Assessment 3 Mahara

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Lauren Kennedy 30125179


700 word reflection

The value of using ICTS in the classroom

Information communication technologies (ICTs) have become a huge part of society
over the past decade, with massive changes over the past 30 years this is an always
progressive medium (Chapelle, 2003). With countless programs available to both
teachers and students ICTs provided many opportunities for teaching and learning.
This essay critically analyses both the effects of incorporating ICTs in the classroom.
It could be argued that ICTs have become a cost effective (Zimmerman, 2012) way
for students to gather information, communicate globally and interact with course
materials (Richards, 2005). It can be difficult for some teachers to apply ICTs to the
curriculum, however, when done skilfully and purposefully the use of ICTs can
promote students abilities to operate in our computer literate information age
(Bingimlas, 2009).
There are many benefits to using ICTs across all of the domains of the curriculum
with the use of technology. For example searching for the word technology, displays
26 results across the science domain (Australian Curriculum Assessment and
Reporting Authority, 2012). Interdisciplinary education, where the domains cross can
help to educate students in how to understand and use different ways of knowing
(Golding, 2009). The use of ICTs can easily be adapted to many domains adding
this elements of multi-disciplinary learning throughout a given task. The use of tools
such as QR codes could really extend the multi-disciplinary learning within the
In the classroom, a teacher could use ICTs to find ways to explore, explain, engage,
elaborate and evaluate each lesson they intend to teach (Victorian Department of
Education and Training, 2014). A teacher could choose one of these 5 es and create
a digital lesson from it, which may help a flow through effect, for example if the
teacher has engaged, explained and begun to explore a topic, an interactive game or
video may help to elaborate on this knowledge. Alternatively the teacher could use a
story created on storybird or a wordle to introduce a concept, and engage the
students. In many cases, particularly as students reach high school and tertiary,
ICTs are used as a part of the evaluation processes as many assessments require
formal presentation, i.e. typed in a word document or a PowerPoint to showcase
students knowledge of the topic. These presentations are become more

Lauren Kennedy 30125179


700 word reflection

sophisticated with the use of technologies, PowerPoints no longer have to be a linier

presentation, but can be much more interactive.
Lesson can be planned in conjunction with the principles of teaching and learning
which outlines the ways that teachers can reflect on pedagogical practice (Victorian
Department of Education and Training, 2013). Two of these principles include the
use of technology, however many of these principles can be linked to using ICTs in
the classroom.
Conversely, with many children going home from school and jumping onto a
computer or sitting in front of a T.V. there have been recommendations into how
much screen time children should have as too much can cause issues such as lack
of sleep, and obesity due to inactivity (Kaneshiro, 2013). A study conducted by Han,
Bolo, Daniels, Arenella, Lyoo, and Renshaw (2011) found that males who spent
hours playing video games experienced an addiction to these games which could
be as intense as a drug addiction. However there are ways of incorporating games
as a learning tool with many educational games available from websites such as
As the classroom becomes more digital it is essential for teachers to educate
students about digital safety in this technological age. As students are become more
digitally literate from a young age, as teachers Our obligation is to teach them to
become responsible digital citizens as well as discerning users of everything the
internet has to offer in our globally collaborative world (US Digital Literacy, 2015).
This includes tools that may not be used in the classroom such as social media.
Many schools have blocked students from accessing social media sites on the
school computers, this does not mean students wont access these sites. 75% of all
internet users in 2008 had used social media in some way (Kaplan, & Haenlein,
2010). This is a growing trend, and students need to be aware of the risk their digital
footprint is potentially creating, be it for identity theft or even future job prospects.
With these impactions considered, technology is a valuable tool for teaching and
learning. Technology ignites opportunities for learning, engages todays students as
active learners and participants in decision-making on their own educational futures
and prepares our nation for the demands of a global society in the 21st century. (US

Lauren Kennedy 30125179


700 word reflection

Digital Literacy, 2015) teachers must critically look at the way they present lessons,
adding elements of technology to develop students skills and abilities intentionally.

Lauren Kennedy 30125179


700 word reflection

Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2012). The Australian
Curriculum in Victoria. Retrieved from:
Bingimlas, K. A. (2009). Barriers to the successful integration of ICT in teaching and
learning environments: A review of the literature. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics,
Science & Technology Education, 5(3), 235-245.
Chapelle, C. (2003). English language learning and technology: Lectures on applied
linguistics in the age of information and communication technology(Vol. 7). John
Benjamins Publishing.
Golding, C. (2009). Integrating the disciplines: Successful interdisciplinary.
Han, D. H., Bolo, N., Daniels, M. A., Arenella, L., Lyoo, I. K., & Renshaw, P. F. (2011).
Brain activity and desire for Internet video game play. Comprehensive
Psychiatry, 52(1), 88-95.
Kaneshiro, N., K. (2013) Screen time and children. Retrieved from:
Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and
opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 53(1), 59-68.
Richards, C. (2005). The design of effective ICT-supported learning activities:
Exemplary models, changing requirements, and new possibilities. Language
Learning & Technology, 9(1), 60-79.
US Digital Literacy (2015) Digital and Media Literacy for Todays Learners.
Retrieved from:
Victorian Department of Education and Training. (2013) Principles of Learning and
Teaching P-12 and the Components. Retrieved from:
Victorian Department of Education and Training (2014) The e5 Instructional Model

Lauren Kennedy 30125179


700 word reflection

Zimmermann, A., (2012). History of Computing. Live Science. Received:

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