Mutants & Masterminds 3e - Power Profile - Sonic Powers

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Power Profile: Sonic Powers

From music with charms to soothe (or command) to a

shattering hypersonic shriek, Sonic Powers looks at
abilities which generate and control sound. Flatten foes
with sonic blasts or sneak up on them cloaked in silence,
shape sound into solid constructs or even transform
yourself into living sound with all the powers of this

visible distortions in the air or haloes of dust or water

vapor (like a sonic boom) when used. Ultrasonic
and infrasonic effects, beyond the range of human
hearing, have a rank of Subtle; only observers with
the appropriate Senses effect (typically Ultra-Hearing) can notice them.

Sonic Descriptors
The following descriptor is key to sonic powers.
Sound: Sonic powers are based on sound, a pressure
wave transmitted through a medium like air, water,
or solid matter. The structures of the ear translate
that pressure wave into what we perceive as sound.
Sound waves travel more easily through water
than air, but need a medium to propagate, and so
do not travel at all through a vacuum (and poorly
through a thin atmosphere). The GM may take the
environment into account when considering the
effects of sonic powers, and encountering conditions
where they do not work at all may be considered a
complication (see Sonic Complications).
Because of their reliance on sound, some sonic
powers may be Sense-Dependent (Heros Handbook, page 150). However, sensory effects and
powers targeting the sense of hearing (Afflictions
like Deafening Shriek, for example) are already
Hearing-Dependent and do not qualify for the
Sonic powers tend to be noticeableclearly
heard, if not seenand sonic effects may also cause

Power Profile: Sonic Powers

Jonathan Lotzer (order #3835472)

Vibration: Vibration creates sound, and some

powers distinguish between creating and controlling vibrations and creating and controlling sound.
Vibratory powers tend to focus on the damage vibrations can cause, particularly at a high enough
frequency. See the Buzzsaw and Shatter powers
for examples.

Instruments: While many can wield sonic powers

with nothing more than their voice or a simple act
of will, some rely upon different instruments to
produce their sonic effects. These tend to fall into
two categories.
The first are musical instruments of all sorts, particularly wind-instruments like flutes, trumpets, panpipes, and the like, although stringed instruments
(from violins to guitars) and percussion instruments
(particularly drums) are also common. The instruments themselves may be enchanted or (less often)
high-tech gadgets.
The second category includes technological
devices: sonic projectors or resonators, high-tech
tuning forks, or other gadgets that produce or control
sound. There may even be crossover with musical instruments, like high-tech synthesizers or amplifiers,
turning otherwise ordinary instruments into sonic

In both cases, instruments are generally some

form of the Removable flaw (Heros Handbook, page
149), where the sonic powers depend on the instruments and dont work without them. If the character
can use any instrument, then a Power Loss complication might be more suitable, but Removable handles
most kind of sonic instruments.
Countering: Properly pitched sonic waves can
cancel each other out (the principle behind many
noise-canceling devices), allowing sonic powers to
counter each other. Sonic powers may also counter
effects vulnerable to sound or vibration, such as the
overpressure of the sound wave blowing out a fire or
smashing a wall of ice or water, for example.
Effects which dampen or cancel vibration can
counter sonic powers, as can effects limiting or removing the medium through which sound travels.
Thus air and water powers may be able to counter
sonic powers (see the Air Powers and Water Powers
profiles). Similarly, since sound is a mechanical pressure wave, kinetic energy powers may interfere with
it (see the Kinetic Powers profile).
Technically speaking, any effect which blankets
an area with silence should counter all sonic effects
but, without a Simultaneous Nullify effect (see White
Sound under Utility Powers), does not have enough
breadth to do so. Any new sonic effect used in the
area can shatter the silence momentarily. The GM
may wish to roll an opposed check of the silence effects rank against the sonic powers rank, but keep in
mind this should not be used as merely a cheap form
of Nullify.

