1.what Is Reasoning?: Question Bank Unit 3
1.what Is Reasoning?: Question Bank Unit 3
1.what Is Reasoning?: Question Bank Unit 3
1.What is reasoning?
When we require any knowledge system to do something it has not been
explicitly told how to do it must reason.
The system must figure out what it needs to know from what it already knows.
We have seen simple example of reasoning or drawing inferences already. For
example if we know: Robins are birds.
All birds have wings. Then if we ask: Do robins have wings?
Some reasoning (albeit very simple) has to go on answer the question.
2.List the types of reasoning.
Formal reasoning
Procedural reasoning
Reasoning by analogy
Generalisation and abstraction
Meta-level reasoning
This reads that given some evidence E then probability that hypothesis
true is equal to the ratio of the probability that E will be true given
the a priori evidence on the probability of
of E over the set of all hypotheses times the probability of these hypotheses.
The set of all hypotheses must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive.
5.What is basic idea behind Dempster-Shafer Calculus
The basic idea in representing uncertainty in this model is:
Set up a confidence interval -- an interval of probabilities within
which the true probability lies with a certain confidence -based on the Belief B and plausibility PL provided by some
evidence E for a proposition P.
The belief brings together all the evidence that would lead us
to believe in P with some certainty.
The plausibility brings together the evidence that is compatible
with P and is not inconsistent with it.
This method allows for further additions to the set of
knowledge and does not assume disjoint outcomes.
Backward chaining (Prolog) is more like finding what initial conditions form a path to your
goal. At a very basic level it is a backward search from your goal to find conditions that will fulfil
Forward chaining (CLIPS) matches conditions and then generates inferences from those
conditions. These conditions can in turn match other rules. Basically, this takes a set of initial
conditions and then draws all inferences it can from those conditions.
A Horn clause is a clause (a disjunction of literals) with at most one positive, i.e.
unnegated, literal.
A Horn clause with exactly one positive literal is a definite clause
E.g: p q ... t u
1. What is planning?
Planning refers to the process of computing several steps of a problem-solving procedure before
executing any of them.
2. What are the components of planning system?
4.What is Strips?
5.What is ABstrips?
ABstripsare better approach for solving hard problems with long plans .This system planned in a
hierarchy of abstraction spaces,in each of which preconditions at a lower level of abstraction
were ignored
6.List the some of the other planning techniques ?
Triangle tables
Case-based planning
7.what is K Strips?
to make data-driven predictions or decisions, rather than following strictly static program
11. Define supervised classification with an example.
Supervised learning is the machine learning task of inferring a function from labeled training
data. The training data consist of a set of training examples. In supervised learning, each example
is a pair consisting of an input object (typically a vector) and a desired output value (also called
the supervisory signal). A supervised learning algorithm analyzes the training data and produces
an inferred function, which can be used for mapping new examples.
Some of the supervised algorithms are HMM,GMM,K-nn and ANN
12. Define the term pattern, features and class and write a sample pattern.
Pattern is the object/article/ etc which has some shape and size and can be expressed. Featuresare
the attributes or properties of this pattern. The class is the group in which a pattern belongsto.
Example can be given for a fruit classification
concerned pattern s. The class of the test pattern will be the class which is given by the majority
of the 3 classes. If P_tr and P_tt are training and test patterns respective ly with same number of
features f1,f2,f3. P_tr is represented by P_tr (f1, f2,f3) and P_tt by P_tt(f1t,f2t,f3t) then the
Euclidean distance between these pattern is given by
1. What are expert systems?
An expert system is software that attempts toreproduce the performance of one or more
human experts, most commonly in a specific problem domain. Represent the expertiseknowledge
as data or rules within the computer and it can be called upon when needed to solve
2. What are the characteristics of expert system?
Instructing and assisting human in decision making
Deriving a solution
Predicting results
Justifying the conclusion
9. Mention any two differences between traditional computer system programs and expert
Traditional computer systems do not exhibit any intelligence whereas expert systems do.
Traditional computer systems require Data Structures and algorithm to form a program whereas
an expert system requires inference engine and knowledge to develop an expert system.
10. What is an inference engine?
An inference engine is used to use the knowledge available in a knowledge base or otherwise
and able to answer the queries like a search engine, mainly used in an expert system
11. Define knowledge base.
The knowledge base consists of specific knowledge about some substantive domain. A
knowledge base differs from a data base in that the knowledge base includes both explicit
knowledge and implicit knowledge. Much of the knowledge in the knowledge base is not stated
explicitly, but inferred by the inference engine from explicit statements in the knowledge base.
12. Explain the knowledge acquisition process?
It provides a convenient and efficient means of capturing and storing all components of
the Knowledge base
13. What are the applications of MYCIN?
MYCIN was an early expert system that used artificial intelligence to identify bacteria causing severe
infections, such as bacteremia and meningitis, and to recommend antibiotics, with the dosage adjusted for
patient's body weight the name derived from the antibiotics themselves, as many antibiotics have the
suffix "-mycin". The Mycin system was also used for the diagnosis of blood clotting diseases.