Keeping The Coast Guard Always Ready'' in Alaska: Field Hearing
Keeping The Coast Guard Always Ready'' in Alaska: Field Hearing
Keeping The Coast Guard Always Ready'' in Alaska: Field Hearing
Printed for the use of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
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Alaska, Chairman
OLYMPIA J. SNOWE, Maine, Ranking
ROGER F. WICKER, Mississippi
KELLY AYOTTE, New Hampshire
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Admiral Robert J. Papp, Jr., Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard ...........................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
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Anchorage, AK.
The Subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 11:38 a.m. at the
University of Alaska-Anchorage, Edward Lee Gorsuch Commons
Building, Sharon Gagnon Lane, Anchorage, Alaska 99508, Hon.
Mark Begich, presiding.
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And throughout southeast and south central, the Coast Guard
cutters, air stations, and small boat stations are the public safety
department of the sea. They serve as law enforcement, fire, and
rescue, and emergency services rolled into one multi-mission, maritime military service that we could not do without.
Todays Coast Guard is facing a host of challenges. With an aging
fleet of cutters and aircraft, the service is in the middle of a major
and expensive recapitalization effort. As we have heard, however,
Washington is looking to major cutbacks in the governments
spending. In jeopardy is the funding for the new cutters and aircraft that we need the service to have so it can do the job to protect
us. In addition, the Coast Guard is being asked to take on new
challenges in the Arctic as melting sea ice opens the region to new
resource development, shipping, and tourism.
As Admiral Papp pointed out during a meeting of this subcommittee just a couple of weeks ago in Washington, Alaskas Arctic needs new infrastructure to adequately address these issues.
Today we want to focus on some of those questions. How should we
ensure that Coast Guard funding gets priority? How will the service adapt to budgetary realities?
The Coast Guard needs more than just ships and airplanes to reform its many missions. However, Team Coast Guard is made up
of active duty, reserve, auxiliary, and silver service members.
These more than 3,900 AlaskansIll be patient. Do we need to do
anything? No? These more than 3,900 Alaskans, plus the families
that support them, are the true heart of the service. From Ketchikan to Kodiak, they are the members of our communities. We see
them in grocery stores, volunteering in the schools, and maybe
even fishing for halibut or salmon once in a while. We need to ensure they have the support they need to keep the Coast Guard
semper paratusalways readyin Alaska.
I know all of these issues are important to Admiral Papp, and
I look forward to discussing them with you and having an opportunity to hear your comments.
Admiral Papp.
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Today we are no longer the law of the land, but we continue to
patrol the Alaskan waters, safeguard the public, protect the environment and its resources, and maintain a sovereign presence in
the Alaska and Arctic maritime.
Over the last weekend, as I did last year, I have been visiting
our bases and observing our operations, and, most importantly,
meeting with our Coast Guard men and women to see and hear
firsthand what it is like to serve and live in our most extreme area
of operations. Having traveled to Kodiak, to Anchorage, on to
Valdez, Sitka, and even up to Barrow on the North Slope, and flying out to visit our icebreaker HEALY, I can report that our Coast
Guard is ready to meet our mission demands, but we are also facing many challenges.
These challenges include, first, completing the acquisition of at
least eight national security cutters or NSCs, to conduct high seas
missions like fisheries enforcement patrols in the Bering Sea. Next,
outlining our present and future infrastructure and surface requirements to operate and respond to operations in the Bering Sea
and an increasingly iced diminished Arctic. And then finally, to
adequately provide for the needs of the 1,600 Coast Guard active
duties stationed throughout Alaska.
So, first on the completion of the national security cutter fleet,
or NSC, it is our newest and most capable high endurance cutter,
and it is critical to our ability to continue the Bering Seas fisheries
patrols, as well as other high seas missions, like drug interdiction
in the Eastern Pacific.
NSC number one, the cutter BERTHOLF, just recently finished
her first Alaska patrol, exhibiting remarkable sea keeping ability
that enabled her to launch and recover her boats, boarding teams,
and helicopters in sea states that heretofore we would have been
unable to do with our legacy cutters.
NSC numbers two and three are complete, and we just started
cutting steel on NSC number four. And I am confident that within
the next couple of days or so, we will complete our negotiations on
the contract for number five at a very reasonable price.
We definitely need at least eight national security cutters to preserve our future ability to protect our fish stocks, our fishermen,
and our fishing industry. And as you know, a $5 billion industry
like that is responsible for thousands of jobs.
Second, we need to enhance our Bering Sea and Arctic response
capabilities. Every year we respond to search and rescue cases
along the Aleutian chain and in the Bering Sea. These are never
simple requests for assistance; rather, extreme weather conditions
and great distances make each of these missions an epic challenge
with life or death circumstances.
