Legitimate Expectation

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From the SelectedWorks of meher nigar

December, 2011

Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation in

Administartive Law: A Bangladesh Perspective
meher nigar
homaira nowshin urmi

Available at: http://works.bepress.com/meher_nigar/2/

Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation in Administrative Law: A

Bangladesh Perspective
Meher Nigar
Homaira Nowshin Urmi

1. Introduction
Most legal systems are currently facing many administrative law challenges because of
the growth of administrative power. The range of tasks performed by the administration
has increased, so has the potential for arbitrary or unfair action as regards the individual.1
The government is under an obligation to respect the humanity of the others and to treat
the citizens with respect.2 This demand is particularly important in the modern
bureaucratic state, which tends to treat individuals with reference to numbers or files
rather than as human beings deserving individual consideration.3 Therefore, the argument
stressing the importance of keeping administrative authorities within their limit is
transformed in the administrative context into a claim of practicing different doctrines
that debar an administration from turning out to be an irrational or arbitrary authority.
The doctrine of legitimate expectation has appeared as a new tool to prevent such
arbitrariness or misuses. It is the latest recruit to a long list of concepts fashioned
especially by the Western courts for the review of administrative actions.4
This article focuses on an overview of the doctrine, its scope, and its application as a
check against arbitrary decisions of the administration. In Bangladesh it is true that there
is no general statute like Administrative Justice Act laying down the minimum procedure
which administrative authorities must follow while exercising decision making power.
Nonetheless the court has always insisted that administrative authorities must follow a
minimum standard of fair procedure (ensuring legitimate interest of individual). This
minimum procedure refers to the concept of natural justice which ultimately protects and
ensures legitimate expectation.5 Focusing on this fact, this paper examines how this
doctrine has been integrated into Bangladeshi case laws in the particular setting of
Bangladesh's constitutional-administrative law.
2. An overview of the doctrine of legitimate expectation
The doctrine of legitimate expectation operates as a control over the exercise of
discretionary powers conferred upon a public authority. It is fair to say that the doctrine is
certainly not as established and simple as a person having an enforceable right requiring a
public body in all circumstances to act in a particular way. The law is still developing on
a case-by-case basis both in the context of reasonableness and in that of natural justice. In
this section, we will focus on explaining the doctrine, its scope and its practice in
Administrative law.

2.1 Doctrine explained

The doctrine of legitimate expectation belongs to the domain of public law and is
intended to give relief to the people when they are not able to justify their claims on the
basis of law in the strict sense of the term though they had suffered a civil consequence
because their legitimate expectation had been violated.6 The term legitimate expectation
was first used by Lord Denning in 19697 and since then, it has assumed the position of a
significant doctrine of public law in almost all jurisdictions.8 The term legitimate
expectation means the act or state of expecting; that which is or may fairly be expected;
that which should happen according to general norms or custom or behaviour9
A person may have a legitimate expectation of being treated in a particular way or of
receiving any substantive benefit by an administrative authority even though he has no
legal right in private law to receive such treatment or benefit. The right to a hearing or to
be consulted, or generally to put in ones case may arise out of the action of the authority.
Thus a promise made in the shape of a statement of policy or a procedure regularly
adopted by the authority may give rise to what is called legitimate expectation.10 That is,
expectation of a kind which the court now enforces.
There has been some debate as to whether a legitimate expectation of any person in a
particular decision can indeed give rise to a substantive benefit or a mere entitlement to
have a process conducted in a particular way. In its initial stage, the common approach
was that legitimate expectation is only procedural and does not have any substantive
impact. However this traditional approach is loosing dominance with the increasing
support for the view that it can be applied to a benefit which is desired in a particular
case. In R v. North and East Devon HA ex p Coughlan (2001)11 the Court of Appeal
significantly clarified the doctrine of substantive legitimate expectations. This Coughlan
case has affirmed substantive legitimate expectation as a mainstream principle of
administrative law.12 With the authority of this expanded view, the doctrine of legitimate
expectation constitutes a procedural as well as substantive rights.
The doctrine of legitimate expectation confers upon persons a right which is enforceable
in case of its denial. But whether an expectation is legitimate or not is a question of fact
which has to be determined not according to claimants perception but on some
considering factors;13 such as, clearness and unambiguity of the statement or practice, the
impressions-whether the statement or practice is binding or merely tentative, public
interest and so on. In the Case of Madras City Merchants Association v. State of India
(1994)14 S.Mohan, J. held as .(l)egitimate expectation may arise a) if there is an
express promise given by a public authority; or b) because of the existence of a regular
practice which the claimant can reasonably expect to continue; c) such an expectation
must be reasonable.

