Field Study 1 Full Episodes
Field Study 1 Full Episodes
Field Study 1 Full Episodes
F ie ld
S tu d y
Episode 1:
h e L
e a r n e r 's D
e v e lo p m e n t
n d E
n v ir o n m e n t
School as a Learning
Your Target:
At the end of this activity, you will be competent in determining a school environment that
provides social, psychological, and physical environment supportive of learning.
Your Map:
A general observation of the campus and the classroom is an exciting way to start your
Your mission is to do the following tasks:
1. Visit a
school. Look
into facilities
and support
learning areas
in the campus,
then in the
2. Accomplish
the checklist
as you move
around the
3. Based on
your gathered
data in the
describe the
4. Make a
reflection on
of a school
that promotes
As you move around the campus, activity forms are provided for you to document your
observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to the school site.
A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets yield
better learning results.
accordingly, tables and
chairs are also present for
Medical Clinic
Audio Visual/
Media Center
Reading Center
It is well-equipped and
well- arranged. It is also
clean and well- ventilated.
Workshop Area
PTA Office
Comfort Room
for Boys/Girls
1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes, religious
figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see posted?
2. Examine how the furniture is arranged. Where is the teachers table located? How are the
tables and chairs/desks arranged?
3. What learning materials/ equipment are present?
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
5. Is the classroom well-lighted and well-ventilated?
1. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact on the
learning of the students going to school? What are your conclusions?
I conclude that the school has a great impact in learning, in the sense that they
have a lot of students in school and that only shows how great is the impact of the school to
particular learning process. The classrooms are filled with thoughts, and learning that a
student/pupil can get.
2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development?
How does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
In relation to my previous knowledge of child and adolescent development, pupils
learn easily if they were exposed to a friendly atmosphere, free from distractions and noises.
They could easily learn if every meeting teacher uses variety and novelty of learning materials
and motivate them always. In connection to my previous subject facilitating learning that in
doing our tasks as a teacher I should follow the methods and techniques that are best for
students to learn and see to it that it is effective.
1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why?
Yes, I would like to teach in the school that I have observed in the sense that the
environment of the school is good. The building is situated in a good place which
provides proper ventilation and better environment. And since this is my beloved Alma
mater, I would really love to teach here.
F ie ld
S tu d y
h e L
e a r n e r 's
e v e l o p m e n t and
a n d
n v ir o n m e n t
Your Target:
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in differentiating the
characteristics and needs of learners from different developmental levels.
Step 3
n by
ng the
Step 4
them in
terms of
and needs.
1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.
2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their
1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners.(happy, sad,
easily cries, mood-shifts)
2. How do they express their wants/needs? Can they wait?
3. How do they handle frustrations?
4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behavior. Are they selfconscious?
1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their language
2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for
evidence of their thinking skills.
3. Were there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how did they show
problem solving activities.
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.
Interaction with
teachers without
Interaction with
-They interact
together with their
Gross-motor skills
Fine-motor skills
Self-help skills
High School
Indicate age range of
classmates joyfully
and actively.
-They become
interested in an
enjoyable activity
especially story
-There is shifting of
-Can communicate
Moods and
expression of
Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you
observed. Based on these characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.
Preschoolers like to
move around a lot.
Age range of Learners
observed: 3-4
Age range of learners
observed: 5-6 yrs.old
Age range of learners
observed: 7-8 yrs.old
Implications to the
Salient Characteristics
Implications to the
High School
Age range of
learners observed:
1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own
experiences when you were their age? What similarities or differences do you
have with the learners you observed?
During the days of my observation, I immediately recall those time during
my preschool years. I remembered how enjoyable it is. My teacher taught me how to
draw and color it with crayons. I loved those times when our teacher read us some
short stories. She also let me sing the alphabet song in front of the class. I noticed
some similarities or differences with the learners that I have observed. Like connecting
the sound of a letter to a picture. The difference is that, nowadays, teachers are using
more vivid pictures and it is now well printed by the computer.
2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How
did she/he help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social,
cognitive)? How did it affect you?
Mrs. Aurora Diez is one of the few teachers I cannot forget. She is a very kind-hearted
person. She teaches very well in the class. She was actually my favorite teacher .She
helped me gain self-confidence. And helped me a lot with my emotional and social
development. She gave me some advices whenever I needed it, most especially on how
to improve my self-esteem. She have reminded me the importance of having a goal in
life. She used to acknowledge my effort every time I earned or achieved something.
