An Analysis of Moral Values in The Novel Edensor Thesis
An Analysis of Moral Values in The Novel Edensor Thesis
An Analysis of Moral Values in The Novel Edensor Thesis
Submitted by
Edensor novel is a best seller and a very phenomenon novel because of condition with the moral
values and spirit of education. The great moral values and spirit involved in the novel had made
the researcher interested in conduction such a research on the title An Analysis of Moral Values
in Edensor written by Andrea Hirata. The researcher would analyze the moral values in the
novel, so the research formulated his problem into: how are the moral values depicted in the
novel Edensor written by Andrea Hirata? The purposes of this research are to identify and to
analyze the moral values which are depicted in novel Edensor. The research was expected to be
significances, there are theoritically and practically. Theoritically it is expected to give the
contribution to the moral values which ought to be owned by the human and useful for science
growth. While practically, this research is expected to give information/know positive moral
valeus to the reader and to be teachers and students motivation as inspiration of their spirit of
education. This research is only focused on moral value that refers to education inside the
teachers and students in Andrea Hiratas novel Edensor. The research methodology used is
qualitative method it was library research. There are primary sources and secondary sources. The
data collected are analyzed by data reduction, data display, and data conclution/verification. In
the analysis, which also become the conclusion of this research are found that: there are moral
values as very prominent spirit of students education. Limitedness and poverty do not weaken
their spirit to teach and learn, but as challenges to be successful in the future; great spirit, hope,
creative, optimism are the primary capitals for success and make dream real.
First and foremost, all praise is only upon Allah SWT, the lord of the world, who has
given the researcher health, strength, capability and knowledge, in writing this thesis. Shalawat
and salam are presented to Muhammad, who has shown bright way to live in this world and here
after. It is also offered to his companions who guided mankind from ignorance to straight path of
Islam. In writing and completing this thesis entitled An Analysis of Moral Values in Edensor
Written by Andrea Hirata, the researcher would like to express his deepest and greatest gratitude
to his Jumat Barus, S.S, M.S as his main supervisor and Lili Ardayani, S.Ag. M.Hum as his cosupervisor, who gave many ideas, critics, suggestion and guidance. His deeper thanks are also
due to all lecturers, who have taught and guided him during his study in English Study Program
of Tarbiyah Department STAIN Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe.
The researcher would like also to award his deepest gratitude to his beloved parents
Muhammad Daud Ali and Syatariah who have been giving prayers, spirits, and support every
time. He also shares his gratitude to his brothers and sisters for their support. Than the special
thanks are given to all of his friends who always encourage and motivate the researcher in
accomplishing this thesis.
Finally, the researcher would like to thank people whose names are not printed in this
pages who always encouraged and motivated the research in finishing the thesis. May Allah
SWT bless, protect, guide and show us to the right
path only. Amin ya rabbal alamin
A. Background of the Research
In human life there is always the problem of morality from time to time, as the ways of
life, in every time and place emerging leaders who uphold moral values. Like the prophets,
especially Mohammed, who has the duty to uphold moral values, to uphold morals is very
important in life in order to achieve harmony and peace in life.
Harmony in life is very important because, first, human beings are naturally unique.
Because of the uniqueness they have different morality, on the one hand someone has a desire
good things, upbeat and positive like helping others, loyal, patient and so on. On the other hand
he also has behavior that are not good, negative, pessimistic, rude and so forth. This situation is a
challenge to the man in his life to fight for good morals and praiseworthy. Second, human life is
extremely diverse in terms of ethnicity, culture, language, race or mindset, and this is the real
action. The phenomenon of plurality in certain situations can lead human beings to conflict, and
therefore conflict can be avoided if we enforce morality or studied
Morals can be enforced by many ways, one of them is through education. Education is
one of the factors which are needed by humans in their life, including moral education, because
morality is a matter that supports the development of a Nation. The education of moral values is
very important and influent in human life. Therefore, by the absence of higher moral values in
human life will be declined, moral values are considered very important because one of the
sources of human happiness is having good morality. Besides, moral education can be learn
through other media such as books, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, drama, movies and
so on, can be used to educate the public morals.[1]
Moral education can be given to students with of education and a wide range of media.