In order to reduce our response times, we follow the fishing fleet
and forward deploy our helicopters and flight crews. For instance,
during the winter of grabbing season, our helicopter crews forward
deploy to Cold Bay and also to St. Paul Island. However, conditions
for our crews at these locations can be very austere. Cold Bay, in
particular, is a challenge. The hangar is in disrepair. It has no
heat, and there is only limited berthing, which is graciously provided by the Alaska State troopers. Our crews do not complain be-
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cause they know that being forward deployed ultimately saves
However, it is vital that we invest in upgrading Cold Bay because it lies at the crossroads of the Bering Sea. Even when our
crews are not seasonably deployed here, numerous helicopter missions stop in Cold Bay to refuel as they fly missions along the Aleutian chain and into the Bering Sea.
Up in the Arctic Circle, as you know, the ice conditions continue
to diminish, and an entire new ocean is emerging. These new
waters are spurring an increase in human activities, such as natural resource exploration, shipping, and eco-tourism. Oil companies
are seeking and obtaining permits to conduct exploratory drilling.
Increased vessel traffic, including large foreign tankers, are using
Russias ice free northern sea route, which exits through the Bering
Sea into our richest fishing ground. And small cruise ships are
pressing even further above the Arctic Circle.
However, we have extremely limited Arctic response capabilities.
We do not have any infrastructure on the North Slope to hang our
aircraft, moor our boats, or sustain our crews. And I have only one
operational icebreaker.
We need to be about the business of finalizing our capability requirements to meet our responsibilities in these new Arctic waters,
which still remain frozen and dark for much of the year. Our recently released high latitude study provides us with an excellent
first strategic look at our Arctic risks and needs.
I remain very concerned that our nation currently has only one
operational icebreaker. Having ice capable surface assets is vitally
important, both for science, sovereignty, and many other missions.
Indeed, most of our search and rescue missions, or even environmental response, you need a surface ship to carry out the response.
Surface assets can break out and tow a ship. They can clean up oil.
Aircraft cannot.
Going forward, as Arctic oil exploration starts and advances toward production, we need to decide what Arctic pollution response
capability we want our Coast Guard and our nation to have. While
oil companies can assert they have sufficient assets on the scene
to respond to a worst case discharge scenario, prudence dictates
that we also acquire an appropriate level of Arctic pollution response capability. Presently, we have none.
We also need the Senate to accede to the Law of the Sea Treaty.
All other Arctic nations and most other nations worldwide have already done so. U.S. accession would secure important rights to ensure the Coast Guard mobility, freedom of navigation, and provide
us with greater influence to shape desired national outcomes for
maritime safety, security, and environmental protection.
With that said, I want to assure you that we remain committed
to Alaska. Following the loss of a helicopter out of Air Station Sitka
last year, we immediately re-racked missions at other Coast Guard
stations to obtain a back-fill helicopter. Operations in Sitka are too
important to allow them to go below three helicopters. We are also
pleased that Congress has since appropriated funding to replace
this helicopter.
Additionally, I am temporarily assigning a fifth HH60 helicopter at Kodiak to support the crab season, and in 2013 I will per-
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manently assign an HH60, pending appropriation in the Fiscal
Year 2012 budget request.
I also plan to station two of our new Sentinel class fast response
cutter patrol boats in Ketchikan. In the interim, I am moving one
of our older patrol boats, a 110-foot patrol boat, from Miami to
Ketchikan until the FRCs arrive.
Finally, I cannot forget our hard working Coast Guard men and
women and their families who serve here, and many in remote locations. We appreciate your continued support in enabling us to
provide for these families. In the Coast Guard, we work as a crew,
but we also serve as a family, and there is nothing more important
than ensuring the needs of our Coast Guard families are being
So, in conclusion, thank you, sir, for the opportunity to testify
today, and I look forward to your questions.
[The prepared statement of Admiral Papp follows:]
Good morning, Chairman Rockefeller, Ranking Member Hutchison and distinguished members of the Committee. I am pleased to be here today to discuss the
Coast Guards operational presence in the Arctic. I thank you for the opportunity
to testify before you today.
An Evolving Arctic
The United States is an Arctic Nation, and the Coast Guard has been operating
in the Arctic Ocean since Alaska was a territory to assist scientific exploration,
chart the waters, provide humanitarian assistance to Alaskan Native tribes, conduct
Search and Rescue (SAR), and enforce the law. Today our mission remains remarkably similar to what it was in 1867; however, as open water continues to replace
ice, human activity is increasing. With increasingly navigable waters, comes increased Coast Guard responsibility.
