Shoulder Disocation
Shoulder Disocation
Shoulder Disocation
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Data recorded included duration since dislocation, mode of injury, the time
needed to complete the reduction from the start of the procedure and the
number of attempts at reduction.
The patient rated the pain during the reduction as none, mild, moderate, or
severe, and these ratings were given a score on a 4-point scale with 1
indicating no pain and 4, severe pain.
Complications, if any, were also noted.
Modified Kockers method for reduction of shoulder dislocations:
The diagnosis was confirmed by clinical examination and X-Ray findings
using an anteroposterior radiograph.
A neurovascular examination of the extremity and a thorough examination for
coexisting injuries were carried out.
The principle of this method is that traction has no role in reduction of
shoulder dislocations. These are purely rational and lateral translation
injuries and the reduction too is performed by rotations and lateral
The patient either Stands with his back to the wall to fix his scapula. Else he
Sits on a chair with a back rest and pushes his back against the chair to fix
his scapula. This procedure does not work as effectively in supine or prone
No assistant is needed and the surgeon easily and single handedly performs
this procedure.
The forearm is held by the elbow and wrist and the following sequence is
1, Slow abuction with gentle external rotation until the arm is fully externally
rotated. This step is performed very gently and slowly, often taking up to a
minute. The forearm acts as a long lever arm to achieve the external rotation.
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2, The limb is kept in external rotation for two to three minutes by the clock.
The patient is engaged in conversation so that his attention is diverted during
this step, as this is the painful part. This is the most important step, and
performing it properly is essential for this method.
3, The limb is now slowly adducted in external rotation till the elbow comes
over the body.
4, The limb is now slowly internally rotated so that the fingers touch the
opposite shoulder.
The shoulder glides in majestically without any audible clicks, clunks or
The average time taken for the procedure is there to four minutes.
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The age distribution was between 18 and 78.
Patient's age and numbers
All patients were males.
Right shoulder was dislocated in 110 and left in 37, indicating the
preponderance of dominant hand involvement.
Mechanism of injury.
In all cases it was rotation lateral translation injury.
Duration since dislocation
Minimum ten minutes to maximum 89 days.
Time taken for reduction.
Three to six minutes with an average of four and a half minutes.
Pain during manipulation.
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Grade one (no pain) in 116 patients, Grade 2 and 3 in 30 patients and grade
4 in one patient, the oldest in the group.The patient selection might also be a
cause for this finding, as all patients were prisoners or prison staff with high
pain threshold.
Complications and failures.
This prospective study has been performed in Madras Central Prison, for over
ten years where about a hundred patients were managed successfully, and
subsequently 47 patients were managed in one year of clinical practice.
With extremely restricted medical facilities, and complete lack of aesthetic
drugs this procedure was developed under duress 58, 59. The first patient to be
reduced had dislocated his shoulder 19 days prior. The second dislocation
was 11 days old and the third one was 89 days later. Almost three months
old. In each case the reduction was almost automatic, painless and effortless
both for the surgeon and patient.
Since the video publication of the method about 63 successful procedures
have been reported from the world over within two months, and many more
are being reported or communicated each day 50 -57.
More than 50-60% of dislocations of large joints involve the shoulder
(glenohumeral).1-5 Up to 90-96% of shoulder dislocations are anteroinferior.6,7
Most dislocations can be reduced in the emergency department using simple
methods. The ideal method should be simple, easy, quick, effective,
atraumatic, pain-free, require little assistance or medication, and cause no
additional injury to the shoulder joint, musculoskeletal or neurovascular
structures.8,9 Till date there is no standard procedure for reduction of shoulder
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Numerous methods and procedures have been described 2, 3-6, 26-30, and most
of these require a general anaesthesia, muscle relaxation, pre medication or
Success rates for the various described procedures varies between 70-90%
regardless of technique.9 Literature states that more than one method may be
needed in some cases, while 5-10% of cases can not be reduced in the
Emergency Room.10
It is often wrongly mentioned that traction is the first and most important step
of reduction. Shoulder dislocations are primarily rotation/lateral shift injuries,
and there is no role or traction, push, pull, counter traction, tapes or heel in
the axilla, in their reduction.11
It is often erroneously stated that some shoulders are tricky and the
practitioner must be familiar with more than one method so that if one fails,
the other can be deployed.9
All methods deploy traction in some form or the other, and this is combined
with rotations, translations, scapular movements, counter tractions, direct
pushing in of the head, etc.11, 12
The methods described include traction-counter-traction in adduction
(Hippocrates)13, in forward flexion( Stimson and Spaso), in lateral elevation
exemplified(Eskimos), with leverage (Kocher and Milch),scapular
manipulation, or other methods using direct pressure or pushes.