A comparatively recent decision is found in this regard in Glencar Exploration v. Mayo

County Council (2002).15In this case, Mr. Justice Fenelly propounded that in order to
succeed in a claim based on a failure of a public body to respect a legitimate expectation,
the following three matters need to be established:
Firstly, the public authority must have made a statement or adopted a position
amounting to a promise or representation, express or implied, as to how it will act in
respect of an identifiable area of its activity.
Secondly, the representation must be addressed or conveyed either directly or indirectly
to an identifiable person or group of persons, affected annually or potentially in such a
way that it forms part of a transaction definitively entered into or a relationship between
that person or group and the public authority, or that the person or group has acted on the
faith of the representation.
Thirdly, it must be such as to create an expectation reasonably entertained by the person
or group that the public body will abide by the representation to the extent that it would
be unjust to permit the public authority to resile from it.
These considerations propounded by Mr. Justice Fenelly play vital role in justifying a
claim based on both procedural and substantive legitimate expectation. Thus a past
practice or statement made in the shape of policy, a present action on the basis of such
practice or presentation and a future expectation to continue with it are the preconditions
for the doctrine to be invoked. However as an equity doctrine it is not rigid and
extensions or refinements of these propositions are obviously possible.16
2.2 Scope of the doctrine of legitimate expectation
With the recognition of substantive legitimate expectation, the scope of judicial review of
administrative action on the basis of legitimate expectation has been expanded. But this
expanded view has not yet been applied in a way which permits a person to challenge
every administrative action invoking the principle of legitimate expectation. The claim
based on the principle of legitimate expectation can be sustained only when the
challenged decision is found to be unfair, unreasonable, arbitrary or violative of
principles of natural justice.17 In other words, to fulfill legitimate expectation, the various
interests should be balanced. In Howrah Municipal Corporation v. Ganges Road
Company Ltd. (2004),18 it has been held that no right can be claimed on the basis of
legitimate expectation when it is contrary to statutory provisions which have been
enforced in public interest. Thus the court may uphold the decision taken by the authority
on the basis of overriding public interest.19
Legitimate expectation can not prevail against statute.20 There is no legitimate
expectation against statutory regulation.21 That means, if any legislation is passed or
amended in such a way that goes against the regular policy or practice, the person
affected thereby cannot challenge this on the basis of legitimate expectation. If a
legitimate expectation is based on a mistake and that mistake has been made as a result of
erroneous interpretation of any statutory provision, the administrative authority will not
be bound by the expectations.22 In the recent High Court decision in Cork Opera House
PIc v. The Revenue Commissioners (2007),23 Mr. Justice Hedigun had found that the

