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Italian Cooking Dictionary

abbacchiare vt (of olives &c) to beat down (from tree)

abbacchio nm roast suckling lamb
abbigliamento nm dress; - (in)formale (in)formal dress .
abboccato a (of wine) mellow; smooth
abbondante a (of crop) plentiful; (of weight &c) full
abbondanza nf abundance; glut
abbrustolimento nm (of nuts &c) roasting
abbrustolire vt (of bread) to toast; (of meat) to grill; (of nuts) to roast
abbuffata nf (of food quantity)blowout
abelmosco nm okra
abito nm (of clothing) suit; scuro (- da sera) formal dress; dinner-jacket; suits
abramide nf river fish: bream
abruzzese a (of region) of Abruzzi
acacia nf acacia
acagiia nm cashew
accanto a (of restaurant) local
accendino nm cigarette-lighter
accendisigari nm cigarette lighter
accenditoio nm taper
accesso vietato nm no entry
accessorio a additional af:ciaccato a (of fruit &c) bruised
acciaio nm steel; inossidabile stainless steel
acciuga nf anchovy;
pasta d d'acciughe anchovy paste
acciugata nf oil-cooked anchovy sauce
accogliente a (of host) welcoming
accogliere vt (of host) to receive; to welcome
accompagnamento nm (of dish) garnish; accompaniment
accompagnato a (of dish) with 11
acconto nm (of money) deposit
acerbita nf unripeness
acerbo a acerbic; (of fruit) unripe, green; (of wine) not ready
acero nm maple

acetiera nf vinegar bottle

aceto nm vinegar; pickle; ~ balsamico balsamic vinegar; - bianco white-wine vinegar; - di malto
malt vinegar; - rosso red-wine vinegar; - di vino wine vinegar
acetoliera nf cruet
acetosa nf sorrel
acetosita nf sourness;
acidity acetoso a sharp
acidita nf (of stomach) acidity acido nm acid; a acid; sharp; sour; (of fruit) tart; unsweet acino nm
aclorurato a salt-free
acqua nf water; - corrente running water; mains water; ~ distillata distilled water; - dolce
freshwater; - dura hard water; - gassata fizzy water; carbonated water; - di fonte (~ sorgiva)
spring water; - minerale mineral water; - naturale still water; - potabile drinking water; - di rose
rosewater; - del rubinetto tap-water; - salata salt(ed); ~ salmastra brine; - di Seltz Seltzer; -e
termali thermal water; - tonica tonic water
acquaio nm (of kitchen) sink
acquavite nf spirits; - di sidro marc, apple brandy, applejack
acquario nm aquarium
acquistare vt to buy; to purchase
acquisto nm buy; purchase
acquoso a watery; dilute; thin; runny
acre a sour; sharp
acredine nf sourness; sharpness
acuire vt (of appetite) to whet; to sharpen
aculeo nm (of cactus &c) prickle; (of animal) spine adagio adv (of cooking) slowly
addensamento nm (of sauce &c) thickening
addensare vt to thicken
addensatore nm thickener
addentare vt to get one's teeth into; to bite addiol nm goodbye!; adieu!; - a1
celibato stag party; - al nubilato hen party
additivo nm additive addizionale a additional
addobbo (all') a (of sauce) mush room-bechamel-ed
addolcimento nm sweetening
addolcire vt to sweeten
adulterare vt to adulterate
adulto nm adult affamato a hungry; starving
affettare vt (of meat) to cut; (of bread) to slice
affettato nm cold sliced meats; a sliced
affettatrice nf sliCer
affilacoltelli nm knife sharpener
affilare vt (of knife &c) to sharpen
affilato a (of knife &c) sharp
affilatoio nm (of knife &c) sharpener
affilatrice nf (of knife &c) sharpener
affilatura nf (of knife &c) sharpening

affogare vt (of egg &c) to poach

affogato a (of egg &c) poached
affumicare vt (of fish &c) to smoke; to kipper
affumicato a smoked; kippered; (of cheese/whisky &c) smoky;
aringa -a kipper affumicatura nf (of fish &c) smoking
africanello nm small chocolate cake
agar-agar nm agar-agar
agarico nm (of mushroom) agaric
agave nf agave
agente lievitante nm raising agent
aggiungere vt (of ingredient) to add
aggiunta nf addition aggiuntivo a additional
agitare vt to agitate; to shake agliaceo a garlic-smelling, alliaceous
aglianico nm dry red wine variety
agliata (all') a garlic-sauced
aglio nm garlic; spicchio d' clove of garlic; ~, olio e
peperoncino (all') garlic/oil/chili-dressed
agnello (-a) nm lamb agnolotti nmpl stuffed pasta squares; ravioli
ago nm sea fish: needlefish
agone nm freshwater fish: lake sardine; lake shad agostano a (of fruit) August
agosto nm August agricolo a agricultural
agricoltura nf agriculture agro a (of fruit &c) sharp; acid agrodolce a bitter-sweet; (of sauce)
agrume nm citrus fruit
aguglia nf sea fish: garfish; - ..: imperiale sea fish: spearfish
aguzzare vt (of knife) to sharpen aioli nmpl aioli; garlic mayonnaise
ala nf wing
alalonga nf sea fish: albacore; long-fin tunny
alambicco nm (of whisky &c) still
albacora (tonno alalonga) nf sea fish: albacore; long-fin tunny
albergatore nm hotelier ,albergo nm hotel
albero nm tree; - del pane breadfruit tree
albicocca nf apricot
alborella nf freshwater fish: bleak
albume nm albumen; egg-white alcali nmalkali
alce nm (of deer) elk; moose
alcelafo nm hartebeest
alchechengi nm strawberry tomato
alcol nm alcohol; - denaturato methylated spirits
alcolicita nm (of alcohol) proof
alcolico nm alcoholic drink; -ci spirits; a alcoholic
aleatico nm red wine variety
alfalfa nf alfalfa
alga marina nf seaweed
alice nf anchovy

alimentare vt to feed; a alimentary; dietary

alimentarista nm/nf grocer; dietician
alimentazione nf diet
alimento nm aliment; - per lattanti (- per hambini piccoli) baby-food all'aperto a alfresco; outdoors
allarme antincendio nm fire alarm
allattamento nm (of animal) suckling
allergia nf allergy
allergico a allergic
allevamento nm farm; farming, raising; - industriale factory farm; - di pesci fish farm
allevare vt (of animal) to raise; to rear
allevato a (of animals) reared; raised
alloggiare vt accommodate
alloggio nm accommodation
alloro nm (of tree) bay
allungare vt (of sauce &c) to dilute; to thin
allodola nf skylark
alosa nf sea fish: shad
alpestre nm alpine herb spirits; a alpine
alpino a alpine
altea nf marshmallow
alto a (of temperature &c) high alto mare a deep-sea
alveare nm beehive
alzata nf (of cake &c) stand
alzavola nf teal
amabilita nf (of alcohol) smoothness
amalgamare vt (of ingredients &c) to mix; to blend; to cream; to amalgamate; to assemble
amanita nf (of mushroom) amanita
amarasca nf morello
amarena nf bitter cherry; morello cherry
amaretto nm almond spirits; (of biscuit) macaroon
amaro nm bitters; a bitter; sour; (of orange) bigarade; (of coffee) unsweetened
amarognolo a bitter-tasting
amatriciana nf pork/wined/ tomato-ed/chili-ed/onion-ed garnished
ambra grigia nf ambergris
ambrato a (of wine) amber
ambrosia nf ambrosia " americano a (of coffee) filter coffee
amido nm starch
ammaccare vt (of fruit &c) to damage; to bruise ammaccato a (of fruit &c) damaged; bruised
ammaccatura nf (of fruit &c) blemish, imperfection
ammazzacaffe nm postprandial drink
ammazzatoio nm abattoir
ammettere vt (of entry) to admit
ammollicato a softened
ammorbidire vt (of butter &c) to soften; (of meat) to tenderize
ampolliera nf cruet

anacardio nm cashew
analcolico nm soft drink; a nonalcoholic
ananas nm pineapple; ananas
anatra (anitra) nf duck; - all'arancia duck a I'orange; - laccata (- pechinese) peking duck; ~
mandarina mandarin duck; - selvatica wild duck
anatroccolo nm duckling
anconetana (all') a of Ancona
ancora adv more
andare vi (of dining) to go out
andato a (of food) spoiled; ruined
anellini nmpl ring-shaped pasta; - rigati ringed ribbed pasta
anello nm ring
aneto nm dill
angelica nf angelica
angelo di mare nm angelfish, monkfish; capelli d'angelo angel-hair pasta
angolo nm angle; ~ del tovagliolo napkin; - cottura kitchenette; kitchen area
angostura nf angostura
anguilla nf eel
anguria nf water-melon
anice nm anise; aniseed; liquore all'- anisette; - stellato star anise
anicino nm aniseed biscuit; sugared aniseed
animale nm animal; - da allevamento farm animal; -i da cortile poultry
a,nimella nf sweetbread
anisetta nf anise liqueur, anisette
annata nf year; (of wine) vintage; (of crop) harvest; vino d'~ vintage wine
annerire vi (of fruit) to turn black; (of silver) to tarnish
anno nm year
annullamento nm (of reservation) cancellation
annullare vt (of reservation) to cancel
anolini nmpl ring-shaped filled pasta
anona nf custard apple
anoressante nm appetite suppressant
anteprandiale a anteprandial, before-meal
antiacido a antacid
antiaderente a non-stick
antialcolista nm/f teetotaller antilope
alcina nf eland; antelope
antincendio a fire-proof; porta -a fire-door; scala -a fire escape
antipasto nm starter, appetizer, hors d'oeuvre
ape nf bee
aperitivo nm (of drink) aperitif; (of food) appetizer; - duomo (of cocktail)
appagare vt to satisfy; (of thirst) to quench
apparecchiare vt (of table) to lay
apparecchio nm appliance

appena fatto a (of coffee &c) freshly brewed

appendiabiti nm clothes hanger
appetito nm appetite
appetitoso a appetizing; tasty; delicious; mouth-watering
apprezzare vt (of meal) to enjoy
apprezzato a (of meal) choice
apribottiglie nm bottle-opener
aprile nm April
aprire vt (of bottle &c) to open
apriscatole nm tin-opener; can-opener
aquario nm aquarium
aquila di mare nf sea fish: eagle ray
arac nm arak (arack); spirits usu of coconut or rice
arachide nf peanut; groundnut
aragosta nf lobster; crayfish; langouste; - all'armoricana lobster with tomatoes/bacon; - Newburg
lobster Newburg; brandy/sherry-sauced lobster; - Thermidor lobster Thermidor; lobster mornay
arancia nf orange; - sanguinella blood-orange
aranciata nf orangeade
arancino nm cheese/meat stuffed rice croquette
arborio nm rice variety
argenteria nf silverware
aria condizionata nf air conditioning
ariete nm (of sheep) ram
arigusta nf langouste; crayfish
aringa nf herring; - affumicata kipper, bloater
arista nf roast pork loin
arnese nm (of kitchen) utensil
arnia nf beehive
aroma nm aroma; flavouring; -i herbs; spice
aromatico a aromatic; erba -a herb
aromatizzante nm flavouring
aromatizzare vt to flavour aromatizzato a flavoured
arrabbiata (all') a chili-sauced arrabiato a chili sauce
arricchire vt to enrich
arricchito a enriched; fortified
arrivederci! nm good-bye!
arrivo nm arrival; orario d' arrival time
arrostire vt to roast; - alla griglia (~ allo spiedo) to barbecue
arrosto a roast
arrotare vt (of knife) to sharpen
arrotino nm (of knife) sharpener
arrotolare vt to roll-up
arrowroot nm arrowroot
arsella nf clam
arteria nf artery

artesiano a (of well) artesian artigianale a hand-made; hand baked; traditional

ascensore nm lift; elevator
asciugabiancheria nm tumble dryer
asciugamano nm hand-towel asciugare vt (of dishes) to dry; to wipe
asciugatoio nm hand-towel asciugatore nm hand-dryer
asciugatrice nf tumble-dryer asciutto a dry
ascolana (all') a breaded fried stuffed green olives
asiago nm skimmed cow's milk cheese
asino nn ass
asparagi nmpl asparagus; punta di - asparagus tip
aspic nm aspic
aspirina nf aspirin
asprezza nf (of fruit &c) sharpness
aspro a (of fruit &c) sharp
assafetida nf asafoetida
assaggiare vt to sample; to taste
assaggiatore di vino nm wine-taster
assaporare vt to savour; to relish; to enjoy; to taste
assegno nm (of money) cheque; check; carta -i cheque-card; - turistico traveller's cheque
assenzio nm absinth(e)
assetato a thirsty
assorbente a absorbent; carta - kitchen-paper
assorbibile a absorbable
assorbire vt absorb
assortimento nm assortment; array; spread; (of cheese) cheese-board
assortito a (of sweets &c) assorted; mixed; plentiful
assunzione nf consumption; intake
astaco nm freshwater crayfish
astemio a abstemious; teetotal; nm non-drinker
astenersi vi (of alcohol &c) to abstain
astice nm lobster
astinente a abstinent
astinenza nf abstinence,
atmosfera nf atmosphere ~~
atrio nm (of hotel) lobby; hall
attaccapanni nm coat-rack attenti! excl care! warning! attenzione! exc/ care! warning!
attimo nm (of cooking) short time; few minutes
attinia nf actinia
attrezzatura nf (of kitchen) equipment
attrezzo nm (of kitchen) utensils
audioleso a hard-of-hearing
aumentare vt (of oven heat &c) to increase; to turn-up
aurora (all') a (of mushrooms) egg yolk/cheese/tomato sauced
autogrill nm motorway cafe
autoparcheggio nm car park

autosilo nm multi-storey car park

autostazione nf coach-station
autunno nm autumn
avana nf (of cigar) Havana
avannotto nm alevin; young fish, esp salmon
avanzato a left-over
avanzo nm scraps; left-overs; -i offal
avariarsi vi (of meat &c) to go off
avellano nm hazel
avena nf oats; fiocchi d'- oat flakes
avicolo a poultry
avicoltura nf poultry-farming
avizzito a (of fruit &c) shrivelled-up
avocado nm avocado, alligator pear
avoirdupois nm avoirdupois
azuki nm aduki (adzuki) bean
azzimo a (of bread) unleavened
azzurro a (of colour) blue; squalo - blue-shark B

Italian Cooking Dictionary B

baba nf rum-ed sponge-cake
babirussa nm wild hog
bacca nf berry
baccala nf dried salted cod; - mantecato olive oil/garlic/parsley/cream fried polenta
baccello nm (of peas) pod
bacchetta nf chopstick
bacchiata nf (of olive tree &c) blow to fell [olives]; beating
Bacco nm Bacchus
bacio nm whole-hazelnut chocolate; - d'angelo (of cocktail) prune brandy/cacao/cream-of-violet
bacon nm bacon; - affumicato smoked bacon; - magro (- di lonza) back bacon; - non affumicato
green bacon; - venato streaky bacon
bagaglio nm luggage, baggage; ritiro -gli baggage-reclaim
bagnacauda (bagna cauda) nf anchovy/garlic dip/sauce
bagnare vt to soak; to sprinkle with bagni nmpl WC, toilet
bagno nm toilet; WC; cloakroom
bagnomaria nf bain-marie; double-saucepan
bagolaro nm hagberry (hackberry)
baguette nf baguette; French loaf; (of bread) stick
balena nf whale; grasso di - blubber
balenottero nm whale
balenotto nm whale
ballerino nm (of sea-fish) bluefish
ballotta nf boiled chestnut

balsamico a (of vinegar) balsamic

bambu nm bamboo; germoglio di - bamboo shoot
banana nf banana; - split banana-split
bancarella nf stall; stand bancario a (of money) bank; assegno ~ cheque banchettante nm/f
banchetto nm banquet; - nuziale wedding-feast; - ufficiale state banquet; (of market) stall; kiosk;
banco nm (of bar) counter; bar; (of cheese) counter; stall
Bancomat nm cash-machine; cash card
bancone nm bar; counter
bancone nm (of pub) counter
banconista nm/f barman; barmaid '
bantam nm bantam
baobab nm baobab bar nm cafe; bar; drinks cabinet
bar-tabaccheria nm tobacco selling coffee-bar
barattolo nm (of food) tin, can; jar; (of tea) caddy
barba di becco nf salsify
barbabietola nf beetroot; beet; - rossa beetroot; - da zucchero sugar-beet barbaforte nm
horseradish; salsa al - horseradish-sauce
barbaresco nm dry red wine
barbecue nm barbecue; barbecue party
barbera nf dry red wine
barbetta nf fetlock
barbio nm freshwater fish: barbel
barchetta nf (of nibbles) small boat
barca nf boat
bardana nf burdock
bardato a barded
bardolino nm dry red/rose wine
barile nm (of beer) barrel; cask
barilotto nm (of barrel) hogshead
barista nm/f barman/barmaid
barmaid nf barmaid
barman nm barman
barolo nm dry red wine
barra nf (of chocolate) bar; slab
barracuda nf sea fish:
barracuda parretta nf (of chocolate) small bar; small slab
basa stagione nm off-season
basale a (of diet) staple
base nf (of pastry &c) base
basilicale a (of region) from Basilicata
basilico nm basil
boccale nm tankard; jug; pot
boccata nf mouthful; swig

boccetta nf small bottle

bocchino nm cigarette/cigar holder
boccia nf bowl
bocconcino nm nibble; bit; morsel; (of bread) small roll; (of cheese) mozzarella; -i nmpl (of
chicken) bites; hamstuffed veal slices; stew
boccone nm mouthful; bite; titbit; - del prete (of chicken) pope's nose; - squadrista (of fish) rumflambed cutlets
boero nm cherry liqueur chocolate
boldro nm sea fish: monkfish, angler-fish, frogfish
boleto nm cep mushroom
bollente a boiling; very hot
bolletta nf (of debt) bill
bollilatte nm milk-kettle
bollire vtto boil; to bring to the boil; to cook
bollita nf boiling
bollito a boiled; nm pot-au-feu; meat stew
bollitore nm kettle
bollitura nf boiling
bollore rim boiling
bolognese a bolognese; - (alla) parmesan/mince of chicken & pork/mortadella/brain/raw hamgarnished
bomba nf cream/jam doughnut; - di riso chicken-pigeon tomato/parmesaned rice stew
bombetta nf rice/meat rissole
bombolone nm doughnut (donut)
bombolotti nmpl soup pasta
bomboniera nf (of confectionery) sweet box
bonbon nm (of confectionery) sweet
bondiola nf smoked shoulder of pork
bordeaux (bordo) nm (of wine) Bordeaux; - rosso claret
bordolese a from Bordeaux
bordo nm (of decoration) edge
bordo (bordeaux) nm (of wine) Bordeaux; - rosso claret
borgogna nm burgundy
borlotto nm pinto bean
borraccia nf (of military) canteen; flask
borragine nf borage
borsa nf (of shopping) bag; (of tobacco) pouch
bosco nm forest; fragola di - wild strawberry; frutti di - soft-fruit
bottaggio nm cheesed semolina dumpling
bottarga (buttariga) (butarega) (ovotarica) nf botargo; mullet/tuna-roe relish
bottatrice nf sea fish: ling; burbot
botte nf barrel
botticella nf small barrel
bottiglia nf bottle; - di fine serie bin-end; - panciuta balloon flask
bottiglieria nf (of wine) cellar; off-licence

bottiglione nm 2-litre bottle

bourbon nm bourbon
bovine a bovine
bracciole di pesce spada nfpl grilled herbed breaded thin sliced swordfish
brace nf ashes; embers; alla - charcoal-grilled
brachetto nm sweet red wine
braciola nf (of meat) chop; (of fish) steak
braciolette nfpl ham-stuffed veal slices
braciolina nf (of meat) small chop
branca nm (of poultry) claw
branchia nf (of fish) gill
brandy nm brandy
branzino nm (spigola nf) sea fish: bass
brasare vt to braise; (of hare) to jug
brasato rim pot roast; a braised
brassica nf (of cabbage &c) brassica
brenta nf small portable wine barrel
bresaola nf dried salt-beef
bretone (alla) a of Brittany brianzolo a of north-Milan Lombardy
bricco nm kettle; jug; pot
briciola nf breadcrumb
brigidino nm aniseed biscuit
brillantante nm (of utensils) polish
brillantare vt to glaze; to ice
brillantatura nf icing brillante a (of water) tonic
brillare vt to shell; to husk
brillatura nf shelling; husking
brindare vt (of salutation) to toast
brindisi nm (of salutation) toast
brioche nf brioche
brocca nf jug
broccoli nmpl broccoli
brodetto nm fish soup; fish stew; egg/lemon-juice sauce
brodo nm stock; broth; - ,ristretto beef tea; consomme; - di vitello mock turtle soup
brodoso a (of soup &c) thin; watery
bruciacchiare vt to singe; to scorch
bruciare vt to burn bruciato a burnt
bruciore nm (of stomach) acidity
brule a (of wine) mulled
brunello nm red wine bruno a brown
bruschetta nf olive oil-garlic-ed `toast
bruschino nm scrubbing-brush
bruscolino nm salt roast pumpkin-seed
brustulin nm parmesan risotto
brut a (of sparkling wine) very dry; brut

bubbola maggiore nf (of mushroom) parasol

bucatini nmpl hollow pasta
buccia nf (of fruit &c) skin; peel; shell; husk; rind
buccino nm whelk
budino nm pudding; ~ di ricotta cream-cheese pudding
bue nm (of meat) beef; ox; all'occhio di - (of fried egg) sunny side up
buffet (buffe) nm buffet; sideboard; refreshment bar
buffetteria nf buffet service
bugia nf candlestick; sugared fried pastry
bugno nm beehive
bulbo nm onion
bulbocastano nm earth-nut
buonasera! nm good evening!
buongiorno! nm good morning! good day!
buongustaio nm gourmet
buono a good; (of wine &c) fine; ~ mensa nm luncheon voucher
burrida nf fish stew
burriera nf butter-dish
burrificare vt (of butter &c) to churn
burrificio nm dairy; creamery
burrino nm buttered buffalo cheese
burro nm butter; - chiarificato clarified butter; - di karite shea butter; - rosso egg yolk/ butter/flour
paste; - nero black butter
burroso a buttery; mellow; soft; tender
busecca nf tripe/vegetable soup
bustina nf sachet; (of tea) tea bag
buttariga nf dried grey mullet roe
buttata nf shoot; bud
buttiri nmpl cheese enclosing a nut of butter

