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Relative Effect of Two Forms of Pedagogy On Secondary School Students Performance in Ecology Concepts in Rivers State

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International Journal of Education and Research

Vol. 2 No. 10 October 2014

Relative Effect of Two Forms of Pedagogy on Secondary School

Students Performance in Ecology Concepts in Rivers State

B, J Obomanu, Nwanekzie A, U, Ekineh Dorathy, R

Department of curriculum Studies
University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
University of Port Harcourt Demonstration Secondary School (udss), Nigeria
Corresponding author, e-mail:[email protected]

This paper investigates the effectiveness of forms of pedagogy on secondary school students
performance in ecology in Rivers State. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design in four
secondary schools and considered a sample size of 240 senior secondary two students. In each
sampled schools, one class was randomly assigned the experimental group (Collaborative) while the
other the control group (guided inquiry). The result of the pre-test and post-test were analysed using
mean, standard deviation and z-test. Hypotheses were tested at P<0.05. Result obtained showed
that students in collaborative group performed significantly better than those in guided inquiry
group. Resulting from these, the study recommended that collaborative teaching strategy be adopted
at the secondary school level of education.
Keywords: Collaborative strategy, Guided inquiry strategy,
Ecology concepts and performance.
Many issues confront the Nigerian educational system, but the most
identified one according to Okonkwo (2004) is the level of performance in the
sciences among students in both internal and external examinations. Bojuwaye
(2006) reported that poor performance in science and its effects on the
economy of the country has been the major concern of various science
educators and other stakeholders in the education industry. The West African
Examination Council (WAEC), Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN),
the Federal Ministry of Education and the different State Governments had to
set up committees one time or the other to identify the reasons for the poor
performance of students in Science, Bojuwaye, (2006). Some reasons behind
the poor performance of students in science according to Salau (2005) have
been low quality of science teachers produced by our tertiary institutions,
negative attitude of students towards science subjects and others.
Biology specifically is seen as a core subject offered by virtually all science
students. It is a subject that deals with all living things, their existence and

ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online)


their relationships.
Infact a foundation for medical, biological and even
environmental science. However, students perceive this subject as relatively
easy amongst other science. Unfortunately, the contrary has always being the
case because in very many instances students record very low performance in
this subject as indicated by West African Examination Council (WA+EC) annual
report of 2011 on students performance between the years 2000 and 2010
(See Table 1 below)
Table 1: Performance of candidates in SSCE Biology 2000 2010 in
Rivers State


No. of students


No. pass at credit

level and above in
Grades 1 6

% pass at credit level

and above in Grade 16

Source: Annual Report for Each Year (2011).

The Table above shows the performance of candidates in SSCE Biology from
2000 2010, with slight improvement in the percentage of credit pass which
stood at 54 percent in 2002. And so, according to Soyibo (2002), students
perceived impression that biology is an easy subject appears to be one main
factor responsible for the abysmal performance noticed.
In another vein, Odubunmi and Balogun (2001) found that some
students perceived topics in plant and animal diversity as easily understood
when taught while topics in ecology and genetics were perceived as difficult.
Ecology is a branch of biology that deals with general ecological principles,
including energy flow in an ecosystem, ecological succession, biomes and
others. The poor performance in Biology as observed over the years according
to Odubumi and Balogun (1991) have been as a result of students lack of
understanding of different concepts in ecology, genetics and poor teaching
methods employed by the teachers Qutub and Musa (1973) had reported that
understanding ecological concepts has enormous advantages on the students
in addition to increase Biology performance. The students will have knowledge
about the global ecological and environmental problems associated with mans
impact on the biosphere (past, present and future) relative to mans role as
steward of Gods creation.
Majority of studies carried out by researchers indicates that collaborative
learning is often efficient than learning alone. It affords students enormous
advantages not available from traditional instruction because a group whether