applicant for judicial review was wrong in law in contending that the Revenue
Commissioners had the power to grant it a retail license to sell beer, wines and spirits
under an Act of 1835, and even if this was not, the applicant nevertheless had an
enforceable legitimate expectation that the Revenue Commissioners would continue to
act as they had done for many years, (incorrectly) granting such a license under the 1835
Act. So a claim based on legitimate expectation does not operate to confer upon a
statutory authority a power which that authority does not have under the terms of the
relevant statute.
The doctrine of legitimate expectation must not be understood that the authority is not
able to change its policy.24 In fact, changing policy can defeat a substantive legitimate
expectation if it can be justified on Wednesbury reasonableness.25 So, the existence of a
policy does not carry with it an entitlement to prevent the policy-maker from changing
that policy - particularly where there is evidence of a rational and reasonable basis for
doing so, including public interest considerations though the doctrine of legitimate
expectation may require that the way in which policy changes are effected does not
breach existing legitimate expectations.26 In the recent High Court decision in Glenkerrin
Homes v. Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council (2007)27 Mr. Justice Clarke stated as
..the executive enjoys a constitutional entitlement to change policy Subject
only to the overall requirement that whatever policies are adopted must be
consistent with their statutory role as defined. It is clear, therefore, that a
legitimate expectation cannot arise to the effect that a policy will not be changed.

Demarcating the scope of the doctrine, the Court held that legitimate expectation gives
sufficient locus standi to the applicant for judicial review.28 But as discussed above, a
case of legitimate expectation would arise when a body by representation or by past
practice aroused expectation which it would be within its power to fulfill. The protection
is limited to that extent and a judicial review can be within that limits. Even if a case of
legitimate expectation is made out, the decision or action of the authority will not be
interfered with unless it is shown to have resulted in failure of justice.29 To sustain a
claim based on legitimate expectation the decision of the authority must be arbitrary or
must not come within the Wednesbury principle. The statement or practice giving rise to
the legitimate expectation must be sufficiently clear and unambiguous, and expressed or
carried out in such a way as to show that it was intended to be binding.30 A statement will
not be binding if it is tentative,31 or if there is uncertainty as to what was said.32
2.3 Evaluating the practice of legitimate expectations in Administrative Law
While evaluating the application of doctrine of legitimate expectation it is worth to note
here the sayings of C.K.Takwani33: the existence of legitimate expectation may give
sufficient locus standi to a claimant to seek leave to apply for judicial review. The
doctrine in essence imposes a duty on the authority to act fairly.34 It imposes limits on the
arbitrary exercise of power by the administrative authority. It is also an important factor
in answering the question whether a decision once given can be withdrawn or modified
and also provides a legal basis for holding that administrative authorities are to a

considerable extent bound by policy rules, promises and past practices. Finally, the
principle of legitimate expectations is one of the principles which is able to cover the
administrative authority within the ambit of judicial review. Consequently, it would be
hard to overestimate the importance of the principle of legitimate expectations.
Nonetheless, this doctrine is not free from criticisms; it has also a downside.35 The main
allegation it does suffer is about its uncertainty. Gio ten Berge36 and Rob Widdershoven37
truly said that usually it is rather difficult to predict in which cases a claim based on the
principle of legitimate expectations will be honoured. Although it is possible to identify
in case laws, different factors that can play a role in answering this question, it is not so
simple to draw out any straight-cut formula on where arises legitimate expectation.
Whether the presentation or past practice is in the nature to arise legitimate expectation;
or whether honouring one persons legitimate expectation will result in the derogation of
public interest is absolutely a matter of individual concern which involves individual
discretion, fact analysis in every individual case. But a strong defense may be advanced
against this uncertainty is that a legal right ensured and guaranteed by any statute has
some inherent limitations. A statutory right can be applied only on the fulfillment of the
conditions prescribed for its application. But in practice, some unforeseen situations may
arise which can not be covered by any law as it is beyond its scope. A court while dealing
with a claim based on legitimate expectation, it is in each case necessary to weigh the
individual interests that would profit from recognition of the legitimate expectations
against the public interest.38 And thereby it is possible to provide, a tailor made
judgment39 best suited to the claimants needs. In todays welfare state concept, where
existing statutes prove themselves inadequate to deal with present multidimensional
administration, the doctrine of legitimate expectation comes forward to fill up the
nothingness as this doctrine provides a central space between no claim and legal
3. Legitimate expectation: Bangladesh experience
The capacity of the Apex court to import legal doctrines and to plant them in a different
soil and climate and to make them flourish and bear its fruit is tremendous.41 Though the
importation of the concept of legitimate expectation is recent in Bangladesh, it managed
to establish a strong position for itself shortly after the inception. It only because this
doctrine acts as a supplement to the principles of natural justice against the growing
abuse of administrative power. Like in the administrative sphere of different countries, it
acts in Bangladesh as a deterrent factor for the administrative authority to take any
whimsical decision or action detrimental to the interest of the people even though the
people concerned do not have any legal right in this respect. To determine how far this
doctrine has been accepted in the legal system of Bangladesh, one has to go through the
cases in which the issue has been discussed. Sharping Matshajibi Samabaya Samity Ltd.
V. Bangladesh and others (1987) 42 was the first case where the court in essence referred
to the doctrine, but the phrase legitimate expectation did not appear anywhere in the
judgment. Rather the court relied on common phrases like arbitrariness or natural
justice. This case involved a breach of contractual obligation for a lease of fishery
between the government and a private party. Later, the lease was cancelled without
giving any reasons for such cancellation. The Court in this case viewed governments