Along with our statutory responsibilities, U.S. Arctic policy is set forth in the 2009
National Security Presidential Directive (NSPD) 66/Homeland Security Presidential
Directive (HSPD) 25. The Arctic Region Policy directive identifies objectives for the
Arctic including directing the Department of Homeland Security to work with other
nations and through the IMO to provide for safe and secure Maritime Transportation in the Arctic. NSPD66 also directs the Secretaries of State, Defense, and
Homeland Security, in coordination with heads of other relevant executive departments and agencies to carry out the policy as it relates to national security and
homeland security interests in the Arctic. Executive Order 13547 (National Policy
for the Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes) adopts and directs federal agencies to implement the recommendations of the Interagency Ocean
Policy Task Force. These recommendations include, as one priority objective, identifying and implementing actions to address changing conditions in the Arctic through
better stewardship. The Coast Guard is moving forward to execute its responsibilities under these directives.
The Coast Guard is the Nations principal maritime safety, security, environmental protection and law enforcement entity. We have the lead role in ensuring
Arctic maritime safety, security and stewardship.
From an operational perspective, in order to meet the requirements set forth in
NSPD 66 and EO 13547, we must determine our Nations vessel requirements for
transiting ice-laden waters, consider establishing seasonal bases for air and boat operations, and develop a force structure that can operate in extreme cold and ice. As
a matter of policy and stewardship, the Administration encourages the Senate to
ratify the Law of the Sea Treaty. Law of the Sea has become the framework for governance in the Arctic. Every Arctic Nation except the United States is a party. As
our responsibilities continue to increase in direct proportion to the Arctics emerging
waters, it is more vital than ever that the United States accedes to the Law of the
Sea Treaty.
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Arctic Trends
The Arctic domain has been gaining national attention. Gradually increasing accessibility to waters previously covered by ice has increased the significance of maritime issues including freedom of navigation, offshore resource exploration and exploitation, and environmental preservation. Observations and trends relevant to
Coast Guard operations include:
Dynamic changes in ice conditions: The recession of the ice edge continues to
open new water in the summer months. While there is less ice and more water,
the unpredictable movement of existing ice flows and uncharted waters beneath
a previously frozen sea could present risks to ships that venture into these
Offshore Resource Development: Oil companies are in the process of taking advantage of drilling and exploratory opportunities in the Arctic. In May 2011,
Shell submitted a plan of exploration to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) that details company plans to
drill exploratory wells in the Chukchi Sea beginning in 2012. Other companies,
including ConocoPhillips and Statoil, own leases on the Arctic outer continental
shelf and may submit exploration plans as well. Shell is currently in the process
of retrofitting a mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU), the Kulluk, designed for
drilling in the offshore Arctic environment and plans to have the drilling platform operational in the spring of 2012. Shell modified their exploration plan and
updated their worst case discharge estimates from 5,500 barrels per day to
24,000 barrels per day to comply with new BOEMRE requirements. The Coast
Guard received Shells revised oil spill response plan from BOEMRE in May
2011 to review worst case discharge estimates against the current Area Contingency Plans and is now updating the North Slope and Northwest Arctic Subarea Contingency Plans to reflect this new activity.
Extended Continental Shelf: This summer marks the fourth year the U.S. Coast
Guard Cutter (CGC) HEALY and the Canadian icebreaker LOUIS ST.
LAURENT will work together to collect seismic and bathymetric data in the
Arctic Ocean. This data is necessary to delineate the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles.
Meeting Homeland Security Needs in the Arctic
As part of a multi-agency effort to implement the Arctic Region Policy, the Coast
Guard continues to push forward and assess our Arctic operational limits. In 2008,
2009 and 2010 the Coast Guard set up small, temporary Forward Operating Locations on the North Slope in Prudhoe Bay, Nome, Barrow and Kotzebue, AK to conduct pulse operations with Coast Guard boats, helicopters, and Maritime Safety and
Security Teams. We also deployed our light-ice capable 225-foot ocean-going buoy
tenders to test our equipment, train our crews and increase our awareness of maritime activity in the region. Additionally, from April to November we fly two aircraft
sorties a month to evaluate private, commercial, and governmental activities. These
initial missions have provided valuable information that we are applying to future
operations, gaining insight on infrastructure requirements and force structure development.
Protecting the Maritime Environment
To protect the Arctic environment, we engage industry and the private sector to
address their significant responsibilities for pollution prevention, preparedness, and
response capability. Recognizing that pollution response is significantly more difficult in cold, ice and darkness, enhancing preventative measures is critical. Those
engaging in offshore commercial activity in the Arctic must also plan and prepare
for emergency response in the face of a harsh environment, long transit distances
for air and surface assets and limited response resources. We continue to work on
raising awareness of these challenges, and foster continued development of contingency plans, and communications.
