New Developments in Upstream Oil and Gas Technologies

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MAY 10, 2011

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Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
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JEFF BINGAMAN, New Mexico, Chairman
TIM JOHNSON, South Dakota
MARK UDALL, Colorado
AL FRANKEN, Minnesota
JOE MANCHIN, III, West Virginia


RICHARD BURR, North Carolina
RAND PAUL, Kentucky
JOHN HOEVEN, North Dakota
BOB CORKER, Tennessee

ROBERT M. SIMON, Staff Director

SAM E. FOWLER, Chief Counsel
MCKIE CAMPBELL, Republican Staff Director
KAREN K. BILLUPS, Republican Chief Counsel



Banks, Kevin R., Director, Division of Oil and Gas, Alaska Department of
Natural Resources, Anchorage, AK ....................................................................
Bingaman, Hon. Jeff, U.S. Senator From New Mexico ........................................
Davis, Thomas, Director, Reservoir Characterization Project, Colorado School
of Mines, Golden, CO ...........................................................................................
Epstein, Lois, P.E., Director, Arctic Program, The Wilderness Society, Anchorage, AK ..................................................................................................................
Hendricks, Andy, President, Drilling and Measurements, Schlumberger Limited, Sugarland, TX ..............................................................................................
Melzer, L. Stephen, CO2 Consultant and Annual CO2 Flooding Conference
Director .................................................................................................................
Murkowski, Hon. Lisa, U.S. Senator From Alaska ...............................................


Responses to additional questions ..........................................................................


Additional material submitted for the record ........................................................




TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2011

Washington, DC.
The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:02 a.m. in room
SD366, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Hon. Jeff Bingaman,
chairman, presiding.






The CHAIRMAN. OK. Why dont we get started on the hearing?

This mornings hearing focuses on new developments in technologies for the exploration and production of oil and natural gas.
Its a continuation of a series of hearings the Committee has held
on oil and gas this Congress beginning with our first hearing on
overall trends in oil and gas markets including our hearing with
the leaders of the National Commission on the BP Deep Water Horizon oil spill.
Senator Murkowski suggested we have a technology focused
hearing to understand better the new exploration and production
activities that the industry is undertaking. I appreciate her suggestion. I think it is timely. Given the broader interest in these activities, particularly, so we have invited a group of highly qualified
technical experts to come and give us testimony on this subject
This hearing will help inform our coming deliberations on legislation related to oil and natural gas. Yesterday I introduced 2 bills
related to these topics. The Oil and Gas Facilitation Act of 2011
and the Outer Continental Shelf Reform Act of 2011.
Both bills are comprised of provisions that were introduced and
passed out of our Committee in the last Congress with strong bipartisan support. Along with this hearing these bills are a good
starting point for what I hope will be a constructive bipartisan dialog on the topic as the rest of this month unfolds. We hope to have
a hearing on the bills and related legislation next week. I hope we
can mark up legislation related to oil and natural gas as part of
our overall Committee agenda during this work period.
Today we will be hearing from experts on the topic of recent
events as in seismic data acquisition, processing and its new applications, advanced drilling technologies. How enhanced oil recovery
is allowing operators to get more production in their fields without
drilling additional wells.

Before we start hearing from our witnesses let me defer to Senator Murkowski for her opening comments.

Senator MURKOWSKI. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate the

hearing this morning. To the witnesses, thank you all for being
I think we all recognize that its worth our time to learn more
about technological advances in the production of oil and gas as we
endeavor to legislate on the subject. Whether were debating access
or safety or simply trying to understand how our energy needs will
be met in the years ahead it helps if we know what truly is and
is not possible with technology. Many examples throughout history
of technology changing our nations behavior, our energy portfolio
and really the overall economy.
A century and a half ago the steam engine brought America to
the West. A half century ago, nuclear power began to revolutionize
the way that we generate electricity and even power our submarines and our aircraft carriers. Then just more recently in the
past few years, weve seen natural gas evolve from a dangerously
scarce commodity to a secure, long term source of energy.
These are all American success stories. I hope that we hear this
morning perhaps some more success stories. Recognizing, of course,
that with new territory comes the need to understand new risks
and the impacts.
As this hearings joint background memo indicates weve got incredible advances in seismic technology that have substantially reduced the cost of exploration, the risks associated with exploration
and the environmental impacts associated with drilling.
Directional drilling has enabled operators to shrink their environmental footprint, maximize efficiency and lower costs. Advances
in directional drilling can now facilitate access to 20 or more deposits and reach as far as seven or eight miles away from a rig. This
translates to less surface area being occupied, fewer emissions and
a lesser impact on humans as well as the flora and the fauna.
Enhanced oil recovery also provides many of those same effects.
Its increased production from existing wells and helps ensure that
American taxpayers receive the fullest return possible on resource
New technologies present new opportunities for the responsible
development of our nations tremendous energy resources. Thats
true whether the operation is out of Bakersfield or whether its out
of Barrow. I would suggest that its through a combination of economics, geology and policy that these technologies have come
But because this committee can really only control and influence
the third factor which is the policy, I hope that we can work to reward and encourage developments like those that were hearing
about today. On balance these demonstrate significant benefits for
the environment, for energy security and for the American people.
Again, Mr. Chairman, Im pleased that you have worked with us
to schedule a hearing this morning. I look forward to the comments
from the witnesses.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much.
Let me introduce our witnesses.
Professor Thomas L. Davis, who is Director of the Reservoir
Characterization Project at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden,
Colorado. Thank you for being here.
Mr. Andy Hendricks, who is President of Drilling and Measurements with Schlumberger in Sugarland, Texas. Thank you for
being here.
Mr. Steve Melzer, who is Engineer and Founder of Melzer Consulting in Midland, Texas. Thank you for being here.
Mr. Kevin Banks, who is Director of the Division of Oil and Gas
in the Alaska Department of Natural Resources in Anchorage.
Thank you for being here.
Ms. Lois Epstein, who is the Director of the Arctic Program for
the Wilderness Society. Thank you for coming.
Why dont we just take you in that order? If youll just give us
about 5 minutes to make the main points that you think we need
to try to understand. We will include your entire statement in the
record as if read.
Dr. Davis.

Mr. DAVIS. Good morning. Thank you very much, Chairman

Bingaman and Ranking Member Murkowski. Im here to talk to
you about seismic technologies. The technologies Im going to focus
on are related to data acquisition systems.
Thesebefore I jump into that framework of acquisition systems
let me just tell you a little bit about seismic data itself. How its
acquired. What it is.
In this particular regard, the fact that Im talking to you in here
relates to seismic waves. These are acoustic waves that we transmit. So our ears are sensors. In the same vein in the framework
of the seismic industry we developed sensors that record ground
motion. So the ground motion allows us to hear and see into the
Now the kinds of sensors that we use today have transformed or
changed. We have different mechanical sensors, acoustic sensors.
We put sensors in the water which we call hydrophones. So theres
a whole variety of sensors. They record different types of waves.
So as Ive indicated theres acoustic waves. But there are also
other types of waves we call elastic waves. Now with these multiple
sensors and the ability to be able to look at recording all these different forms, we can better characterize the subsurface. This gives
us a huge uplift in terms of our ability to see the unseen, whats
underneath us.
In this regard then the kinds of sensors that weve been going
toward now have been matched up with new recording systems.
The kinds of recording systems that were now looking at you can
hold in your hand, much like a cell phone. In this regard then
theyre easy to put out, to place in different places. Theyre also environmentally friendly in the sense that we can walk in and place
them in different places.

Were not locked in grid lock anymore. The grid lock used to be
the framework of cables. Like a land phone lines these cables
would go for miles and miles and were really hampering a lot of
our ability to record with very sensitive measurements in the subsurface. So in this regard then the fact that were now using cable
less or wireless systems helps us tremendously.
So we can place these on the surface of the Earth in different locations, many, many of these sensors, up to hundreds of thousands
actually now. We can leave them there and let them record. So in
that regard we can use natural seismicity of the Earth to be able
to sense whats underneath. We can also use active recording
where we vibrate the Earth itself in low vibration intensity levels
and record.
So in that regard we develop better images. The better images
right now are akin to your high definition television. Not only is
it high definition but its also 3D. So thats where the television industry has been going. Hollywood is into 3D. Weve been there for
many years now.
Moreover, its not just 3D. We operate in what we call 4D. This
is a framework of looking at monitoring and sensing changes in the
The changes could be induced by some operational change, some
drilling change, some completion change, the introduction of fluids
into the reservoir. We can know sense that and see that. We call
this 4D. Others would call it time lapse.
So we do time lapse imaging much like a medical doctor will do
in recording different images. In that sense then it gives us the
huge benefit of being able to see where the fluids are going. Even
to characterize those fluids over time and their time changes.
Reservoirs change. So in this regard better reservoir characterization helps us increase the recovery efficiency, the recovery factor, in a lot of our reservoirs. Conventional reservoirs, unconventional reservoirs, you name it.
In that regard, the technology here has been developing over the
last several decades here to allow us to do this. Its very exciting
technology. Its also going to cause a greater alignment with the environmental framework. That is, the environmental areas that
were off limits before we can now go into. Look at very, very, I
guess well just say, with new technology we can then advance into
those areas, other areas that we havent been into for a long, long
Thank you.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Davis follows:]
Seismic TechnologyA Transformation
Good Morning and Thank you Chairman Bingaman and Ranking Member Murkowski for this opportunity to come and speak to you today in this hearing about
recent advances to upstream oilfield technologies. I will be speaking to you today
about new developments in the area of seismic technologies and its importance to
finding, developing, and eventually producing oil and gas.
Let me begin with a brief explanation of what seismic data is. Seismic data are
acquired by listening to motion related to seismic waves. Seismic waves are vibrations within the Earth induced naturally or artificially. The devices used to listen
are seismic sensors that transform Earth motion into impulses that are recorded by

seismic recording systems. After the data is recorded, the data is processed and used
to get a better understanding, or a picture, in two or three dimensions of what
the rock below the Earths surface looks like, as well as any potential oil and gas
that might be contained within those rocks.
There are exciting new developments in seismic technology that will create greater efficiency in oil and gas exploration with an increased emphasis on the environment with a greater transparency in the upstream petroleum industry going forward. The main development has been in new seismic acquisition systems creating
higher definition and greater productivity. The transformation involves new wireless
recording systems. The systems can record actively as well as passively, meaning
that they can record with an active source or they can listen to the natural seismicity of the Earth. It is equivalent to putting cell phones as monitoring stations
on the ground.
These devices can record various kinds of seismic waves. The most widely used
waves are acoustic waves, or sound waves, but other waves propagate within the
Earth. Detecting different types of waves gives us additional information about the
subsurface including: the strength or integrity of the substrate, stresses within the
subsurface, fluid pressures and even the fluids themselves. Combined recording of
different seismic waves enables us to characterize the subsurface to optimally target
wells, provide guidance on well drilling, and to monitor well completions and to
monitor well and completion integrity. As a result, the petroleum industry is being
transformed and the seismic industry is leading the transformation of the upstream
oil and gas sector as we know it.
New seismic recording systems are being used to conduct monitoring of enhanced
oil recovery projects in the US and Canada including carbon dioxide flooding and
sequestration. The results have enabled scientists and regulators to work together
to assess environmental safety associated with these projects. They have been used
recently in resource plays in the US and Canada to determine sweet spots that
are more economical to develop through horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing.
The combined use of new seismic, drilling and completions technology is changing
the landscape of the petroleum industry to lessen the environmental footprint and
to create greater transparency.
Seismic technology is traditionally used for oil and gas exploration, but is capable
of being used for much more. Recent uses include advanced reservoir characterization to increase the recovery factor of oil and gas reservoirs. Reservoir characterization is basically the methodology to document the heterogeneity, or complexities,
naturally associated with reservoirs. Geology is complex and reservoirs are too. In
the past about 25% to 33% of a resource has been recoverable. Through improved
integrated reservoir characterization technology we have been able to increase recovery to 50 %, but we are not done. Enhanced recovery methods will enable us to
improve the recovery factor even further. In resources, or unconventional plays
where the oil and gas is generated and contained in-situ, recovery factors are generally low (10%), but the potential to increase recoveries through integrated reservoir characterization technologies is substantial.
Technology is the single most important factor in finding and developing energy
resources to fuel our economy in an environmentally responsible manner. New seismic technologies will enable us to find new resources, to develop old ones more efficiently, and to open up exciting new growth opportunities here in the US for current
and future generations.
I have provided some examples of sensors and recording devices that are shown
in the attached figures. The equipment is getting smaller and more sophisticated
to the point that high definition images of the subsurface can be made with relatively little intrusion on the environment. The instruments can be left in place to
monitor the subsurface over relatively long periods of time-like motion sensors that
are used for in-home security systems. These systems allow us to listen to our reservoirs and to take proactive rather than reactive in the management of our reservoirs.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much.

Mr. Hendricks.

Mr. HENDRICKS. Mr. Chairman and members of the committee,

thank you. First Id like to say I consider it a privilege to have been

invited to speak to you today. I brought my son, Drew with me so
he could see the government process and work as well. So thank
you for that.
My name is Andy Hendricks. Im from the Drilling division of
Schlumberger. I have a degree in Petroleum Engineering from
Texas A and M. My industry expertise is in horizontal drilling and
extended reach drilling of oil and gas wells.
Schlumberger is the leading oilfield services provider. My division is responsible for supplying the oil companies with technology
and services in order to control and navigate the direction of the
oil and gas wells. To improve drilling performance to reduce the
overall costs. To maximize the contact of the wellbore with the oil
or gas bearing rock, or what we call, the reservoir.
So Im here today to talk to you about todays high-tech drilling
technology. Our industry is about high-tech tools and equipment
these days, and the skilled engineers and geoscientists who run
them. Drilling has become a sophisticated science as it has evolved
over the years.
Back in 1858, the Drake well in Pennsylvania was the first U.S.
oil well. This well was drilled with what we call a cable tool drilling
rig, which compared to todays standards is a rudimentary concept
that utilizes gravity and heavy steel bars that are suspended from
a cable to pound and crush the rock. The result back then was a
simple, vertical well with the drilling operation making progress in
the ground at about 3 feet every day. Drakes well finished up at
69 1/2 feet of depth.
In 1901 rotary drilling rigs were the next big step change for the
industry. Where pipe is lowered into the well and rotated from the
surface in order to turn a drill bit at the bottom of the well. Fluid
is circulated down the pipe in order to cool the drill bit as it rotates
and crushes the rock and then to lift the drill cuttings from the
Again these wells were drilled vertical or straight down. But the
early advancements allowed engineers to control the direction of
the well with a technique that was based on placing a simple, triangular shaped deflection device down into the well and aligning
this with a compass heading. At the time the technology was in its
infancy and the progress was slow. Today we have full navigational
and guidance instrumentation built into the drilling assemblies
that we use at the bottom of the well. Much more advanced and
precise than the navigation system in your car and with high speed
communications through the drill pipe that allows us to direct the
path of the well using robotic steering devices.
One of our state-of-the-art pieces of equipment, which we refer
to as a Measurements While Drilling tool, contains an electronics
package consisting of 2 high speed computer processors, memory
boards collecting data from navigational instrumentation and sensors. Its powered by its own turbine driven generator. All of which
is packaged and ruggedized to withstand 30,000 pounds per square
inch of wellbore pressure, temperatures up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and shock and vibration exceeding 150 Gs. So imagine baking your iPhone or your Blackberry in the oven. Then driving over
it with your car and expecting it to continue to function.

An oil well drilled today will start off going straight down from
the surface. But then it may gradually turn through a smooth
curve until it is going horizontal or parallel with the surface. Then
progress sideways, moving up and down or left and right in order
to either maximize the reservoir contact or link together smaller
reservoir pockets in a chain along this 3 dimensional wellbore path.
When it comes to drilling performance, where the drilling of a well
used to progress at 3 feet each day, today we drill the wells at hundreds of feet each hour. We finish after the drill bit has travelled
several miles into the Earth.
With todays technology we can drill multiple wells from a single
location at the surface. This is a process called pad drilling or template drilling. Its used in places like the Rockies on land or offshore on platforms. This reduces the footprint of the drilling operation on the surface by eliminating the need for multiple single
well locations.
Another complex operation used more and more is extended
reach drilling. In recent years the oil and gas industry has been increasing its ability to drill longer and longer wells with more complex, 3 dimensional paths. The horizontal lengths of these extended
reach wells are measured in miles.
In Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, and in other parts of the world, extended reach drilling is used to access off shore reservoirs using
drilling rigs from land. The drilling of these long horizontal sections requires expert engineering, planning and high tech equipment to steer the miles of pipe drilling underground. We currently
hold the record for directional drilling in this type of well at 7.6
Now when it comes to placing the well in the productive zone,
imagine that this room is a reservoir. Its miles down. Its dark.
Youre not even sure exactly whats in here. The walls, ceiling and
floors are the borders and we want to drill within these to get as
much reservoir contact as possible.
The steering is directed from 5 miles away. To do this we use a
complex device called a rotary steerable system to steer the well
path. We will also have a variety of high tech sensors collecting
data in order to identify the reservoir boundaries and analyze the
type of rock we are in and whether or not we have oil and gas.
Schlumberger is the leader in drilling services. We hire the best
from the most prestigious universities in the U.S. and other countries. Our latest advancement further integrate technologies to improve drilling performance and to provide advanced techniques to
allow the oil companies to reduce their costs.
In 2010, we invested $919 million in research in engineering. We
worked with oil companies to drill more than 7,000 miles.
Id like to thank you for your time and attention today.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Hendricks follows:]


I have a degree in Petroleum Engineering, and my industry expertise is in the

area of horizontal and extended-reach drilling of oil and gas wells. Schlumberger is
the leading oilfield services provider, and my division is responsible for supplying
oil companies with technology and services in order to control and navigate the direction of oil and gas wells, improve drilling performance to reduce overall costs,

and to maximize the contact of the wellbore with the oil or gas bearing rock, or what
we callthe reservoir.
Im here today to talk to you about todays high-tech drilling technology. Our industry is about high-tech tools and equipment, and the skilled engineers who run
them. Drilling has become a sophisticated science as it evolved over the years. In
1858, the Drake well in Pennsylvania was the first US oil well. This well was drilled
with a cable tool drilling rig, which compared to todays standards, is a rudimentary
concept that utilizes gravity and heavy steel bars suspended at the end of a cable
to pound and crush the rock. The result then was a simple, vertical well, with the
drilling operation making progress in the ground at 3 feet each day. Drakes well
was 69 1/2 ft deep.
In 1901, rotary drilling rigs were the next big step change for the industry, where
pipe is lowered into the well and rotated at the surface in order to turn a drill bit
at the bottom of the well. Fluid is circulated down the pipe in order to cool the drill
bit as it rotates and crushes the rock, and then to lift the drill cuttings from the
well. Again, these wells were drilled vertical, or straight down, but early advancements allowed engineers to control the direction of the well, with a technique based
on placing a simple, triangular-shaped deflection device down into the well and
aligning this with a compass heading. At the time, the technology was in its infancy
and progress was slow.
Today, we have full navigational and guidance instrumentation built into the
drilling assembly at the bottom of the well-much more advanced and precise than
the navigation system in your car-with high-speed communications through the drill
pipe that allows us to direct the path of the well using robotic steering devices. One
of our state-of-the-art pieces of equipment, which we refer to as a Measurements
While Drilling tool, contains an electronics package consisting of two high-speed
computer processors and memory boards, collecting data from navigational instrumentation and sensors, powered by its own turbine driven generator, and all of
which is packaged and ruggedized to withstand 30,000 psi of wellbore pressure, temperatures to 400 degrees, and shock and vibration exceeding 150 Gs. Imagine baking your iPhone or Blackberry in the oven, then driving over it, and expecting it
to continue to function.
An oil well drilled today will start off going straight down from the surface, but
then it may gradually turn upwards through a smooth curve until it is going horizontal, or parallel with the surface, and then progress sideways, moving up and
down or left and right in order to either maximize the reservoir contact, or link together smaller reservoir pockets in a chain along this 3-dimensional wellbore path.
And when it comes to drilling performance, where the drilling of a well used to
progress at 3 feet each day, today we drill wells at hundreds of feet each hour, and
finish after the drill bit has travelled several miles into the earth.
With todays technology, we can drill multiple wells from a single location at the
surface. This is a process called pad drilling or template drilling, and it is used in
places like the Rockies on land or offshore from platforms. This reduces the footprint
of the drilling operation on the surface by eliminating the need for multiple singlewell locations. The challenge in this process is to navigate a dense cluster of well
bores close to the surface, and we accomplish this through the use of the navigational technology mentioned previously.
Another complex operation used more and more is extended-reach drilling. In recent years, the oil and gas industry has been increasing its ability to drill longer
and longer wells with more complex 3-dimensional paths. The horizontal lengths of
these extended-reach wells are measured in miles. In Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, and in
other parts of the world, extendedreach drilling is used to access offshore reservoirs
using drilling rigs on land. The drilling of these long horizontal sections requires
expert engineering, planning, and high-tech equipment to steer the miles of pipe
drilling underground. We currently hold the world record for directionally drilling
this type of well at 7.6 miles.
Now when it comes to placing the well in the productive zone, imagine that this
room is a reservoir. Its miles down, and youre not even sure exactly what is in
here. The walls, ceiling and floor are the borders, and we want to drill within these
to get as much reservoir contact as possible-the steering is directed from 5 miles
away. To do this, we will use a complex device called a rotary steerable system to
steer the well path, and we will also have a variety of high-tech sensors collecting
data in order to identify the reservoir boundaries, and analyze the type of rock we
are in, and whether or not we have oil and gas.
The sensors include multi-frequency acoustic sound waves, electromagnetic radio
waves, and magnetic resonance imaging that illuminate the reservoir, or in our case
this room, so we can see where we are and steer the well to the most productive

zones. All of this is done while we drill the well, by highly skilled engineers and
Schlumberger is the leader in drilling services and we hire the best from the most
prestigious universities in the US and other countries. Our latest advancements further integrate technologies to improve drilling performance and to provide advanced
techniques that allow the oil companies to reduce their costs. In 2010, we invested
$919 million in research and engineering and worked with oil companies to drill
more than 7,000 miles.
With our 2010 acquisition of Smith, we have complemented our existing technologies with drill bits, specialty drilling tools, drilling fluids and more, to provide
a complete and integrated downhole drilling system. The next few years will be very
exciting and see even more advancements.
I thank you for your time and attention.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much.