Italian Cooking Dictionary C

cabaret nm cabaret
cabina telefonica nf phone box
cacao nm cocoa; (of tree) cacao; - in polvere cocoa powder
cacciagione mf game; venison
cacciatora (alla) a (of rabbit/chicken &c) herb/wine/tomato sauced
cacciatore nmpl small salami; white-wined pork-beef garlic salami
cacciatoro nm salami
cacciatorino nm hard salami
cacciucco nm fish stew
cachi nm persimmon; kaki
cacio (- a cavallo) nm nut of butter-enclosing cheese
caciotta nf soft-cheese
caciotto nm cow or ewe's milk cheese

cactus nm cactus
cadauno a (of price &c) each
caffe nf cafe; - con dehors cafe with chairs outside
caffeina nf caffeine; senza - decaffeinated
caffe(I)latte nm white coffee, coffee with milk
caffetteria nf cafeteria; breakfast-room
caffettiera nf coffe-maker; percolator; coffee-pot
cagliare vi (of milk) to congeal; to curdle
cagliata nf curd
cagliato a curdled
cagliatura nf curdling
caglio nm rennet
calabrese a (of region) Calabrian
calamaretto nm small squid; cuttlefish
calamaro nm squid
calamarono nm squid
calaminta nf (of herb) calamint
calapranzi nm dumb-waiter
calcagno nm heel
calcio di mulo nm (of cocktail) vermouth/whisky
calcionetti nmpl candied fruit/nut pastries for Christmas
caldallessa nf boiled chestnut
caldarrosta nf roast chestnut
caldarrostaio nm roast chestnut seller
calderone nm cauldron
caldissimo a very hot; piping hot; sizzling
caldo a hot; warm; tenere in - (of dish &c) to keep warm/hot; tavola - nf snack-bar calibrato a (of
fruit &c size) graded
calibratura nf (of fruit &c size) grade
calibro vt (of fruit &c size) to grade
calice nm (of drinking) stemmed glass
calicetto nm (of fruit &c) shell; hull
calmare vt (of thirst &c) to assuage
calore nm heat
caloria nf calorie; rico di -e high in calories palorico a calorie, caloric
calorifero nm heater
calorifico a calorific
calzone nm leavened-dough mozzarella/tomato/ham-pizza; folded-over filled pizza
camera nf room; - con bagno en-suite room; - doppia double room; - a due letti twin-bed room; -e
libere (of B&B) vacancies; giacca da ~ dinner-jacket; - a letto matrimoniale double bedded room; degli ospiti spare (guest) room; - da pranzo dining-room; - singola single room
cameriera nf waitress; barmaid
cameriero nm waiter; barman
camicia nf in - (of egg) poached
camioncino nm van; - dei

camomilla nf camomile; camomile tea

camoscio nm chamois
campagna nf countryside; (of harvest) season
campagnolo a (of cooking) countryside
campana nf (of dinner) bell; bottle bank
campanello nm (of table/door) bell
campo nm field
canape nm canape; sofa
cancellare vt to cancel
candela nf candle
candeliere nm candlestick
candelina nf small candle; birthday-cake candle
candire vt to crystallize; to candy candito a crystallized; candied; zucchero ~ (of confectionery)
rock-candy cane rim dog
canestrato nm ewe's milk cheese (sometimes ewe/goat)
canestrello nm small scallop; doughnut-shaped pudding; small basket
canguro rim kangaroo
canna nf (of sugar &c) cane
cannella nf cinnamon; bastoncino di - cinnamon stick
cannellino nm white kidney bean
cannelloni nmpl cannelloni
cannolicchio nm mollusc: razor-clam
cannolicho nm mollusc: razor clam
cannolo nm cream pastry roll; - siciliano crystallized fruit/chocolate/cheese fried pastry
cannuccia nf (of drinking) straw
canocchia nf crustacean: mantis shrimp
canocia nf crustacean: mantis shrimp
canovaccio nm dishcloth
cantalupo nm (of melon) cantaloupe
cantina nf (of restaurant) wine list; (of house) cellar; wine cellar; (of hostelry) wine-bar; - sociale
(of agriculture) wine co-op
cantiniere rim wine-storeman
cantuccio nm almond biscuit; (of cheese/bread &c) heel; remains
canzanese (alla) a (of boned poultry) slow-baked
capa santa nf scallop
capacita nf capacity
caparra nf (of money) deposit
capasanta nf scallop
capello nm hair; -i d'angelo angel-hair pasta
capitone nm eel.;
capo nm head
capocameriere nm head waiter
capocollo nm smoked neck of pork
capocuoco nm chef
capodanno nm New Year's Day

capodoglio nm sperm-whale
caponata alla marinara nf herbed olive/anchovy/garlic olive oil-soaked stale-bread starter
capotavola nm (of person) head of table; host
capovolgere vt to turn upside down
cappa nf (of cooker &c) hood
cappelletti nmpl hat-shaped pasta/ravioli; - fantasia multi coloured hat-shaped ravioli
cappello nm (of mushroom) cap
cappero nm (of seed) caper
capperozzolo nm clam
cappon magro rim green sauced/vegetabled sea-food pyramid
cappone nm capon
capra nf nanny-goat
caprese a from Capri; nf mozzarella/basil/tomato salad
capretto nm (of goat) kid
caprino nm goat-cheese
capriolo rrm roe deer
capro nm billy-goat
caprone nm billy-goat
capsico nm capsicum
capsula nf pod
caraffa nf carafe; decanter
caramella nf (of confectionery) sweet; - agli agrumi acid drop; - gommosa gumdrop; - mou toffee
caramellaio rim confectioner
caramellare vt to caramelize
caramellato a browned; caramelized; (of marshmallow &c) toasted
caramellizzato a caramelized
caramello nm caramel
caramelloso a caramel-ly; sugary
carapace nm carapace
carassio nm freshwater fish: crucian carp
caratello nm keg
carboidrato nm carbohydrate
carbonara (alla) a ham and egged
carbonaio nm charcoal-burner
carbonara (alla) a egg/bacon/Parmesan-garnished
carboncino nm charcoal
carbone nf coal; stufa a - charcoal-burner
carbonizzato a burnt
carcassa nf carcass
carciofino nm small artichoke
carciofo mn globe artichoke; -alla Giudea jewish artichoke, fried whole in oil; - alla Mafalda
anchovy-stuffed artichoke; - alla Romana stewed in oil/garlic; - alla Veneziana stewed in olive oil/
white wine
cardamomo nm cardamom

cardio nm (of mollusc) cockle

cardo nm (of artichoke)
cardoon carenza nf (of vitamins &c) deficiency
caribia nm caribou
carico a (of liquids) strong
carminio nm cochineal
carnaroli nm short-grained rice
carne nf meat; flesh; - bianca white meat; ~ di castrato mutton; - pressata luncheon meat
carneo a meat
carnevale nm carnival
carnosita nf pulpiness; fleshiness
carnoso a plump; fleshy; meaty
caro a expensive
carota nf carrot
carotene nm carotene
carpa nf freshwater fish: carp
carpaccio nm thin-sliced raw beef; lemon/oil/cheesed raw meat
carpionato a soused in vinegar
carpione nm freshwater fish: carp; in - soused
carrello nm (of shopping/tea) trolley
carrozza ristorante nf restaurant car
carrozzella nf taxi; wheelchair
carruba nf carob; locust bean
carta nf menu; paper; map; alla - (of menu) a la carte; - assegni cheque card; - assorbente
kitchen paper, paper towel; - di credito credit-card; - filtrante (- da filtro) filter paper; - da forno
oven paper; - igienica toilet paper; - riciclata recycled
paper; - stagnola kitchen foil; - dei vini wine-list
cartamo nm safflower
cartellino nm (of price &c) sticker; label
cartilagine nf gristle
cartilagineo a gristly
cartina nf map; cigarette-paper
cartocciata nf (of oven cooking) paper parcel; cornet
cartoccio nm (of ice-cream) cornet; (of seed) husk; al - wrapped in foil
cartoncino nm card; - d'invito invitation card
cartone nm box;
carton carvi nm caraway
casa nf house
casalingo a home-made; home cooked; homely; alla -a home cooked
casanova (alla) a (of meat) marsala-ed flambe
cascina nf farm
casco nm (of bananas &c) bunch; hand
caseario a dairy

caseificazione nf (of milk &c) curdling

caseificio nm creamery; dairy
casella telefonica nf phone box
casereccio a home-made; home-cooked; (of cooking) simple, plain, homely
cash-and-carry nm cash-and carry
casoeula nf stewed pork
cassa nf (of wine &c) box; crate; case; (of payment) till; cash-desk
cassata nf (of pudding) chocolate/nuts/fruit-ed ice cream; liqueur/chocolate/cheese/fruit-filled cake
cassava nf cassava
casseruola nf casserole; saucepan
cassetta nf (of apples &c) crate; (of wine &c) case; crate; (of bread/pastry) case cassettina nf (of
apples &c) small crate
castagna nf chestnut; - d'acqua water-chestnut
castagnaccio nm pine-nut/chestnut/raisin-cake
castagnata nf marron glace; crystallized chestnut
castagnola nf chestnut-shaped fritter
casuario nm cassowary
catalogno nm jasmin
catasta nf pile
categoria nf (of restaurant &c) category
catino nm washing-up bowl; bowl
caule nm (of vegetable &c) stalk
caustico a (of soda &c) caustic
cavallo nm horse
cavallona nf (of cattle) heifer
cavedano nm freshwater fish: chub
caviale nm caviare
cavolata nfcabbage-soup
cavoletto di Bruxelles nm Brussels sprout
cavolfiore nm cauliflower
cavolino di Bruxelles nm Brussels sprout
cavolo nm cabbage; - cappuccio white or red cabbage; ~ marittimo (marino) seakale; - nero black
cabbage; - rapa kohlrabi; - rosso red cabbage; - verde curly kale; ,.r- verza curly-leaved savoy
ceca nf young eel; elver
cece nm chickpea
cedrata nf citron juice; citron cake
cedrina nf lemon balm
cedro nm citron
cefalo nm sea fish: grey mullet
cella frigorifera nf cold-store/room
cellerario nm cellarer
cena nf dinner; supper; - in piedi buffet; fork-supper; ora di -supper time

cenare vi to dine; to have supper; - fuori to dine out

cencio nm sugared fried-pastry
cenetta nf dinner
centigrado a centigrade
centilitro a centilitre
centrifuga nf salad-shaker;
centrifugare vt (of salad) to toss; to spin; (of washing) to spin; to spin-dry
centrifugato a (of fruit/ vegetables &c) juice; (of milk) separated
centrino nm tray-cloth; doily
centro commerciale nm shopping centre
ceppo nm stool; (of knives) block; (of butcher's) chopping board/block
ceramica nf pottery
cerbiatta nf (of deer) doe
cerbiatto nm young deer
cercapersone nm pager
cerfoglio nm chervil
ceriale nm (of breakfast) cereal
cerignola nf large green olive
cero nm taper; candle
certosino a nut-decorated; nm honey/spiced/candied-fruit Christmas pudding; soft Lombardy
cervellata nf saveloy; spicy dried smoked pork sausage
cervello nm (of offal) brains
cervide nm (of deer) cervid
cervo nm deer; venison
cesta nf basket
cestello nm (of french fries) chip-basket; basket
cestino nm basket; hamper; - da viaggio pack-lunch
cesto nm basket
cetaceo nm sea mammal: cetacean
cetrangolo nm bitter orange
cetriolino nm gherkin
cetriolo nm cucumber; - di mare sea cucumber
champagne nm champagne
champignon nm mushroom
chantilly a (of cream) chantilly; nf chantilly-creamed pastry
charlotte nf charlotte; (of fruit) baked in bread-lined mould
chartreuse nf (of liqueur) chartreuse
cheeseburger nm cheeseburger
chef nm chef
chela nf (of crab &c) claw; pincer
chenella nf veal/ham meat-ball
cheppia nf sea fish; shad

cherry nm cherry brandy

chianti nm (of wine) Chianti
chiara nf (of egg) white
chiaretto nm red wine
chiarificare vt (of wine/butter &c) to clarify
chiarificato a (of wine/butter &c) clarified
chiarificazione nf (of wine/ butter &c) clarification
chiaro a (of liquid) clear
chiave nf key; - magnetica key-card
chiazza nf spot; fleck
chiazzare vt to-spot; to fleck
chizze nfpl cheese-filled tortellini
chic a (of restaurant) chic; fashionable
chicca nf (of confectionery) sweet
chicchera nf cup; cupful
chicco nm (of rice/corn) grain; (of coffee) bean
chiedere vt (of bill) to ask
chili nm chili
chilometro nm kilometre
china nf chinchona cordial
chinato a (of wine) chinchona flavoured
chinina nf quinine
chinotto nm sour-orange cordial
chiodino nm honey mushroom
chiodo di garofano nm (of spice) clove
chiosco nm kiosk; stall; stand - chips nfpl potato crisps
chitarra (alla) nm with spaghetti (in long thin strips); pesce - sea fish: guitar-fish (ray)
chiudere vt (of bottle) to stopper
chiuso a (of restaurant/game season &c) closed; - ermeticamente hermetically sealed
chiusura nf (of restaurant times &c) closure
ciabatta nf long flat olive-oiled white loaf
cialda nf waffle; wafer ciambella nf ringed bread/cake
ciambellina di pane nf bagel
ciao! nm good-bye!
cibare vt to feed
cibarie nfp/ food
cibo nm food; ~ da asporto (of food) take-away
cicala di mare nf crustacean: mantis shrimp
cicca nf chewing-gum; (of tobacco) quid
ciccare vt to chew tobacco
cicchetto nm (of drink) snifter
ciccia nf meat
cicciolo nm crackling; scratchings

ciccione a fatty
cicoria nf chicory; - belga endive; - di campo dandelion
cieco a blind
cigno nm swan
ciliegia nf cherry; ~ al maraschino maraschino cherry
ciliegina nf cherry; pomodoro -o cherry-tomato
cima nf (of root crop) tops; - genovese egg/vegetable/ mince-stuffed veal
cinese a (of tea &c) china; chinese
cinghiale nm wild boar
cinghialetto da late nm suckling wild boar
cinnamomo nm cinnamon dinorrodo nm rosehip
cinque a five
cioccolata nf chocolate
cioccolataio nm chocolate seller
cioccolatiera nf chocolate-pot
cioccolatino nf chocolate; - fondente plain chocolate; - al latte milk chocolate; - fondente per dolci
cooking chocolate; ~ al liquore liqueur chocolate; - ripieno chocolate cream; - alla menta mintchocolate
cioccolato nm chocolate; - fondente plain chocolate; - al latte milk chocolate; - fondente per dolci
cooking chocolate; - al liquore liqueur chocolate; - ripieno chocolate cream; ~ alla menta mintchocolate
ciotola nf bowl
cipolla nf onion
cipollina nf shallot; spring onion; chive
cipollmela nf apple; torta di ~ apple pie; - da cuocere cooking apple; - renetta rennet; pippin; selvatica crab-apple
circolo nm circle
circondare vt to encircle
ciriola nf long-shaped bread
cirripede nm barnacle
citrico a (of acid) citric
classe nf (of restaurant &c rating) class
classico a (of method) traditional
classificare vt (of potatoes &c) to grade
clementina nf clementine
cliente nm/f customer
clientela nf clientele
climatizzazione nf air conditioning
cobite nm freshwater fish: loach
coca nf Coca-cola
coccio nm earthenware
cocco nm coco; noce di - coconut
coccodrillo nm crocodile
coccola nf berry

cocktail nm cocktail; cocktail party

cocomero nm watermelon
cocotte nf pot; in - casseroled; (of egg) shirred
cocuzza nf pumpkin paste
cocuzzata nf pumpkin; squash
coda nf (of fish &c) tail; (of shopping) queue; (of motoring) tail-back; - di rospo sea fish: anglerfish
codetta (codette nfpl) nf hundreds and thousands
cogliere vt (of harvest) to pick
cognac nm cognac; bicchiere da - brandy balloon
cola nf cola
colabrodo nm colander; strainer
colaggio nm (of wine) ullage
colapasta nf colander
colare vt to strain; to drain; (of vessel) to leak; (of candle wax) to melt;-(of cheese) to
colatoio nm colander
colazione nf lunch; ~ di lavoro (d'affari) working/business lunch; - al sacco pack lunch/picnic;
prima - breakfast; - all'inglese English breakfast; - continentale (all'europea) continental breakfast;
colino nm (of tea) strainer; (of vegetables &c) colander
colla nf isinglass
collo nm neck
colmatura nf (of barrels) wine evaporation-replacement
colmo a (of sugar &c) heaped; (of liquid) full to the brim
colomba nf dove; Easter cake
colombaccio nm wood-pigeon
colombella nf wood-pigeon
colombo nm pigeon
coloniali nmpl groceries
colorare vt to add colouring
coltellame nm (of cutlery) knife-set
coltelleria nm (of cutlery) knife-set
coltelliera nf (of cutlery) knife box
coltello nm (of cutlery) knife
coltivare vt to cultivate colza nf rape
comasca (alla) a from Lake Como
combinare vt to combine; to blend; to to mix; to fold-in commestibile a edible; eatable
comodo a comfortable
companatico nm bread accompanying food
compere nfpl shopping
compleanno nm birthday; buon -! Happy birthday!; festa di - birthday-party; torta di - birthdaycake
completo a complete; (of vacancies) full; (of accommodation board) full; pasto - square meal
componibile a (of kitchen) fitted
composta nf (of fruit) compote; preserve

compostiera nf (of fruit) compote

comprare vt to buy
compreso a included; tutto - (of gratuity/wine &c) all inclusive
conca nf pottery bowl
concentrare vt to concentrate; to combine; to amalgamate
concentrato a concentrated; nm concentrate
concentrazione nf (of density) concentration
conchiglia nf seashell; ~ dei pellegrini scallop; -e little shell-shaped pasta
conchiliforme a shell-shaped
conciare vt (of tobacco &c) to cure
condensare vt to reduce; to k boil down; to condense
condensato a condensed; concentrated; reduced
condimento nm condiment; seasoning; dressing
condire vt to season; to spice; to dress; to butter; to curry
condito a seasoned
condizionato a (of atmosphere) air-conditioned
confettato a glazed; coated
confetteria nf confection; sweetmeat; confectioner's
confettiera nf sweet-box
confettiere nm confectioner; maker of sweets
confetto nm candy; dragee
confettura nf jam
confezionamento nm packaging
confezionare W to package; to wrap
confezionato a ready-packed; gift-wrapped; non - (of sweets &c) loose
confezione nf (of liquids &c) carton; pack; tin
congelamento nm freezing; punto di - freezing-point
congelare vt to freeze
congelato a (of food) frozen
congelatore nm freezer; deepfreeze; - a pozzo chest freezer; - verticale upright freezer
coniglio nm rabbit
cono nm (of ice-cream) cone
conosciuto a (of restaurant) known; molto - well-known; poco - little known
consegna nf (of supplies) delivery
consegnare vt (of supplies) to deliver
conserva nf conserve; (of tomato) sauce; in - preserved
conservante nm preservative
conservare vt to preserve; to bottle
conservato a preserved
conservazione nf preservation; canning; lunga - (of milk &c) long-life
consistente a (of sauce &c) thick; stiff; copious
consistenza nf consistency; (of sauce &c) thickness; stiffness
consomme nm consomme
consumabile a eatable; consumable
consumare vt to eat; to consume

consumazione nf drink; snack

consumo nm (of alcohol &c) consumption
contagocce nm (of liquids) dropper
contaminato a contaminated
contaminuti nm timer
contanti nmpl cash
contenere vt (of container) to hold
contenitore nm container
contenuto nm contents
conto nin account; (of payment) bill; - di credito credit account
contorno nm side-dish; garnish
controfiletto nm sirloin '
controgirello nm topside
contromarca nf (of cloakroom) ticket; token
conveniente a cheap
convitato nm guest
convito nm banquet; feast
convivio nm banquet; feast
copata nf wafer-thin cake
coperchio nm (of saucepan) lid
coperto nm (of restaurant) cover-charge; (of position) indoor
copioso a (of crop) plentiful
coppa nf glass; cup; bowl; cupful; (of meat) neck; (of dish) smoked shoulder of pork; pig's head
brawn; salted/dried pork sausage
coppetta nf small bowl
coppia nf (of game birds) brace
coppietta nf cheese/rice fritter
coppo nm jar
copripiatti nm dish-cover
coprire vt (of pan) to cover
copriteiera nm tea-cosy
copriuovo nm egg-cosy
coque (alla) a (of egg) soft boiled
corata nf offal
coratella nf lamb or hare or rabbit offal
corbello nm basket corda nf string
cordon bleu nm cordon bleu
coregone (coregono) nm white fish
coriaceo a (of meat) tough
coriandoli nmpl confetti
coriandolo nm coriander
coriandro nm coriander
corn-flakes nmpl cornflakes
cornetto nm (of ice-cream) cornet; (of pastry) croissant
corniola nf cornelian cherry

