SAJIE 1 Published
SAJIE 1 Published
SAJIE 1 Published
The main purposes of this paper are to enhance the understanding of manufacturing
resources planning models under uncertain conditions by documenting the current state of
affairs, and to stimulate a fruitful future research direction by identifying gaps between the
relevant issues and the literature available in reputable journals. This paper is a
comprehensive and up-to-date review of the existing literature on manufacturing resource
planning models under uncertainty. The authors have found that the combined effects/
impacts of the uncertainty factors on the system parameters have yet to be thoroughly
studied. So far no research has been conducted into developing mathematical model(s) to
study the uncertainty issues holistically in multi-period, multiple product, and multi-stage
environments for manufacturing resources planning in association with commonality.
The author is a PhD candidate at the Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture,
University of Malaya.
*Corresponding author
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering May 2010 Vol 21(1): 17-33
MRP, manufacturing resource planning (MRP II), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and ERP
II are used to control production-planning activities, and have been widely implemented in
contemporary manufacturing enterprises. They become the central systems in
manufacturing environments within which production data such as demand, supply,
product, inventory, accounting, costing, lead-time, and routing are kept in an integrated
manner. The same MRP logic is used in MRP II and ERP in their production-planning modules
[4]; thus their inability to cope with and respond to uncertainty remains, and the planned
order release (POR) schedules are different from those generated from an MRP system [1,
5]. Also, MRP logic does not take capacity constraints into account [6, 7]. As MRP planning
systems do not offer a solution to these fundamental issues, planners frequently have to
adjust their planning [8]. In addition, implementation of these systems is very expensive
and time-consuming. According to Fortune 500 companies, it costs US$30 million in licence
fees and US$200 million in consulting fees not to mention additional millions in computers
and networks and can take three years or more before the system yields its maximum
benefit [9]. It was estimated that the spending on ERP systems in 1998 was about US$17
billion [10]. Therefore these planning and control tools are neither suitable nor affordable
for SME/SMIs.
In general, optimisation problems include uncertainty in the problem structures, which are
usually defined by probability distributions. Uncertainty causes a loss of dependability in
the output of models, and therefore constrains the applications of models, especially multi-
stage models, where uncertainty may increase and accumulate. Consequently the primary
issues of concern in this review are: i) to identify the uncertainty factors in the
manufacturing area, ii) to enhance the understanding of manufacturing resource planning
models under uncertainty by documenting the current state of affairs, and iii) to instigate
fruitful future research by identifying gaps between the relevant issues and the available
The criteria for choosing articles for this review are as follows. First of all, the article must
have been published in a peer-review/archival journal, proceedings, or edited book.
Second, to avoid never-ending revision of this article, June 2009 was selected as the cut-off
date. Third, only articles with uncertainty and MRP or manufacturing or production
as a part of their titles were selected. The exceptions are those articles that explicitly deal
with uncertainty, but whose authors decided for some reason not to use uncertainty in
the title. The inclusion of such articles is inevitably ad hoc. Consequently it is possible that
more such articles exist that are not surveyed in this article. Fourth, no restrictions were
imposed on the field of the surveyed journal. This should allow a comprehensive set of
viewpoints on uncertainty in different fields. For the mathematical modelling, the articles
with model and different combinations of uncertainty, production/manufacturing and
MRP as a part of their titles were selected. According to these criteria, an attempt has
been made to collect all the available journal articles. However, it is always possible that
some articles are missing from this list. Figure 1 shows the number of articles that have
been cited in this paper by year of publication. The article sources and names of the major
journals are given in Tables 1 and 2 respectively.
Source Number
Journal 92
Proceedings 8
Book 15
Web 1
Uncertainty refers to measuring the degree of difference between models and the
respective real systems values, or between the estimation of variables and their true
values. The uncertainty can be caused by the errors associated with the model itself and by
the uncertainties of the model inputs. One of the challenges of multi-stage manufacturing
systems is the propagation and accumulation of uncertainty, which influences the
conformity of the outputs. Modern manufacturing enterprises face increasing pressure to
respond to production dynamics caused by the disruption of uncertainty [12]. This section
reviews the perspectives sources and factors for uncertainties in manufacturing systems.