Mr. Melzer.

Mr. MELZER. Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee, my

name is Steve Melzer. I come to you from the Permian Basin region of West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico, one of the largest petroleum basins in the world. Id like to thank you for allowing
me to bring our exciting advancedenhanced oil recovery or EOR,
technology to Washington.
Weve been producing oil from West Texas and Southeastern
New Mexico for more than 70 years. The region is known throughout the world as a leader in oil recovery. What I wish to talk about
today, especially, CO2 EOR.
The U.S. and our area, in particular, have some very new developments occurring not only for enhancing oil production but also a
solution to finding a home for CO2 emissions that are otherwise
problematic. But before examining the new technology for CO2
EOR, lets review together the stages of producing an oil reservoir.
When you drill into a subsurface formation and counter fluids
within the rock pore spaces the fluids are under pressure. The
wellbore being a low pressure sink allows the fluids to flow to it
and then on up into the surface. We call this the primary phase
of production. Hydrofracking technologies and extended reach drilling allow us to reach into more of the formation to produce oil or
gas that way.
Eventually the fluid pressures are dissipated. The fluids cease to
flow at a commercial rate. At this point the producing wells will
be plugged and abandoned or we look for a method to re-pressure
the formation and sweep fluids from what we call injector wells to
producer wells.
This is the second phase of production and we call it secondary
recovery. We generally use water as a pressuring fluid. The water
is typically sourced from deep depths, a brackish or more saline
formation water.
The water and oil dont mix. Much oil is swept, but a lot of oil
is bypassed. After a good water flood is finished most projects will
still have more than 50 percent of the oil left in place.
So what comes next? To get more oil we must somehow change
the fluid properties. We can thin it. We can move it and even get
the oil that is clinging to the rock surfaces. This would be our tertiary stage.

We do this with heat and heavy oils like in California or we can
do it with CO2 in deeper areas. We begin the processwe began
this process in the field in 1970s thanks to some oiling entrepreneurial companies, some byproduct CO2 from natural gas plants
and a clever incentive from our Texas Railroad Commission to encourage the first move of projects. Today the process of CO2 EOR
has spread to many places besides the Permian Basin. We make
100 million barrels per year or about 5 percent of our needs in the
U.S. from CO2 EOR. We get our CO2 from what is typically called
anthropogenic sources which might include natural gas processing
facilities, fertilizer or even a coal gasification plant like in North
Our growth of the industry has been hampered of late as we are
out of CO2. We envision the new CO2 coming from more anthropogenic sources. Many are in stages of planning today. Several of
these are first in kind facilities that are being aided with DOE assistance.
CO2 purchased is valuable. What we buy gets stored in a formation. We dont like to lose it.
You might be asking how much CO2 can be utilized or stored in
or its corollary question. How much oil can be produced? The answer resources international corporation has looked at these questions in considerable detail. Their projections can fall into 3 categories.
One using conventional technology and existing reservoirs.
Two, using next generation technologies.
Three, moving into residual oil zones.
These last 2 categories are what I really would like to speak to
and since this is a technology hearing. Next generation CO2 includes COthings like viscosifiers, adding thickeners to the CO2 to
enhance the spread of CO2 into the formation thereby contacting
and sweeping more of the oil.
The last category is what Ive spent a great deal of my time on
in recent years. It is residual oil zones or intervals that lie below
the oil water contact in a reservoir, below where you can produce
oil normally. Thisthe mobile phase of the fluids in these zones
are water and the immobile phase is oil.
The primary and secondary phases of production can produce
only water from these intervals. It takes an injected such as CO2
to mobilize the oil. We have nine projects in our part of the world
and several more planned later this year to look at the specific
Hess Corporation has one field that is just an hour north of my
hometown where they have expanded the residual oil zone project
3 times and are planning a fourth for later this year. They are currently producing over 5,000 barrels of oil per day from an interval
that would have produced only water in primary or secondary
phases. Effectively they are working on what we call the fourth
stage or quaternary oil and it will extend the production in the
field for another 20 years.
This process requires CO2 and deepening of the wells. Produce
from an oil in place target of over a billion barrels. The ROZ resource is not present in justin only the Permian Basin. We be-

lieve there are very large reservoirs of these type present in Wyoming and South Dakota, just to name 2, also many other places.
Weve seenwe have a proposed study to address these matters
awaiting formal notification to begin. Its somewhere stuck up here,
somewhere in Washington. We havent quite figured out where yet.
But I should say we also welcome public funding. The value of
public money in this space is to regionally examine these ROZs and
to make the industry results public. Heretofore the results have
been very limited to very private studies and investigations.
In summary, CO2 technology is clearly exciting and advancing
rapidly. It addresses both energy security and environmental concerns. Thank you for the opportunity to speak to this. I would welcome any questions.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Melzer follows:]







The oil and gas industry is generally portrayed as dominated by drilling for new
oil and gas fields. And, in fact, most companies could be called exploration companies and make their entire living doing exactly that. However, there is a sub-industry concentrating on getting more oil from a given discovery (field). We tend to
brand them as production companies where engineering skills are put to test in trying to recover more and more oil from a reluctant reservoir. The rewards come
to these companies slower and, in a fast paced world seeking immediate gratification; most companies opt for the exploration path to provide more immediate returns for their shareholders.
It is useful background to examine oil and gas production in a framework the industry has come to call the phases of production.
A. Primary Production
The first is the primary phase where a new field discovery is found and well penetrations are drilled into the formation. Oil or gas is produced using the pent-up energy of the fluids in the sandstone or carbonate (limestone, dolomite) reservoir. As
long as you are good at finding new oil or gas and avoiding the dry holes, the returns come quickly while the reservoir fluid pressures are high. Eventually, however, the energy (usually thought of as reservoir pressure) is expended and the wells
cease to flow their fluids. At this point, in the case of oil reservoirs, considerable
amounts of the oil are left in place.
B. Secondary Phase of Production
The field may be abandoned after depleting the pressures or it can be converted
to what we like to call a secondary phase of production wherein a substance (usually
water) is injected to repressure the formation. New injection wells are drilled or converted from producing wells and the injected fluid sweeps oil to the remaining producing wells. This secondary phase is often very efficient and can produce an equal
or greater volume of oil that was produced in the primary phase of production.
As mentioned, water is the common injectant in the secondary phase of production
since water is relatively inexpensive. Normally fresh water is not used during the
waterflood and this is especially true today. The water produced from the formation
is recycled back into the ground again and again. Ultimately, in most reservoirs,
more than half of the oil that was present in the field at discovery remains in the
reservoir since it was bypassed by the water that does not mix with the oil.
C. Tertiary Phase
If there is a third phase of production, it will require some injectant that reacts
with the oil to change its properties and allow it to flow more freely within the reservoir. Hot water can do that; chemicals can accomplish that as well. These techniques are commonly lumped into a category called enhanced oil recovery or EOR.
One of the best of these methods is carbon dioxide (CO2) flooding. CO2 has the prop-

erty of mixing with the oil to make it lighter, detach it from the rock surfaces, and
causing the oil to flow more freely within the reservoir so that it can be swept up
in the flow from injector to producer well. Compared to the other methods of production, this technique is relatively new and was first tested at large scale in the Permian Basin of West Texas and southeastern New Mexico. The first two projects consisted of the SACROC flood in Scurry County, Tx, implemented in January of 1972,
and the North Crossett flood in Crane and Upton Counties, Tx initiated in April,
1972. It is interesting to note that installation of these two floods was encouraged
by daily production allowable1 relief offered by the Texas Railroad Commission and
special tax treatment of oil income from experimental procedures.
Over the next five to ten years, the petroleum industry was able to observe that
incremental oil could indeed be produced by the injection of CO2 into the reservoir
and the numbers of CO2 flood projects began to grow. Figure 1 illustrates the
growth of new projects and production from 1984 through the present day.
The carbon dioxide for the first projects came from CO2 separated from produced
natural gas processed and sold in the south region of the Permian Basin. Later,
however, companies became aware that source fields with relatively pure CO2 could
offer large quantities of CO2 and three source fields were developedSheep Mountain in south central Colorado, Bravo Dome in northeastern New Mexico, and
McElmo Dome in southwestern Colorado. Pipelines were constructed in the early
1980s to connect the CO2 source fields with the Permian Basin fields (Figure 2). The
new supply of CO2 led to a growth of projects through the early 1980s and expansion to other regions of the U.S.
The oil price crash of 1986 resulted in a drop of oil prices into single digits in
many regions. The economics of flooding for oil was crippled; capital for new projects
was nonexistent. But curiously, as demonstrated in Figure 1, the industry survived
the crash with fairly minor long term effects and resumed its growth curve until
the next price crash in 1998.
The recent decade has once again seen a flourish of new CO2 floods. Today, 111
floods are underway in the U.S. with 64 of those in the Permian Basin. The numbers have doubled since the economically stressful days of 1998 (see Figure 1*). New
CO2 pipelines are being constructed in the Gulf Coastal region and in the Rockies
promising to grow the flooding activity in both of those regions dramatically. The
Permian Basin is effectively sold out of their daily CO2 volumes and, as a result,
growth there has slowed to a crawl.
The aggregate production from CO2 EOR has grown to about 18% of the Permian
Basins 180,000 (see Figure 3) out of the 900,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) or approximately 5% of the daily U.S. oil production. The oil industry rightfully brags
about finding a billion barrel oil field. Such discoveries are very rare and non-existent today in the U.S. It is interesting to note that the billionth CO2 EOR barrel was
produced in 2005. The CO2 bought and sold in the U.S. every day now totals 3.1
billion cubic feet or about 65,000 tons per year.
What may be evident is that the CO2 flood industry is a long-lived industry. While
fluctuation of oil prices have a de-accelerating effect, the steady baseline growth represents a refreshing exception to the otherwise frustrating cyclicity of gas and oil
drilling/production. Both of the first two floods (SACROC and Crossett) are still in
operation today and are producing nearly one million barrels per year today. After
almost 40 years of operation under CO2 injection, these floods are still purchasing
approximately 300 million cubic feet per day (over six million tons per year) of CO2.
The long term nature of the floods continues to generate enormous economic power,
provide local, state and federal taxes as well as employment and energy production
for the area and nation. These barrels will be produced from reservoirs already developed and should represent about 15% of the original oil in place within the reservoirs. Without the advent of CO2 flooding, the barrels would have been lost, i.e.
left in the reservoir upon abandonment of the waterfloods.
Many Permian Basin companies are currently planning new CO2 projects.
Denbury Resources has averaged two new startups per year in the Gulf Coast re1 During the 1930s through 1972, the Texas Railroad Commission limited statewide oil production by granting production permits to well operators for a certain number of days per
* All figures have been retained in committee files.

gion for the last decade. Wyoming is another area with intense CO2 activity. My
backlog of projects in planning is estimated at more than 20.
Much of the impetus for planning new CO2 floods results from a broader recognition of the technical success and economic viability of the CO2 EOR process. The
current oil price is a huge factor as well. The last factor relates to the maturity of
the oilfields and secondary waterfloods of which many began in the 1950s.
Technological advancements are another major reason for the development of CO2
flooding. Three-D seismic techniques have had a large impact on delineating heretofore unknown features of the reservoir. The ability to characterize and model the
reservoir and in simulating the effects of CO2 injection have clearly reduced the risk
of a flood (economic) failure.
To date, the development of carbon dioxide flooding has clearly favored the Permian Basin. In addition to the extensive pipeline infrastructure and the nearby CO2
source fields, it has a large number of large and mature fields which have been
shown to be amenable to CO2 injection
A. Demand for CO2
Demand for CO2 stems from the oilfield opportunities and the ability to reap financial rewards from the oil produced. Many believe that the long term demand for
oil has never been greater except in times of imminent war. Additionally, technology
has paved the path for moving a field into a new phase of production; such undertakings are considered both viable and desirable. But matching demand with a supply of CO2 can be expensive and challenging. Historically it was done within an integrated oil company who recognized the oilfield upsides and was willing and able
to develop the CO2 source and connect the two with a pipeline. Today, with the departure of the oil majors, this connection must be accomplished between several corporate entities, each of which knows very little about the business of the others.
This is especially true for the industrial sources of CO2 where we think the large
CO2 supplies for tomorrow must come.
B. New Supplies of CO2
A new report in preparation by the MIT Energy Institute2 has examined the economics of CO2 supplies coming from the fossil fuel power plants and concludes that
a gap exists between the value of the CO2 and the costs of capture. Perhaps technology can close that gap but the first few demonstration plants are multi-billion
dollar investments and appear to be outside the risk portfolios of companies capable
of making those investments.
Alternative sources are smaller but their economics are better. CO2 value is a
function of purity and pressure; some industrial sources can capture CO2 for the
value received. But what is more apparent every day, this all takes time and the
cultures of the surface and subsurface industries are so different that barriers constantly impede the progress.
C. Supply/Demand Balance
For the first 25 years of the CO2 EOR business, the underground natural CO2
source fields were of ample size to provide the CO2 needed for EOR. Pipelines had
also been built of sufficient throughput capacity to supply the needs. Today the situation has changed. Either depletion of the source fields or limitations of the pipeline
are now constricting EOR growth. Cost of capture of industrial CO2 has not advanced to close the gap between the value of the CO2 and the cost of capture.
While the Permian Basin clearly dominates the CO2 EOR development picture
today, it is important to note that the Gulf Coast and Wyoming are exploding with
new growth In fact, the Mississippi growth is a classic example of production growth
where CO2 supply was not a limiting factor. The Jackson Dome natural source field
near Jackson, MS has been developed in very rapid fashion to provide the necessary
new CO2 to fuel the expansion of EOR. Wyoming has a similar story with their
LaBarge field and Shute Creek plant.
A new revolution is underway in the CO2 EOR industry. The oil industry is undergoing a significant shift in the way it calculates resources. New sources of oil are
2 MIT Energy Institute, July 23, 2010, Role of Enhanced Oil Recovery in Accelerating the Deployment of Carbon Capture and Sequestration, 196 pgs.

being recovered today using techniques such as CO2 EOR in intervals known as Residual Oil Zones (ROZs). Furthermore, these intervals appear to be very abundant.
The traditional phases of production, or Ternary view of oil extraction, have often
been characterized by three phases. As shown in Figure 4, the bottom of the resource triangle (primary) represents production coming from conventional reservoirs
where pent-up energy within the pore fluids is used to produce the oil (or gas). As
mentioned earlier, the pressures in these conventional reservoirs eventually are depleted as the fluids are produced and the fluids no longer flow to the producing
wells at a commercial rate. Some formations (a subset of the primary produced ones)
are amenable to injection of a fluid to re-pressurize and sweep the oil from newly
drilled injection wells to the producer wells. This is the second tier shown in Figure
4. Water is usually the chosen fluid for injection since it is relatively cheap and
widely available. The oil and gas industry has had a long history developing best
practices for optimizing waterflood oil recovery.
A lot of oil will remain in a reservoir even after the waterflooding phase. A common metric for the Permian Basin of West Texas, the largest oil and gas reserve
in the US, is that primary processes will get about 15 percent of the original oil
in place (OOIP) in the reservoir and secondary processes will get another 20-30 percent. Astonishingly, more than half of the original OOIP is left behind.
The next phase of resource recovery (tertiary) goes after the oil left in place and
this is where the aforementioned EOR techniques are used. It is a more expensive
process than waterflooding so fewer reservoirs make it to this stage and oil production here has been important but relatively small when compared to both primary
and waterflood applications.
EOR typically aims for the oil bypassed during waterflooding. When CO2 contacts
the oil, it enters into solution with the oil. This alters the density and viscosity of
the oil, expanding it, and changes the oils surface tension with the rock. EOR using
CO2 is so effective at loosening and displacing oil that the process often leaves less
than 10 percent of the OOIP behind. The engineering challenge to EOR using CO2
revolves around the ability to contact large portions of the oil reservoir. To gauge
success, engineers use a metric called volumetric sweep efficiency. In the Permian
Basin, where the techniques have been polished, CO2 has been used in EOR processes to obtain an additional 15-20 percent of the OOIP.
A. ROZ Targets
Residual Oil Zones that are not man-made, but created by natural waterfloods in
reservoirs, are being looked at as possible commercial targets for oil production
today. Natural causes, such as ancient tectonic activity, can cause oil to move
around in basins and water can encroach into a former trap. Industry is now looking
at how much oil is left behind in naturally swept reservoirs and finding that these
natural waterfloods can leave behind levels of residual oil similar to those left behind by manmade waterfloods. These ROZ targets can be very large and open a
whole new resource for development.
Today, nine CO2 EOR projects have targeted ROZs in the Permian Basin. Most
notable among these are three projects being developed by Hess Corporation. The
first two were Hess pilot projects designed to deepen wells into the ROZ to evaluate
the technical and commercial feasibility of a 250-foot thick ROZ. The ROZ resource
at the field is given nearly one billion barrels of oil in place and the results from
the two pilots have led to a phased and full field project designed to recover 200+
million barrels of oil. Stage 1 of the full field deployment is two years old and budget approvals are being put in place to expand into Stage 2. Time will tell what the
total recovery figures will be, but the current 29 patterns (injection wells) are already responsible for over 5,000 barrels of oil per day with rapidly upward trending
production. The oil being produced in these wells could not have been produced except by EOR techniques since the target oil is the residual oil left behind when a
natural waterflood swept out the originally entrapped oil sometime in the geological
B. Quaternary View
The new (quaternary) view of oil production (Figures 4 and 5) are the new ways
to visualize the ROZ opportunity. It can be called the fourth phase of oil resource
production as in the Hess project or, alternatively, can offer production possibilities
in swept reservoirs where primary or secondary production could not be obtained.
How much oil is there to recover via EOR that would not otherwise be part of the
recoverable reserves of a Nation? On-going Permian Basin studies suggest that
these quaternary phase producible resources are enormous-perhaps as large a future
production figure as the cumulative production of oil from this basin to date (30 billion barrels). A proposal to more closely examine the sizes of this resource in the

Permian Basin and extend the methodology to two other U.S. Basins is awaiting approvals at DOE.
The technological innovations sweeping the world are also evident in the oil and
gas industry. One of these developments is carbon dioxide flooding where oil that
would be abandoned in existing fields is being produced. CO2 EOR was shown to
grow during times of $20 per barrel oil and is clearly demonstrating all the symptoms of rapid growth and expansion. Formerly led by the Permian Basin, new CO2
floods are becoming commonplace. In the U.S. and Permian Basin today, the percentage of production attributable to CO2 injection is 5% and 18% of total production, respectively. The numbers are capable of growing rapidly.
CO2 EOR utilizes an injectant that is considered by many to be an air emissions
issue. When pressured and purified, it becomes a valuable commodity that can
produce oil and, when its work is done, effectively all of it can remain stored in the
subsurface. CO2 EOR becomes both a mechanism for oil production and an environmental tool for emission reductions.
Historically, CO2 EOR has been cast in a framework where it is insignificant in
terms of the emission streams that are to be captured. However, the truth is that
it can provide an enormous demand pull for the needed CO2 supplies. Additionally,
the emergence of residual oil zones as viable EOR targets changes the dialogue.
And, maybe best of all, it pushes the public discussion from waste disposal (sequestration) to resource extraction and energy security.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much.

Mr. Banks.

Mr. BANKS. Thank you, Senator Bingaman and Senator Murkowski for inviting me to speak to the committee today. I feel privileged to be here. Ive submitted written testimony to the committee
but for my oral testimony Id like to provide you with a brief summary.
Im Kevin Banks, the Director of the Division of Oil and Gas as
part of the Department of Natural Resources in Alaska. Our agency manages over a million acres of State land and most all of the
oil production in Alaska comes from these lands. We are here today
to discuss these improvements of seismic data technologies, advances in drilling techniques and enhanced oil recovery.
I want to talk about how these and other improvements in exploration and production operations have been deployed in the Arctic.
My emphasis will be to describe the evolution of these technologies
through time and how that has minimized the impact of industry
operations on the Arctic environment.
Since the discovery of Prudhoe Bay in the 1970s the oil industry
has had to invent engineering and scientific solutions to match the
cold and remoteness and extraordinary values of the land and animals in the Arctic. It is a process where the industry has come up
with new and unique ideas. Where industry has imported into the
north, advances in technologies tested elsewhere every tool and
concept that has been modified and specialized from the ordinary
civil construction of man camps and roads and pipelines to the high
tech science of oil exploration production.
Much of the exploration on the North Slope always occurs in the
winter. Frozen tundra makes it possible to move across the land
with minimal impact and to position very heavy drilling rigs. Winter operations means that impacts on wildlife can be minimized.