cornucopia nf horn of plenty; cornucopia

corposo a (of wine) full bodied; heavy
correggere vt (of salt &c) to adjust
corretto a (of coffee) fortified (with alcohol)
corroborante nm (of drink &c) pick-me-up; tonic
corso a Corsican
corteccia nf (of tree) bark
corvo nm crow; rook
coscia nf leg; thigh; haunch; (of chicken) drumstick
coscio nm (of venison) haunch; leg
cosciotto (coscio) nm (of lamb &c) leg
cospargere vt (of sugar &c) to sprinkle; (of meat &c) to baste; to dot; to dust
cosparso a sprinkled; dusted
costante a (of temperature &c) constant; even
costardella nf sea fish: skipper; saury,
costata nf chop; rib
costato nm ribs
costo nm price; cost
costola nf rib
costoletta nf (of meat-cut) chop; veal cutlet
costolettina nf (of meat-cut) small chop
costoso a expensive
cotechino nm boiled pork sausage; large salami
cotenna nf (of pork) rind
cotennoso a (of pork) thick rinded
cotica nf (of pork) rind
cotogna nf quince
cotogna nf quince
cotognata nf quince jam
cotoletta ni cutlet; chop; rib
cotto a (of food) cooked; (of fruit) stewed; ben - (of steak) well done, well cooked; poco - (of
steak) underdone, rare; medium-rare; (of egg) runny; - a puntino just so, perfect, to a turn; - e
stracotto overcooked, overdone; ; ~ a vapore steamed
cottura nf cooking; (of oven) baking; piano - (of cooker) hob
coturnice nf partridge
cozza nf mussel
crauti nmpl sauerkraut
cravatta nf (of apparel) tie
credenza nfcupboard; sideboard
credito nm credit; carta di - credit-card
crema nf cream; (of nibbles) dip; - al limone lemon curd; - pasticciera custard cream; - al
(rabarbaro) (rhubarb) fool; - di funghi mushroom soup
creme caramel nm/f creme
cremeria nf ice-cream bar; milk-bar
cremino nm fondant chocolate

cremore di tartaro nm cream of tartar

cremortartaro nm cream of tartar
cremosita nf creaminess
cremoso a creamy
cren nm horseradish
creola (alla) a spicy
creolo nm (of cocktail) vermouth/whisky/benedictine/angostura
crepe nf pancake; crepe
crescenza nf soft cow's milk cheese
crescione nm cress; - d'acqua watercress
crespella nf pancake; crepe
crespolino nm spinach/cheese pancake
cresta nf (of poultry) comb
crine vegetale nm vegetable fibre
crocchetta nf croquette
croce nf cross
croissant nm croissant
crosta nf crust; rind; in - pastried
crostaceo nm crustacean; shellfish
crostare vt to brown
crostata nf jam,tart; - alla
crema custard tart
crostino nm crouton; -i di provatura cheesed/anchovied croutons
crostone nm crouton
crostoso a crusted
crudites nfpl (of nibbles) raw dipped vegetables
crudo a raw; (of steak) rare; underdone
crumiro nm honey/polenta biscuit
crusca nf bran; pane di - wholemeal loaf
cruscello nm fine bran
cruscoso a bran-containing
cubetto nm cube
cucchiaiata nf spoonful; scoop(ful)
cucchiaino nm teaspoon; teaspoonful
cucchiaio nm spoon; spoonful; - da minestra soupspoon; ~ di portata serving-spoon; - da tavola
cucchiaione nm ladle
cuccuma nf (of coffee &c) pot
cucina nf kitchen; cuisine; cookery; cooking; cooker; kitchen units; I'alta - haute cuisine; - da
campo field kitchen; - a carbone charcoal-burner; - casalinga plain cooking; - componibile fitted
cucinare vt to cook; - al forno to bake; - al vapore to steam
cuciniere nm (of person) cook
cucinino (cucinotto) nm kitchenette
cucurbita nf gourd

cudia nm kudu (koodoo)

culaccio nm rump-steak
culatello (di zibello) nm cured pork rump
culinaria nf cookery; cooking
culla portatile nf carry-cot
cumino nm cumin; - dei prati (- tedesco) caraway
cuocere vt/vi to cook; - bagnomaria to bain-marie; - al forno to bake; - alla griglia to grill; - a
microonde to microwave; - a pressione to pressure-cook; - in umido to stew; - al vapore to steam
cuoco (a) nm/f cook; primo - chef c,uore nm heart
curagao nm curaqao
curnieura nf origano
curry nm curry
cuscus nm couscous

Italian Cooking Dictionary - D

dado nm (of stock &c) cube
daino nm fallow deer
damigiana nf demijohn
danzante a dancing; te - tea dancing
dattero nm (of fruit) date; -i di 1, mare shellfish: sea dates
decaffeinato a decaffeinated
decorare vt (of cake &c) to decorate; (of icing) to pipe
decorazione nf (of cake &c) decoration
decorticare vt to shell; to hull
decozione nf decoction; reduction
defilato a (of restaurant &c) out-of-the-way
deglutire vt to swallow
degustare vt to taste
degustatore nm tate-vin; tastevin
degustazione nf tasting
delfinattero bianco nm white whale
delfino nm dolphin
delicato a fine; mellow
delizia nf titbit; morsel
delizioso a delicious
demi-sec a medium-dry
denaro liquido nm cash; money
denocciolato a (of olives) pitted
denominazione di origine controllata nf appellation controlee; guaranteed standard
denso a thick; (of cream) double; (of jelly) set
dente nm tooth; al - crunchy; firm; (of meat) slightly underdone; - di leone dandelion
dentellato a serrated
dentica nf sea fish: dentex; sea bream
deperibile a perishable

deposito nm (of money) deposit; (of wine) lees; deposit; sediment; (of kettle) skale; - doganale
bonded warehouse
derrate alimentari nfpl foodstuff
desco nm dinner-table
desinare nm lunch; vi to lunch
dessert nm dessert; pudding; sweet; confection
destrosio nm dextrose deteinato a (of tea) decaffeinated
detergente nm detergent
deteriorabile a perishable
detersivo nm detergent
dettagliata nf detailed bill
dettagliato a (of bill) itemized
diabetico a diabetic
diamante nm diamond
diavola (alla) a devilled; grilled diavolo di mare adv sea-fish: devilfish
dicembre nm December dieci a ten
dieta nf diet; - aclorurata salt free diet dietetico a dietary; health-food
digeribile a digestible
digerire vt to digest
digestivo nm post-prandial drink; liqueur; digestif
digiuno nm abstinence; fast diliscare vt (of fish) to bone diluire vtto dilute; to thin; to water down
diluito vt dilute; thin dimagrante a-,(of product/diet) slimming
diminuire vt to reduce
diminuzione nf reduction
dimostrazione nf (of cooking &c) demonstration
diploma nm diploma
diplomatico nm cream/liqueur pastry
diraspare vt (of grapes) to pick from bunch
disabile a disabled
disabilita nf (of handicap) disability
dischetto nm (of pastry &c) circle; disc; round
disciogliere vt to dissolve; to thaw; to melt
disgelare vt to melt
disgelo nm thaw; melt
disidratato a (of fruit &c) dried; dehydrated; desiccated
disincrostante nm (of kettle) descaler
disincrostare vt (of kettle) to descale
disinfettante nm disinfectant
disossare vt (of meat) to bone
disossato a (of meat) boned
dispensa nf store-cupboard; larder; buttery; pantry; scullery disponibile a (of table/room) free;
disporre vt (of table &c) to arrange; to lay
disposizione nf (of table/flowers &c) arrangement
dissetante a (of thirst) refreshing; quenching

dissetare vt (of thirst) to refresh; to slake; to quench distillare W to distill

distillatore nm (of alcohol) still; (of person) distiller
distillazione nf distillation
distributore nm (of coffee/tickets &c) vending machine
ditale nm tubed pasta
ditalini nmpl small tubed pasta; - rigati small soup pasta
dito nm finger; (of whisky &c) tot
divanetto nm (of seating) banquette
divertimento nm entertainment
divertirsi vi to party; to have fun
dividere vt to divide; to separate
d,_ivieto nm prohibition; - di fumare no smoking; - di sosta no parking
divorare vtto devour
docotto nm decoction; reduction
dodici a twelve
doglio nm earthenware jar
dolce nf cake; (of menu) pudding; a (of flavour) sweet; (of cigars &c) mild; pleasant; acqua - fresh
water; - all' uvetta rock-cake; farina - chestnut flour; patata - yam;
sweet potato
dolceamaro a bitter-sweet
dolcetta nf corn salad
dolcetto nm sweetmeat; Piedmont red wine
dolcezza nf (of fruit) sweetness
dolciario a sweet; confectionery
dolciastro a sweetish; oversweet
dolcificante nm sugar substitute; sweetener
dolcificare vt to sweeten
dolcificato a sweetened
dolcificazione nf sweetening
dolcino nm cake; - da te tea cake
dolciume nm confectionery
dolciumi nmpl sweets; confectionery
domani nm tomorrow; sera di - tomorrow evening
domenica nm Sunday
domicilio nm home; consegne a- delivered to your home
dono nm gift; present dopo prep after, adv afterwards; ~domani the day after tomorrow; - di lei!
after you!
dopocena nm after-dinner
dopopranzo nm after-lunch
doppiere nm two-branched candlestick
doppio nm (of whisky &c) double; a (of helping) double; (of coffee) double espresso
dorato nf browned; toasted
doratura nf browning
dorsale a dorsal
dorso nm (of animal) back

dory nm dory
dosatore a (of scoop/jug &c) measuring
dose nf dose; amount; ~i measures; ingredients
dragoncello nm tarragon
drink nm drink
droga nf spice
drogare vtto spice
drogato a spiced
drogheria nf grocery
droghiere nm grocer due a two
dura nf (of grain) durra duracina a(f) (of cherry) bigarreau; (of peach) cling (clingstone)
durare vi (of time) to last
durezza nf (of meat) toughness
durio nm (of fruit) durian
duro a hard; firm; stiff; (of meat) tough; (of water) hard
durone nm corn
durra (dura) nf (of grain sorghum) durra

Italian Cooking Dictionary - E

ebbro a drunk
ebollizione nf boiling; lenta - simmer
eccedenza nf glut; surplus
eccellente a excellent
eccellenza nf excellence
eccesso nm glut; excess; surplus
eccitante a stimulant
eccitare vt (of. appetite) to whet economicamente a' economically
economizzare vt to economise
edicola nf (of sales) kiosk
edulcorante nm sweetener
edulcorare vt to sweeten
edulcorazione nf sweetening
edule a (of mushroom &c) edible
effervescente a fizzy; effervescent
effervescenza nf fizziness; effervescence
eglefino nm haddock
eland nm eland; antelope
elettrico a electric
elettrodomestico nm domestic appliance
elicicoltura nf snail-farming
elisir nm elixir
emidide nm (of turtle) terrapin
emiliano a (of region) Emilian'
emia nm emu

enofilo nm wine-lover
enologia nf (of wine) oenology
enoteca nf wine-merchant's; vintage stocks
enotecnica nf wine-making
enotecnico nm (of person) wine-maker
entrata nf entrance; way-in
entrecote nf entrecote
entree nf entree; main course
entremets nm entremets
epicureo nm epicurean
erba nf herb; - aromatica herb; ~e aromatiche mixed herbs; - cipollina chive; shallot; - medica
erbazzone nf spinach/cheese tart
erbette nfpl fresh herbs
erbivendolo nm greengrocer
erica nf (of honey) heather
esagerare vt (of salt &c) to put too much of; overdo
esaltare vt (of flavour) to enhance; to bring-out
esaltatore nm enhancer
esaminare vt to inspect; to check
esclusivo a exclusive; smart; posh
escluso a excepted; servizio - service not included
esentasse (esente da dazio) a tax-free
esfoliare vt to peel
esoceto nm sea fish: flying ':fish
esofago nm oesophagus; gullet
esotico a exotic espresso nm (of coffee) espresso
essenza nf essence; oil of [] essenziale a (of oil) essential essiccare vt to dry
essiccato a (of fruit &c) dried;
carne -a al sole jerked meat; charqui
essiccatoio nm drying-rack
estate nf summer
esterno a (of table/WC) outside '`
estinguere vt (of thirst) to quench; to slake
estintore nm (of fire &c) extinguisher
estrarre vt to extract; to distil
estratto nm (of malt &c) extract
etichetta nf (of jar) label; etiquette
etilometro nm breathalyzer
etnico a ethnic
etragone nm tarragon
etto nm 100 grams
eucalipto nm eucalyptus
euro nm (of money) euro
eurocheque nm eurocheque

evaporare vi to evaporate
evaporato a evaporated
eviscerare vt (of fowl) to draw
extravergine a (of olive oil) extra-virgin

Italian Cooking Dictionary - F

facchino nm (of hotel &c) porter
fagiano nm pheasant; - di monte black-grouse, heathcock; - di monte maschio blackcock
fagiolata nf bean soup
fagiolino nm french-bean; haricot bean; - mungo mung bean; - verde green bean; string-bean
fagiolo nm bean; - americano (di Lima) butterbean; ~ bianco haricot bean, navy bean; - coll'occhio
blackeyed bean; - rosso kidney bean; - di Spagna runner bean; - verde French bean
fagiolone nm runner-bean
fagottino nm stuffed pasta
faina nf thick chick-pea pancake
falerno nm red or white dry wine
fame nf hunger
famigliola nf honey fungus
fantastico a scrummy
faraona nf guinea-fowl
farcia nf farce; stuffing; filling; dressing
farcire vt to farce; to stuff
farcito a stuffed; filled
farcitura nf filling; stuffing
fare vt to do; to cook; to prepare; to make; (of cocktails) to mix
farfalle nfpl bow-shaped pasta
farina nf flour; - di avena oatmeal; - di frumento wheat flour; - gialla cornmeal; - di glutine gluten
flour; - di grano duro durum-wheat flour; ~ fine di granturco cornflour; - di granturco (~ gialla)
wheat flour; - integrale wholewheat flour; - di mais (- gialla) cornmeal; - di manioca cassava; - di
segale rye flour
farinaceo a farinaceous
farinata nf farinaceous milky soup; chick-pea bread
farinoso a floury
farro nm spelt
fascio nm (of vegetables) bunch
fasoeil al fiarn nm baked baconed/herbed red haricot beans; beans in the oven
fast food nm fast food
fatto a made; - in casa home made
fattoria nf farm
fattorino nm (of hotel) call-boy; page-boy; delivery-boy
fattura nf invoice; bill
fava nf broad-bean; -e al Guanciale bacon-ed broad beans
favetta nf rum bean-shaped sweet
favo nm honeycomb

fax nm fax; fax machine

faxare vt to fax
fazzoletto nm handkerchief; tissue
febbraio nm February fecola nf flour; starch
fegatello nm fried offal-ed pig's liver
fegatino nm (of chicken) liver
fegato nm liver; a - alla veneziana (- alla veneta) fine-cut/onioned
femmina nf female; (of hare &c) doe; (of bird) hen feriale a weekday
ferie nfpl holiday
fermare vt (of reservation) to book
fermentare vi to brew; to ferment; (of bread) to rise
fermentato a fermented
fermentazione nf fermentation
fermento nm malt-liquor froth; yeast; barm
fermo a (of egg white &c) stiff
ferrarese a from Ferrara
ferro nm iron; all
ferri (of meat) grilled
ferruginoso a (of water) ironcontaining
fesa nf (of meat) rump; topside
festa nf party; holiday; feast; feast-day; birthday; saint's day; celebration; carnival; - d'addio
leaving/farewell party; ~ con alcolici drinks party; - della birra beer festival; - di compleanno
birthday party; ~ nazionale national holiday
festeggiare vt to party; to celebrate
festeggiato (a) nm(f) guest of honour
festicciola nf children's teaparty
festino nm feast
fetta nf (of bacon) rasher; (of bread) slice; piece; (of toast) round; (of cheese) feta; salty ewe's
milk cheese
fettina nf thin/small slice; sliver; (of meat) minute-steak; cutlet; (of lemon) wedge
fettuccine nfpl noodles
fettucelle nfpl long strip spaghetti
fegunta nf olive oiled/garlic-ed/ salted toasted bread
fiamma nf (of fire) flame; alla ~ flambe
fiamme a in - aflame
fiammeggiare vt to flambe; to flame; to singe
fiammifero nm (of fire) match
fianco nm flank
fiaschetteria nf wine merchant's
fiasco nm decanter; flask
fibre nfpl fibre; roughage
fibrosita nf fibrous-ness; stringiness
fibroso a (of meat) sinewy; stringy
fico nm fig; - d'India prickly pear; -chi mandorlati dried figs
ficodindia nm prickly pear

fieno greco nm fenugreek

fiera nf (of cheese &c) fair
fila nf queue
filato a (of sugar) spun; zucchero - candyfloss
filaccioso a (of meat) stringy
filamento nm (of old vegetables) string
filetto nm fillet; tenderloin; (of meat/fish) steak
filo nm (of cheese cutting) wire; (of knife) cutting-edge; (of liquid sugar &c) drizzle, trickle; (of
french beans) string
filoncino nm (of bread) small baguette
filtrare vt (of coffee) to filter, to percolate; to strain; to sieve
filtrato a filtered
filtro nm (of coffee/cigarette) filter; strainer
finanziera nf marsala-ed mushroom/pickles/offal/chicken livers
fine a (of layer/spray/powder) fine; (of produce) high-quality
finemente a finely
finire vt to finish
fino a (of salt) table; (of sugar &c) fine-grained
finocchio nm fennel; semi di - fennel seeds
finocchiona nf fenneled coarse-cut-pork salami
finto a mock; false
fiocco nm (of breakfast cereal) flake; (of rating) rosette; star; fresco in -hi (of cheese) cottage
fiordilatte (fior di latte) nm mozzarella-type cow's milk cheese; sugar/milk/cream flavouring
fiore nm flower
fiorentina nf (of steak) grilled T bone; a alla - florentine; spinached; (of tripe) oregano or
marjoram tomato-sauced
fiorire vi to go mouldy
fischione nm (of duck) wigeon
fish and chips nm fish and chips
fissare vt to reserve; to book
fiutare vt to smell
flambare vt to flambe; to flame
flamenco nm flamenco
flan nm flan
fluido a fluid
flute nm (of glass) flute
foca nf (of animal) seal
focaccia nf cake; herbed flat bread; flat cake
focaccina nf bun; small cake; scone; crumpet
focena nf porpoise
foglia nf leaf; ~ d'alloro bay leaf
foglio nm leaf; sheet; - di alluminio silver foil, kitchen foil
folaga nf coot
fondant nm fondant
fondente nm fondant; (of chocolate) plain; melting

fondina nf soup-plate
fondo nm (of saucepan &c) bottom; (of pastry) pastry case; base; (of wine) lees, sediment
fonduta nf fondue; - alla parmigiana from Parma; white-truffled sliced and grated parmesan
cheese bake
fono nm phone
fontana nf drinking fountain; (of water) well
fontanella nf drinking fountain
fonte nf (of water) spring
fontina nf soft gruyere-type cow's milk cheese
forcella nf wishbone
forchetta nf fork; - da scalco carving fork
foresta nf forest; torta della F- Nera black forest gateau
forma nf mould; shape; (of bread) loaf; slice; (of cheese) round
formaggiaio nm cheese-seller/maker
formaggiera nf cheese-board
formaggino nm processed cheese; soft cheese
formaggio nm cheese; - cremoso cream-cheese; - molle (- morbido) soft cheese; ~ di capra goat's
milk cheese; - molle soft cheese; - di pecora ewe's milk cheese; - parmigiano Parmesan cheese;
quattro -i four cheeses (provolone/ gruyere/belpaese/parmesan); - di soya bean curd; - da
spalmare cheese-spread; - fuso processed cheese; torta dolce al - cheesecake
forTagin nm cheese
formale a (of reception) formal
formina nf (of jelly) mould; shape
fornelletto nm (of appliance) camp-stove
fornello nm (of appliance) cooker; stove; (of cooker) ring
fornitore di cibo nm caterer
forno nm oven; - di campagna country oven; - di riscaldo warm oven
forte a (of drink) strong; (of taste) sharp; strong; (of whisky) hard; potent; (of food) spicy; (of
curry) hot
forza nf (of alcohol) strength
foto nm photo
fotografare vt to photograph
fotografia nf photograph
fracosta nf entrecote steak
fragile a fragile; breakable
fianco nm flank
fiaschetteria nf wine merchant's
fiasco nm decanter; flask
fibre nfpl fibre; roughage
fibrosita nf fibrous-ness; stringiness
fibroso a (of meat) sinewy; stringy
fico nm fig; - d'India prickly pear; -chi mandorlati dried figs
ficodindia nm prickly pear
fieno greco nm fenugreek
fiera nf (of cheese &c) fair

fila nf queue
filato a (of sugar) spun; zucchero - candyfloss
filaccioso a (of meat) stringy
filamento nm (of old vegetables) string
filetto nm fillet; tenderloin; (of meat/fish) steak
filo nm (of cheese cutting) wire; (of knife) cutting-edge; (of liquid sugar &c) drizzle, trickle; (of
french beans) string
filoncino nm (of bread) small baguette
filtrare vt (of coffee) to filter, to percolate; to strain; to sieve
filtrato a filtered
filtro nm (of coffee/cigarette) filter; strainer
finanziera nf marsala-ed mushroom/pickles/offal/chicken livers
fine a (of layer/spray/powder) fine; (of produce) high-quality
finemente a finely
finire vt to finish
fino a (of salt) table; (of sugar &c) fine-grained
finocchio nm fennel; semi di - fennel seeds
finocchiona nf fenneled coarse-cut-pork salami
finto a mock; false
fiocco nm (of breakfast cereal) flake; (of rating) rosette; star; fresco in -hi (of cheese) cottage
fiordilatte (fior di latte) nm mozzarella-type cow's milk cheese; sugar/milk/cream flavouring
fiore nm flower
fiorentina nf (of steak) grilled T bone; a alla - florentine; spinached; (of tripe) oregano or
marjoram tomato-sauced
fiorire vi to go mouldy
fischione nm (of duck) wigeon
fish and chips nm fish and chips
fissare vt to reserve; to book
fiutare vt to smell
flambare vt to flambe; to flame
flamenco nm flamenco
flan nm flan
fluido a fluid
flute nm (of glass) flute
foca nf (of animal) seal
focaccia nf cake; herbed flat bread; flat cake
focaccina nf bun; small cake; scone; crumpet
focena nf porpoise
foglia nf leaf; ~ d'alloro bay leaf
foglio nm leaf; sheet; - di alluminio silver foil, kitchen foil
folaga nf coot
fondant nm fondant
fondente nm fondant; (of chocolate) plain; melting
fondina nf soup-plate
fondo nm (of saucepan &c) bottom; (of pastry) pastry case; base; (of wine) lees, sediment

fonduta nf fondue; - alla parmigiana from Parma; white-truffled sliced and grated parmesan
cheese bake
fono nm phone
fontana nf drinking fountain; (of water) well
fontanella nf drinking fountain
fonte nf (of water) spring
fontina nf soft gruyere-type cow's milk cheese
forcella nf wishbone
forchetta nf fork; - da scalco carving fork
foresta nf forest; torta della F- Nera black forest gateau
forma nf mould; shape; (of bread) loaf; slice; (of cheese) round
formaggiaio nm cheese-seller/maker
formaggiera nf cheese-board
formaggino nm processed cheese; soft cheese
formaggio nm cheese; - cremoso cream-cheese; - molle (- morbido) soft cheese; ~ di capra goat's
milk cheese; - molle soft cheese; - di pecora ewe's milk cheese; - parmigiano Parmesan cheese;
quattro -i four cheeses (provolone/ gruyere/belpaese/parmesan); - di soya bean curd; - da
spalmare cheese-spread; - fuso processed cheese; torta dolce al - cheesecake
forTagin nm cheese
formale a (of reception) formal
formina nf (of jelly) mould; shape
fornelletto nm (of appliance) camp-stove
fornello nm (of appliance) cooker; stove; (of cooker) ring
fornitore di cibo nm caterer
forno nm oven; - di campagna country oven; - di riscaldo warm oven
forte a (of drink) strong; (of taste) sharp; strong; (of whisky) hard; potent; (of food) spicy; (of
curry) hot
forza nf (of alcohol) strength
foto nm photo
fotografare vt to photograph
fotografia nf photograph
fracosta nf entrecote steak
fragile a fragile; breakable

