ECG Rhythm Interpretation
ECG Rhythm Interpretation
ECG Rhythm Interpretation
All MIHS hospital nursing staff must complete an EKG test with a
score of at least 80% upon hire. All hospital RNs are tested
annually. This includes recognizing the rhythms, measuring the
intervals, and knowing the appropriate treatment/algorithm
according to American Heart Association. This is basic
ACLS/PALS information, nothing new. In addition to this study
packet, there are multiple websites that can be accessed on the
internet from which to study. These can be found with a google
search for EKG strips.
Lead Placement
Each lead is made up of a negative (-) and a positive (+) electrode. The electrodes
sense both the magnitude and direction of the electrical forces and record surface
information from the heart.
Think of leads as simply providing different view or angles in which to view the hearts
electrical activity. A 12 lead EKG system has 5 electrodes. One electrode is placed on
each extremity while the 5th electrode is used as a floating electrode (used for recording
from the chest wall).
Atrial Conduction
SA node is the dominant pacemaker, is located in the right atrium at the opening of the
superior vena cava. The SA node initiates an electrical impulse at a rate faster than
other pacemaker sites. A cardiac rhythm that originates form the SA node is called a
sinus rhythm.
Other pacemaker sites include the AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches, and
purkinje network. The age of the person will reflect the normal SA node rate of
electrical impulses per minute. This rate will increase with sympathetic stimulation
(epinephrine) and slow with parasympathetic stimulation (Vagus nerve)
AV node has intrinsic automaticity with the ability to serve as a pacemaker in case of
SA node failure. The AV node usually does not initiate impulses. The AV node and the
bundle of His slow impulse conduction to allow the atria time to contract prior to
ventricular contraction.
Bundle of His serves as an electrical connection between the atria and the ventricles.
Ventricle Conduction
Bundle branches and Purkinje fibers are specialized cardiac cells for fast
conductivity. Bundle branches are encapsulated in connective tissue. The impulse must
have travelled through the bundle of His to arrive at the bundle branches. If the
impulse travels through the bundle of His, then it originated in either the bundle of His
or above the bundle of His (i.e. the AV node, the atria or the SA node). For a rapid
wave of depolarization to envelop the ventricles, the impulse must originate
above the ventricles.
A narrow QRS occurs when the impulse originates above the ventricles.
A narrow QRS means a rapid ventricular depolarization, taking very little time.
An ectopic impulse originating in the right ventricle depolarizes the right and then the
left ventricle. More distance is covered by the one wave, taking more time, with more
time taken for ventricular depolarization, a widen QRS results.
A wide QRS is commonly associated with ventricular rhythms
Is the QRS wide or narrow? Now you can differentiate between supraventricular and
ventricular rhythms
EKG Wave Forms
PR segment is the line between the end of the P wave and the beginning of the QRS
complex. The PR segment signifies the time taken to conduct through the slow AV
PR interval is measured from the start of the P wave to the start of the QRS complex.
A Q wave is not always present on an EKG tracing.
The PR interval can provide clues to both the location or the originating impulse
and the integrity of the conduction pathways of the heart. A PR interval longer
than normal suggests that conduction is abnormally slow through the AV junction.
This is called a first degree AV block. A PR interval shorter than normal occurs
with a junctional rhythm.
QRS complex represents the depolarization of the ventricles. The repolarization of the
atria is buried in the QRS complex. The width of the QRS complex often indicates
the location of the originating electrical impulse.
Q wave is the first negative deflection of the QRS complex. A normal Q is narrow and
small in amplitude, no deeper than 2mm and less than 1 small square in width on EKG
QT interval represents a complete ventricular cycle of depolarization and
repolarization. The QT interval is measured from the beginning of the QRS complex to
the end of the T wave. A prolonged QT is associated with a high incidence of sudden
R wave is the first positive deflection of the QRS complex.
S wave is the first wave after the R wave that dips below the baseline (isoelectric line).
ST segment is located between the QRS complex and the T wave. The ST segment
shows early repolarization of the ventricles. The STsegment usually lies along the EKG
baseline. The heart does not have any electrical activity during this time. The ST
segment begins at the J point and stops at the beginning of the T wave. ST deviation is
a sign of myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction and /or cardiac disease. ST
changes (elevations or depressions) are suggestive of current events as in now.
J point is the end of the S wave where the S wave begins to flatten out.
T wave represents the repolarization of the ventricle. The T wave is normally
asymmetrical and is usually larger than the P wave. The T wave is upright in lead II.
As heart rates increase the P wave and the T wave can share the same space on an
EKG. Abnormally shaped T waves can show acute episodes of cardiac ischemia,
electrolyte imbalances, and the use of cardiac medications.
U Wave follows the T wave and before the P wave, is the final stage of repolarization.
The U wave most often is in the same direction of the T wave with less amplitude.
Abnormal U waves are associated with conditions such as hypokalemia, diabetes,
ventricular hypertrophy, and cardiomyopathy.