Polar bears have moved offshore. Most birds and caribou have migrated south.
Geophysical surveys represent the first step in exploration that
contacts the land. As weve heard, 3D seismic surveys now differ
from the old 2D seismic in the number of seismic lines laid out, the
number of geophones and the number and placement of the energy
sources used. The evolution of seismic technology in the field is in
the intensity of data acquisition, the sensitivity of the instrumentation and precision that the equipment can be located using global
positioning satellite system.
The biggest leap in seismic technology has been in the digital
processing of the data and the result and the resolution of the subsurface stratigraphy. The current state-of-the-art seismic interpretation on the North Slope means that wild cat exploration has become much more successful. Better success rates for exploration
wells means that fewer intrusions from these operations on the environment.
Exploration wells on the North Slope are drilled from ice pads
and logistical support is conveyed over ice roads. In my submitted
written testimony I have included photos of drilling in the Alpine
field on page 5. When the well illustrated in these photos was completed the only visible sign of prior activity is the well house that
was left because the well was going to be a part of a further Alpine
field development. Most exploration wells are secured, cutoff below
grade and buried, leaving no visible footprint.
While extended reach drilling is suitable for the production phase
of oil development, vertical wells are still the best way to drill an
exploration well. Even with the best 3D seismic information available theres still some uncertainty of the target depth for a wild cat
objective. A highly deviated well can over shoot or under shoot the
oil/gas zone. On the North Slope when the time to drill is constrained by the winter season an explorer can drill a vertical well
faster and with better results. In the production phase it is the extended reach drilling that is so important.
The first drill sites drilled in Prudhoe Bay used well spacing to
distance between the well heads of 160 acres. The drill site No. 1
there had a 65 acre impact on the ground and wells deviated from
that particular site would only deviate about a mile or so. If you
were to place DS1 over the Capitol Building the drill site itself
would cover the Capitol and all of its environs around here, the
neighborhood around here. The reach of the wells would be no further than the Washington Monument.
By 2000 extended reach drilling was combined with horizontal
drilling techniques so that the CD2 site at Alpine field is just now
13 acres. 54 wells drilled on it with a well spacing of just 10 feet.
The extended reach of these wells can intercept an area 8 miles
across and penetrate 50 square miles of the field.
On a map of a Washington DC, if youre to drill those wells from
here, the wells could reach south of the Anacostia freeway on the
south and Adams Morgan on the north. The Liberty Project which
is proposed by BP and the OCS is going to extend the drilling concept even further. If these wells were drilled from here the extent
of those wells would reach out to Andrews Air Force Base in the

south, Silver Springs in the north and well into Fairfax County in
the West.
I will close with just a final comment about enhanced oil recovery. When applied to fields in the lower 48 people usually think of
EOR as intended to simulate oil fields. On the North Slope every
field was developed with EOR plans already in place before the
field began production. This is the kind of secondary recovery that
you heard about from the water flooding and gas injection.
Optimization of reservoir production is monitored using intensive
surveillance tools and modeled using sophisticated dynamic simulations. These programs, in turn, have led to the use of missile injection, water alternating with gas, polymer treatments and the low
salinity water injection project. In the Prudhoe Bay field, a truly
ingenious gas cap water injection project that sweeps relic oil out
of the gas cap and into the oil leg. These techniques have together
achieved recovery rates that the North Slope developers could not
have dreamed of when Prudhoe Bay was first brought online in
This concludes my oral testimony. I certainly appreciate having
the opportunity to speak to you today.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Banks follows:]



The indigenous people of the Arctic have demonstrated a unique skill in adapting
to new technologies to survive over 10,000 years. The extremes of the climate and
the terrain demand only the best performance of man to succeed. Ironically, the oil
and gas industry has also learned that it must bring its best tools and brightest
people to the Arctic to meet the challenges of the environment.
Since the construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System and the development
of the Prudhoe Bay oil field in the late 1970s, the oil industry has had to invent
engineering and scientific solutions to match cold, the remoteness, and the extraordinary values of the land and animals in this place. This has been a process where
industry has come up with new and unique solutions applicable to only the Arctic
and where industry has brought north advances in technology tested elsewhere and
adapted to the special conditions of the North Slope. Everything from the civil construction of man-camps, treatment and handling of the by-products of oil development, and the installation of roads and pipelines to the hightech science of oil exploration and development has been modified and specialized for the conditions found
only in the Arctic. Even as the Inupiaq people of Alaskas North Slope have incorporated modern tools to sustain their subsistence lifestyle, so too has the oil industry adapted.
The North Slope represents Americas toehold in the Arctic. Though Americans
dont often think about it, Alaskans know that the US is an Arctic Nation with the
same rights and concerns and aspirations as Russia, Norway, Greenland, or Canada. The North Slope of Alaska-the onshore region north of the Brooks Range-is
truly vast; at nearly 150,000 square miles, an area larger than 39 states in the
Lower 48. (See Figure 1*) Offshore in the Chukchi Sea north of the Bering Straits
and the Beaufort Sea on Alaskas northern coast are another 65,000 square miles
in just the area of the outer continental shelf (OCS) managed by the Bureau of
Oceans and Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (BOEMRE). Onshore the State of Alaska owns only a small share of the total acreage; the Figure
1 2 federal government is, by far, the largest landowner in the region controlling
20 million acres in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 23 million acres in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A), and all of the OCS.
This region holds incredible potential for oil and gas. According to the US Geological Survey, Americas Arctic ranks as number one for undiscovered oil potential and
number three for gas potential for the worlds conventional petroleum resources
north of the Arctic Circle. Nearly 50 billion barrels of conventional undiscovered,
* Figures 126 have been retained in committee files.

technically recoverable oil resources and 223 trillion feet of conventional undiscovered, technically recoverable gas resources may be found in the North Slope and
the Arctic OCS off Alaskas northern coast. This represents 43 percent of the nations total oil potential and 25 percent of its gas potential.1 Figure 2 shows that
these estimates fall within a range of wide uncertainty. This range is indicated in
the size of the distribution between the 5 percent and 95 percent probabilities that
oil or gas resources may exceed the amounts shown. For an area like Alaskas Arctic
this uncertainty should be expected. Figure 3 explains why this is so.
The North Slope has barely been explored when compared to the intensity of exploration that has already occurred throughout out the rest of the United States.
If we were to place a map of Wyoming over a map of the North Slope the discovery
well at Prudhoe Bay-the largest oil field in the US-would lie at the eastern boundary of Wyoming. The Burger well in the Chukchi Sea that discovered hydrocarbons
there in the early 1990s would lie at Wyomings western boundary. For reference,
the 150,000 square miles of onshore area of the North Slope is twice the prospective
area of Wyoming. Wyoming has seen over 19,000 wells drilled over the years or
about 250 wells per 250 square miles. Only 500 exploration wells have been drilled
on the North Slope; just three wells per 250 square miles. Exploration activity in
Americas Arctic has just begun. Over the years, as exploration has continued in
places like Wyoming the assessment of undiscovered resources often continues to
grow. Todays estimate of remaining oil and gas reserves in Wyoming far exceeds
the amount of undiscovered resources predicted years ago in spite of substantial actual production during the same time period. As exploration matures in the US Arctic the same history may be written.
We are here today to discuss advances in oil and gas exploration and production
technologies, specifically improvements of seismic data acquisition and processing,
advances in drilling techniques, and enhanced oil recovery. I want to describe how
these and other improvements in oil and gas exploration and production operations
have been deployed in the Arctic. My emphasis will be how the evolution of these
technologies has through time minimized the impact of exploration and production
operations on the Arctic environment.
Onshore exploration on the North Slope always occurs in the winter. The frozen
tundra makes it possible to move across the land and to position drilling rigs. Winter operations have almost no impact on wildlife: polar bears move offshore, most
birds and caribou have migrated south. Geophysical surveys represent the first step
in exploration that contacts the land-and it is a relatively light touch. Tracked vehicles are used to spread the weight of the vehicles on the ground to avoid compaction
and any scouring. Even conventional trucks can be modified with rubber track kits.
Heavier loads are carried on roligons, special trucks with huge, soft tires. For those
of us who remember typewriters, the wheels of a roligon look like a typewriter roller. The physical acquisition of seismic data is a labor-intensive process so the main
impact on the land is the boots-on-the-ground of crews carrying geophones across
the tundra. Vibroseis equipment is used whenever possible further reducing any impact to ground. The frozen tundra also provides a better medium to transmit energy
into the earth.
From the perspective of land use, three-dimensional seismic surveys differ from
2D seismic in the number of seismic lines laid out, the number of geophones used,
and the number and placement of energy sources used. The evolution of seismic
technology in the field is in the intensity of data acquisition, the sensitivity of the
equipment and improvements in positioning the equipment using global positioning
satellite (GPS) system. The biggest leap of seismic technology has been in the digital
processing of all of the data acquired and the resultant resolution of the subsurface
stratigraphy. Not more than 15 years ago, super-computers were used to manipulate
seismic data. Now desktop workstations are used at a cost that many more oil companies can afford.
Ive include three images to illustrate an example of the state of the art for seismic interpretation in use on the North Slope. (These are from paper written by a
geoscientist from the Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior.
He presented this paper at joint session of the American Association of Petroleum
Geologists and the Society of Petroleum Engineers held yesterday in Anchorage,
Alaska. Figure 7 shows just how dramatic the resolution of 3D seismic interpretation can reveal the characteristics of the subsurface. The vertical dimension is exaggerated and what you can see in this figure is the deposition of layers of sandstones
and siltstone in an underwater delta system as it crests over the continental shelf
1 These estimates do not include the potential for undiscovered, technically recoverable unconventional resources: coalbed methane, deep-basin gas, gas hydrates (USGS mean estimate is 85
trillion cubic feet), or shale oil and gas.

of an ancient shallow sea. Figure 8 shows more detail of how these depositions occurred in channels and at the edges of delta fans. As material flowed through these
systems, the sands were transported and sorted by turbidity washing out the fines
in channels and at the distal edges of the fans. In these areas are found the best
reservoir rock characteristics, the more porous and permeable sandstones.
Figure 9 shows what the geophysicist is looking for: anomalies in the seismic reflections that can be correlated to similar anomalies detected in surveys done an
area nearby where extensive drilling has already occurred. In this case, within the
Alpine oil field just east of the Colville River and just outside of the NPR-A. The
Class III anomalies shown in the bottom of this graphic are filtered out of the data
and provide information of not only the rock characteristics but also the fluid properties. These same anomalies are the bright spots highlighted back in Figure 8.
This kind of seismic interpretation is only possible because of the resolution and
detail afforded from 3D. In this particular case drilling at Alpine provides the information from well logs and the fluids produced from the wells to identify anomalies
in the seismic data where exploration drilling should occur. Because of this interpretation, the exploration program conducted in the northeast of the NPR-A was very
successful in finding hydrocarbons. It also means that fewer wildcat exploration
wells were needed to find oil and gas. Over the last twenty years, improvements
in seismic technology and the application of better geological interpretation has
meant that the dry hole risk has substantially declined. Better success rates for exploration wells means fewer intrusions from exploration operations on the environment.
Seismic surveys are not a replacement for actual exploration drilling. While 3D
seismic surveys have fundamentally changed the exploration business, The truth
is in the drilling! On the North Slope, onshore exploration drilling occurs only in
the winter. Heavy equipment is brought out to remote sites on ice roads (Figure 10)
and the drilling rigs are assembled on ice pads. Ice roads are built by hauling
crushed ice to the road location to provide a substrate for trucks that spray water
over the crushed ice to form a smooth hard surface. The flat terrain of the North
Slope and the usually abundant water sources located there make it possible to
build ice roads in most places. They are nonetheless expensive when considering
that they disappear with the spring thaw. Ice roads have been used on the North
Slope for decades.
Figure 11 shows a drill rig erected on a remote ice pad in the Alpine field. The
rig itself weighs several million pounds, the large structure on the left is a 100 person camp, and adjacent to the ice pad is an ice airstrip. The pad itself is at least
12 inches thick and in many cases insulation and rig mats are placed on top of the
ice to protect it and distribute the heavy loads. All drilling wastes and other discharges, e.g., domestic water from the camp, are trucked away for disposal in approved injection wells. At the end of the winter season, a front-end loader will
scrape the pad down to pure ice to allow the ice to melt more quickly. When the
ice melts, there is no trace left of the pad.
The only visible sign of prior activity is an eight-by-eight foot well house that will
remain on location only because this well is part of a field under development and
will one day produce oil. If the well were to be plugged and abandoned, which would
be the case for most exploration wells, the well would be cemented-in to prevent any
communication among any formations penetrated by the well and the surface. The
well would be cut off below grade, marked with a plaque welded on the top, and
buried. Note the recovery of the vegetation around the well house illustrated in Figure 13. It is possible to explore for oil on the North Slope and leave no visible footprint.
Figures 14 and 15 are photos of the Hot Ice platform erected at the edge of the
foothills of the Brooks Range. This is also a temporary structure and actual drilling
activity only occurred during the winter. This structure was tested because it afforded a way to store the drilling rig and to stage other equipment through the summer months. This exploration concept is intended to be used in very remote sites.
The length of the ice road and the time needed to build it means that the drilling
season is shorter for these sites. With the rig already in place, winter drilling can
begin earlier and continue longer than could be accomplished by building an ice pad.
Extended reach drilling techniques have advanced tremendously in recent years
and, as the technology has evolved, drillers have extensively used these techniques
on the North Slope. While suitable for the production phase, vertical wells are still
the best way to explore for hydrocarbons especially on the North Slope. The main
advantage of a vertical exploration well can be seen in Figure 16. Even with the
best 3D seismic information available, there is some uncertainty of the target depth
for a wildcat objective. A highly deviated well can overshoot or undershoot the oil
or gas zone whether the zone is a structural or stratigraphic trap. On the North

Slope when the time to drill is constrained by the winter season, the explorer can
drill a vertical well faster and with better control. A deviated well is more difficult
to drill, more difficult to log successfully, and is more expensive. Once measurements are taken, e.g., true depth established and correlated to the seismic information, delineation wells drilled to assess the areal extent of the prospect can be
drilled using horizontal drilling techniques. In some instances delineation wells can
be drilled laterally from the same borehole of the first exploration well.
As extended-reach drilling technology has evolved so has the deployment of the
technology on the North Slope. From a land use perspective and as a way to minimize environmental conflicts, extended reach drilling combined with improvements
in well design that allows for closer well spacing-the distance between the wellheads
at the surface-has been incredibly successful. The evolution of drilling on the North
Slope is another example of how industry has brought to the region technologies developed elsewhere and then improved upon for the unique conditions in the Arctic.
These improved technologies are then exported from the North Slope to other regions where new improvements are made and new tools are developed. Then the resulting new technology is brought back to the North Slope. Figures 17 and 18 show
the twin impacts of well spacing and extended reach drilling.
The first drill sites in the Prudhoe Bay field were built in the 1970s and used
well spacing of about 160 feet and covered 65 acres of land to accommodate the footprint of the drilling rigs of the day. As many as 25 or 30 wells drilled in three rows
from these sites could deviate to approximately one-mile from the vertical. By the
time the first production wells were drilled in the Kuparuk River field in the early
1980s, improvements in rig design and drilling techniques and the materials used
in the wells meant that the area of the drill sites could be reduced by more than
one-half. The first drill sites in the Kuparuk River field had a well spacing of 60
feet and a 16 well drill site was just 24 acres. Wells from these first drill sites could
deviate more than one-and-a-half miles from the vertical.
By the mid 1980s the technology employed in the Kuparuk River field had advance significantly. A 16 well drill site was reduced to just 11 acres and the wells
could deviate by more than 2.5 miles from vertical and penetrate over 12,560 acres
of the reservoir.
The Alpine field in the Colville River Delta represents the next stage in drilling
advancement. From a drill site of only 13 acres, 54 wells have been drilled at a spacing of just 10 feet. The rig cantilevers over the well to avoid the wellhead of the
neighboring well. The extended reach of these wells can intercept an area 8 miles
across and penetrate 50 square miles of the field.
In just 30 years, surface footprint requirements have been reduced from over 2
acres per well at Prudhoe Bay, to one quarter (0.24) acre per well at Alpine.
The pairs of maps shown in Figures 19-24 show what this evolution means in
terms of the areal extent achieved by the changes in extended-reach drilling capabilities over the years. Wells drilled from DS-1 in Prudhoe Bay could reach only a
part of the field. In Figure 19 the spider diagrams represent the areal extent of the
wells and their underground trajectory. The surface footprint of the drill site is
much smaller, as was shown in Figure 18. Now superimpose the extent of the spider
diagram from DS-1 on the US Capitol Building (See Figure 20). Some of these wells
cant reach the Washington Monument and the drill site itself would dominate the
area of the Capitol Building and the surrounding neighborhood.
Improvements in drilling technology during the 1980s and early 1990s extended
well reach to about 3 miles. Modular rig construction reduced the space needed between wellheads and elimination of reserve pits further reduced surface impact. Figure 21 is the spider diagram of the DM-2 drill site in the Kuparuk River field. Again
the spider image shows well trajectories and how far the wells can reach. The surface impact is only a very small part of the spider diagram. Wells from DM-2
produce oil from nearly 6,400 acres (10 square miles) and the drill site has a footprint of just 12 acres. Superimpose this diagram on the US Capitol Building (Figure
22) and the wells will reach beyond Reagan National Airport and up towards Washington Hospital.
By 2000 extended reach drilling technology was combined with horizontal drilling
techniques that had become commonplace for most all production wells on the North
Slope. The Alpine field is the latest excellent example of minimizing surface impact
while maximizing resource development. The spider diagram in Figure 23 shows
that extended reach/horizontal wells drilled from the 11-acre CD-2 drill site in the
Alpine Field can produce from about 14,200 acres (22 square miles). Some of the
wells in the Alpine field can reach out 4 miles from the drill site. On a map of
Washington, DC with the drill site at the Capitol Building, the wells can reach well
south of the Anacostia Freeway all the way to Adams-Morgan (Figure 24).

The Liberty project represents the next and latest phase: ultra-extended-reach
drilling. Although these wells have not yet been drilled, the rig is up and undergoing final engineering and design assessments. It is likely be the largest land rig
in the world. Figure 25 is a map of the proposed Liberty project. Green areas denote
underground oil reservoirs. Yellow dots denote proposed drilling targets. Liberty will
be developed from the existing Satellite Drilling Island (SDI) drill site originally
constructed for the Endicott field. Six wells are planned that will reach up to 8
miles from the island. If successfully implemented, these wells will be the longest
reach wells ever drilled.
Figure 26 shows the area that could be reached by the Liberty wells if the rig
was set on the site of the Capitol Building. The wells could extend out to Andrews
Air Force Base in the southeast, Silver Spring in the North, and well into Fairfax
County in the west. If the Prudhoe Bay field were developed today using Libertytype drilling technology, surface impact would be greatly reduced to possibly as few
as two drill pads.
The climate, the remoteness, government regulation, and undoubtedly the cost all
contribute to the industrys ability to drill in the Arctic with as little impact to the
land as possible. The evolution and deployment of technological improvements over
the years tell a story of innovation and adaptation that is demanded of the Arctic
on all who live and work there.
Epilogue: A final comment about enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Testimony by others at this hearing will provide the committee with a description of incredible and
fantastic applications of physics, chemistry, and engineering to squeeze every drop
of hydrocarbons out of US oil and gas fields. When applied to fields in the Lower
48, people usually think that EOR is intended to stimulate old oil and gas fields
and reverse their production declines. Note that every field developed on the North
Slope, including Prudhoe Bay, had an EOR plan in place before the first drop of oil
was produced. Water flooding and gas injection, miscible injection, water-alternating-with-gas (WAG) were designed into the facilities as they were installed and
upgraded. The optimization of these EOR projects are continually monitored using
intensive surveillance tools and modeled using sophisticated dynamic simulations of
the reservoirs. The Saddlerochit reservoir in the Prudhoe Bay field maybe the most
well understood reservoir in the world.
The Alaska oil and gas Industry is also implementing amazing new EOR ideas.
The Gas Cap Water Injection Project at the Prudhoe Bay field is such an idea. By
flooding water through the gas cap, relic oil will be swept into the oil leg of the reservoir where it can be produced. Monitoring the progress of the success of this
project is achieved by employing the first of its kind micro-gravity 4D survey that
can remotely detect the movement of fluids through the gas cap. Pilot projects are
also underway including the low salinity water injection project and polymer treatments.
A variety of artificial lift mechanisms are employed throughout the fields on the
North Slope including gas lift, jet pumps, electric submersible pumps, and progressive cavity pumps. The industry has also implemented many surface gathering and
processing advancements, corrosion monitoring, and equipment condition based
monitoring programs.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you.

Ms. Epstein.

Ms. EPSTEIN. Good morning. Thank you for inviting me here to

testify today. My name is Lois Epstein and I am an Alaska licensed
engineer and the Arctic Program Director for The Wilderness Society or TWS, a national public interest organization with over
500,000 members and supporters.
My background in oil and gas issues includes membership from
1995 to 2007 on the U.S. DOT Oil Pipeline Federal Advisory Committee.
Appointment to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation Enforcement or BOEMREs newly formed Ocean Energy
Safety Committee.