Italian Cooking Dictionary - G

gallinella bantam nf (hen) bantam
gallo nm cock; - cedrone nm capercaillie (caper); large grouse; - nano bantam; - della salvia sage
gallone nm (of measure) gallon
gamberello nm pink prawn
gamberetto nm (of crustacean) prawn; shrimp
gambero adv (of sea) lobster; (of freshwater) crayfish (crawfish); - imperiale king prawn; imperial
prawn; - rosso large prawn
gamberone nm (of crustacean) king prawn

gambo nm stalk; (of celery/rhubarb &c) stick

gamella nf mess-tin
garage nm garage
garganella nf (of drinking) without the glass touching the lips
garza nf gauze; muslin
gas nm gas; - butano butane
gassato a fizzy; carbonated
gassosa nf lemonade
gastronomia nf cookery; cooking; gastronomy; (of shop) delicatessen
gastronomico a gastronomic
gastronomo nm gastronome (gastronomer); gastronomist
gateau nm gateau
gattuccio nm sea fish: dogfish; - maggiore (minore) sea fishes: bull (robin)-huss gavetta nf messtin
gazpacho nm gaspacho (gazpacho)
gazzosa nf lemonade
gelataio nm ice-cream maker; ice-cream seller
gelateria nf ice-cream parlour
gelatiera nf ice-cream maker
gelatina nf aspic; glaze; (of fruit) jelly; jelly-bean
gelato nm ice-cream; a ice cold; iced
gelido a icy; ice-cold
gelificare vi to gel
gelone nm oyster mushroom
gelso nm mulberry
gelsomino nm (of tea) jasmine
genepi nm alpine aromatic liqueur
generoso a (of wine) full; mellow; smooth
geneticamente modificato a genetically modified
gennaio nm January
genovese (alla) a from Genoa. (of antipasto) sardo cheese/broad bean-garnished; (of veal) white
wine/artichoked gerla nf basket
germano reale nm mallard; wild duck
germe nm (of wheat &c) germ
germoglio nm shoot; sprout; - di bambu bamboo-shoot; ~ dl soia beanshoot gestore (trice) nm(f) (of restaurant/hotel) manager(ess)
getto nm shoot; sprout
gettone nm (of telephone &c) token
gheriglio nm (of nut) kernel
ghiacciaia nf ice-chest; cold store
ghiacciare vt to freeze
ghiacciato nm ice-cold; frozen; (of wine) chilled
ghiaccio nm ice; con - (of whisky) on the rocks; cubetto di - ice-cube; macchina per il ~ ice
machine; scomparto di - ice box; secchiello da - ice bucket; vaschetta del - ice tray
ghiacciolo nm ice-lolly

ghiotta nf drip-pan
ghiotto a delicious
ghiottone nm gourmand
ghiottoneria nf delicacy; gluttony
ghisa nf cast-iron
giacca nf jacket; - da casa (da camera) smoking jacket; - e cravatta suit and tie
Giamaica nf Jamaica; pepe della - allspice; Jamaica pepper; pimento
giambo nm (of fruit) rose-apple
gianchetti (bianchetti) nmpl sea fish: whitebait
gianduiotto (giandujot) nm hazel-nut chocolate; nougat
giara nf earthenware jar/jug
giardinera (alla) a fresh vegetables-garnished
giardino nm garden
gigli del gargano nmpl short shaped pasta
gigotto nm gigot
gin nm gin; ~ tonic gin and tonic; - fizz gin sling
ginepro nm juniper
ginger nm (of fizzy drink) ginger
ginseng nm ginseng
gioddia nm yoghurt
giorno nm day
giovane a young
giovedi nm Thursday
giovenca nf (of cattle) heifer
giovenco nm (of cattle) bullock
girare vt (of pancake) to toss; to stir; to turn-over
girarrosto nm (of barbecue &c) rotating-spit
girasole nm sunflower
girello nm silverside; gravy beef; (of beef) round
giro nm (of drinks) round
giia adv downstairs
giudia (alla) a (of artichokes) outwardly crisp deep-fried
giuggiola nf jujube
giugno nm June
giulebbe nm julep giuncata nf junket g~lace a glace; marron - crystallized chestnut
glassa nf (of icing) glaze, icing; - reale royal icing; hard shiny icing
glassare vt to glaze; (of cake) to ice
glassato a glazed; (of cake) iced
globicefalo nm pilot whale
globulo nm globule
glucosio nm glucose
gluma nf (of barley &c) hull
glutammato a glutamate; ~ di sodio nm monosodium glutamate
glutine nm gluten
glutinoso a glutinous

gnam a scrummy
gnoc nmpl gnocchi
gnocchetto nm small gnoccho
gnocchi nmpl gnocchi
gnocco nm gnocci; small dumpling
gobione nm freshwater fish: gudgeon
goccetto nm (of alcohol) wee dram; drop; snifter; noggin
goccia nf (of liquid) drop; dash; (of whisky &c) tot
goccio nm (of liquid) drop; dash
golden delicious nf (of apple) golden delicious
goloso nm gourmand; glutton; a gluttonous; - di dolci sweet toothed
gomma nf (bubble/chewing) gum
gommoso a gummy; chewy
gongro nm conger
gorgonzola nm gorgonzola cheese; soft blue cow's milk cheese
gotto nm drink; (of container) mug
gourmet nm gourmet; wine taster
gradazione nf (of spirits &c) proof; alcohol strength; bassa - low-alcohol
gradevole a (of taste) pleasant
grado nm (of temperature/alcohol strength) degree
grammo nm gram
gramolare vt to knead
gran farro nm spelt
grana nf hard cow's milk cheese
granadiglia nf passion fruit
granaglie nfpl grain; corn
granata (mela) a(nf) pomegranate
granatina nf (of drink) grenadine; (of water-ice) granular sorbet
granceola nf spider crab
grancevola nf sea fish: thornback ray; spider crab
granchio nm crab
granciporro nm crab
grande a big, large
granella nf (of pastries) chocolate/nut &c additions
granellare vt (of pastries) to chocolate/nut &c
granellato a granulated
granello nm (of sugar &c) grain; granule
granita nf (of-water-ice) granular sorbet
granny smith nf (of apple) granny smith
grano nm wheat; corn; - duro durum wheat; (of coffee) bean; (of pepper) peppercorn; (of sugar
&c) grain
granoturco nm sweetcorn
granulo nm grain
grappa nf (of brandy) marc
grappino nm tot of marc

grappolo nm (of grapes) bunch

grasso nm fat; grease; suet; (of pastry) shortening; (of whale) blubber; a greasy; fatty
gratella nf grill-pan; griddle
graticciato nm (of fruit) drying rack
graticcio nm (of fruit) drying rack
graticola nf griddle; alla - grilled
gratifica nf (of service charge) tip
gratin nm gratin; al ~ au gratin
gratinare vt to cook au gratin; to toast
gratinato a au gratin; (of potatoes &c) scalloped
gratis a/adv (of expense) free; gratis
grattaculo nm rosehip
grattato a (of bread) crumbed
grattugia nf grater
grattugiare vt (of cheese &c) to grate
grattugiato a (of cheese &c) grated; (of bread) breadcrumbs
gratuito a free; gratis
grazie nm thank-you
greco a Greek gremiti nmpl short hollow ribbed pasta
gremolata nf chopped lemon peel/parsley/garlic mix
grenadine nfpl grenadine gres rim stoneware
grezzo a (of salt &c) rough, coarse, kitchen
griglia nf grill; griddle; gridiron; grill-pan; barbecue (of cake &c) rack; alla - char-grilled
grigliare vt to grill; to barbecue
grigliata nf barbecue party; barbecued food; (of dish) grill; - mista mixed-grill
grigliato a grilled
grignolino nm red wine
grill nm grill; gridiron
grissino nm bread-stick
grog nm rum-toddy; grog
grolla nf multi-spouted wood goblet
gromma nf (of wine) crust; deposit; sediment
grommato a (of wine) crusted
grongo nm conger
gropetto nm ham-stuffed veal slice
grossezza nf (of salt &c) coarseness
grosso a large; (of salt) coarse
groviera nm/nf (of cheese) Gruyere
grumo nm (of sauce) lump
grumolo nm (of cabbage &c) heart
grumoso a (of sauce) lumpy
gruviera nf gruyere cheese
gruyere nm gruyere cheese
guaiava nf guava
guanaco nm guanaco; llama-like South American animal

guancia nf cheek
guanto da forno nm ovenglove
guarana nf guarana
guardaroba nm cloakroom
guardarobiere nm cloakroom attendant
guarnire vt to garnish
guarnito a garnished
guarnizione nf garnish
guasto a (of fruit &c) bad, rotten, off; (of lift &c) out-of order
guazzetto nm tomato sauce stew
guazzo (in) nm spirits preserved
guida nf guidebook
Guinness nf Guinness
gulasch nm goulash
guscio nm (of mollusc) shell; (of nut) hull; (of peas) pod; (of egg) eggshell; ~ d'uovo (of porcelain)
gustare vt to taste; to try; to test; to sample; to enjoy
gusto nm taste; flavour
gustosita nf tastiness
gustoso a tasty; savoury

Italian Cooking Dictionary - H

halibut nm halibut
hamburger nm beefburger; hamburger; - di nocciole tritate nut-burger; - vegetariano vegeburger
handicappato a handicapped; - fisico (psichico) physically
(mentally) handicapped
happy hour nf happy hour
highball nm (of cocktail) highball; (of glass) highball
hot-dog nm hot-dog
hotel nm hotel

Italian Cooking Dictionary - I

ibrido a (of breed) crossed; crossbred
iceberg a (of lettuce) iceberg
idromele nm mead
idroponico a hydroponic ieri adv yesterday
igienico a hygienic
igname nm yam
imballaggio nm packing
imbandire vt (of table &c) to prepare
imbarilare vt (of wine &c) to barrel
imbevere vt to soak with
imbevibile a undrinkable

imbevuto a soaked (in)

imbianchire vt (of vegetables &c) to blanch
imbiondire vt (of butter &c) to lightly brown
imboccare vt (of baby) to spoon-feed
imbottare vt (of wine &c) to barrel
imbottigliare vt to bottle
imbottigliato a bottled
imbottire vt (of sandwich &c) to fill
imbottito a filled; stuffed
imbrecciata nf lentil/chick-pea/haricot bean soup
imburrare vt to butter
imburrato a buttered
imbussolare vt to wrap
imbuto a funnel immangiabile a uneatable, inedible
immaturo a unripe
immergere vt to immerse in; to dunk
impacchettamento nm wrapping
impagliatura nf (of poultry &c) stuffing
impanare vt (of cutlets &c) to bread
impanato a (of cutlets &c) breaded
impanatura nf (of cutlets &c) breading
impastamento nm kneading
impastare vt to knead
impastatura nf kneading
impasto nm pastry; batter; paste; dough; mixture; duff; - per frittelle pancake impazzire vi (of
hollandaise &c) to separate; to curdle
importazione nf import
imposta nf tax
impregnare vt to impregnate; to soak
impregnato a impregnated; soaked
improvvisare vt to improvise; (of meal) to cobble together
impurita nf impurity
inacetire vt to turn [ ] to vinegar
inacidire vi (of milk &c) to go sour; to go off
inasprirsi vi (of milk &c) to turn
incapsulamento nm (of bottle &c) capsulation
incassare vt (of cheque) to cash
incattivire vi (of fruit &c) to go off
incavo nm (of bowl/spoon) hollow
inchiostro nm (of fish) ink
incisione nf incision
includere vt include
incorporare vt to mix; to blend; to whisk-in; to fold-in; to rub-in
incrocio nm (of breed) cross; crossbreed
incrostazione nf incrustation

incrostazione nf (of wine) crust; deposit; sediment

indigesto a indigestible
indirizzo nm address
indivia nf endive
individuale a (of portions &c) individual
indomani (I') nm the day after
indorare vt to coat (with)
industria casearia nf dairy farming
inebriante a (of wine &c) heady
infarcire vt (of poultry &c) to stuff
infarinare vt to flour
infarinatura a flouring
infiascare vt to flask
infilare vt to string; to slide into
infilzare vt (of meat &c) to spike
infittire vt (of sauce &c) to thicken
informale a (of dress) informal
infornare vt to place [ ] in oven
infrangibile a unbreakable
infrollire vt (of game &c) to hang; to tenderize
infuocato a aflame
infusione nf infusion; herbal tea
infuso nm infusion; herbal tea
ingestione nf ingestion
Inghilterra nf England
inghiottire vt to swallow
inglese a English; colazione all'- English breakfast; zuppa - (of dessert) trifle
ingoiare vt to swallow
ingollare vt to swallow
ingordigia nf gluttony
ingordo adv gluttonous
ingozzare vt to swallow; to gulp down
ingrassamento nm (of animals) fattening
ingrassare vt (of animals) to fatten-up
ingrediente nm ingredient; admixture
ingresso nm entrance
ingurgitare vt to swallow
inossidabile a (of steel) stainless
inox nm stainless steel; a (of steel) stainless
insaccare vt to make into sausage
insaccato nm salami; sausage
insaccatura nf sausage-making
insalata nf salad; lettuce; cespo d'- head of lettuce; - iceberg iceberg lettuce; - di [patate] [potato]
salad; - di mare seafood salad; - mista mixed salad; - russa Russian salad; - verde green salad;

insalatiera nf salad bowl; large bowl

insapore a tasteless; flavourless
insaporire vt to flavour; to season
insaturo a unsaturated
inscatolare vt to can; to tin
inscatolato a canned; tinned
insipidezza nf (of flavour) tastelessness
insipido a tasteless, insipid, bland
insulso a tasteless
intagliatore nm (of person) carver
integrale a wholemeal; (of ricei brown
integratore alimentare (vitaminico) nm dietary (vitamin) supplement
intensita nf (of flavour &c) intensity; fullness; richness
intenso a (of flavour) full; rich
interdetto a prohibited
interno. (all') a (of table position) indoor
intero a (of milk) whole; full cream
intervallo di mezzogiorno nm lunch-hour
intestino nm intestine; - crasso large intestine
intingolo nm sauce; appetising dish
intrattenitore nm entertainer
intridere vt to soak
intruglio nm brew
inumidire vt to dampen; to add a little liquid
invalido a disabled
invecchiare vt (of cheese/ wine) to age; to mature
invecchiato a (of cheese/wine) mature; aged
inverno nm winter
invertito a (of sugar) invert
invidia nf endive
invitare vt to invite
invitato nm guest
invito nm invitation; invitation card
involtino (messicano) nm beef olive; ~ di (of meat) stuffed; - primavera stuffed meat roll; hamstuffed veal slice
inzuccherare vt to sugar inzuccherato a sweetened; sugar-coated
inzuppare vt to dunk; to dip
inzuppato a dunked
iogurt nm yoghurt
ipercalorico a high-calorie
ipermercato nm hypermarket
ipocalorico a low-calorie
ippoglosso nm halibut
irish coffee nm Irish coffee
irrancidire vi to go rancid; to go off

ischiana (all') a (of fish) olive oil/lemon/oregano baked

ispessimento nm (of sauce) thickening
ispessire vt (of sauce) to thicken
istantaneo a (of soup/coffee) instant
istrice nm hedgehog
istruzioni operative nfpl operating instructions
Italia nm Italy
italiano a Italian
ittiocolla nf isinglass

Italian Cooking Dictionary - J

julienne a julienne; (of vegetable) thinly-sliced

Italian Cooking Dictionary - K

karite nm (of butter) shea
karkade nm roselle tea
kasher a (of restaurant) kosher
kebab nm kebab, shish-kebab
ketchup nm ketchup
kilo nm kilo
kilogrammo nm kilogramme
kirsch nm kirsch
kiwi nm kiwi fruit; Chinese gooseberry
krapfen nm doughnut
krill nm (of crustacean) krill
kumquat nm kumquat

Italian Cooking Dictionary - L

labro nm sea fish: wrasse
lagenaria nf gourd, calabash
lagnanza nf complaint
lago nm lake
lagopodo (lagopode) nm ptarmigan
lama nf (of knife) blade
lamella nf (of mushroom) gill
lamentela nf complaint
lampada nf lamp
lampadario nm chandelier
lampadina nf light-bulb
lampone nm raspberry; salsa di ~i Melba sauce
lampreda nf (of fish) lamprey; - flume (of fish) lampern

lardatoio nm baster
lardellare vt to lard; to interlard
lardellatura nf larding
lardello nm lardon
lardo nm fatty bacon
lardoso a tardy; fatty
largo a large; (of helping) generous
lasagne nfpl lasagne lasagnette nfpl long flat crimped pasta
lasca nf freshwater fish: dace
lasciare vt (of food) to leave; to allow; (of umbrella &c) to leave behind
latte nm milk; - condensato condensed milk; - evaporato evaporated milk; - intero whole-milk, fullcream milk; -a lunga conservazione longlife milk; - omogeneizzato homogenized milk; parzialmente scremato semi-skimmed milk; - pastorizzato pasteurized milk; - scremato skimmed
milk; - in polvere powdered milk; - scremato skimmed milk; da - (of pig &c) suck(I)ing-pig; - di
pesce (of fish) soft roe; a milky; milk
lattemiele nm honey-ed cream
latteo a milk; milky; farina -a baby's cereal
latteria nf milk-bar; dairy-shop
latticello nm buttermilk
latticini nmpl dairy produce
lattiera nf milk-jug
lattiero a dairy
lattiginoso a milky
lattina nf tin, can
lattoflavina nf lactoflavin
lattonzolo nm suck(I)ing-pig
lattosio nm lactose, milk-sugar
lattuga nf lettuce; ~ cappuccina cabbage lettuce; ~ crespa curly lettuce; - romana cos lettuce
lattughella nf lamb's lettuce
lauro nm (of flavouring) bay
lavabiancheria nf washing machine
lavabo nm hand-basin
lavadita nm finger-bowl
lavagna nf blackboard; slate
lavanda nf lavender
lavanderia nf laundry
lavandino nm kitchen sink; wash-basin
lavapiatti nm/f (of person) dishwasher
lavare vt to wash; - i piatti to wash-up
lavarello nm freshwater fish: lavaret; houting
lavastoviglie nf (of machine) dishwasher
lavello nm (of kitchen) sink lavorare vt to work; (of dough) to knead
laziale a (of region) of Latium
Lazio nm (of region) Latium
lecca-lecca nm lollipop

leccarda nf (of spit) drip-pan

leccata nf lick
leccornia nf delicacy; tit-bit
lecitina a milk legare vt (of poultry &c) to truss
leggerezza nf (of wine &c) lightness
leggero a (of consistency) light; low-fat; thin; (of meal) light; snacky
legna nf wood; carbone di ~ charcoal
legnoso a (of meat) tough
legume nm legume; vegetable; pulse
legumiera nf (of crockery) vegetable dish
legumina nf (of protein) legumin
lenticchia nf lentil lento a slow
lepre nf hare; - in salmi jugged hare
leprotto nm leveret, young hare
lessare vt to boil lessato a boiled
lesso a boiled; stewed
letto nm (of sleep) bed; matrimoniale double-bed; -i gemelli twin beds
levanoccioli nm stoner
levare vt (of fruit skin) to peel
levatorsoli nm (of apple) corer
lezzino nm sea fish: marlin libare W to sup; to drink
libero a (of table &c) free
libro di cucina (~ di ricette) nm cookery-book; ~ degli ospiti visitors-book
lievitare vi (of bread) to leaven
lievitato a (of bread) leavened
lievitazione nf (of bread) leavening
lievito nm yeast; - in polvere bakihg powder
light a (of yoghurt &c) light
ligure a (of region) Ligurian; alla - (of fish) deep-fried cheese/herb/mushroom stuffed
limanda nf sea fish: lemon sole
lime nm lime
limetta nf lime
limonata nf lemonade
limoncello nm lemon liqueur
limone nm lemon
limousine nf limousine
limpido a (of wine &c) clear
limulo nm horseshoe crab; king crab
lingua nf (of meat) tongue; - di bue beefsteak mushroom; ox tongue; - di castagno mushroom:
'chestnut tongue'
linguine nfpl long flat pasta
linguinette nfpl long narrow flat pasta
liofilizzato a freeze-dried
liquefare vt to melt; to thaw
liquefatto a melted; runny

liquido a liquid; (of honey) clear; (of soup) consomme; (of sauce) runny
liquirizia nf (of confectionery) liquorice
liquore nm liqueur; digestif; strong drink
liquoreria nf distillery; liquor shop; off-licence
liquoroso a (of wine) fortified
lira nf (of money) lira
lisca nf (of fish) bone; backbone
liscio a (of skin &c) smooth; (of alcohol &c) neat, straight; (of coffee) black
liscoso a (of fish &c) bony
lista nf (of shopping/prices &c) list; - degli invitate guest-list; - della spesa shopping-list; dei vini
wine-list; - delle vivande menu
litchi nm lychee
litro nm litre
littorina nf mollusc: winkle
livornese (alla) a (of fish) tomato-sauced
Livorno nf Leghorn
locale a (of speciality/wine) local; regional; of the area
localita nf locality
locanda nf tavern; inn; hostelry
locandiere nf innkeeper
lofio nm of sea fish: angler, frogfish, monkfish
lombardo a (of region) Lombard (Lombardic)
lombata nf (of meat) chine; loin; sirloin; backbone-containing joint
lombatina nf (of meat) small loin; small chine
lombo nf sirloin, loin, chine, saddle; i due - del bue baron of beef, double sirloin lompo nm sea fish:
lumpfish; uova di ~ lumpfish caviare
long drink nm long drink
lonza nf (of meat) loin
losanga nf lozenge
luccio nm sea fish: pike
lucidare vt (of silver &c) to polish -.
lucioperca nm freshwater-fish: pikeperch
luganega nf garlic pork sausage
luglio nm July
lumaca nf snail; mollusc: slug; -e snail-shaped pasta
lumache rigate nfpl large shell-shaped pasta
lumachoni rigati nmpl short hollow ribbed pasta
lunedi nm Monday
lunetta nf curved chopping knife
lungo a long; (of soup) thin; (of coffee) weak
lupino nm (of confectionery) lemon sweet
luppolo nm (of beer) hops
lusso nm luxury
lussuoso a luxurious
luzianide nm sea fish: red snapper