obligation under the contract not as in its trading capacity rather in its capacity as
sovereign.43 In spirit what the court asserted in this case was somehow in essence the
early version of doctrine of legitimate expectation where the English courts tended to
ascribe it solely to the rules of natural justice, particularly the requirement to hear the
other side or audi alteram partem.44
The doctrine of legitimate expectation was first baldly referred by the supreme judiciary
in this country in North South Property Ltd. V. Ministry of Land and another (2000).45
Here, the respondent (Ministry of Land) took up a project for construction of 16000 flats
for shelter less and low income group slum dwellers of the Dhaka city. The Government
planned to do it on 47.90 acres of Government land at Bhasantek through private
financing of the developers. The respondents had discussion with different developers
including the petitioner. The petitioner was assured of being engaged to execute the said
project and was asked to submit a detailed lay out plan in this regard. The petitioner did
all those things as the respondent instructed. Subsequently, the respondents published a
notice inviting bids for executing the said project. Only two companies including the
petitioner participated in the said bid and it was unanimously resolved in the concerned
committee that the technical offer of the petitioner was responsive. But the respondents
decided not to accept petitioners lone bid as the participants were only two. They
decided to call a fresh bid to make the process competitive and transparent. The petitioner
challenged the decision of the authority on the basis of his legitimate expectation that
arose on the assurance given by the authority to employ him for the project and his
spending an amount of taka twenty-five lac to develop and finalise the plans and
technical support on the basis of such assurance. The facts of the case in itself can be a
good example in explaining the criteria of clear, unequivocal and unambiguous
statement or promise by a public authority.46 But the court did not go to the depth of the
issues of assurance or understanding as claimed by the petitioner47 rather termed the
claim of legitimate expectation as a disputed question.48 The court missed the
opportunity to adopt the contemporary concept of legitimate expectation in this case but
immediately after one year, the scenario is improved.
The first successful reference to the doctrine is found in Bangladesh Soya-Protein Project
Ltd. v. Secretary, Ministry of MDMR (2001).49 In this case, the government initiated
School Feeding Programme under a policy aimed at eradicating malnutrition of the
under-nourished child and entered into a contract with the petitioner for the supply of
Soya-protein biscuits to schools for a fixed period. The petitioner took all the
accomplishments to perform the contract including to set up a new industry incurring
huge expenditure within the full knowledge and cooperation of the government, just in
order to produce the required quantity of Soya-products to make their school feeding
programme a success. The continued success of this programme and the support of the
government caused the petitioner reasonably to expect that it would be continued till the
fulfillment of the purpose of the project that is to eradicate malnutrition of under
nourished children. But on the expiry of the contract period, the government discontinued
the programme without showing any reason. The High Court Division held that such
discontinuance of the programme violating its own policy was in gross violation of the
legitimate expectation not only of the petitioner but also of the millions of under-

