A Literature Review On The Vehicle Routing Problem With Multiple Depots

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Computers & Industrial Engineering 79 (2015) 115129

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A literature review on the vehicle routing problem with multiple depots

Jairo R. Montoya-Torres a,, Julin Lpez Franco b, Santiago Nieto Isaza c, Heriberto Felizzola Jimnez d,
Nilson Herazo-Padilla e,f

Escuela Internacional de Ciencias Econmicas y Administrativas, Universidad de La Sabana, km 7 autopista norte de Bogot D.C., Chia (Cundinamarca), Colombia
Engineering and Consulting SAS, Bogot, D.C., Colombia
Departamento de Ingeniera Industrial, Universidad del Norte, Km 5 va Puerto Colombia, Barranquilla (Atlntico), Colombia
Departamento de Ingeniera Industrial, Universidad de La Salle, Carrera 2 # 10-70, Bogot, D.C., Colombia
Departamento de Ingeniera Industrial, Universidad de la Costa, Calle 58 # 55-66, Barranquilla, Colombia
Fundacin Centro de Investigacin en Modelacin Empresarial del Caribe FCIMEC, Carrera 53 # 74-86 Oc.402, Barranquilla, Colombia

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 3 August 2012
Received in revised form 28 October 2014
Accepted 31 October 2014
Available online 10 November 2014
Vehicle routing
Multiple depots
Exact algorithms

a b s t r a c t
In this paper, we present a state-of-the-art survey on the vehicle routing problem with multiple depots
(MDVRP). Our review considered papers published between 1988 and 2014, in which several variants of
the model are studied: time windows, split delivery, heterogeneous eet, periodic deliveries, and pickup
and delivery. The review also classies the approaches according to the single or multiple objectives that
are optimized. Some lines for further research are presented as well.
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Physical distribution is one of the key functions in logistics
systems, involving the ow of products from manufacturing plants
or distribution centers through the transportation network to
consumers. It is a very costly function, especially for the distribution industries. The Operational Research literature has addressed
this problem by calling it as the vehicle routing problem (VRP). The
VRP is a generic name referring to a class of combinatorial optimization problems in which customers are to be served by a number
of vehicles. The vehicles leave the depot, serve customers in the
network and return to the depot after completion of their routes.
Each customer is described by a certain demand. This problem
was rstly proposed in the literature by Dantzig and Ramser
(1959). After then, considerable number of variants has been
considered: hard, soft and fuzzy service time windows, maximum
route length, pickup and delivery, backhauls, etc. (Cordeau,
Gendreau, Hertz, Laporte, & Sormany, 2005; Juan, Fauln,
Adelanteado, Grasman, & Montoya Torres, 2009; Lpez-Castro &
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J.R. Montoya-Torres), julian.
[email protected] (J. Lpez Franco), [email protected] (S. Nieto Isaza),
[email protected] (H. Felizzola Jimnez).
0360-8352/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Gutirrez-Franco, & Halabi, 2009; Ozrat & Ozkarahan, 2010;

Thangiah & Salhi, 2001). Solving the VRP is vital in the design of
distribution systems in supply chain management.

1.1. VRP versus MDVRP

Formally, the classical vehicle routing problem (VRP) is represented by a directed graph G(E,V), where V = {0,1, . . ., n} represents
the set of nodes and E is the set of arcs. The depot is noted to be
node j = 0, and clients are nodes j = 1, 2, . . ., n, each one with
demand dj > 0. Each arc represents a route from node i to node j.
The weight of each arc Cij > 0 corresponds to the cost (time or even
distance) of going from node i to node j. If Cij = Cji then we are
facing the symmetric VRP, otherwise the problem is asymmetric.
From the complexity point of view, the classical VRP is known to
NP-hard since it generalizes the Travelling Salesman Problem
(TSP) and the Bin Packing Problem (BPP) which are both
well-known NP-hard problems (Garey & Johnson, 1979). A review
of mathematical formulations for the classical VRP can be found in
the work of Laporte (1992).
In the literature, lots of surveys have been presented analyzing
published works on either the classical version (Bodin, 1975; Bodin
& Golden, 1981; Desrochers, Lenstra, & Savelsbergh, 1990;
Eksioglu, Volkan, & Reisman, 2009; Laporte, 1992; Liong, Wan,


J.R. Montoya-Torres et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 79 (2015) 115129

Khairuddin, & Mourad, 2008; Mafoli, 2002) or its different variants: the capacitated VRP (Baldacci, Toth, & Vigo, 2010; Cordeau,
Laporte, Savelsbergh, & Vigo, 2007; Gendreau, Laporte, & Potvin,
2002; Laporte & Nobert, 1987; Laporte & Semet, 2002; Toth &
Vigo, 2002), the VRP with heterogeneous eet of vehicles
(Baldacci, Battarra, & Vigo, 2008; Baldacci, Toth, & Vigo, 2007;
Baldacci et al., 2010), VRP with time windows (VRPTW), pickup
and deliveries and periodic VRP (Solomon & Desrosiers, 1988),
dynamic VRP (DVRP) (Psaraftis, 1995), Periodic VRP (PVRP)
(Mourgaya & Vanderbeck, 2006), VRP with multiple trips (VPRMT)
en & Blbl, 2008), Split Delivery vehicle routing problem
(SDVRP) (Archetti & Speranza, 2008). All of these works consider
only one depot. Fig. 1 presents a hierarchy of VRP variants. One
of these variants considers a well-known (Crevier, Cordeau, &
Laporte, 2007) more realistic situation in which the distributions
of goods is done from several depots to nal clients. This particular
distribution network can be solved as multiple individual single
depot VRPs, if and only if clients are evidently clustered around
each depot; otherwise a multi-depot-based approach has to be
used where clients are to be served from any of the depots using
the available eet of vehicles. In this paper, we consider the variant
of the vehicle routing problem known as Multiple Depots Vehicle
Routing Problem (MDVRP) in which more than one depot is considered (see Fig. 2). The reader must note that most exact algorithms
for solving the classical VRP model are difcult to be adapted for
solving the MDVRP.
According to Renaud, Laporte, and Boctor (1996), the MDVRP
can be formally described as follows. Let G = (V,E) be a graph,
where V is the set of nodes and E is the set of arcs or edges
connecting each pair of nodes. The set V is further partitioned into
two subsets: Vc = {v1, v2, . . . , vN} which is the set of customers to be
served; and Vd = {vN+1, vN+2, . . . , vM} which is the set of depots. Each
customer vi 2 Vc has a nonnegative demand di. Each arc belong to
the set E has associated a cost, distance or travel time cij. There
are a total of K vehicles, each one with capacity Pk. The problem
consists on determining a set of vehicle routes in such a way that:
(i) each vehicle route starts and ends at the same depot, (ii) each
customer is serviced exactly once by a vehicle, (iii) the total