Italian Cooking Dictionary - M

macaira nf sea fish: marlin
maccheroni nmpl macaroni
macchia nf (of tablecloth &c) stain
macchiare vt (of liquid) to add a dash to; (of tablecloth) to stain
macchiato a (of coffee) with a dash of milk
macchina nf (of coffee/ice &c) machine; apparatus
macchinetta nf (of coffee/ice &c) machine; apparatus
macedonia di frutta nf fruit cocktail; fruit-salad
macellaio (a) nm/f butcher
macelleria nf (of shop) butcher's
macello nm abattoir
macerare vt to macerate; to soak; (of meat &c) to marinate
macerato a macerated; soaked; (of meat &c) marinated
macerazione nf maceration; soaking
macero a macerated; soaked
macinacaffe nm coffee-mill; coffee-grinder
macinapepe nm pepper-mill
macinare vt (of meat) to mince; (of coffee) to grind; (of corn) to grind; to crush
macinato a (of pepper/coffee) ground; (of meat) minced
macinatoio nm (of pepper/coffee) grinder; (of meat) mincer
macinino nm (of pepper/coffee) grinder; (of meat) mincer
macis nm/f (of spice) mace
madera nf (of fortified wine) Madeira
madia nf cupboard; bin; bread bin
mafarka nf rice/coffee/lemon peql pudding
magagna nf (of fruit &c) blemish, imperfection
maggio nm May
maggiorana nf marjoram
maggiorazione nf (of price) extra charge
maggiordomo nm butler
magnum nm (of bottle) magnum
magrezza nf (of meat) leanness
magro a (of meat) lean; (of bacon) back; low-fat; meagre; thin; fasting
maiale nm pig; pork; hog
maialino nm piglet; - da latte suckling pig
maionese nf (of sauce) mayonnaise
mais nm maize; sweetcorn
maitre nm maitre d'hotel
malacarne nf (of meat) cheap cut
malfatto nm cheese/spinach gnocchi; ravioli
malo a bad; off; sour

maltaggio nm malting
maltagliati nmpl rough-cut pasta
maltasi nf maltase
malto nm malt
malvasia nf malmsey
manager nm/f manager
mancanza nf scarcity; shortage
mancia nf (of service charge) tip
mandarino nm mandarin; tangerine; anatra -a mandarin duck
mandorla nf almond; kernel; crema (pasta) di -e frangipane; -e pelate blanched almonds
mandorlato nm almondincluding; almond/caramel cake
mangereccio a edible
mangiabile a (of meal quality) edible
mangiare vt to eat; nm eating; cooking; food; da - cruda (of apple) eating
mangiarino nm delicacy
mangiatutto a (of peas) mange-tout
mangiucchiare vt to nibble
mango nm mango
mangostano nm mangosteen
manicaretto nm dainty; delicacy
manico nm (of pan) handle
manioca nf (of flour) cassava, manioc
manna nf manna
mannaia nf meat cleaver
mantecare vt to whisk; to whip
mantecato a creamy; (of fish) in rich creamy sauce; cream of [ ]
mantenersi vi (of food) to preserve; to keep
mantovana nf almond-dusted cake; alla - pumpkin-based
manuale nm manual; handbook; - di istruzioni (~ d'utilizzo) operating manual
manzo nm beef
mapo nm (of fruit) grapefruit clementine cross
marasca nf morello cherry
maraschino nm maraschino
Marche nfpl (of region) Marches
marcio a (of fruit &c) bad, rotten, off
mare nm sea; frutti di - seafood; M- Adriatico Adriatic Sea; - Ionio Ionian Sea; M- Mediterraneo
Mediterranean Sea; - Tirreno Tyrrhenian Sea
marena nf morello cherry
marenata nf morello cherry syrup
marengo a (of chicken) Marengo; fried/tomatoed crayfish/egg-garnished; oil/ wine/garlic
margarina nf margarine
margarita nf margarita; lemon/ tequila cocktail
margherita a (of pizza) mozzarella/tomato/basilgarnished
marinara (alla) a lightly tomatosauced; (of fish) onion/garlic parsley-ed

marinare vt/vi to marinate (marinade); to pickle

marinaro a seaside; seafooddressed; (of pizza) anchovy/ olive/tomato/caper-garnished
marinata nf marinade; pickle
marinato a marinaded; pickled; soused
marinatura nf marinading
maritozzo nm sweet bun
marmellata nf jam; - di agrumi marmalade; sfogliatina alla ~ jam-puff
marmitta nf earthenware pot, casserole, stewing-pot marmorizzato a (of cake) ~a
marron glace nm marron glace; crystallized chestnut
marrone nm chestnut
marsala nf (of fortified wine) Marsala
marsigliese (alla) a of Marseilles
marsovino nm porpoise
martedi nm Tuesday; - grasso pancake day; Mardi Gras; Shrove Tuesday
martini dry nm dry Martini
marzaiola nf (of duck) garganey
marzapane nm marzipan
marzo nm March
mascarpone (mascherpone) nm soft fresh cow's milk cream cheese
mascella nf jaw; chap
maschio nm cock; male bird; (of animal) buck; (of gamebird) blackcock; a (of gender) male
massaia nf housewife; alla - simply cooked
masticare vt to chew
mate nm (of herbal tea) mate
matrimonio nm marriage; an,oiversario - wedding anniversary
mattatoio nm abattoir
matterello nm rolling-pin
mattina nf morning
mattone nm brick; (of pizza) wood-fire-brick cooked
mattonella nf (of ice-cream) brick
maturare vUvi (of fruit) to ripen
maturato a (of fruit) ripened; matured
maturita nf ripeness
maturo a mature; ripe; ready; aged; mellow
mazza di tamburo nf (of mushroom) parasol
mazzacuogno nm king prawn; imperial prawn
mazzancolla nf king prawn; imperial prawn
mazzo nm (of flowers/vegetables) bunch
medaglia nf (of excellence) medal
medaglione nm round slice, medallion
medio a (of oven temperature &c) medium; moderate; average
mediterraneo nm Mediterranean
megattera nf (of whale) humpback
megnesia effervescente aromatizzata nm sherbet

mela nf apple; - da cuocere (of apple) cooker; - cotogna quince; - granata pomegranate; - renetta
pippin; - selvatica crab-apple
melagrana nf pomegranate
melammina nf (of work surface) melamine
melangola nf bitter orange
melanzana nf aubergine; egg plant; - alla parmigiana
melarancia nf sweet orange
melarosa nf (of fruit) rose apple
melassa nf golden syrup
melba a (of peach) melba
melograno nm pomegranate
melone rim melon
mensa nf dining-room; canteen dining-hall; table; (of military) mess; mess-hall; buono - luncheon
menta nf mint; (of confectionery) peppermint; - piperita peppermint; - Romana peppermint; verde spearmint
mentina nf peppermint; mint
mentuccia nf wild mint
menu nm menu
mercatino nm local market
mercato nm market; a buon - cheap; good value; - Comune Common Market; - coperto covered
market; - ortofrutticolo fruit and vegetable market; - del pesce fish market; - rionale local market
mercoledi nm Wednesday; - delle ceneri Ash Wednesda~
merenda nf snack
merendina nf light-snack
meringa nf meringue
meringata nf cream/meringue cake
meringato a meringued
merlango (merlano) nm whiting; - nero pollack; saithe; coley
merlo nm blackbird
merluzzetto nm codling
merluzzo nm cod; uova di ~ cod's roe
mescere vt (of beer &c) to pour; to top-up
mescita nf wine shop; (of jug) pouring-out
mescitore (mescitrice) nm/nf barman (barmaid)
mescolamento nm mixing
mescolanza nf mixture
mescolare vt to mix; to blend; to cream; to fold-in
mescolata nf (of salad &c) toss; stir
mescolatore nm (of equipment) blender
mescolatura nf blending; mixing
messe nf harvest; crop
messicano a Mexican; beef olive
mestolo (mestola) nm(nf) ladle; scoop

mestolata nf ladleful meta nf half

mettere vt (of table) to lay; to set; to place
meuniere (alla) a cooked in butter/parsley/lemon
mezzaluna nf double-handled crescent chopping-knife
mezzanino nm mezzanine
mezzanotte nf midnight
mezzo nm/adj half; (of wine) half-litre; - bicchiere small bottle; - cotto half-cooked; -a pensione
half-board; -a pinta half-pint
mezzogiorno nm lunchtime; midday; noon; intervallo di - lunch-hour
mezzosangue nm (of animal) crossbreed
microonde nm microwave oven
midolla nf crumb
miele nm honey; - in favi honeycomb
mieloso a sugary; honeyed mietere, vt to harvest
mietitura nf (of wheat) harvest
migliaccio nm black pudding; chestnut cake
miglio nm millet
milanese (alla) a (of meat) breaded; (of rice) saffroned; (of risotto) white wine/
parmesan/saffroned; cotoletta alla - wiener schnitzel
milk-shake nm milk-shake; malted milk
millefoglie nm/f cream puff pastry
millesimato a vintage; non - non-vintage
milligrammo nm milligramme
mimosa nf mimosa
minerva nm safety-match
minestra nf soup; first course; ~ indiana al curry mulligatawny soup
minestrina nf consomme
minestrone nm minestrone
minutaglia nf (of fish) fry
minuto a very small
mirtillo nm blueberry; whortleberry; bilberry; huckleberry; - rosso cranberry
mirto nm myrtle
miscela nf (of whisky &c) blend; mixture
miscelare vt to mix; to blend
miscelatore a mixing; blending
miscelatura nf mixing; blending
mischiare vt to mix; to blend
misoltino nm freshwater fish: dried lake sardine
misticanza nf (of salad) wild/cultivated mix
misto a (of grill/fruit &c) mixed
mistra nm anis liqueur
mistura nf mixture
misura nf measure
misurare vt to measure
misurino nm measure; measuring-scoop; cocktail measure, jigger

mitilicoltura nf mussel-farming
mitilo nm mussel
mobile bar nm cocktail cabinet
moccolo di candela nm candle-end
modellare vt to shape; to mould
modulo nm (of kitchen furniture) unit; module
moka nf mocha
moleccha nf soft-shelled crab
molisano a (of region) of Molise molle a doughy; soft
mollette nfpl (of ice/sugar) tongs; -o a slightly soft
mollica nf soft part of bread; - crumbs
molluschicoltura nf mollusc farming
mollusco nm mollusc, shellfish clam
molva nf sea fish: ling
mondare vt (of grain/nuts) to hull; (of fruit) to peel
mondatura nf (of fruit) peeling mondo a peeled
moneta nf coin; telefono a -e pay-phone
montagnola nf hill
montare vt (of eggs) to beat; tc whip
montato a (of cream) whipped
montebianco nm chestnut/chocolate/meringue/cream cake; pureed chestnuts & cream
montone nm mutton; collo di - scrag-end
mora nf blackberry; mulberry
mora di gelso nf mulberry
mora di rovo nf blackberry; - camemoro nf cloudberry
morbido a soft; smooth
mordere vt to-bite
morena nf lamprey
moro nm mulberry; testa di - plain chocolate
morso nm mouthful; bite
mortadella nf mortadella; large spicy pork sausage
moscaiola nf meat safe
moscardino nm squid; eledone
moscatello nm muscatel
moscato nm muscat; noce -a nutmeg
mosco nm musk deer
mosella nf Moselle
mostacciuoli nmpl moustache shaped biscuits
mostarda nf french mustard; ~ di Cremona (of fruit) syrup ed pickled candies; - di frutta (of
preserves) fruit mustard
mosto nm (of wine) must
mousse nf mousse
mozzarella nf mozzarella; buffalo/cow's milk cheese; ~ in carrozza bread/mozzarella fritter; milanese cheese fried in eggs/bread crumbs
mucca nf cow

muesli nm muesli
muffa nf mould
mug nm mug
muggine comune nm sea fish: grey mullet
mugnaia (alla -) a parsley/butter/lemon-cooked; (a la) meuniere; miller's wife method
multiplano a (of carpark &c) multistorey
murena nf sea fish: moray eel
muscolo nm brawn; lean meat; muscle; mollusc: mussel
musso nm (of pig) snout
mussola nf muslin
muta nf (of wine) decanting

Italian Cooking Dictionary - N

nandu nm rhea
nepitella nf mint
napoleone nm brandy balloon
napoletana nf anchovy/mozzarella/basil-ed pizza; coffee-maker; alla - from
napoletano nm Neapolitan; anchovy/mozzarella/basil-ed pizza
nasello nm sea fish: hake; whiting
nastroni nmpl short looped pasta
nasturzio nm nasturtium
natale nm Christmas
natatoia nf (of fish) fin
naturale a (of food) organic; (of water) still; (of yoghurt) natural
navel nf navel orange
navone nm swede; rutabaga
negozio nm shop; - di alcolici off-licence
nero a black; (of wine) red; ribes - blackcurrant; Foresta -a (of cake) Black Forest
nespola nf medlar
nettare nm nectar
nettarina (pesca -) a (of peach) nectarine
neve nf snow; a~ (of beaten egg-whites) until stiff
nicotina nf nicotine
nido nm nest; minestra -i di rondine birds-nest soup; ~i di polenta maize-flour nest
nightclub nm nightclub
nizzarda (alla) a from Nice
nocca of (of horse) knuckle; fetlock nocciola of hazelnut; grossa cob-nut
nocciolato nm hazelnutchocolate nocciolina americana of peanut; groundnut; monkeynut
nocciolo nm (of fruit) stone, pit
note nm walnut (of chicken &c) oyster; (of butter) knob; d'acagiia cashew nut; - del Brasile Brazil
nut; - cinereo americano butter-nut; - di cocco coconut; - di cola cola nut; - moscata nutmeg; - (di)

pecan pecan nut; - di burro (of butter) knob; (of meat cut) inner hindquarter; - di vitello (of
hindquarters of veal) bestend nocepesca of nectarine
nocino nm walnut spirits
nodello nm (of horse) fetlock non fumatori a non-smoking
normanna (alla) a Norman style
nota spese nf expense account notte of night; buona ~! good night!
nove a nine
novello a (of wine/potato &c) new; polio - spring chicken
novembre nm November
nozze nfpl wedding
nuovo a (of potatoes &c) new
nutriente a nutritious
nutrimento nm nutriment, food, nourishment
nutrire vt to feed
nutritivo a nutritional
nutrito a nourished nutrizione of nutrition
nuziale a wedding; torta wedding cake

Italian Cooking Dictionary - O

oca nf goose occhiata of (of fish) saddled bream

occhio nm eye; (of potato) eye; all' di bue (of fried egg) sunny side up
occupato a (of WC/telephone &c) engaged
ochetta nf young goose
octopus nm octopus
odore nm (of cooking) odour; smell; (of flowers) scent
odori nmpl fresh herbs
offerta speciale of special offer oggi adv today
olandese a Dutch; (of cheese) Edam
oleato a greaseproof oleosita of oiliness; greasiness oliera of cruet
olio nm oil; - da tavola salad oil; - vegetale vegetable oil; extra-vergine extra-virgin olive oil
oliva (uliva) of olive; - nera black olive; ~ verde green olive oloturia of sea-cucumber; beche-demer
omaro nm lobster
ombrellino nm (of table) sunshade
ombrellone nm (of table) sunshade ombrina of sea fish: bass variety omelette of omelette
omogeneizzare vt to homogenize omogeneizzato a (of milk) homogenized
omogeneo a (of sauce) smooth oncia of (of weight) ounce ora of hour; time; - di [cena] [supper]
time; - di punta peak time; rush-hour orata of sea fish: sea bream; gilthead bream
orcio nm jar; jug,
ordinare vt (of meal) to order
ordinario a (of rice) short/round, pudding
ordine nm (of restaurant) order orecchia of mollusc: abalone; ear

orecchiette nfpl little ear shaped pasta

orecchio nm ear; ~ di guida (of mushroom) jew's ear
origano nm oregano origine of
origin orlo nm brim; rim
ortaggio nm vegetable; -i vegetables; greens ortica of stinging-nettle
ortivo nm vegetable garden
orto nm vegetable garden
ortofrutticolo a fruit-and vegetable
ortolano nm ortolan; bunting; greengrocer
ortomercato nm fruit and vegetable market orzata of barley-water
orzo nm barley; infuso d' barley water; - perlato pearl barley; zucchero d'- barley sugar
ospitare vt to receive; to entertain; to accommodate
ospite nm/f guest; host; hostess; bathtowel; d'onore guest of honour
osseo a bony
osso nm bone; con I'~ (senza I'-) (of meat) on (off) the bone
ossobuco nm marrowbone; shireof veal; wine/tomatoed meat-on-the-bone osteria of tavern; inn;
hostelry ostrica of oyster; stuzzichino di ~che angels on horseback; bacon wrapped oysters on toast
ostricaio nm oyster-farm
ostricoltura nf oyster-farming
otto a eight
ottobre nm October
ottopode nm octopod
ouzo nm ouzo; Greek aniseed spirits
ovarina nf (of poultry) unlaid egg
ovolo nm (of mushroom) royal agaric; Caesar's mushroom
ovotarica (bottarga) (buttariga) (butarega) nf botargo; mullet/tuna-roe relish

