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Non-Linear Response of Two-Way Asymmetric Multistorey Building Under Biaxial Excitation

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Nishant K. Kumar et al.

/ International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Non-linear Response of Two-way

Asymmetric Multistorey Building Under
Biaxial Excitation
Nishant K. Kumar #1, Rajul K. Gajjar *2

Applied Mechanics, L.D.C.E.

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
[email protected]
Govt. Engg. College,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
[email protected]
AbstractSeismic analysis is generally performed by creating a structural model which is excited with
forces in two orthogonal directions separately i.e. they are subjected to uniaxial excitation. But an actual
earthquake will have its effect in both the directions simultaneously. Limited research has been carried
out on effect of such biaxial excitation. This paper deals with the non-linear performance of multi-storey
buildings under biaxial excitation using various time-histories. The angle of incidence of earthquake
forces will be varying between 0 to 360 degrees. Three building plans, with eccentricity along each of x
and z directions in plan and a third with eccentricity in both the orthogonal direction, have been studied.
Time history analysis has been carried out using SAP2000 after validating a preliminary model with
experimental results available in reference literature.
Keywords- bi-axial excitation, time history analysis, multi-storey building
In last decade, the investigations on asymmetric buildings under dynamic forces have been carried out on a
large scale because asymmetric buildings are more vulnerable to earthquake forces. Particularly, much effort has
been spent in studying the effect of seismic behaviour of the design eccentricities already adopted by Indian
Standard code IS: 1893. For example, study of influence of vertical irregularity by J. H. Cassis and E. Cornejo
(1996), estimation of accidental torsion effects for seismic design of buildings by Juan C. de la llera and Anil K.
Chopra (1995) which was then included in code as 5% of lateral dimension, behaviour of beam column under
uniaxial excitation by Christos A. Zeris and Strephen A. Mahin (1988), behaviour of rcc frame under biaxial
excitation by Christos A. Zeris and Strephen A. Mahin (1991).
Most of the above mentioned literature basically focussed on issues related with design problems, numerous
studies on analytical aspects have also been carried out. These studies aim to identify parameters which govern
the non-linear response of asymmetric-plan building. It also helped in developing analysis methods to achieve a
certain level of efficacy. For example, effect of plan configurations of the seismic behaviour of structure using
response spectrum method by Rucha S. Banginwar, M. R. Vyawahare and P. O. Modwani (2012), non-linear
seismic response on asymmetric plan buildings by Andrea Lucchini, Giorgio Monti and Enrico Spacone (2009),
influence of bidirectional seismic motion on the response of asymmetric building by Julio J. Harnandez and
Oscar A. Lopez (2000), non-linear response of two way asymmetric single storey building under biaxial
excitation by Andrea Lucchini, Giorgio Monti and Sashi Kunnath (2011). These literatures brought light on
several gray regions of analytical understanding of structures. However, final conclusions of earthquake forces
in biaxial excitation on plan-symmetric and asymmetric multi-storey structures and other significant parameters
are still lacking.
Although, the emphasis had been put on reducing the torsional effect and several provisions have been made
in different codes, building a structure perfectly as per these criteria is not always viable. This may occur due to
certain constraints like, architectural constraints, purpose of building, etc.
Also the current practices for analysis and design of multistorey structures follow the IS:1893-2002 clause while doing dynamic analysis i.e. When the lateral load resisting elements are oriented along
orthogonal horizontal direction, the structure shall be designed for the effects due to full design earthquake load
in one horizontal direction at time. [15]
The main aim of this paper is to overcome these deficiencies by providing the results of parametric
investigations carried out by the authors on two-way asymmetric multi-storey building excited by bidirectional
ground motions. A basic ground + five storey building plan is considered having 18 columns with beams and
rigid diaphragm. From this plan, a total of four sub-plans are generated to create four different structures; i)

ISSN : 0975-4024

Vol 5 No 2 Apr-May 2013


Nishant K. Kumar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

totally symmetric building; ii) building symmetric about x-axis; iii) building symmetric about y-axis; iv)
building asymmetric about both the axes. The size of column is same for all the 18 columns and the support is
considered hinged. The effects on the seismic response of orthogonal components, the angle of incidence and
intensity of earthquake are studied. In order to cover the non-linearities in response, time history analysis is
carried out for 4 different accelerograms.
To initialize the study, the investigations, carried out under the reference literature non-linear response of
two way asymmetric single storey building under biaxial excitation, are considered which was published in
Journal of Structural Engineering in January 2011 by Andrea Lucchini, Giorgio Monti and Sashi Kunnath. In
this paper, numerical study has been carried out on a single storey building having 6 columns and rigid
diaphragm. Time history analysis and incremental dynamic analysis have been performed. Time history analysis
has been performed for the Kobe earthquake and Erzincan earthquake having Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA)
value 0.51g. The incremental dynamic analysis is performed for PGA value 0.1g, 0.5g and 0.9g. The evolution
of the maximum displacement demand in the different resisting elements of the system and of corresponding
global restoring forces has been investigated for earthquakes of increasing intensities characterized by different
angle of incidence. The major conclusions [1] derived in this literature are;