nourished children warranting interference of the court and directed the government to
implement its policy decision. Though the government contended that it was not bound to
renew the contract and the last contract not being renewed it simply expired by efflux of
time without giving any right of action to the petitioner, the court held that the
government is always obliged to act fairly and reasonably even where the other party has
got no legal right in the conventional sense, to enforce. This is so even in a contract
where the government is one of the contracting parties. Here, though the petitioner does
not possess the right in conventional sense to claim renewal of contract, the MDMR in
discontinuing the programme miserably failed in their social commitment to the people of
Bangladesh as spelt in their own policy decision under which the programme was
There seems that the doctrine of legitimate expectation in Bangladesh has been developed
mainly covering the contractual obligation of the government. A modern government has
multifarious activities and in performance of those activities, the government has to enter
into contracts of different types. And the doctrine of legitimate expectation has been
developed, focusing on the point that in a contract between the government and any
individual, though the state is in the equal footing of other party of the contract, at the
same time, the duty of the government to act fairly which is implied in the contract can
not be ignored. Like an individual, the administration is to abide by the terms and
conditions of the agreement. There is hardly any scope to apply the principle of equity
where terms and conditions of the tender documents are there to provide for legal and
proper dispensation.50
The second major area in which a frequent application of this doctrine can be seen is the
service matter that is a contract of employment. Though an employment in the service of
Republic initiates a contract, the relationship of the government with the servant is more
of a status than contract and is controlled by the provisions of the Constitution and the
laws and rules.51 This contention gives an employee in the service of Republic an
extensive opportunity to challenge any administrative action affecting his service. This
opportunity includes confronting the authority even when his service is based on a
contract and the impugned action has been taken under the guise of the contract of
employment. A landmark case in this respect is Bangladesh Biman Corporation v. Rabia
Bashri Irene and others (2003)52 where writ petitions were filed challenging validity of
some parts of the individual contract of employment as violative of legitimate expectation
of the employees of being absorbed as permanent staff after completion of their 5 years
tenure and their expectation was reasonable in view of the practice existing at the time of
their employment. They were not absorbed as permanent employee rather reappointed
under a fresh contract depriving them of some benefits including of being absorbed as
permanent staff. The state contended that the expectation that has arisen between the
petitioners and the Corporation is of a relationship pursuant to a contract and beyond
contract the petitioners are not entitled to anything as regard their service. Rejecting the
contention of the sate the supreme judiciary held that in the context of employment by
statutory corporations, the relationship of the corporation with its employees is not that of
master and servant and all contracts with statutory corporation are subject to challenge in
the writ jurisdiction. The corporation by its past practice has created the legitimate

expectation in its employees that after completion of the prescribed period they would be
absorbed as permanent staff. By not absorbing them as permanent and appointing them
under a new contract, the corporation has acted discriminatorily. In this connection it is
worth to mention here the case of Md. Shamsul Huda and others v. Bangladesh and
others (2009)53 where ten additional judges were not appointed as judges in the High
Court Division ignoring the recommendation of Chief Justice and without
communicating any reasons to the Chief Justice and thereby, violated the expectation of
the petitioners which was based on the established practice being followed over thirty
years. Thus the doctrine of legitimate expectation has been emerged in the employment
sector in Bangladesh as a safeguard for the employees in the service of Republic
sometimes by upholding past practice54 sometimes by resorting to constitutional
convention55 or sometimes promoting the practice of seniority. 56
The general concept of the doctrine of legitimate expectation is that the administrative
authority can not abuse its discretion by following any inconsistent policy by
disregarding undertaking or statement of intent or by ignoring any past practice covering
this matter. This doctrine in essence requires the concerned authorities to act reasonably
in dealing with the rights and interests of the people under given circumstances.57 But at
the same time, the concept of legitimate expectation can not be given such wide
interpretation so as to allow any wishful hope without lawful root.58 In Hafizul Islam
(Md.) v. Government of Bangladesh and Other (2002),59 Justice Amirul Kabir
Chowdhury held that[l]egitimate expectation to be enforceable shall have some legal basis. Mere
wishful expectation without legal basis is not sustainable in the eye of law. When
the action of the government is taken fairly showing reasons, it cannot be struck