Fig. 2. Comparison between VRP versus MDVRP.

demand of each route does not exceed the vehicle capacity, and
(iv) the total cost of the distribution is minimized. According to
Kulkarni and Bhave (1985), a mathematical model of the MDVRP
requires the denition of binary decision variables xijk to be equal
to 1 if the pair of nodes i and j are in the route of vehicle k, and
0 otherwise. Auxiliary variables yi are required in order to avoid
subtour elimination. According to this last reference, the model is
as follows:


cij xijk

i1 j1 k1

Subject to :

xijk 1 j 1; .. .; N

xijk 1 i 1;. .. ;N

i1 k1
j1 k1







distance or time



time windows


xhjk 0





k 1;. .. ;K
h 1; .. .; N M

xijk 6 Pk k 1; .. .; K

cij xijk 6 T k k 1; .. .; K



capacity & time of

distance constraints

with loading
& unloading

i1 j1



xijk 6 1 k 1; .. .; K

iN1 j1

xijk 6 1 k 1; .. .; K

jN1 i1

depot is source
& destination

yi  yj M Nxijk 6 N M  1 For 1 6 i j 6 N and 1 6 k 6 K

Fig. 1. Different variants of the VRP (adapted from Weise et al., 2010).

xijk 2 f0; 1g 8i; j;k


In this formulation, Constraints (2) and (3) ensure that each

customer is served by one and only one vehicle. Route continuity
is represented by Constraints (4). The sets of constraints (5) and
(6) are the vehicle capacity and total route cost constraints. Vehicle
availability is veried by Constraints (7) and (8) and subtour elimination is provided by Constraints (9). In this formulation, it is
assumed that total demand at each node is either less than or at

J.R. Montoya-Torres et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 79 (2015) 115129

the most equal to the capacity of each vehicle. Similar to single

depot VRP, the subtour elimination constraint (9) can be rewritten
in a more compact form as:

yi  yj M N

xijk 6 M N  1 for i 6 ij 6 M N  1


short-listed in this review (see Tables A1 and A2 in Appendix).

The short-listed publications are then examined in more detail.
The analysis of methodological issues and problem variants are
presented in detail in Section 4 of the paper.
1.4. Paper organization


1.2. Motivation for a review of research papers on MDVRP
The MDVRP is more challenging and sophisticated than the single-depot VRP. The variant with multiple depots appears rst in
the literature on the works of Kulkarni and Bhave (1985), and
Laporte, Nobert, and Taillefer (1988) and Carpaneto, Dellamico,
Fischetti, and Toth (1989). Since then, considerable amount of
research has been published (see Table 1) in the form of journal
paper, conference paper, research/technical report, thesis or book.
To the best of our knowledge, despite the great amount of research
papers published, there is no rigorous literature survey exclusively
devoted to the vehicle routing problem with multiple depots. A
short overview of academic works was proposed by Liu, Jiang,
Liu, and Liu (2011), but only presenting the most representative
research papers. From the 58 cited references in their paper, only
23 of them explicitly refer to the MDVRP. Besides, these authors
focus on the problem denition, solution methods (dividing them
into exact algorithms, heuristics and meta-heuristics) and mention
some problem variants. In fact, no actual systematic review was
presented in that paper. Our intention now is to present a rigorous
review of scientic literature, by presenting a taxonomic classication of those works. Most of the published works focus on the single objective problem, while a few consider the multi-objective
case. In this paper, we intend to provide an analysis of both single
and multiple objective problems.
1.3. Review methodology
This paper presents a review of relevant literature on the
vehicle routing problem with multiple depots, with both single
and multiple objective functions. An ambitious search was conducted using the library databases covering most of the major journals. Some conference papers are also included in this review. In
addition, the websites of leading research groups and the principal
authors of major publications were also searched for further information about their research projects (Ph.D. projects and sponsored
projects) and publications. We intentionally excluded working
papers, theses and research reports not available online on the
Internet because they are very difcult to obtain.
The initial collection of references was screened rst for their
relevance and their signicance for the purpose of this review. In
order to control the length of this paper, only some representative
publications were selected to be explained in detail within the text
of this manuscript, which are authored by leading researchers or
groups. These selected authors and research groups have, in fact,
published a long list of research papers and reports in the eld. A
collection of a total of 147 representative publications are
Table 1
Number and types of publications on MDVRP.
Type of publication


Technical report
Book/book chapter


The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents

the review of papers studying the single-objective problem, while
those focused on multiple objectives are reviewed in Section 3. In
both sections, papers are briey commented and most important
facts are highlighted. The literature is quantied and measured in
Section 4. The paper ends in Section 5 by presenting some concluding remarks and discussing some research opportunities.
2. Single objective MDVRP
This section presents a literature review of papers considering
the single objective case of the MDVRP. For the total of papers considered in this review, 88.44% considers only one optimization
objective. The list of reviewed papers is presented in Table A1 in
the Appendix. This section is divided into three main parts, each
one corresponding to the type of solution procedure employed:
exact method, heuristic or meta-heuristic. After the rst works
were published in the decade of 1980, more than one hundred of
papers have studied the classical version of the MDVRP and its
variants, some of them inspired from real-life applications.
2.1. Exact methods
In the decade of the 1970s, some works already mentioned
some problems related to distribution of goods with multiple
depots. However, to the best of our knowledge, the rst paper presenting formal models or procedures to nd optimal solution for
the multi-depot vehicle routing problem are those of Laporte,
Nobert, and Arpin (1894) who formulated the symmetric MDVRP
as integer linear programs with three constraints. These authors
then proposed a branch-and-bound algorithm using a LP relaxation. The works of Kulkarni and Bhave (1985), Laporte et al.
(1988) and Carpaneto, Dellamico, Fischetti, and Toth (1989) can
also be considered as part of the pioneer works on exact methods
for the MDVRP. The mathematical formulation proposed by
Kulkarni and Bhave (1985) was later revised by Laporte (1989).
More recently, Baldacci and Mingozzi (2009) proposed mathematical formulations for solving several classes of vehicle routing
problems including the MDVRP, while Nieto Isaza, Lpez Franco,
and Herazo Padilla (2012) presented an integer linear program
for solving the heterogeneous eet MDVRP with time windows.
Dondo, Mendez, and Cerd (2003) proposed a mixed-integer linear
programming (MILP) model to minimize routing cost in the
HFMDVRP, in which heterogeneous eet of vehicles are available.
The variant with pickup and deliveries and heterogeneous eet
was modeled by Dondo, Mndez, and Cerd (2008) using MILP
model: this model is able to solve only small sized instances, and
hence a local search improvement algorithm was then proposed
by the authors for medium to large sized instances. This approach
was later employed by Dondo and Cerd (2009) to solve the
HFMDVRPTW. The work of Kek, Cheu, and Meng (2008) proposes
a mixed-integer linear programming model and a branch-andbound procedure for the MDVRP with xed eet and pickup and
delivery. The objective function is the minimization of the total
cost of routes. Cornillier, Boctor, and Renaud (2012) presented a
MILP model for the problem in which heterogeneous eet of
vehicles is available and with maximization of total net revenue
as objective function, while maximum and minimum demands