International Journal of Education and Research

Vol. 2 No. 10 October 2014

it is the whole class or a learning group within the class can accomplish
meaningful learning and solve problems better than an individual, Crook
(1994). Collaboration means individuals working together for a purpose or to
accomplish shared goals.
Specifically, collaborative teaching learning strategy refers to any
instructional method in which students work together in groups for the purpose
of achieving a common academic goal. Although, its learning activities may
vary widely, it has focus on students joint exploration or application of the
course materials and therefore learning becomes a shift away from the typical
teacher centre or lecture centered milieu in many secondary school
classrooms. One reason for this shift was to move away from the mentalist
conceptions of learning to perspective that emphasizes activity and practice.
Many collaborative teachers have expressed surprise when seemingly less able
students had insights that went beyond what teachers expected. Further, if
each student contributes something, the pool of collaborative knowledge will
indeed be rich. Data from Johnson and Johnson, (1989) suggested that highachieving students gain much from the exposure to diverse experiences and
also from peer tutoring. Also students who may be high achieving in one area
may need help in the other area. Teachers facilitate collaborative learning by
creating learning tasks that encourage diversity, but which aim at high
standards of performance for all students. These tasks involve students in high
level thought such as decision making and problem solving that is best
accomplished in collaboration, Tinzman et al, (1990).
Science educators have in modern times emphasized the use of guided
inquiry method in science teaching and learning. The method has been well
identified above others to provide meaningful learning for the students in
heuristic teaching, activity and problem solving which are the major
ingredients of modern science. Maxwell (2005) observed that inquiry method
builds the students self-concept, develop talents, avoid learning only at the
verbal level, permits time for students to assimilate and accommodate
Children involved in inquiry experiences learn to think
autonomously, having had many successful experiences in using their
investigative talents; they learn Forley (2005).
The term guided inquiry is used when there is considerable structure and
indicates that there is little guidance provided by the instructor, much of the
planning outlined by the teacher to students do not originate the problem,
considerable guidance on how to set up and record the data is provided.
Aim of Study
The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of collaborative
and guided inquiry teaching strategies on the performance of students in
Biology. Specifically, the objective of the study is to: examine the extent to
which the collaborative strategy enhances students performance in Biology in
ecology concepts compared to guided inquiry method.

ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online)


There are number of important reasons why collaborative teaching and
learning strategy should be implemented:
The collaborative strategy promotes the principles of inclusion. Cook
(2004) eloquently stated that: as a result, collaborative strategy shares
many benefits with other strategies, including a reduction in stigma for
students with special needs, an increased understanding and respect for
students with special needs on the part of other students, and the
development of a sense of heterogeneously-based classroom community.
Collaborative strategy provides a number of benefits for students,
including greater access to the general education curriculum for those
with special needs and the support of two highly qualified teachers for
all students.
Having student-teacher interaction allows for greater opportunity for
differentiating and enhancing the curriculum, as well as attending to
students need. Educators must pull together by sharing their work
through collaborative processes, Friend and Pope (2005).
Conceptual Framework
Collaborative concept states that learners should constantly be
challenged with tasks that refer to skills and knowledge just beyond their
current level of mastery. This will capture their motivation and build on
previous successes in order to enhance the confidence of the learner.
In order to fully engage and challenge the learner, the task and the
learning environment should reflect the complexity of the environment that the
learner should be able to function in or at the end of the learning process. The
collaborative concept points out that emotions and life contexts of those
involved in the learning process must therefore be considered as an integral
part of learning. Savery, (1994) contends that the more structured the
learning environment, the harder it is for the learners to construct meaning
based on their conceptual understanding. A facilitator should structure the
learning experience just enough to make sure that the students get clear
guidance and parameters within which to achieve the learning objectives, yet
learning environment should be open and free enough to allow the learners to
discover, enjoy, interact and arrive at their own. It is therefore important that
teachers constantly assess the knowledge their students have gained to make
sure that the students perception of the new knowledge are what the teacher
had intended. Teachers will find that since the students build upon already
existing knowledge, when they are called upon to retrieve the new information,
they may make errors. It is known as reconstruction error when we fill in the
gaps of our understanding with logical, through incorrect thoughts. Teachers
need to catch and try to correct these errors, though it is inevitable that some
reconstruction error will continue to occur because of our innate retrieval
limitations. Currently, the practice of collaborative is only advocated by science