One of the media in the form of moral education is by reading a novel. The novel has values
message to be conveyed to its readers. One of them is value of moral education. Then it is very
likely if the novel also has a moral education values.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher would like to examine the values of moral
education in the novel Edensor by Andrea Hirata. He was interested in this novel because the
novel contained a lot of moral messages that can give enlightenment through its characters. So
that the reader can take a lesson by taking the nature of good and leave the bad nature. One
example of the values of good moral education in the form of mutual help in Edensoras in the
Akhir bulan aku memecahkan tabungan pramukaku lalu bersepeda puluhan kilometer ke
Manggar demi satu tujuan: membeli radio saku untuk Weh. [2]
(End of last month I broke my saving scout and than cycled tens of kilometers to the Manggar
for one purpose to buy a radio for Weh).
Based on the above, quotation we can take the moral education in the form of helpful
souls among others. It illustrated Ikal to break the figures for the sake of saving scouts to help
others to have a radio from the treasure, he also sacrificed to sacrifice time and energy to be able
to buy a radio to help one another. And there are a lot of values of moral education in
novel Edensor.
Knowing a lot of moral values that are implicitly contained in the novel, the researcher
felt interested to conduct a research under the title An analysis of Moral Values in Edensor by
Andrea Hirata.
B. Problem of the Research
The researcher would analyze the moral values in the novel, so the research formulated
his problem into: how are the moral values depicted in the novel Edensor written by Andrea
C. Purpose of the Research
The purpose of the research was to identify and to analyze the moral values which are
depicted in the novel Edensor written by Andrea Hirata.
D. Scope of the Research
Novel is a part of literary works which can be analyzed from several points of view such
as character, morality, language, love, theme, tragedy etc. In this research, the researcher only
focused on analyzing moral values depicted in the novel Edensor written by Andrea Hirata.
On the other hand, the researcher was expected to make the educators to know positive
moral values by showing the sample described in the novel. Specifically, the illustration of
educators attitude in the novel is also expected to be practiced by the other teachers or
candidates of the teacher in teaching sincerely.
F. Operational Definition
The researcher thought that it was necessary to clarify some terms which are used in this
research to avoid misinterpretation, the terms used are follows:
1. Moral Value
AS Hornby in Oxford dictionary said Moral values is a return to traditional values in
education, such as discipline values.[3] Moral values are essential in our life as patience in the
face of trials given by god. With good moral values we also liked a lot of people around us.
2. Novel Edensor
Novel is one of the literary works. It tells about various things in life. It may include
phenomena, which are related to life such as political conflict, history, social life, and
colonialism. Siswanto said Novel is meant as a long prose fiction, contains the sequence of
someones life with people who are around him with focusing character and attitude of query
figure. The discussed problem is not as a romance, novel usually tells an event in a certain time.
A used language is more similar to daily language novel the less the uses of intrinsic elements
are still complete such as: theme, plot, setting, figurative language, valve, figure and
Novel Edensor is the third book of the Laskar Pelangi which is presenting to the reader,
one form of the experience of an Andrea Hirata. The stories in it are the vertices incident he ever
experienced. Then how he arrived at Edensor, in an unplanned trip, and the incident he made is a
symbol of his meeting with Ling. This novel tells Ikal and Arai who did not know that they can
get scholarship to study in France, Europe, and also about the spirit of the author to study
through their suffering and buffetings. The author seems to expect the reader to follow the
example of the character of the main characters in real life.[5]
literature that we can also develop and we can describe the contents of the heart or trips based on
the experience of time and place live, like writing a novel.
1. Characteristic of Literary work
2. Kinds of Literature
According to experts Kinds of literature is divided into four kinds, they are Poetry,
Drama, Novel, and Short story.
a. Poetry
Poetry (from the Greek poiesis meaning a "making", seen also in such terms as
"hemopoiesis"; more narrowly, the making of poetry) is a form of literary art which
uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language such as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism,
and metre to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of, the prosaic ostensible meaning.[5]
Hudson, in his An Introduction to the Study of Literature said that poetry isthe art of employing
words in such a manner as to produce an illusion on the imagination, the art of doing by means
of words what the painter does by means of colors.[6]
So, the poem is a literary work which was written by a person of experience and
imagination with colorful rhythm of life.
