Carter Paper
Carter Paper
Carter Paper
Increasingly mining operations are looking at developing large open pits down through old underground workings in order to
extract remnant ore left within pillar zones. Maintaining pit wall stability while mining a large open pit through major scale
underground stoping zones presents both a risk and challenge that can have significant impact on overall pit economics and
viability. This paper outlines the design approach and sequencing methodology that was employed at the Dome gold mine
over the last 5 years of operation of the open pit to safely excavate and support the maximum geometrically and economically
feasible pit shell while mining down through historic stopes, many occurring as large and open voids that date back over 99
years of mining.
While pit wall stability was controlled by the potential for kinematic failure modes, significant three dimensional stability
complications were generated by the presence of the mined openings. To address this, a broad range of numerical analysis tools
were employed aimed at understanding the stability implications sufficiently to develop excavation and support measures
that would allow mining through the openings.
To illustrate the analytical and numerical approaches and the various remediation/stabilization measures that were developed
during the course of mining, two specific daylighting stope case examples are highlighted in this paper: (1) the 867 stope zone
located on the north pit wall; and (2) the 905 stope zone located on the west pit wall; and (3) the 924 stope zones within the
east and northeast walls, respectively. These three case examples illustrate the widely differing influence on slope stability that
geology and structure (fabric, faults, and shears) played in interacting with void geometry.
For these three cases, a number of different remediation options were selected for the North, West, and East walls which included
cut-backs and locally steepened, buttressing, and stope fill plugs. Each case is discussed in detail, the analyses completed and the
remediation measures selected from various options. Discussion is also provided on the main factors contributing to instability
in slopes intersected by mine voids.
The Dome Mine is located in the city of Timmins in the province of Ontario, Canada. The Dome Mine is one of many gold deposits in
the prolific gold region of the Archean Abitibi Greenstone Belt has produced over 13.4 million ounces of gold from 56 million tonnes at an
average grade of 7.52 gram/tonne (Goldcorp, 2009)
The Dome Mine began underground production in 1910. It is the longest continuous operating gold mine in Canada with underground
mining ongoing and open pit mining completed in 2006. Open pit operations began in 1988 to supplement underground production. In
2002 the pit began to intersect underground voids (stopes) in its final wall, and re-designs of the pit and alternate planning had to be
undertaken. The intersection of stopes with the Dome Pits ultimate pit high wall had the potential to result in wall stability issues that had
safety, design, scheduling, operational and economic impacts.
Slope Stability
This paper addresses the challenge of mining past the more difficult stopes where their geometry could have compromised pit wall
stability. Several specific stope cases are described where the challenge was to devise and implement modified slope designs and/or
utilize specific ground support strategies such that full extraction would be possible down to the planned base of the pit at 335 m depth.
Stability issues were also constrained by the need to reduce stripping ration and avoid extending the footprint of the pit outwards due to
potential impacts on existing mine infrastructure. This paper outlines the philosophy of the mining and documents how the challenges of
mining down through several problem stopes were overcome through use of cable bolts, backfill and screening, and in other cases by
judicious re-arrangements of slope geometry and buttressing measures.
Underground production has included the mining of more than 900 underground stopes and hundreds of kilometres of drifts, sublevels
and raises developed. Underground mining methods included shrinkage, cut and fill, and longhole. Longhole stope tonnage may be in
excess of 1.0 M tons with vertical heights of 300 m, widths of 60 m and lengths of 180 m. Not all stopes were backfilled upon completion,
particularly the longhole stopes. The pit was mined with 9 m bench heights and catch benches established at 27 m intervals. Inter-ramp
wall angles varied from to 39 to 54, while bench face angles varied from 75 to 46.
The rock mass of the open pit walls were such that rock mass failure was not a concern for most of the encountered stope geometries,
with the possible exception of the 905 and 924 stopes at each end of the strike extent of the ore block being mined by the open pit.
In the most part potential kinematic mechanisms of instability were the main issue for slope design where stability of the pit walls was
potentially at risk due to the presence of underground workings.The interaction of the Dome pit with previously mined underground stopes
presented a challenge to stability designs in the walls and pit floor. Stopes were assessed on a case-by-case basis to determine the risk
each or combined posed to short-term and long-term wall stability and were ranked on order of importance depending when they would
be intersected during the pit mining sequence.
Problematic stopes were identified and defined using a variety of sources. A geometric model based on the open pit and underground
mine plans were created in Vulcan software to provide a 3-dimensional view of interactions between the pit excavation and mine workings.