Advocating the true essence of this doctrine, the supreme judiciary, in Chairman,
Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation v. Nasir Ahmed Chowdhury (2002),60 goes as
follows: For a legitimate expectation to arise, the decisions of the administrative authority
must affect the person by depriving him of some benefit or advantage which either he had
in the past been permitted by the decision maker to enjoy and which he can legitimately
expect to be permitted to continue until some rational grounds for withdrawing it are
communicated to him and he is given an opportunity to defend his cause....A
descriptive idea of this doctrine is restated in Golam Mustafa v. Bangladesh,61 where the
Court observed that judicial review may be allowed on the plea of frustration of
legitimate expectation in the following situations:
I. If there is a promise by the authority expressed either by their representations or
II. The decision of the authority was arbitrary or unreasonable within the Wednesbury
III. There was a failure on the part of the concerned authority to act fairly in taking the
IV. The expectation to be crystallized into a legitimate one, it must be based on clear
facts and circumstances leading to a definite expectation and not a mere anticipation or a
wish or hope and also must be reasonable in the circumstances.

V. Judicial review may allow such a legitimate expectation and quash the impugned
decision even in the absence of a strict legal right unless there is an overriding public
interest to defeat such an expectation.
The concept of legitimate expectation is to some extent uncommon in our
jurisprudence.62 But the doctrine has been adopted in our legal system with its true
concept. Though the doctrine of legitimate expectation was imported from English Law
and greatly influenced by Indian case laws where legitimate expectation was only
procedural in its initial stage and substantive legitimate expectation was comparatively a
recent experience, in Bangladesh, the legitimate expectations are not classified as either
procedural or substantive. If an expectation is found to be legitimate the Apex court will
protect that expectation by holding the relevant administrator to the representation that
gave rise to the expectation. The development of the doctrine of legitimate expectation in
Bangladesh is overall a symbol of positive sign to ensure a more accountable
administration by force of expectation beyond the law.
4. Conclusion
The emerged concept of legitimate expectation has gained sufficient importance in
Administrative law.63 The doctrine has been developed to check and to control the
exercise of powers by the administrative authorities and thereby it aims at the main aspect
of this branch of public law. The substance of the doctrine is implied commitments
without hampering express policies. The doctrine is invoked to enforce regularity,
predictability and certainty in government dealings. It is the tool of protecting individual
citizens against the administrative actions subject to the satisfaction of the court as to the
existence of the factors necessary to justify the expectation as legitimate. For this reason,
the court should exercise self-restraint and restrict the claim of denial of legitimate
expectation to the legal limitations. It is submitted that the following observations of
Brennan, J. in Attorney General for New South Wales v. Quin (1990)64, lay down the
correct law on the point:
(T)he Court must stop short of compelling fulfillment of the promise or practice
unless the statute so requires or the statute permits the repository of power to
bind itself as to the manner of the future exercise of the power. It follows that the
notion of legitimate expectation is not the key which unlocks the treasury of
natural justice and it ought not unlock the gate which shuts the court out of
review on the merits.

The doctrine of legitimate expectation in Bangladesh, is still in an evolutionary stage; but

one thing is certain that it managed to have its position entrenched in the same line with
other contemporary world practicing this doctrine successfully. But this is not the end. To
continue with this success, the judges are to play the lead role by being well-resourced
with different facets of this doctrine. As there are no fixed rules to express this principle,
the judges should be more careful in deciding a claim based on legitimate expectation so
that nobody can use the inherent uncertainty of this principle. At the same time, a
constant comparative analysis with other countries and to import new ideas from them
will be of use for the smooth development of legitimate expectations in Bangladeshi law.

