Evidence 2 - Lesson Plan 8 The Rock Cycle

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Lesson Plan 8 Rock Cycle

Day: Monday Date: 01/08/2016 Time: 11.15-12.15pm

Year: 8 Class: 08SC_9
Learning Area: Earth and Space Science
Topic: Rocks
Curriculum content description: (from ACARA)
Sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks contain minerals and are formed by processes that occur
within Earth over a variety of timescales (ACSSU153)

Students prior knowledge and experience:

(Outline what the students already know about this topic)
Investigated major geological events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and
tsunamis in Australia, the Asia region and throughout the world.
Recognise that earthquakes can cause tsunamis.
Can describe how people measure significant geological events.
Understand that scientific understanding can assist in natural disaster management
to minimise both long- and short-term effects.
Understand the effect of drought on living and non-living aspects of the environment.
Understand how the Earth was formed, the Earths structure as four layers.
Igneous rocks were the first rocks, rocks are made of minerals and crystal size and
shape depends on the mineral.
Second type of rock is a sedimentary rock. Understand how they are formed,
characterises and uses.
Third type of rock is metamorphic rock. Understand how they are formed,
characteristics and uses.

Learning purpose:

(May refer to the Elaborations of the curriculum content

description here)
To represent the stages in the formation of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary
rocks, including indications of timescales involved.
To identifying a range of common rock types using a key based on observable
physical and chemical properties.
To recognise that rocks are a collection of different minerals.
To consider the role of forces and energy in the formation of different types of rocks
and minerals.
To recognise that some rocks and minerals, such as ores, provide valuable resources

Learning objectives:


On completion of this lesson,

students will be able to:

(Explain how you will know that lesson

objective have been achieved / monitor
student learning)

(What will students know and be able to do

at the completion of the lesson specific,
concise and attainable objectives)
Understand that the Rock Cycle is a
model that is used by geologists to

Class Discussion
Rocking the Rock Cycle Game

explain the endless cycle of change

that rocks undergo.
Understand that there are three types
of rocks and that they do not always
stay the same after they are formed.
Understand that all rocks are part of
this cycle.

Preparation and Resources:

(Detail what resources will be used and what other preparation of the learning environment
will be required)
Metamorphic Rocks Worksheet
The Rock Cycle PPT
Rocking the Rock Cycle Game 15 sets of dice, Rock Cycle Printout, Rock Cycle
Station: Igneous, Rock Cycle Station: Metamorphic, Rock Cycle Station: Sedimentary,
Rock Cycle Station: Magma, Rock Cycle Station: Sediment and Rock Cycle Game

Catering for diversity

(detail any adjustments considerations for

educational/resource adjustments)




Learning Experiences:
Introduction: (How will I engage the learners?)
Gain attention: ask for attention, look around the class
Sequence of learning experiences: (What will you do to help the students
achieve the learning objectives? What tasks and activities will the students be
involved in to help achieve the learning objectives?)
1. Revision - PPT
Previous lessons talked about:
Rocks are composed of minerals mixed together to form lumps. Most rocks have
several minerals in them.
Rocks are grouped according to the way they are formed.
Three groups:
Igneous Rock
What are Igneous rocks? Rocks made from magma or lava.
How are they formed? Formed when hot liquid rock from below the crust cools
and becomes solid.

What are the two ways this can happen?

1. Intrusive or Putonic
Hot liquid rock (magma) cools in the ground
Eg. granite and dolerite
Magma cools slowly around other rocks.
Contain large crystals and crystals interlock.
2. Extrusive or Volcanic
Hot liquid rock reaches the surface of the Earth in a volcano, becomes lava, cools
at the surface
Eg. Basalt, pumice
Rocks often have spaces, that contain gas bubbles, trapped when the magma
cools quickly
Contain small crystals the minerals solidify very fast and dont have time to
grow into large crystals
Sedimentary Rocks
What are sedimentary rocks? Rocks made from sediments.
How are they formed? Sediments settle, then sediments get stuck together
(cemented) through pressure and because there are substances in the soil and
rock that act as natural cements.
What are the three types? Clastic, Chemical and Organic
How is Clastic formed? From pieces of weathered rock
How is Chemical formed? From minerals crystallising from solution
How is Organic formed? From dead animal or plant material



What are Metamorphic rocks? Changed igneous or sedimentary rocks
How are they formed? Great heat and pressure applied to igneous and
sedimentary rocks, altering the structure and appearance of the original rock.
The name for this rock comes from the Greek words Meta, meaning after or
changed and Morphe, meaning form.
2. Introduce The Rock Cycle - PPT continued.
Diagram of the rock cycle on white board.
What is the Rock Cycle?
What can you tell me about the Rock Cycle by looking at the picture?
Different types of rocks behave differently under different conditions. Heat,
pressure, erosion, etc. are some of the conditions that can be applied to rocks,
and depending on what they are, they will become different types of rocks
according to the Rock Cycle.
3. Game - Rock The Rock Cycle
In this activity, students will play the game pretending to be rocks
Students start at any one of the five stations, and depending on what they
experience (by rolling the dice) they may move to another station.



Students to work in teams of two.

Pass out copies of Rock Cycle Game Worksheet and have them answer
question 1.
Students in pairs need to decide their starting rock type.
Students will then move through the rock cycle. At each station, there will
be a copy of the Rock Cycle Printout and Rock Cycle Station. Students will
roll the dice, and according to the Rock Cycle Station sheet, they will
undergo a change (pressure, heat, hurricane, volcanic eruption) and will
move or stay depending on how their type of rock would respond. For
example, if one student is an igneous rock, and it undergoes weathering,
it will become sediment, and so that student would move to the Sediment
station and roll again.

Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the learning and relate it to the
lesson objectives?)
1. Get a couple or students to explain their journey through The
Rock Cycle
After several rounds, I will gather students back together and compare
what forms they underwent in the Rock Cycle Game!
Discussing the different transformations they went through explaining how
different rocks appear as they are.

Interesting fact: The Mars Rover Curiosity uses these transformations to

try to learn the history of the planet Mars. For example, if a metamorphic
rock is discovered in the surface, scientists know it got there because of
heat and pressure!

2. Remind students to bring their computers for next lesson

Lesson finishes
Extension activities:
1. Unit Review Questions 8.1 p285 Q1-10
2. Unit Review Questions 8.3 p302 Q1-11
3. Unit Review Questions 8.4 p309 Q1-11

Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)

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