3.1 Perspectives, sources, and factors of uncertainty
Uncertainty means different things to different people. For example, the error-estimation
for a measurement is referred to as uncertainty [13]. Yen and Tung [14] attributed
uncertainty mainly to a lack of perfect understanding with regard to phenomena or
processes. Ayyub and Gupta [15] characterised uncertainty as an inseparable companion of
any measurement at the experimental level, and as the vagueness and incompleteness of
understanding of complex real problems at the cognitive level. Zhao et al. [16] defined
uncertainty as the differences or errors between models and reality. Oberkampf et al. [17]
described uncertainty as a potential deficiency in any phase or activity of a modelling
process due to lack of knowledge. Delaurentis and Mavris [18] defined uncertainty as
incompleteness in knowledge (either in information or context) which causes model-based
predictions to differ from reality in a manner described by some distribution functions.
Zimmermann [19] defined stochastic uncertainty as the unknown of the future state of a
system due to lack of information, and fuzziness uncertainty as the vagueness concerning
the description of the semantic meaning of events, phenomena, or statements themselves.
Some researchers referred to uncertainty as a form of disturbance [20-22]. More definitions
of uncertainty found in the literature are listed in Table 3.
Definition Ref.
Uncertainty is defined as any unpredictable event that disturbs the production [5]
process in a manufacturing system that is planned by MRP, MRP II, or ERP system.
Uncertainty is defined as any unplanned events that occur during production, [12]
which disrupt orders execution.
Uncertainty can be defined as any unpredictable event in manufacturing [23]
environments that disturbs operations and performance of an enterprise.
Uncertainty can be defined as any unpredictable event that disturbs the [24]
operation and production in a manufacturing system.
Uncertainty is the dissimilarity between the amount of information required to [25]
execute a task and the amount of information already infatuated.
Situation where the current state of knowledge is such that (1) the order or [26]
nature of things is unknown, (2) the consequences, extent, or magnitude of
circumstances, conditions, or events are unpredictable, and (3) credible
probabilities to possible outcomes cannot be assigned.
Degree to which available choices or the outcomes of possible alternatives are
free from constraints. Situation where neither the probability distribution of a
variable nor its mode of occurrence is known.
The definitions in the literature indicate that context and intent are important factors in
determining the viewpoint taken. This is not surprising, since uncertainty is present in all
engineering models, regardless of the type of phenomena under study. Control system
design, structural design, and financial forecasting are examples (both within and outside
the bounds of engineering) of the wide range of activities where uncertainty modelling and
management play a central role.
Ho [27] categorises uncertainties into two groups: (i) environmental uncertainty, and (ii)
system uncertainty. Environmental uncertainty includes uncertainties outside the
production process, such as demand uncertainty and supply uncertainty. System uncertainty
is allied to uncertainties within the production process, such as operation yield uncertainty,
production lead-time uncertainty, quality uncertainty, failure of production system, and
changes to product structure, to mention a few. Uncertainty can also be classified
differently from the viewpoint of its sources, as below:
i. Natural uncertainty, also referred to as inherent uncertainty and physical randomness,
which is due to the physical variability of a system [14, 28, 29]
ii. Model uncertainty due to simplifying assumptions in analytical and prediction models,
simplified methods, and idealising representations of real performances [14, 18, 28,
30, 31]
iii. Measurement uncertainty resulting from the limitation of measurement methodologies
and the capability of measurement systems [14, 18, 29]
iv. Operational and environmental uncertainty [14, 18]
v. Statistical uncertainty due to incompleteness of statistical data and the use of sampled
information to estimate the characteristics of these parameters [28]
vi. Subjective uncertainty related to expert-based parameter selection, human factors in
calculation, fabrication, and judgment [28]
Uncertainty can be measured by the frequency of its occurrence, and by analysing the
relative contribution and resulting effect on delivery performance. It can quantify whether
the impact is minor or major.