When it comes to my physical and cognitive development, she was the one who helped
me improving my skills and talent. I was always part of a dialogue or any drama
contest in school, a member of a dance troupe and a very active SBO senator during
my high-school years. Thanks to my teachers who believed on my capabilities as a
student and for giving me so much confidence.
3. Which is your favorite theory of development? How can this guide you as
a future teacher?
Piagets theory of cognitive development is my favorite theory. It can help me guide in
the future as a teacher. Because this theory explains that an individual has its own level
of learning according to their age. So with this theory you will be guided and
understand that each level has its own level of understanding and development when it
comes to their physical and cognitive aspects. This theory also explains the development
of a child as early as conception until they will become mature, and each level has
different level of development in terms of their physical and cognitive aspects.
F ie ld
S tu d y
h e L
e a r n e r 's
e v e l o p m e n t and
a n d
n v ir o n m e n t
Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in managing time, space
and resources to provide an
environment which is appropriate to
Observe a class.
Using a checklist, find out the evident
the learners and conducive to learning.
Your Map
classroom components.
Describe how the classroom is
structured/ designed to allow everyone
to participate in the learning activities.
Relate the data in your checklist to the
learners behavior.
Reflect on how classroom management
affects learning.
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observation.
Observation Notes:
Yes, there are areas in the classroom for specific purposes like a cabinet for teaching
aids, a table for student belongings and a book shelves for books.
Yes, there are rules posted in the wall, rules in making the classroom clean all the
The pupils are behaving in the manner they should.
The teacher starts the class with a warm-up activities. By letting the pupils greet good
morning to everyone, and after that they will pray then sing an action song.
The seating arrangement is arranged by groups.
The class is noisy but manageable by the teacher.
Whenever the learner is not following instructions, the teacher will repeat the
instruction and reconstruct it to make it more understandable.
The teacher reinforced the learner for showing positive behavior by saying Ok, very
good answer.
Classroom Rules
Daily Routines
-task behavior
Reinforcement of
In front of the class is the
teachers table.
The left corner of the room
is where the cleaning
materials are and on the
opposite side is where
other teaching materials
are kept. Desks have a
section for student
The classroom policy is
posted in the wall.
The teacher prefers to start
the class with a simple
song and activities as
Prayers are done first as a
daily routines, followed by
checking of attendance
and then proceed to the
lesson to be discussed.
Their seating arrangement
is arranged by tables and
each tables composed of 4
chairs and 4 pupils.
The teacher gives
disciplinary action
according to the mistake
done by the teacher.
The learner gives
1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners
The classroom organization and routines affects the behavior of the learners in
improving their senses by way of cooperating to the teachers rules or classroom rules
and by being attentive in every activities or class discussion. The physical environment
of the classroom is one way to improve the learning environment and to prevent
problem behaviors before they occur.
2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom
organization and routines? What theories and principles should you have in
The teacher should have in mind time management, furniture and teaching
materials, and most importantly the students. Ive learned that a place must have
favorable learning conditions, smooth transitions during class, and excellent
management skills. If a teacher fails to manage his/her class then he/she fails to get
the students involved during class. This is where the Principles in Classroom
Management come in. As Ive said before, a superb classroom organization helps the
learners and teacher to gain effortless contact to teaching materials, provides freedom
to move easily within the class and make the most of the students interaction with their
teacher and classmates.
Ive done a bit of research and Ive seen the effects of the theories of behaviorism on
students when it comes to routine designing. This is applicable with the combination of
the Law of Exercise from Thorndikes Connectionism Theory, Pavlovs Higher-Order
Conditioning, and B.F.
Skinners S-R theory. When routines are designed to be a habit in class then
the Law of Exercise should be practiced combined with Pavlovs Higher Order
Conditioning, where the teacher can use different kinds of neutral stimulus to become
the conditioned stimulus for the students. Added the positive reinforcement, such as
feedback or verbal praises, from the findings of Skinner then the routine the teacher
designs will be a very effective one.
2. List the rules you are likely to implement in this level? Why would you choose
these rules?