b. Drama
The word drama or theater derived from the Greek, from the verb dran meaning to act
or to do. Etymologically, dramaprioritizes action, movement, which is the essence core of each
work of drama. Then Moulton said that drama is life presented in action, or Bhatazar Verhagen
who stated that drama is art of painting natureand human behavior by motion.[7]
c. Novel
The word Novel derived from the Latin word Novellus which was also derived from
novies mean new. It is said new as compared to othe literary genres such as poetry and
drama, the novel comes later. According to Albert Liddell the first Britains novel
wasFamela written in 1740.[8]
In the Oxford Dictionary it can be found statement the novel is a story long enough to
fill a complete book, in which the characters and events are usually imaginary.[9]
d. Short Story
A short story is a brief work of literature, usually written in narrative prose. Emerging
from earlier oral storytelling traditions in the 17th century, the short story has grown to
encompass a body of work so diverse as to defy easy characterization. At its most prototypical
the short story features a small cast of named characters, and focuses on a self-contained incident
with the intent of evoking a "single effect" or mood. Edgar Allan Poe said that, short stories
make use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is
typical of an anecdote, yet to a far lesser degree than a novel. While the short story is largely
distinct from the novel, authors of both generally draw from a common pool of literary
According to B. Mathews: Its not a short story if there is nothing to be told.... Stewart
Beach said that considering its limits, a short story is the simplest form of fiction. However,
unlike the novel, the short story has fewer places to solve a complicated situation.[11]
B. Understanding of Novel
1. Definition of Novel
Novel is a kind of imaginative literature, which belongs to narrative fiction. The literature
of imaginations always present experience by a fictitious presentation of persons, ideas, and
events. In novel, all events or ideas are almost the same with the reality. The author creates
character, plot and setting which is familiar to the reader in order to make them understand,
comprehend and enjoy the story easily.
Hudson, in his An Introduction to Literature said that the novel is self contained; it
provides within its own compass everything that the writer deemed necessary for the
comprehension and enjoy meant of his work.[12]
Novel is part of literature. Most novels talked about people and their problem, especially
the conflict between individual and the society in which they live. In it, the authors express their
ideas, imagination, feeling, morality, character, setting etc. Novel is also one of interesting
objects for reading. Sometimes, lectures and teachers at some of universities and schools ask
their student to read, to understand, and to analyze certain novels in order to extract moral
teachings; the students can analyze the moral values of the story especially positive values. Then
they can draw lesson from the story. In fact, most of readers cannot analyze the moral values
after finishing reading the novel.
2. Kinds of Novel
According to Badrum and Ahmad in Sufriadis thesis, novel is divided into five classes,
they are:
a. Adventures Novel
It is the novel focusing on one character, which is considered as a hero. This character always
has conflict in realizing his ideal purpose. The stories of the novel star by presenting the main
character that have problem which requires solutions.
b. Psychological Novel
It is a novel telling about psychological problem which is experienced by characters in the novel.
It is focused on mental situation of characters.
c. Detective Novel
It is a novel telling about criminal and presenting one or two characters who act as fighters of
criminality or as defenders of truth.
d. Social Novel
It is a novel which tells about the differences in status and social activities. They are against one
e. Collective Novel
It is a novel which combines two or more kinds of novel presented above.[13]
3. Elements of Novel
There are some elements consist in a literary work, especially in novel, namely; intrinsic
and extrinsic elements. Intrinsic and extrinsic approaches to literature are ways to criticize
literature in different term.
Intrinsic elements
The intrinsic elements are the main elements of novel. There are physique elements, which build
a novel. Each element has relation each other. It means that all intrinsic elements support each
other in making complete and unified story. Every novel has the following elements
When and where the story takes place. Setting is place in which something is fixed. Setting is
evidence into two parts, namely setting of place and setting of time.
Setting of place
A setting is the problem what happens in the story, the actual geographical location, is
topography, scenery and such physical arrangements as the location of the windows and doors in
the room.
Setting of time
A setting shows the location where can event is happening at the story. The time or period in
which the action takes place, for example: epoch in history or season of the year.
People portrayed in the novel. It is the characters who move the action, or plot, of the story
forward. Most novels contain major characters and minor characters
a). Major Character
The major characters are the most important figures, men and women in a literary work. The
major character is not by itself representing a noble nature because it can also be negative, but
because he was the central figure in the story.
b. Extrinsic elements
The literary elements which can be found outside the literary works but it is indirectly
influence the structure of the literary works. In extrinsic element there are:
1). Social Value
It is the value related to all of the social contexts, including moral value, lifestyle, and others.