Other data sources available for void definition include historical sections of underground voids, stope files and records of backfilling plus
geotechnical investigations that included probe drill, and cavity monitoring surveys where possible. The probe holes were incorporated
as part of the day to day operation and were drilled up to 61 m long to intersect voids. On the basis of proximity to voids, the pit floor is
subdivided into non-restricted, cautionary and restricted lanyard areas to ensure safety of personnel.
The Dome Mine is situated in the Porcupine Camp in Achaean rocks of the western Abitibi Greenstone Belt of the Superior Province
in the Canadian Shield. The Dome Mine lies on the south limb of the Porcupine syncline where the Tisdale group volcanic rocks are
overlain uncomfortably by Timiskaming metasedimentary slates and conglomerates. Gold mineralization is found in a number of different
structural settings but the two most common are: Type I continuous long narrow ankerite veins or quartz-tourmaline veins (<2 m wide);
and Type II lenticlular veins intersecting Type I veins as stockworks or en echelon veins.
Final pit wall geology consisted of a mixture of four main rock types: greenstone (mafic volcanic), sediments of the Timiskaming
group (slate, greywacke and conglomerate), porphyry (felsic) and cross-cutting diabase dykes (mafic). The rocks forming most of the
northwest and east to southeast pit walls were primarily greenstones with sediments forming the northeast wall and porphyry forming
the south to southwest walls. The cross-cutting diabase dykes were located in the final walls throughout the pit with the most common
exposures occurring in the west and north walls.
Slope Stability
Consequences of Failure
Implications on Mining
924 Stope
Table I - Critical Stope / Pit wall Intersections and Implications for Analyses and Design
The three main problematic stopes requiring detailed ground support and slope reconfiguration were the 867, the 905 and the 924 stopes. For
the 867 stope the existing design currently allowed a thin bedrock final pit wall to be located in front of the 867 stope. If failure occurred there
was a risk to impacting the overall stability of the north wall and ramp above and below this area. The planned re-design was such that the crown
over the 867 was reinforced using a civil engineering method. The 905 and 924 stopes by contrast, being much extensive impacted larger final
pit wall areas and therefore required the implementation of a more holistic mining type stabilization solution utilizing some cable bolting, some
slope reconfiguration and some slope buttressing. In all cases stope backfilling was always included as part of the stabilization as well as pit wall
Figure 2 - 2003 to 2005 Dome Pit and Adversely located Slopes and adjacent mine infrastructure
Slope Stability
Design Issues
Given the adverse geometry of the 867 stope with respect to the proposed wall layout, the design challenge devolved to how best to mine
the pit wall, which fortunately in the crown area of the 867 stope zone at the pit wall was comprised of competent but foliated rock. The
problem mainly was that the 867 stope, extended deep under the north wall of the pit, to more than 300 feet (91 m) from the proposed pit
shell. Unless the wall were pushed back to more than 350 feet (107 m) from the existing planned position no advantage from an instability
minimization viewpoint would be gained, as severe foliation driven overhang toppling geometry problems would still exist right back to this
depth. Furthermore, from a pit planning viewpoint not only would there have been a problem with disruption to surface infrastructure, such,
a push-back was also deemed too costly to be an acceptable solution. Flattening the wall and moving it out by some 40 to 80 feet (12 to
24 m) or more also would not remove the potential overhang stability problem. Rather, based on the available stope geometry information,
such a move actually would have made the overhang geometry more adverse due to exposing wider (east-west) stope spans into the pit
wall. Local steepening of the wall through the 867 stope complex posed the best remedial solution as it minimized the overhang exposure.
Wall steepening, combined with staged remedial cable-bolting measures as mining advanced, and including backfill of the stope zone
within the wall zone proved the optimum approach from a ramp safety, pit wall stability and cost-effectiveness viewpoint.
Engineering Geology
The ramp zone and the rockmass within which the 867 stope had been excavated were hosted in greenstone, overlain near the pit wall
by conglomerate, with a zone of more slaty rocks evident towards the northeast. Pervasive foliation, as clearly illustrated in Figure 3 and
three conspicuous joint sets were identified from mapping of the bench zone above the 867 stope, as shown in the stereonet in Figure 3.
Combinations of three of these sets could allow both sliding and toppling release into the wall and also create crown support issues for a
daylighted free face as would be created by mining the pit near the 867 stope.