Testifying before Congress on numerous occasions previously.
Analyzing in detail the environmental performance of Alaskas
Cook Inlet oil and gas infrastructure.
The purpose of this hearing is to discuss new developments in
upstream oil and gas technologies. I will provide an Alaskan perspective. I will discuss several key issues.
One ensuring that upstream oil and gas operations do not result
in spills.
Two, keeping the Trans-Alaska pipeline system or TAPS, operating.
Three, realistically assessing the impacts of directional drilling.
On the first topic both onshore and offshore oil and gas wells and
their associated pipelines have unfortunately a troubling spill
record and a highly inadequate oversight framework which needs
to be addressed by Congress and the Obama Administration. Just
last week the Administration and BP agreed to a proposed civil settlement for 2006 oil pipeline spills of $25 million. Plus, and this is
whats important, a set of required safety measures for BPs Federal unregulated North Slope pipelines which are all upstream of
transmission lines. Thats part of oil gas field operations. While the
settlement is certainly welcome and an important precedent, Congress and U.S. DOT need to require such measures for federally
unregulated upstream lines operated by other companies in Alaska
and the lower 48.
Lack of adequate preventive maintenance in North Slope operations is not a new issue. However, as corrosion problems in
Prudhoe Bays and other oil fields pipelines have been raised previously by regulators and others including as early as 1999 by the
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. As additional
evidence of the problems with upstream infrastructure, the State
of Alaska recently completed a report in November 2010 which
showed that there is a spill of over 1,000 gallons nearly once every
2 months. Of the spills included in the report, which I do have with
me, a substantial portion or 39 percent were from federally unregulated upstream pipelines. Thus, theres great opportunities to make
sure that those dont happen with the proper oversight, those
Turning to offshore operations. Since the BP Deep Water Horizon
tragedy is now well known at the Minerals Management Service
and its successor agency BOEMRE need to upgrade regulatory
standards and enforcement capabilities for offshore drilling. As I
discuss in more detail in my written testimony.
Congress also needs to upgrade Federal legislation since the
spill. I welcome this committees work on that issue. Including in
areas widely considered problematic. As just one example, current
Federal law still has a low liability cap of $75 million.
On the second topic of the Trans-Alaska pipeline system, Alaskas North Slope oil producers and indeed, all Alaskans have a financial interest in keeping TAPS operating. There are several different ways of ensuring that TAPS continues to operate including
technical upgrades to the pipeline such as heaters or liners and/or
increases in conventional including heavy oil and/or unconventional
including shale oil drilling on State lands. Though drilling in State
waters may be problematic.

I want to, from the perspective of The Wilderness Society, I want
to emphasize that despite in State and DC based rhetoric, drilling
on Federal lands or waters is not necessary to ensure that TAPS
remains viable for decades to come. Theres been quite a bit of testimony along those lines in the State legislature recently. From an
Alaskan perspective drilling on State lands generally provides far
more revenue for the State than from Federal lands including outer
continental shelf drilling beyond 6 miles where the State receives
no revenue from leases.
On the third topic directional drilling for oil which is not a new
technology has impacts in an area that are no different than conventional vertical oil drilling. Directional drilling requires surface
occupancy for drill rigs and well pads as well as runways, roads,
pipelines and other transportation and supply infrastructure. Because of its higher costs and the improved likelihood of accessing
a reservoir using a vertical well, directional drilling may not be
used for exploratory drilling. It might be, but it might not.
Additionally regardless of the type of drilling used there would
be adverse impacts from seismic exploration which occurs directly
above the subsurface being explored. In the Arctic seismic exploration typically involves heavy vehicles driving across the tundra
in a great pattern impressing sensitive soil and plants. Tundra recovery from seismic activities can take decades.
Those familiar with directional drilling know that for technical
reasons directional drilling only has a range of a few miles. As a
result any bill proposing to use directional drilling to access federally protected areas may be said to potentially mislead decisionmakers by ignoring the need for repeated surface use across extensive areas for seismic exploration including 3D surveys and exploratory and delineation drilling. It may also cause decisionmakers to
think that an areas full oil development potential could be realized
through directional drilling.
It might also be perceived to mislead the public by implying that
oil drilling in an area will be forever limited to the distance accessible via directional drilling. When oil production precedes using directional drilling there will be calls to expand the drilling to reach
portions of the reservoirs not accessible via that approach. The bottom line with directional drilling is that it allows a region to become industrialized and adversely impacted to essentially the same
extent as conventional drilling including surface exploratory activities which can have long term consequences.
Wildlife including marine mammals, caribou, migratory birds
using federally protected areas do not recognize political boundaries. Theres no question that conducting drilling activities immediately adjacent to federally protected areas, like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would have harmful ecological impacts.
Thank you very much for your attention to these important
issues. I look forward to answering your questions.
[The prepared statement of Ms. Epstein follows:]
Good morning and thank you for inviting me to testify today. My name is Lois
Epstein and I am an Alaska-licensed engineer and the Arctic Program Director for

The Wilderness Society. The Wilderness Society, or TWS, is a national public interest conservation organization with over 500,000 members and supporters. TWS mission is to protect wilderness and inspire Americans to care for our wild places. My
background in oil and gas issues includes membership from 1995-2007 on the U.S.
Department of Transportations Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Standards Committee which oversees oil pipeline regulatory and other agency activities,
appointment to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcements (BOEMREs) newly-formed Ocean Energy Safety Committee, testifying before
Congress on numerous occasions, and analyzing in detail the environmental performance of Alaskas Cook Inlet oil and gas infrastructure. I have worked on oil and
gas environmental and safety issues for over 25 years for three private consultants
and for national and regional conservation organizations in both DC and Anchorage.
The purpose of this hearing is to discuss new developments in upstream oil and
gas technologies, and I will provide an Alaskan perspective. I will discuss several
key issues:
1. Ensuring that upstream oil and gas operations do not result in spills and
2. Keeping the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, or TAPS, operating, and
3. Realistically assessing the impacts of directional drilling. Last, I will
present The Wilderness Societys position on oil drilling in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge.
Ensuring Upstream Operations Do Not Result in Spills and Pollution
Both onshore and offshore, oil and gas wells and their associated pipelines have
a troubling spill record and a highly inadequate oversight framework which needs
to be addressed by Congress and the Obama Administration. Just last week, the Administration and BP agreed to a proposed civil settlement for 2006 pipeline spills
of $25 million plus a set of required safety measures on BPs federally-unregulated
North Slope pipelines which are all upstream of transmission lines.1 Under the requirements of the settlement, BPs federally-unregulated oil field pipelines, i.e.,
three-phase flowlines (gas, crude, produced water mixture), produced water lines,
and well lines, now will be subject to integrity management requirements largely
similar to those that must be met by transmission pipelines in 49 CFR 195. While
this settlement certainly is a welcome step for BPs lines and an important precedent, Congress in its pipeline safety act reauthorization and the U.S. Department
of Transportation need to move forward expeditiously on requiring such measures
for lines operated by other companies in Alaska and the Lower 48.
BPs March 2006 spill of over 200,000 gallons was the largest crude oil spill to
occur in the North Slope oil fields and it brought national attention to the chronic
problem of such spills. Another pipeline spill in August 2006 resulted in shutdown
of BPs production in Prudhoe Bay and brought to light major concerns about systemic neglect of key infrastructure. Lack of adequate preventive maintenance was
not a new issue, however, as corrosion problems in Prudhoe Bays and other oil field
pipelines have been raised previously by regulators and others, including as early
as 1999 by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation.2
As additional evidence of the problems with upstream infrastructure, the State of
Alaska completed a report3 in November 2010 which reviewed a set of over 6,000
North Slope spills from 1995-2009. This report showed that there were 44 loss-ofintegrity spills/year4 with 4.8 of those greater than 1,000 gallons/year.5 Of the 640
spills included in the report, a significant proportion, 39%, were from federally-unregulated pipelines.6
In 2009, TWS issued its own report on North Slope spills entitled Broken Promises,7 which I have with me here today. Broken Promises should be used in conjunction with the states spill report. The TWS report shows a spill frequency on the
1 Proposed
at (downloaded May 8, 2011).
2 Charter for the Development of the Alaskan North Slope, December 2, 1999, (BP ARCO
Merger Agreement),
3 North Slope Spills Analysis: Final Report on North Slope Spills Analysis and Expert Panel
Recommendations on Mitigation Measures, Nuka Research & Planning Group, LLC for the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, November 2010, 244 pp., http://
4 Ibid., p. 21.
5 Ibid., p. 23.
6 Certain types of spills were not included. See p. 14 of the North Slope Spills Analysis report.
7 Broken Promises: The Reality of Oil Development in Americas Arctic (2nd Edition), The Wilderness Society, 2009.

North Slope of 450 spills/year during 1996-2008, with the difference being that the
state included only production-related spills in its analysis and excluded North
Slope toxic chemical (e.g., antifreeze) and refined product (e.g., diesel) spillsmany
of which are related to oil developmentas well as spills indirectly related to oil
production infrastructure, such as those from drilling or workover operations and
from vehicles.
Turning to offshore operations, since the BP Deepwater Horizon tragedy, it is now
well-known that the Minerals Management Service and its successor agency,
BOEMRE, need to upgrade regulatory standards and enforcement capabilities for
offshore drilling. Since the BP spill, BOEMRE has issued several new drilling safety
regulations and is in the process of developing new policies regarding the environmental analyses required for offshore drilling. The conservation community is most
concerned with the following currently-inadequate BOEMRE practices: lack of transparency in permitting, the limited nature of its enforcement, the need for real-time
electronic monitoring of offshore operations by regulators, the insufficiency of key
regulations (e.g., covering blowout preventers), and the problematic implementation
of National Environmental Policy Act and oil spill response requirements. Additionally, Congress has not upgraded federal legislation since the spill including in areas
widely considered problematic; as examples, current federal law has a low liability
cap of $75 million, inadequate financial responsibility requirements, and there are
no whistleblower protections for the offshore drilling industry.
Notably, BOEMRE recently released a technical memo8 showing that a hypothetical blowout in the Chukchi Sea lease sale 193 area could result in a spill of
58-90 million gallons, meaning that there could be a spill of approximately the same
scale as that from the BP Deepwater Horizon in the Arctic where cleanup would
be extraordinarily more difficult. This information sends a strong message that the
legislative and regulatory failures which in part led to the BP upstream spillas
discussed in the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and
Offshore Drilling report9need to be remedied expeditiously.
Keeping TAPS Operating
Alaskas North Slope oil producers and, indeed, all Alaskans have a financial interest in keeping TAPS operating. There are several different ways of ensuring that
TAPS continues to operate including technical upgrades to the pipeline such as
heaters10 or liners and/or increases in conventional (including heavy oil) and/or unconventional oil drilling on state lands. I want to emphasize thatdespite in-state
and DC-based rhetoricdrilling on federal lands or waters is not necessary to ensure that TAPS remains viable for decades to come.
Oil industrys plans to operate TAPS for many decades to come were highlighted
recently in the Alaska legislature by Senator Joe Paskvan:
There is reliable information that the likely operation of TAPS is at least
until 2047. This is likely without any potential contribution to throughput
from heavy oil or shale oil or ANWR oil or NPRA oil or OCS oil. Based on
the available evidence, Mr. President, I am confident saying that TAPS will
continue to operate for decades. There are billions of barrels of conventional
crude remaining in Alaskas Central North Slope.11
Over 5 billion barrels in conventional oil reserves remain on Alaskas North Slope
according to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources.12 Additionally, viscous
and heavy oil reserves of 30 billion barrels, largely in strata above the existing
8 Memorandum on Estimate for Very Large Discharge (VLD) of Oil from an Exploration Well
in the Chukchi Sea OCS Planning Area, NW Alaska, March 4, 2011.
9 DeepWater: The Gulf Oil disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling, Report to the President, National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, January 2011, see
10 Which could, according to TAPS owners, ensure TAPS viability using current proven reserves through 2042 (BP Pipelines (Alaska) Inc., et al. v. State of Alaska, et al., Case No. 3AN06-8446 C1, Superior Court for the State of Alaska, October 26, 2010 p. 129).
11 A Math Problem and Alaskas Production Tax System, Senator Joe Paskvan, Alaska Legislature, Senate Floor Session, Special Orders, May 3, 2011. Also listen at
media/?medialid=SFLS110503A&type=audio; see also Comments on Judge Gleasons Decision:
BP Pipelines, et al. v. State of Alaska, et al. op. cit., Alaska Legislature Senator Joe Paskvan,
April 27, 2011, 4 pp.
12 2009 Annual Report Updated, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, May 2010, p. 8,

Prudhoe Bay oil fields, have begun to be produced.13 At West Sak, viscous oil has
been produced for the past few years.
From an Alaskan perspective, drilling on state lands provides far more revenue
for the state than from federal lands, including Outer Continental Shelf drilling
where the state receives no revenue from leases. Today the oil industry holds roughly 3.9 million acres in active State of Alaska leases on the North Slope. Millions of
acres of existing leases on state lands have not yet been developed. Each year, the
state holds area-wide lease sales covering 11 million acres between the Canning and
Colville Rivers on the North Slope.
Id like to speak for a moment about the potential for shale oil fracking in Alaska
on state lands. Underlying lands close to TAPS infrastructure are three shale oil
formations with high potential for unconventional oil production. The geology in this
area is similar to North Dakotas prolific Bakken Shale and the South Texas Eagle
Ford Shale. Great Bear Petroleum LLC recently leased over 500,000 acres of state
land near TAPS south and southwest of Prudhoe Bay to pursue shale oil fracking.
This relatively new technique to produce oil from shale rock could result in substantial volumes of additional oil entering TAPS from state, rather than federal, lands.
Shale oil production needs to be well-regulated by both the federal and state governments to protect the Arctics waters and wildlife habitatlack of adequate state regulation always is a concern in a state seeking to attract oil producers.
The following graphic14 from Great Bear Petroleum taken from its presentation
to the state legislature in 2011 shows projected oil production over 150,000 barrels/
day beginning in 2015 with nearly 300,000 barrels/day in 2029 and sustainable
long-term production of 450,000 barrels/day beginning in 2044. Note that Phase 1
would include drilling 200 wells per year for 15 years beginning in 2013, a substantial additional economic boost to Alaska.
Importantly, Great Bear Petroleum is not asking the state for any changes in the
states oil tax rates.
Increased conventional oil production on state lands also is possible as the extensive discussion on how to encourage such production during the 2011 state legislative session made clear.
Realistically Assessing Directional Drilling
Oil and gas drilling and production is an inherently complicated and messy business. Even the best and most well-financed operators cannot ensure they will not
have oil or other spills because they may encounter unexpected or changing conditions which have not been adequately addressed. Additionally, there is always a tension between reducing operating costs while still maintaining safety and environmental protection.
Directional drilling for oil, which is not a new technology, has impacts that are
no different than conventional oil drilling. It requires surface occupancy for drill rigs
and well pads as well as runways, roads, pipelines and other transportation and
supply infrastructure, albeit at a location near but not immediately above oil and
gas reservoirs. Because of its higher cost, directional drilling may or may not be
used for exploratory drilling. Additionally, regardless of whether directional or conventional drilling is used, there would be extensive adverse impacts from seismic
exploration which does occur directly above the subsurface being explored. In the
Arctic, seismic exploration typically involves heavy vehicles driving across the tundra in a grid pattern, compressing sensitive soil and plants. Tundra recovery from
seismic activities can take decades.
Those familiar with directional drilling know that for technical reasons directional
drilling only has a range of a few miles. As a result, any bill proposing to use directional drilling to access federally-protected areas:
1. Misleads decision-makers by ignoring the need for repeated surface use
across extensive areas for seismic exploration, including 3-D surveys and exploratory and delineation drilling,
2. Misleads decision-makers by having them think that an areas full oil development potential could be realized through directional drilling, and
3. Misleads the public by implying that oil drilling in an area will be forever
limited to the distance accessible via directional drilling. When oil production
proceeds, there will be calls to expand drilling to reach portions of reservoirs
not accessible via directional drilling.
13 BP puts test horizontal well into operation in the Ugnu at Milne Point, Petroleum News,
May 1, 2011, see
14 Title changed for purposes of this testimony.

The bottom line with directional drilling is that it allows a region to become industrialized and adversely impacted to essentially the same extent as conventional
drilling. Wildlife including marine mammals and ungulates using federally-protected areas do not recognize political boundaries. Moreover, wildlife movements are
not always predictable from year to year, particularly with the advent of climate
change. Theres no question that conducting drilling activities immediately adjacent
to federally-protected areas like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would have
harmful ecological impacts.
The Wilderness Societys Position on Oil Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil leasing, exploration, and production unacceptably threatens the Refuges globally significant wilderness and
wildlife values. Oil drilling activitieseven with directional drilling as one componentwould undermine the Refuges fundamental purposes: to protect wilderness,
wildlife, and subsistence.
Thank you very much for your attention to these important issues.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank all of you for your excellent testimony.

Let me start with a few questions.
You know one of the impressions I get is that the new technologies that have been developed have had 2 bigtheyve obviously had a lot of impacts, but 2 of those are that its much less
likely that youre going to be drilling dry holes because of the new
information that the industry has from all the seismic technology
Dr. Davis spoke about. That once you do drill a well, your ability
to actually access more of the resource, whether its oil or gas, is
substantially improved. Is that a fair characterization of what has
changed in the industry,
Dr. Davis.
Mr. DAVIS. Yes. Id like to speak to that with a few statistics.
Historically in the past weve averaged for wild cat drilling in one
in 8 successful wells. Now were well below one in 4 using 3D seismic technologies. But with the advent of the new recording systems, the new technologies, were down to less than that.
I havent seen any recent
The CHAIRMAN. You mean out of every 4 wells that are drilled,
3 of them will be dry holes still?
Mr. DAVIS. That is correct for wild cat drilling. Thats in areas
that are, you know, that havent been drilled in before. Most of our
drilling though is in areas where we already have reserves. In
those areas we have also accelerated our success ratios to generally
the other way around that is 3 out of 4 wells would be successful.
So in this regard then our success has certainly accelerated. Also
as youve already indicated weve also, you know, found additional
reserves in areas that we didnt necessarily think were there. In
other words there are satellite fields proximal to the main fields
that weve now been able to find.
So as a result weve increased the recovery of those general fields
substantially. So before we basically booked reserves on the framework of the geometry of the reservoir and that and we found out
that the reservoir is much more extensive than before we thought.
We now are also using enhanced oil recovery methods like Mr.
Melzer indicated to even recover oil below the oil water contact.
So again, what has been astonishing is the accelerated, I guess
well say, intake of the recovery here thats occurred in these fields.
The CHAIRMAN. Am I right that these new gas findings that in
the deep shale that are being drilled in Pennsylvania and all

around these days. Those areyou dont get dry holes with those.
I mean, you pretty much know the gas is there. Its a question of
making the investment to access it.
Is that a fair statement?
Mr. DAVIS. It is a fair statement. We know that were going to
not have a dry hole. But whether we have an economic well or not
is the issue.
The CHAIRMAN. Right.
Mr. DAVIS. So another use of the new technology is to optimize
the drilling for what we call sweet spots, those areas that will be
economically attractive.
The CHAIRMAN. Let me ask Mr. Melzer. Your comment that
youre out of CO2 at this point. Could you elaborate on that a little
bit? I mean, how much enhanced oil recovery activity currently
uses CO2 and how much could use CO2 if the CO2 were available?
Mr. MELZER. The question is an excellent one. I get this asked
of me quite often. The answer is a bit subjective to match supply
and demand.
It regardsIm pretty well connected to the industry so I understand where pent up projects are. Many of them, I dont know them
all. But what I see in our basin is that we could probably double
our CO2 utilization today if we had double the supply in a matter
of 5 years we could probably find the projects to implement.
Some of that is due to enhanced pricing, oil pricing today, where
it is. We were growing this business at $20 oil. CO2 EOR was growing at 1990s which averaged $19 a barrel in that decade. So maybe
thats a $40 barrel today.
The CHAIRMAN. What does
Mr. MELZER. Certainly.
The CHAIRMAN. What does the CO2 cost?
Mr. MELZER. The old contracts that were around back in the
1980s and 1990s, many of those are still there. I just heard of a
new contract which was a record setting price. I think in terms of
MCF, thousands of cubic feet, $2 a thousand is probably a current
price thats going around.
The average price because of the old contracts is closer to a dollar on that order. Thats $20 a ton for the latter and $40 a ton for
the former.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you.
Senator Murkowski.
Senator MURKOWSKI. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Gentlemen, thank you for speaking to some of the advances in
the technology that have really taken us to where we are.
Ms. Epstein, I had hopedI understand where youre coming
from on oil. But I had hoped that you too would recognize, we really have made some transformational, transformational movement
in how we access our resources and reducing that footprint and reducing our emissions and really trying to do a much, much better
Mr. Hendricks, I wanted to ask you about the extended reach
drilling. You mention that Schlumberger, the furthest youve gone
out is 7.6 miles. Mr. Banks has indicated that in Alaska were up
to about 8 miles in all different directions.