Robert Thomas Legitimate Expectations and Proportionality in Administrative Law, (2000:Hart Publishing
Ltd.) p.1.
Daphne Barak-Erez, The Doctrine of Legitimate Expectations and the Distinction between the Reliance
and Expectation Interests, European Public law, Volume 11, issue 4, Kluwer Law International, 2005, p.
See: P. Berger, B. Berger & H. Kellner The Homeless Mind: Modernization and Consciousness (1973)
41-62. The Doctrine of Legitimate Expectations 593.
C. K. Takwani Lectures on Administrative Law, (2006: Eastern Book Company, 4th Edn.) p. 278.
Md. Harun Reza, Scope of legitimate expectation doctrine, The Daily Star, 22 January, 2011.
I. P. Massey, Administrative Law, (2001: Eastern Book Company, 5th Edn.) p. 285.
Schmidt v. Secretary of State (1969) 1 AII ER 904.In this case it was held that an alien who was granted
to enter the U.K. for a limited period had legitimate expectation of being allowed to stay for the permitted
Clerk, R., In pursuit of Fair Justice, AIR 1996(J) 11.
Md. Harun Reza, Scope of legitimate expectation doctrine, The Daily Star, 22 January, 2011.
Mahmudul Islam, Constitutional Law of Bangladesh (2008: Mullick Brothers, 2nd Edn.) p. 497.
[2001] QB 213. The applicant had been very severely disabled in a road traffic accident in 1971 and was
placed in the care of a local area health authority. In 1993 she and seven other seriously disabled patients
were moved to a new facility at Mardon House with an assurance that they could live there "for as long as
they chose". Following a public consultation in 1998, the health authority decided to close Mardon House
and transfer the applicant to a local authority home. Miss Coughlan brought judicial review proceedings.
Richard Clayton, (visiting fellow, Centre for Public Law, University of Cambridge) Substantive
Legitimate Expectation: some unresolved questions; this article is based on a paper given to the Cambridge
University Public Law Discussion Group.
I. P. Massey, Administrative Law, (2001: Eastern Book Company, 5th Edn.) p. 291.
(1994) 5 S.C.C. 509.
Mason Hayes+Curran, 2008. The Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation: Recent Developments. A version
of this article was first published in the March, 2008 issue (no.46) of Public Affairs Ireland Journal).
Halsburys Laws of England, 4th Edn., Vol. 1(1),p.151,see also Union of India v. Hindustan development
Corpn., (1993) 3 SCC 499: AIR 1994 SC 980; Madras City Wine Merchants Assn. v. State of T.N., (1994)
5 SCC 509.
(2004) 1 SCC 663.
C. K. Takwani Lectures on Administrative Law, (2006: Eastern Book Company, 4th Edn.) p. 281.
Mason Hayes+Curran, 2008. The Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation: Recent Developments. A version
of this article was first published in the March, 2008 issue (no.46) of Public Affairs Ireland Journal).
C. K. Takwani Lectures on Administrative Law, (2006: Eastern Book Company, 4th Edn.) p. 281.
Mason Hayes+Curran, 2008. The Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation: Recent Developments. A version
of this article was first published in the March, 2008 issue (no.46) of Public Affairs Ireland Journal).
(2007) I.E.H.C., 388.High Court, unreported, 21 November, 2007. see also Mason Hayes+Curran,
2008. The Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation: Recent Developments. A version of this article was first
published in the March, 2008 issue (no.46) of Public Affairs Ireland Journal
PTR Exports (Madras) (P) Ltd. v. India, (1996) 5 SCC 268.
The traditional constraint on a public body has been the test of irrationality, also known as Wednesbury
unreasonableness following Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v. Wednesbury Corp (1948, 1KB
223) which stated that a decision would be unreasonable if, ". . . no reasonable authority could ever have
come to it" (per Lord Greene); see, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In this case, Associated Provincial
Picture Houses were granted a license by the defendant local authority to operate a cinema on condition
that no children under 15 were admitted to the cinema on Sundays. The claimants sought a declaration that
such a condition was unacceptable and beyond the power of the Wednesbury Corporation to impose. The
Court upholds the decision.