J.R. Montoya-Torres et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 79 (2015) 115129

constraints are given. Seth, Klabjan, and Ferreira (2013) studied an

application case from the printed circuit board production process
modeled as a MDVRP with mobile depots. They presented an exact
algorithm based on network-ow formulation and proposed a iterated tour partitioning heuristic. Branch-and-cut algorithms were
proposed by Benavent and Martnez (2013) and Braekers, Caris,
and Jenssens (2014). Former authors focused also on studying
the polyhedral structure of the problem which allowed the extension of their procedure to the location-routing problem (LRP),
while latter authors considered a dial-a-ride problem with multiple depots. The LRP with multiple depots was also studied by
Contardo, Cordeau, and Gendron (2014) who proposed a cut-andcolumn generation procedure for the capacitated case. Other
congurations of the MDVRP have been studied through exact
algorithms. For instance, Contardo and Martinelli (2014) studied
the capacitated MDVRP with route length constraints; Ray,
Soeanu, Berger, and Debbabi (in press) modeled the version with
split deliveries; Li, Li, and Pardalos (in press) proposed an integer
programming model for the MDVRP with shared depots and time
windows; and Adelzadeh, Asi, and Koosha (in press) proposed a
mathematical model and a fuzzy-based heuristic for the particular
case of the MDVRP with fuzzy time windows and heterogeneous
eet of vehicles.

2.2. Heuristics
Because the NP-hardness of the MDVRP, several heuristic
algorithms have been proposed in the literature. This section summarizes some of the most relevant works concerning different variants of the problem. The rst works were published in the 1990s,
in order to solve the capacitated version. Min, Current, and
Schilling (1992) studied the version of the MDVRP with backhauling and proposed a heuristic procedure based on problem
decomposition. Hadjiconstantinou and Baldacci (1998) considered
a real-life problem taken from a company supplying maintenance
services. Their problem consists on determining the boundaries
of the geographic areas served by each depot, the list of customers
visited each day and the routes followed by the gangs. The objective is to provide improved customer service at minimum operating cost subject to constraints on frequency of visits, service time
requirements, customer preferences for visiting on particular days
and other routing constraints. This situation was solved using the
periodic variant: MDPVRP for which a ve-level heuristic was proposed: rst and second levels solve the problem of determining the
service areas and service days (the periodic VRP); third level solves
the VRP for each day; fourth level solves a TSP for each route, and
fth level seeks the optimization of routes.
Salhi and Sari (1997) proposed the so-called multi-level composite heuristic. This heuristic found as good solutions as those
known at that time in the literature but using only 5 to 10% of their
computing time. The heuristic was also tested on the problem with
heterogeneous eet. Salhi and Nagy (1999) proposed an insertionbased heuristic in order to minimize routing cost. Later, these
authors (Nagy & Salhi, 2005) also studied the problem with pickup
and deliveries (MDVRPPD). Their approach avoids the concept of
insertion and proposes a method that treats pickups and deliveries
in an integrated manner. The procedure rst nds a solution to the
VRP, then it modies this solution to make it feasible for the VRPPD
and it nally ensures that it is also feasible for the multi-depot
case. Jin, Guo, Wang, and Lim (2004) modeled the MDVRP as a
binary programming problem. Two solving methodologies were
presented. The rst one is a two-stage approach that decomposes
and solves the problem into two independent subproblems:
assignment and routing. The second proposed approach treats both
assignment and routing problems in an integrated manner. Their

experimental results showed that the one-stage algorithm outperforms the other one.
The HFMDVRP, in which heterogeneous eet of vehicles is
available have captured the attention of researchers since the work
presented by Salhi and Sari (1997). Irnich (2000) proposed a set
covering heuristic coupled with column generation and branchand-price algorithm for cost minimization for the heterogeneous
eet and pickup and delivery MDVRP. Dondo and Cerd (2007)
proposed a MILP model as well as a three-stage heuristic. Before,
a preprocessing stage for node clustering is performed and a more
compact cluster-based MILP problem formulation is developed.
Many other papers have been appeared in literature on or before
2007 and solution approaches have primarily been focused on
meta-heuristic algorithms. Hence, this will be discussed more in
detail in the next subsection.
Concerning the periodic MDVRP, few works appear in literature
with heuristic algorithm as solution approach. We have identied
only the works of Hadjiconstantinou and Baldacci (1998), Vianna,
Ochi, and Drummond (1999), Yang and Chu (2000), Maischberger
and Cordeau (2011), and Maya, Srensen, and Goos (2012). The
problem with time windows was studied by Chiu, Lee, and Chang
(2006) who presented a two-phase heuristic method. In contrast
with other works in literature, these authors considered the waiting time as objective function. Results indicate that the waiting
time has a signicant impact on the total distribution time and
the number of vehicles used when solving test problems with narrow time windows. The authors also considered a real-life case
study of a logistics company in Taiwan.
Tsirimpas, Tatarakis, Minis, and Kyriakidis (2007) considered
the case of a single vehicle with limited capacity, multiple-products and multiple depot returns. Another characteristic of their
problem is that the sequence of visits to customer is predened.
They developed a suitable dynamic programming algorithm for
the determination of the optimal routing policy. For the MDSDVRP
which consists on the combination of the MDVRP and the Split
Delivery VRP (SDVRP). The work of Gulczynski, Golden, and
Wasil (2011) developed an integer programming-based heuristic.
The objective of this study was to determine the reduction in traveled distance that can be achieved by allowing split deliveries
among vehicles based at the same depot and vehicles based at different depots. The multi-depot capacitated vehicle routing problem with split delivery (MDCVRPSD) is studied by Liu, Jiang,
Fung, Chen, and Liu (2010). A mathematical model is proposed
based on a graph model. The objective function is the minimization
of movements of empty vehicle. A greedy algorithm is proposed as
well, in order to solve large-scale instances. More recent works on
the application of dedicated heuristics include the work of Vahed,
Crainic, Gendreau, and Rei (in press) for the case of a MDVRP with
the objective of determining the optimal vehicle eet size, and the
work of Afshar-Nadja and Afshar-Nadja (in press) for the study
of the time-dependent MDVRP with heterogeneous vehicles and
time windows.
2.3. Meta-heuristics
As for other NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems,
meta-heuristic procedures have been employed by several
researchers for efciently solving the single-objective MDVRP.
The rst meta-heuristic was proposed in the work of Renaud,
Laporte et al. (1996) who study the MDVRP with the constraints
of vehicle capacities and maximum duration of routes (e.g. the
time of a route cannot exceed the maximum working time of the
vehicle). The objective to be optimized is the total operational cost.
These authors proposed a Tabu Search algorithm for which the initial solution is built using the Improved Petal heuristic of Renaud,
Boctor, and Laporte (1996b). Experiments were carried out using