The existence of plethora of method spells the fact that not one method is fool
proof or guaranteed to work all the time.
Other methods are fist in axilla 12, direct knee pressure14, 15, sheets or straps
to pull out the axilla16, pulling the arm over the back of a chair 17, 18, Simpsons
hanging arm method 8,9,10, 20, 21,reverse Spaso 22-25, painful self reduction
method of Boss-Holzach 26, Milch and its variants 28-40, Leidelmeyers external
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Table 1
Reduction method
43 (92%)
114 (97%)
32 2
3 (72%)
14 (88%)
1988 Poulsen27
17 (74%)
60 (60%)
68 (89%)
50 (100%)
39 (70%)
122 (86%)
Modified Milch
107 (84%)
Modified Milch
1992 Garnavos35
71 (95%)
1973 Royle48
37 (95%)
40 (73%)
23 (82%)
External rotation
1977 Leidelmeyer41
50 (100%)
External rotation
68 (80%)
External rotation
78 (78%)
External rotation
14 (100%)
External rotation
40 (95%)
1990 Banerjee5
38 (86%)
Scapular manipulation
47 (92)
Scapular manipulation
46 (96)
Scapular manipulation-seated
48 (79%)
1980 Manes47
35 (90%)
2016 Prakash L.
147 (100%)
Jeyarajan et a138
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rotation method 41, 42, Scapular manipulations 43-45, and other miscellaneous
methods 46.
Many of these have been called easy, revolutionary, new or simple by their
inventors and proponents. 16-22, 26-30.
However the success with all these procedures and methods varies
tremendously and the success rate has been variously reported from 14%
(external rotation) to 97% (Milch). 51.
The above table modified from CH Chungs 51 publications lists the success
rate of various procedures.
This method is different from the others hitherto published, because the exact
combination of movements to be performed in an erect position, without any
traction, anaesthesia or analgesia, leading to a hundred percent successful
reduction, has not been previously described.
Not a day passes without emails, messages, phone calls, or texts, praising
this method.
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1. Kocher T. Eine neue Reductionsmethode fur Schuiterverrenkung. Berlin
Klin Wehnschr. 1870;7:101-5.
2. Kothari RU, Dronen SC. Prospective evaluation of the scapular
manipulation technique in reducing anterior shoulder dislocations. Ann Emerg
Med 1992;21(11): 1349-52.
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38. Danzl DF, Vicario SJ, Gleis GL, Yates JR, Parks DL. Closed reduction
of anterior subcoracoid shoulder dislocation. Evaluation of an external
rotation method. Orthop Rev 1986;15(5):311-5.
39. Jeyarajan R, Cope AR. Anaesthesia for reduction of anterior dislocations
of the shoulder. Arch Emerg Med 1992;9(1):71.
40. Kothari RU, Dronen SC. The scapular manipulation technique for the
reduction of acute anterior shoulder dislocations. J Emerg Med 1990;8(5):
41. te Slaa RL, Wijffels MP, Marti RK. Questionnaire reveals variations in
the management of acute first time shoulder dislocations in the Netherlands.
Eur J Emerg Med 2003;10(1):58-61.
42. Janecki CJ, Shahcheragh GH. The forward elevation maneuver for
reduction of anterior dislocations of the shoulder. Clin Orthop.
43. Manes HR. A new method of shoulder reduction in the elderly. Clin
Orthop. 1980;147:200-2.
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