A high level of lead-time and demand variability has a strong effect on both the level of
optimal safety lead-times and optimal safety stocks. In the event of high demand variability
and low lead-time variability, the lowest costs are obtained by using safety stocks. In cases
with simultaneously high variability in demand and lead-time, the lowest cost was obtained
by using safety lead-times. When uncertainty in processing time increases, the algorithmic
scheduling policies become complex [77]. Again, increasing manufacturing flexibility leads
to increased performance and to lower uncertainty [78].
Koh and Saad [1] have shown that poor supplier delivery performance, uncontrolled
schedules/work-to-list, machine capacity shortages, finished products not being delivered,
unacceptable product quality, and engineering design changes during or after production
have significant effects on late delivery. The causes of uncertainty have compound knock-
on effects on late delivery. Compound effects are more difficult to control, compared with
knock-on effects. The occurrence of uncertainty at a different time does not change the
characteristic and nature, but may change the effect.
Many conceptual and mathematical models are proposed and used to manage competitive
production/manufacturing under conditions of uncertainty. This section reviews the
factors, their effects, and the models found in the literature.
Various techniques are used to tackle the effect of uncertainty, such as overtime
production, subcontracting, outsourcing, holding safety stock, and keeping safety lead-
time. These techniques are adopted to minimise the effect of uncertainty on delivery to
the customer. Buffering and dampening are well-known techniques [1, 11, 20-22]. The
buffering technique is a more physical arrangement, such as inventory buffer; while the
dampening technique is a relatively intangible arrangement, such as safety lead-time [11,
Safety stock and safety lead-time are the key robust techniques used by many researchers
[73]. This justifies the research effort in applying safety stock or safety lead-time to
manage uncertainty. But more system nervousness might be produced when using safety
stock [80]. This finding aligns with the conclusion from Ho et al. [42]. Buzacott and
Shanthikumar [81] found that the use of safety lead-time is preferred over safety stock
when it is possible to make accurate forecasts of future shipment requirements over the
lead-time. These findings limit the robustness of safety stock and safety lead-time, given
the constraint of the lead-time variation information [11]. Within the MRP controlled batch-
manufacturing environment (using simulation modelling), Guide and Srivasta [73] and Koh
et al. [79] suggested the use of safety stock when faced with quantity uncertainty, or
safety lead-time when faced with timing uncertainty. Overtime and multi-skilling labour
techniques are also used by practitioners, although they have conflicting effects on delivery
performances [79]. SMEs usually apply fire-fighting techniques to deal with uncertainty
[79]. This implies that they do not manage uncertainty systematically, and hence do not
prepare themselves for the future, when the same uncertainty might recur [1].
Vargas and Metters [52] proposed a dual-buffer heuristic: the first for triggering
production, and the second for replenishing stock internally. This outperforms a single
buffer heuristic in tackling demand uncertainty. Ho et al. [42] developed an uncertainty-
dampening framework to reduce system nervousness caused by external supply uncertainty,
external demand uncertainty, and internal supply uncertainty. It was found that holding
safety stock, safety capacity, and safety lead-time, as well as rescheduling, are useful to
buffer and dampen these uncertainties. Ho and Carter [50] simulated static dampening,
automatic rescheduling, and cost-based dampening techniques to tackle external demand
uncertainty. They concluded that system improvement is dependent on the appropriate use
of dampening techniques and lot-sizing rules. Holding safety capacity and rescheduling
were also found to be the common buffering and dampening techniques used by many
practitioners [11].
Pagell and Krause [82] suggested that there is no relationship between the measures of
environmental uncertainty and operational flexibility, nor is there any relationship between
an enterprises performance and its effort to align the level of operational flexibility with
its external environment. It means that fitness of flexibility in managing uncertainty
depends on specific types of uncertainty and on an enterprises environment.