Conventional kinematic analyses using two-dimensional (2D) stereonet projections to examine potential for wedge, planar and toppling
failure of the designed final wall
Detailed limit equilibrium analyses using the multi-plane three-dimensional (3D) wedge block geometry code GOLDPIT to examine
releasable block geometries and necessary support capacity and using the two-dimensional TOPPLE code to examine GoodmanBray/Mathews types of cantilever toppling, and
2D and 3D Numerical Analyses using PHASES and MAP3D to evaluate overall stability interaction issues.
Slope Stability
Rock Type
28.4; 75.2
33; 46
23.4; 75.2
Poissons Ratio
0.25 0.26
0.13 0.25
0.25 0.26
RMR76 Value
(Intact) m
(Insitu) m
0.0029; 0.021
0.0131; 0.055
0.0009; 0.0094
Figure 4 - Example screen capture for 867 stope crown from 2D limit equilibrium code TOPPLE
The geometry in 3D of potential releasable wedges were also analysed so that wedge weights and dimensions could be better sized
than possible in 2D. Sensitivity analyses of structure set combinations relative to the pit wall and overhang were conducted using GOLDPIT
in order to assess worst case potential planar, wedge and toppling block geometries so that cable bolting support lengths and capacities
could be reasonably optimized for most efficient support effectiveness.
Numerical Modeling was undertaken to complement the limit equilibrium assessments and to establish the extent of potential 3D
interaction that the 867 stope complex might exert with the entire pit wall. Analyses were undertaken in 2D and 3D in order (a) to
establish slope-void interaction effects; and b) define the total depth of potential failure risk if overturning failure developed at the
ramp intersection due to potential adverse oversteepening and undercutting. The 3D boundary element program MAP3D was utilized
primarily to examine the complex interactions that might potentially develop between the pit wall and the 867 stope zone. Subsequent
stages of analyses showed that a deep zone of the bedrock wall above the stope became de-stressed allowing joint opening and
potential block release in configurations similar to those postulated within the limit equilibrium toppling analysis evaluations.
Slope Stability
Definition of support requirements for the crown zone of the 867 stope (as developed from the limit equilibrium toppling analyses) were
checked using a series of PHASES analyses run for a series of 2D sections cut through the 867 Stope with the pit wall. These checks
were run assuming both open and unconsolidated back-filled stopes conditions in order to assess the contribution of the proposed backfill
measures to improving the stability of the stope geometry and hence the overall wall stability.
Two series of models were then run, one with the most adverse configuration of in-dipping foliation and one without any imposed
foliation. It was found that variation of the foliation dip from 60 to 70 only changed the computed results slightly, but that backfill
unless complete and tight to the back was completely ineffective in improving stability. Further, comparison of results with foliation
versus results from the modelling run without foliation suggested that although more adverse stability conditions and greater movements
were predicted for the case modelled with foliation joints, the configuration and extent of both the predicted movements and the
overstressed zones were very similar in both models. This suggested that stope geometry, rather than rock mass geology (material
type and discontinuity fabric) was of more importance to controlling stability state unless the stope zone was completely tight backfill
filled when these foliation feature effects started to exert some influence. Given that complete tight backfill would be difficult if not
impossible to achieve in the 867 stope the philosophy for stabilization of the wall was to control the potential for toppling release on the
ubiquitous foliation features. As toppling intrinsically is controlled not only by dip of the discontinuities but by their spacing, analyses
were conducted to see what minimum toppling column (i.e. joint spacing) dimension would be needed to achieve stability.
Analyses were therefore directed towards (a) artificially tying together foliation slabs within the outer skin of the rock mass so that
column thicknesses could be artificially increased from approximately 1.5 m, as was typically observed in the pit walls, to thicknesses of
about 8 m; and (b) then tying these thickened columns back to beyond the depth of the most critical tension crack location, so that sliding
release could be prevented, once the undercut overhang was exposed.
The GOLDPIT and TOPPLE analyses (supported by the MAP3D and PHASES checks) suggested that potential toppling wedges and
blocks could extend as far back as 100 feet (30 m) into the wall beneath the ramp, and as such cables or rigid bar anchors in excess of
150 feet (48 m) in length would be required in order to ensure enough anchorage length behind any potential tensile release zone. Original
cable bolt designs were for 50 tonne capacity (double cables) but the Dome Mine optimized the design by installing four cables per hole,
all fully grouted so that a nominal capacity of 100 tonnes (four cables) was achieved and reduced the number of drill holes required.
