Benecol Media Planning

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PGP KC 03-047

IIM Kozhikode

Decision regarding the frequency

response function
Optimal number of exposures for the desired impact of Benecol: S shaped 6

it is a problem-solving product. So, the general norm of 3 will not work
effectively for this product.
people may not be aware of the ill-effects of bad cholesterol. So, more exposure
may be needed to increase awareness among the people.
In order to compel the target audience to take proactive preventive approach to
this problem by using Benecol, more exposures are necessary.
S shaped model is preferred because initial exposure may not generate the
desired attention to the problem of bad cholesterol. But, as the number of
exposures increases, the customer may start taking the issue more seriously.

Priority list of target groups:

Group-5: Excellent
Group-1: Much better than Average
Group-6: Better than Average

Group-2: Slightly better than average

Group-7: Average
Group-3: Slightly worse than average
Group-8: Worse than average
Group-4: Much worse than average

Group-9: Terrible

Rationale for prioritising the

More priority to females rather than males:
generally it is the homemaker that takes care of the health and nutrition
Hence I assume that females will constitute major buyers of our product.
Higher priority to females above 50 years of age:
According to our research, young women have higher levels of good cholesterol as
compared to men
But, post menopause women tend to have higher levels of bad cholesterol than
They can also encourage their young relatives to take the drug so that they avoid
such problems when they get older.
People earning more $50000 higher priority:
Benecol comes under the premium product category.
This strategy of Benecol was justified as Benecol was twice as effective as
compared to Take Control in reducing bad Cholesterol (reduction of up to 14% as
compared to just 7-8% as compared to rivals).
Therefore, taking the affordability factor in consideration, I have given people
earning more $50000 higher priority.

Media Vehicle Weights:

To retain the full impact of the advertisements, it is better to advertise in magazines
rather than black and white newspapers :
Considering that Margarine is a commodity product, it will not be appropriate to
run a campaign in the online services.
Moreover due to the complexity of explaining the concept of bad cholesterol and its
effects, the campaign cannot be broadcasted on the radio.
Moreover this is also consistent with the image of Benecol Spread being a premium
high performance product.

Chosen channels: Magazine and Television

Chosen vehicles: TV Early News, TV Daytime, CNN, Parade and Cooking Light
They are chosen because of their reach in the priority target groups and also the
The synergy of the Brand and Product with the vehicle was also considered.

Exhibit 1

Exhibit 2

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