Is there any physical limitation in terms of your ability to go further, to push it out or are the limitations more from an economical?
Is it technical? Whats keeping us from going further than the 7.6
or the 8 miles?
Mr. HENDRICKS. Thank you for the question, Senator. So as engineers we like to take on these types of challenges. We like to solve
these types of technical problems. But yes, there is an economic
factor as well that comes into play.
There are limits eventually as to how far out we can drill. I dont
think weve met those limits yet. Were at a little over 7 miles now
and some of our records.
Senator MURKOWSKI. Has anybody gone further?
Mr. HENDRICKS. No, not yet. Weve done that so far. But, you
know, soon well see 8, 9, 10 and maybe 15 or 20 someday in the
future. Well take this step by step.
As engineers we like to take these a little bit at a time and make
sure that weve done the calculations so that everything works out
like its supposed to.
Senator MURKOWSKI. Appreciate that.
Mr. Davis and Mr. Melzer, you both talked about thewell, and
Mr. Banks as well, the EOR and kind of what the technologies are
now allowing us to do. One of the discussions that we have around
here were always arguing over how much resource is really out
there. If you believe what the President says, you know, youve got
2 percent of the reserves out there.
In fairness, do we really know? It seems like the more our technology advances us, the more we are able to not only access, but
really it seems like its unlimited. Am I being too pie in the sky
about this or are there really more for us in terms of the opportunities?
Either one of you, I mean, any of you?
Mr. Melzer.
Mr. MELZER. Its a great topic, Senator. Itswe are kind of on
the verge of trying to understand the resource that would be in
these residual oil zones. I can really say that the commercial resource thats in those zones at $100 a barrel its enormously higher
than it would be at $40 a barrel.
We did a real quick calculation. Admittedly it was back in the
envelope in one county in West Texas, its a large county, but its
one county. We had $30 billion barrels of oil in place. We could calculate from that residual oil zone in that county.
I suspect that parts of Wyoming, maybe some of Utah have the
same resource that we just are, just now understanding that we
ought to go study. South Dakota, I mentioned, southern Williston
Basin and into Canada as well. So, now it becomes a question of
where you going to get the CO2 to do that?
I like to think in terms of the gap between the cost of capture
and the value of the CO2 for EOR. We have shrunk that because
the price of oil is up and because technology is advancing thanks
to a lot of the work that DOE is doing. So its not closed for coal
plants today. But its getting closer.
It is close for some industrial processes like ammonia and natural gas byproducts CO2. So its a complicated answer because it

depends on the supply of CO2 as well as the total resource in the
Senator MURKOWSKI. But isnt it more than just, I mean, the CO2
is what has enabled us to really gain the advantage with the enhanced oil recovery.
Mr. Davis, is there more out there that, I mean, you mentioned
that the time lapse imaging and better understanding where it is.
Are we just now beginning to understand in being able to identify
what the true resource might actually be?
Mr. DAVIS. We truly are. Weve been involved with monitoring
these enhanced oil recovery projects since 1995. To give you an indication of the amount of recovery that is incremental recovery
thats occurred, generally the enhanced oil recovery framework involves about a 15 percent incremental.
In other words if you have oil, original oil in place of say, 3 billion barrels, you can escalate that by additional, well normally
youd recover about a quarter of that with secondary and primary.
But going with enhanced oil recovery youd have an incremental recovery of 15 percent. But we found out through monitoring that we
can escalate that even farther to 17 to 20 percent.
We dont know what the limits are. Youre quite right in your observations. So in some fields, for example weve gone from 12,000
barrels to 35,000 barrels a day incremental recovery. Thats on a
day basis. Theres a field in Oklahoma that weve worked that
weve taken from 10 barrels to over 3,000 barrels a day. Many,
many examples like that exist.
We now want to focus on the so-called unconventional reservoirs
and push those. Where weve had incremental, you know, recoveries of 3, 4, 5 percent. We think we can double or even perhaps
triple the recoveries in places like the Bakken in North Dakota, for
example, with the introduction of carbon dioxide.
So we have similarities of the residual oil zone there. But were
pushing into areas where we have up dip water in that system.
Now by introducing carbon dioxide in that system we can push the
boundaries of these fields out and recover a lot more resource.
Senator MURKOWSKI. Thank you. Im over my time.
The CHAIRMAN. Senator Udall.
Senator UDALL. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Good morning to the
panel, particularly I want to welcome Dr. Davis. Its always wonderful to have a faculty member of the esteemed Colorado School
of Mines. Were very proud of the work you do. Thank you for making the trip to Washington.
Let me turn to you first, Dr. Davis, if I might. You talked about
the fact that new seismic technology can be used to monitor well
in completion integrity. I believe those are the terms you used.
Does that mean you can use seismic data to test the integrity of
cementing and casing and could this technology perhaps be also
used to monitor older abandoned wells?
Mr. DAVIS. Absolutely. We actually lower detectors down into the
wellbores and do that monitoring. We can also put them, these sensors, on the outside of casing if we want. We can also do some kind
of integrity measurements by just surface measurements or in
what we call water holes or water wells nearby. In other words
drill shallow holes and put these sensors nearby and just monitor.

So in this regard, yes. Even completion technologies right now.
Were just talking about it with Mr. Hendricks here and that is
that generally only 5 percent of these wells that are completed in
hydrolytic fracturing are monitored. Im forecasting that were
going to see more and more of this in terms of monitoring going
forward. We have to, from an environmental point of view.
Senator UDALL. So youre saying in the context of the story even
today about wells being contaminated with methane in the
Marcellus area that those water wells could be monitored with
these sensors as well.
Mr. DAVIS. Absolutely.
Senator UDALL. Perhaps we can get a more pinpoint accurate
idea of where this methane is coming from.
Mr. DAVIS. That is correct.
Senator UDALL. Thank you. WThank you for that.
Let me turn to Mr. Banks and Ms. Epstein to talk about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
I understand that in order to potentially develop oil production
through directional drilling, seismic testing and the like, exploratory drilling would be necessary first. In the refuge what would
this look like? How would the seismic testing and the exploratory
drilling be conducted? What equipment and infrastructure would it
Maybe in turn you could each give your point of view to the committee?
Mr. BANKS. I thank you for the question, Senator.
Senator UDALL. If you turn on your mic thatd be great.
Mr. BANKS. Thank you. Ill try to touch on that. TheI would expect seismic activity would have to be done, of course, on the surface, just as has been described.
I also spoke about the preference of drilling vertical wells for exploration because of the timing and also the precision that we can
achieve in doing so. It helps us to describe what the layer cake
looks like, so to speak, to help us interpret better what the seismic
is telling us. Exploration and development of ANWR, if it were to
proceed, would likely occur in a step wise fashion.
There are some resources that we know of on the west side of
the Canning River on State land that may extend, in fact, into the
ANWR land. We dont know for sure. But that would be a likely
spot to begin looking.
Senator UDALL. Miss Epstein.
Ms. EPSTEIN. I would agree with Mr. Banks about the fact that
there would be surface impacts. I would like to emphasize that depending on how the seismic exploration is done those impacts could
last quite a long time, decades in fact. That it does pose a concern.
I would like to follow up just briefly on Senator Murkowskis
comment a moment ago about appreciation for the technological advances. As an engineer I am absolutely respectful and appreciative
of technological changes that have been made over the years. Ones
that have in fact, reduced environmental impact.
I would also add and I think were all aware its a very complex
industry. There are lots of things that are going on. As essentially
a watchdog on some of the nitty gritty regulatory matters involving
pipeline safety in particular, and now involving offshore issues. You

know, theres a lot of details in a lot of areas where we can make
additional improvements. That was, sort of, the main emphasis of
my testimony.
Senator UDALL. Let me ask a follow on question more broadly to
both of you. I understand that extended reach drilling is being utilized on the North Slope which is, as you know, a vast area. What
kind of access do the oil and gas companies have to Alaskas North
Ms. Epstein, maybe start with you and then turn to Mr. Banks?
Ms. EPSTEIN. Actually along the coast about 90 percent is available to be drilled right now. Theres a mere 10 percent thats off
limits. So I think thats a pretty significant statistic.
Senator UDALL. Mr. Banks.
Mr. BANKS. Senator Udall, I think the issue of how much you can
reach with extended reach drilling from State lands and a figure
like 90 percent. Im not exactly sure 90 percent of what that is.
Speaking to the kinds of extended reach drilling that has been extended so far.
Theres still a need for manmade islands in the very near shore.
Two moremost of our recent developments on the North Slope
have occurred from manmade islands. In part because extended
reach drilling is possible when theand the reach that you can
achieve is possible as long as the objective is deep. But in some of
the most recent discoveries on the North Slope, some of those reservoirs have been rather shallow. So there is some need for access
on to State lands, State submerged lands in order to develop our
With respect to the activities in a place like the National Wildlife
Refuge, Im a bitI think its fair to say. I think the photos in my
written testimony indicate that it is possible to move a drilling rig
onto the surface from an ice road and an ice pad and leave the area
relatively untouched when the operations are completed.
Ms. Epstein has talked about the heavy trucks that are used for
seismic surveys. In fact the equipment used is designed to be able
to be used in the winter time when theres sufficient snow cover
and the ground is hard enough. So that in fact there is not much
of an impact from those kinds of operations.
Now that has evolved over time. Early on equipment was different. But now the equipment has transformed and evolved to
limit that kind of damage.
Senator UDALL. These are important questions. The committee
wants to seriously consider these. Id welcome and I know the committee would, and the leaders of the committee, additional comment before the record is closed.
Thank you for being here today.
The CHAIRMAN. Senator Portman.
Senator PORTMAN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I thank the panelists today. Very interesting testimony.
I come from the Midwest, from Ohio. Unlike my western and
Alaskan colleagues here on the panel were looking now with the
new finds in Marcellus and Utica particularly at the possibility of
drilling in some pretty densely populated areas. It creates additional challenges, as you know.

Mr. Davis or Dr. Davis, I was interested in your testimony and
talking a little about some of the seismic technologies that can be
used with regard to drilling. How can those technologies be used
to reduce some of the footprint and some of the potential intrusion
on private landowners in a place like Eastern Ohio where we have
these potentially huge new finds with Marcellus and Utica?
Mr. DAVIS. One of the things that weve studied along the way
are where are these sweet spots in these types of plays, these unconventional gas plays. Weve been working in Western Colorado in
the area of the Piceance Basin. There the technology, as of a few
years ago, was drilling wells at ten acre spacing, 660 feet apart,
vertical wells to access the resource.
Now, once weve identified the sweet spot with seismic techniques. We define a sweet spot as an area of increased productivity, higher productivity, which translates to the higher permeability in the rock, the ability of the rock to flow hydrocarbons. So
weve been able to analyze that from surface seismic techniques.
Sensing those areas and then locating pads on which to drill
these extended reach deviated wells, now fairly highly deviated
wells, off of one particular pad. Then well look at now pad locations which are environmentally permitted, working with landowners and that framework and working with State regulatory
agencies. Thats allowed the industry to move forward in that particular area. I see that happening in areas like your homeland.
Senator PORTMAN. So instead of 660 feet what is the spacing or
distance typically?
Mr. DAVIS. They are extending now over distances of a mile, for
Senator PORTMAN. We talked about horizontal drilling.
Mr. Davis Yes.
Senator PORTMAN. Being up to 7 or 8 miles.
Mr. DAVIS. Yes, so, you know, maybe, well see further separation
in these pads.
Senator PORTMAN. As the Marcellus production is ramped up in
Pennsylvania and Upstate New York. Both of those States have
raised some environmental concerns. Ohio is starting to develop
more Marcellus in Eastern Ohio and then Utica because of the incredible new technologies and therefore the new finds it looks like
it could be even broader into Central Ohio, potentially and certainly up in Northeast Ohio.
What advice and maybe, Mr. Hendricks, you might have some
thoughts on this or any of the panelists? But what advice would
you have for Ohio as we begin our natural gas production which
by the way were very much looking forward to because its very
much tied to jobs in Ohio. We produce a lot of things that go into
the drilling, the pumps, the pipes and so on. So this is something
we want to be sure is successful.
What lessons can we learn in Ohio from whats happened in
Pennsylvania and certainly in Upstate New York where there have
been some environmental concerns raised? Can you comment on
Mr. HENDRICKS. So thank you, Senator. When it comes to, per
say, the drilling operations and lets say the footprint of the drilling
unit, you know, certainly its up to the people of the municipality

and of the State to determine how they would like this to happen.
You know, we certainly encourage open dialog in this process.
We do have experience where weve drilled in suburban neighborhoods whether its in Southern California, North Texas, Oklahoma,
different places. It is possible to set up certain types of specific
drilling units that are quiet. It will work daylight hours that dont
take up much space.
These are all possibilities and, you know, verses what we might
traditionally do in West Texas where your nearest neighbor is 50
miles away. In some places your nearest neighbor is 15 feet away.
All these things have to be taken into account.
Senator PORTMAN. How about specifically? Senator Udall talked
about Marcellus and some of the technology to determine where
methane might be coming from. I guess there was a recent report
on that.
What are your thoughts on the CO2 emissions from particularly
the natural gas drilling that might be done in connection with
Marcellus or Utica?
Mr. HENDRICKS. For me specifically Im directly involved in the
drilling operations. We prepare the wellbores for what needs to be
done in the completion phase. Then we take our operations and our
expertise and we move on to the next well.
So by the time the well comes on production my team is usually
working on drilling the next well. So Im not directly involved in
the production.
Senator PORTMAN. Mr. Banks, do you have thoughts on that? I
know youre from an Alaska perspective, but youve gone through
some of these same issues.
Mr. BANKS. I think some of the issuessorry. Some of the issues
that we may be dealing with willsome of the issues we may be
dealing with are similar with respect to concerns about produced
fluids and that sort of thing. But in Alaska these drilling fluids are
ejected into approved Class Four wells. Theres nothing that remains on the surface.
Like Texas theres not too many neighbors nearby and with respect to managing the kind of drill works and equipment thats
used on the surface. Extended reach drilling, as Ive mentioned, is
extremely important for us in terms of minimizing the impact of
surface access. Such that even the most recent, or one of the most
recent developments of the large alpine field is not even road connected to the rest of the system in the North Slope, it sits out by
itself on a fairly small 150 acre pad in an airstrip.
Senator PORTMAN. Thank you. My time is up. But I appreciate
the testimony today and the technological advances, not just the
horizontal drilling and not just the fracking which has been around
for 50 years, I guess. But some of the refinements are really important to us in Ohio.
Were excited about the prospects of being able to develop these
resources and we look forward to your continued input.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you.
Senator Hoeven.
Senator HOEVEN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I guess Id start
with a question that each of you could maybe touch on. Your

thoughts on how should EPA handle regulation of hydraulic fracturing. Theyre doing a study now.
Whats the right role in terms of EPA and how should they approach hydraulic fracturing? Obviously States have primary responsibility for regulation. Whats EPAs role?
Mr. Davis, do you want to start? Im very interested in responses
from Mr. Hendricks and Mr. Melzer from a private industry standpoint.
Mr. DAVIS. Ill start but to what extent I can actually comment
on remains to be seen. Im on the Science Advisory Board or panel
that is evaluating the proposed plan/study of the EPA on hydraulic
fracturing. Generally the framework is that, since Im on that panel
that I shouldnt comment on this while this study is underway.
So Im going to dodge that question.
Senator HOEVEN. Ok. Mr. Hendricks.
Mr. HENDRICKS. Thank you for the question, Senator.
Senator HOEVEN. This is your chance to advise Dr. Davis.
Mr. HENDRICKS. So, you know, its true that the hydro fracking
has assisted greatly in enhancing the production of gas and oil
wells in the United States. As an industry we continue to learn
these lessons of what works best and the safest and best methods
of doing this. We encourage open dialog and discussion.
I, per say, am not a policymaker. But we certainly, as an industry, would like to encourage, you know, the open dialog and discussion with the policymakers and the people that live in the area to
continue this effort.
Senator HOEVEN. Mr. Melzer.
Mr. MELZER. Yes, sir. Thanks for the question, sir.
I am a very strong advocate of State involvement in these regulatory regimes. For reasons of balance perhaps in State employment verses the environment and there is a role for EPA I think
in a regional sense. One of the factors that I tend to think doesnt
get evaluated as much as it should is the specific case by cases.
When you get shallow and you get shale underlying the aquifer,
thats one alarm bell that goes off. When the shale is underneath
tens or hundreds of feet of salt, that alarm bell should not even be
present. So Im a very strong advocate of some criteria to establish
the level of monitoring, for example, weve discussed this morning
being very much site based. Perhaps EPA could play a role in that.
USGS could play a role in that. Certainly the States need to have
a role in that.
Senator HOEVEN. So you are specifically commenting on the difference between perhaps the shallow gas play and a deep oil and
gas play?
Mr. MELZER. Correct. Yes, sir.
Senator HOEVEN. Mr. Banks.
Mr. BANKS. Senator, thank you for the question. If I may just as
an aside, I may be from Alaska but my son graduated from UND
just a couple of years ago.
Senator HOEVEN. Outstanding.
Mr. BANKS. I think that the States have a particularly important
role to play. I have a lot of confidence in my sister agency, the

Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in whose wheelhouse
the management of oil well drilling and integrity and management
falls. I think theres been a fairly long history demonstrated by that
particular agency on the success of well drilling in the North Slope
and elsewhere in the State. As Mr. Melzer has mentioned there are
a lot of differences. Different States, different site issues that each
State, I think, has a better opportunity to examine and strike the
right balance.
Now I will go a little bit out on a limb. I think that one of the
issues that has arisen because of say, oil shaleshale oil development, gas shale development, around the issues of produced fluids
has to do with some of the fears based on lack of information. I certainly would advocate that the States, or even in Alaska, that as
we move forward into a shale development, should that occur soon,
that we have a better reporting for what kinds of fluids are being
put into the ground so as to alleviate some of those concerns.
Senator HOEVEN. Ms. Epstein, I noticed that youd raised your
hand. So Id better give you an opportunity to comment.
Ms. EPSTEIN. Thank you, Senator.
Just briefly, as someone who lives in Alaska and has been there
for 10 years having moved there from DC. I just wanted to raise
a concern of mine which is that when you have an important industry in a State there can be the possibility of conflict of interest at
the State level in terms of some regulatory decisionmaking enforcement, etcetera. So I do believe that this is an important enough
issue that EPA could play a strong, analytical role in terms of providing information to States.
Like Mr. Banks, I do think our Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation
Commission does a good job. But they are only able to do what they
have the staff and resources to do. This iswe dont have any sort
of large scale gas or oil fracking going on in Alaska at this point.
But its possible we may in a very short time.
So information coming from the Federal Government and the scientists there who are putting together the report could be enormously helpful to the State.
Senator HOEVEN. You see a differentiation in the plays throughout the United States and Alaska as, I think it was Mr. Melzer
pointed out, is that correct? Do you see a differentiation in how hydraulic fracturing should be handled from a regulatory standpoint
based on the nature of the play or not? Do you think its generic,
a one size fits all?
Ms. EPSTEIN. There are some important similarities. Ive been
studying whats going on up north in terms of the potential for
shale oil fracking. Ive been talking to counterparts in North Dakota and trying to understand the differences and the similarities.
I think theres no easy answer to that question. No black or white.
Senator HOEVEN. OK. Thank you.
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much. Let me ask a couple more
Mr. Melzer, I asked you before about the fact that youre out of
CO2. Is the problem there thats there no production ofnot adequate production of CO2 or availability of natural CO2 or is it a
question of getting it to where it can be used? Weve talked some

in this committee about the need to have policies to facilitate the
building of CO2 pipelines.
Is this an issue that we need to spend time on or is this not an
issue from your perspective?
Mr. MELZER. Yes, it is, sir. I think one of the issues that well
face, as we always face, is that a lot of these resources are regional.
A lot of the sources of CO2 are regional. Sometimes those regions
dont match.
Youre exactly correct in that those cases pipelines will be necessary. Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commissions report addressed this recently. I think it was published last year and looked
at how to do that, how incentives might help do that.
I actually believe in more to your first part of your question that
the source of CO2 is limited today because of both the natural
sources which we use are maxxed out or their pipelines serving
them are maxxed out. The fact that we havent, and we havent as
an industry or a dual industry, the surface facility industry and the
subsurface industry are 2 different cultures. Were having a lot of
difficulty getting those folks to work together.
They justone of them has grown up in a utility environment
and one of them has grown up in an entrepreneurial environment.
Its amazing how different those groups of companies are. But were
making progress. DOE is working on that very hard.
So what were trying to do is take the low hanging fruit on the
CO2 source which would be industrial by product like ammonia
plants and the ones Ive mentioned. Get those into the system to
meet the needs of the EOR. Then, hopefully, down the road well
change that gap, the cost capture and the value of the CO2 to get
the coal plants on gasification or post combustion capture perhaps
will evolve to commercial operation.
The CHAIRMAN. Let me ask a different kind of question. I was
visiting with a fellow who is very involved in the training of people
to work in the oil field in my State. He made the point, which I
thought was an interesting one. He said, you know, you cant make
a living cutting peoples hair in New Mexico without a license, but
you can operate a drill rig without a license. Nobody requires any.
I mean the individual companies do. But theres no official requirement that anyone be trained to any particular level before
they operate a drill rig. Is that an accurate circumstance as you
understand it, Dr. Davis? Should it be? I mean, in Colorado, for example, where youre located are there requirements for drill operators that we ought to try to persuade other States to adopt?
Mr. DAVIS. Thank you for the question. Generally, it is true that
you can, you know, go out and work on a drilling rig without any
kind of training.
The CHAIRMAN. Im not talking about working on one. Im talking
about operating one, being, the operator.
Mr. DAVIS. Yes. In terms of operations, Im not knowledgeable
about the extent, in other words, that individual States have on the
allocation of, you know, training, the number of hours of training,
that kind of thing. But again, as an educator Im of course, would
be in favor of that kind of a framework.
But I imagine its going to change State by State.

The CHAIRMAN. Any of the rest of you have a comment on that
or any knowledge about it?
Mr. Banks.
Mr. BANKS. As an agency that does some regulation I would say
that a barber doesnt have to meet the same kind of regulatory
oversight that most oil drilling operations do. In Alaska that includes not only my agency that is concerned about the effect on the
land, but also from our Department of Environmental Conservation. As I mentioned before, our Conservation Commission and several other agencies, Federal and State agencies that oversee the activities of a drilling operation that are highly scrutinized by the industry.
What we do with barbers, I guess is certify them and let them
go about their business and not trouble them too much after they
The CHAIRMAN. But wouldnt it be wise if youve got a very complicated, risky business someone is engaged in, such as drilling a
well, to have some requirements up front before they start the operation?
Mr. BANKS. Senator, I think that that is the case from a, sort of,
prescriptive regulatory point of view. That does happen with drilling activities. But I thinktheres room I think for oversight to include performance based kinds of approaches to the oversight of
these activities. Ones in which the responsibility of managing risk,
for identifying risk is made by the operator. It is up to the agencies
that regulate them to then make sure that the plans and the activities that the operator chooses to employ are conducted in a way to
meet and minimize those risks.
The CHAIRMAN. Senator Murkowski.
Senator MURKOWSKI. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
A lot of information before us today. Again, I really appreciate
it. Listening to the conversation about how little we really know at
this moment in terms of what really is accessible because the technologies are changing. The pie just appears to be growing bigger
or expanding. I think that thats a good thing for us.
It reminded me that when we were talking about production in
Prudhoe Bay, some 30 years ago plus, when we first discovered oil
up there. The belief was that we would be lucky. We were going
to be seeing somewhere between one and 5 billion barrels coming
out of Prudhoe. Were now at about 15 billion barrels that has been
delivered over the course of these years and with the potential of
yet more to come from that same field.
So, again, it was not because we just really, really misjudged. Its
because of the technologies that allow us to access more and to access it in a way that does respect that environment, that does work
to minimize that footprint. Of course this takes us back to what we
discuss so often here and have for decades. Thats whether or not
we can successfully move to open up portions of ANWR, something
that I feel very, very strongly about.
Yet we dont get credit for the fact that the technology has advanced as it has over these decades. Mr. Hendricks you introduced
your son just back there. Just in the time period that hes been
here what weve been able to do because of the technological advances has been remarkable.