Sonic Features
Some potential Feature effects associated with Sonic
Powers include the following:

You can amplify your voice (speaking or singing) like

a living microphone or bullhorn, making yourself
clearly audible over a greater distance, negating up
to a 20 modifier to hear you due to distance.
You can produce minute sonic vibrations over a
distance able to shift small moving parts (screws,
latches, etc.) functioning like a Move Object effect
with a 5 mass rank.

You have perfect pitch, able to know the exact

musical note of any tone you hear and able to reproduce that same note by singing (or using a power like
Sonic Projection).

Although not protected against attack, you are largely

immune to loud noises and could, for example, stand
next to the amplifiers at a rock concert with no ill

You have a limited ability to generate a particular

sound or sounds, such as the power to create your
own theme music at will or to produce entertaining
sound effects useful for a circumstance modifier on
some interaction checks (particularly taunts).

Jonathan Lotzer (order #3835472)

Offensive Powers
Offensive sonic powers use sound and vibration to inflict
damage or to deafen, stun, or otherwise inconvenience
their targets.

You vibrate your hands at a high frequency, or surround
them with a high-frequency sonic field, turning them into
powerful cutting implements.
Buzzsaw: Penetrating Damage (cutting, vibrational) 2 points
per rank.

Deafening Shriek
You hit targets with a blast of sound intense enough
to temporarily deafen them. A common variant of
this power substitutes the Burst Area or Perception
(Hearing) Area modifier for Ranged, or applies both a
Ranged and Area modifier for a power affecting an area
at a distance.
Deafening Shriek: Ranged Cumulative Affliction (Resisted
and Overcome by Fortitude; Hearing Impaired, Hearing
Disabled, Hearing Unaware), Limited to One Sense 2
points per rank.

Hypnotic song
You emit sound able to influence the minds of all able to
hear it, ranging from an enchanting song to mind-altering
hypersonics. Once the sound stops, however, the targets
quickly recover. Apply the Insidious modifier for a subliminal mind-altering sound and the Subtle modifier for an
ultrasonic signal beyond the normal hearing range. If the
effect lasts beyond the initial sound, remove the Instant
Recovery flaw.
Hypnotic Song: Cumulative Hearing Area Affliction
(Resisted and Overcome by Will; Entranced, Compelled,
Controlled), Concentration Duration, Instant Recovery 3
points per rank.

An intense beam of ultrasound can shatter crystalline
objects and even liquefy solid matter. If Limited to only
crystalline objects, apply a 1 flaw to the power.
Shatter: Ranged Weaken Toughness, Affects Only Objects 2
points per rank.

Sonic Blast
A focused blast of sound can smash solid objects and
do considerable damage to foes. A common modifier
on this power is a Burst Area or Auditory Area extra in
place of the Ranged extra (for a blast originating from
you) or along with it, for a sonic blast that spreads
from a target point. The Cone Area modifier in place

Power Profile: Sonic Powers

of Ranged can represent a sonic blast that spreads out

from its point of origin.
Sonic Blast: Ranged Damage (sonic) 2 points per rank.

Your emit sound waves that upset the inner ear, causing
dizziness and disorientation. A Burst or Cloud Area version
(replacing the Ranged modifier) is good for a close radius
effect, while an Auditory Area version (replacing both
Ranged and Hearing-Dependent) increases cost to 4
points per rank, but affects a wider area.
Vertigo: Ranged Progressive Affliction (Resisted and Overcome
by Will; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), Hearing-Dependent
3 points per rank.

Defensive Powers
Defensive sonic powers provide protection against sound
attacks and use sounds vibrational properties to shield
against physical attacks as well.

Protected Hearing
Your hearing is shielded against harmful effects, making it
easier to resist and recover from them.
Protected Hearing: Immunity 5 (harmful Hearing-Dependent
effects), Limited to Half Effect 3 points.

Sonic Absorption
You absorb the energy of incoming sound waves, converting it to enhance one of your existing traits. This power is
often coupled with a degree of Sonic Immunity (following).
Sonic Absorption: Enhanced Trait, Fades, Limited to rank of
absorbed sonic effect 1 point per 3 ranks.