2). World View
It is how the writer looks or means the world, including his/her beliefs and principles of life.
3). Psychology
It includes the psychological conditions of the writer in creating the literary works. It also
concerns to the readers conditions.
4). Economy
It includes the economical condition of the writer.[15]
C. Moral Values
A moral value is the principles of rightness and wrongness that are accepted by an
individual and social group.[16] While, Yusuf said that Moral is the basic principle of human life.
Morals are closely related to the law, morality, religion, and so on. Morals arise from human
consciousness to develop personal self and society, develop a means to correct errors and
improve what has been good. Morals are the foundation of human life as the regulatory toward
the perfection of life. Moral values arise from the human conscience, which will determine his
behavior. He is the pressure of the soul. With the values of good character, would be easier to
live a life that is good in our intercourse outside and inside.[17]
Based explanation above, moral arising from one's consciousness arising in the heart, the
moral influence in public of life, with good morals, we are very easy to get along in the
community outside or inside, moral also bound like law, religion, education and others.
D. Novel Edensor
Novel Edensor is the third book of the Laskar Pelangi which had been published by Bentang Pustaka on
may 2007 which is presenting to the reader, one form of Andrea Hiratas experience. The stories in it are the vertices
incident he ever experienced, education, and story of the romance. Edensor got literary nomination award
(Khatulistiwa Literary Award) in 2007.
Andrea Hirata was born on the island of Belitung October 24, 1982. He is a novelist of
Indonesia who comes from Belitong Island Bangka Belitung.Andrea Hirata himself was the
fourth child of the couple Seman Said Harunayah and NA Masturah. He was born in a poor
village, including the village and is situated on the island farthest enough Belitong. Lived in a
village with all the limitations are quite affecting personal Andrea childhood. He claimed to get
more motivation from his surroundings that many shows apprehension.Andrea Hirata name is
not actually a gift from her parents. From birth he was named Aqil Barraq Badruddin. Feeling
not match the name, Andrea was replaced with Wadhud. However, he still felt burdened with that
name. As a result, he changed his name back toAndrea Hirata Seman Said Harun since he was a
teenager. Andrearemains a jolly boy who occasionally turns into thinkers while studying at
school. In addition, he also often have dreams and dreams in the future. With the success of
creating great novels and attract the readers like Laskar Pelangi, and he is also classified into the
people of successful in making novel.
Titles of those novels are:
Book 1: Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow Troops)
Book 2: Sang Pemimpi (The Dreamer)
Book 3: Edensor (Edensor)
Book 4: Maryamah Karpov (Maryamah Karpov)
Book 5: Padang Bulan dan Cinta dalam Gelas (The Strange Rhythm)
Book 6: Ayah (Two Trees)
A science book which is entitled The science of Business" was published in 2003. The book
was written as his moral obligation payer to Uni Eropa, an institute that had given him a chance
to study in Sorbonne (French) and Sheffield (United Kingdom).
A novel of tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi by title Laskar Pelangiwas published in Yogyakarta
by Bentang Pustaka in 2005, xviii + 534 pages.
A novel of tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi by title Sang Pemimpi waspublished in Yogyakarta by
Bentang Pustaka in July 2006, x+292 pages.
A novel of tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi by title Edensor was published in Yogyakarta by
Bentang Pustaka in May 2007, xii+290 pages.
A novel of tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi by title Maryamah Karpov was published in
Yogyakarta by Bentang Pustaka in November 2008.
A novel by title Padang Bulan dan Cinta Dalam Gelas was published in Yogyakarta by
Bentang Pustaka in Juli 25th, 2010.
The last novel by title Ayah was published in Yogyakarta by Bentang Pustaka.
Andrea Hirata was addicted to write novel since that time. Hespent his nights by writing. He
transformed word by word which become sentences and estuary on the long story that the main
figure was Ikal.[18]
Summary of the Novel Edensor
Edensor is tell about the journey of two children from Belitung, Ikal and Arai. They
managed to obtain a scholarship to study at the Sorbonne, Paris. After they tests of scholarship,
than they get a scholarship to the University of Sorbonne Paris, cause their results of research
can lead to new theories, even though they do not know. They are in the conductance by his
father at the airport, Ikal and Arai really missed their father, Ikal always remembered some
advice and he always prayed to his parents to succeed someday. When he was a child until he is
an adult he has always loved his father as well as his best friend (Arai), they always
together, Arai was a friend his loved and also make inspiration for him, they have the same
dream that for studied at the Sorbonne Paris and surround Europe to Africa.