Mr. Banks, I want to ask you. You went into some detail about
how we explore up north in the wintertime. Its not because we like
to explore when its the coldest and the darkest. Its because thats
when we can be most considerate of the environment. We want to
do things respectfully. I think weve demonstrated that we can.
In recognizing that the legislation that Im advancing, weve got
2 different proposals that are out there.
One says, you know, basically little to no surface occupancy. We
will access using directional drilling going in to reduce that impact.
The other one says go onto to the coastal plain in the non wilderness areas and explore that way.
Mr. Banks, is there recognizing that we want to try to be good
environmental stewards up there. Want to try to reduce the footprint. Could the existing well drilled at Sourdough be a logical location for us to tap in using the technologies that weve talked about
here today to gain access to some of that reservoir, that resource
under ANWR?
Mr. BANKS. Senator Murkowski, if I were to predict what part
of ANWR would be most interesting right now to the industry it
would be the Sourdough prospect. It is one that about which we
know a fair amount. I believe that
Senator MURKOWSKI. Can you describe where that is?
Mr. BANKS. Im sorry.
Sourdough is part of the Point Thomson unit. It lies on State
land just west of the Canning River which is the boundary, western
boundary of ANWR in the State of Alaska. This prospect that was
discovered some years ago has not been developed yet.
However, we believe that there is some potential that the prospect itself could reach into the ANWR territory. So its a logical
spot to begin looking for or for producing oil. Extended reach drilling could certainly make quite an impact on being able to drill from
I might also add that the well that was drilled in the 1980s by,
called the KIC No. 1 well, after the Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation,
the ASRC and a landowner of the area. That also could be accessed
from drilling on State submerged lands in the Beaufort Sea off the
coast. Its close enough, I think, using todays technologies to reach
into that area.
However we dont know very much about what the prospect there
looks like.
Senator MURKOWSKI. We wish that we did. We know that somebody out there knows a little bit more than you and I. Certainly
wish that we could have access to that information. But again, I
think it is important to recognize that we are not operating, we are
not exploring and producing as we did 30 years ago when Prudhoe
first came on and as we did 50 years ago in some of the other fields
that you gentlemen are discussing whether its in Texas or North
Dakota or elsewhere in the Rockies.
I think, again, we need to recognize that our technologies have
allowed us to do it safer, better, faster. That was the purpose of
this hearing this morning. So I thank you for your testimony.
Mr. Chairman, again, I thank you for scheduling it.
The CHAIRMAN. Senator Hoeven, did you have additional questions?

Senator HOEVEN. I did, Mr. Chairman. Thank you.
I would like to ask members of our panel what do you think the
key regulatory piece is for us, for Congress to put in place that
would help produce more of the shale play, both oil and gas in a
responsible way. How do we continue to develop this in a responsible way and how can we advance that ball legislatively?
In my State of North Dakota, I think were up to about 350,000
barrels a day ofin terms of our oil production, significant natural
gas as well. We expect to double that within a few years primarily
out of the Bakken and Three Forks and so forth, these shale plays,
where we do use hydraulic fracturing and so forth. There are other
areas being developed and discovered.
So what do we do to make sure that we continue to develop this
domestic production? How do we do it responsibly? What are the
key things Congress needs to do? I start with Mr. Hendricks and
Mr. Melzer, but give anybody, give everybody an opportunity to respond.
Mr. HENDRICKS. You know, certainly from a drilling standpoint,
you know, were all very aware and sensitive to how busy things
are in North Dakota between Williston and Minot especially and
the number of active rigs that are there. For our standpoint, as an
industry, when we want to be able to minimize the footprint and
the impact that we have in the area, we know that its good farmland and we want to make sure that were protecting that going
So we want to continue, as industry, to work together with government, local and State, to make sure that we have the best outcome for everybody.
Senator HOEVEN. Is there only one key piece of legislation youd
like to see that would help?
Senator HOEVEN. Or just generically what would help?
Mr. HENDRICKS. Thats a very fair question, but unfortunately
Im not sure that Im in the best position to answer that.
Senator HOEVEN. Alright.
Mr. HENDRICKS. But again, you know, as an industry we certainly want to proceed with that dialog.
Senator HOEVEN. Mr. Melzer? I mean, are there some key things
that would help advance the ball?
Mr. MELZER. Thinking back, Im fairly familiar with what is
going on in North Dakota through the Pikor Group out of Grand
Forks. I think I would say that the primary facilitators have been
put in place. I guess Im not seeing any holes.
Weve got one in Texas weve got with unitization. Its a real obstacle in our State. But you dont have that.
So Im at a loss to say that theres something that really has to
be put in place to maximize your recovery.
Senator HOEVEN. So that Isla Barro and some of these other new
possibilities, you think, can moveColorado can move forward and
get developed under the current legal and regulatory regime?
Mr. MELZER. I believe so, sir.
Senator HOEVEN. Alright.
Mr. Davis.

Mr. DAVIS. Yes, I guess my point here is that again with the
framework of primary recovery were going to only access so much
of the resource. But as we go forward were going to have water
flooding, secondary recovery in the Bakken and in the Niobara and
in these other places. But were going to eventually have to move
very quickly I think to enhanced oil recovery.
In doing so were going to be able to amazingly change the economics here. Weve been involved with some of the monitoring
north of the border, right in the Manitoba/Saskatewan.
Senator HOEVEN. The Wayburn Field?
Mr. DAVIS. In the area of Sinclair Field. This field operated by
tundra exploration out of Calgary. Just the injection of CO2, even
though its far removed, theyve been able to have industrial
sources of CO2 injected. Weve been monitoring that injection.
Weve been doubling and tripling the production of those wells.
So the framework, I guess from a governmental point of view is
enhancing the availability of the CO2 perhaps not necessarily
through regulatory agencies and that, but in just some kind of incentive that would allow us to capture the CO2 and be able to use
it in these resource plays could have a tremendous uplift.
Senator HOEVEN. I think that it has tremendous potential particularly because of the convergence with CO2 capture and carbon
sequestration. Were already doing some of that. Id be intrigued if
you have some ideas Id sure like to see them in that regard as far
as incentives that might work.
As you know were a little budget challenged around here.
Mr. DAVIS. Yes.
Senator HOEVEN. So incentives that pay for themselves are the
ones that probably stand the best chance to advance. But Im interested in those ideas.
Mr. DAVIS. Theres been, you know the cap and trade and that
kind of thing. But again whether that goes to different States or
how thats managed. Again just some incentives that could be to
capture the CO2 and use it, not just store it, I think would be very,
very helpful.
Senator HOEVEN. I want to give the others an opportunity.
Mr. Melzer, did you have something else to add, though?
Mr. MELZER. Yes, sir. In that vein I think theres ideas floating
around for a tax credit that would do exactly what Dr. Davis is
talking about. I actually look at that and think that would close
this gap. Its really not related back to your shale question so much
as it is the EOR question and carbon capture and storage.
So I really would encourage people to look at that proposal thats
going around.
Senator HOEVEN. Mr. Banks or Ms. Epstein.
Mr. BANKS. Senator, I already mentioned that I thought that better information about what kinds of products are being used in hydraulic fluids as they are used might help to relieve some concerns.
Because I think a good deal of whats being injected in the ground
is actually benign. I also mentioned too that I think in terms of
managing for shale development the States are uniquely positioned
to manage for that.
Id also say that Im a little bit Alaska centric while theres still
a lot of oil to be produced off from State land and around the exist-

ing infrastructure in the North Slope, most of the undiscovered potential lies outside of that area and on Federal lands. Its not a
question so much of how much oil there is, but what kind of rates
we can achieve so that the TAPS pipeline can remain operational
and run successfully for a lot longer time. So thats of a very important matter for us.
Senator HOEVEN. Whats the capacity on the pipeline?
Mr. BANKS. The pipeline when it was fully used or I should say
at peak throughput was 2.1 million barrels today in 1989. Today
its down to 640,000 barrels a day.
Senator HOEVEN. Ms. Epstein.
Ms. EPSTEIN. Yes, thank you.
Ive spent my career trying to bring the laggards within the oil
and gas industry up to the level of leaders. Which I think is incredibly important in terms of increasing the publics confidence in the
industry itself. To answer your question, I would say that the targeted changes that Congress could make that would absolutely increase the publics confidence in the industry areinclude potentially getting rid of the exemption that was created in the Energy
Policy Act to the Safe Drinking Act that allowed fracking to move
If that was removed again, basically reverted back into what it
used to be, you know, all of a sudden there will be increased confidence that drinking water would be protected, the well design requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act would be in place. Then
I do also agree that disclosure seems to be incredibly important to
the public of fracking fluids. Thats not, you know, in some sense
a regulatory requirement. It is, in fact, just shining some sunshine
onto whats going on.
Then the discussions around that can take place. Those that are
doing something thats different than what the leaders are doing
will become apparent. That would be helpful.
Senator HOEVEN. I want to thank the panel. Mr. Chairman,
thank you.
The CHAIRMAN. Let me thank all of you for your testimony today.
I think its been very useful. We appreciate it.
That will conclude our hearing.
[Whereupon, at 11:35 a.m., the hearing was adjourned.]

Responses to Additional Questions





Question 1. As a regulator for Alaskado you feel that there are adequate safety
and oil spill prevention and mitigation technologies available for E&P operators and
drillers in the advent that a blowout or some other type of oil spill should occur onshore in arctic areas?
Answer. Since the Exxon Valdez oil spill, oil spill response planning and equipment staging and availability have improved dramatically. As a direct result of the
States oil spill response program outlined in AS 46.04.200, the Alaska Department
of Environmental Conservation, (ADEC) develops, annually reviews, and revises, as
necessary, the State Oil and Hazardous Substance Contingency Plans (Unified Plan
and Subarea Contingency Plans). These plans address all oil and gas related contingency planning activity in the state. The Unified plan is a coordinated and cooperative effort by government agencies and was written jointly by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The Unified Plan is then divided into 10 Subarea Contingency Plans (SCP) that concentrate on issues and provisions specific to that region
or subarea.
As identified in the Unified Plan, ADEC, as the State of Alaskas lead agency for
responses to oil and hazardous substance spills, has developed a network of response equipment packages positioned in at-risk areas throughout the state.
ADEC also requires that all municipalities, operators of facilities and private owners be able to respond to spills and must itemize all spill response equipment required in their respective spill response contingency plans. Through the Unified
Plan and the Subarea Contingency Plans, the ADEC has a comprehensive list of
spill response equipment available to be deployed throughout the state.
In the North Slope subarea specifically, BPXA, ConocoPhillips Alaska and other
companies operating in the North Slope oilfields have a substantial amount of spill
response equipment, as identified in their respective contingency plans. In the event
of a spill in this area, the industry spill response cooperative, Alaska Clean Seas,
would provide much of the required response equipment and personnel. Industry
equipment would also be utilized, especially when the company is identified as the
responsible party for the spill.
While appropriate response equipment is staged throughout Alaska and the North
Slope, due to its vastness and sometimes extreme weather conditions, there is always the logistical challenge of getting the right piece of equipment to the right location at the right time.





Question 1. As you are aware, there has been a strong effort to find new sources
of oil to keep the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System operating at sound levels. With
Prudhoe Bay, Alaska has a super-enhanced oil recovery operation because so much
gas is being re-injected into that huge field.
a. Can you address how Prudhoe was originally estimated to be maybe one third
its size or less, and how much greater the recovery has been as technology has advanced?
Answer. A reference to Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) report
from January 1982TAPS start up was June 1977estimated that the Prudhoe

Bay, Sadlerochit reservoir in 1980 contained 7.8 billion barrels of recoverable oil.
(DNR January 1982. Historical and Projected Oil and Gas Consumption) The most
recent report published by DNR says that by the end of 2009, the Prudhoe Bay Unit
produced 12.6 billion barrels of oil and still had remaining reserves of 2.4 billiona total of 15 billion (DNR 2010 Annual Report). Total production to date from all
of the fields on the North Slope exceeds 16 billion barrels.
This growth of the Prudhoe Bay field over time can be attributed to two causes:
technological advances in recovery methods, and the fact that as drilling progresses,
additional reserves were added with discovery and development of over-and underlying horizons, and around the periphery of the field.
Question 1b. Can you describe the progress that has been made, through the use
of modern technologies, in shrinking the footprint for drilling areas, roads, and other
Answer. In my written submission to the committee I provided several examples
that show how the drilling technologies, including especially the use of extended
reach drilling has significantly reduced the size of drill sites on the surface and the
number of drill sites required to reach the oil reservoirs underground. To illustrate
the point, one of the earliest drill sites built in the in the 1970s at Prudhoe Bay
(DS-1), covered 65 acres of tundra. Well spacing, the distance between the well
heads on the site, was 160 feet. Each early Prudhoe Bay drill site could accommodate 25-30 wells. These wells could be deviated from vertical only about a mile.
The Alpine field (the Colville River Unit) is a recent example of how far the technology has advanced to reduce the industrys onshore footprint. The typical Alpine
drill site is only 13 acres and supports 54 wells. Extended reach drilling means that
the wells can reach four miles from vertical and intercept 50 square miles of the
reservoir from a single location on the surface. Alpine is also the first oil field on
the North Slope that is not supported by a year-round road. During the winter, the
operator builds an ice road to the central Alpine facility and equipment is staged
there for summer work. Operations during the summer months are supported by
Question 2. Is it fair to say that the technologies born in Alaska have grown out
of necessity? In other words, has the combination of strict environmental laws and
the economic considerations of not wanting to drag many new rigs and new equipment that great of a distance caused a natural inclination to make the most of seismic data, shrink footprints, reach further from one pad, and try to squeeze as much
from one well as possible?
Answer. Yes, it is fair to say that these technologies have been born out of necessity. We would add that the driving forces behind technological advancements reflect regulatory insistence and industry commitment to maximize economic benefit
and recovery while minimizing the development footprint. It has been necessary to
engineer the development of smaller fields at reduced costs, adopting more innovations to increase recovery efficiency, both at the level of individual wells and entire
The fact that the in-place oil volumes in several of the North Slopes largest fields
(Prudhoe Bay, Kuparuk, and the various heavy oil reservoirs) are so enormous
means that the economic return associated with increasing total recovery by even
1-2% is worth major investments in new technologies that make that additional recovery feasible. On the other hand, many of the North Slopes smaller fields face
major economic challenges that were mitigated in large part by technological advances and efficiencies that originated in the giant fields nearby.
The following are examples of some of the many technologies that have been created or refined in developing the major oil fields of the North Slope:




Extended reach drilling

Dramatically fewer surface pads needed to

access reservoir.
Improves reservoir drainage relative to vertical
Reduces noise, fuel consumption, emissions,
cost, surface area.
Drains more of reservoir per surface well
Zero surface discharge of drilling wastes.
Models oil-in-place, drainage, injection,
pressure, etc. in 3-D over time.
Enhanced oil recovery methods, beyond simple
Stabilizes reservoir pressure, increasing oil
Monitors movement of reservoir fluids over
Sharper imaging of reservoir compartments,
fluid movements, etc..
Improves waterflood efficiency by blocking off
thief zones.
Liberates oil molecules bound to clay particles
in the reservoir rock.
Several different methods in development to
enhance recovery, depending on reservoir
temperature, oil viscosity, etc..

Horizontal/designer wells
Coiled tubing drilling
Multi-lateral drilling
Reservoir modeling
WAG, MWAG, MI, etc.
Gas cap water injection
Gravity survey surveillance
3-D and 4-D seismic
BrightWater EOR treatments
Low-salinity water injection
Heavy oil extraction methods

a. Would the other witnesses like to comment on the Alaska experience and how
its allowed operations elsewhere to advance?
Question 3. Some have suggested that the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System is perfectly capable of operating soundly until mid-century, even with no access to federally controlled oil deposits. As one of the States leading oil experts, can you describe
the throughput decline of TAPS and what it will take to maintain its operation
through that point in the future?
Answer. TAPS was originally designed to move about 1.5 million barrels per day.
Throughput peaked at 2.03 million barrels per day in 1988-a rate achievable with
the application of drag reducing agents and other improvements. Throughput has
declined in all but two years since 1988. Current throughput is about 0.6 million
barrels per day. Most forecasts show continued decline into the future.
The TAPS line has already begun to be impacted by lower throughput. During the
shut-down in January 2011 (leak at Pump Station No. 1), there was concern about
being able to restart the line due to the temperature. TAPS will have some material
operational issues as the flow rate reaches 0.3 million barrels per day. The operational issues are primarily related to the temperature of the crude as it moves
through the pipeline. With less flow and without mitigating investments, the temperature may fall below 32 F. Lower temperatures may allow ice to form inside the
pipeline that could damage equipment and cause possible frost heaving on buried
sections of the pipeline route. Lower temperatures will also lead to more build-up
of wax on the inside of the pipeline, and increase the viscosity of the crude moving
in TAPS.
More than 99% of TAPS throughput comes from fields on State or Native lands
or from State waters. Production from Federal lands and the OCS today amounts
to less than two thousand barrels per day.
With the exception of development of the heavy oil resources known to exist
around the Prudhoe Bay, Kuparuk, and Milne Point fields, and potential resource
plays (like the Bakken in North Dakota) that may exist on the North Slope on State
controlled lands, the natural field declines cannot be replaced without access to production from Federal lands and the OCS. There are no known conventional resources on State or Native lands that are likely sufficient to replace the decline in
the existing production rates.

Conoco-Phillips and Anadarko want to expand the Alpine field by developing a
new drill site (CD-5). New production would come from State, Native, and Federal
lands (60 miles west of TAPS). This development is on hold awaiting permits from
the Corps of Engineers to allow construction of a bridge over the Colville River. The
permit was first requested in 2005. Development in the National Petroleum Reserve
Alaska (NPRA) can only proceed once the Alpine bridge over the Colville River is
complete. Thankfully, the Administration has proposed having lease sales in the
NPRA annually. We hope that these sales will be accompanied by a willingness of
federal agencies to allow permits for development (e.g., CD-5 project) and that lands
with high resource potential (e.g., north of Teshekpuk Lake) can be made available
for leasing with appropriate environmental safeguards.
There are current plans to develop an oil and gas field on State lands at Point
Thomson (Miles east of TAPS). Development at Point Thomson has also been delayed due to Corps of Engineers permitting issues. Development of resources at
Point Thomson would extend the feeder lines for TAPS about 30 miles east of the
Badami field. This would lessen development costs and could lead to development
in this relatively unexplored area. It is also at the boundary to ANWR and the 1002
Question 4. Can you talk about the new technologies were hearing about in terms
of allowing for development of an area where the law doesnt currently allow for conventional access? In other words, are there applications for this technology that
would provide an opportunity to extract resources from the 1002 area subsurface
without having any permanent or significant impacts on the surface area?
Answer. Although it remains unclear how far, if at all, the Sourdough or Pt.
Thomson reservoirs discovered on State leases near the Canning River delta might
extend beneath the 1002 area, there is the potential that extended reach drilling
could at least partially develop these reservoirs. Without more detailed subsurface
data on these and other prospects along ANWRs western border and along the
coastline adjacent to state submerged waters, it will not be possible to accurately
evaluate how much of these reservoirs would benefit from extended reach drilling
techniques. Three-dimensional seismic acquisition and near-vertical exploration and
delineation drilling would have to occur inside the 1002 area. These activities can
be conducted in the winter with zero or minimal permanent surface impact. Allowing these activities would help answer the question of whether how much oil extended-reach production wells drilled from outside ANWR would be economically





Question 1. Are there recent advances that will help reduce the footprint of seismic activities in environmentally sensitive areas, both in terms of active seismic
data acquisition and passive?
Answer. Yes, major advances have occurred with the advent of wireless seismic
technology and increased sensitivity and numbers of seismic sensors. Wireless recording systems now leave only human footprints in terms of placement of recording
systems. The weight and power consumption of these wireless recorders is such that
a person can carry several devices and plant them in environmentally sensitive
areas provided they are accessible to humans. There has been recent experimentation with dropping these devices from helicopters as well, but retrieval remains
an issue. These devices can record up to a month without being serviced. They contain GPS receivers and the clocks in the devices are synchronized and are highly
accurate. The devices can be placed in active recording mode to record generated
sources from hydraulic vibrators, weigh drops, or dynamite, for example. They can
also be placed in continuous recording mode when the intention is to record passively the natural seismicity or induced seismicity, for example, from drilling or
completion operations.
Question 2. Have there been any recent advances in downhole seismic instrumentation that allows an operator to see further into the formation from the wellbore
to areas that may not have been adequately imaged using conventional 2-or 3-Dimensional seismic data?
a) Or to areas that cannot be accessed at the surface due to environmental sensitivities?
b) In other words, is there a borehole version of conventional seismic?
Answer. Yes, major advances have occurred in downhole seismic recording technology as well. We have developed capabilities to record with borehole arrays of receivers spanning different intervals and within different wells. The closer we can

get to the formation the higher the definition that can be achieved. Fiber optic links
to the sensors result in greater bandwidth and recording capacity. New fiber optic
sensors are being deployed as well. Slimhole drilling devices are being used to
embed arrays of sensors in the subsurface for permanent monitoring if wells are not
accessible for installation of receivers. The distance can seismic events can be reliably detected varies dependent on area and background noise conditions. Generally
distances are limited to less than one-mile between source and receiver. A personal
preference is to record both surface and downhole arrays simultaneously. In some
instances we can place vibratory sources or airguns in wells and record the
wavefields in other boreholes and on the surface. Drill bits can also be used as active sources for wavefield imaging. Downhole seismic recording independently is
more expensive and time consuming than surface seismic recording. As a result,
there is less demand in the industry for this service. It is gaining momentum, however, as more companies are seeing value in monitoring hydraulic fracturing operations, for example.