Figures 5 and 6 illustrate the planned installed cable pattern based on fanned cables in two sets installed from the 5375 feet bench
down to the base of the overhang zone. These were successfully installed as excavation progressed and before the base of the overhang
was exposed. To achieve the required density of cables the holes were laid out on a diamond grid pattern with individual rings of cable
bolts offset from adjacent rings so that a consistent distribution of support coverage was achieved.
Three broad categories of support were installed: Light support using 15.0 feet (4.6 m) spacing, medium support using 7.5 feet (2.3
m) spacing and high support at 3.75 feet (1.1 m). Each cable bolt was 5/8 inch diameter 7-strand hardened steel with 1.5 inch bulges
every 1 m with a capacity of 25 tonnes. A maximum of four cables was in each 4.5 inch diameter hole with drill hole lengths varying
between 100 feet and 200 feet Beneath the base of the 867 stope two cables per hole were installed to lengths of 50 (15 m) to 100 feet
(30 m) with a spacing of 15 feet (4.6 m).
Figure 5 - Schematic of as-installed 867 stope cable bolting array pattern of support elements
Slope Stability
Figure 6 - Horizontal extent of installed cable bolting diamond staggered array patternof support elements
The Cable bolting installation was not quite so straightforward initially, as it was found problematic to achieve the desired hole lengths
as the holes were very long and quite flat. The crews initially found it difficult to get the cables up the holes. Various pusher arrangements
were therefore site fabricated and with diligence and perseverance a working installation methodology was developed allowing successful
installation of all of the required cables. Backfilling of the stope was carried out during the same time frame as the cable bolting
installation. Some monitoring arrays were also installed prior to mining down the pit wall. This was successfully accomplished with no
instabilities noted and with ramp integrity maintained.
905 Stope Zone, West Pit Wall
The next significant stope zone with the potential to impact final pit wall stability was the 905 stope. As the ramp spiralled deeper within
the pit the 905 stope west wall complex was intersected. While most of the huge 905 open blast-hole stope complex would be mined out
within the pit shell, approximately 6 million cubic feet (450 feet x 90 feet x 150 feet) would remain behind and below the final pit walls,
potentially compromising stability of much of the south-west corner of the pit geometry.
Design Issues
Without remedial measures, instability to the pit wall beneath the mill, and potentially of the main access ramp would likely occur with
mining through the 905 stope complex. Further, because of the geometry of the suite of sub-parallel narrow vein stopes overlying the 905
stope (ref plan in Figure 2 and cross section in Figure 7) complex low angle toppling and sliding release of the large wedge forming the
crown zone of the 905 was envisaged as the main failure mode that needed to be designed against.
Slope Stability
Figure 7 - West wall cross-section and photograph through 905 stope and overlying narrow vein stopes. The interaction between varrious structures and the
stopes can be seen on the far right photo.
Engineering Geology
The 905 Stope was known to be predominantly hosted in conglomerates with some minor flowy (and uniform) greenstones forming the
hanging wall near the upper west stope walls, with sediments in the footwall near the pit bottom. Discontinuity populations (including two
trends of locally pervasive foliation) were complex. Local bench face mapping identified seven distinct and important pole concentrations
for analysis. Strutral fabric orientation listed on Table III:
Set Number
Dip Direction
J1 (Foliation)
J2 (Joint)
J3 (Joint)
J4 (Joint)
J5 (Foliation)
J6 (Joint)
Slope Stability
cable bolt patterns and determine required cable bolt lengths. The limit equilibrium analyses, which ignored the details of individual open
stope geometries resulted in potential failures with block sizes on the order of 100 m.
Results of Stability Analyses and Design
By contrast the MAP3D results indicated that quite complicated stress conditions developed not only around the 905 stope and
narrow vein stopes but also along the J3 (39 dip/162 dip direction) shear plane, providing significant 3D constraint on maximum
block geometry. This 3D modelling also confirmed field observations that surficial block sliding and movements involving planes of
the J3 set would likely be the dominant failure mechanism.
Design was thus focused on reinforcing the J3 combination wedges on the basis that interlock if developed would help significantly
in reducing support needs.
Achieving tight backfill of the narrow vein stopes was also seen as key to maintaining overall wall stability. Accordingly a series of
PHASES models were set up to model the effects of backfill, or the lack of it, on the stability of the narrow vein stopes adjacent to
the underlying 905 stope .
These analysis results (as summarized on Figure 8 suggest that, with mining of the wall, a zone of relaxation develops around the
stope periphery, which will allow release of kinematically releasable blocks and wedges if either the 905 or the narrow vein stopes
are not completely backfilled.
