils; housing, road,
rail, ports, air filed
commercial, retail,
industrial, education,
landfill s, medical, wind
farms, utilities, can be
done in marine

used for redevelopment of old

domestic landfill
sites, to collapse
existing voids and
accelerate the longterm settlement
between piled
structures and the
surrounding hard
standing areas
Can be used for a
variety of infra
structure, can be used
to complement
Vibroflotation and DDC

Lowest cost per square meter,

2,000sq.m to
Used for civil
5,000sq.m per
infrastructure, oil
highest productivity compared
to all other techniques, ability
tanks, pipelines,
pavements, mine haul
to work within 3m of existing
developments, useful for both
roads and dumps, rock
foundation and pavement
crushing, can be used
subgrade stabilisation, broad
to complement
Vibroflotation and
application potential and
flexibility to complement DDC
DDC, can be used in
and VF methods.
clays with PVD.
VF Vibroflotation; VSC Vibro stone columns; DDC Deep Dynamic Compaction; RIC rapid Impact
Compaction; HIEDYC High Impact energy Dynamic compaction; PVD Prefabricated Vertical Drain

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