J.R. Montoya-Torres et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 79 (2015) 115129

classical instances of Christodes and Eilon (1969) and Gillett and

Johnson (1976). Later, Cordeau, Gendreau, and Laporte (1997)
proposed a Tabu Search algorithm with the initial solution being
generated randomly for the MDVRP that can also be used to solve
the periodic VRP (PVRP), while Tzn and Burke (1999) proposed a
Tabu Search procedure for minimizing the total cost of the routing.
Cordeau, Laporte, and Mercier (2001) also proposed a TS procedure
with the objective of minimizing the number of vehicles. An
approximation to real industrial practice was studied by
Parthanadee and Logendran (2006). In their problem, depots
operate independently and solely within their own territories.
The distributors may hence satisfy customers requests by delivering products from other depots that hold more supplies. They
proposed a mixed-integer linear programming model for the
multi-product, multi-depot periodic distribution problem and presented three Tabu Search heuristics with different long-term memory applications. Results revealed that interdependent operations
provide signicant savings in costs over independent operations
among depots, especially for large-size problems. More recently,
Escobar, Linfati, Toth, and Baldoquin (in press) evaluated a Granular Tabu Search algorithm to minimize the total sum of vehicle
traveled distances.
The rst genetic algorithms were proposed by Filipec, Skrlec,
and Krajcar (1997) for the problem of minimizing total travel distance, by Salhi, Thangiah, and Rahman (1998) and by Skok, Skrlec,
and Krajcar (2000), Skok, Skrlec, and Krajcar (2001). An evolutionary algorithm coupled with local search heuristic was proposed by
Vianna et al. (1999) in order to minimize the total cost. Thangiah
and Salhi (2001) proposed the use of genetic algorithms to dene
clusters of clients and then routes are found by solving a traveling
salesman problem (TSP) using and insertion heuristic. This
approach is called Genetic Clustering (GenClust). Solutions are
nally optimized using the post-optimization procedure of Salhi
and Sari (1997). Recently, Ycenur and Demirel (2011a) proposed
geometric shape based genetic clustering algorithm for the classical MDVRP. The procedure is compared with the nearest neighbor
algorithm. Their experiments showed that their algorithm provides
a better clustering performance in terms of the distance of each
customer to each depot in clusters, in a considerably less computational time.
In the survey by Gendreau, Potvin, Brumlaysy, Hasle, and
Lkketangen (2008) focused on the application of meta-heuristics
for solving various variants of the VRP, a short revision of the
multi-depot problem is presented. The equivalence between the
MDVRP and the PVRP is also analyzed. Among the meta-heuristics
presented therein, we can highlight the use of Genetic Algorithms
(Filipec, Skrlec, & Krajcar, 2000), Simulated Annealing (Lim & Zhu,
2006) of the case of xed vehicle eet, and Tabu Search (Angelelli
and Speranza, 2002). Other works proposing meta-heuristics can
be found in (Chao, Golden, & Wasil, 1993 and Chen, Takama, &
Hirota, 2000).
The most studied variant of the problem has been the capacitated MDVRP. Among the meta-heuristics proposed in literature,
we can highlight the Simulated Annealing algorithms of Wu,
Low, and Bai (2002) and Lim and Zhu (2006), the Variable Neighborhood Search procedure proposed by Polacek, Hartl, Doerner,
and Reimann (2005), Polacek, Benkner, Doerner, and Hartl
(2008), Tabu Search algorithms from Lim and Wang (2005), Aras,
Aksen, and Tekin (2011) and Maischberger and Cordeau (2011).
Genetic Algorithms has been proposed as well for this problem
variant, as illustrated in the works of Bae, Hwang, Cho, and Goan
(2007), Vidal, Crainic, Gendreau, Lahrichi, and Rei (2010). All of
these works seek for the minimization of total route distance or
cost, except the work of Aras et al. (2011) in which the objective
is the maximization of vehicle utilization rate. It is to note here that
the work of Aras et al. (2011) is inspired by a particular case of


reverse logistics problem in which the aim is to collect cores from

an enterprises dealers. The problem is called the selective MDVRP
with price. In addition to the Tabu Search procedure, the authors
also formulated two mixed-integer linear programming (MILP)
Other meta-heuristics, such as GRASP, are presented in the
works of Villegas, Prins, Prodhon, Medaglia, and Velasco (2010)
and Maya et al. (2012), respectively minimizing route cost and
distance. zyurt and Aksen (2007) solved the problem of depot
location and vehicle routing using a hybrid approach based on
Lagrangian relaxation (LR) and Tabu Search (TS). These procedures
improve the best solutions found for the set of instances proposed
by Tzn and Burke (1999). A case study taken from waste collection system involving 202 localities in the city of Viseu, Portugal, is
presented by Matos and Oliveira (2004). An Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm is proposed and compared with other procedures from the literature.
The great amount of heuristics algorithms proposed for the
problem variant with heterogeneous eet (HFMDVRP) has been
focused on the design of meta-heuristics algorithms. We can
highlight the works of Jeon, Leep, and Shim (2007), who proposed
a hybrid genetic algorithm that minimizes the total distance
traveled, and that of Flisberg, Lidn, and Rnnqvist (2009) who
considered a Tabu Search procedure. Simulated Annealing (SA)
has been employed as well. Wu et al. (2002) coupled SA with Tabu
Search to solve the heterogeneous eet case of the integrated location-routing problem. In their problem, location of depots, routes
of vehicles and client assignment problems are solved simultaneously. The multi-depot heterogeneous vehicle routing problem
with time windows (MDHVRPTW) was studied by Dondo and
Cerd (2009), who proposed a MILP and a Local Search Improvement Algorithm that explores the neighborhood in order to nd
the lowest cost feasible solution.
Other research papers have also been very interested in the
analysis of the problem with time windows (MDVRPTW). This
variant is studied in 25% of the single-objective focused papers
considered in this review. The rst meta-heuristics reported in literature was the Tabu Search procedure of Cordeau et al. (2001) in
which the objective function is the minimization of the number of
vehicles. Polacek, Hartl, Doerner, and Reimann (2005) proposed a
Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) algorithm for the MDVRP
with time windows and with xed distribution of vehicles. This
problem was also studied by Lim and Wang (2005) with the characteristic of having exactly one vehicle at each depot. Jin, Mitsuo,
and Hiroshi (2005), Yang (2008), Ghoseiri and Ghannadpour
(2010) and Samanta and Jha (2011) proposed Genetic Algorithms,
Pisinger and Ropke (2007) presented an Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (ALNS) procedure with minimization of routing cost.
Ting and Chen (2009) presented a hybrid algorithm that combines
multiple ant colony systems (ACS) and Simulated Annealing (SA).
Zarandi, Hemmati, and Davari (2011) presented a SA procedure
to minimize routing cost, while Wang, Zhang, and Wang (2011)
coupled SA with a modied Variable Neighborhood Search algorithm, and a clustering algorithm is used to allocate customers in
the initial solution construction phase. A branch-and-cut-andprice algorithm for the multi-depot heterogeneous vehicle routing
problem with time windows (MDHVRPTW) was recently proposed
by Bettinelli, Ceselli, and Righini (2011). Computational experiments showed that this procedure is competitive in comparison
with local search heuristics.
The variants with split delivery (MDVRPSD) or with pickup &
delivery (MDVRPPD) have been considered by very few authors
in the scientic literature. The work of Wasner and Zapfel (2004)
presents an application to postal, parcel and piece goods service
provider in Austria. The model employed is the MDVRPPD (MDVRP
with pickup and deliveries) with the objective of determining the