The 3D numerical models and the limit equilibrium analyses both pointed to the need to maintain interlock of the near surface zone
over the 905 crown otherwise very large scale instability issues might arise. A program of detailed cable bolt layout evaluations was
thus initiated to attempt to achieve sufficient surface interlock to prevent disaggregation of the wall above the 905 due to wedge/bock
failures, resulting from stress release and relaxation with pit deepening.
Figure 9 shows the pattern of cable bolting and dowel bar installations that was developed to support the surface zone. These installation were
tied togther with a draped mesh cover for worker rockfall protection and all of the stopes were tight backfilled as far as feasible given the difficult
access. The re-inforcement design was similar to the 867 stope area except 50 tonne cable bolts (two cables per hole) were employed on a 15
feet (4.6 m) spacing with hole lenghts between 50 and 100 feet (15 m to 30 m).
Implementation and Operational Experience
During installation of the ground support many of the same techniques learned while developing through the 867 Stope were applied to
the 905 stope complexes. Also in order to ensure tight filling of the open narrow vein continous stopes large diameter drill holes (10-3/8
inch) were drilled into the stopes and filled with fine unconsolidated crushed waste material. Controlled blasting techniques similar to the
867 stope were also employed in the 905 stope complexes.
Figure 8 - PHASES analyses of 905 stope wall, aimed at examining influence of backfill on potential displacements and overall wall zone stability
Once the main section of the 905 stope crown was reached the pit walls were designed to the angle of repose of the backfill
(38). A catch fence was installed at the toe of the 905 backfill slope to protect workers and additional wall prisms and
extesometers were installed in the area to montior both surface and deep seated movement.
Slope Stability
Figure 9 - Cable and Dowel Bar Support Pattern for Narrow Vein Zone above crown of 905 stope block
Slope Stability
The Dome Fault strikes northeast-southwest across the entire pit. In consequence, additional detailed bench mapping of the 5345 feet
bench was conducted to evaluate local variability in structural fabric.
n. Stability Analyses and Results
Kinematic Assessment indicated a predominant potential for planar failure. Toppling was also identified as likely to occur, manly on
localized variants of the steeply dipping planar set. MAP3D and the PHASES modelling was carried out for the 924 stope complex area
to assess existing stress conditions and the influence of the proposed mining on the interaction between the pit wall and the stopes. The
numerical analyses using both codes both showed a zone of low confinement above and below the 924 stope area.
Figure 10: Schematic of Complex 924 Stoping geometry, rockbolt support and backfill measures, captured from PHASES analysis
This low confinement zone below the stope was more extensive, both laterally and vertically, in the MAP3D model because it
incorporated more of the narrow vein stopes that existed in the region. Illustrated on Figure 11 are two grid planes cut through
the 924 stope complex to evaluate this low confinement zone. Note also that the surface zone of the rockmass is also destressed,
thus exacerbating the potential for opening up of joints on the face (allowing kinematically releasable planar and toppling failure to
These issues lead to a follow up series of detailed PHASES models being set up of the 924 stope complex aimed at identifying areas
of where the slope redesign required cable bolting for supporting potential loosened zones on the slopes above the stope. This PHASES
modeling showed that cable bolt support installed into the slope faces above the 924 stope complex would be effective in minimizing
the potential for release of toppling or sliding blocks from above the stope area. The analyses indicated though, that without constraint in
the toe area below the 924 stope complex, there still remained some potential for relaxation and possible disturbance that, in turn, could
impact the overlying wall and filled stope zone.
Implementation and Operational Experience
The following measures were therefore implemented, to control the potential instability issues:
Installation of 50 to 60 feet long (15 m to 18 m) grouted 50 tonne capacity cable bolts (two cables per hole) and screen on a 15 feet
(4.6 m) diamond fan pattern starting at the 5255 feet bench.
Installation of ground support into the toe area below the 924 stope complex between elevations 5025 feet and 4925 feet, including
patterned cable bolting and screening.
All bolts installed in advance of bench excavation.
Screening (rockfall protection) installation was applied after pit slopes excavated to final pill wall design. Installation of slope wall
Slope fill walls from the 924 stope complex were designed to the angle of repose (38) of the backfill material.
Slope Stability
Figure 11 - Screen Capture of MAP 3D analyses, 924 stope, with purpose to gauge stress conditions and pit/stope interactions due to mining
Mining staffed worked closely with Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) and provincial mine regulators to ensure equivalent
safety for workers when mining through voids.
Integrated collaboration between the rock mechanics engineers, numerical modellers, mine geologists and the mine planners. With
this collaboration and open discussion, overall mining objectives were discussed and practical solutions quickly formulated.