When response in nonlinear zone is increased then the different global forces acting on the system that
produce the maximum demand in the resisting elements tends to converge toward a single distribution;
This distribution is related to resistance distribution only and not to the elastic properties of the system.
In particular, it has been found that the nonlinear response is governed by specific points of that surface
known in the literature as Base Shear Torque surface. Such points denoted as CRs by the authors
corresponding to the BST combinations with each fixed -direction to the maximum lateral strength of
the building;
The direction of the pushing force, whose identification is not the focus of this study, dependent on the
type of seismic analysis considered. In this only those buildings are studied whose Base-Shear Torque
(BST) surface does not depend on the excitation i.e. structures with columns whose resistances are not
affected by hardening or softening behaviour are studies;
The convergence of the response toward the CR may not occur in those cases where low intensities of
the seismic excitation or premature brittle failures of some resisting elements of the structure do not
result in sufficient inelastic behaviour of the system.


Time history analysis is carried on the similar model prepared in SAP2000 platform for different PGA i.e.
0.1g, 0.5g and 0.9g. The result in form of graph showing maximum displacement in the y-direction normalized
with respect to the storey height is considered for model validation in SAP2000. The graph shows that the
results occurred in the reference literature and in SAP2000 are almost similar with a little difference. These
differences might have occurred due to certain difference in assumptions of parameters.

Fig 1. Comparison graph of results in reference literature and SAP2000


A G+5 building was considered whose autoCAD plan is shown in fig 2. From this plan four different
structural plans were generated having different eccentricities. These eccentricities were brought by changing
the alignment of lateral resisting elements i.e. columns. To carry out the biaxial excitation, the angle of

ISSN : 0975-4024

Vol 5 No 2 Apr-May 2013


Nishant K. Kumar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

incidence of earthquake was varied from 0 degree to 360 degree with interval of 22.5 degree. The y axis
direction is taken as 0 degree and the angle is varied counter-clockwise. Building was analysed for following

Dimension of beam
Dimension of column


230mm x 560mm
300mm x 600mm
M20 for beam and M25 for column

The columns are placed at all the beam intersection shown in SAP plan in fig 2. Different time history was
used whose details are provided in table II.
Nonlinear and direct integration method (Hilber-Hughes-Taylor) has been used to record the response of
structure during time history analysis. The geometric non-linearity parameters are not introduced in this study.

Fig 1 Plan of building and position of columns in SAP model

All the four models were then subjected to time history analysis with different angle of incidence and
different PGA. Certain parameters are there on which the response for different angle can be compared. For this
study, forces at the support in X and in Y directions are recorded and compared.
Type of Symmetricity in Different Column



ISSN : 0975-4024

Stiffness symmetry about x-axis

Stiffness symmetry about y-axis


Vol 5 No 2 Apr-May 2013


Nishant K. Kumar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Earthquake Time History Details

Date of eq.

Loma Prieta
UCSC station 16

Takatori 000

Loma prieta
LGPC 000

San Farnando
Pacoima Dam

Site 1, 010

Eccentricity in Different Models

Model 1

Model 2

Model 4

Model 3


Ex (m)

Ey (m)

Ex (m)

Ey (m)

Ex (m)

Ey (m)

Ex (m)

Ey (m)





Where Ex is eccentricity along x-direction and Ey is eccentricity along y-direction

Comparison of forces in two orthogonal directions for uniaxial excitation and biaxial excitation is done as per
the following formula.

Where Fi is the force in ith direction,

Fbi = base forces due to biaxial excitation in ith direction
Fui = base forces due to uniaxial excitation in ith direction
For all the models, variation of base forces in x and y direction with change in angle of incidence of
earthquake is calculated for all the columns. Overall difference in forces for all the models is shown in table IV.
Percentage Difference Between Base Forces Due to Uniaxial and Biaxial Excitation

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Column 5
Column 6
Column 7
Column 8
Column 9
Column 10
Column 11
Column 12
Column 13
Column 14
Column 15
Column 16
Column 17
Column 18

Model 1
Fx (%)
Fy (%)

Model 2
Fx (%) Fy (%)

Model 3
Fx (%)

Fy (%)

Model 4
Fx (%)

Fy (%)

A. Model 1
In this model, the centre of mass is coinciding with the centre of stiffness. Hence there are no eccentricities as
shown in below figure.