J.R. Montoya-Torres et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 79 (2015) 115129

number and location of depots and hubs. Also, the client assignment problem is addressed. These authors develop a local search
heuristic. As a real-life problem is solved, additional features are
included in the algorithm in order to take into account the topography of the country (which is characterized by mountains) by
considering maximum route length. The decision support system
allowed the solution of large-sized instances with various millions
of variables and constraints. The paper of Pisinger and Ropke
(2007) studied the MDVRPPD, together with the variants of time
windows and vehicle capacity constraint. These authors proposed
an Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search procedure in order to
minimize total routing cost. Flisberg, Lidn, and Rnnqvist (2009)
also considered heterogeneous eet of vehicles and time windows
constraints, in addition to pickups and split deliveries: their casestudy is taken from a forest company in Sweden. Schmid,
Doerner, Hartl, and Salazar-Gonzlez (2010) studied a realistic case
inspired from companies in the concrete industry, and presented a
mixed integer linear program (MILP) and a Variable Neighborhood
Search (VNS) procedure to minimize routing cost for the variant
with split deliveries. Mirabi, Fatemi Ghomi, and Jolai (2010)
addressed the problem of minimizing the delivery time of vehicles.
They compared three hybrid heuristics, each one combining
elements from both constructive heuristic search and improvement techniques. The improvement techniques are deterministic,
stochastic and simulated annealing (SA) methods.
Crevier et al. (2007) considered a MDVRP in which there are
intermediate depots along vehicles routes where they may be
replenished. This problem was inspired from a real-life application
at the city of Montreal, Canada. A heuristic combining adaptive
memory, tabu search and integer programming was proposed.
The model allows the assignment of vehicles to routes that may
begin and nish at the same depot or that connect two depots to
increase the capacity of vehicles to deliver goods. Zhen and
Zhang (2009) considered a similar problem and proposed a heuristic combining the adaptive memory principle, a Tabu Search
method for the solution of subproblems, and integer programming.
Another variant of the MDVRP appears in the work of Zarandi et al.
(2011). These authors studied the fuzzy version of the Capacitated
Location-Routing Problem (CLRP) with multiple depots in which
the location of depots have to be dened as well as the routes of
vehicles. Fuzzy travel times between nodes and time window to
meet the demand of each customer are considered. A simulationembedded Simulated Annealing (SA) procedure was proposed.
The framework was tested using standard data sets.
A good manner of improving the performance of meta-heuristics is to generate good initial solutions. Ho, Ho, Ji, and Lau
(2008) proposed the use of the well-known Clarke & Wright
Savings (C&WS) algorithm (Clarke & Wright, 1964) to generate
initial solutions, as commonly used for other vehicle routing problems (Juan et al., 2009). Once the solution is generated, the Nearest
Neighbor (NN) heuristic is employed to improve such solution. In
comparison with the random generation of initial solutions, their
experiments showed that this hybrid C&WS + NN approach produces better results regarding total delivery time. Li and Liu
(2008) considered the multi-depot open vehicle routing problem
with replenishment during the execution of routes. They proposed
a model and an Ant Colony Optimization resolution procedure.
Other application of the Ant Colony Optimization paradigm can
be found in the works of Wang (2013) and Narasimha,
Kivelevitch, Sharma, and Kumar (2013). These last authors studied
the MDVRP with minimization of the longest travel distance of a
Vidal et al. (2010, 2011) proposed a general framework to solve a
family of vehicle routing problems, including the multi-depot VRP,
the periodic VRP and the multi-depot periodic VRP with capacitated
vehicles and constrained route duration. Their meta-heuristic

combines the exploration breadth of population-based evolutionary search, the aggressive improvement capabilities of neighborhood search based procedures and advanced population diversity
management strategies. These authors improved the best-known
solutions and even obtained optimal values for these three problem
cases. Recent years on MDVRP research have witnessed the use of
variable neighborhood search (VNS) algorithm for the resolution
of various variants of the problem (Kuo & Wang, 2012; Salhi,
Imran, & Wassan, 2014; Xu & Jiang, 2014; Xu, Wang, & Yang,
2012). A realistic application of MDVRP found in vessel routing
was studied by Hirsch, Schroeder, Maggiar, and Dolinskaya
(2014). These authors proposed the implementation of various heuristics, including GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure). More recently, the trend has been focused on the use of
hybrid meta-heuristics algorithms. Liu and Yu (2013) presented a
hybridized genetic algorithm ant colony optimization procedure
to minimize the maximum travel distance of a vehicle in a system
with heterogeneous eet of vehicles. Liu (2013) proposed to couple
the genetic algorithm with bee colony optimization and simulated
annealing to solve the classical MDVRP. Rahimi-Vahed, Crainic,
Gendreau, and Rei (2013) employed path relinking for the case of
capacitated MDVRP with route duration constraint. Vidal, Crainic,
Gendreau, and Prins (2014) proposed a hybrid genetic algorithm
with iterated local search and dynamic programming was presented for the classical MDVRP with unconstrained vehicle eet.
Subramanian, Uchoa, and Ochi (2013) proposed a matheuristic procedure for the cases of the MDVRP and MDRVP with mixed pick up
and deliveries. Their algorithm is based on iterated local search and
exploits set partitioning models at certain stages of the procedure
to obtain competitive solutions. Sitek, Wikarek, and Grzybowska
(2014) presented a multi-agent system coupled with a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model and Constraint Programming
(CP) for the multi-echelon capacitated vehicle routing problem.