Enns [83] investigated the effects of forecast bias and demand uncertainty in a batch
production environment using integrated MRP planning and an execution test bed. The
effects of uncertainty on delivery performance in an MRP-controlled batch manufacturing
environment with multi-product and multi-level dependent demand is modelled using
simulation [24]. Also an MRP order release timing logic is developed and modelled with a
unique method called the tagging configuration, which is conceptualised from the parent
and child in MRP systems [12]. The knowledge management approach is used by Koh and
Gunasekaran [11] to manage uncertainty in manufacturing enterprises that use MRP, MRP II,
or ERP for production planning. Manufacturing enterprises should simultaneously use both
tacit knowledge of uncertainties and buffering and dampening techniques, along with the
explicit knowledge that is generated by the intelligent agent, to manage uncertainty [11].
The effectiveness of the buffering and dampening techniques for specific types/sources of
uncertainties, and their effects on delivery performance, are also investigated.
Newman et al. [84] proposed a dynamic equilibrium model to demonstrate the trade-offs
and interrelationships between manufacturing flexibility innate in an enterprises processes
and infrastructure, the uncertainties faced by the enterprise, and the way in which the
enterprises processes and infrastructures are buffered with inventory, lead-time, and
capacity. A trade-off between flexibility and uncertainty is required to achieve system
agility [85].
Molinder [86] proposed simulated annealing to find good safety stock and safety lead-times
under a stochastic demand and lead-time. He analysed the amount of lead-time and
demand variability and the influence of the stock-out cost/inventory holding cost ratio.
Mayer and Nusswald [41] proposed a simulation model with integrated quality factors with
manufacturing cost and lead-times. The models considered a single stage production
With the existing manufacturing systems structures and constraints, considering also
system reconfiguration and restructure, an agent-based approach was presented by Anosike
and Zhang [71] to achieve optimised use of resources in a situation of changing demand
distribution and product mix. A business model to manage the uncertainty in
manufacturing, which is planning and scheduling of production using MRP, MRP, II or ERP,
was proposed by Koh and Saad [1]. How, and to what extent, uncertainty disturbs was
examined, and they diagnosed the underlying causes for uncertainty through a
questionnaire survey.
Technique Reference
Buffering [1, 11, 20-22, 24, 42, 73, 79, 81]
Dampening [1, 11, 20-22, 24, 42, 50, 73, 79, 81]
Overtime labour, multi-skilling labour, and [1, 79]
fire-fighting techniques (SMEs usually apply)
Overtime production [1, 11, 72, 79]
Subcontracting and outsourcing [11, 72]
Dual-buffer [11, 52]
Safety capacity and rescheduling [11, 42]
Knowledge management approach [11]
Questionnaire survey [1]
Execution test bed [83]
Simulation model [24, 41, 86]
Agent-based approach [71]
Dynamic equilibrium model [84, 85]
Mathematical programming (MP) approaches to cope with capacity constraints were devised
by Billington et al. [43] and Chung and Krajewski [105]. They considered the lead-time as
an implicit outcome of the alteration of demand and finite capacity. The model mainly
deals with the scheduling problem in a multi-stage production system with some constraints
but without any uncertainty. This moved many authors to substitute planning models in a
rolling schedule context [8]. Spitter et al. [8] talked about the timing of production during
the planned lead-times of items, and investigated the effects of production timing on
safety stocks and inventory costs. Similarly, Belvaux and Wolsey [106] produced assorted
models for lot sizing under capacity constraints, where the lead-times are implicit outputs
of the optimisation procedure. Bourland and Yano [49] developed a multi-objective
optimisation model that considers capacity slack, safety stock, and overtime, and that aims
to minimise the expected cost per unit time of inventory, overtime, and set-up costs
(where applicable). These models incorporated fluctuation in demand only. Ould-Louly and
Dolgui [36] investigated a multi-period and multi-component supply planning problem for
assembly systems with random lead-time and fixed demand. The lead-times of different
types of components followed the same distribution in the model.
A manufacturing resource planning algorithm, matrix based formulation, which can handle
limited production capacity, was presented by Harris et al. [107], but no information
imperfection. Shabbir et al. [68] addressed a multi-stage capacity expansion problem with
uncertainties in demand and cost parameters, and economies of scale in expansion costs.
