Method Statement: Approval

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CLIENT NAME: ALLIED Engineering Construction Sdn. Bhd

















General Description




Standard & Specification


Construction Preparation


Main Construction Procedure


Quality and Safety


Environmental Protection Measures

1.0 General Description

The pile boring operation will be performed by hydraulic, rotary drill rigs. For the
stability of the boreholes, the large-diameter bored cast-in-site piles will be excavated
with the temporary casing in the upper layer using hydraulic vibrators/rotational
turntable driven by the boring rig. And generally it is adopted with bentonite slurry
once the bore is progressed beyond the toe of the casing.The detail methods in the
following sections are subjected to review during the process of the construction and
amended if required by engineer.
All works will be performed in compliance with the requirements of the
respective regulations, codes of practice and contract specificationsWhich contained
in BS 80041986-FOUNDATIONS,ISO 9001:2008STANDARD,All the items in the
contract & the Tender documents.
In case any circumstances indicated different conditions from those expected or
required special procedures for the execution of the works such circumstances will be
reported to the engineer.

2.0 Scope
This document does not only describe the procedures and method of bored
piling works and Grout column to support potential development of the specified
project ,but also contains the method of pile test,Quality Work ItemQWI&Quality


In addition, this document describes the health, safety, environmental and quality
considerations associated with the works.
The diameter of the piles which to be constructed will include:
Table2.1 Quantity of piling works




750 A

10 Nos

10 Nos


0 Nos

51 Nos


0 Nos



9 Nos

43 Nos


2 Nos

36 Nos


22 Nos

46 Nos


71 Nos

16 Nos


47 Nos

0 Nos


29 Nos

0 Nos


190 Nos

224 Nos

3.0 Standard & Specification

ISO 9001:2008 STANDARD

4.0 Construction Preparation

Before commence date, the information & documents should be collected and
prepared as following:
(1) Geotechnical Investigation Report
(2) Underground pipelines, cables layout plan
(3) Pile layout plan
(4) shop drawing
(5) All the construction records, inspection form
(6) Supply of water, electricity and road and leveled ground,etc
According to the construction progress requirement with the program , major
equipments are shown in Table 4.1 below.
Table 4.1 Equipment List for Piling Work





Bored-pile machine (BG38)


Bored-pile machine (BG36)


Bored-pile machine (SH36)


Crawler Crane (QUY75)


Crawler Crane (QUY55)


Generator Set


Excavator (CAT 374F L)


Welding Set


Rebar Cutter



Bending machine



Steel Plate


Temporary Road


Sport light



Water Pump

Dry site


Air compressor

Cleaning,Hacking Pile Head



Slurry Make


Slurry Pump

Slurry Make



Delivered Materials.etc

5.0 Main Construction Procedure

5.1 Site Preparation
Get rid of all the obstacles from the site and level the ground. Prepare the
drainage around the site including the silt trip.Ensure that the water table is well
maintained below the formation level and avoid ponding by continuous pumping at all

Figure5.1 Site preparation and clearance

5.2 Setting Out

Survey and record the existing ground level at each pile location. Setting out the
pile location by license surveyor in accordance with the Engineers working drawings
using a electric total station with the accuracy required in the specifications. All setting
out should refer to the reference points and the related Working Drawings.

Figure5.2 Setting out

5.3 Bored Pile Work

(1) Temporary Casing
After accurately setting out the position of the bored pile by the surveyor, the
temporary casing will be set in position using the hydraulic vibrators/rotational
turntable driven by the boring rig or crawler crane. In order to monitor the center of
the steel casing, control pins will be established with two orthogonal positions offset

from the center of the pile. Excavation of the soil inside the casing will be carried out
using the rotary rig auger/bucket. Its position and verticality will be checked prior to
commencing excavation and regularly during excavation.
The verticality will be checked by placing a spirit level against the casing;
adjustments can be made by the hydraulic vibrators to keep the vertical alignment and
plan location within the allowable limits.
The checks shall be repeated in cases where major underground obstructions are
encountered. If the location of the excavation is so much outside the required tolerance
that it cannot be corrected, the hole will be back filled and the temporary casing will
be extracted. The excavation procedure will be repeated again in order to satisfy the
particular requirement.

Figure5.3 Temporary casing installation


(2)Bored Pile Construction

The center deviation of the turntable and pile hole is less than or equal to 20mm.
Use the verticality detector to check the verticality of the pile hole in every ten
meters ,if the deviation is more than 75mm, it should adjust the drill pipe. And the
final value of the vertical offset should be complied with the Engineer`s specification
The pile shaft excavation will be carried out using rotary rig supported from a
crawler crane. Particular attention will be paid to this requirement when soft materials
are expected or encountered in the pile shaft (e.g. sand, clay, loose fill material). The
water level within the pile shaft will be maintained at or above the surrounding ground
water level to ensure that there is no differential head encouraging piping of the soil at
the base of the excavation.