3. The MDVRP with multiple objectives

An important characteristic of real-life logistics problems found
in enterprises is that decision-makers, very often, have to simultaneously deal with multiple objectives. These objectives are sometimes contradictory (e.g., minimizing number of vehicles and
maximizing service level). In the literature, there are very few
papers on the MDVRP that consider multiple objectives (MOMDVRP): about 11.56% of the papers reviewed here. This percentage
corresponds to a total of 17 papers reviewed here (see Table A2 in
the Appendix).
The work of Lin and Kwok (2005) studies a realistic particular
case of the MDVRP, named as location-routing problem (LRP) with
multiple uses of vehicles. In this problem, decisions on location of
depots, vehicle routing and assignment of routes to vehicles are
considered simultaneously. Tabu search and simulated annealing
procedures are designed and tested on both random-generated
and real data. The objectives are the minimization of total operational cost and the balance on vehicle load. Both simultaneous
and sequential procedures for the assignment of routes to vehicles
are tested. Results show that the simultaneous versions have
advantage over the sequential versions in problems where routes
are capacity-constrained, but not in the time dimension. The
simultaneous versions are also more effective in generating nondominated solutions than the sequential versions.
A real-life transportation problem consisting on moving empty
or laden containers is studied by Tan, Chew, and Lee (2006). They
called the problem as the truck and trailer vehicle routing problem
(TTVRP), but in fact it corresponds to a variant of the MDVRP: the
solution to the TTVRP consists of nding a complete routing
schedule for serving the jobs with minimum routing distance


J.R. Montoya-Torres et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 79 (2015) 115129


Number of














Fig. 3. Distribution of published papers per year for the MDVRP.

Fig. 4. Distribution of objective functions.

Fig. 5. Distribution of employed solution techniques.

and number of trucks, subject to time windows and availability of

trailers. These authors solved the multi-objective case using a
hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (HMOEA) with
specialized genetic operators, variable-length representation and
local search heuristic. Lau, Tang, Ho, and Chan (2009) considered
the multi-objective problem in which the travel time is not a constraint but an objective function to be optimized in the model
together with the total traveled distance. The proposed solution
procedure is a hybrid meta-heuristic named fuzzy logic guided
non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (FL-NSGA2). The procedure uses fuzzy logic to dynamically adjust the probabilities of
mutation and crossover. The algorithm is compared with the

well-known algorithms non-dominated sorting genetic algorithms

2 (NSGA2), strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm 2 (SPEA2) with
and without fuzzy logic and the micro-genetic algorithm (MICROGA) with and without fuzzy logic. Experiments showed that
the proposed FL-NSGA2 procedure outperformed the other
procedures. This technique was also used by Lau, Chan, Tsui, and
Pang (2010) to solve the problem in which the cost due to the total
traveling distance and the cost due to the total traveling time are
minimized. In their work, several search methods, branch-andbound, standard GA (i.e., without the guide of fuzzy logic),
simulated annealing, and tabu search procedure are adopted to
compare with FLGA in randomly generated data sets. Results of
their experiments show that FLGA outperforms the other methods.
Ombuki-Berman and Hanshar (2009) and Weise, Podlich, and
Gorldt (2010) also proposed a genetic algorithm. The rst authors
considered the objectives of minimizing the total cost and the
number of vehicles, while the latter authors considered the total
distance, the idle capacity of vehicles and the number of
externalized deliveries. A Simulated Annealing (SA) procedure
was presented by Hasanpour, Mosadegh-Khah, and Tavakoli
Moghadam (2009) for minimizing transportation costs and
maximizing probability of delivery to customers.
Weise, Podlich, and Gorldt (2010) presented the use of
evolutionary computation for a real-life problem inspired from a
joint enterprise-academia research project. Results of the implementation are compared against the traditional routing structure











% of papers
Laporte et al. (1894)
Kulkarni and Bhave (1985)
Laporte and Nobert (1987)
Laporte et al. (1988)
Laporte (1989)
Carpaneto, Dellamico, Fischetti, and Toth (1989)
Min et al. (1992)
Wilger and Maurer (1992)
Chao et al. (1993)
Renaud, Laporte et al. (1996)
Filipec et al. (1997)
Salhi and Sari (1997)
Cordeau et al. (1997)
Salhi et al. (1998)
Hadjiconstantinou and Baldacci (1998)
Vianna et al. (1999)
Tzn and Burke (1999)
Salhi and Nagy (1999)
Irnich (2000)
Filipec et al. (2000)
Skok, Skrlec, and Krajcar (2000)
Yang and Chu (2000)
Thangiah and Salhi (2001)
Skok, Skrlec, and Krajcar (2001)
Cordeau et al. (2001)
Chan, Carter, and Burnes (2001)
Wu et al. (2002)
Angelelli and Speranza (2002)
Zhang, Jiang, and Tang (2002)
Giosa, Tansini, and Viera (2002)
Dondo et al. (2003)
Kazaz and Altinkemer (2003)
Matos and Oliveira (2004)
Wasner and Zapfel (2004)
Jin et al. (2004)
Mingozzi (2005)
Nagy and Salhi (2005)
Polacek et al. (2005)
Lim and Wang (2005)
Baltz, Dubhashi, Tansini, Srivastav, and Werth (2005)
Songyan, Akio, and Bai (2005)
Jin et al. (2005)
Songyan and Akio (2005)
Parthanadee and Logendran (2006)
Yang, Cui, and Cheng (2006)
Chiu et al. (2006)
Lim and Zhu (2006)
Dondo and Cerd (2007)
Jeon et al. (2007)
Crevier et al. (2007)
Bae, Hwang, Cho, and Goan (2007)
Pisinger and Ropke (2007)


Solution method

Time Windows

Heterogeneous eet



Pick up & Delievery

Split delivery
















































J.R. Montoya-Torres et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 79 (2015) 115129




Table A1
Reviewed papers about the single-objective MDVRP.












































J.R. Montoya-Torres et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 79 (2015) 115129


zyurt and Aksen (2007)