When they Arrived in Europe, they welcomed the cold weather. Unfortunately, they are
not come in the house of Van Der Wall, temporary residence, because late and they were not
informed. Next day, they take a walk to the city center. But with their appearance disheveled,
many officers were suspicious and searched them. Relief then comes after Erika, secretary of
Mr. Dr. Woodward was assigned to pick them up and drove him back to the flat. A week in the
flat, they decided go to France to look for a place to stay in apartment, and visiting the legendary
of Eifel Tower.
Next time, the collage had begins. They met people from various nations. Ikal met a
German girl her named Katya who has beautiful woman. Katya establish love with Ikal.
However, Ikal just loving for A Ling, its make him love could not live much longer with Katya.
He finally decided to be friends. Ikal was very loving A Ling. Unfortunately he did not where is
she. He only knows A Ling go to clothing governance school. It could be Singapore, Africa
or Europe. Ikal have remembered, he was ever read a novel about a beautiful village named
Endesor. A Ling likes and want to go that place.
They collage at the University of Sorbonne, Ikal and his friends was bored than they
decided to make a bet around Europe for 3 months. Who able to surround Countries is the
winner. The bets actually made Ikals other purpose will be run, looking for A Ling. They start on
a journey from the Netherlands. With Arai, they success to surrround some beautiful country in
Europe. Unfortunately, Arai respiratory disease than that he had to return to Indonesia. Ikal
finally decided to return to his apartment in France. He welcomed the bad news that the his
lecture would soon retire and he advised to go with him to the Sheffield in England. Finally he
decided go to Sheffield for end his research with Professor Turnbull in Sheffield England. After
in profersor Turnbulls home, he was not at home home, his wife said, while waiting for the
professor Turnbull back home, Ikal choosing around the Sheffield, and finally he found the
beautiful village which makes him happy, and he asked for the people about name of village, the
village was named Edensor
[1] Jumat Barus, Introduction to Literature: A students Handbook, (Lhokseumawe: STAIN Malikussaleh, 2014), p. 1
[2] William Henry Hudson, An Introduction to the Study of Literature, (London: New Impression Reset, George G.
Harrap, 1916), p. 10
[3] Jumat Barus, Introduction to Literature: A students Handbook, (Lhokseumawe: STAIN Malikussaleh 2014), p. 1
[4] I Nyoman Yasa, Teori Sastra dan Penerapannya, (Bandung: Karya Putra Darwati, 2012), p. 3-9
[5] Wikipedia, Definition of Poetry, wikipedia. Org/wiki/poetry, accessed on April 16 2014
[6] William Henry Hudson, An Introduction To The Study of Literature, (London: New Impression Reset, George G.
Harrap, 1916), p. 83
[7] Henry Guntur Tarigan, Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Sastra, (Bandung: Angkasa, 2011), p. 69-7
[8] Ibid, p. 167
[9] Hornby, Oxford advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English, (Oxford University press 1997), p. 1039
[10] Edgar Allan Poe, Definition of Short story, http:// en. wikipedia. Org / wiki / Short_story, accessed on April 05
[11] Jumat Barus, Introduction to Literature: A students Handbook, (Lhokseumawe: STAIN Malikussaleh 2014), p. 48
[12] William Henry Hudson, An Introduction to the Study of Literature, (London: New Imppression Reset, George G.
Haris), p. 168
[13] Sufriadi, The Analysis of Moral Values in The man and the Sea by Ernest Hermingway, (Lhokseumawe: STAIN
Malikussaleh, 2011), p. 11
[14] Jumat Barus, Introduction to Literature: A students Handbook, (Lhokseumawe: STAIN Malikussaleh 2014), p. 43
[15] Wikipedia, Extrinsic Element Novel, wikipedia. Org/wiki/Extrinsic element, accessed on April 07 2014
[16] Sufriadi, The Analysis of Moral Values in The Man and the Sea by Ernest Hermingway, (Lhokseumawe: STAIN
Malikussaleh, 2011), p. 5
In this chapter, the researcher gave information about methodology of the research, which
was consisted of research design, research procedure, sources of data, technique of collecting
data, research instrument and technique of analysing data.