While prevention is critical, the Coast Guard must be able to respond to pollution
incidents where responsible parties are not known or fail to adequately respond. The
Federal On-Scene Coordinators and their staffs at Sector Juneau, Sector Anchorage,
and Marine Safety Unit Valdez provide incident management expertise and limited
pre-positioned response equipment. Additionally, the Coast Guard Pacific Strike
Team based in Novato, CA maintains response equipment and specialized personnel
which can deploy to the Arctic on short notice. Furthermore, Air Station Kodiak C
130 crews are trained to deploy the Aerial Dispersant Delivery System (ADDS) out
of Anchorage.
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We have exercised the Vessel of Opportunity Skimming System (VOSS) and the
Spilled Oil Recovery System (SORS) in Alaskan waters, but we have yet to conduct
exercises north of the Arctic Circle. Both of these systems enable vessels to collect
oil in the event of a discharge. The VOSS is deployable and capable of being used
on a variety of ships and the SORS is permanently stored and deployed from the
Coast Guards 225-foot ocean-going buoy tenders. However, these systems have limited capacity and are only effective in ice-free conditions.
The Coast Guard needs to test and evaluate these systems in icy waters. Notably,
the Presidents Fiscal Year 2012 Budget supports research and development work,
including research on oil detection and recovery in icy water conditions.
There are five Oil Spill Removal Organizations (OSROs) classified in the State of
Alaska that support vessel and facility response plan holders. Two large OSROs
service Prince William Sound and Prudhoe Bay; one OSRO provides response capabilities in Cook Inlet; and two service the Aleutian chain and Southeast Alaska with
response capability for refined products only. None of the OSROs in Alaska are classified for open ocean responses.
Fisheries are also a major concern. The National Marine Fisheries Service, based
on a recommendation from the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council, imposed a moratorium on fishing within the U.S. EEZ north of the Bering Strait until
an assessment of the practicality of sustained commercial fishing is completed. Regardless of the outcome of this assessment, the Coast Guard will continue to carry
out its mission to enforce and protect living marine resources in the region.
Facilitating Safe, Secure, and Reliable Navigation
The Coast Guard continues to update the Waterways Analysis and Management
System to determine navigational requirements, vessel traffic density and appropriate ship routing measures. The Coast Guard is also moving forward with a Bering Strait Port Access Routing Study, which is a preliminary analysis to determine
navigational and vessel traffic and other safety requirements. This study is in the
initial phase and, because the Bering Strait is an international body of water, this
requires coordination with the Russian Federation before it can be acted upon by
the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
Supporting Multi-Agency Arctic Region Policy Implementation
The Coast Guard continues to support international and multilateral organizations, studies, projects and initiatives, including work with the Arctic Council, IMO
and their respective working groups. The Coast Guard also conducts joint contingency response exercises with Canada and maintains communications and working
relationships with Canadian and Russian agencies responsible for regional operations, including SAR and law enforcement. Additionally, Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton recently signed an Arctic SAR agreement, which memorialized the intent of
all Arctic nations to cooperate in SAR operations. The Coast Guard will continue
to engage Arctic nations, international organizations, industry and Alaskan state,
local and tribal governments to strengthen our partnerships and inter-operability.
To meet this end, the Coast Guard is cooperating with the Department of State,
BOEMRE, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
and others in leading U.S. participation in the Arctic Council and EPPR to develop
an Arctic wide instrument focused on improving availability and access to Arctic capable equipment and personnel for catastrophic incident response.
In particular, engagement with Alaskan Native Tribes continues to be highly beneficial. Efforts to learn from their centuries of knowledgeand their willingness to
share ithave made operations safer and more successful. This year, the Coast
Guard is again working with tribes in remote villages on the North Slope and along
northwestern Alaska to conduct boating safety exchanges. The Coast Guard is working hard to ensure tribal equities are recognized and considered. The Coast Guard
continues to value our partnerships with our Native Alaskan friends.
CGC HEALY is presently supporting Arctic research efforts throughout the summer and into early fall. These operations are supporting research by the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Naval Research Lab, National
Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, and the Department of State. Presently, NASA scientists are aboard CGC HEALY conducting their ICESCAPE missionImpacts of Climate on Ecosystems and Chemistry of the Arctic Pacific Environment to study the impacts of climate change in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas.
NASA does part of this mission from spacebut also needs boots on the ice to better understand satellite data from this complex and emerging region.
Law Of The Sea Treaty
All other Arctic nations and most other nations worldwide have acceded to the
Law of the Sea Treaty. Arctic nations are using the treatys provisions in Article
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76 to file extended continental shelf claims with the U.N. Commission on the Limits
of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) in order to expand the territory over which they
have exclusive rights to resources on and beneath the Arctic seabed. If the United
States made an extended continental shelf claim, the Nation could potentially assert
sovereignty over 240 miles of additional seabed territory out to 440 miles from our
land base line, far beyond the existing 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone.