Carlsson, Ge, Subramaniam, Wu, and Ye (2007)
Hu, Chen, and Guo (2007)
Wang, Gao, Cui, and Chen (2007)
Lou (2007)
Tsirimpas et al. (2007)
Ho et al. (2008)
Kek et al. (2008)
Dondo et al. (2008)
Polacek, Benkner, Doerner, and Hartl (2008)
Dai, Chen, Pan, and Hu (2008)
Li and Liu (2008)
Chen, Guo, and Fan (2008)
Yang (2008)
Chen, Sheng-Zhang, and Shi (2008)
Goela and Gruhn (2008)
Flisberg et al. (2009)
Dondo and Cerd (2009)
Baldacci and Mingozzi (2009)
Ting and Chen (2009)
Zhen and Zhang (2009)
Schmid et al. (2010)
Mirabi et al. (2010)
Liu et al. (2010)
Vidal et al. (2010)
Ma and Yuan (2010)
Sombunthama and Kachitvichyanukulb (2010)
Sepehri and Kargari (2010)
Gajpal and Abad (2010)
Villegas et al. (2010)
Garaix, Artigues, Feillet, and Josselin (2010)
Ghoseiri and Ghannadpour (2010)
Kansou and Yassine (2010)
Gulczynski et al. (2011)
Bettinelli et al. (2011)
Ycenur and Demirel (2011a)
Aras et al. (2011)
Zarandi et al. (2011)
Yang, Zhou, Cui, and He (2011)
Wang et al. (2011)
Samanta and Jha (2011)
Ycenur and Demirel (2011b)
Yu, Yang, and Xie (2011)
Lei, Xing, Wu, and Wen (2011)
Fard and Setak (2011)
Zhang, Tang, and Fung (2011)
Surekha and Sumathi (2011)
Maischberger and Cordeau (2011)
Cornillier et al. (2012)
Kuo and Wang (2012)
Lpez Franco and Nieto Isaza (2012)
Maya et al. (2012)
Nieto Isaza et al. (2012)
Xu et al. (2012)
Ben Alaia, Dridi, Bouchriha, and Borne (2013)
Benavent and Martnez (2013)
Liu (2013)
Liu and Yu (2013)
Venkata et al. (2013)








(continued on next page)




Split delivery







Rahimi-Vahed et al. (2013)

Seth et al. (2013)
Subramanian et al. (2012)
Wang (2013)
Adelzadeh et al. (in press)
Afshar-Nadja and Afshar-Nadja (in press)
Braekers et al. (2014)
Contardo and Martinelli (2014)
Contardo et al. (2014)
Escobar et al. (in press)
Hirsch et al. (2014)
Li, et al. (in press)
Luo and Chen (2014)
Ray et al. (in press)
Salhi et al. (2014)
Sitek et al. (2014)
Vahed et al. (in press)
Vidal et al. (2014)
Xu and Jiang (2014)







Pick up & Delievery

Heterogeneous eet

Table A1 (continued)







Solution method


Time Windows



J.R. Montoya-Torres et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 79 (2015) 115129


employed by the enterprises associated with the research. The

multi-objective MDVRP with time windows and split delivery is
studied by Dharmapriya and Siyambalapitiya (2010). The objectives to be optimized were dened to be the total transportation
cost, the total distance traveled, full use of vehicle capacity and
load balancing. The problem is solved using Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing and a Greedy algorithm. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam,
Makui, and Mazloomi (2010) studied the multi-objective problem
in which depot location and routes of vehicles have to be dened
simultaneously. This problem is known in the literature as the
Multi-Depot Location-Routing Problem. Traditionally, this problem
is solved sequentially: rst, the location of depots is addressed and
then the routing of vehicles is approached. These authors proposed
a scatter search algorithm that seeks to maximize total demand
served and to minimize the total operational cost (cost of opening
depots and variable delivery costs). Computational experiments
showed that the proposed multi-objective scatter search (MOSS)
algorithm outperformed an Elite Tabu Search (ETS) procedure.
Scatter Search operates on a set of solutions, the reference set, by
combining these solutions to create new ones. Then, a subset is
non-randomly selected from this reference set and selected
solutions are combined to get starting solutions to run an improvement mechanism. The reader interested in more details of the
multi-objective of Scatter Search can refer to the works of
Beausoleil (2001), Beausoleil (2004, Beausoleil (2006). On the other
hand the ETS algorithm considered by Tavakkoli-Moghaddam et al.
(2010) rst determines the minimum number of required facilities
and then evaluates all combinations of facilities by incorporating
an elite tabu search procedure at the routing phase.
Jiang and Ding (2010) minimized the distribution cost, the
customer dissatisfaction and the changes of routes in a disruption
measurement model and an immune algorithm. The procedure is
tested using a simple example. Ghoseiri and Ghannadpour (2010)
considered the problem of simultaneously optimizing total eet
size and total distance deviation by using a genetic algorithm
coupled with goal programming. Finally, Venkatasubbaiah,
Acharyulu, and Chandra Mouli (2011) proposed the use of a Fuzzy
Goal Programming Method to solve the multi-objective problem. A
fuzzy max-min operator is also proposed to improve the effectiveness of the procedure. The algorithm is tested on simple transportation problems from literature, and compared with previous
works, while Li and Liu (2011) proposed a genetic algorithm so
as to minimize the number of vehicles and the total travel distance.
Adelzadeh et al. (in press) proposed a mathematical model and a
fuzzy-based heuristic for the particular case of the MDVRP with
fuzzy time windows and heterogeneous eet of vehicles. Martnez-Salazar et al. (2014) studied the location-routing problem
(LRP) with transportation considerations in order to minimize
transport cost and load balancing. The bi-objective problem is formalized using mathematical programming and then solved with
both a Scatter Tabu Search procedure and the well-known NSGAII (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II). Mirabi (2014)
proposed a hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm coupling simulated
annealing and electromagnetism to minimize travel distance and
customer waiting time for service. Finally, Rodrigues Pereira
Ramos, Gomes, and Barbosa-Pvoa (2014) simultaneously evaluated travel distance and level of carbon emissions in a multi-depot
vehicle routing problem found in waste collection supply chain.

4. Analysis of literature
As pointed out before, since the rst publication on multi-depot
vehicle routing problem appeared in 1984. Since there, more than
145 papers have been published up to date in the scientic
literature about this problem and its variants. Between the middle















% of papers
Lin and Kwok (2005)
Tan et al. (2006)
Lau et al. (2009)
Hasanpour et al. (2009)
Ombuki-Berman and Hanshar (2009)
Dharmapriya and Siyambalapitiya (2010)
Tavakkoli-Moghaddam et al. (2010)
Jiang and Ding (2010)
Lau et al. (2010)
Weise et al. (2010)
Ghoseiri and Ghannadpour (2010)
Venkatasubbaiah et al. (2011)
Li and Liu (2011)
Adelzadeh et al. (in press)
Martnez-Salazar et al. (2014)
Mirabi (2014)
Rodrigues Pereira Ramos et al. (2014)

Solution method

Heterogeneous eet



Pick up & Delievery

Split delivery


Time windows


Table A2
Reviewed papers about the multi-objective MDVRP.


