Fluids - Lecture 5 Notes: Effects of Reynolds Number

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Fluids Lecture 5 Notes

1. Effects of Reynolds Number

2. Effects of Mach Number
Reading: Anderson 1.10, 1.12 (1.10, 1.11 in 3rd Ed.)
Dimensional Analysis has identified the important dimensionless parameters (or products),
which determine the nature of a given aerodynamic flow situation. The main parameters are
the Reynolds number and the Mach number, and their values in any given flow situation will
determine the nature of the flow (strongly viscous vs. nearly inviscid, low speed vs. high

Effects of Reynolds Number

The Reynolds number can be interpreted as a comparison of the pressure forces and viscous
shear forces which act on the body, done by forming their ratio.
pressure forces
p p
V c

shear forces

V /c

Note that p p is considered rather than p itself, since p is just a large constant bias
which produces no net force on a body.
The Reynolds number is therefore a measure of the importance of pressure forces relative
to viscous shear forces. Hence, if the Reynolds number increases, the viscous effects on the
flow get progressively less important.
The viscosity of air and water is quite small when expressed in common units.

/ =

Air @ STP
Water @ 15 C
1.78 105 kg/m-s 1.15 103 kg/m-s
1.45 105 m2 /s
1.15 106 m2 /s

The ratio / = is called the kinematic viscosity. This is more relevant than itself, since
the ratio is what actually appears in the Reynolds number.
Re =

V c

From the small values of in the table above, it is clear that typical aerodynamic and
hydrodynamic flows will have very large Reynolds numbers. This can be seen in the following
table, which gives the Reynolds numbers based on the chord length of common winged
RC glider
Business jet
Boeing 777

50 K
100 K
10 M
50 M

The Reynolds number is large even for insects, which means that the flow can be assumed
to be inviscid (i.e. = 0 and = 0) almost everywhere. The only place where the viscous
shear is significant is in boundary layers which form adjacent to solid surfaces and become a
wake trailing downstream.
boundary layer

boundary layer

Re = 1 M

Re = 10 K

The larger the Reynolds number is, the thinner the boundary layers are relative to the size
of the body, and the more the flow behaves as though it was inviscid. This has a number of
consequences of great practical significance:
1. Neglecting the viscous shear stress greatly simplifies the equations of fluid motion, allowing them to be manipulated and solved much more easily. Simple solutions then give
better insight and understanding of aerodynamic behavior of bodies such as airfoils,
wings, propellers, turbine blades, etc.
2. If the Reynolds number is large enough (i.e. viscosity is small enough), then its effects
on some aerodynamic forces and moments can be neglected. For example, if Re > 106
or so, then it has almost no influence on the aerodynamic lift and moment, which
means that the general dependencies for c and cm simplify as follows.
c = c (, M , Re )
cm = cm (, M , Re )

c = c (, M )
cm = cm (, M )

(Re large)

Such a simplification is not appropriate for cd (, M , Re ), however.

Streamlined vs. Bluff Bodies
The above assumption that viscosity has negligible effects on lift and moment is valid only
for streamline bodies which gradually taper to a point or sharp edge, and are roughly
aligned with the freestream flow direction. Examples are slender bodies, airfoils, and wings,
operating at small angles of attack. For bluff bodies which have blunt rear faces, or for
streamline bodies at large angles of attack, viscosity always plays an important role for all
the forces and moments. Such flows exhibit flow separation , which is the sudden thickening
or breakaway of the boundary layer from the surface, resulting in a thick trailing wake.
flow separation
flow separation

Stalled Streamline body

0.1 0.5

Bluff body
0.6 1.2

Bodies with separation exhibit much larger drag forces than comparably-sized streamline
bodies without separation. When an airfoil stalls, its drag will typically increase by a factor

of 10 or more. Most of this drag increase is due to a sharp rise of pressure drag, defined as
the integrated pressure p p normal to the body. The friction drag, which is the integrated
tangential shear stress , is not significantly different between streamline and bluff bodies of
similar size.
Drag reference length
The reference length used to define cd is arbitrary. Traditionally, for streamline bodies such
as an airfoil we use the streamwise length c. For bluff bodies we use the transverse height,
typically denoted by h. For a circular cylinder they are of course the same, and equal to the
diameter d.

Effects of Mach Number

The Mach number is defined as the ratio of the freestream speed to the speed of sound.
The speed of sound a is the velocity at which pressure disturbances travel in the fluid,
although what this implies for the flow is not immediately apparent.
Another interpretation of the Mach number arises when we estimate the fractional variation
of pressure in the flowfield.



= M
2 p
2 a

where = cp /cv is the thermodynamic ratio of specific heats. So the Mach number squared
is a measure of the fractional pressure variations in the flowfield, as shown in the figure.


p / p


~ M2

Low-Speed flows
A low-speed flow is defined as one for which

From the above derivation this implies that fractional pressure changes are small, and from
thermodynamics we then conclude that that density and temperature changes must also be

1 ,
1 ,

So an important feature of a low-speed flow is nearly constant fluid properties throughout the
flow field. All hydrodynamic flows can be classified as low-speed flows, since liquids feature
an essentially constant density.
One practical feature of low-speed flows is that they are extremely insensitive to Mach
number variations, as long as M
1. So a flow with M = 0.01 is almost indistinguishible
from a flow with M = 0.1 when compared using dimensionless variables. So for low speed
flows we can remove the influence of M from the dependency list.
c = c (, M )
cm = cm (, M )
cd = cd (, M , Re )

c = c ()
cm = cm ()
cd = cd (, Re )

This is a considerable simplification.


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