Italian Cooking Dictionary - P

pacchetto nm (of cigarette/ coffee &c) packet; bag

padella nf pan
padellata nf panful
padellino nm pannikin
padovana (alla) a from Padua
padrona nf proprietress; hostess
padrone nm proprietor; host
paella nf paella
paesana (alla) a countryside; (of cooking simplicity) country
pagamento nm payment
pagare vtto pay
pagato a paid
pagello nm sea fish: sea bream; - occhialone red sea bream
paglia nf sauced tagliatelle varieties; - e fino white & green noodles; (of poultry &c) stuffing

paglierino nm cow's milk cheese

paglietta nf scouring-pad
pagnotta nf loaf; - a fette sliced loaf; - integrale bran loaf
paio nm pair; (of game) brace
palamita nf sea fish: small tunny
palato nm palate
paletta nf scoop; spatula; slice
palettata nf scoop(ful)
palla nf (of ice-cream &c) ball; scoop pallina, (of ice-cream &c) ball; scoop
palma nf palm; cuori di - palm hearts
palombaccio nm wood pigeon; ring-neck dove
palombo nm sea fish: smooth hound shark; (of bird) pigeon
pampino nm vine leaf
pan di Spagna nm sponge cake; angel cake
pan di zucchero nm sugar-loaf
panare vt to crumb
pancarre nm sandwich-loaf
pancetta nf pork underbelly; ~ affumicata nf bacon
panchetta nf long soft wall seat
pancotto nm herb-breaded soup
pandispagna nm sponge cake
pandoro nm Verona cake
pane nm bread; (of butter) pat; - azzimo pitta-bread; unleavened bread; - bianco white loaf; ~
casereccio home-made bread; - in cassetta sandwich loaf; ciambellina di - bagel; ~ di crusca bran
loaf; - di glutine gluten bread; ~ indiano nan (naan) bread; ~ integrale wholemeal bread; brown
bread; granary loaf; ~ al latte milk loaf; - nero brown loaf; - di pesce fish loaf; - di segale blackbread, rye bread; ~ tostato toast; - di zucchero sugar-loaf
panetteria nf bakery
panettiere nm baker
panetto nm (of butter) pat; small loaf; roll; cake
panettone nm spicy sultana-ed brioche
panforte nm spiced/nutted cake/sweet
pangrattato nm breadcrumbs; wheatmeal bread
paniere nm basket
panificatore nm baker
panificazione nf bread-making
panificio nm bakery
panino nm bread-roll; sandwich; - dolce bun; - gigante hero sandwich; - soffice bap
paninoteca nf sandwich-bar
panna nf cream; ~ acida sour cream; - cotta cream/sugar pudding; - di cucina cooking cream; fiquida single cream; ~ da montare whipping cream; ~ montata whipped cream; - del latte floret
pannerone nm white gorgonzola cheese
pannocchia nf (of maize) cob; (of corn) ear; mantis shrimp
panpepato nm spiced/nutty/fruity cake
pantrito nm egg/cheese/breadcrumbed broth

panzanella nf herbed/tomatoed hard bread

panzerotto nm cheesed or jam-ed ravioli
papaia nf papaya, pawpaw
papato a peppery; spicy
papero (-a) nm/nf goose; gosling
pappa nf (of vegetables) mush; pulp; - reale royal jelly; baby food
pappardelle nfpl noodle egg pasta
pappata nf hearty meal
pappetta nf (of vegetables) mush
pappina nf (of vegetables) mush
pqprica nf paprika
paramosche nm (of food) flycover
parasole nm (of sun) parasol
parcheggiare vt to park
parcheggiatore nm parking attendant
parcheggio nm car-park; parking plot
parchimetro nm parking-meter
parigina (alla) a from Paris
parmigiana nf Parmesan cheese; cheesed/tomatoed baked-aubergine
parmigiano nm (of cheese) Parmesan
Pasqua nf Easter; uovo di - easter-egg
pasqualina (alla) a (of tart) spinach-ed
passapatate nm potato-masher
passaporto nm passport
passare vt to mash; to mince; to whisk; (of coffee) to filter
passatelli nmpl parmesan/nutmeg pasta soup
passato nm (of vegetables) puree; sieved
passato a bad; off
passatutto nm masher
passaverdura nm masher
passavivande nm service hatch
passera nf sparrow; - di mare sea fish: flounder; plaice
passino nm sieve; colander
passione (frutta della) nf passion-fruit
passito nm sweet raisin-wine
pasta nf pastry; paste; dough; duff; - brise (of pastry) shortcrust; - chou choux pastry; - fresca
fresh pasta; - frolla short pastry; ~ sfoglia puff (flaky) pastry; a - gialla (of potatoes &c) waxy, nera squid ink pasta; - all'uovo egg-enriched pasta; - verde spinach-enriched pasta
pastafrolla nf short-pastry; biscotto di - shortbread
pastasciutta nf (of oven-bake~ pasta
pasteggiare vi (of lobster &c) to dine on
pastella nf (of frying) batter
pasticca nf sweet; pastille; lozenge
pasticceria nf patisserie; cioccolato per - cooking chocolate
pasticciata nf meat stew;

polenta au gratin
pasticciere nm pastry-cook
pasticcino nm (of small cake) pastry; A patisseries; confectionery
pasticcio nm (of meat/fish) pie pate; pasty; shape; (of fish) fishcake
pastificare vi (of pasta) to make pasta
pastificazione nf pasta-makinc
pastificio nm (of retailer) pasta-shop
pastiglia nf sweet; pastille; lozenge; button; drop
pastina nf (of soup)-small past
pavese a from Pavia; raw-egg/
pastinaca nf parsnip; sea fish: stingray
pasto nm meal; buono - (buono mensa) luncheon voucher; - completo square meal; - leggero
snack; vino da - table wine
pastorella nf bel paese-like cheese
pastorizzare vt to pasteurize
pastorizzato a pasteurized
pastosita nf (of consistency) smoothness; (of wine) mellowness
pastoso a (of taste) doughy; (of wine) mellow
patata nf potato; - americana (_ dolce) sweet potato; -e farinose floury potatoes; -e fritte chips,
french fries; ~e al forno baked potatoes; roast potatoes; ~e lesse boiled potatoes; ~e novelle new
potatoes; pure di -e mashed potatoes
patatine fritte nfpl chips; french fries; crisps
pate nm pate; (of fish/meat) paste
patella nf limpet
paternostro nm tube pasta
patio nm patio; courtyard
patna nm Patna rice
pattumiera nf rubbish-bin; trashcan
pausa nf (of lunch/coffee &c) break toast/Parmesaned broth
pavoncella nf lapwing
pecora nf sheep; ewe; formaggio di ~ ewe's milk cheese
pecorella nf small sheep
pecorino nm hard ewe's milk cheese; - pepato peppered hard ewe's milk cheese
pecorone nm sheep
pectina nf pectin
pedemontano a Piedmontese
peduccio nm knuckle; trotter
pelago nm open sea
pelame nm (of animal) hair; fur
pelapatate nm potato-peeler
pelare vt to skin; to peel; to scrape; (of fowl) to pluck
pelati nmp/ canned peeled tomatoes
pelato a, peeled; (of almonds &c) blanched
pelatrice nf electric peeler
pelatura nf peeling; skinning

pelle nf skin; peel; rind; peeling pellicola

protettiva nf cling-film
pelo nm (of animal) hair; fur
peltro nm pewter
penetrare vi to impregnate
penne nfpl quill-shaped pasta
pennello nm (of pastry) brush
pennette rigati nfpl short hollow ribbed pasta
pensionante nm/f (of B&B) guest
pensione nf inn; tavern; (of accommodation) board; - completa full-board; mezza
~ half-board; guesthouse; B&B
pentola nf pan; pot; casserole
pentolame nmpl pots and pans
pentolata nf potful
pentolino nm small pan; (of pan) poacher
peoci nmpl mussels
pepaiola nf pepperpot
pepare vtto pepper
pepato a peppered; peppery
pepe nm (of seasoning) pepper; ~ di Caienna cayenne pepper; - in grani peppercorns
peperata nf bone-marrow/parmesan sauce
peperonata nf (of dish) peppers/onions/tomatoes oil cooked
peperoncino nm chili; hot pepper; - rosso nm chili pepper
peperone nm sweet pepper; - rosso red pepper; - verde green pepper
pepiera nf pepperpot pera nf pear
perca di mare nf sea fish: seaperch
perciatelli nmpl macaroni
perdere vt to leak
perfetto a perfect
permeabile a permeable
pernice nf partridge; - bianca ptarmigan
pernottamento nm overnight accommodation; - e prima colazione B&B
pero nm pear tree; - delle Indie guava tree
persicata nf peach paste
persico a Persian; ~ sole sea fish: sunfish; pesce - freshwater bass; perch; - trota largemouth bass
personale nm staff; employees; riservato al - (of sign) staff only; a (of portion &c) individual
perugina (alla) a from Perugia
pesante a (of weight/wine &c) heavy
pesantezza nf (of weight/wine &c) heaviness
pesare vt to weigh
pesato a heavy
pesca nf peach; - duracina clingstone peach; - gialla yellow peach; - Melba peach melba; nettarina (- noce) nectarine
pescanoce nf nectarine
pescatora (alla) a fish sauce/ fish-garnished

pescatrice nf sea fish: monkfish, angler-fish, frogfish

pesce nm fish; - d'acqua dolce freshwater fish; - ago sea fish: needle-fish; garfish; - angelo sea
fish: angel-fish; monkfish; - azzurro sea fish mackerel; sardine; anchovies; - barometro freshwater
fish: loach; - cappone sea fish: scorpion fish; - chitarra sea fish: guitar-fish; - cofana (~ scatola) (sega) sea fish saw-fish; colla di - isinglass; - gatto sea fish: catfish; - lanterna flat sea fish: lantern
fish; megrim; latte di - soft roe; ~ luna sea fish: moonfish (king-fish) (opah); - lupo sea fish: wolffish; - di mare sea fish; - pappagallo seafish: parrot-fish; - persico freshwater fish: bass; perch;
pane di - fish loaf; - pilota sea fish: pilot-fish; rudder-fish; - san Pietro sea fish: dory, John Dory, St
Peter's fish; - prete sea fish: star-gazer; ~ sega sea fish: saw-fish; - sergente sea fish:
sergeantfish; - spada (pescispade) sea fish: sword-fish; - vela marlin; - volante (- rondine) flyingfish; - volpe thresher shark
pescecane nm sea fish: dogfish
pescespada nm sea fish: swordfish
pescheria nf (of shop) fishmonger's
pesciaiola nf fish-kettle; (of pan) poacher
pesciera nf fish-kettle; (of pan) poacher
pesciolini da frittura nm fried small-fry
pescivendolo nm fishmonger
pesconoce nm nectarine
peso nm weight
pestare vt to grind; to crush
pestello nm pestle
pesto nm pine nut/garlic/ cheese/basil/oil sauce
petit-four nm petit four
pettine nm scallop; conchiglia di - scallop-shell
pettino nm (of baby) bib
petto nm (of chicken &c) breast; punta di - brisket
pezzetto nm piece; bit; morsel; scrap; collop
pezzo nm piece; bit; chunk; scrap; (of meat) cut; (of soap) cake; tagliare a -i (of poultry) to joint;
- forte piece de resistance; masterpiece
piacentina (alla) a from Piacenza
piada (piadina) nf flat unleavened bread
piano nm surface; worksurface; hob; (of storey) floor; ~ rialzato mezzanine floor; a flat; level
pianta nf plant; tree
piantaggine nf plantain
piantine nfpl (of carrot &c) top
piastra nf griddle; hotplate; ring
piattaia nf cupboard; plate-rack
piattino nm saucer; (of butter) dish; plate; small plate; teaplate; delicacy
piatto a (of surface) flat; smooth; nm plate; dish; plateful; serving-dish; main course; nmpl
crockery; - caldo hot dish; - di carta paper plate; - fondo soupplate; ~ forte main course; - freddo
cold dish; - piano dinner-plate; ~ di portata serving dish; - principale entree; main course; - pronto
ready meal; ready-to-serve food; - del giorno chef's special; dish of the day piazza of (of village &c)
square; a una - (of table/setting) for one
piccante a spicy; (of flavour) hot; juicy; sharp

piccarda (alla) a from Picardy piccata of lemon/parsley fried veal

picciolo nm stalk; (of fruit &c) shell; hull
piccioncino nm young pigeon piccione nm pigeon
piccolo nm (of buffalo &c) calf; a small
picnic nm picnic
piede nm foot; trotter
piedino nm trotter
piemontese nm Piedmontese; alla - (of peppers) baked garlic/tomato/anchovy-stuffed; (of
peaches) amaretti biscuitstuffed white-wined
pieno a (of restaurant/glass/ stomach) full; nm (of season) height pietanza of dish
pigiare vt (of grapes) to tread pigiatrice of wine-press pigiatura of (of wine grapes)
pignolo nm pine kernel; pine nut
pilaf nm pilaf(f)
pilare vt (of rice) to husk pilatura of (of rice) husking
pimento nm allspice; pimento
pinguino nm choc-ice pinna of (of fish) fin; mollusc: pinna; - caudate tail-fin pinoccata of pine-nut
pinolo nm pine kernel pinta of pint; pint glass
pinzimonio nm (of dip) vinaigrette piovra of octopus pipa of pipe
pipe regate nfpl short curved hollow pasta piramide of pyramid pirofila of ovenproof dish pirofilo a
ovenproof; heat resistant
pirottino nm paper pastry-case piscina of swimming-pool
pisellini nmpl petits pois
pisello nm pea; - gigante marrowfat pea; mangiatutto mangetout; -i secchi split-peas
pistacchio nm pistachio piuma of feather
piviere nm plover pizza of pizza; pie; - alla casalinga anchovy/tomato/origano/cheesed pastry
pizza; alla francescana ham/mushroom/tomato/cheese pizza; - napoletana
anchovy/mozzarella/basil-ed pizza; rustica bechamel-ed ham/cheese/egg pizza
pizzaiolo nm pizza-maker; alla -a richly tomato/oil/garlic/ oregano-sauced pizzeria of pizzeria
pizzetta of small pizza pizzicheria of grocer
pizzichino a (of drink) fizzy; (of food) hot
pizzico nm (of salt &c) pinch; sprinkling
placare vt (of hunger) to satisfy; (of thirst) to quench; to slake placca of roasting tin platessa of
sea fish: flounder; plaice
plum cake nm plum cake pochette of sponge-bag
pochino nm a tiny bit (of)
poco a little polenta of maize porridge
polipetto nm small squid
polipo nm octopus polla of (of water) spring
pollastro nm spring chicken; cockerel
pollaiolo nm poulterer
pollame nm fowl; poultry pollastra of pullet pollastrella of pullet
pollastrino nm pullet pollastro rim chicken polleria of poultry-shop pollezzola of (of carrot &c) top
pollivendolo nm poulterer

polio nm chicken; fowl; d'allevamento battery hen; arrosto roaster; - novello spring chicken
polmone nm lung
polpa of (of meat) lean meat; (of fruit) flesh; - di granchio crab-meat
polpetta of (of meat) meatball; rissole; (of fish) fishcake
polpettina of (of meat) small flat rissole
polpettone nm meatloaf; meat roll
polpo nm octopus; sea-fish: devilfish
polposo a (of fruit) fleshy; (of meat) meaty
poltiglia of (of vegetables) mush; pulp
poltrona nm armchair
polvere of powder; in powdered; dried
polverizzare vt (of cakes &c) to powder; to sprinkle with
polveroso a powdery
pome nm apple
pomeriggio nm afternoon
porno nm pome
pomodorino nm cherry tomato
pomodoro (pomidoro) nm tomato; - ciliegino cherry tomato; -i da sugo sauce tomatoes
porppelmo nm (of citrus fruit) grapefruit; shaddock; pomelo; rosa pink grapefruit
ponce nm (of drink) punch
pop-corn nm popcorn
popletta of small meat rissole
popone nm melon
poppatoio nm feeding bottle
prosecco nm dry white wine proteins of protein
provare vt to try; to test; to sample; to taste
provenienza of (of wine region &c) origin
provenzale (ally) a Provengal; oil/vinegar/tomato-ed
provola of buffalo/cow's milk cheese; - di pecora ewe's milk cheese
provolone nm hard buffalo or cow's milk cheese
provviste nfpl provisions; food
prugna of plum; ~ regina claudia greengage; - sects prune
prugnola of sloe
pub nm pub; inn
pubblicano nm publican
pudding nm pudding; - di Natale Christmas pudding
pugliese a (of region) Apulian; from Puglia pula of husks; chaff
pulire vt (of fowl/greens/fish &c) to clean; to dress; to gut
pulito a (of dishes &c) clean
pungente a (of smell) sour punts of (of asparagus) tip; - di petto brisket
punto nm point; ~ di assemblaggio assembly point; - di ebollizione boilingpoint; ~ di congelamento
punzecchiare vt to prick; to puncture
pure of puree; paste; (of potatoes) mash; (of peas) mushy
puro a (of alcohol) neat

putiza of (of pudding) nut/raisinil rum roll

putrido a putrid; rotten
puttanesca (ally) a spicy ', anchovy/tomato/olives/capers.j sauced
puzza (di) of (of cooking) smell' (of) sauced
puzza (di) of (of cooking) smell' (of) '

Italian Cooking Dictionary - Q

quaglia of quail
quagliare vi to congeal; to curdle
quaglietta of little quail; skewered veal
quagliette di vitello nfpl ham stuffed veal slices
quality of quality; grade
quantity of quantity
quartino of quarter
quarto nm quarter
quattro a four
quercia of (of barrel) oak
quiche lorenese of quiche lorraine; egg/bacon/cheese flan spirits

Italian Cooking Dictionary - R

rabboccare vt (of glass) to top up

raccoglibriciole nm (of cleaning) crumbs pan
raccogliere vt to harvest; to gather accolto (a) nm(f) harvest; crop; fasts dal -o harvest festival
raccomandato a (of restaurant) recommended
raccomandazione of (of restaurant) recommendation
racimolo nm bunch of grapes
raddensamynto nm (of sauce) thickening
raddensare vt (of sauce) to thicken
raddolcire vt to sweeten
radicchio nm chicory variety; radicchio
radice of root; ~ dolce liquorice
radiotaxi nm radio-taxi
rafano nm horseradish
raffermo a (of bread) stale; hard
raffilare vt to sharpen
raffilatura of sharpening
raffinare vt (of butter) to clarify; (of sugar) to refine
raffinato a (of sugar &c) refined
raffreddare vt to cool; to chill; -si vi to cool down agazzo nm (of hotel) call-boy; lift boy
nm rhubarb; rhubarbi ~

raggelare vt to freeze
raggrumare vt (of sauce) to thicken; vi to become lumpy
raggrumato a (of sauce) lumpy
ragu nm bolognese sauce; mince/tomato/onion-sauced; onion/tomato-ed ragout; spaghetti al spaghetti bolognese
ramaiolo nm ladle
rametto nm sprig
rami nmpl copperware
ramolaccio nm radish
rampollo nm shoot; sprout
rang of frog; - verde edible frog rana;pescatrice of of sea fish: angler, frogfish, monkfish tans toro
of bullfrog
rancido a rancid
ranocchio nm frog
raps of turnip; time di greens; turnip tops; cavolo kohlrabi; sedano - celeriac
rapprendere vt (of sauce &c) to thicken
rapprendersi vi (of sauce &c) to thicken
rappreso a (of sauce) thickened; (of jelly) set; (of cream) clotted taro a scarce
raspo nm (of grape) stalk
rastrelliera of (of plates/ bottles) rack
ravanello nm radish
ravazzata of pizza rolled with sausages inside
raviggiolo nm ewe's milk cheese
ravioli nmpl ravioli
ravizzone nm oilseed rape
razionare vt to ration
razione nf ration
razza nf sea fish: skate; ray; - chiodata sea fish: thornback ray
reale a royal; germano - wild duck
reception nf (of restaurant) reception desk/area
recipiente nm container; - graduato measuring-jug
refettorio nm refectory; dining hall; (of military) mess
refezione nf meal
refrigerante a (of drink) refreshing; cooling
refrigerare vt to refrigerate; to cool; to chill
refrigeratore nm refrigerator
refrigerazione nf refrigeration
regaleco nm sea fish: scabbard-fish; ribbon-fish (oarfish) (king of the herrings)
regalo nm gift; present
reggiano a from Emilia Romagna
reggiposata nm knife-rest
regina di cuori nf (of cocktail) sugar/curapao/anisette/angostura/marsala
regionale a (of speciality/wine) regional; of the area
regione nf region
registro dei clienti nm visitors-book

regolabile a adjustable
regolare vt adjust
regolizia nf liquorice
reidratare vt to re-hydrate
rendiconto nm account
rene nm kidney
renetta nf (of apple) rennet
renna nf reindeer
Reno nm Rhine; vino del - Rhine wine; hock
repulisti nm to lick the platter clean
residuo nm marc
resta nf fishbone
resti nm left-overs
restingere vt (of sauce) to reduce
retrocucina nf scullery
retrogusto nm aftertaste; tang (of wine) length
rettangolare a rectangular
ribalta nf (of hinged-top table) leaf; flap
ribasso nm discount
ribes nm currant; - nero blackcurrant; - rosso redcurrant
riboccare vi to boil over
riboflavina nf riboflavin, lactoflavin
ribollimento nm bubbling
ribollire vt to reboil
ribollita nf red cabbage/bread/ bean soup (reboiled)
ribollitura nf reboiling
ricavare vt (of essence) to extract
riccio nm hedgehog; - di mare sea urchin; a (of vegetable leaf &c) curly
ricco a rich; - di (of vitamins &c) rich-in; high-in
ricetta nf recipe; libro di - cook-book
ricettario nm cook-book, recipe-book
ricevere vt (of guest) to greet; to receive; to entertain; to welcome
ricevimento nm (of party) reception; discorso di ~ welcome speech
ricevuta nfreceipt
ricolmo a piled high; heaped; overflowing
ricoperto a (of icing &c) covered-in; coated-with; nm choc-ice; stick-ice ricopertura nf (of icing &c)
ricoprire vt to cover; to top; to coat
ricotta nf (of cheese) ricotta; ewe's milk cheese
ricucinare vt to re-cook
ricuocere vt to re-cook
riddure vt (of sauce &c) to reduce; to boil down; to condense; to crush ridotto a concessionary
riduzione nf discount; concession
riempire vt to fill
rifreddo a re-cooled

rifritto a refried
rifrittura nf refried food
rigaglie nf giblets
rigato a (of decoration) striped; lined; ribbed
rigatoni nmpl tubed ribbed macaroni
rigonfio a reflated
rigovernare vt (of dishes) to wash-up
rigovernata vt (of dishes) washing-up
rigovernatura nf (of dishes) washing-up water; (of crockery) the washing-up
rimasuglio nm left-overs
rimescolare vt to mix; to stir; (o,f, salad) to toss
rimescolata nf (of soup cooking &c) stir
rimescolio nm (of soup cooking &c) continuous stir
rimpastare vt to knead
rimpolpare vt (of poultry) to fatten-up
rinfrescante a (of drink) refreshing; cooling
rinfreschi nmpl refreshments
rinfresco nm buffet; (of wedding &c) reception
rinvenire vt (of dried food &c) to~, revive; to re-moisten
ripiano nm shelf
ripieno nm stuffing; filling; dressing; a (of chocolate &c) soft-centred; (of cake) filled; (of meat &c)
stuffed; cioccolatino - chocolate cream
riposare vt to leave standing; to set aside
riscaldamento centralizzato nm central heating
riscaldare vt to re-heat; to heat-up
riscaldata nf heating/warmingup
riscaldato a heated/warmed-up
riscaldatore nm heater
risciacquare vt (of dishes) to rinse
risciacquata nf (of dishes) rinse
risciacquatura nf (of dishes) rinse; dish-water
riscuotere vt (of cheque) to cash
riservato a (of table) reserved
risi e bisi nmpl ham/peas risotto
riso nm rice; - integrale brown rice; - in bianco plain/ boiled rice; - alla cantonese egg-fried; - a
chicchi corti short-grained rice; - a chicchi lunghi long-grained rice; - a chicchi tondeggianti pudding
rice; - degli indiani wild rice; - pilaf pilau rice, spicy stock-cooked rice; - verdi green rice
risotto nm risotto
ristorante nm restaurant; vagone - restaurant car
ristorare vt (of drink &c) to refresh
ristoratore (trice) nm(f) restaurateur; restaurant owner
ristoro nm refreshment; (of refreshment) bar; W to restore
ristretto a concentrated; strong
risucchiare vt (of oysters) to swallow
ritaglio nm (of butcher's) scrap

ritirata nf WC
riutilizzabile a re-usable; non - throw-away
rivelatore nm (of fire/smoke &c) detector
riversare vt (of liquid) to pour
rivestito a (of sugar &c) coated; covered
rivoltare vt (of pancake &c) to turn over
robiola nf soft sweet goat or cow's milk cheese
robiolina nf soft cow's milk cheese
Rodano nm Rhone
rognone nm kidney
role nm roll
romagnolo a (of region) Emiglia Romagna
romana a(f) (of lettuce) cos; alla - from Rome; (of fish) cream/spinach-garnished; (of artichokes)
olive oil/garlic/ parsley-braised
rombo nm (of shape) diamond; lozenge; - candido sea fish: megrim (sail-fluke) (whiff);chiodato sea-fish: turbot; - liscio sea-fish: brill
rompere vt (of eggs) to break; to crack
rondine (nido di) nf (of soup) birds-nest
rosa a (of colour) pink; -canina (of fruit) rosehip
rosatello nm (of wine) rose
rosato nm (of wine) rose
rosbif nm roast beef
rose a (of wine) rose
rosetta nf (of bread) roll
rosicchiare vt to nibble
rosmarino nm rosemary
rospo nm sea fish: angler-fish
rosso a red; (of egg) yolk; in - tomato-saUced
rosticceria nf rotisserie
rostiera nf roasting tin
rotella nf (of pastry &c) cutting wheel
rotelle nfpl wheel-shaped pasta
rotolo nm (of paper) roll; (of cake/chocolate &c) roll
rotondita nf (of whisky &c) smoothness; mellowness
rotondo a round; (of wine) rounded; smooth
rovesciare vt to spill; to overturn; to tip-out; to pour rubinetto rim tap
rubrica nf address book
rucola nf (of vegetables) rocket
rum nm rum; - bianco white rum; - bruno dark rum
ruspante a free-range
rustisciano a rustic
rutabaga nf rutabaga; swede

