Mutants & Masterminds 3e - Power Profile - Dream Powers

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Power Profile: Dream Powers

To sleep, perchance to dream... Dreams have been

omens and harbingers throughout history and power
over dreams means near-omnipotence in that misty
nighttime world of sleep and imagination. Dream powers
range from crafting cunning illusions to nightmares able
to traumatize, or even kill.

Dream Descriptors
The following are important descriptors associated with
dream powers.

Dream: A series of images and sensations that occurs

while asleep (see Sleep, following). Although there are
numerous theories concerning the causes and purposes
of dreams, apart from evidence of brain activity during
certain stages of sleep, there is no definitive understanding about them. Dreams may be anything from
psychological processing of information and experiences to psychic insight into another layer of reality (see
the Dream Dimension, following) or some measure of
both, with other elements mixed in. The key elements of
the dream descriptor are the internal imagery and their
occurrence while asleep, although daydreams may
occur when in a light waking trance (essentially the entranced condition, Heros Handbook, page 19).
If a power requires dreamingeither on the part of
the user or the subjectand that requirement is no
longer fulfilled (the subject wakes, for example) then
the power stops working. What that means may vary;
for some, the power just stops, in other cases, a dream
traveler might be lost in the depths of the dream dimension or face other complications.

Power Profile: Dream Powers

Dream Dimension: In many comic book settings,

the realm of dreams is an entire alternate reality characters may visit, complete with its own rules, native
inhabitants, and dangers. The dream dimension is
commonly thought of as a version of the collective
unconsciousa psychic realm connecting individual dreamscapes at a deep, fundamental level.
All dreamers might visit the dream dimension,
at least at some level, although individual dreamscapes are often separate and distinct from the greater
expanse of the dimension. Travel to the dream dimension may be purely mental/sensory, and limited
to effects like Remote Sensing and Mind Reading, or
it may be possible to go there bodily using the Dimensional Travel effect of Movement, translating the
physical into a dream-stuff and back again as part of
the transition.
As dream dimensions are imaginary realms, even
those lacking dream powers may have unusual abilities or options there. After all, the physical laws of a
dream are arbitrary, and lucid or strong-willed dreamers may be able to alter them. Gamemasters should
consider loosening the guidelines for power stunts,
editing scenes, and heroic feats (Heros Handbook,
page 20) for characters in a dream dimension, allowing for anything the character can imagine (and the
player can describe) perhaps using Will as a base rank
for some power stunts, such as gaining an entirely
new power, or non-powered characters exhibiting
superpowers in the dream dimension! As with all instances of extra effort and hero point spending, these
options are primarily limited by the characters available fatigue and hero points.

For examples of dream dimensions, see Book of

Magic (pages 3537), the Imageria from the Paragons
sourcebook (pages 3241), and the Dreamtime from
the Wild Cards sourcebook (page 45).

Mental: Dreams are mental phenomena, making

most dream powers mental in nature as well. See
the Mental Powers profile for additional descriptors related to mental effects. In particular, dream
powers are often Subtle, and perhaps Insidious,
leaving no noticeable sign of their effects, and they
tend to be Perception Ranged, often in conjunction
with an accurate mental sense, able to influence
sleeping targets from afar. See the Dream Touch
power in Utility Powers for an example. Limited to
Dreams is a suitable flaw for many mental powers,
turning them into dream powers, usable only while
the wielder is asleep. Similarly, Limited to Sleeping
Targets can apply to mental powers that only work
on sleeping subjects in their dreams.
Nightmare: A nightmare is simply a dream with
unpleasant, frightening, or traumatizing imagery or
sensations. Nightmares often have fear or terror descriptors, working primarily through scary images.
Thus characters with the Fearless advantage or other
Immunity to fear effects may be able to ignore nightmares or their effects.
Sleep: Asleep is a condition defined in the Heros
Handbook (page 19) wherein a character is defenseless, stunned (unable to take actions) and unaware,
however a hearing Perception check with three or
more degrees of success can wake a character who
is asleep, as can any sudden movement or any effect
requiring a resistance check of any kind. Thus asleep
differs from incapacitated (unconsciousness). Many
dream powers require either the user to be asleep,
the subject to be asleep, or both.
Countering: Given the ephemeral nature of dreams,
dream powers would not seem overly useful for countering any effects other than their own. However,
dreams are deeply connected with both the mind
(particularly the unconscious or subconscious) and
perception. Therefore, dream powers may be useful
in countering some mental powers, particularly mindor emotion control, or illusion powers. They awaken
the subject from those effects, much like waking
from a dream, pitting the power of the dreaming
mind against the foreign power. Similarly, illusion and
mental powers might be able to counter some dream
powers, extending their influence past the conscious
mind into the unconscious or dreaming self.