Sonic Immunity
Your powers make you immune to either damage from
sonic attacks or completely immune to all sonic effects.
Immunity to Sonic Damage: Immunity 5 (sonic damage)
5 points.
Sonic Immunity: Immunity 10 (sonic effects) 10 points.

Sonic Shield
A thin field of intense vibratory energy or solid sound
surrounds your body, protecting you from harm.
Sonic Shield: Protection, Sustained 1 point per rank.

Movement Powers
Sonic powers primarily provide ways of removing obstacles
to movement, but can also provide a kind of propulsion.

Power Profile: Sonic Powers

Jonathan Lotzer (order #3835472)

Sonic Drilling
You can use sound to bore through solid material like a
vibratory drill.
Sonic Drilling: Burrowing 1 point per rank.

Sonic Flight
You are borne aloft on sound waves. This form of flight
produces a lot of noise, making it more noticeable than
usual. If you need some type of parasail or glider to catch
and reflect the vibrations to fly, apply the Platform or
Wings flaw to the power.
Sonic Flight: Flight, Noticeable 1 point for rank 1, + 2 points per
additional rank.

Sound Wave
You can transform momentarily into sound, pass through
a medium, and reform at a distant point, moving almost
instantly across up to distance rank 7 (about half a mile).
Further than that should take longer than a move action,
given the speed of sound, so the GM may wish to limit this
power to a maximum rank of 7.
Sound Wave: Teleport, Medium (sound) 1 point per rank.

Utility Powers
Sonic utility powers involve various means of enhancing,
manipulating, dampening, or canceling sound waves for
various effects.

Enhanced Hearing
You can pick up on distant sounds more easily. A common
enhancement to this power is the Penetrates Concealment effect for hearing (4 ranks), allowing you to ignore
muffling physical barriers (like walls and doors) when
making hearing Perception checks.
Enhanced Hearing: Senses (Extended Hearing) 1 point per

Phase Cancellation
A counter-wave or suppression field nullifies sonic
effects in the targeted area. As a default, this power only
nullifies sonic powers manipulating sounds or creating
sound over a certain threshold; it does not, for example,
silence all sound in the area. For that, Link the Silence
power (previously) to this one. Apply the Sustained modifier to maintain this power as a free action. If you can
only create a white sound field around yourself, apply
the Close flaw.
Phase Cancellation: Burst Area Nullify Sonic Effects,
Concentration, Simultaneous 4 points per rank.

A counter-wave or suppression field blocks out sound in
an area, leaving it completely silent. This does not necessarily nullify sonic powers in the areasee Countering
under Sonic Descriptors and White Sound, later in this
section, for details.
Silence: Burst Area Auditory Concealment Attack 6 points + 2
points per +1 distance rank to area.

Solid Sound
You can project sound as solid force fields, which you
can shape into different forms. The default version of the
power assumes the solidified sound is visible, perhaps as a
glowing or shimmering colored field. If it is invisible, apply
the Subtle modifier.

of a real object, you can change the perception of a real

sound, causing sirens to sound like music (or vice versa) or
spoken words to say something completely different. The
difficulty for a Perception check to detect your manipulation is the same: DC 10 + rank.
Sonic Projection: Illusion (Aural) 1 point per rank.

Sound Analysis
Like a sophisticated analysis program, you can break down
any sound you hear, analyzing its component elements.
Amongst other things, you can determine a sounds likely
origin, match voice-prints and other sound waves, and
possibly pull clues from background noises on recordings
or auditory broadcasts. If you have additional hearing capabilities (like Ultra-Hearing), you can take an additional
rank to apply this power to them as well.

Solid Sound: Create Solid Sound Objects 2 points per rank.