Italian Cooking Dictionary - S

sabato nm Saturday
sabbiato a sandy
saccarina nf saccharin
saccarosio nm sucrose
saccata nf sackful
sacchetto nm bag; - per congelare freezer-bag
sacco nm sack; bag; pranzo al ~ pack-lunch
saggiavino nm (of cup) winetaster, tastevin, tate-vin
saggina nf sorghum
sagra nf festival
sagu nm sago
sakenm sake; rice wine
sala nf room; lounge; hall; - d'aspetto waiting room; ~ per banchetti banqueting hall; - da ballo
ball-room; - conferenze conference room; - fumatori smokingroom; - interna lounge bar; private
bar; - da pranzo dining-room; - da te tea-room
salacca nf sea fish: shad
salagione nf salting
salame nm salami; sausage; - fabriano pork/veal salami; - di,felino pork/garlic/whitewine salami; fiorentina coarse-cut pork salami; - genovese pork/veal salami; - milano white-wined porkbeef
garlic salami; - napoletano pork/beef spicy salami; - sardo Sardinian salami; red-pepper pork
salami; - ungherese Hungarian salami; pork/beef paprika/garlic/white-wine salami
salamella nf small salami
salamoia nf brine, pickle
salare vt to cure; to salt
salatino nm small savoury, appetizer; cocktail biscuit
salato a salted; salty; savoury
salatura nf salting
saldare vt to pay
sale nm salt; - da cucina cooking-salt; - fino (- da tavola) table-salt; - marino sea-salt; sotto - (of
meat) corned
saletta nf small room
salgemma nm rock salt
saliera nf salt-cellar
salino a salty
salmastro a salty
salmerino nm (of trout) charr
salmi nm game ragout; salmi; lepre in - jugged hare
salmistrare vt to corn
salmistrato a corned
salmonato a salmon; trota -a salmon trout
salmone nm salmon
salmonella nf salmonella
salone nm reception hall
salsa nf sauce; gravy; relish; - di lamponi Melba sauce; - di noce ground walnuts/butter/ cream

sauce; - piccante salsa; barbecue sauce; - tonnata tuna mayonnaise; ~ verde herb thickened
salsapariglia nf sarsaparilla
salsiccia nf sausage
salsicciotto nm frankfurter
salsiera nf sauce-boat; gravy boat
salsina nf (of nibbles) dip
saltare vt to saute; to stir-fry; (of pancake) to toss
saltato a saute; tossed
saltimbocca nm ham/saged fried veal ('jump in the mouth')
salto a saute; tossed
salumeria nf delicatessen; sausage shop
salumi nmpl cooked cold meats
salumiere nm cooked cold meats seller
salutare vt to greet
salute! (alla) nf cheers!
saluto nm greeting
salvia nf (of herb) sage
salvietta nf napkin
sambuca nf anisette
sambuco nm (of tree/wine) elder
samosa nm samosa; triangular stuffed pastry
sampietro nm sea fish: dory, John Dory, St Peter's fish
San Marzano nm plum tomato
sandwich nm sandwich
sangiovese nm red wine
sangria nf sangria
sangue nf blood; al - (of steak) rare; underdone
sanguinaccio nm black pudding
sanguinello nm blood-orange
sanguinolento a (of steak) rare; underdone
sano a (of fruit &c) in good condition
sansa nf marc
santoreggia nf (of herb) savory
sapa nf concentrated must
sapere vi to taste; to savour
sapidita nf flavour
sapido a flavoursome
sapodilla nf sapodilla
sapone nm'goap
saponetta nf (of soap) cake
sapore nm flavour; taste; - picante spiciness
saporito a flavoursome; tasty; savoury
saporoso a tasty; savoury
saraceno (grano) a buckwheat

sarda nf pilchard
sardella nf pilchard
sardina nf sardine; pilchard; sardelle
sardo a Sardinian; strong ewe's milk cheese
sartu nm giblets/tomato/parmesan/breadcrumbed rice bake
sassafrasso nm (of tea) sassafras
satollo a sated
satureia nf (of herb) savory
saute a saute; stir-fried
savoiardo nm sponge-finger; ladyfinger
sbattere vt to mix; to beat; to whisk
sbattitore nm mixer; beater
sbattiuova nf egg-whisk; egg beater
sbattuta nf (of eggs &c) beating
sbattuto nm (of eggs &c) beaten
sbianchire vt to blanch
sboccare vt (of wine cork flotsam) to remove
sbocconcellare vt (of food) to pick at; to nibble
sbollgntare vt to blanch; to parboil
sbollire vi to go off the boil
sbramare vt (of rice) to hull
sbriciolare vt (of biscuits &c) to crumble
sbrinamento nm (of freezer) defrosting
sbrinare vt (of freezer) to defrost
sbrinatore nm (of fridge) defroster
sbucciapatate nm potato peeler
sbucpiare vt to peel; to skin
sbucciatore nm peeler
sbudellare vt (of game/fish &c) to clean; to gut; to gill
sbuzzare vt (of game/fish &c) to clean; to gut; to gill
scadente a (of wine) rough; coarse; liquore - hooch
scadenza (data di) nf expiry date; sell-by date
scadere vi to go past sell-by date
scaduto a off; stale; bad; overdate
scaglia nf (of almond &c) flake
scagliare vt (of fish) to scale; to flake
scaglioso a scaly; flaky scala nf stairs
scalcare vt to carve
scalco nm carving knife
scaldabiberon nm bottle warmer
scaldapiatti nm hotplate; dishwarmer
scaldare vt to heat; to warm
scaldarsi vi to heat up; to heat through
scaldavivande nm chafingdish; hotplate; dishwarmer
scalogno nm shallot

scaloppa nf escalope
scaloppina nf escalope; thin veal slice; ~e alla perugina (of veal) chicken liver/croQtons-garnished
scamorza nf soft cow's milk cheese
scampi nmpl scampi
scampo nm Dublin Bay prawn; scampi
scannatoio nm abattoir
scantinato nm basement
scappato a (of skewered meat) barbecued
scappellare vt (of mushroom) to remove cap
scardola nf freshwater fish: rudd
scarnire vt (of bone) to remove flesh
scarola nf endive
scarpetta nf (of plate cleaning) mop of bread
scarpino rim fried onion/anchovy paste
scarsezza nf scarcity; shortage
scarsita nf scarcity; shortage
scarti nmpl scraps; offal
scartozeto nm creamed small batter pudding
scatola nf box; tin; can; (of tea) caddy; in - (of shrimps &c) potted
scatolame nm tinned food
scatoletta nf small box; small tin; small can
scegliere vt (of eggs &c) to grade; to select; to choose
scelta nf (of option/quality) choice
scelto a (of meat) choice
scheda magnetica nf card key; - telefonica phonecard
scheggia nf (of glass &c) chip
scheggiare vt (of glass &c) to chip
schiaccianoci nm nutcrackers
schiacciapatate nm potato masher
schiacciare vt (of nuts) to crack; (of tube &c) to squeeze; to mash; (of fruit) to crush
schiacciata nf regional flat cake/bread
schiacciato a flat; (of garlic &c) crushed
schiarire vt (of beer) to fine
schiaritura nf (of brewing) fining
schidione nm skewer
schienale nm (of animal) bone marrow
schifezze nfpl junk-food
schinco nm (of veal) whole shin
schiuma nf (of drinks) froth
schiumare vt`to make frothy; to de-froth; to de-scum
schiumarola nf skimmer
schiumoso a (of drinks) frothy
schizzo nm (of milk &c quantity) dash; splash
sciabica nf moorhen
sciacquare vt (of dishes &c) to rinse

sciacquata nf (of dishes &c) rinse

sciacquatura nf (of dishes &c) dishwater
sciadocco nm (of citrus fruit) shaddock
sciapo a (of savour) tasteless
scimmia nf monkey
sciogliere vt to dissolve; to melt
scipito a tasteless
sciroppare vt to syrup
sciroppato a syrup-ed
sciroppo nm syrup
sciropposo a syrupy
sciula piena nf stuffed onion
scodella nf bowl
scoglio (allo) a (of platter) mixed seafood
scoiattolo nm squirrel
scolabottiglie nm bottle drainer
scolainsalata nm salad-shaker
scolapasta nm colander
scolapiatti rim plate-rack
scolare vt to strain; to drain
scombro nm sea fish: mackerel
scomparto nm (of fridge) compartment
scomparto nm (of ice) ice-box scondito a plain; unseasoned; (of salad) undressed
scongelare vt (of food) to defrost
sconsigliato a not recommended
scontato a concessionary
sconto rim discount; concession
scontrino rim (of cloakroom) ticket; receipt
scopa nf (of brush) broom
scorfano (a) nm(f) sea fish: scorpion fish; - rosso sea fish: scorpion fish
scorpena nf sea fish: scorpion fish`
scorpenode nf sea fish: scorpion fish
scorza nf peel; rind; peeling
scorzonera dolce nf (of root vegetable) salsify; scorzonera
scotch rim (of whisky) scotch
scottare vt to blanch; to parboil
scottato a blanched; parboiled
scotto a overcooked, overdone
scovolino nm bottle-brush
scozzese a (of whisky) scotch
scremare vt to cream-off; to skim
scremato a skimmed; low-fat
scrematrice nf creamer
screwdriver nm screwdriver, vodka/orange cocktail
scrocchiare vi (of biscuit &c) to crumble; to crunch

scrofa nf sow
scrollare vt (of bottle) to shake
scultore nm (of person) carver
scuocere vt to overcook
scuola nf (of cookery) school
scuotere vtr agitate; to shake
scuro a dark; (of beer) stout; brown ale; abito ~ black tie; formal dress; suits
seccare vt to cure; to dry
secchiello nm (of ice) bucket; (of wine) cooler
secco a (of fruit &c) dried; (of wine) dry; molto - extra dry
seconda scelta (di) nf (of meat cuts &c) cheap
secondo nm main course
sedano nm celery; head of celery; gambo di - stick of celery; - rapa celeriac
sedare vt (of thirst/hunger) to quench; to assuage
sedere vi (of table &c) to sit down
sedersi vi (of table &c) to sit down; (of souffle) to collapse
sedia nf dining-room chair; -a rotelle wheelchair
sedile nm long soft wall-seat
seduto a seated
segale (segala) nf rye
seghettato a serrated
sego nm suet; (of candles) tallow
segreteria telefonica nf answer machine sei adv six
self-service nm self-service
sella nf (of lamb &c) saddle
selvaggina nf (of wild) game
selvatico a wild; cipollmela -a crab-apple; susina -a damson; (of smell) gamy
selz nm seltzer
seme nm seed; stone; pip; (of cocoa) bean; senza -i seedless
semifino nm rice for soups
semifreddo nm (of need to keep cold) cake; pudding
semigrasso a semi-fat
semino nm pip
semipieno a half-full
semola nf semolina; bran
semolato a (of sugar) caster
semolino nm semolina
senape nf mustard; french mustard
sentore nm (of flavour) hint senza prep without; free-of
separare vt to separate
sepiola nf mollusc: cuttlefish
sepolina nf mollusc: cuttlefish
sepolino nm squid
seppia nf mollusc: cuttlefish
sera nf evening; buona -! good evening!

serata nf evening; night

serpentaria nf tarragon
servire vt to serve; to dish up; to pour-out; (of food) to help
servizi nmpl toilets; WC
servizio nm service; service charge; (of tea/cutlery/crockery) service; set; (of sessions) sitting; ~
all'americana place-mats; - compreso service included; - a domicilio home-delivery; - da scalo (of
utensils) carvers
sesamo nm sesame
setacciare vt to sieve; to sift
setacciatura nf sifting
setaccio nm sieve
sete nf thirst
sette a seven
settembre nm September
sfare vt to unpack
sfincione nm sicilian pizza
sfilatino nm baguette; french loaf
sfilettare vt (of fish) to fillet
sfoglia nf pastry; flaky pastry
sfogliatella nf crystallized fruit/ricotta-ed puff pastry
sfogliatina nf puff pastry
sfogo nm (of fish) sole
sformato nm (of cheese &c) flan; shape; mould; (of vegetables) pudding/souffle
sfornare vt to remove from oven
sfornato a fresh-baked; straight out of the oven
sfriggere vi to sizzle
sfrigolante a sizzling
sfuso a (of sweets &c) loose; unpackaged; (of butter) melted; (of wine) on-tap; unbottled
sgassato a (of champagne &c) flat
sghiacciare vt to thaw sgocciolare vt (of bottle) to empty; vito drip
sgocciolatoio nm plate-rack; draining-board
sgocciolatura nf dripping; drips; drops
sgombrare vt (of room) to vacate
sgombro nm sea fish: mackerel
sgonfiarsi vi (of souffle) to collapse
sgranare vt (of peas &c) to shell; to hull
sgranellare vt (of bunch of grapes) to pick individual grape
sgranellatura nf (of bunch of gf2pes) picking of individual grape
sgranocchiare vt to munch
sgrassare vt to skim-off fat; (of meat &c) to trim
sguattera nf kitchen-maid
sguattero nm kitchen-boy
sgusciare vt (of nuts/shrimps &c) to hull; to shell; to peel
sgusciato a (of nuts/shrimps &c) hulled; shelled; peeled
shaker nm cocktail-shaker

sherry nm sherry
shopping nm shopping
siciliano a Sicilian
sidro nm cider; ~ di pere perry; acquavite di - marc; applejack
siesta nf siesta
sifone nm (of soda) syphon
sigaraia nf cigar seller
sigaretta nf cigarette
sigaretto nm cigarillo
sigaro nm cigar; cheroot; ~ avana Havana
signora nf (of address) waitress
signore nm (of address) waiter; a (of wine) fine; excellent
signorina nf (of address) waitress
siluro europeo nm freshwater fish: sheat-fish; catfish
single bar nm singles bar
siringa nf syringe
sistemare vt (of table &c) to arrange
sistemazione nf (of table &c) arrangement; accommodation
slabbrare vt (of crockery/glass) to chip
smacchiatore nm scouringpowder; stain-remover
smaltato a enamelled
smaltatura nf enamelling
smalto a enamel
smeriglio nm sea fish: porbeagle shark
smezzare vt to cut in half; (of drink) to consume half
smielare vt (of honeycomb) to extract the honey
sminuzzare vt (of vegetables) to shred
sminuzzatoio vt (of vegetables) shredder
smoccolare vt (of candle) to snuff out
smoccolatoio nm candle snuffer
smoking nm dinner-jacket
smontare vi (of souffle) to collapse; (of gravy &c) to go runny
smorzare vt (of lamp) to dim; (of thirst) to quench; (of candle) to extinguish
smozzicare vt to nibble; to (rub) into small pieces
snack nm snack; nibble
snack-bar nm snack bar
snocciolare vt (of nuts &c) to stone; to pit
snocciolato a (of olives) pitted
snocciolatoio nm stoner
snocciolatura nf stoning; pitting
sobbollire vi to simmer; to start to boil
sobbollitura nf simmer
sobriamente adv in moderation
sobrieta nf temperance
sobrio a sober

soccoscio nm flank
soda nf (of fizzy drink/washing-washing soda; whisky e - whisky and soda
sodezza nf firmness
sodio nm sodium; bicarbonato di - sodium bicarbonate
sodo a firm; hard; (of egg) hard-boiled
soffiato a (of rice) puffed
soffice a soft; (of bread) doughy
soffione nm dandelion
soffriggere vt (of frying) to saute; to brown
soffritto nm (of frying) browned; (of garnish) oil-fried herbed onions
sofisticare vt (of wine/food) to adulterate
sofisticato a (of wine/food) adulterated
sogliola di Dover nf Dover sole; - limanda lemon
sole soia nf soy, soya-bean; salsa di - soya sauce
soiree nf soiree
soldo nm coin; -i money
sole nm sun
solidificarsi vi (of butter) to harden; to congeal; to set _ solido a (of lard &c) hard
solleticare vt (of appetite) to whet
solubile a (of coffee &c) instant
somaro nm ass
sommelier nm/f sommelier; wine-waiter
soppressa nf (of cold pork) pressed head/skin; pork/beef/garlic salami
sopraffino a delicious; top-rate
sopreccedenza nf glut
sorba selvatica nf rowanberry
sorbettiera nf (of equipment) sorbet-maker
sorbetto nm sorbet; water-ice
sorbire vt to sip
sorgente nf (of water) spring; (of water) well
sorgiva nf spring; -o a spring; acqua -a spring water
sorgo nm Indian millet; sorghum
sorseggiare vt to sip; to drink
sorseggiare vt to sip; to drink slowly
sorso nm sip; swig; mouthful; nip
sorvegliante nm/f (of carpark &c) attendant
sosta vietata nf no parking
sostanza nf sustenance
sostanzioso a nourishing
sostenere vt to nourish; (of liquor) to hold one's drink
sottaceti nmpl pickle
sottaceto (sott'aceto) a p&led
sotterranea nf subway; tube; metro
sottigliezza nf sharpness; fine ness
sottile a thin; (of blade) sharp, keen

sotto a pickled
sottobicchiere nm beer-mat; coaster
sottobttiglia nf coaster
sottocoppa nm saucer
sottofiletto nm sirloin
sottolio (sott'olio) a in-oil; pickled
sottopentola nf large table-mat
sottopiatto nm table-mat
sottoprezzo a cut-price
sottovuoto a vacuum-packed
souffle nm souffle
sovrabbondanza nf glut
sovrapprezzo nm (of price) extra charge
spadellare vi to be busy cooking
spaghettata nf spaghetti-feast
spaghetti nmpl spaghetti; ; - tricolore plain/spinach/tomato spaghetti
spaghettini nmpl long very-thin spaghetti
spagna nf alfalfa, lucerne
Spagna nf Spain; pan di - sponge cake; Madeira cake
spalla nf (of meat) shoulder; collar; economy; (of beef) chuck steak; (of pork) hand; ~ di San
Secondo smoked shoulder of pork
spalmabile a (of cheese &c) spread
spalmare vt (of butter &c) to spread
spandere vt to spill
spannare vt to skim
spannocchiare vt to shell; to husk
spannocchio nm king prawn; imperial prawn
spappolare vt (of fruit/ vegetables) to pulp; to crush
spappolato a (of vegetables) mushy
sparecchiare vt (of table) to clear
spargere vt to sprinkle
spargipepe nm pepper-pot
spargisale nm salt-cellar
spargizucchero nm sugar caster
spatola nf spatula; fish-slice
spazzola nf brush; - per le briciole crumbs-brush
specialita nf speciality
speck nm smoked herbed ham
spegnere vt (of thirst) to quench; to slake; (of candle) to extinguish; to blow out
spegnitoio nm (of candle) snuffer
spellare vt (of animal) to skin spellato a (of animal) skinned
spelta nf (of wheat) spelt
spennellare vt (of pastry &c) to brush [with milk &c]
sperlano nm (of fish) smelt
spesa nf expenditure; cost; shopping; groceries; dividere le -e to go dutch; -e fisse standing

charge; ae professionali business expenses; non badare a -e to spare no expense; to push the
boat out spesso a thick
spettacolo nm (of cabaret) show; performance; entertainment
spezia nf spice; -e miste mixed spice
speziare vt to spice
speziato a spiced
spezzatino nm stew; highlyspiced stew; olio; - con patate hotpot
spezzato a (of peas) split
spezzettare vt (of biscuit &c) to break-up
spiaggia nf'(bf seaside) beach
spianare vt (of pastry) to flatten; to roll out
spianatoia nf pastry-board
spianatoio nm rolling-pin
spicchio nm (of garlic) clove; (of orange) segment; (of cake) slice
spiedino nm skewer; kebab
spiedo nm skewer; (of roasting) spit; allo - barbecued
spiga nf (of wheat) ear
spignattare vi to be busy cooking
spigola (branzino) nf(nm) sea fish: bass
spillare vt (of draught beer) to pull
spilluzzicare vt (of food) to nibble; to pick at
spina nf tap; (of fish) bone; - dorsale (of animal) backbone; alla - (of beer) draught; uva gooseberry
spinaci nmp/ spinach; - in foglia leaf-spinach
spinare vt to bone
spinarolo nm sea fish: spiny dogfish
spinato a (of fish &c) boned
spirito nm spirits; alcohol
spolare vt (of fruit) to de-pulp
spoletina (alla) a from Spoleto
spolverare vt (of cake/furniture) to dust; to sprinkle; (of housework) to dust
spolverata nf (of icing-sugar &c) dusting; sprinkling
spolu,,eratura nf (of icing sugar) dusting; sprinkling
spolverino nm (of sugar &c) sifter; (of housework) duster
spolverizzare vt (of cake &c) to dust (with); to sprinkle (with)
spolvero nm (of icing-sugar) dusting
sporta nf basketful; bagful; shopping basket/bag
sportello automatico nm cash-machine
sportivo a (of dress) informal
sprat,to nm sprat
spremere vt to squeeze; (of grapes) to press
spremiaglio nm garlic-crusher
spremiagrumi nm squeezer
spremifrutta nm (of oranges &c) juice extractor
spremilimoni nm lemon- squeezer