This area reportedly contains some of the richest deposits of oil and natural gas in
the Arctic. However, until the United States accedes to the Law of the Sea Treaty,
it is unlikely CLCS will entertain any U.S. submission of an extended continental
shelf claim. Acceding to the Law of the Sea Treaty also provides the United States
with standing to work within the Law of the Sea Convention framework with other
Arctic Nations on issues such as environmental stewardship. As such, the Administration, along with other industry and academic leaders, supports favorable action
on the part of the U.S. Senate with regard to the Law of the Sea Treaty.
Current Arctic Capacities And Limitations
The U.S. Coast Guards extensive history of Arctic service provides both experience and an expansive network of governmental, non-governmental, and private
partnerships to draw upon. However, while summer operations continue to provide
valuable lessons and help us gain insights regarding the Arctic, we must acknowledge the seasonal limitation of these efforts.
There are few national assets capable of operating in the harsh Arctic maritime
environment. As new capabilities are developed, the Coast Guard will work to ensure its force structure is appropriately sized, trained, equipped, and postured to
meet its Arctic mission requirements. Currently, the Coast Guard has one operational ice breaker, the 11-year-old HEALY, a medium icebreaker or Polar Class 3,
specifically adapted for scientific research. Our two heavy polar ice breakers, or
Polar Class 1s, are not operational. The 34-year old POLAR SEA has been out of
commission due to a major engineering casualty, and is now in the process of being
decommissioned. The 35-year old POLAR STAR, which has been in a caretaker status since 2006, is currently undergoing a major reactivation project, funded by 2009
and 2010 appropriations, and is expected to be ready for operations in 2013. Surface
capability is vital to meet our responsibilities in the region. Although the risk of an
incident in ice-covered U.S. waters is currently low, our Nation must plan for ice
capable assets in the future that can effectively carry out SAR and environmental
response in ice-laden waters. In the near term, the Coast Guard can utilize the
HEALY to manage the response or rely on our foreign arctic partners that have icebreakers operating in the area.
The Coast Guards most immediate operational requirement, however, is infrastructure. Energy exploration is emerging on the North Slope of Alaska, but the existing infrastructure is extremely limited. The Coast Guard needs facilities to base
crews, hangar aircraft, and protect vessels in order to perform prevention and response missions.
With an emerging Arctic Ocean comes increased national operational responsibilities. National Security Presidential Directive (NSPD) 66/Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 25 and Executive Order 13547 guide the Arctic region mission objectives for all agencies including the Coast Guard. To meet NSPD 66s and
EO 13547s direction, the Coast Guard is working closely with its many inter-agency
partners, and Alaska State, local and tribal governments. For the past 4 years, the
Coast Guard has been conducting limited Arctic operations during open water periods. However, as operational tempo increases in the Arctic, the Coast Guard will
require specialized vessels, aircraft, and crews trained to operate in extreme climates.
The nation must build toward a level of mission performance and preparedness
commensurate with the relative risks posed by Arctic activity. The Coast Guard
must continue working amongst the interagency to refine future mission requirements, identify the precise mix of national assets, capabilities and infrastructure
needed to meet these requirements, and look for collocation opportunities. Coast
Guard will continue to seek out opportunities with our Arctic neighbors and the
global community to address the critical issues of governance, sovereignty, environmental protection, and international security.
While there are many challenges, the increasingly open Arctic Ocean also presents unique opportunities. The relatively undeveloped infrastructure, current low
commercial maritime activity levels, and developing governance structure provide
an opening to engage in proactive, integrated, coordinated, and sustainable U.S. and
international initiatives. The Coast Guard looks forward to working with the Con-
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gress on how we can support our emerging national objectives and responsibilities
in the Arctic Ocean.
Thank you for the opportunity to testify today. I look forward to your questions.
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I carried that forward by going up to the North Slope during this
visit and spending parts of two days up there listening to Mayor
Itta, listening to the assembly, talking to the people in the community, and getting a feel for what goes on up there. This is all very
important to us.
The ultimate codification of that concept iswould be a regional
committee. Whether we need an official regional committee in the
Arctic I think is something that is worthy of further consideration
and discussion. I think it works well in areas likefor instance, I
met with the group over in
Senator BEGICH. Prince William Sound.
Admiral Valdez for Prince William Sound yesterday.
And I think that that has developed and served us well over time.
Whether we need something as formalized as that, I am not confident at this point, but I certainly agree that we have to engage
all parties, listen to their concerns, and we will continue forward
with that.