Continuous and critical interpretation of data at all stages of the program and of the analyses. Part of this was inherent in the
approach of considering the slope design controls where the stopes not present, and identifying which engineering geology controls
might be exacerbated by the presence of the workings, with the purpose being to adequately incorporate these features into the
modeling. Kinematics in such real situations must consider the real geometry (therefore 2D and 3D analyses approach is required).
Although conventional one and two plane combination kinematic analyses may be feasible as a first pass evaluation, more realistic
visualizations of possible more complex wedges or blocks (GOLDPIT) and visualizations of possible complex toppling on overhanging
blocks (TOPPLE) is often essential. Use of 3-D elastic boundary element analysis methods (such as Map 3D) that are fast to
implement and can readily estimate the state of stress and displacements resulting from excavation of different geometry openings
have significant value for gaining insight into what is important.
Given the final pit wall design, geology, structure and underground openings, these MAP3D evaluations were of considerable value
in that they allowed for efficient simulation of existing mine conditions allowing rapid what-if assessments to be made of pit and
underground excavation interactions for various mining scenarios. These approaches thus allowed the team to quickly evaluate
potential failure risks arising from undercutting or over steepening scenarios. The analyses approaches were also extremely valuable
for highlighting areas of the pit that might become potentially overstressed or de-stressed, so that optimized remedial measures
could be implemented.
Follow-up analyses on 2D sections using a code such as PHASES to optimize slope configurations allow for direct comparisons
with the elastic modeling carried out in 3-D and detailed assessments of how slope stability was improved for various bolt support
configurations and slope reinforcement optimization.
A key component is accurate definition of voids and stope fill content through void modelling, down hole cavity monitor surveys,
down hole camera surveys and probe drilling. For example presence of pillars in panel stopes will influence stability analyses if
not modelled.
Controlled perimeter blasting to minimize final wall damage in sensitive areas.
Slope Stability
Development of a practical monitoring program which included a combination of visual, bedrock downhole multi point borehole
extensometers, sloughmeters and the installation of robotic automated survey system. This automated survey system monitored over
50 wall prisms twice a day and was critical as an early warning system for large scale failures.
Over a four year period, when most of the underground stopes were intersected during operation, only one uncontrolled pit wall
instability occurred. This pill wall stability failure occurred in the eastern section of the pit and was due to void space in the stope where
there was undercutting in the final wall. Heavy rainfall and blasting near this area caused relaxation along joint features which results in
a wall failure over two benches with potental to impact additional benches over time. The Dome Mine developed an action plan to backfill
void areas, install surface (rebar) and deep cable bolt support based on analyses similar to 867, 905 and 924 stope analyses which
allowed minor to resume in this area after successful installation of ground support and wall monitoring.
The authors are grateful to the management of the Dome Mine (Porcupine Gold Mines) in Timmins for permission to publish this paper
on achieving deep stable pit slopes when excavating down through extensive old underground workings. The succcessful excavation down
through some quite complex stope geometries is due in large part to mine staff that collected the slope fabric information, manipulated
the 3-D mine geometry information for engineering purposes and contributed to the engineering judgement that aided successful
implementation of the support measures. Recognition must also be given to the field staff that actually achieved the often difficult
excavation and support installation requirements. The authors wish to gratefully also acknowledge Dr. Al Cameron for his leadership
during the execution of these works.
1. Hoek & Bray Rock Slope Engineering 1st Edition: Hoek, E. and Bray, J. (1977). Rock Slope Engineering, 1st edn, IMM, London.
2. Wyllie, D. and Mah, C. (2007). Rock Slope Engineering, 4th edn, Spoon Press, London and New York.
3. Geotechnical Considerations in Open Pit Mines : guidelines / Department of Minerals and Energy, Western Australia, 1999. ISBN
4. Barton, N. R. and Choubey, V. (1977) The shear strength of rock joints in theory and practice. Rock Mech. 10(1-2), 1-54.
5. Diederichs, M and Hoek, E, 1996. Dips, users guide version 4.0, 196 p (Rock Engineering Group: University of Toronto, Ontario).
6. Hoek, E, 1991. When is a design in rock engineering acceptable? . Proc. 7th Int. Cong.on Rock Mechanics. Aachen, Germany 1991.
Vol. 3, p1485 - 1497.
7. PHASES (Rocscience): RocScience Phase2 finite element modelling software,RocScience Inc., 2002-2004
Slope Stability