My rules for this grade level are obedience and cooperation. I will also implement
orderliness and cleanliness inside and outside the classroom. I choose this rule because at
their age, I have to be patient enough to teach them and instill in their mind the good attitude
and an organized personality or behavior.
And lastly I will give grade incentives to those students who have perfect attendance in the
whole school year. This is to motivate the students to come to class every day.
Episode 4:
F ie ld
S tu d y
h e Learner's
L e a r n e r ' s Development
D e v e lo p m e n t
n d Environment
E n v ir o n m e n t
Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in determining teaching approaches and
techniques considering the individual differences of the learners.
Your Map
The learners individual differences and the type of interaction they bring surely affect the
quality of teaching and learning. This episode is about observing and gathering data to find out
how student diversity affects learning.
To reach your target, do the following tasks:
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.
2. Describe how the learners interact with each other. What do they talk
School Address: Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Date of Visit: July 09,2013
As I am observing the class, I observed that there are like 14 pupils in the class.
Their ages vary from 5 to 6 years old. Most of these pupils are Roman Catholic in religion;
there are few who are Born Again Christian.
During class:
The interactions between each other including the teacher are present. The pupils
interact with their classmates when they have activities, by sharing their ideas regarding the
activities they had. They also interact with each other when they have their own business
aside from the lesson discussion with the teacher. The interaction of the pupils to their
teacher is when they have something to ask or for clarification from the teacher during
discussion of the lesson, to make the discussion alive.
There are group of pupils who interact more to the teacher, I think this group of pupils are
those who are really participating in the discussion compare to the other pupils.
Yes, the pupils who are seating in front and at the back they interact differently,
those who are seating in front are the pupils who are more participative compare to those
who are at the back, maybe because, the teachers attention are more focus to those who are
in front.
The learners usually compete with each other. However, there was also an instance
that they cooperate with one another.
The pupils who are seated in front are those group of pupils who participate actively.
While those who are seating at the back but want to participate in the discussion they are the
pupils who ask most help.
There is an instance that the teacher asked one pupil to answer a question, then the
pupil were not able to answer the question, then the pupil seating beside him tries to help him
answering the question, and then somebody from the other side, raise her hand to answer
the question.
Outside class:
As I have observed them outside the classroom, they group themselves I think based
on their locality at home. I mean based on how far is their home in each other. Or maybe
they already have this group of friends. But I also observe a member of pupils they are group
because they are classmates and they have common interest like toys.
They interact each other by bullying somebody, mostly boys are playing and roaming
around, while girls are sitting with their friends and chatting.
F ie ld
S t u d y
h e L
e a r n e r 's D
e v e lo p m e n t
n d Environment
E n v ir o n m e n t
(focusing on different levels of abilities)
Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in determining, understanding and acceping
the learners diverse backgrounds; and in relating the learners background to their performance
in the classroom.
Your Map
3. Observe them as
they participate in a classroom
2. Find out some information
1. Observe two
same grade or
Your Tools
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.
School Address: Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City
Date of Visit: July 09,2013
As I have observed the kindergarten, I noticed their differnces in abilities. There
are pupils who were smart or the high achievers in their class and there are also slow
learners or the low achievers in the class.
I have noticed or recognized a group of pupils whom I prefer to be the smart one.
They compose of 3 boys and 1 girl. They are the one who always raised their hands every
time the teacher asked a question. And they can answer it correctly most of the time. They
perform very well in the class. On the other side, there are also group of students who were
low achievers. They are mostly confident in raising their hands even though their answers
were wrong. Luckily, those high achievers always tried to help them with the correct answer.
As I asked the teacher about the background of these students, I learned that those
high achievers pupils came from a well earned family while the low learners or achievers
their family, most of them are less- fortunate and their parents are not fully supportive in
terms of giving attention.
The high achieving learners usually are the one who finish first during the class
activities. They have good interactions with their teachers. They can answer the question
easily. While the low learners they always doubted their answers for they are afraid of
getting wrong.
The teacher knows on how to encourage the student on how to answer the given
questions that needs further clarification.
1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher? Were you able
to correctly identify who among the students performed well and who did not?
What behavior helped you identify them? (volunteering to answer, responding to
teachers directions, etc.)
Yes, my observation matched with the information given by the teacher, and
yes I was able to correctly identify the learner who is performing well and the
students who are less performing. Volunteering to answer and always
responding to the teacher is the behaviors that help me identify them.
2. Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class. Is there a
wide gap between the students who are performing well and those that are not.
Yes, there is a wide gap between the students who are performing well and
those who are not. Those who perform well in class has the ability to easily
understand the lesson during the discussion, but those who are low performing
pupils they cannot relate much during the discussion. Students who are not
performing well will gain a low average in their grades.
3. Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the students differences in
abilities. How did the students respond to the teacher?
In handling the students differences in abilities, the teacher that I have
observed treat them in different ways. She usually give instant attention to those
pupils who are smart and after that she will call the attention of those slow
learner students, and talk to them in a nice way that a child could easily
understand. Teacher is very flexible in handling her pupils. Pupils who were
slow learners will listen attentively to what the teacher will say and could easily
get the teachers point.
Your Reflections:
1. Recall the time when you were in the elementary or high school. Recall the high
and low achievers in your class. How did your teacher deal with differences in
abilities? Was your teacher effective?
When I was in Grade 2, my teachers used rows as a label. Row 1 pupils are
the fast learners; row 2 pupils are the average learners, row 3 pupils are the slow
learners. We were usually grouped by how well our reading skills are. The
teacher gives the fast learners one paragraph to read while the slow learners
where given 2 or 3 sentences to read.
My teachers in Elementary were very strict and I remember corporal
punishment was still practiced back then. I do not remember clearly the other
styles that my teachers used to deal with the differences.
Back in my high school days, each section was grouped homogeneously
based on the result of our entrance test. So I didnt see a big gap among us in
our section. Most of our teachers used discussion, lecture, reporting and role
playing procedures. All of us took the same activities together. Maybe one of the
main characteristics of meeting every type of learners needs is the fact that the
learners do not notice that they are differently treated by their teacher because
everyone wants to be treated fairly.
Yes, I could say that our teacher is effective because he can make us more
attentive during classes and cooperative in times of discussion. He always knows
how to understand us and he has his own way of showing it.
2. With the principle of individual differences in mind, what methods and strategies
will you remember in the future to ensure that you will be able to meet the needs of
both the high and low achievers in your class?
As a future educator, I must get to know my students well. I can determine the
correct method to use depending on the characteristics and abilities of my
I will make sure to organize a teaching procedure that can adapt to all learning
styles and make use of activities that will fit the needs of my students. I will also
take a good idea and make it great for effective teaching. Aside from that I will
make the activities they engage in inconspicuously fit their level of ability
without being obvious that they are the weak ones in class so they wont lose
their confidence and enthusiasm during class activities. I also plan to utilize
different types of motivational techniques because this is one of the main parts
of my procedures in teaching. If I am successful in motivating my students then
I am successful in letting them engage in learning.
F ie ld
S tu d y
h e L
e a r n e r 's D
e v e lo p m e n t
n d E
n v ir o n m e n t
Episode 6:
Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in reflecting on the impact of
home and family life to learning.
Your Map
To reach your target, do the following tasks:
Your Tools
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.
An Observed Guide for Individual Differences
Do you have rules at home to help him develop good study habit?
Yes they have rules at home to help her develop a good study habit.
What are these rules? How are they implemented?
By doing her assignment first before going to bed.
The Learners Development Profile
Name of the Learner: Jaireh Renn D. Sabelino
School: Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig
Date of Home Visit: October 07,2013
Date of Birth: February 17, 2008
Age: 5 yrs.old
Grade/Year Level: Kindergarten
Gender: Female
you have
gathered all the necessary data. Write the Learners profile using
outline below.
Type the
profile in a separate sheet and attached it to the learning
of Siblings:
Birth Order: First
The Learners
Development Profile (Outline)
Mother: Jennifer
D. Sabelino
Age: 38
Occupation: Teacher
Educational Attainment: MBA Grad.
Father: Roberto F. Sabelino
Occupation: DLS Reader
Educational Attainment: College
Physical Development
In paragraph form, describe the physical development of the learner.
Combine the teachers, parents responses, and your own observation.
Social Development
In paragraph form, describe the social development of the learner.
Combine the teachers, parents responses, and your own observation.
Emotional-Moral Development
In paragraph form, describe the emotional-moral development of the
learner. Combine the teachers, parents responses, and your own observation.