Figure5.4 Boring work


Prior to the termination of each bored pile,the proposed length,boring record and
pile length design calculation sheet shall be submitted by Consultants Geotechnical
Engineer to RE or Consultants office(HQ)for approval. The Clients Representative
shall also verify the final toe level of the pile prior to the installation of the reinforcing
cage.Backfill of the bore hole with the suitable excavated material,and the unsuitable
excavated material for incorporation into the works will be removed off site by lorry.
(3) Cleaning of Pile Base
Following the completion of the excavation, the bored hole will be thoroughly
cleaned of the sediment. Cleanliness of the bored hole will be monitored by dipping
the base of the excavation .Airlifting will continue until clean water or negligible
debris in suspension is detected. Desanding to be carried out prior to the airlifting
(4) Installation Of Reinforcement Cage
The reinforcement cage for the pile will be prefabricated on site in 12m lengths
or other length in accordance with the details( the amount,type and reinforced bar size)
shown on the contract drawings & specifications together with a top section of
appropriate length for each pile.
In addition to the main bars and binders shown on the drawings stiffening rings
will be fixed outside or inside the main bars at appropriate center to act as stiffeners to
prevent distortion of the prefabricated cages during handling. The stiffeners will be

spot welded to the main reinforcement with approval from the Engineers. For avoiding
the permanent deformations,the cage will be securely fixed using manually tied
galvanized wire and subsequently tack welded at predetermined junctures.

Figure5.5 Reinforcement cage installation

(5) Pouring of Concrete

Concreting to the pile will be carried out under water by tremie pipes .And the
self-compacting, ready-mixed concrete will be supplied to the borehole by truck
mixers and placed by the tremie pipes. The workability of the concrete will be tested
by slump tests on samples taken from each batch. Eight test cubes shall be taken from
every pile or as directed by the Engineer or his representatives.The test cubes shall be
tested by an independent approved laboratory.Two cubes shall be tested at the age of
seven days,and the remaining six at the age of 28 days.
All the joints of the tremie pipe are water-tight in order to avoid the inflow of

water into the pipe and therefore segregation of the concrete. Concrete will then be
introduced into the hopper of the tremie pipe in 6 cu m batches by use of a skip. As
successive batches of concrete are installed into the tremie pipe the level of the
concrete in the pile will be checked and a continuous record kept by means of
weighted tapes.

Figure5.6 Concrete casting

As the level of the concrete in the pile reaches a suitable level, the tremie pipe
will be withdrawn in section in such a way that a minimum immersion of 2m of the
tremie pipe into the concrete is maintained at all times.
The concrete level will be brought to a level of minimum 750mm above cut off
level, then backfilling the space between the temporary and permanent liners with
sand will take place. If necessary, steel stabilizers will be used to fix the gap between

the permanent casing and temporary casing at the top level prior to concreting to
ensure the stability and verticality of the pile during concreting. The temporary liner
will be removed using a hydraulic casing hydraulic vibrators section by section, during
which further backfilling between the casings will be carried out as necessary.
5.4 Sequence of Pile Construction
The sequence of construction of the piles will be chosen in such a manner that no
damage can be caused to nearby piles still under construction or recently completed
(24 hours). The piling sequence will be submitted for Engineers approval. The piles
shall be bored and cast on the same day and min.distance of piles bored on the same
day (less than 24 hours )shall be more than 5 times diameter of the larger pile size
This approach is to ensure minimum soil disturbance to occur at every boring
point, in order to prevent over break of the pile concrete which could happen due to
soil collapse in the bored hole. The adjacent point to the installed pile will only be
done on the next day.
Full records of the construction of the pile will be submitted to the Engineer after
the completion of each pile.
5.5 Testing of piles
(1) Testing of concrete
The quality of concrete will be tested on the site by measuring the slump and

(temperature of concreting) at the time of discharge into the pile borehole recorded on
a Concrete Delivery record. In addition to the site test, laboratory tests will be carried
out in order to check the strength of the placed concrete in accordance with the
requirements of the specifications. The appropriate strength requirement shall be
considered to be satisfied if,for the cubes tested at the specified age,none of the
strengths is below the required strength at the age tested;and the difference between
their strength is not more than 15% of the average.(All concrete cube test comply the
BS 5328: 1990)
For each batch or delivery of concrete,a slump test shall be carried out.Concrete
slump required to be 17525cm.

Figure5.7 slump test of concrete

(2) PDA Test

PDA test is a method of checking the integrity and bearing capacity of pile.Test

pile should select the representative one.The number of test piles which was similar
geological condition or same type and construction conditions should not be less than
5% of the total pile number.Designer and consultant shall decide to increase the
number of test pile when it was the complicated engineering geological condition, or
have questions about the construction quality of pile foundation.