spremitura nf pressing; (of orange) squeezing; (of oil) pressing

spremuta nf squeezing
spremuto a squeezed; pressed
spruzzare vt (of water &c) to sprinkle; (of icing-sugar &c) to dust
spruzzata nf (of drink) splash
spruzzatina nf (of drink) small splash; (of lemon) squeeze
spruzzo nm sprinkling; dash
spugnola gialla nf (of mushroom) morel
spuma nf (of drinks) froth
spumante nm sparkling wine
spumare vi to froth; to foam
spumeggiante a (of wine) sparkling
spumone nm whipped-cream/egg dessert; soft whipped cream ice-cream
spumosita nf frothiness
spumoso a frothy
spuntino nm snack; nibbles; collation; light meal
sputacchiera nf spittoon
squadro nm sea fish: angelfish, monkfish
squagliare vt (of butter &c) to melt
squalo nm sea fish: shark; ~ nasuto mackerel shark
squama nf (of fish) scale
squamare vt (of fish) to scale
squisitezza nf delicacy; (of dish) treat
squisito a delicious
staccare vt to detach
staccio nm sieve
stagionare vt (of wine/cheese &c) to mature; to age
stagionato a (of wine/cheese &c) mature; aged; seasoned; ripe
stagionatura nf (of cheese &c) maturing
stagione nm season; alta - high season; bassa ~ low season; di - of the season; seasonal; fuori out of season
stagno nm (of metal) tin
stagnola nf kitchen foil
stambecco nm (of goat) ibex
stamigna (stamina) nf muslin
stampino nm (of pastry &c) shaped cutter; mould; shape
stampo nm (of pastry &c) shaped cutter; mould; shape; (of bread-making) tin
stantio a (of bread &c) stale
stappare vt to uncork
stappatura nf (of bottle) opening
starna nf grey partridge; - di montagna nf greycock
Stati Uniti nmpl United States (of America)
stazione del pullman nf coach-station
stecca nf (of chocolate) bar; (of cigarettes) pack; skewer
steccare vt (of lamb &c) to stick

stecchino nm toothpick; (of barley-sugar &c) stick

stella nf (of restaurant &c rating) star; rosette
stellette nfpl star-shaped pasta
stelline nfpl star-shaped pasta
stendere vt (of pastry) to roll out
sterilizzato a sterilized
steward nm steward
stilton nm Stilton
stinco nm (of pork) knuckle; shin
stoccafisso nm dried cod, stockfish
stomaco nm stomach
stopposo a (of meat/beans) stringy
storione nm sturgeon
stout nf (of beer) stout
stoviglie nfpl crockery; kitchenware; tableware; dishes; - da forno ovenware
straccadenti nm tooth-pick; hard biscuit
stracchiate a (of eggs) scrambled
stracchino nm soft fresh cow's milk cheese
stracciatella nf chocolate-chip ice-cream; parmesan/egg-ed soup
straccio nm cloth; teacloth; duster
stracolmo a (of spoonful) heaped; to-the-brim
stracotto rim red-wined beef stew
stracuocere vt to overcook
strapazzato a (of eggs) scrambled
strato nm layer; tier; topping; torta a -i layer-cake
stravecchio a (of cheese) ripe; mature; (of parmesan cheese) 3 years old; (of wine) mature;
aged; (of vinegar) over 20 years old
stravecchione a (of parmesan cheese) 4 years old strinare vt (of fowl/feathers) singe
strinato-a (of fowl/feathers) singed
striscia nf strip; flitch
strizzata nf squeeze; wring
strofinaccio nm dishcloth; floorcloth; teacloth
strofinare vt (of floor &c) to scrub; (of pan) to scour
strozzapreti nm small gnocchi
strudel nm strudel
strumento nm implement
strutto nm lard; pork fat
struzzo nm ostrich
stufa nf stove; ~ a carbone charcoal-burner; ~ a lenga wood-burner (stove)
stufaiola nf casserole
stufare vt to stew; to braise
stufatino nm stew; ragout
stufato nm stew; a stewed
stura nf (of bottle) uncorking

sturabottiglie nm corkscrew
sturamento nm (of bottle) uncorking
sturare nf (of bottle) to uncork
stuzzicadenti nm toothpick; cocktail-stick
stuzzicamento nm (of appetite) whetting
stuzzicante a appetizing
stuzzicare vt (of appetite) to whet
stuzzicarsi vi to pick teeth
stuzzichino nm nibble, appetizer; snack
succedaneo nm (of coffee &c) substitute
succhiare vt to suck
succo nm juice; - concentrato (of orange &c) squash
succosita nf (of fruit) juiciness
succoso a (of fruit) juicy
succulento a succulent; tasty; juicy
succulenza nf succulence; tastiness; juiciness
sufficiente a sufficient
sugherello nm sea fish: scad, horse mackerel
sughero nm (of bottle) cork
sugna nf lard; pork fat
sugo nm juice; sauce; gravy; (of cooking) liquor; ~ alla bolognese Bolognese sauce, minced
beef/tomato/onion sauce; ~ al lepre hare sauce
sugosita nf juiciness
sugoso a juicy
sultanina nf currant; sultana
superalcolici nmpl hard liquor
supermarket nm supermarket
supermercato nm supermarket
supplementare a additional; (of car-park) overflow
supplemento nm (of price) extra charge
suppli nm rice/mince/tomato/mushroom-ball; rice croquette
supreme nm supreme; the best
surgelamento nm deep freezing
surgelare vt to deep-freeze; to quick-freeze
surgelato a deep-frozen; quick-frozen; (of food) convenience
surgelatore nm deep-freeze
surriscaldare vt to overheat
surriscaldarsi vi to overheat
surrogato a inferior substitute; ersatz
sushi nm sushi; raw-fish rice balls
susina nf plum; - asiatica cherry-plum; - selvatica damson
svaporato a (of beer) flat
sventramento nm (of fish) to gutting; (of fowl) to drawing
sventrare vt (of fish) to gut; (of fowl) to draw
svinare vt (of wine) to draw off (from barrel)

svitamento nm unscrewing
svitare vt to unscrew
svizzera nf hamburger
svizzero a (of cheese &c) Swiss
svuotare vt to scoop out

Italian Cooking Dictionary - T

tabaccaio nm tobacconist's
tabaccheria nf tobacconist's
tabacco nm tobacco; ~ biondo Virginia tobacco; - da fiuto snuff; - in foglie leaf
tobacco; - trinciato shag
tabasco nm Tabasco
tabella nf (of prices &c) list
table d'hote a table d'hote; fixed price; set menu
tacchino nr-n turkey
tacchinotto nm young turkey
taccola nf (of peas) mangetout
tacconi nmpl small square flat pasta
tagliapasta nm pastry-cutter
tagliare vt to cut; to chop; to slice; (of wine) to blend; - a pezzi (of poultry) to joint
tagliarini nmpl noodles
tagliasigari nm cigar-cutter
tagliata nf herbed grilled rib of beef
tagliatelle nfpl tagliatelle; noodles; strip-pasta
tagliato a sliced; cut
tagliatore nm (of joint) carver
tagliauova nf egg-slicer
tagliente a (of knife) sharp
tagliere nm breadboard; board; chopping-board
taglierini nmpl thin noodles; thin pasta strips
taglio nm (of wine) blending; (of meat) cut; joint; (of cake) slice
tagliolini nmpl thin noodles
tagliuzzare vt to mince; to chop
tagliuzzato a minced
tahina nf tahina, sesame-seed paste
take-away nm (of restaurant) take-away
taleggino nm small soft cow's milk cheese
taleggio nm soft cow's milk cheese
tandoori nm tandoori
tangelo nm (of citrus fruit) ugli
tanqerino nm tangerine
tannino nm tannin
tapioca nf tapioca
tapo nm (of bottle) cap

tappare vt (of bottle) to cork-up

tappo nm (of bottle) cork; top; stopper; cap; di ~ (of wine) corked; ~ a corona crown cap
tarallo (taralluccio) nm sweet or savoury pretzel
tardivo a (of crop variety) late cropping
tariffa nf tariff; rate; - dimezzata reduced rate; - normale standard rate; - ridotta reduced rate;
cheap rate; - speciale special rate; - in vigore going rate
tariffario nm tariff; price list
tarpone nm sea fish: tarpon
tartara a(f) (of sauce) tartar; carne -a steak tartare
tartarico a (of acid) tartaric
tartaruga nf turtle
tartina nf canape; open sandwich
tartufare vt to truffle
tartufato a truffled
tartufo nm truffle; - di mare mollusc: sea truffle
tasca nf (of decoration) piping bag; (of gamebird) sac
tassi nm taxi
tassista nm/f taxi-driver
tastare vt (of fruit's ripeness &c) to feel
taverna nf tavern
taverniere nm inn-keeper
tavola nf board; slab; table; (of cutlery) service; (of spread) fare; cuisine; meal; a -! lunch/
dinner-time!; - calda quicklunch counter; snack bar; - fredda cold spread, buffet; preparare la - to
lay the table
tavolata nf tableful
tavoletta nf (of chocolate) bar, slab
tavolino nm table; ~ pieghevole folding table
tavolo nm table; - d'onore high table; - a penisola breakfast bar
tavolone nm large table
taxi nm taxi
tazza nf bowl; cup; mug; cupful; basin; WC bowl
tazzina nf small cup
tazzone (tazzona nf) nm cup, mug
te nm tea; (of meal) afternoon tea; - danzante tea dancing
tegame nm saucepan; baking pan; stewing-pot
tegamino nm small frying-pan; double-handled egg dish
tegamino (al) a (of fried egg) over easy
teglia nf oven-dish, baking-pan; pie-dish; - per dolci baking tray
teiera nf teapot
telefonare vi to telephone
telefonata nf (of telephone) call
telefonino nm (of telephone) mobile
telefono nm telephone; - a gettone (- publico) payphone
televisione nf television
tellina nf mussel (Florence); clam

tema nf (of restaurant &c) theme

temolo nm migratory fish: grayling
temperanza nf temperance
temperatura nf temperature; heat; - alta (- bassa) (media) high (low) (medium) temperature; (of
gas oven) high (low) (medium) regulo; - di ebolizione boiling point
tempia nf (of pig) headmeat
tempo nm time; - di cottura cooking-time
temporizzatore nm timer
tenaglia nf tongs; (of crab) pincer
tendine nm sinew
tendinoso a sinewy
tendone nm (of refreshments) tent; marquee
tenerello a very tender; very soft
tenerezza nf (of meat) tenderness
tenerizzatore nm tenderizer
tenero a (of meat) tender
tenerume nm (of meat) gristle
tenore nm (of high/low alcohol) content
tentacolo nrn tentacle
tenue nm (of wine) not strong
tequila nf (of alcohol) tequila; - bum bum tequila slammer
termometro nm thermometer
terracotta nf terracotta; earthenware
terraglia nf earthenware
terrazza nf patio
terrina nf terrine; large earthenware pot
tessera Bancomat nf cash card
testa nf (of animal/garlic) head; - di moro plain chocolate
testicoli di vitello nmpl prairie oyster
testicolo nm testicle
testina nf head
tetraone nm (of gamebird) grouse; - delle praterie prairie chicken
tettoia per le auto nf car-port thermos
(termos) nm thermos flask
tiepido a tepid; lukewarm; (of temperature) mild
tiglio nm (of tree) lime; infuso di - lime-blossom tea
tiglioso a (of meat) tough; stringy
timballo nm timbale
timer nm (of clock) timer
timo nm thyme; rametto di ~ sprig of thyme
tinca nf freshwater fish: tench
tintinnare vi (of glasses) to chink
tintinnio nm (of glasses) chink
tipo nm type (of); variety (of); ' sort (of); - 00 (of plain flour) super-fine
tiramisia nm tiramisu; cheesed/chocolated/liqueured sponge cake

tirare vt (of pastry) to roll out; (of bottle) to uncork;

tisana nf tisane; herbal tea
tisaniera nf tisane tea-pot
toast nm toasted ham/cheese sandwich
tocai nm dry white wine
tocco nm piece; bit; chunk; (of cake) to crown
tofu"nm bean curd
togliere vt (of skin &c) to remove; (of cork) to draw; - le spine (a) (of fish &c) to bone
toilette nf toilet; WC; cloakroom
toma nf cow's milk cheese
trituratore nm grinder; chopper
trivella nf (of cheese &c) taster
trofie nfpl short thin twisted pasta
tropicale a (of fish/fruit) tropical
troppo a too much; too many; too
trota nf trout; - arcobaleno (~ iridea) rainbow trout; - di flume brook trout; - di mare sea trout;
brown trout; - salmonata salmon trout
tubero nm tuber
tubo nm - digerente alimentary canal
tuoni e lampo nmpl chick-pea cheap-pasta-bits parmesan-ed dish; 'thunder and lightning'
tuorlo nm (of egg) yolk
turacciolo nm (of bottle) cork; stopper
turare nm (of bottle) to cork
turco a Turkish
tutolo nm corn-cob

Italian Cooking Dictionary - U

ubriaco a drunk
uccelletti scappati nmpl ham stuffed veal slices
uccelletto nm small bird
uccello nm bird
umbro a Umbrian
umido (in) nm (of meat) stewed
un (uno) a one
ungere vt to grease; to oil
unire vt to mix; to blend; to foldin
unticcio a slightly-greasy
unto a oily; greasy
uovo nm egg; - al bacon bacon and egg; - bazzotto coddled egg; - da bere (fresco) (di giornata)
newlaid egg; - in camicia poached egg; - alla coque soft-boiled egg; - fresco (di giornata) new-laid
egg; - di bufalo egg-shaped mozzarella cheese; guscio d'- eggshell; - all'occhio di bue fried egg
sunny-side up; - di Pasqua Easter egg; - sodo hard-boiled egg; -a stracciate scrambled; strapazzato scrambled egg; ~ al tegamino fried egg; ~a di pesce roe; - da te (of tea) infuser uscita
nf exit; - di sicurezza emergency exit

utensile nm (of kitchen) utensil; kitchenware

uva nfpl grapes; - moscata muscat grape; a passa raisin; - passolina brandied lemonleaf-wrapped
sultanas; - spina gooseberry; -sultanina sultanas; currants
uvetta nf raisins

Italian Cooking Dictionary - V

vacante a vacant vacanza nf holiday
vacca nf cow
vaccinara nf ox-tail stew
vagone ristorante nm restaurant car; diner
vagone ristorante nm restaurant car
valdostano a of Valle d'Aosta
valeriana nf cornsalad
valerianella nf cornsalad
valigia nf suitcase
valore nutritivo nm food value
valpolicella nf dry red wine
vaniglia nf vanilla
vanigliato a vanilla-ed
vapore nm steam; al - (of fish cooking) poached
variato a mixed
vaschetta nf bowl; (of ice cream) tub; .(of ice) tray; - lavadita finger-bowl
vasellame nm glassware; chinaware; crockery; tableware
vasetto nm pot; jar; jam-jar
vassoio nm tray; platter; (of cheese) board
vecchio a (of bread &c) stale; (of parmesan cheese) 2 years old cheese
veganiano nm/a vegan
vegetale nm vegetable
vegetaliano nm vegan
vegetalismo nm veganism
vegetarianismo nm vegetarianism
vegetariano a vegetarian; hamburger - vegeburger
velenoso a (of mushroom) poisonous
vellutata di [ } nf (of soup) cream of [ ]
vellutato a (of peach-skin &c) velvety
velo nm (of butter &c) dab
venatura nf (of blue cheese) vein
vendemmia nf grape-harvest
venerdi nm Friday; - santo Good Friday
veneto a (of region) of Veneto
veneziana (alla) a from Venice; (of fish) white wine marinated; (of artichoke) stewed in olive
oil/white wine; (of liver) onioned; (of fruit) caramelized
veneziano a Venetian
ventilazione nf ventilation

ventresca nf tuna underbelly

ventriglio nm gizzard; greengrocer
verde a (of colour) green; (of fruit) unripe, green; (of salad) green; (of tea) green
verdesca nf blue shark
verdura nf vegetable; green; greens; - in foglie leaf vegetable
verdure nfpl vegetables; greens
vermicelli nmpl vermicelli
vermut (vermout) (vermouth) nm vermouth
veronese (alla) a from Verona; mushroom-sauced
verro nm boar; hog
versare vt to pour; to spill
verza nf savoy cabbage
verziere nm vegetable garden
vescia di lupo nf (of mushroom) puffball
vetro nm glass; ~ tagliato cut glass
vettovaglia nf provision
vettovagliamento nm provisionment
vettovagliare vt to provision
vicentina (alla) a Vicenza; (of fish) onion/milk-stewed
viennese (alla) a (of meat) Wiener schnitzel
vietato fumare nm (of sign) no smoking
vigneto nm vineyard
vin brule nm mulled wine
vinaccia nf (of grapes) marc
vinacciolo nm grape-stone
vinaigrette nf vinaigrette
vinario a wine
vincentina (alla) a from Vicenza
vincigrassi nmpl truffled/ham/chicken-livered fresh pasta
vinello nm light wine
vineria nf wine-bar
vinicolo a wine-producing
vino nm wine; - bianco white wine; carta dei -i wine-list; degustazione di - wine tasting; - demisecco medium-dry wine; ~ dolce sweet wine; - frizzante sparkling wine; - novello (of Beaujolais &c)
nouveau; new; ~ di Oporto port; - da pasto (~ da tavola) table wine; - rosato (rose) rose wine; rosso red wine; - secco dry wine; ~ sfuso wine on tap
vinosita nf vinosity; wine-liking
viola nf violet
virginia nm (of cigarette) Virginia
virtu (le) nfpl the virtues; 1st May thin soup
vischio nm mistletoe
visciola nf morello cherry
visita nf visit
visitare vt to visit
vitamina nf vitamin; povero di ~e low in vitamins; ricco di -e high in vitamins

vitarninizzato a with added vitamins

vite nf grapevine
vitella nf veal
vitellino nm young calf
vitello nm calf; veal; milk-onlyfed animal; brodo di - mock turtle soup; cervelli di - calf's brains; alla genovese white wine/artichoked veal; - tonnato cold tunamayonnaised veal
vitellone nm beef from young 1-3 year-old animal
viticoltura nf viticulture, viniculture
vivaio nm (of fish/snails/oysters &c) farm
vivanda nm food; dish; lista , delle -e menu'
vivo a live ~
vizzo a (of fruit) shrivelled
vodka nf vodka
vol-au-vent nm vol-au-vent '
volta nf time
volume nm volume; size
vongola nf of mollusc: clam; -e (alle) clam/tomato-sauced
voucher nm voucher
vuotamele nm (of apple) corer
vuoto a empty; -i (of bottles) empties

Italian Cooking Dictionary - W

wafer nm wafer
wapiti nm (of deer) wapiti
water closet nm WC; toilet
WC nm WC; toilet
week-end nm weekend
whisky nm whisky, scotch; Irish whiskey; - di malto malt whisky; - di segale rye whisky
wok nm wok
worcester (salsa worcester nf) nm Worcestershire sauce
wilrstel nm frankfurter

Italian Cooking Dictionary - X

xeres nm sherry

Italian Cooking Dictionary - Y

yogurt nm yoghurt
yogurtiera nf yoghurt-maker

Italian Cooking Dictionary - Z

zabaglione (zabaione) (zabajone) nm zabaglione; egg/Marsala/sugar dessert
zafferano nm saffron; risotto allo - saffron rice
zampa nf (of leg) paw; foot; trotter
zampetto nm trotter; foot; hock; knuckle
zampirone nm cheap cigarette
zampone nm spiced pork mince-stuffed trotter
zanzarella nf egg/nutmeg soup
zenzero nm ginger
zeppola nf doughnut; - di San Giuseppe festival ringed doughnut
zero nm zero; nil
zibbibo nf (of wine/grapes) muscatel
zimino nm fish stew
ziminu nm fish stew
ziti nmpl large hollow pasta
zolletta nf (of sugar) cube; lump
zona (della) nf (of speciality/wine) regional; of the area
zopa nf small cake
zucca nf gourd; pumpkin; squash
zuccherare vt to sweeten; to sugar
zuccherato a sweetened; sugared; non ~ unsweetened
zuccheriera nf sugar basin/bowl
zuccherino nm sugar cube; (of confectionery) sweet; a sugary
zucchero nm sugar; senza - sugar-free; - di barbabietola beet-sugar; - bianco white sugar; candito candy; sugar candy; rock-candy; - di canna brown sugar; cane sugar; canna da ~
sugarcane; - caramellato caramel; - cristallizzato granulated sugar; - filato candyfloss; - invertito
invert sugar; - d'orzo barley-sugar; - in pani loaf sugar; - semolato (raffinato) caster (castor)
sugar; senza - (of coffee &c) without sugar; (of orangejuice &c) sugar-free; - a velo icing-sugar
zuccheroso a sweet; sugary
zucchino (-a) nm(f) courgette; -i a scapece mintvinaigretted; tomato sauced
zuccotto nm crystallized fruit/ cream/chocolate-filled spongecake
zuppa nf soup; bisque; -di nidi di rondine birds-nest soup; - inglese (of dessert) trifle
zuppetta nf (of bread &c) dunking
zuppiera nf soup tureen

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