Dream Features
In addition to an Enhanced Trait version of the Trance advantage (Heros Handbook, page 88), potential Feature effects
associated with Dream Powers include the following:

Daydreamer: You need the Light Sleeper Feature

(following) to have this one. You can enter the asleep
condition while in a light trance state similar to the

entranced condition (Heros Handbook, page 19),

keeping your eyes open and maintaining your position (sitting up, even riding a walking mount, but not
moving under your own power). Daydreamer fulfills
the requirement for dream powers where you must
be asleep.

Fast Sleeper: You can go into the asleep condition

at-will with just one round to prepare, and choose
when you will come out of it (from one minute to
several hours) barring some other circumstance
waking you.

Light Sleeper: You only need one degree of success

on a hearing Perception check to awaken from the
asleep condition, rather than three.

Lucid Dreamer: When you sleep, you can choose

what you dream and you remain conscious and
aware that you are dreaming while you dream. Additionally, each rank grants you one use of Edit Scene
(Heros Handbook, page 20) while dreaming.

Offensive Powers
Offensive dream powers combine disturbing nightmare
images with control over sleep for effects ranging from
mental shock and fatigue to putting targets to sleep
against their will.

Dream Trap
You cause a sleeping target to go into a coma, trapped in
the dream-world and unable to wake. Although the targets condition is asleep, until the transformed condition
is removed, the target cannot awaken. A more gradual
version of this power may have the Cumulative or Progressive modifier.
Dream Trap: Perception Ranged Affliction (Resisted and
Overcome by Will; TransformedAsleep), Limited Degree
(third only), Limited to Sleeping Targets 1 point per rank.

Nightmare Blast
Putting your target through a terrible nightmare, you
are able to inflict psychic trauma so profound as to have
real consequences in the waking world. The exact nature
of the trauma and its effects depend on the nightmare
imagery, ranging from the classic if you fall to your death
in a dream, you die in reality to inducing coma (incapacitated), psychological conditioning (controlled), or even
changes in personality (transformed). This power is normally limited to affecting a sleeping targets dreams. If you
remove the Limited modifier, you can project a Nightmare
Blast into the mind of any target you can perceive, waking
or sleeping. This power uses the Variable Conditions extra
from the Illusion Power profile.
Nightmare Blast: Perception Ranged Affliction (Resisted and
Overcome by Will; conditions vary), Variable Conditions,
Variable Descriptor 1 (nightmares), Limited to Sleeping
Targets 1 point + 4 points per rank.

Power Profile: Dream Powers

You can place a target into a deep sleep, simply by looking
at them. In addition to the usual resistance check to overcome the asleep condition, the target can be awakened
by normal means (see Sleep under Dream Descriptors).
This power may be both Subtle and Insidious, meaning
the target is unaware you are causing sleep; they simply
feel more and more drowsy until they finally drop off.
Sleep: Perception Ranged Cumulative Affliction (Resisted and
Overcome by Will; Fatigued, Exhausted, Asleep) 4 points
per rank.

Sleep Deprivation
You leave a target unable to sleep, or at least unable to
rest, their sleep troubled by disturbing images and nightmares such that it provides no recovery from fatigue.
Sleep Deprivation: Perception Ranged Affliction (Resisted
and Overcome by Will; Fatigued, Exhausted, Incapacitated),
Progressive, Subtle, Limited to one check per day 1 point +
4 points per rank.