Question 1. Can you talk about the new technologies were hearing about in terms
of allowing for development of an area where the law doesnt currently allow for conventional access? In other words, are there applications for this technology that
would provide an opportunity to extract resources from the 1002 area subsurface
without any permanent or significant impacts on the surface area?
Answer. Oil and gas resources still need to be accessed by well drilling. Other
than extended reach drilling there is no other means that can be used to access resources under environmentally sensitive areas. Targeting these resources more precisely prior to or during drilling operations is a prudent operational procedure. Seismic while drilling offers a look ahead procedure to optimize target specific drilling
objectives. In this instance the drill bit is used as the source and receivers are
placed in the drilling assembly.
Question 2. Judging by your location Id guess that a lot of the field work youre
doing with seismic is in the Rocky Mountain region. There are obviously some sensitive areas adjacent to the oil reservoirs which youve worked to explore. What
kinds of precautions are necessary to minimize the impacts of seismic work on a
landscape, and do you consider these operations to be unnecessarily impactful on
Answer. We have conducted seismic operations in various areas in the US and
Canada and have worked in environmentally sensitive areas in the Piceance Basin
of Northwest Colorado and more recently in northeastern Louisiana. As a landowner
and farmer I treat every area as environmentally sensitive. I spend a great deal of
my time speaking with landowners in designing the surveys we conduct to assure
minimal environmental impact. There is little reason to believe that seismic operations cannot be conducted in an environmentally responsible manner especially
with the advent of wireless recording systems. We work closely with all of our stakeholders to assure environmental preservation and conservation associated with our
time-lapse operations. Knowing that you are coming back to an area time and time
again means that you are truly a stakeholder in dealing with all aspects of the process. Proper pre-planning and coordination is essential along with on-site monitoring.
In the Piceance Basin operations in 2003-2006 we have hired a wildlife specialist
to monitor the influence of seismic operations on wildlife. We timed our operations
to have minimal impact on wildlife, the operator, and landowners. We observed that
there was little or no impact on wildlife due to our seismic operations and our wildlife specialist confirmed this observation. Minimizing the number of moving parts
on a seismic crew operation is essential to operating in an environmentally responsible manner.
Question 3. Thank you for your testimony. Mr. Melzers chart on page 8, showing
the third and fourth production peak at about 60 and 80 years after an oilfield has
been developed. Combined, those third and fourth heights of production are more
than the main (secondary) production peak. That certainly fits with Mr. Melzers
other chart , showing the huge increase in EOR activity in the US and worldwide.
Answer. We now realize the importance of oil and gas fields as assets that require responsible management. Asset teams of geoscientists and engineers have
been created to manage the life-cycle of these resources. There is no question that
many of these peaks are related to employing new technologies in accessing new reserves in old fields. The fundamental cause of our inability to access more resource
in the past has been the reservoir heterogeneity. New drilling and completions technologies, EOR, and seismic monitoring have helped us increase the recovery factors

in many of our fields substantially. These efforts are important to our country and
to the world.
Question 4. So, are we doing an adequate job as a government in identifying what
our true resource potential is? To clarify, is there an issue with the characterization
that the US has only 2 percent of the worlds oil reserves, in that it doesnt take
into account unexplored areas, and it apparently doesnt take into account what impact EOR could have on current estimates?
Answer. I believe that there is substantially more resource that is recoverable
from mature fields and we are demonstrating that hypothesis. I also believe that
more effectively exploration will be conducted in the future to access new reserves.
Technology is key and educating people to use that technology wisely is key as well.
There is an old adage that oil is found in the minds of men and women and to a
large extent I believe that to be a fundamental truth. I have the responsibility as
an educator to help champion that cause. I dont believe we are running out of oil.
At times we tend to run out of ideas, but it is up to us to change the ideas and
to challenge dogma. I try to do that through emphasizing the development of new
technologies and employing these technologies where it can make a difference. We
are seeing vast new reserves emerge from unconventional resources, EOR, etc. In
addition, we have vast resources to access in remote areas and at greater drilling
depths provided we can handle the environmental challenges that are associated.
The key to meeting these challenges is working together to bring innovation through
education. I welcome the opportunity to serve in this capacity and appreciate your
insightful questions in this regard.





Question 1. You mentioned hydraulic fracturing as it relates to Alaska and unconventional oil shale development similar to that of the Bakken in North Dakota. You
state that there is great potential for this resource, but development should be handled with care and good environmental planning. What, in your view, would that
Answer. Hydraulic fracturing (or fracking), whether of shale oil or shale gas, can
have the following adverse environmental impacts if not well-regulated and done in
a compact fashion:
1. Contamination of groundwater that may be used for drinking water and
other purposes with methane and/or fracking fluids which can contain toxic
2. Contamination of surface water from fracking wastewater or drilling
wastes including drilling muds which can contain toxic chemicals;
3. Groundwater flow or surface water quantity changes, with associated ecosystem impacts, due to the large quantities of water needed for fracking operations;
4. Wildlife habitat disturbance and destruction from the presence of fracking
operations and associated pipelines, roads, and related infrastructure; and,
5. Conventional health-related air pollution1 and greenhouse gas pollution1
from fracking operations and associated pipelines, roads, and related infrastructure.
In addition to environmental impacts, typically there are adverse social impacts
associated with rapid industrialization (e.g., communities can become unaffordable
to long-time residents), increased local drinking and crime,2 and lowered quality of
life due to nearby industrialization including additional traffic, traffic accidents,
road and bridge deterioration, school crowding, and noise.
Both the federal and state governments can and should play a role in regulating
hydraulic fracturing. For decades, the federal government has employed its scientific
and technical expertisewhich states often are lackingto develop requirements
that protect surface and groundwater under the Clean Water and Safe Drinking
Water Acts. There should be no unique exceptions to this framework for fracking
operations, especially if we want to restore confidence in governmental oversight of
this industry. This means that the Energy Policy Act of 2005 exemption from the
1 A recent Cornell University study showed that shale gas development results in significantly
more greenhouse gas generation than conventional natural gas production, Methane and the
Greenhouse-Gas Footprint of Natural Gas from Shale Formations, Bob Howarth, et al., Climatic
2 Jacquet, J. 2005. Index Crimes, Arrests, and Incidents in Sublette County 1995 to 2004:
Trends and Forecasts. Report Prepared for Sublette County Wyoming.

Safe Drinking Water Act for fracking wells needs to be repealed to help ensure well
integrity. Likewise, federal requirements for uniform disclosure of fracking fluid
chemicals would be appropriate as a baseline that could be added upon by states,
rather than having each state develop its own chemical disclosure standards and
format. State-level regulatory oversight could include areas where state-specific conditions might result in a need to exceed federal requirements (e.g., requiring zerodischarge of wastewater to the surface through mandatory use of wastewater injection wells) or areas where the federal government has not acted (e.g., well-spacing
and well-pad requirements to limit adverse effects on habitat). Governmental oversight also must include sufficient and effective enforcement of federal and state requirements. Federal and state enforcement personnel need adequate funding and
the will to ensure widespread compliance or compliance will not happen uniformly.
Strong governmental regulations are not valuable unless they are enforced.
Question 2. Is it possible to do all aspects of oil and gas exploration and production through directional drilling or does the initial exploration to identify the resource require surface occupancy above the oil or gas reservoir? Is surface occupancy
required for other purposes?
Answer. It is not possible to conduct all aspects of oil and gas exploration, development, and production solely through directional drilling. Seismic activities (which
provide information about the subsurface using sound waves) and exploratory well
drilling take place directly on the surface above oil and gas reservoirs. As discussed
in my May 10, 2011 testimony, directional drilling for oil has adverse impacts that
are essentially no different than conventional oil drilling (with the single exception
being reducing the number of well pads required to access oil deposits).
Seismic activities involve convoys of exploration vehicles traveling over extensive
areas. In the Arctic, large seismic vehicles crisscross over a fragile tundra ecosystem. Longterm studies have documented severe impacts from seismic trails to
tundra vegetation and permafrost lasting over 20 years.3 Newer 3-D seismic surveys
involve more vehicles in a very tight grid profile with a line spacing of a few hundred meters, resulting in greater surface disturbance of vegetation, bears in dens,
and other wildlife. Although seismic exploration would only be conducted in winter
in the Arctic, snow cover on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuges coastal plain, for
example, often is shallow and uneven, providing little protection for sensitive tundra
vegetation and soils. The impact from seismic vehicles and lines depends on the type
of vegetation, the texture and ice content of the soil, the surface shape, snow depth,
and the type of vehicle.
According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services webpage discussing the potential
impacts of proposed oil and gas development on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuges coastal plain, Current seismic exploration methods require numerous vehicles
to move in a grid pattern across the tundra. Maternal polar bears with newborn
cubs can be prematurely displaced from their winter dens by the noise, vibrations
and human disturbance associated with oil exploration activities. This displacement
may result in potentially fatal human-bear conflicts, and may expose the cubs to increased mortality due to harsh winter conditions for which they are not yet prepared.4
As discussed by Mr. Kevin Banks of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources
during the May 10, 2011 hearing, companies likely would not use directional drilling
for exploratory wells because doing so would provide less technical information
about subsurface conditions. Exploratory well drilling requires the use of large drill
rigs on gravel and the building of associated transportation infrastructure (potentially helicopter or aircraft access), drilling mud/waste infrastructure, and humansupport facilities. If ice is used instead of gravel for foundations, there will be water
withdrawals from lakes, rivers, or constructed reservoirs. Note that theres insufficient winter water in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuges coastal plain to assist
in drilling operations.5
Statements that claim exploration can be conducted in a way that would leave no
trace that we were ever there are simply not true. In the Arctic National Wildlife
3 Jorgenson, J.C., VerHoef, J.M., and Jorgenson, M.T. 2010. Long-term recovery patterns of
arctic tundra after winter seismic exploration. Ecological Applications, 20(1): 205-221 (long-term
studies of impacts from the onetime seismic exploration surveys mandated by Congress in the
4 See (accessed May 25, 2011).
5 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1995. A preliminary review of the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge, Alaska, coastal plain resource assessment: report and recommendation to the Congress
of the United States and Final Legislative Environmental Impact Statement. Anchorage. This
report concluded, Additional investigations since 1987 substantiate the fact that water in the
[coastal plain] area is very limited and the impact upon water resources should be considered

Refuges coastal plain, exploration would cause severe and long-lasting damage to
tundra and permafrost and would disturb the very wildlife and wilderness that the
area was set aside to protect, such as denning polar bears and the Porcupine caribou herd which calves there.
Question 3. Would you expand upon your testimony about current technology for
directional drilling to explain the distances over which directional drilling is currently possible? Are there examples of current projects that demonstrate the state
of the art for this technology?
Answer. According to BP, the company will use directional drilling (angled drilling) along with horizontal drilling to reach up to eight miles to the Liberty reservoir,6 resulting in the longest extended-reach wells ever attempted.7. BP has had
technical problems completing Libertys extended-reach wells, however, with multiple postponements of the proposed dates of operation.8 Currently, BP is undergoing a design and engineering review to evaluate the projects safety systems.9
There are significant technical challenges that need to be overcome before extendedreach drilling will extend beyond a small number of miles, i.e., approximately two
to four miles.
Appendix C of the Cook Inlet (Alaska) Best Interest Finding regarding the 2009
Cook Inlet Areawide Oil and Gas Lease Sale, developed by the State Department
of Natural Resources Division of Oil and Gas, provides factual information on the
limitations of directional and extended-reach drilling including the significant additional costs involved compared with conventional drilling.10 This document shows a
maximum horizontal departure of approximately 4 miles; as of June 2009, however,
only one well on the North Slope exceeded 4 miles, and just barely at 4.025 miles.11
Fewer than 2% of the North Slope wells extend horizontally more than 3 miles,
while 94% of the wells extend less than 2 miles from drill rigs.12 Even at
ConocoPhillips Alpine oil field, often touted for its use of directional drilling, the
average horizontal distance drilled is only 1.74 miles.13
In 2009, The Wilderness Society produced its Broken Promises report. Chapter 3,
attached, is entitled Directional Drilling is no Panacea and provides additional information on the limitations of directional drilling. Key limitations are financial, as
discussed above, and geologic. In some locations, directional drilling is not possible
geologically due to, for example, unstable shale which could collapse drill holes, conditions that are present near the Alpine field on the North Slope.14





Question 1. You explained the role of CO2 in the next generation of enhanced oil
recovery. Has the more widespread use of CO2 led to a decrease in the other types
of enhanced oil recovery that has been usedsuch as the use of solvents or
Answer. Each of the enhanced oil recovery (EOR)1 methods has developed somewhat independently in their applications to various types of oil and reservoirs. For
example, steam injection has had widespread application in shallow depths for
heavy oils (San Joaquin Valley in CA as the best example). Carbon dioxide (CO2)
works best on lighter oils and at deeper depths so the processes have not competed.
Chemical EOR (ChEOR) such as surfactants (also alkaline and polymers) could have
6 Reaching Out to Liberty, BP, undated, p. 2, see
us/bpluslenglish/STAGING/locallassets/downloads/l/finallliberty70808 .pdf.
7 Liberty
8 BPs Liberty project delayed again, KTUU-TV, February 1, 2011, see
9 Ibid.
10 Final Best Interest Finding, 2009 Cook Inlet Areawide Oil and Gas Lease Sale, January
20, 2009, Appendix C: Directional and Extended-Reach Drilling, see http://
11 Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission well database. Data analyzed by Doug Tosa,
Alaska Center for the Environment, using known tophole and bottomhole latitude/longitude locations of 5,549 completed wells. Data retrieved June 16, 2009. See
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid.
14 The Wilderness Society. 2009. Broken Promises: The Reality of Oil Development in Americas Arctic (2nd Edition), Chapter 3, p. 13, see
1 Industry often uses the terms enhanced oil recovery and flooding interchangeably

competed with the same reservoir and oil types as CO2 but widespread application
of ChEOR has never taken off. Some excitement exists out there for today but much
of it seems to be concentrated in reservoir depths too shallow for miscible CO2 applications (generally around 2500-3000 depth) or where affordable CO2 is not available.
Other historically utilized methods of EOR are hydrocarbon miscible gas flooding
(HCMF) and Nitrogen EOR (N2EOR). HCMF injects an injectant (methane + ethane
+ Butane . . . ) that has significant market value. The most common application
for HCMF has been in Alaska and Canada where it was impossible to get the gaseous hydrocarbons pipelined to a market. Therefore, the produced gas was reinjected
to maintain pressure in the reservoir and perform the sweep of the liquid commodity, crude oil. As the pipelines for natural gas developed in Canada, the HCMF
process lost its commercial appeal and possible new flood applications opted to sell
the gaseous products. The number of active HCMF projects are very close to nil
today except for the North Slope of Alaska.
N2EOR works in a miscible process only at much deeper depths than does CO2
EOR. The depths are generally in excess of 9000. The advantage of N2EOR is that
an air separation unit can be collocated at the field and the injectant, nitrogen, extracted from air, thus requiring no long distance N2 source pipeline. Mexico employed N2EOR at their Canterell offshore field in Mexico and Exxon employs it at
their Hawkins field in East Texas. New reservoir applications are fairly limited and
CO2 has effectively displaced N2EOR as the flooding technique preferred by industry
in light oil reservoirs.
Question 2. Can you discuss briefly the volume of water that is generally used in
a waterflood prior to utilizing CO2? What happens to the wastewater from a
waterflood? Is the water reclaimed or reinjected into a disposal well? What volume
of CO2 is being utilized annually for CO2 EOR on a per field basis?
Answer. The easiest way to visualize the volumetrics of injectant utilized during
waterflooding or in EOR is to think of it in the sense of maintaining a volume (pressure) balance within a reservoir. For example, if a reservoir is producing 1000 barrels2 of oil per day, the oil company will want to replace the produced volume of
oil with a substance so as to maintain the reservoir pressure. Hence, in a
waterflood, 1000 barrels of water per day will be injected. And, over the life of the
reservoir, the cumulative volume of produced oil will have seen about that much
new water introduced into the reservoir. Confusion often arises from the fact that
the normally reported injection volumes are total injected barrels which does, of
course, include the produced (or recycled) volumes of water plus what we call the
new (aka make-up) barrels. As mentioned in my earlier testimony, the new water
injected today is generally brackish water, sea water, or formation water from deeper formations and not from an Underground Source of Drinking Water (USDW).
Some exceptions to that rule are present today but not many.
The wastewater in a waterflood is reinjected since the flood operator needs the
water to return to the formation in order to maintain reservoir pressure. When a
new CO2 flood is implemented, we are effectively replacing formation water and oil
with CO2. So there is some wastewater in CO2 flooding. That water is handled in
one of two fashions: 1) injected into a deep disposal well or 2) reinjected back into
the reservoir being CO2 flooded in what we like to call our water-alternating gas
(WAG) process where water is used intermittently to assist the CO2 in spreading
out within the reservoir.
As to the question related to the average size of CO2 injection volumes on a field
basis today, probably the best way to answer is to use the total volumes of CO2
being purchased today and the number of active fields under flood. According to a
recent report and our own studies, approximately 3100 million cubic feet (ft3) of CO2
are purchased daily in the U.S. for 111 flood projects (there are some situations
where there are multiple and separate flood projects in a field). That gives us an
average metric of 28 million ft3 per day of purchased CO2 per project. That is about
1450 MT per day or 530,000 MT per year of new carbon dioxide3 per flood project.
A good rule of thumb for the Permian Basin is that, in a mature project, we ultimately recycle about the same volume of CO2 that we have purchased. If all the
fields currently under flood were very mature (of course not the actual case since
many are immature), we would expect to be recycling about the same volume we
2 There

are 42 gallons in a barrel of oil

are 19,250 cubic feet (ft3) of CO2 in one MT and 17,500 ft3 in one english ton; A
handy, quick conversion to remember is 50 million ft3 per day is roughly equivalent to 1 million
tons per year (slightly less (.95) for metric and slightly more (1.04) for english)
3 There

are purchasing which is 1.8 billion ft3 per day. In actual practice, my estimate of
recycle volumes in the Permian Basin is 1.1 billion ft3 per day.





