Passive Voice Game Blame It

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“Mother father Somebody broke your favorite vase ‘Semmabody let your pet bird out of cage Somebody painted pictures on the wallpaper Somebod) spit cola cn ihe soa Somebod used your make-up’ shaving kit You suspect your naughty child. Make him/her confer cwila ‘You broke your paren’ favowite vase ‘You let your pet bid eut of eage ‘You painted pictures on he wallpaper ‘You spilt cola on the sora ‘You used your parent’ make-up! shoving kit But you shouldn't confess! Try to make your parent heieve it was dane by sombody eke. Boss Semebody searched through your things Somebody sent you ajunk email Somebody stole your avorite pen Somebody hacked your computer Somebody brought you flowers you at allergic to ‘You suspect one of your employees. Make hime contss, Teacher Somebody put the drawing-pin on you chair ‘Setmabody pulled out flowers fiom the pots Somebody wrote inthe class journal Somebody wrote abad word onthe board Somebody sent sou amocking love-no%e ‘You suspect your worst pupil. Make hinver confer Employee ‘You searched through your boss's things ‘You seat hizwher a juak email You stole iver favorite pea You hacked his/her cempiner ‘You brought hinvher lowers he/she is allergic to But you shouldn't confess! Try to make your boss Intieve it was dane by somebody che, Pupil ‘You put the drawing-pin on your teacher’ chair ‘You pulled out flowers from the pots ‘You wrote ia the class journal ‘You vote a bad word onthe board You seat yourteachera mocking Inve-note But you shouldn't confess! Try to make your teacher believe it was done by somebody ele. ‘Mother Faer Somebody broke your favorite vase Somebody let your pet bird out cage Somebody painted pictures on the wallpaper Somebody spit cal on he sofia Semabody used your make-up/ shaving kit ‘You suspect your naughty child. Make hiauer contess. Child ‘You broke your paren’ favorite vase You let your pet bird out of cage ‘You painted pictures onthe wallpaper You spilt cola on the sof ‘You used your parent's make-up shaving kit But you shouldnt confess! Try to make your [parent believe it was done by somebody ese. Boss Somebody searched through your things Semabody sent you ajunk ermal Somebody stole your Iavorite pen Somebody backed your computer ‘Samebod) brought you llowers you ar allergic to ‘You suspect one of your employees. Make imher confess, Employee You searched through your boss’ things You seat him/her a junk email Youstole iver favorite pen ‘You hacked his/her ceenpuier ‘You brought him her llowers heste is allergic to But you shouldn't confess! Try to make your boss balleve ft was dane by somebody ele, Teacher Semebody put the drawing-pin on you chair ‘Somebod) pulled out flowers fom the ots Somebody wrote inthe class journal Somebody wrote a bal word on the board Somebody sent you a mocking ove-note ‘You suspect your worst pupil. Make iiatier contest. Pupil ‘You put the drawing-pin on your teachers ebaie ‘You pulled oui Nowers fem the pots You wrote ia the cass jeural ‘You urate a bad word onthe board ‘You sent yourtescher a mocking love-note But you shouldnt confess! Try to make your texeher believe It vas done by somehody else.

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