Senator BEGICH. Very good. Let me ask you. I know Canada is
doing some work withyou mentioned our icebreaker capacity, and
I should haveI want to ask you. We have three. Two are not
operational right now, and the one we have is how old, that is out
there right now?
Admiral PAPP. The one that is out there right now is the Cutter
HEALY, and she is coming up on 12 years old right now.
Senator BEGICH. Twelve years. And I think what Canada is
doing, and I am just looking at my notes here, is an Arctic capable
offshore patrol. There has been about $3.3 billion in the aid of
these facilities. Is that something that is worthwhile looking at
it is not a full icebreaker, but it is Arctic capablefor patrol and
enforcement. Is that worthy of the Coast Guard? I know you just
finished your high latitude study and had a lot of resource needs
which we would need in the Arctic. Does this fit into it, or is what
Canada is doing just a little bit different in what their targeting
goal is?
Admiral PAPP. Well, they are looking at ice capable vessels
Senator BEGICH. Right.
Admiral PAPP.and I think the concept of ice capable vessels is
good. In fact, it is our intention next summer to bring up a couple
of ships, which I call ice capable. We have 225-foot buoy tenders,
our WLBs. We have 16 of them in service; they are very versatile,
capable ships. We use them for breaking ice on the Great Lakes.
And, in fact, we have one of them deployed in the Eastern Canadian Arctic this summer in Operation Nanook. We have once before
sent one up to the North Slope, and it was probably the most successful large cutter that we have had up there. It has an ice
strength hull. It can do minimal icebreaking.
It is my intention at this point to send two of them up next summer because I think we have the capacity to do that. And try to
keep a one ship presence at all times up there as exploration
starts, also to give us some additional experience.
That should inform decisions made in the future. Obviously I
have got acquisition project baselines
Senator BEGICH. Right.
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Admiral PAPP.working right now that I need all the capacity
within our acquisition budget to execute. Taking ice capable above
and beyond what we have right now is another step beyond that.
But, as I said, I believe we have got ice capable ships.
Senator BEGICH. Do you think you have some that are close or
similar capacity to what Canada is doing that you can have ice capable? Again, it is not icebreaking; it is ice capable, meaning that
they could sustain
Admiral PAPP. Yes, sir, that is correct. And I would say the only
lack of capability that these ships that I wouldthat we would deploy up there and have is that they do not have a helicopter flight
deck. I think ideally what you would like is to have a ship up there
that does have a flight deck, that can hangar helicopters. You reallyif you can put a ship up there that has got worldwide communications, it is ice capable, it has a flight deck and can hangar helicopters, you almost eliminate your need for shore side infrastructure
Senator BEGICH. Right.
Admiral PAPP.because you have got it all there.
Senator BEGICH. You have got it all there. It is a floating
Admiral PAPP. A floating city.
Senator BEGICH. Yeah. Tell me the experience, and I know you
mentioned on the national security cutter, the BERTHOLF, was
there anything as you are continuing to construct new facilities, did
you learn something off of that experience that said, aha, we have
got to maybe make some modifications? Or tell me howI know
you mentioned it went well, but did youwas there things in that
that really told you, we got to make some modifications? What was
your experience in that, or is too early to kind of know at this time?
Admiral PAPP. I have seen no problems. Now, I did not ride
BERTHOLF in the Arctic. I have got good reports from the Commanding Officer. But I did have an opportunity a few months ago
to go to the Cutter WAESCHE, the sister ship, which was operating off San Francisco at the time. Had a chance to ride the ship
for the entire day. I am a lifelong sailor. I am a ship captain. And
I am almost tempted to trade in my stripes if I could go back and
be captain of one of these ships. It just has such great capability.
I saw no flaws. I saw nothing that steers me away from the course
that we are on right now. We just need to get more of them out
there because they allow our crews more flexibility, more capability, greater effectiveness, and greater comfort when they are operating in the harsh environments of the Arctic.
And as we know, the Arctic stretches all the way down to the
Aleutian Islands
Senator BEGICH. That is right.
Admiral PAPP.for our purposes. And they have got to be able
to operate from the Gulf of Alaska all the way up above the Arctic
Senator BEGICH. So, at this point, there is nothing that stands
outit seems like a pretty good ship to continue to construct and
develop at this point.
Admiral PAPP. Absolutely. And we have a fixed price for it now.
Senator BEGICH. That is even better.
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Admiral PAPP. As long as we have predictability of the shipyard.
And, as I said, we are in the final negotiations on number five now,
so I cannot talk much about it. But I am confident we are coming
in at a good price. But what the shipyard does is it needs the incentive of a predictable funding stream in order for them to go out
and buy long-lead items and other things to keep the price low and
to keep the production line going.