Question 1. Your chart on page 8, showing the third and fourth production peak
at about 60 and 80 years aft3er an oilfield has been developed. Combined, those
third and fourth heights of production are more than the main (secondary) production peak. That certainly fits with Mr. Davis other chart, showing the huge increase
in EOR activity in the US and worldwide.
So, are we doing an adequate job as a government in identifying what our true
resource potential is? To clarify, is there an issue with the characterization that the
US has only 2 percent of the worlds oil reserves, in that it doesnt take into account
unexplored areas, and it apparently doesnt take into account what impact EOR
could have on current estimates?
Answer. Coincidentally, I left the Washington hearing to attend a workshop conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey at Stanford University where I had been asked
to address this size of EOR resource question. A lot of folks (like the USGS and
the National Petroleum Council to name two) are attempting to reassess our resources right now. First, we have new, on-going projects that are proving that we
can economically target and produce the residual oil zones (ROZs) with EOR techniques. Second, we now have a new understanding that these ROZs are more widespread than previously imagined. These two new developments emphatically confirm the reality that our published U.S. oil resources are badly understated today.
The USGS is currently charged with reassessing our EOR resources but they, like
anyone else, will need some help from industry and an extended time frame to accomplish such a wholesale reassessment. The linkage between the availability of affordable CO2 and those potential resources is a matter of great importance to many
of us in the industry and state and national policies will be critical to ensuring adequate availability of CO2.
Can we realize the large EOR potential? We have an oil and gas industry that
is busy drilling for new fields and a very, very small subsector of it concentrating
on getting more oil out of an existing reservoir. Some of that has to do with the
long term nature of the EOR projectssomething that does not appeal to public
money looking for fast returns. However, I often argue that a better balance is needed; i.e., some quick adds to the reserve base and some long term additions. We need
to have the long range interests of a country to be better placed on long term reserves and not just the flash effect of quick returns. I view this quick return partiality not as a market failure problem; it is probably better characterized as just a
market bias.
Finally, I have never been involved in anything with as large a potential as CO2
EOR. What started out as an interesting trip into the science of the ROZs has
turned into a revolutionary opportunity for the industry and our Country. As I mentioned in the questions session near the end of the hearing, our group has done a
back-of-the-envelope estimate of the size of the ROZ resource in just one West
Texas county. The numbers are shocking: 30 billion barrels of in-place oil. We believe that 20% to 30% of this ROZ in-place oil resource could be recoverable.
Question 2. Please describe how much oil is recoverable using next-generation CO2
EOR in the US.
Answer. Work is currently underway to attempt to get a handle on the size of the
new EOR resources. A proposal has been submitted to the Research Partnership to
Secure Energy for America intended to assess the size of the San Andres formation
ROZ resource in the entire Permian Basin and utilize the new methodology developed to begin looking at the Bighorn Basin in Wyoming and the southern Williston
Basin (SD, ND, MT). Additionally, Advanced Resources International has been following the ROZ studies since the original report in 20054. They performed a survey
of fields in five U.S. basins and reported the results of the ROZ studies in a series
of five reports5. Most recently, they have authored a report looking at the potential
of all next-generation CO2 EOR technologies. In addition to a new limited look at
the ROZ resources, they are examining the use of additives to the WAG injection
water to improve sweep efficiency in complex reservoirs via additional wells and utilizing higher volumes of CO2 injection. They have just submitted a draft3 for review
4 Improving Domestic Energy Security and Lowering CO Emissions with Next Generation
CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery (CO2-EOR), Activity 04001.420.02.03, Jun 2011.
5 Stranded Oil in the Residual Oil Zone, Advanced Resources International Corp and Melzer,
L.S. (2008), Feb 06,

at DOE and the CO2 economically recoverable numbers are very large, on the level
of 37 billion barrels from the conventional reservoir targets and almost double that
to 66 billion barrels using next generation flooding technologiesmore than three
times the current proven oil reserves. The technically recoverable total including the
limited look at ROZ resources would be on top of these figures and, based on the
early work done to date, would double that again to an estimated total of 135 billion
Question 3. How much CO2 is needed to realize the domestic oil production potential of next-generation EOR?
Answer. The same ARI report5 discussed the CO2 requirements for producing
these recoverable resources. The total mass required is 19.5 billion MT (375 trillion
ft3)6. They looked at where the CO2 will come from and conclude that only 12% is
likely to come from existing sources.
Question 4. How much of this new CO2 would be needed from anthropogenic
Answer. Most of our industry counterparts are convinced that natural sourced
CO2, albeit very reliable and affordable, is likely not to expand beyond its current
levels of 2.5 billion ft3 per day (45-50 million MT per year). Some observers, including myself, are very concerned about the industrys ability to maintain these current
natural CO2 production levels. The required growth in the CO2 supply market must
come from anthropogenic sources. The existing anthropogenic and short term growth
is from the easier sources; i.e., natural gas, ammonia, and ethanol plants. The more
difficult ones use coal or petroleum coke as the fuel and will be more expensive
sources of CO2. Incentives like the ones currently being provided by the Department
of Energy through their US Industrial CCS Projects Initiative7 are a good start but
another set of incentives is worthy of mention and will be addressed in the next
question/ answer.
Consistent with an industry average net utilization factor of 3 barrels of oil per
MT of CO2, the volume of CO2 needed is 45 billon MT to realize the technically recoverable oil and about 20 billion MT to realize the economically recoverable oil
available from next generation CO2 EOR technology. Existing natural sources and
gas plant supplies of CO2 can only provide a little over 2 billion MT. As such, the
capture and productive use of anthropogenic CO2 will be essential for realizing the
vast domestic oil production potential available from our existing oil fields through
application of next generation CO2 EOR.
Question 5. What kinds of federal policies are needed to build the CO2 supply
needed to realize the domestic oil production potential from next generation EOR?
Today, favorable market forces and complimentary federal policies have an opportunity to create dramatic increases in domestic oil production while sequestering
this CO2 that otherwise be emitted. Unfortunately, with some exceptions, the parties representing climate concerns and those capable of CO2 EOR can be accurately
characterized as being on opposite sides of a wall separating CO2 capture and sequestration from resource recovery. Again with very few exceptions, both sides seem
intent on keeping the respective playgrounds to themselves. Federal policies can
help remove this ill-conceived barrier.
In todays world where giving any benefit to the oil industry is difficult because
of the perceived poor reception by the public, we believe the best approach for realizing the carbon emission reductions and oil production enhancements is to
incentivize CO2 capture. For the oil (injection) industry, the effect of making captured and pressurized CO2 affordable can have roughly the same positive effect of
discovering new reserves, not unlike the revolution occurring with technology and
unconventional shale formations today. I will say however, there are two exceptions
to the principle that only a capture incentive is needed. The first is avoiding unnecessarily onerous additional requirements on a CO2 EOR project to prove storage
when such verification can be done with only a modest enhancement of standard
industry practices. The second involves elevating the EOR investments in the oil industry to more effectively compete against those short term rates of return available
to them in the new world of unconventional shale exploration. With these issues in
mind, it is best to examine the policies and incentives for the a) capture and b) CO2
injection sectors separately.
First, is there an approach wherein future Federal tax revenues from EOR production can be used to finance the upfront investments in the capture of CO2? It
is my understanding that Senator Lugars office is developing a proposal that would
6 A common metric used is that a typical existing 1 Gigawatt coal power plant would yield
10 million MT/yr at a 90% CO2 capture rate

extend tax credit for CCS linked to future CO2 EOR revenues to come to the federal
government. There are two problems being addressed with this approach:
The jump start needed for addressing capture economics and risks and
Addressing a classic chicken and egg syndrome: it takes available CO2 to get
the oil projects planned and implemented but, on the other hand, one will not
go to the risks and expense to capture the CO2 unless the oil projects are there.
Both parties sit around waiting on the other. By addressing the incentivized
capture from future oil revenues, you should get both.
The justifying concepts are that the enhanced oil revenues for the economy and
tax base will not materialize unless the CO2 supply is available for the projects to
be implemented. And leadership in CO2 capture for the U.S. can occur at a less expensive cost to the economy than the non-EOR alternatives.
According to recent studies, the U.S. Treasury directly receives $23 from a domestically produced $100 oil barrel8. It should be noted that this amount does not count
the employment, state and local taxes paid; i.e., the wealth creation reaching well
beyond the federal receipts. Knowing that a MT of captured CO2 delivered to the
oil field will yield, on average, 3 barrels of crude oil production and, given current
and projected oil prices, the future federal oil revenues are highly likely to exceed
the upfront cost for the capture. The anthropogenic CO2 projects must qualify and
the details of such eligibility are being studied.
Available CO2 is an absolute key to realization of the EOR barrels but it is not
sufficient. CO2 EOR is already a long rate of return and labor intensive proposition.
And, the EOR industry can be characterized as having an apprehension that business as usual EOR will be altered in such a fashion as to make it more difficult
to undertake new projects. For example, the state of Texas chose to address this
exact concern in two ways: 1) with an incremental production tax credit of 1.125%
of the oil revenues when using anthropogenic CO2 and 2) to have the regulatory
agency familiar to the industry provide the permits to qualify the project for incidental storage. What is meant by incidental is that storage of the purchased CO2
automatically occurs as a result of the CO2 EOR process. And this process now has
a body of rules very similar to the rules already in force for CO2 EOR wells and
project operation. Thus, by formalizing the new CCS rules for all to see, the barrier of regulatory uncertainty was essentially removed. I should add here that the
federal rules published by the EPA, while attempting to consider the Texas approach, effectively added a complexity and uncertainty that has not been useful to
qualifying storage during CO2 EOR. I am hearing that one particular plant company
and a separate injection organization have chosen to opt out of the CCS + EOR
pathway for these reasons.
One additional comment I would make has to do with long term stewardship and
liability. Texas tried very hard to keep CO2 out of the waste world. It is enormously
difficult for the Environmental Protection Agency to accomplish that goal considering their name and mission. They are to be commended for creating a separate
class of injection wells (Class VI UIC) rather than dropping CO2 injection wells into
waste Class I but the EOR industry has thoroughly examined the specifications of
Class VI and drawn the conclusion that it is effectively a renamed Class I. I am
led to believe that the pressures that were exerted on the EPA in Washington were
so intense that the EPA erred in being overly prescriptive to accommodate the worst
case scenarios. The result is that CO2 EOR + CCS is still stuck in the mud.
Because of the dual value of CO2 EOR and the new developments as to the size
of the resources available to EOR plus CCS, Congress, industry and markets could
benefit from more detailed, timely and broadly available information. One possibility
would be a National CO2 EOR Center, able to foster the development and deployment of next generation EOR. This entity could help accelerate the use of advanced CO2-based oil recovery technology in domestic oil fields, with great benefits
to the nations energy security, economy, and environmental goals. Such a Center
should be located near the oilfield laboratories for CO2 EOR. On the one hand, such
a Center would be a most valuable resource center for smaller independents looking to implement CO2 EOR in their mature fields. On the other hand, such a Center would also provide timely studies and information to Congressional members
and their staff, assisting formulation of sounder policies and possibly legislation of
great benefit to U.S. energy security, jobs and economic progress.
The CCS world is an expensive one. It can also be made to be a very complex
place to do business. Because of the U.S.s wonderful endowment of coal and oil resources, a unique convergence of the dual needs for domestic oil and reducing green8 Op

Cit, Improving Domestic Energy Security and Lowering CO2 Emissions

house gas (CO2) emissions is in front of us. The wall between CO2 capture plus
waste injection sequestration and the experienced companies doing resource production does a disservice to both CCS objectives and resource production.

Additional Material Submitted for the Record






The Promise
New directional drilling technology enables drilling without any surface impacts.
The Reality
Directional drilling is not new and requires the same infrastructure with the same
impacts as all oil development, including surface impacts.
Proponents of oil and gas development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and
other sensitive areas of Alaska assert that new advances in directional drilling will
reduce, and even eliminate, environmental impacts. In fact, directional drilling has
limitations, and its impacts are no different than those of conventional drilling.
The industry touted roadless development as the way of the future, and
is now abandoning the concept.
Community of Nuiqsit, 20041
Directional drilling is not a new practice
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the fi rst true horizontal well2 was
drilled in 1929 in Texas.3 Since then, thousands of horizontal wells have been
drilled across the world. But as of 1999 horizontal boreholes accounted for only fi
ve to eight percent of all U.S. land wells, and extended-reach horizontal drilling is
still uncommon.4 In Arctic Alaska, oil companies have rarely drilled horizontal distances of more than a few miles. Of the 5,549 wells drilled on Alaskas North Slope
to date, only 41 have reached horizontal offset distances of three miles or more.5
Exaggerated claims
Claims that directional drilling can reach eight to ten miles away are exaggerated.6 Oil companies have drilled distances over seven miles, but such distances are
still extremely rare in the industry.7 On the North Slope, 94% of all existing wells
1 U.S. Bureau of Land Management. 2005, January. Final Amendment to the Northeast National Petroleum Reserve: Integrated Activity Plan/Environmental Impact Statement. Vol. 2, Response to comments. Kuupik Corporation, Native Village of Nuiqsut, City of Nuiqsut, and
Kuukpikmuit Subsistence Oversight Panel. Comment Letter No. 197616. P. 6-262.
2 The terms horizontal and directional drilling are used interchangeably in this document to
refer to non-vertical drilling.
3 Horizontal and Multilateral Wells. Frontiers of Technology. (1999, July). Journal of Petroleum Technology. Retrieved March 18, 2009 from website:
4 Pratt, Sara, (2004, March). A Fresh Angle on Oil Drilling, GeoTimes.
5 Horizontal offsets calculated by Doug Tosa, GIS Analyst, Alaska Center for the Environment.
August 2009. Source data: Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission well database, http://
6 Senator Lisa Murkowskis website claims that her directional drilling bill will enable oil
wells to be drilled from the western Alaska state-owned lands, outside of the refuges boundary,
or from state waters to the north, and still to [sic] be able to tap oil and gas deposits located
between eight and 10 miles inside the refuge.
View&Issuelid=8160a71d-9c6e-945d-f605a8959dfbf80b (last visited April 8, 2009).
7 British Petroleums Wytch Farm set the current world extended reach drilling record in June
of 1999 when its well M16 reached a horizontal displacement distance of 10,728 m[eters] a total


extend less than two miles from the drill rig, and fewer than 2% extend more than
three miles. As of August 2009 the maximum horizontal distance drilled was 4.025
miles. Even at ConocoPhillips Alpine oil fi eld, which is touted as a model of new
directional drilling technology, the average horizontal drill distance is only 1.74
Longer-reach drilling is expensive and often presents geologic and engineering
Truly state-of-the art practices are often impractical if not impossible for oil companies. Factors such as where the oil or gas deposit is in relation to the drilling rig,
the size and depth of the mineral deposit, and the geology of the area, are all important elements in determining whether directional drilling is possible.9 Drilling a
horizontal or extended-reach well can cost two or three times more than drilling a
vertical well in the same reservoir.10 In 2000, British Petroleum stopped drilling
extended reach wells-those that reach out a long distance from the pad-after oil
prices crashed in the late 1990s, because extended-reach drilling is expensive.11 In
a 2003 draft environmental impact statement for the National Petroleum ReserveAlaska, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) wrote:
The cost of extended-reach [ERD] wells is considerably higher than conventional wells because of greater distance drilled and problems involving
well-bore stability. Alternative field designs must consider the cost tradeoffs
between fewer pads with more extended-reach wells as opposed to more
pads containing conventional wells. In most instances, it is more practical
and cost effective to drill conventional wells from an optimum site, [than]
it would be to drill ERD wells from an existing drill site.12
ConocoPhillips Alpine oil fi eld is an example of how optimistic claims about directional drilling technology can quickly fall fl at. Alpine was advertised in 1998 as
a state-of-the-art roadless development. But the oil field already has several miles
of permanent gravel road, and plans for expansion could add as much as 122 more
miles.13 In 2004 the federal government approved plans to expand Alpine from two
to seven drill sites.14 Also in 2004 the Bureau of Land Management granted
ConocoPhillips an exemption from a lease stipulation that had previously prohibited
the company from building a drill site in a 3-mile buffer zone along Fish Creek.15
The agency cited economic and geological limitations of directional drilling as the
Drilling from outside the setback would require directional drilling for
long distances through geologically unstable shale. This drilling approach
is very problematic because shale in this area tends to collapse holes. Maintaining drill holes would be diffi cult and expensive.16
In 2008 British Petroleum announced its plans to drill distances of seven miles
or more to reach its offshore Liberty oil field. But the technology remains to be proven. It will also demand doubling the size of Endicott Island-an offshore, man-made
length of 11,278 m[eters] and a depth of 1638 m[eters].
index.asp?id=7369643D312669643D313531 (last visited March 18, 2009).
8 Directional drilling data analysis by Doug Tosa, GIS Analyst, Alaska Center for the Environment. August 2009. Source data: Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission well database
retrieved June 16, 2009 from ADMIN/ogc/publicdb.shtml.
9 Judzis, A., K. Jardaneh and C. Bowes. 1997. Extended-reach drilling: managing, networking,
guidelines, and lessons learned. SPE Paper 37573 presented at the 1997 SPE/IADC Drilling
Conference, Amsterdam. March 4-6, 1997.
10 Horizontal and Multilateral Wells. (1999, July); Van Dyke, Bill, petroleum manager, Alaska
Department of Natural Resources. Quoted in Pratt, Sara. (2004, March).
11 Petroleum News Alaska. (2000, 0ctober). BP plans busy exploration season, both in NPRA and satellites.
12 U.S. Bureau of Land Management. (2003). Northwest National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska
Draft Integrated Activity Plan/Environmental Impact Statement. Sec. IV, p. 20-21.
13 U.S. Bureau of Land Management. September 2004. Alpine Satellite Development Plan
Final Environmental Impact Statement. Vol. 1, Sec. 2. Pp. 69-71.
14 U.S. Bureau of Land Management. (2004, November). Alpine satellite development plan
Record of Decision.
15 U.S. Bureau of Land Management. (2004, September). Alpine Satellite Development Plan.
Final Environmental Impact Statement. Vol. 3. Appendix I, CPAI request for exception to stipulations. ConocoPhillips letter dated April 8, 2004 to BLM. Pp.3-4.
16 BLM. November 8, 2004. Alpine Satellite Development Plan Record of Decision. p. 17.

island-to make room for extended pipe racks, the massive drilling rig, and a workers camp.17
Directional drilling is not a new practice.
Claims about distances directional drilling can reach are exaggerated.
Directional drilling is expensive and often limited by geology.
Directionally drilled wells require the same infrastructure and have the
same environmental impacts as conventional wells, including surface impacts.
Claims that directional drilling will incur no surface impacts are misleading
Before production wells are drilled, seismic testing is conducted and exploration
wells are drilled to refi ne the location of oil deposits. These activities have direct
surface impacts.
Seismic exploration typically involves many vehicles driving across the tundra in
a grid pattern. Sensitive tundra soil and plants are easily compressed under the
weight of these heavy vehicles, even in winter.18 Seismic lines are often visible on
the Arctic tundra for years after exploration, and studies have shown that fragile
tundra plants can take decades to recover.19 Despite industry claims to the contrary,
winter exploration can also disturb wildlife.20
The notion that directional drilling allows for a smaller footprint is misleading
Although directional drilling may reduce the number of well pads required to access an oil deposit, it requires the same infrastructure and has the same environmental impacts as conventional drilling. Permanent gravel roads and air strips are
still used for access, long pipelines are still required to connect the well sites, and
pollution and toxic spills are still inevitable.
Oil production is a high-impact activity, regardless of how you drill. New technology has yet to demonstrate that it can minimize, mitigate, or eliminate the inevitable impacts of oil development to Americas Arctic and other sensitive ecosystems.




March 17, 2009

To the editor:
It is welcome news that President Obamas Interior secretary has clearly rejected
the approach of Sen. Lisa Murkowskis latest scheme to open the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge to oil exploitation. At a U.S. Senate hearing today, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said ANWR as a national refuge needs to be absolutely protected, contradicting your erroneous headline printed this morning.
Secretary Salazar was right to question the efficacy of directional drilling to reach
potential oil in the Arctic refuge from outside its boundaries. In fact, a closer look
at Sen. Murkowskis bill reveals exploratory drilling and disruptive seismic exploration could be allowed directly on the refuge coastal plain; operations would be exempt from many of the nations laws to protect clean air, clean water and environmental quality. Furthermore, even if the bill jibed with its PR spin, offshore drill
rigs and pipelines along nearly a hundred miles of refuge coast pose risks of oil
spills and disruption to the coastal habitats and migratory movements of threatened
polar bears, birds and Porcupine Herd caribou.
The truth is that this is just another in a long line of drill bills for the Arctic
refuge. Oil and gas exploration and development simply cannot be done without
harming the people, plants and animals depending on our Arctic refuge for survival.
At a time when there are nearly 100 million acres of land and water already open
17 Delbridge, Rena, BP begins development of Liberty oil fi eld project on North Slope, Fairbanks Daily News Miner, July 14, 2008, jul/14/bp-begindeveloping-liberty-oil-field/ (last visited June 30, 2009).
050109/oillimgloil001.shtml (last visited June 30, 2009)
060509/oill10l001.shtml (last visited June 30, 2009)
18 Jorgensen, J.C. 1998. Emers, M., J.C. Jorgenson, and M.K. Raynolds. 1995. Response of arctic tundra plant communities to winter vehicle disturbance. Can. J. Bot. 73: 905-917.
19 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2001. Potential impacts of proposed oil and gas development
on the Arctic Refuges coastal plain: historical overview and issues of concern. Web page of the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Fairbanks, Alaska:
20 Ibid.

to the oil industry in Americas Arcticwith little to no baseline science supporting
such expansive developmentthe last thing Alaska needs is to open our only protected lands on Alaskas North Slope.
Who do you think operates leases next to the Arctic refuge? Exxon. Next week
is the 20th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. It also has been more than
20 years since the debate to drill the Arctic refuge was first brought before Congress. It seems that, by now, we would have heeded the lessons learnedoil development is a risky, dirty business that has no place in or around what Secretary
Salazar called one of our special and treasured places we will not disturb.





S. 503

DEAR SENATOR, On behalf of the millions of conservationists our organizations

and businesses from across the country represent, we write in opposition to S. 503,
the No Surface Occupancy Western Arctic Coastal Plain Domestic Energy Security
Act introduced by Senators Murkowski (AK-R) and Begich (AK-D). This legislation
would undermine the fundamental purpose of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
to protect wilderness and wildlife by opening the area to oil leasing and development.
At a time when Congress has a historic opportunity to pass legislation focused on
clean, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and conservation, and reversing
climate change, we are deeply disappointed that the Alaska delegation is trying,
once again, to divert attention from necessary policy to rehash the unproductive debate over developing the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Our nation is already on a path to significantly reduce its oil addiction through
sustainable clean energy solutions. In fact, changes in policy and practices from just
the past few years have set us on track to reduce our oil consumption by an amount
17 times that of the speculative oil potential estimated from the Refuge over the
same period. And with the current legislation being considered in Congress, there
is so much more that can be done. With the right leadership, America can have energy policy that continues to reduce our use of fossil fuels, while ensuring that our
most important wild places are passed on to our children and grandchildren.
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a national treasure, and protecting the Arctic Refuge has long been a top priority for the members of our organizations. The
Refuges coastal plain sustains hundreds of species of wildlife, as well as the culture
and way of life of the Gwichin Nation and other Alaska Native communities. S. 503
would seriously threaten these resources. The bills sponsors tout unproven, exaggerated oil potential from the Refuges speculative reserves, sought ostensibly
through directional drilling and pipeline technology that is currently untested in
Alaska. At the same time, S. 503 would allow surface activities including seismic
and exploratory drilling across the biological heart of the Refuge, disturbing denning
habitats used by imperiled polar bears and harming sensitive tundra vegetation.
The legislation promotes increased development focused along the Canning River
and across the entire Refuge coast, activity which risks dangerous spills in key wildlife and subsistence areas of the coastal plain. Furthermore, the bill would waive
vital environmental laws and destroy the very values for which the Refuge was
originally set aside nearly 50 years agoits unparalleled wilderness and wildlife.
With so many loopholes and exaggerated claims, it is hard to take this legislation
as much more than a Trojan horse aimed at opening the entire Arctic Refuge Coastal Plain to oil leasing, exploration, and development.
Americans deserve a cheaper, quicker, safer and cleaner energy policy that safeguards the wild places we care so deeply about. Congress has repeatedly rejected
attempts to open the Arctic Refuge to oil drilling. Instead of trotting out dead-onarrival proposals, its time for America to prioritize clean, renewable energy solitons
that move our country away from our addiction to oil and protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as Wilderness.

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