International Journal of Education and Research

Vol. 2 No. 10 October 2014

educators. Renner and Stafford, (1972) have said that scientific literacy deals
with understanding (knowledge) ones environment, the process of inquiry by
which understanding of the environment is gained and the spirit of science.
The teacher could engage the students in active dialogue. The students
continually build upon what they have already learned. Good methods for
structuring knowledge should results in simplifying, generating new
propositions, and increasing the manipulation of information.
Theoretical Framework
The theory of collaborative strategy is generally attributed to Vygotsky
(1978), a developmental theorist and a researcher who has influenced some of
the current research on collaboration among students and teachers and on the
role of cultural learning and schooling. His principal premise is that human
beings are products not only of Biology but also of their human cultures.
According to him, intellectual functioning is the product of our social history
and language is the key mode by which we learn our verbal thinking and
regulates our actions.
A number of research in recent years have demonstrated high degree of
learning possible when students can collaborate in learning tasks and when
they use their own knowledge as foundation for school learning. Palinesar,
(1989) noted that in contrast to effective adult-child interactions outside
school, classroom talk does not always encourage student to develop personal
control on a system. Thus a goal of this research was to find way to make
dialogue a major mode of interaction between teachers and students to
encourage self regulated learning. His classroom research revealed increase
self-regulation in classrooms where, subsequent to training, dialogue became a
natural activity. Within a joint dialogue, teachers modeled thinking strategies
effectively, apparently in part because students felt free to express
uncertainty, ask questions, and share their knowledge without fear of criticism.
In a number of classrooms, students freely discuss what they knew about
topics, thus revealing persistent misconceptions such revelations do not always
happen in lecture method classrooms Palinesar, (1988/ 1989). Furthermore,
teachers helped students change their misconceptions through continued
Collaborative theory maintains that teaching will be successful only when
teachers believe the underlying assumption that collaboration among teachers
and students construct meaning, solve problems and leads to higher quality
learning. Learners bring to classroom ideas that affect new information
received. What a learner learns therefore, results from interaction between
what is brought to the learning situation and what is experienced in it. The
collaborative theory hold that learning is an interpretative process as new
information is given meaning in terms of students prior knowledge Roth,
(1994). Emerging in true dialogue requires practice for both teachers and
students. However, the principles of collaborative dialogue and scaffolding for
purposes of self-regulated learning ought to be effective across many content

ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online)


areas. What may differ of course, are the critical specific strategies for
different subject areas. For example, defining problems seems critical in
mathematics, judging the reliability of resources appears important in social
studies, and seeking empirical evidence is essential in science Palinesar,
From a collaborative point of view, each learner actively constitutes and
reconstructs his or her understanding rather than receiving it from a more
authoritative source such as a teacher or textbook.
Use of small,
heterogeneous, collaborative groups in content area reading as observed by
Herber (1978) increases students involvement in learning. They are more
willing to take risks and to learn new strategies and ideas from their peers.
Teachers who use Hebers strategy reported that all students seemed to
benefit from collaborative work. They found in their work that it is critical,
however, to teach students to work in groups. When students select their own
topics they will learn more, than if teachers always assign topics Graves,
(1983). Both teachers and students engage in writing as a graft. Teachers
main functions are to facilitate, model and coach. Students dialogue or
interact with other students and teachers in conference as part of the
audience. This mode of interaction is collaboration among students and
teachers Graves, (1983). Collaboration promotes learning in that students
collaborate in small groups or as an entire classroom; they share prior
knowledge, set learning goals, monitor their progress, and share responsibility
for results Cohen, (1986).
Collaborative theory holds that, heterogeneous grouping may team student
from various socio-economic groups and students with varying experiential
background. Learning is an interpretive process as new information is given
meaning in terms of students prior knowledge Roth, (1994). As a
consequence, collaborative theory implies that learners must be given
opportunities to experience what they are to learn in a direct way and time to
think and make sense of what they are learning. Students apply higher order
thinking strategies which help them construct meaning from what they read
and help them monitor progress towards their goals Collins, (1989).
Curriculum and instruction have also changed as pointed out by Herber,
(1978). Instruction is much more collaborative and curriculum focuses more
on higher order thinking skills needed for success in school and in life.
Teachers tap students prior knowledge and help students learn how to learn
through collaborative problem solving and decision making Brandt and Mech
(1990). When students need information, they ask an expert classmate or
contact a community expert. Students develop their own tools to test how
well they have learned. The curriculum has also become more interdisciplinary
and builds on the multicultural resources in the teaching and learning
environment Meck, (2000).


International Journal of Education and Research

Vol. 2 No. 10 October 2014

Empirical Studies on Collaborative and guided Inquiry.

