A Review of Quality Coffee Roasting Degree Evaluation
A Review of Quality Coffee Roasting Degree Evaluation
A Review of Quality Coffee Roasting Degree Evaluation
AENSI Journals
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, 94300 Kota Samarahan,
Sarawak, Malaysia.
Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, 31750 Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia.
Article history:
Received 12 February 2015
Accepted 1 March 2015
Available online 28 March 2015
Coffee roasting
Roasting degree evaluation
On-line assessment
Chemical composition
Background: Roasting is the most essential part in coffee processing; the desired
aroma and flavors of coffee are developed in the process. During this process, the beans
undergo a series of reactions leading to the changes in physical properties and chemical
composition. It is important to control the roasting process, and stop the process when
the aromas have fully developed and the color of the coffee is homogeneous throughout
the whole bean. Therefore, a method to evaluate the coffee roasting doneness in realtime is necessary. Many studies have been done to evaluate the quality of roasted coffee
experimentally using different parameters such as aroma, flavor, color, bean
temperature, pH, and chemical composition. However, these techniques could not be
implemented in real-time and have their own limitations. Objective: This paper
presents a review of recently developed approaches and latest researches carried out for
evaluating the quality of roasted coffee beans. The review is based on some selected
refereed journal articles. Results: The review indicates that end product alone, i.e.
beans weight loss and color are not suitable to determine the roasting degree of
doneness. Conclusion: Future direction should investigate on the chemical
compositions in high quality roasted beans, and more effort must be done in
establishing a large database of v formation dynamics during roasting.
In recent years, the quest of knowledge
regarding coffee is spreading due to the growing
appreciation of coffee. Consumers are no longer
content with instant coffee and now crave for the
experience as well as flavors of freshly roasted-high
quality coffee. The quality of coffee beverage is
closely related to the chemical composition of the
roasted beans, which is affected by the composition
of green beans and postharvest processing
conditions, i.e. drying, storage, roasting and grinding
(Franca, et al., 2005; Illy & Viani, 2005). Green
coffee beans contain a wide range of different
chemical compounds and complex composition
(Franca, Oliveira, et al., 2005). However, green
coffee by itself does not have an attractive taste or
The desired aroma and flavors of coffee are
developed in the roasting process; thus this step is
probably the most important step in coffee
processing. In this process, the beans undergo a
series of reactions leading to the desired changes in
Corresponding Author: A.M. Noor Aliah, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Department, Faculty of Engineering, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Initially, the color of beans remained the
same. Color darkened slightly when
internal temperature of beans reached
100C, then it became slightly lighter at
temperature above 160C, and darkened
gradually until finish roasting. Roasting
assessment was performed in real-time.
Different roasting degrees were predicted
with high accuracy, leading to high
correlation coefficient results between
measured and predicted roasting variables.
Arabica coffee samples previously classified
by cup quality were observed for both green
and roasted beans. Caffein, trigonelline and 5caffeoyilquinic acid (5-CQA) concentrations
were analyzed by high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC). pH was measured
with pH meter.
HPLC was used to determine sucrose,
caffeine, trigonelline and 5-CQA for five
samples of Arabica coffee beans with
different cup quality and a Robusta coffee
Volatile profiles of green and roasted coffee
beans were observed using gas
chromatograph. Coffee beans were roasted
with two different processing temperature (i.e.
high temperature-short time and low
temperature-long time)
58 Arabica samples from different origins
were analyzed using gas chromatograph. The
results were compared with those from
sensory evaluation adopting five-point scale;
assessing flavor, body, cleanliness and overall
Methodology Comparison:
The studies in Table 1 above investigated the
relationship between coffee beans physical properties
and chemical composition with cup quality. All
studies were done by experiment and most of the
papers quantify the physical attributes of the beans
after roasting, i.e. weight loss, density and moisture
loss. Since the studies in Table 1 focus on the quality
of roasted coffee, Arabica green beans of high
quality were utilized; except for study by Farah et al.
(2006) where Robusta coffee beans were also
observed. Hernndez et al. (2008) used a static
roaster and attached a CCD (charge-coupled device)
video camera to perform roasting experiments of
eight Colombia Arabica coffee beans. Alessandrini et
al. (2008) and Romani et al. (2012) conducted
experiment of eight green coffee samples in a pilot
plant roaster with a rotating drum; both authors
proposed analytical models to predict roasting
degree. Alessandrini et al. (2008) developed a
correlation between NIR spectral data of 168
representative and suitable green and roasted coffee
samples with each roasting variables (weight loss,
density and moisture), based on PLS regression.
While, Romani et al. (2012) utilized electronic nose
and ANN models to predict the roasting variables
including brightness and red index.
Different than the measurement methods used
before, chromatography devices were used to
measure the chemical composition of the volatiles in
studies by Dutra et al. (2001), Franca, Mendona, &
Oliveira, et al. (2005), Franca et al. (2009) and
(Farah et al., 2006). In the experiment by Dutra et al.