Figure5.8 PDA test

The pile top must be handled before the PDA test,and the concrete strength shall
be same as bore pile concrete C40. The top of the pile should be above the ground and
the length from ground to the pile top shall be 1.5-2 times of the pile diameter. There
is a cushion between hammer and pile top .The sensor must be in compliance with
specification requirements and testing instruments must be in the standard state.
(3) Maintained Load Test
The kentledge reaction system consists of hydraulic jack sitting on the top of the

pile head. Upon testing, it is jacked against the main beam which carries a series of
secondary beams acted on by a set of concrete blocks, H-section steel beams or
combination of both. The weight of the concrete blocks should be arranged in a system
aligned with the center of gravity of the test pile as close as possible. The total dead
load shall be a least 10% higher than the maximum test load.

Figure5.9 MLT

The pole head of the test pile shall be casted above ground level, it has to provide
a horizontal platform so as to receive the test load evenly. The ground surface shall be
laid with steel plates as to ensure even distribution of load to the ground so as to
minimize differential settlement due to soft ground condition, if any. A general layout
of the kentledge system is needed.
The loads will be jacked in accordance to the specified load cycle. For each stage
of loading, the increment of load should be applied as smoothly and expeditiously as

possible. A set of readings for time and settlement should be taken before each loading
commences. When the load for each stage is reached, time and settlement observations
should be made and record again.

Figure5.10 MLT

All the test equipment such as the survey level, hydraulic jack and pressure
gauges are to be in sound condition. Pressure gauge must be accompanied with an
approved test certificate from an approved laboratory and a copy will be given to the
The load settlement of the test pile shall be measured by 4 nos. Of dial gauges
and counter checked sing an optical survey level.The average settlement of the pile is
taken from the average of 4nos. of dial gauges. The dial gauges are placed equally at
the sides of the test pile and fixed firmly on the reference frame by means of welding
or using a magnetic base.

A scale rule is secured firmly on the pile head or the side of the hydraulic jack, as
another mean to measure the pile settlement. Two external scale rules, to be erected on
the ground. These bench marks are usually set up at an angle 90 degrees to the
leveling instrument. The survey level is to be secured firmly on the ground.
(3) PIT Test
The PIT Test used to detect the pile has defects or not,degree of defect and its
position.Hit the pile top with a small hammer, and receive stress wave signal from the
pile by the sensor bonding at the the top of the pile.Using the stress wave theory to
research the dynamic response of the pile soil system, analyse the measured speed
signal, frequency signal,and obtaining the conclusion of pile integrity.

Figure5.11 PIT Test

5.6 Cut-off the pile head

Expose top of bored pile,cut-off the pile head to the required level as directed by
architect or engineer,bend back reinforcement to tie with new reinforcement for
casting into pile caps and remove all debris from the site.

Figure5.12 Pile Head Hacking

6.0 Quality And Safety

(1) Measures To Ensure Quality
Combined full-time check in self-test and the team for concealed works. After the
completion of each step Construction team need self-test, to be corrected promptly
when quality does not meet the requirements.
(2) Safety Guarantee System
Establish, led by the project manager, command of production safety guarantee
system must adhere to production safety management principles, project managers
undertake primary responsibility for the safe production, when contradictory between
production and safety, priorities give way to security, to ensure the safety of under the
premise of the construction, to ensure the safe production in the first place.
(3) Production safety measures

In strict accordance with the various machine operation procedures of

construction, Shift handover must be recorded and signed.Check the main situation of
equipment parts, regularly check the oil, high pressure pipe line and their connection.
Regular inspection winch, rope, power head, pulleys and connectors, over the
relevant provisions should be replaced in time.

Figure6.1 Site safety meeting

7.0 Environment Protection Measures

(1) Noise pollution control
Take the noise pollution into consideration when choosing construction
equipment and method. Noise pollution must under the standards and authority
requirement accordance with the provisions of the construction site.The following
sound power levels for the equipment have been derived from the noise contours:
Handling crane under load

70 dB(A)

Piling rig boring large diameter pile

85 dB(A)


(2) Dust control

In order to protect the environment, dust should be handled by professional
equipment and reached the standard then transport to specific locations for processing.
(3) Night construction
Consider the holidays and relevant departments activities, it may restrict night
construction during period and extension of time.In order to prevent to encountered
those situation, catch up plan should be made in early time, and ensure that complete
the work within the time limit; the construction may has negative impact on the
surrounding residents, the contractor should be coordinated the resulting controversy
(4) Traffic control
Pay attention to the working hour and make 1 or 2 men be the traffic guidance.

(We reserve the right to explain the terms of the event)


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