Choi and Enns [108] developed the relationship to establish the lot-sizes that minimise costs
for single and multiple product cases under the particular production rate, as well as the
link to determine both lot sizes and throughput rates that maximise profits. The model
deals with variation in the arrival times of components; all other parameters are known
with certainty. The combinatorial manufacturing resource planning (CMRP) model, with its
concept of balancing machine productivity and human capability, and its step-by-step
algorithm to reach a maximum profit solution under deterministic market demand, was
constructed by Lan and Lan [66]. They extended the applicability of the CMRP model to
achieve optimum manufacturing resource planning under the forecasts of probabilistic
market demand and product sales price. Kim and Hosni [48] formulated a multi-level
capacitated optimisation model and a relatively efficient heuristic in the MRP II
environment, which considers work center capacities and interrelationship between levels
in lot-sizing computation. The model provides an optimal lot size plan for small problems in
deterministic situations, and does not allow for shortages which is unrealistic. Escudero
and Kamesam [51] originated a stochastic programming model for MRP with uncertainty in
demand, which is given as a random parameter. Though the models considered multiple
levels, an holistic view of uncertainty is absent.
Under demand uncertainty, i) Ben-Daya and Noman [60] developed integrated inventory
inspection models with and without the replacement of nonconforming items discovered
during inspection; ii) Arruda and do Val [59] presented a discrete event model of a multi-
stage, multi-product production and storage, in which a single facility is used to produce
various products; and iii) Lusa et al. [109] presented a multi-stage scenario stochastic
optimisation model when planned working time is considered as annualised hours (AH). But
these articles failed to attend to more frequent uncertain factors such as lead-time,
price, etc. and their combined disruptions and interactions.
Grabot et al. [54] suggested the F-MRP (Fuzzy-MRP) model to handle the uncertainty and
imprecision of demand passing through all the MRP II steps (material requirement planning,
load balancing, scheduling). Mula et al. [55] presented a new linear programming model for
medium-term production planning in a capacity constrained MRP, multi-product, multi-level
and multi-period manufacturing environment. Mula et al. [57] developed a fuzzy production
planning model to generate production plans under conditions of uncertainty in important
parameters such as market demand, capacity, and costs data. Interaction and combined
impacts were not included in the conclusions.
Xu and Li [69] created a modelling schema to address the manufacturing resource for
process planning, especially for process reasoning. A robust optimisation model for a
medium-term planning horizon was developed by Leung et al. [67] to solve multi-site
production planning problems with uncertain data. Robust optimisation includes two
distinct constraints: a structural constraint, and a control constraint. Structural constraints
are formulated using the concept of linear programming, and input data are free of any
noise; while control constraints are taken as an auxiliary constraint influenced by noisy
data. The proposed model is more practical for dealing with uncertain economic scenarios
than with production parameters.
Models for the optimum batch quantity in a multi-stage system with rework process were
developed for two different operational policies by Sarker et al. [110]. The mathematical
expression of this model was corrected by Crdenas-Barrn [111]. The models deal with
optimal batch-sizing when rework is considered in a stable system. A model of the EOQ type
was developed and analysed by Dobos and Richter [112], in which a producer serves
stationary product demand. This demand is met by producing or procuring new items, as
well as by recycling some of the used products that come back to the producer at a
constant rate. They examined a production/recycling system with a predetermined
production-inventory policy, and assumed that there was no difference between newly-
produced and recycled items which is not realistic. Dobos and Richter [113] extended the
model with a quality parameter. The models mainly emphasised inventory issues rather
than the production system.
Kogan and Lou [114] considered a multi-stage, continuous-time dynamic model for
multistage production and a one-product-type system, which is an extension of the classical
single-period newsboy problem. Products flow from one stage to the next. It is assumed
that the demand during the planning horizon is unknown, but that the cumulative demand
at the end of the planning horizon is known. The objective is to adjust production rates
during the planning horizon in order to minimise total costs. No uncertainty is considered,
apart from imperfect in demand.