J.R. Montoya-Torres et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 79 (2015) 115129


of the 1980s (when the rst works on the MDVRP were published)
and the end of the twentieth century, very few papers were proposed in the literature (see Fig. 3): only 18 publications (excluding
those published in 2000), giving an average of 1.12 papers per year.
Between 2000 and 2005, there was an increase in the number of
publication on MDVRP with an average of 4.33 publications per
year. This gives a total of 44 publications until 2005 inclusive.
The most impressive growing on the number of papers published
is observed between 2006 and 2014 with a total 103 publications,
giving an average of 10.4 papers per year in the period 20062010
and 12.75 paper per year in the period 20112014 inclusive.
As can be seen, there is a clearly increasing trend showing the
growing interest in this eld. It is reasonable to expect that in
the coming years the MDVRP will receive an ever large amount
of attention. There are however some remarks to be made. As
shown in Fig. 4, most of the works have been focused on the minimization of cost, distance or time. The papers dealing with vehicle
load balancing are in fact papers that seek to optimize multiple
objectives simultaneously (very often cost and vehicle load). As
presented in previous sections of this review (see also Fig. 4), the
majority of published works deals with the single objective
problem. While this problem is of theoretical interest, very often
decision-makers are faced to optimize multiple (contradictory)
objectives. Very few published works deals with multi-objective
problem. Hence, this gap in current research could be closed by
proposing efcient and effective solution approaches for multiobjective environments.
It is also interesting to study the different methodologies and
techniques that the authors apply in the reviewed literature.
Fig. 5 shows two pie charts with this distribution: it rst classies
the approaches as exact, heuristics and meta-heuristics algorithms,
while the second pie presents a distribution of the different
approximate algorithms employed in the reviewed literature. We
rst observe that exact algorithms (branch and bound, mathematical programming) are employed in 25% of reviewed papers. We
have to consider that these techniques have proven to be useful
for simplied combinatorial optimization problems, specic
settings and/or small instances. Hence, a larger focus is needed
on approaches able to solve larger instances. Because of the NPhardness of the MDVRP, approximate heuristics have also been
proposed. Under the category of heuristic algorithms, we have
classied many different algorithms and ad-hoc methods that are
specic and do not contain a well-known meta-heuristic template.
This represents 33% of the reviewed papers. For the other 42% a
meta-heuristic algorithm is proposed. Among the available procedures, Tabu Search (TS), genetic algorithms (GA) and simulated
annealing (SA) have been the most employed in the reviewed
literature. The other meta-heuristics have been less employed:
ant colony optimization and variable neighborhood search. Clearly,
there is a large opportunity for research here. Meta-heuristics have
long ago established themselves as state-of-the-art methodologies
for the vast majority of vehicle routing problems.

5. Conclusions and lines for future research

Finding an optimal (or at least very good) route for vehicles
delivering products to customers is one of the key functions in
any logistics systems. Since the rst works proposed in literature
in the late 1959, the literature on vehicle routing problems has
been highly increasing. A lot of works, as well as state-of-the-art
surveys, have been published. In this paper, we focused on one of
the less reviewed variants: the vehicle routing problem with multiple depots (MDVRP). We presented a complete analysis of scientic
literature since the rst works about this problem were published
in the mid 1980s.


J.R. Montoya-Torres et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 79 (2015) 115129

Early works on MDVRP mainly proposed exact algorithms

(mathematical models, branch-and-bound methods). With the
development of computers and the increasing popularity of
meta-heuristics, researches then focused on proposing genetic
algorithms, tabu search procedures, simulated annealing, ant
colony optimization algorithms or even variable neighborhood
procedures to efciently solve the problem. Some hybrid procedures have been proposed and their effectiveness has been proved
by using benchmark instances. It is to note that several meta-heuristics (like GRASP), matheuristics, simheuristics and other hybrid
procedures can be exploited to solve the problem. Also, as complex
realistic problems appear to be of interest for researchers, additional constraints (product pickup and delivery, vehicle capacity
constraints, delivery time windows, etc.) have been added to the
original problem.
Most of the rst works on MDVRP looked at the minimization of
travel cost, distance or time. Very few papers considered nontraditional objective functions. There is an interesting gap in literature
here since many other objective functions are of industrial relevance. In addition, logistics problems are multi-objective (MO) by
nature, which means that several criteria, very often in conict
with each other, have to be considered at a time. Very few published works on multi-depot vehicle routing problems deals with
multiple objectives. Research in multi-objective optimization is
concerned with the generation of solutions in which none of the
objective functions can be improved without paying a cost in other
objective(s) (usually referred to as non-dominated solutions).
Hence, researches must focus on proposing efcient and effective
decision-making tools for multi-objective environments. The deal
is not to consider several objectives and to optimize them sequentially (e.g., by concentrating on optimizing one objective and then,
with that solution, considering the other objectives as secondary.
The attempt is to nd non-dominated solutions.
Finally, with the increasingly worldwide concern on the optimal
use of scarcer natural resources, enterprises and supply chains
need to be re-aligned to adjust to this trend. In order to go further
from the classical economic optimization, the inclusion of social
and environmental metrics in optimization problems becomes
highly relevant. The paper of Montoya-Torres (2014) presents a
general framework to take into account sustainability issues in
supply chain decision-making, including logistics distribution
process (i.e. vehicle routing decisions), while the work of
Montoya-Torres, Muoz-Villamizar, and Vega-Meja (2014) seeks
at proposing the application of the MDVRP in city logistics for
the minimization of travel costs and carbon emissions. Some rst
attempts to consider sustainable issues (i.e. economic, environmental and social issues simultaneously) when solving logistic
distribution problems have been presented in literature, see e.g.
(Sbihi & Eglese, 2007). This certainly leads to solve more complex
multi-objective routing problems.
Authors would like to thanks the anonymous referees for their
suggestions allowing the improvement of this manuscript. Part of
this work was supported by the Colombian Department of Science,
Technology and Innovation (Colciencias) under Grant No. 333-50227900, and by Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia, under Research
Project Modeling and analysis of production and transport
systems with economic, social and environmental metrics.
Appendix A.
(see Tables A1 and A2).

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Afshar-Nadja, B., & Afshar-Nadja, A. (2014). A constructive heuristic for timedependent multi-depot vehicle routing problem with time-windows and
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Angelelli, E., & Speranza, M. G. (2002). The periodic vehicle routing problem with
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Operations research/computer science interfaces Series: Vol. 43. Part I (pp. 103
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Baldacci, R., Battarra, M., & Vigo, D. (2008). Routing a heterogeneous eet of
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Baldacci, R., Toth, P., & Vigo, D. (2007). Recent advances in vehicle routing exact
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Baldacci, R., & Mingozzi, A. (2009). A unied exact method for solving different
classes of vehicle routing problems. Mathematical Programming, 120, 347380.
Baldacci, R., Toth, P., & Vigo, D. (2010). Exact algorithms for routing problems under
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Baltz, A., Dubhashi, D., Tansini, L., Srivastav, A., & Werth, S. (2005). Probabilistic
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