Atwood and Stevens (1978) examined the performance of students using
the collaborative learning and guided inquiry approaches and discovered a high
academic performance on the students taught with the collaborative based
strategy than the guided inquiry teaching strategy. The collaborative strategy
is a generalized programmatic approach derived from Piagets theory on
mental development especially the aspect of the theory of mental functioning.
The activity of collaborative strategy allows the students to recall experience
where none originally exist. Ezeife (1990) in his work stated that the new
experience puts the student in a state of disequilibrium because questions are
now raised which the students cannot give complete answer to.
Atwood and Stevens (1978) findings are supported by the studies of
Biology students carried out by Barnett (2004) in comparative studying of
inquiry teaching strategy of different groups of biology students. He found in
his work that there was a high level of performance between the students
level of intellectual development and their cognitive preference patterns of
responding which enhanced the students reasoning ability.
Dolmatz and Wong (2001) reported that students taught with the
collaborative teaching strategy which stresses the importance of the students
using their cognitive processes to work out the meaning of things, which also
involves investigation of phenomena, use of evidence to backup conclusion and
the designing of experiments, demonstrated high performance than the
students taught with the inquiry strategy.
Related studies on the relationship between the collaborative and the
inquiry teaching strategy and how it affects the performance of the students
also investigated by Jung Worth (1978), testing the evaluation of curriculum
implementation and Gershon (1978) in an attempt to evaluate the new Biology
project in which the collaborative indicated a positive response in the
collaborative teaching strategy. Barnett (2004) in the study of an investigation
of relationships among Biology student, perception of teacher style and
cognitive prestige also supported the findings of Gershon and Jurngworth
In a study about the social outcome for students in a collaborative classroom,
Vaughn,et al (1998) obtained a positive outcome. In his study, the sample
consisted 185 third six-grade students distributed between low achievement,
average achievement and high achievement. The participants were distributed
between two different settings: co-teaching setting and collaborative teaching
setting. According to the results the students on the collaborative teaching
setting demonstrated a more positive outcome than their peers on the coteaching setting.
Further it was demonstrated that there was an increase in the number of
reciprocal friendships formed Vaughn,et al (2008).
Klingner, J and Vaugh, S. (1999) conducted a study about which
program students prefer (inquiry or collaboration). In the study 32 students
were interviewed individually by the research using key questions accessing

ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online)


their perceptions, the result indicated more children prefer inquiry strategy but
many children confident that the collaborative strategy was more useful in
terms of the outcomes and social skill development Klingner, et al (1998).
In another study of students perception of collaboration, Vaughan et al
(1996) examined the students perception by interviews and surveys using a
sample of 442 students and found that students liked going to the resources
room because they thought work in the resources room was easy and fun and
because they received special help. Yet students also stated that they liked
the collaborative classroom because they were able to make friends Vaughn
and Klinger, (2001).
In a study by Larivee, (1985) a sample size of 118 teachers were used in
a collaborative classroom and concentration was paid to the students in their
various groups. Larrivee collected her data using four methods; observed the
classroom directly, the teachers records, self report from the teacher and
interviewed the teachers and the students. The 74 variables used in her study
were divided into seven categories. To collect the data she developed 14
instruments to assess all variable and reported that students in the
collaborative classroom demonstrated a greater level of achievement when the
teacher used the time efficiently, his or her relationship with the students was
good, gave the students positive feedback, made a high rate of success for
learning tasks and responded to all students positively.
The study sought to provide answers to the following research questions:
What is the relative effect of collaborative teaching strategy and
guided inquiry method on students performance in ecology concepts
Which of the two strategy (i.e. collaborative and guided inquiry) is the
most effective and facilitative?
The following null hypotheses were tested in this study:


There is no significant difference in the performance of students taught

ecology using the collaborative teaching strategy (CTS) and those taught
using Guided Inquiry Teaching Strategy (GIS)
The mean scores of students taught ecology concepts using collaborative
and guided inquiry do not differ significantly.

The design of the study was quasi-experimental involving one
experimental group (collaborative teaching strategy) (CTS) and one control
group (Guided Inquiry Strategy) (GIS). The population of this study was made
up of all Government Senior Secondary II students studying Biology in the Port
Harcourt, Obio/Akpor and Ikwerre Local Government Areas of Rivers State.
The estimated population of two thousand, four hundred (2,400) students were
selected from schools spread across the Local Governments of Obio/Akpor,
Port Harcourt and Ikwerre Local Government Areas of Rivers State. Simple