Cognitive Development
In paragraph form, describe the cognitive development of the learner.
Combine the teachers, parents responses, and your own observation.
Write here your salient findings about the learner.
Write your conclusions after you have analyzed the impact of the school
and the home of the learners development. The questions in the Your
Analysis portion of this learning episode can help you.
Write your recommendations.
Physical Development
The child is physically normal. Her mother was healthy during her
pregnancy. She learned to walk at the age of 1 year. She is active and alert not only
in their home, but also in the school. She moves deliberately smooth and shows
care and accuracy in her every tasks or chores to accomplish.
Social Development
The learner is friendly, extrovert and outgoing. She is allowed to play outside
their house with her cousins and neighbors. At the age of 5 she was allowed to
play outside, but was told to tell everything that happened to her while she is
Emotional-Moral development
The learner is well-disciplined. She is responsible in her studies. She was
brought up with the right values by her loving and responsible parents.
Cognitive Development
When it comes to her cognitive aspect, it is continuously developing as she
comes to school and study. She performs well in the school. She learns fast and
participates actively during class activities. She shows intellectual activeness when
it comes to reasoning and thinking skills. Her parents concern and values towards
education helps her a lot in her cognitive development.
Jaireh is intelligent and responsible at her young age. Her training at home is
carried to school as displayed by her good performance and positive attitudes
towards learning. Being a firm yet loving parents to her, it helps a lot in
developing the childs personality. They have a great ability to show self- control.
Most importantly, the God-fearing beliefs and respect that her parents demonstrate
towards her also develops her good social interaction to other and to her
nurturing environment.
I therefore conclude that the school and home contribute a great impact in
developing the cognitive, affective, psychomotor and other domains of human
development, and so as to the total personality of the learners. Hence, the learning
of the child begins at home. At home the child learns values, works and her
cognition slowly developed. However, school plays a vital role in molding the
child. Since school is made for the purpose of developing physical, social,
emotional, moral, psychological, spiritual and cognitive aspects of the learner. The
child spends more time in school rather than at home. So, the total development of
a child depends in school as well as the teachers, which are the most important
agents in school that impart knowledge and values to the learners.
I do recommend that each teacher must be more diligent, resourceful and
patient in handling the learners. He/she must use varied strategies in order to
catch the interest and attention of the students to focus on the lesson.
For the parents, they must be responsible in guiding and disciplining their
children, they must be open with them. They should monitor the studies of their
children and give them encouragement to focus and study hard to achieve their
ambition to become successful.
The most important is the role of the learners; they may be always compliant
and dutiful. They must ensure to themselves that they are motivated to learn and
participate since they are responsible of their own learning.
Your Analysis
Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will
help you answer the question here.
1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of
parenting experienced by the learner? Explain you answer.
The parents of Jaireh Renn are not so strict at all time. I found out that they
only have few rules when it comes to studying, one rule was to Study first
before going to bed. Both parents are involved in their childs school life.
Mrs. Sabelino claimed that she sometimes scolded Jaireh when she breaks
the rule, but most of the time she will just talk to Jaireh regarding her
mistakes. I agree in the kind of parenting that they applied to their kids.
Being strict and lenient is helpful in raising a child nowadays.
2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what
family factors do you think contribute to the development and over-all
adjustment of the learner in school?
As what I have learned in Child and Adolescent Development, the
factors that I am going to contribute to the development and over-all
adjustments of the learner in school are: first, it contributes how the learners
are nurtured by his parents, their financial setting, and cultural background
of the family unit.
3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the
learner? If yes, what are these effects?
Yes, I do believe that communication between the home-school have an
effect t consider the home-school link. What he did in school reflects how he
is nurtured reared by the parents at home. One of these effects for instance, if
the learner act and possessed misconduct in the classroom, surely her parents
are expected to visit the school and consult for the performance of his child to
his adviser or teacher.
Your Reflections
1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did your
experience? How did it affect you?
When I was a child until this present, I observed that the style of
parenting I have is Authoritative, wherein my parents are loving despite of
being firm. They treat us with respect and warmth. They always remind us
about the consequences of our behavior. They give us clear and reasonable
And I am so blessed for having a parents like them, because they molded
me into a better person. I inherited the attitude of my mother which is being
understanding and loving. I could still manage any circumstances that come
into my life for I always had patience in making or doing things.