Mason Hayes+Curran, 2008. The Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation: Recent Developments. A version
of this article was first published in the March, 2008 issue (no.46) of Public Affairs Ireland Journal.
(2007) I.E.H.C., 298.
I. P. Massey, Administrative Law, (2001: Eastern Book Company, 5th Edn.) p. 291.
India v. Hindustan Development Corp., AIR 1994 SC 988; North South Property Development Ltd. v.
Ministry of Land, 52 DLR 7.
The foundation for legitimate expectation must be laid in the pleadings and cannot be allowed to be
raised at the stage of argument-National Buildings Construction Corp. v. Raghunatahn, AIR 1998 SC
R. v. Board of Inland Revenue ex p MFK Underwriting Agencies Ltd., (1990) 1 AII E.R. 91; R v. Jockey
Club, ex p RAM Racecourses, (1993) 2 AII E. R. 225.
R v. Shropshire Health Authority ex p Duffus, (1989) Times, 16 August; North South Property
development Ltd. v. Ministry of Land, 52 DLR 7 (affirmed by Appellate Division in C.P. no.552 of 1999).
C. K. Takwani, Lectures on Administrative Law, (2006: Eastern Book Company, 4th Edn.) p. 280.
Ibid, p. 283.
Gio ten Berge and Rob Widdershoven, The principle of Legitimate Expectation in Dutch Constitutional
and Administrative Law, p. 452.
Professor of Administrative and Constitutional Law in the Institute of Constitutional and Administrative
Law of the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Jean Monnet Professor of European Administrative Law in the same university.
Gio ten Berge and Rob Widdershoven, The principle of Legitimate Expectation in Dutch Constitutional
and Administrative Law, p. 452.
I. P. Massey, Administrative Law, (2001: Eastern Book Company, 5th Edn.) p. 293.
Ibid. p. 289.
39 DLR (AD) (1987) 85.
Islam, Rumana. 2006. Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation: An Overview, in Rahman, Mizanur (ed.).
Human Rights and Domestic Implementation Mechanism. Dhaka: ELCOP, p. 235.
52 DLR (2000) 7.
Islam, Rumana. 2006. Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation: An Overview, in Rahman, Mizanur (ed.).
Human Rights and Domestic Implementation Mechanism. Dhaka: ELCOP, p. 235.
Ibid, p. 236.
North South Property Ltd. v. Bangladesh and another, op cit note 96 at Para 8.
2001, 6 BLC 681.
Ataur Rahman v. Secretary,Ministry of Communication, Roads and Railway Division, Bangladesh,
(HCD) (49 DLR).
Mahmudul Islam, Constitutional Law of Bangladesh, (Mullick Brothers, second edition) p. 576.
55 DLR (AD) (2003) 132.
17 BLT (HCD) 2009, p. 62.
Bangladesh Biman Corporation v. Rabia Bashri Irene and others, 55 DLR (AD) (2003) 132.
Md. Shamsul Huda and others v. Bangladesh and others, 17 BLT (HCD) 2009, p. 62.
Faruk Ahmed and another v. Bangladesh , represented by Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs and
another, 61 DLR, HCD, p. 151.
Bangladesh Soya-Protein Project Ltd. v. Secretary, Ministry of MDMR, (2001), 6 BLC 681.
Hafizul Islam (Md.) v. Government of Bangladesh and Others, (2002), 7 MLR (HC) 433.
2002 BLD (AD) 199 = 7 MLR (AD) 265 = 7 BLC (AD) 144.
15 BLT 128 = 4 LG 125.
Bangladesh Soya-Protein Project Ltd. v. Secretary, Ministry of MDMR, 2001, 6 BLC 681.
I. P. Massey, Administrative Law, (2001: Eastern Book Company, 5th Edn.) p. 293.
64 Aust LJR 327, cited in Union of India v. Hindustan Development Corpn. (supra); Madras City Wine
Merchants Assn. v. State of T.N., (1994) 5 SCC 509.see also C. K. Takwani Lectures on Administrative
Law, (2006: Eastern Book Company, 4th Edn.) p. 283.


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