Kim and Gershwin [47] proposed the Markov process model that integrated quality and
productivity. They considered only one line of production, so this cannot be extended or
applied to multiple production lines. Dalal and Alghalith [46] modelled for production
decision-making under price and production uncertainty.
Tang and Grubbstrm [65] investigated the possibility of establishing a method for a Master
Production Schedule (MPS) under stochastic demand, evaluated the replanning action, and
provided a model for estimating appropriate MPS parameters (like length of replanning
interval, length of time to freeze the plan, etc.). Uncertainty in parameters other than
demand was ignored. Leung [115] generalised a number of integrated models with or
without lot streaming and with or without complete backorders under the integermultiplier
coordination mechanism, and then individually derived the optimal solution to the three-
and four-stage model. The models confirm parameters without uncertainty.
Chen and Chang [116] introduced a Fuzzy Economic Production Quantity (FEPQ) model with
defective results that cannot be repaired. In this model, a fuzzy opportunity cost, and
trapezoidal fuzzy costs for either crisp production quantity or fuzzy production quantity,
are considered.
Based on the authors observations, the broad classifications of the uncertainty models are:
conceptual models (yield factor, safety stock, safety lead-time, etc.), artificial
intelligence-based models (fuzzy set theory, fuzzy logic, multi-agent systems, etc.),
simulation models (the heuristic method, network modelling, queuing theory, etc.) and
analytical models (mathematical programming, stochastic programming, etc.). Forty-nine
articles are cited in this section, which is roughly 43% of the total citations. Figure 2 shows
the number of articles surveyed for mathematical models, and their distribution by year of
publication. The authors believe that this collection and distribution of articles is sufficient
to ensure the identification of the flavour of the month, and to identify the gaps in the
literature in the area of concern. (In Appendix A the authors compare some major models.)
Manufacturing planning and control entails the acquisition, use, and allocation of limited
resources in production activities so as to satisfy customer demand over a specified time in
the most efficient and effective way. Planning and control problems are inherently
optimisation problems, where the objective is to develop a plan that meets demand at a
minimum cost, or that meets demand and maximises profit. The available planning tools
(MRP, MRP II, ERP, ERP II, etc.) are very good for scheduling, but completely ignore the
uncertainty, capacity, and component commonality issues. Managing uncertainty effectively
and efficiently requires balanced planning and control. The consideration of uncertainty is
vital to harvest benefits and to maintain competitive outputs. One must understand which
uncertainty to tackle, and how to tackle it, in order to obtain the maximum improvement
of the system.
Any planning problem starts by specifying the customer demand that is to be met by the
production plan. In most contexts, future demand is only partially known at best, and often
is not known at all. Consequently, one relies on a forecast of future demand. To some
extent, any forecast is inevitably inaccurate, and one must decide how to react to this
demand uncertainty. Most of the optimisation models described in articles treat demand as
being known; as such they must be periodically revised and rerun to account for forecast
updates. In some studies, the demand is considered as stochastic, or random data as an
independent or dependent variable. The identification of the relevant costs is also an
important issue. For production planning, one typically needs to determine the variable
production costs, including setup related costs, inventory holding costs, and any relevant
resource acquisition costs. There might also be costs associated with imperfect customer
service, such as when demand is back-ordered. There are limited production resources that
cannot be stored for any length of time. Also, there may be uncertainty associated with the
production function, such as uncertain yields or lead-times. The selection of the time
period (big bucket) and planning horizon (small bucket) is another event that requires
painstaking attention. The choice of planning horizon, appropriate cost parameters, the
lead-times, service level, safety stocks, input quality, etc. under uncertainty need to be
analysed in an holistic manner, and incorporated into models for production and resource-
related decisions.
From the study and discussion, it is clear that very little research has been conducted in the
field of multi-stage production systems under uncertainty and commonality. So far no
research has been done into developing any holistic model to study the uncertainty issues in
multi-period, multiple products, and multi-stage environments for manufacturing resources
planning. The effects of the incorporation of component commonality in the aforesaid
models, and on the system parameters, remain unexplored, and thus need research
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