Sound Analysis: Senses 1 (Analytical Hearing) 1 point


Sound Creatures

Using hypersonic emissions and echolocation, you can

sense your surroundings without needing to see them.
If you can produce an ultrasound scan able to see through
or inside solid objects, add the Penetrates Concealment
effect of Senses to the power, increasing cost by 4 points.
Sonar: Senses (Accurate Hearing) 2 points per rank.

Sonic Form
You can transform into a being of pure sound, giving you
the ability to move through different mediums like sound
does and to strike with a powerful vibrational force. The
default version of this power assumes your sound body
is still visible. If it is not, add Concealment 4 (Visual) as well.
Sonic Form: Damage 1 (sonic), Flight 8, Immunity 10 (life
support), Insubstantial 3 42 points +1 point per +1 rank of
Damage + 8 points for Visual Concealment.

Sonic Masking
You can suppress or mask your own sound emissions,
making yourself completely silent, although the effects of
your actions can still be heard; so your footfalls and breathing, for example, are masked, but knocking over a garbage
can in an alley still creates noise when it hits the pavement.
Sonic Masking: Concealment 2 (auditory) 4 points.

Sonic Projection
You can re-create different sounds, with the difficulty of
determining they are not the original based on your rank
(Perception check, DC 10 + rank).
Additionally, you can manipulate existing sounds. In the
same way a visual illusion might change the appearance

Jonathan Lotzer (order #3835472)

You create or summon creatures made of living sound

that obey your commands. These creatures can take on
virtually any form or appearance, from featureless humanoids to strange monsters. For close combat creatures,
substitute sonic Damage or Affects Corporeal Strength for
the Sonic Blast power and the appropriate Close Combat
skill for the Ranged Combat skill.
Sound Creatures: Summon Sound Creature 5, Controlled
15 points + 10 points per doubling of number of creatures + 5
points for Horde to summon all of them at once.

Sound Creatures



Powers: Sonic Blast (Ranged Damage 8); Sonic Form (Flight 8,
Insubstantial 3 (sound), Permanent, Innate); Unliving (Immunity
30: Fortitude Effects)
Skills: Ranged Combat: Sonic Blast 8 (+8)
Offense: Initiative +2, Sonic Blast +8 (Ranged, Damage 8)
Defense: Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 0,
Will Immune
Totals Abilities 36 + Powers 78 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 +
Defenses 18 = 64

Ultrasonic Hearing
Your hearing is sensitive to frequencies much higher than
the normal human range, allowing you to hear ultrasonic
tones like dog whistles and certain ultrasonic remote
Ultrasonic Hearing: Senses 1 (Ultra-Hearing) 1 point.

White Noise
You create countervailing noise or dampen existing
sound in the area, making it difficult to hear and impos-

Power Profile: Sonic Powers

ing either a 2 or 5 circumstance penalty on all hearingrelated checks.

White Noise: Environment (Visibility), Affects Hearing Instead
of Vision (+0) 1 point per rank for 2 penalty, 2 points per rank
for 5 penalty.

Other Sonic Powers

Vibrational powers and speed powers are often linked.
Any vibrational power in this profile may be a speed power
and any power in the Speed Powers profile with the word
vibrational in it may be a sonic power. The same for the
Earthquake and Tremor powers from Earth Powers.
With the potential for sonics to influence the mind and
nervous system (see Hypnotic Song and Vertigo), various
Mental Powers may also be sonic powers, perhaps with
the Hearing-Dependent modifier, relying on a subsonic
carrier wave to produce their effects. A common example
of this is a sonic version of Emotion Control.
Affecting the senses, some Illusion Powers may also be
sonic, depending on whether they manipulate actual
sound waves or simply create the impression of sound. In
particular the Vocal Mimicry power may suit some sonic
powers and the Sense Memory power may be useful to a
sound-controller recreating sounds.

Sonic powers often tie-in with performance skills like
singing, so a sonic-powered character might also be quite
famous, with or without using any powers for added
special effects! Famous characters deal with overeager
fans, stalkers, and hangers-on looking to exploit their
fame, and may encounter complications keeping their
super and civilian lives separate.