A. Research Design
Sugiyono said that Qualitative method is a kind of research that its inventions are not
found through statistical data and formula in analyzing the data.[1] The qualitative research is
aimed to understand phenomenon about what is in the subject of research naturally, such as
motivation, perception, behavior, and so on.[2]
The qualitative method has four characteristics, namely:
1. Natural setting is data resources and researcher of a key instrument.
2. The qualitative method descriptively means that the data is explained in it.
3. The form of word or picture is not statistic.
4. Meaning is essential to the qualitative approach.
The researcher used a descriptive qualitative research, which is defined as a research of
which the data in the form of written or oral words that is descriptively analyzed. Qualitative
research deals with a kind of research which doesnt use statistic procedures in analyzing the
data. In a descriptive qualitative research, the writer tends to prior in accurate explanation to
analyze and present what have been found.[3]
Qualitative research includes the descriptive research, in which most of the data were
collected in the forms of words. The research contained quotation from the data of documents to
illustrate the presentation. Usually, it describes the world in narrative form. The researcher used a
descriptive research in order to describe the moral values in Edensor
B. Research Procedure
The procedure to collect the data is important. It is for knowing how the data are
collected and answered the questions to the research problem the researcher has to decide and
choose the right procedure to collect the data.
In this study, the researcher did five procedures to collect the data, as follow:
1. Repeatedly read all of the content of the novel. He repeatedly reads the novel as primary source
of data and wrote related information.
2. Set the research time. The researcher set time the schedule of conducting the research.
3. Analyze the moral values that related to the main characters in the novel, based on the theory
To conduct this research, the researcher had done some steps to find relevant information
that had been checked. The process of finding data began with finding references from general
into specific information, which can be presented in steps as follows:
Chose the description of important material related to moral values of the main characters from
provided source
Checked index that contain of variables and topic of the problem searched
Found relevant articles, books and biography to find more detail information
After finding relevant information, the researcher reviewed and arranged library material based
on the range of important relevant problem of the research
Read, wrote, set and rewrote all information material, such as bibliography and content
6. Reworded all information into essay, that were used in the research.
C. Sources of Data
The sources of data in this research were divided into primary and secondary sources. They
are as follows:
1. Primary Source
Library source as primary is the original treatise that written by someone, thoughts,
experience. The data source in this research wastaken from the novel Edensor by Andrea
Hirata which was published in 2008
2. Secondary Source
Secondary source is essay of the others research, review, condensation, criticism, and similar
writing that are experienced indirectly. It was the data source used to support and complete the
primary data. The data was taken from any kinds of book and relevant materials such as books of
literature theories, moral value, and education that were related to moral values consisted in the
D. Technique of Collecting Data
The process of collecting data for this research was all done through library research. The
data collected from the library in a few places where the books related to this research available
to get more precise information or support in the research process. Therefore, the data needed in
this research were all expressions, phrases and statements in the novel. The Primary data were
collected from the novel Edensor written by Andrea Hirata.
E. Technique of Analyzing Data
Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono said the activity of analyzing the data for qualitative is
done by interactive and continued until finished, the activity in analyzing data are data reduction,
data display and conclusion/verification.[4]
To analyze data the researcher used descriptive analysis. They were data reduction, data
display and conclusion/verification
Data Reduction
In data reduction step the researcher tried to focusing on the data important and finding
theme, and throw the data that is not important. Therefore, the data reduction will give clearer
description so that researchers will be easily and find the data needed. In this data reduction, the
researcher only focused this research on moral values in Andrea Hiratas novel by title
Data Display
Data display is the next step after data reduction. In the qualitative approach, the data
display will be done in short essay. Miles and Huberman state that. The most frequent form of
displaying data for qualitative research data in the past has been narrative text.[5]
Therefore, the data of this research were displayed in short description form. It is about
the illustration of moral values reflected by the main characters illustrated by Andrea Hirata in
his novel Edensor
b. Conclusion/Verification
The last step of data analysis of qualitative approach is data verification. The conclusion
of qualitative research would be the answering of the problem of the research which had been
formulated in the first planning of the research. The conclusion would be new finding that has
never been existed yet. The finding can be like the description of the object, causal correlation, or
theory. The research could be verified in sense to be confirmed, revised and repeated by the same
or different way. The data conclusion would refer to illustration of Moral values in Novel