International Journal of Education and Research

Vol. 2 No. 10 October 2014

random sampling technique was adopted to get the sample size of 240
students which constituted 10% of the entire population. The study utilized
one major instrument named Biology Performance Test (BPT). The instrument
consist of Fifty Questionnaire (50) divided into three sections all in objective
The researcher validated the instrument using face and content validity
to ensure that the items reflected very well, the specific concepts needed to be
measured in this study. An estimate of reliability coefficient was found to be
0.98 using Pearsons product moment correlation statistics. Mean scores,
standard deviation, z-test analysis was used to test and analyze the research
questions and hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance.
Research Question 1: What is the relative effect of collaborative and guided
inquiry strategies on students performance in ecology concepts?
Table 2: Pre-test and Post-test mean scores and standard deviations of
the performance of experimental and control group on ecology concept
% Gain
x Post-test x SD
Guided inquiry (Control group)













Table 2 shows the mean and standard deviation scores of students taught
using guided inquiry strategy (control group) and those taught using
collaborative strategy (experimental group). The mean and standard deviation
for the collaborative group is 28.85 and 8.46 while that of the guided inquiry
(control group) is 26.23 and 6.39, respectively. As shown in Table 1, students
taught using collaborative strategy obtained a higher mean score than those
taught using guided inquiry method. This shows a marginal increase in the
mean score of collaborative strategy over the guided inquiry strategy.
Research Question 2: The summary of the result shown in Table 2 indicates
that students taught using the collaborative strategy (experimental group)
obtained a higher mean score than those taught using guided inquiry showing
that collaborative teaching strategy (CTS) is the most facilitative and most
Testing of Hypotheses
Hypothesis One (H01): there is no significant difference in the performance
of students taught ecology using the collaborative teaching strategy and those
taught using guided inquiry strategy.


ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online)


Table 3: Summary of z-test analysis of the performance of students in

experimental (collaborative) and Control Group (Guided inquiry)
Teaching Strategies
Decision at





Guided inquiry (control







N/B: * = Significant at p < 0.05

Table 3 shows the calculated z-value of 2.81 while the table -value is 1.96.
Since the z-calculated is greater than the table-value, the null hypothesis
stating no significant difference in the performance of students taught ecology
concepts using the collaborative strategy and those taught ecology concept
using guided inquiry strategy is rejected. This shows that students taught
ecology concepts using the collaborative teaching strategy performed
significantly better than those taught using guided inquiry strategy. The high
performance was concluded to be due to the teaching-learning method and
interaction that took place between the collaborative groups.
Hypothesis Two (H02): There is no significant difference in the most
facilitative and effective teaching method with respect to collaborative and
guided inquiry teaching method.
Table 4: Summary of z-test analysis of the performance of students in
experimental (collaborative) and Control Group (Guided inquiry)
Teaching Strategies
Decision at


Guided inquiry (control










N/B: * = Significant at p < 0.05

Table 4 shows a confirmatory analysis of table 3 indicating the calculated zvalue of 2.81 and the table -value is 1.96. Since the z-calculated is greater
than the table-value, the null hypothesis stating that the mean scores of
students taught ecology concept using collaborative and guided inquiry do not
differ significantly is rejected.
This shows that students taught ecology
concepts using the collaborative teaching strategy performed significantly
better than those taught the same concept using guided inquiry strategy.
Collaborative teaching strategy is therefore seen as being most facilitative and
Discussion of Results
In this study, collaborative and guided inquiry strategies were used in teaching
ecology concepts. A comparison made between the academic performances of
students in the two groups as shown in Table 2 indicates that the collaborative

International Journal of Education and Research

Vol. 2 No. 10 October 2014

strategy is superior to the guided inquiry teaching strategy as it gives room for
interaction, sharing views and ideas freely etc. This is in agreement with
Johnson and Johnson, (1989) data which suggested that high-achieving
students gain much from their exposure to diverse experiences and also from
peer tutoring. It helps students to take responsibility for their own learning as
they gain confidence in their ability to communicate and reason freely. The
guided inquiry teaching strategy cannot achieve this easily. The most
facilitative and effective strategy between these two strategies with respect to
the performance of students in ecology concepts is the collaborative strategy.
This agrees well with Tinzman et al,(1990) that collaborative teaching strategy
facilitates learning greatly if the teacher creates learning tasks that encourages
diversity aimed at high standards of performance to all students.
Based on the findings, the following conclusions were made:
i. The collaborative teaching strategy enhances the students performance in
ecology concepts.
ii. Collaborative teaching strategy was the most facilitative and effective
teaching strategy.
Teachers should employ the use of collaborative teaching strategy in the
classroom or school environment especially when teaching ecology
concepts. If this is done, learners will benefit immensely from this
Teachers should ensure that learners are actively involved during the
learning process. The teacher in this strategy is a behaviour modifier.

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