For those who discover or invent their sonic powers rather
than gaining them by accident or birthright, a particular
obsession with the science of acoustics or the art of music
(and perhaps the mystical aspects of it) are common complications. This is particularly true for musically themed
characters with sonic powers.

Power Loss
Lacking a medium sound can travel through can effectively negate most sonic powers and count as a Power Loss
complication (see Descriptors for details).

Sonic powers can be destructive, disruptive, and distracting, and they depend on certain conditions, creating their
share of complications for users.

Another common form of Power Loss is sonic powers

which depend on the users voice (speaking, screaming,
singing, etc.). Circumstances where the character cannot
breathe or speak properly also cause the loss of any
related sonic powers. So conditions like smoke or tear gas,
or a blow to the throat, for example, can create a complication sonic controllers able to project sound simply by
willing it do not encounter.



The unleashed power of things like sonic blasts and shattering waves of ultrasound can do considerable collateral
damage, shattering crystalline structures from glass to
many metals to inflicting damage on innocent bystanders.
This damage can lead to further accidents due to broken
glass, shattered containers, smashed pipes, and the like.
Sonic-powered heroes may need to demonstrate restraint
in crowded conditions or places with a lot of vulnerable
materials, such as a museum or a scientific lab.

With the association between sonic powers and performance (see Fame) a degree of rivalry between characters
with sonic powers is not unusual, particularly if they are
also artistic or professional rivals.

Sonic Complications

Given their connection to the power of speech and the
sense of hearing, sonic powers sometimes cause (or compensate for) disabilities in those areas. For example, a character endowed with powerful mutated vocal cords able to
produce sonic blasts might lose the ability to speak without
emitting dangerous sound waves! Similarly, exposure to
ultrasonics might cause damage to a characters hearing,
resulting in a sonic controller who is actually deaf or reliant
upon artificial hearing aids. Perhaps the characters sonic
powers compensate for hearing loss, but without those
powers, the character is deaf, making the Disability an occasional complication coupled with Power Loss.

Power Profile: Sonic Powers

Jonathan Lotzer (order #3835472)

Sonic-powered criminals tend to take this a step further,

such as the musically themed villain with an obsessive
rivalry towards all other musicians and composers or the
operatic diva who believes its not over until she sings!

Sonic powers may lead to particular weaknesses beyond
just the Power Loss associated with being unable to emit
sound without a medium. For example, for a being made
of sound (see Sound Form), the lack of a medium might
actually be fatal rather than forcing the character out
of sound form, particularly for those with Permanent or
Innate modifiers on the power.
The precise right frequency of sound might strike a weak
spot for some sound-users, especially if their powers use
some kind of resonant or vibrational component, causing
them pain, injury, or other conditions.

Credits & License

Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Sonic Powers
Writing and Design: Steve Kenson
Editing and Development: Jon Leitheusser
Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold
Interior Art: Dexter Vines
Playtesters: Leon Chang, James Dawsey, Nathan Kahler,
Jack Norris, Aaron Sullivan
Publisher: Chris Pramas
Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Joe Carriker, Will
Hindmarch, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole
Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Sonic Powers is
2012 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
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Jonathan Lotzer (order #3835472)

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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc., Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary
Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Modern System Reference Document, Copyright 20022004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek,
Jeff Grubb, Rich Red-man, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle,
David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney
Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter
Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and
JD Wiker.
Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin
Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.
Advanced Players Manual, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin
Publishing, LLC; Author Skip Williams.
Silver Age Sentinels d20, Copyright 2002, Guardians
of Order, Inc.; Authors Stephen Kenson, Mark C.
Mackinnon, Jeff Mackintosh, Jesse Scoble.
Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, Copyright 2005,
Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
DC Adventures Heros Handbook, Copyright 2010, Green
Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
Mutants & Masterminds Heros Handbook, Copyright
2011, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Sonic Powers,
Copyright 2012, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author
Steve Kenson.

Power Profile: Sonic Powers

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