Senator BEGICH. Very good. Whatif I can move into another
realmwe have a little bit of time left here before we go into the
listening session. And that is, you have declared 2011 the year of
the Coast Guard family. And I know your wife has been visiting
some of the housing and some of the locations. Can you give me
some of your thoughts on what we need to be doing? And I say we
collectively. I know you are doing work on your end. But what does
Congress need to do, because the most important thingI mean,
you know it better than anyone. If your families are well taken
care of, the odds are you increase the capacity of response. And
people who want to come to Alaska, work in these incredible conditions. I know it is the scorecard every Coasty wants to get to come
to Alaska. But it is tough work, and the families are an important
part of it.
What are some of the things that you are working on? I know
housing, we are going to hear later today from folks concerned
about housing access capacity. But what are some of the other
things that we need to be doing collectively to really make a difference for families, so when you put the call out for more folks to
be part of the Coast Guard, there is not a hesitation? There is a
great desire because it works not only for them as individuals, but
for their families.
Admiral PAPP. What Linda and I have heard from our families
up here, and, yes, sir, it is the year of the family. I think I made
a mistake when I called it year of the family because it implies one
year. We have a number of option years which we will exercise as
we go along.
Senator BEGICH. For infinity basically.
Admiral PAPP. I am humbled. I am humbled when I come up to
places like Alaska and other places in the country where I see
these patriotic young men and women who join up and serve for
the honor of serving, their dedication. And they will put up with
shortcomings because they love what they do. They love being in
Alaska, and they know they are making a difference. They are saving lives.
But they should not have to put up with some of the things they
put up with. And if it was across all five of the services, I might
understand. But I have had a chance to visit Navy bases, Air Force
bases, Army forts, Marine Corps camps, and I have seen the housing that they have been able to build for their people over the last
10 years through public/private ventures and other means. And the
Coast Guard has fallen woefully behind the other services in terms
of the housing and other benefits that they are able to provide.
Part of that is that communitybeing stationed in the community that we talk about. We are in remote locations in small numbers. Therefore, it is hard to like what the other services do where
they are primarily on large bases where they have multiple serv-
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ices, family services, housing, and everything else. The Coast
Guard always lacks the critical mass to get that done.
So, consequently, my estimate is we have about a $2 billion backlog in shore projects. A lot of that is housing. Some of it is station
buildings, piers, bulkheads, and other things. And we just, because
of higher prioritiesships and aircraft, which if you do not repair
them or replace them, they either sink or they fall from the sky.
So, housing and shore things always tend to take a backseat unfortunately to some of the other higher demands that we have.
How we get about the business of chipping away at that backlog
is a severe challenge for us, particularly as we go into more constrained budgets. But I would just ask for Congresss consideration
and remembering that there are very needy Coast Guard families
out there that need better housing. Some of our housing, while we
do our best to try and keep it up, it is 50, 60 years old or more,
and many times hand me downs from other services that have
Senator BEGICH. Some of it has actually been moved onto the
Coast Guard bases that have been old stuff.
Admiral PAPP. Absolutely.
Senator BEGICH. You know, it is interesting the militaryfrom
the DoD end, you are right. There is this effort, this kind of public/
private partnership where they have been able, because they have
such quantity. Do you think there is an avenue, even though you
have remote locations, maybe taking, you know, the top five or six
or seven or maybe ten locations that have at least a marginal volume, batching them together into a national private/public partnership kind of deal where you can say tolike what they have
doneI know here we have some incredible housing, you have
probably seen it on the base here, that has been developed over the
years. And it is a public/private partnership.
Is there way maybe thatbecause some of these companies do
work nationally, they are all over the placeto say, okay, here are
our 10 locations. We are going to batch them together. And what
we want to do is the same thing that the Army did or the Air Force
did where they do these 30-, 40-, 50-year lease programs where it
is actually huge benefit for the servicemen and women. Is that
worthwhile to explore do you think?
Admiral PAPP. Absolutely. Yes, sir. In fact, we have a number of
locations right now where we have worked with the authorities
that the Department of Defense has. And what we have done is we
have done inter-service transfers of property. For instance, we have
property in Hawaii where we transfer the property over to the
Army. The Army has a public/private venture. They went in, tore
down the old housing
Senator BEGICH. Gotcha.
Admiral PAPP.building new housing. And the Coast Guard is
able to use it. Elmendorf has been great in terms of offering opportunities for our people, and we have other locations where thefor
instance, I have Coast Guard people in Washington, D.C. that live
down at Fort Belvoir in the public/private venture housing. So, we
take advantage of that wherever we can.
We do inter-service trades wherever we can. But right now, the
Coast Guard does not have its own authority to
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Senator BEGICH. Right.