Heart Rate and Pulse Rate
Heart rate is the number of QRS complexes present in a minute.
Pulse rate is the rate of perfusion of blood to the tissue
Heart rate is not always the same as pulse rate
Calculating Heart Rate
Six Second Count, multiplying the number of QRS complexes found over six seconds
by a factor of 10 to get the QRS complexes found in a minute.
3 sec
3 sec
Triplicate the fastest method to figure a regular heart rate. Memorize the following
numbers 300, 150, 100, 75, 60, 50
1 1
5 0
7 6
5 4 3 3 3 2
0 0
5 0
0 3 8 3 0 7
Rhythm - Regular
Rate - less than 60 beats per minute
QRS Duration - Normal
P Wave - Visible before each QRS complex
P-R Interval - Normal
Usually benign and often caused by patients on beta blockers
*Sinus Tachycardia
Rhythm - Regular
Rate Greater then norm for childs age
QRS Duration - Normal
P Wave - Visible before each QRS complex
P-R Interval - Normal
The impulse generating the heart beats are normal, but they are occurring at a
faster pace than normal.
Rhythm - Regular
Rate Greater than 180
QRS Duration - Usually normal
P Wave - Often buried in preceding T wave
P-R Interval - Depends on site of supraventricular pacemaker
Impulses stimulating the heart are not being generated by the sinus node, but
instead are coming from a collection of tissue around and involving the
atrioventricular (AV) node
Atrial Fibrillation
Many sites within the atria are generating their own electrical impulses, leading
to irregular conduction of impulses to the ventricles that generate the heartbeat.
This irregular rhythm can be felt when palpating a pulse.
Looking at the ECG you'll see that:
Atrial Flutter
As with SVT the abnormal tissue generating the rapid heart rate is also in the
atria, however, the atrioventricular node is not involved in this case.
Looking at the ECG you'll see that:
Rhythm - Regular
Rate Atrial rate ranges 240 300 per min.
QRS Duration - Usually normal
P Wave - Replaced with multiple F (flutter) waves, usually at a ratio of 2:1 (2F 1QRS) but sometimes 3:1
P Wave rate - 300 beats per minute
P-R Interval - Not measurable
Rhythm - Regular
Rate - Normal
QRS Duration - Normal
P Wave - Ratio 1:1
P Wave rate - Normal
P-R Interval - Prolonged (>5 small squares)
Rhythm - Regular
Rate - Normal or Slow
QRS Duration - Prolonged
P Wave - Ratio 2:1, 3:1
P Wave rate - Normal but faster than QRS rate
P-R Interval - Normal or prolonged but constant
Rhythm - Regular
Rate - Slow
QRS Duration - Prolonged
P Wave - Unrelated
P Wave rate - Normal but faster than QRS rate
P-R Interval - Variation
Complete AV block. No atrial impulses pass through the atrioventricular node and
the ventricles generate their own rhythm
Rhythm - Regular
Rate - Normal
QRS Duration - Prolonged
P Wave - Ratio 1:1
P Wave rate - Normal and same as QRS rate
P-R Interval - Normal
Rhythm - Regular
Rate - Normal
QRS Duration - Normal
P Wave - Ratio 1:1
P Wave rate - Normal and same as QRS rate
P-R Interval - Normal
Also you'll see 2 odd waveforms, these are the ventricles depolarizing
prematurely in response to a signal within the ventricles.(Above - unifocal PVC's
as they look alike if they differed in appearance they would be called multifocal
PVC's, as below)
Junctional Rhythms
Rhythm - Regular
Rate - 40-60 Beats per minute
QRS Duration - Normal
P Wave - Ratio 1:1 if visible. Inverted in lead II
P Wave rate - Same as QRS rate
P-R Interval - Variable
Below - Accelerated Junctional Rhythm
Rhythm - Regular
Rate - 180-190 Beats per minute
QRS Duration - Prolonged
P Wave - Not seen
Results from abnormal tissues in the ventricles generating a rapid and irregular
heart rhythm. Poor cardiac output is usually associated with this rhythm thus
causing the pt to go into cardiac arrest. Shock this rhythm if the patient is
unconscious and without a pulse
Rhythm - Irregular
Rate - 300+, disorganized
QRS Duration - Not recognizable
P Wave - Not seen
This patient needs to be defibrillated!! QUICKLY
Rhythm - Flat
Rate - 0 Beats per minute
QRS Duration - None
P Wave - None
Carry out CPR!!!
Rhythm - Regular
Rate - 80 Beats per minute
QRS Duration - Normal
P Wave - Normal
S-T Element does not go isoelectric which indicates infarction
American Heart Association, (2005) Pediatric Advance Life Support Provider Manual.
Dallas, TX: American Heart Association.
Guntheroth, W., & Park, M., ( 3rd) (1992) How to Read Pediatric ECGs. St. Louis,
MO: Mosby