ISSN : 0975-4024

Vol 5 No 2 Apr-May 2013


Nishant K. Kumar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Fig 3. Layout showing column orientation in model - 1

The base forces for all the columns is giving maximum value at 0 degree and 90 degree which shows that the
absence of eccentricities causes the base forces to be smaller for any angle other than 0 and 90 degree. That
means, when the angle of incidence is 0 degree then Fx for all the column will be zero and for 90 degree Fy for
all the column will be zero.
B. Model 2

Fig 4 Layout showing column orientation in model - 2

This model has the eccentricity in y direction i.e. it is symmetric along y-direction as shown in figure above.
When the angle of incidence is 0 degree then the eccentricity is not taking part. For all the other angles, the
eccentricity will come into action and causes torsion. This will induce more forces and thus increase the value of
Fy. Due to no eccentricity along x-direction, the Fx for all columns will have maximum value at 90 degree as
expected. As the angle of incidence in changing from 0 to 90 degree, the value of Fy due to direct forces will
reduce and the torsion will increase in that range. At a certain angle, the combined value of direct force and
torsion induced force will reach its maximum for biaxial excitation. Depending upon the position of column
with respect to the centre of stiffness, some column will show greater forces for biaxial excitation and viceversa.
C. Model 3
This model has the eccentricity in x direction i.e. it is symmetric along x-direction as shown in figure given
below. When the angle of incidence is 90 degree then the eccentricity is not taking part. For all the other angles,
the eccentricity will come into action and causes torsion. This will induce more forces and thus increase the
value of Fx. Due to no eccentricity along y-direction, the Fy for all columns will have maximum value at 0
degree as expected. As the angle of incidence in changing from 0 to 90 degree, the value of Fx due to direct
forces will reduce and the torsion will increase in that range.

ISSN : 0975-4024

Vol 5 No 2 Apr-May 2013


Nishant K. Kumar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

Fig 5. Layout showing column orientation in model - 3

At a certain angle, the combined value of direct force and torsion induced force will reach its maximum for
biaxial excitation. Depending upon the position of column with respect to the centre of stiffness, some column
will show greater forces for biaxial excitation and vice-versa.
D. Model 4

Fig 6. Layout showing column orientation in model - 4

There is asymmetricity along both the orthogonal directions as shown in above figure. Due to this condition,
when the angle of incidence of earthquake is 0 or 90 degree then eccentricity in other orthogonal direction
doesnt come into picture. However, while biaxial excitation asymmetricities along both the direction take part
in generating base forces due to which forces due to biaxial excitation exceeds the forces due to uniaxial
excitations for almost all the columns. For every column, there exists a particular angle for which Fx and Fy
reaches it maximum value. Its worth noting that none of the columns in this model is having more forces Fx
and Fy simultaneously due to uniaxial excitation as compared to forces due to biaxial excitation.
When the dynamic is applied in one of the orthogonal directions then it doesnt include eccentricity along
the other orthogonal directions. When the angle of incidence of earthquake changes then the direct force reduces
sinusoidally; however the torsion increases which ultimately increases the forced induced in columns due to
torsion. So there exists an angle at which the summation of these forces reaches its maximum value.

With the change in angle of incidence of earthquake, the direct forces reduces and since there is no
eccentricity in the building, there wont be any base force generated due to torsion. Since base forces
for uniaxial excitation in both the orthogonal directions in a symmetric building are lesser than the
forces due to bi-axial excitation; biaxial excitation is not required for symmetric building.

For the x-symmetric plan, when the angle of incidence of earthquake changes from 0 to 90 degree, then
Fy changes sinusoidally. Due to eccentricity, at a certain angle, the summation of direct force and force
induced due to torsion reaches its maximum value. It was observed that force in y direction due to
biaxial excitation exceeds the forces due to uniaxial excitation by 28% in 3 out of 18 columns, ~21% in
another 3 out of 18 columns. Hence, the biaxial excitation is necessary to get adequate design forces.

Similarly, for the y-symmetric plan, force in y direction due to biaxial excitation exceeds the forces due
to uniaxial excitation by ~18%-20% in 12 out of 18 columns.

For the asymmetric plan, force in x direction due to biaxial excitation exceeds the forces due to
uniaxial excitation by ~10% in 6 out of 18 columns.

ISSN : 0975-4024

Vol 5 No 2 Apr-May 2013


Nishant K. Kumar et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

For the asymmetric plan, force in y direction due to biaxial excitation exceeds the forces due to
uniaxial excitation by 28% in 3 out of 18 columns, ~18% in another 3 out of 18 columns and ~10% for
the other 3 columns. Hence, the biaxial excitation is necessary to get adequate design forces. From the
results, it can be concluded that for torsionally coupled building biaxial excitation is generating more
forces in comparison to uniaxial excitation.


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ISSN : 0975-4024

Vol 5 No 2 Apr-May 2013


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