Admiral enterwe once had it, but then we ran into
a problem because, I believe it isI have to clarify this, but I believe it is a GAO rule in terms of scoring against your budget. And
what you have to do is you have to come up with upfront money
scored against your budget to the entire cost of the project, which
we have never been able to absorb within our appropriation. So, we
are investigating other ways we might get around that before we
come back to all of you and ask for the authorities once again to
enter into it.
Senator BEGICH. Well, I will tell you. I thought we would have
a hearing without mentioning CBO, but I will leave that. Yeah.
But, no, you know, you and I probably go crazy with the way they
do their work. For the public as an audience, the Congressional
Budget Office does all this scoring, which is really trying to figure
out how things are paid for or not, and then later in life we find
out they were off. But we will put that aside for another debate.
I will do that in the Budget Committee, I will have that argument.
But I will say this, that we should look at this. I mean, I know
there were some issues last time on the scoring. But as we move
forward for reauthorization of the Coast Guard, you know, I think
we are anxious, because I think the housing and the onshore facilities are critical. And if DOD can get the authorization, we got to
figure out how to skin this cat, allow you the same authorization,
or at least have that tool in your box. So, how you use it will be
your determination.
But CBO is a mystery group. I do not know where they are in
the Capitol, but they are probably in some room down with no windows. And they make stuff up, and they bring it to us, and we go,
that is the answer, I guess. You have had to suffer through it. I
have had to suffer through it.
Admiral PAPP. Well, just to show you how deeply I believe in
this, we actually sold the Commandants house. We owned a home
in Chevy Chase for the Commandant for close to 45 years, I think
it was. We looked at public/private ventures. The Air Force allowed
us to get into it. I now live on Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C., and I pay my housing allowance each month for at
leastit is owned by a private company. And the Committee last
year in our authorization bill gave us the authorities to take the
proceeds from the sale of homes, turn that back into Coast Guard
housing projects.
Senator BEGICH. Excellent.
Admiral PAPP. So, we sold the Commandants house, the Vice
Commandants house, and the Chief of Staffs house. Brought in
about $4 million, which we will gladly now turn into housing for
our enlisted people.
Senator BEGICH. Oh, that is great. Well, let us clearly work on
that. I know we are at our last minute here. I will just say one
thing in regards to that, and another area that we will want to
work on. I know as I have traveled throughout the State, especially
down in Ketchikan and Kodiak and others, as you mentioned, when
you kind of look at the priorities of your ships, your airplanes, your
air capacity, and then shore, it is always kind of the last to get the
money just because you got to keep these moving.
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As we figure out and work on the housing, let usI know you
need additional resources for facilities to maintain the air capacity
and the water capacity. So know there are some efforts that we
need to make in regards to ensuring that there are resources there
to provide the facilities. Otherwise, you cannot do the full maintenance, or you are doing it because I have seen those guys. They are
working unbelievable, and they are working in conditions that if
they just had more space, or a better hangar, or a better docking
facility, they could actually produce even more capacity and, my
bet is, save us money. I am guessing that, watching how they have
to work in very tight quarters when they are moving ships in and
out to maintain them or aircraft. And so, that is an area of real
concern that we have.
Admiral PAPP. And I would just put in a plug that we do have
a lot of money in the 2012 budget, part of which goes towards
Senator BEGICH. Right.
Admiral prepare the piers and waterside facilities for
those two patrol boats that we intend to put there in the future.
Senator BEGICH. And when is the timetable again on the patrol
boats, do you think, the two new ones?
Admiral PAPP. We have to put critical massin other words, in
terms ofwe prepared support for them in Key West and in
Miami, and that is where the first boats will go. That is why we
are freeing up one of the patrol boats from Miami, will come up
here to sort of fill a little bit of the gap right now.
I anticipate by the time we get the facilities built in Ketchikan
and the patrol boats, given the expectation that that contract will
continue on schedule, I think it is probably going to be about three
or four years before the boats actually arrive in Ketchikan.
Senator BEGICH. But still, that is not bad at all.
Let me say, Admiral Papp, thank you very much. This is actually
the official hearing, and what we are going to step into next, and
I understand you are going to join me up here for a listening session. We have a great group of Alaskans and others who want to
present on different issues to us, which we are anxious to accept.
The official field hearing will close now, but we will leave the
record open for additional comments for the next weeks.
But, again, Admiral Papp, to your wife, thank you very much.
And to your team that is here, thank you for what you do every
day to keep our waters and air and keep ourespecially our fishing season right now, which I know is very busy, keeping things
safe on the line.
Thank you very much.
Admiral PAPP. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator BEGICH. This field hearing is adjourned, and we will reassemble as a listening session in just a few minutes.
[Whereupon, at 10:35 a.m., the hearing was adjourned.]
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