Defensive Powers
Defensive dream powers primarily protect against other
dream powers or the effects of fatigue or sleeplessness.

Dream Dissipation
You can counteract the effects of dream powers, either allowing a subject to return to wakefulness (if something
prevented them from doing so) or slip into a normal
asleep condition. This power affects a single subject by
default but the Area modifier allows it to affect multiple
subjects at once. The GM may allow an area use of this
power in the dream dimension to affect a group within
the designated area there, regardless of how far apart
their sleeping physical forms may be.
Dream Dissipation: Nullify Dream Powers, Simultaneous
2 points per rank.

Dream Immunity
You are unaffected by dream powers, either due to some
sort of shielding or protection or simply because you do
not dream (see the Sleepless power, following, if you also
do not sleep).

You do not ever need to sleep or dream, although you
may choose to do so, if you wish (as a descriptor of the
Immunity effect). If you are incapable of dreaming, then
you also have the Dream Immunity power (previously).
Note that this power does not grant immunity to physical
fatigue: you still tire from exertion and need to rest, you
simply do not sleep or tire from mental activity.
Sleepless: Immunity 1 (Sleep) 1 point.

Movement Powers
Most dream movement powers are concerned with shifting in or out of a dreaming state or the dream dimension.
In addition to those powers, characters in a dream may
possess movement capabilities they do not in waking
lifeas anyone who has experienced a flying dream
knows. It is up to the GM whether the ground rules of
a particular dream grant characters additional movement
abilities or if they are best handled as power stunts (see
the Dream Dimension under Dream Descriptors).

You can bodily transport yourself over great distances
in the waking world by traveling through the dreams of
sleepers. You must be within about arms reach of a sleeping dreamer and you emerge into the waking world about
the same distance from another sleeping dreamer within
range of your Teleport effect. Other Teleport modifiers,
particularly Extended, are common for this power.
Dreamport: Teleport, Accurate, Medium (dreamers) 2 points
per rank.

Dream Projection
You project a mental image of yourself into another persons dreams. You cannot perceive the content of the dream
unless you also have Dream Reading (see Utility Powers)
but you can communicate with the dreamer and anyone
else present within the dream. You will tend to blend into
the context of the dream, although with a modest effort of
will you can exert your normal appearance. If the power is
Insidious, then your dream projection fits into the dream
and is taken as just another element of it, granting you a
circumstance bonus to use the projection for interaction
checks like Deception against the dreamer.

Dream Immunity: Immunity 2 (Dream Powers) 2 points.

Dream Projection: Communication (Mental), Limited to

Dreamers 3 points per rank.

Healing Trance

Dream Travel

While you sleep, you quickly recover from any damage or

Healing Trance: Regeneration, Source (Sleep) 1 point per 2

Power Profile: Dream Powers

You can travel bodily into the dimension or realm of dreams.

If you can bring others along with you, apply the Increased
Mass extra, or the Portal modifier from Teleport to the
power. See Dream Dimension under Dream Descriptors
for details about what to expect at your destination. If the

setting features multiple dream dimensions, you can travel

to any of them with two ranks of Dimension Travel. Note
that traveling bodily into a subjects dreams allows you to
perceive them and communicate, but also exposes you to
whatever is happening in that dream, since you are actually
there rather than just perceiving or communicating.
Dream Travel: Movement 1 (Dimensional Travel) 2 points.

Utility Powers
The power over dreams has many potential uses, from
learning about a persons innermost thoughts to influencing them or even controlling the otherworldly realm of
dreams itself.

Dream Control
You have the ability to control the content of a persons
dreams, dictating what they dream, creating nightmares,
or soothing them, and so forth. If you can draw images
from the subjects own mind, apply the Psychic modifier
(see the Illusion Powers profile).
Dream Control: Illusion (All Senses), Limited to Minds, Limited to
Sleeping Subjects 3 points per rank.

Dream Mastery
You are virtually omnipotent in the world of dreams,
limited solely by your imagination and willpower in terms
of what you can accomplish.
This power is significantly limited, in that both you and
anyone you interact with must be asleep and dreaming, but
otherwise it is capable of achieving real effects in that anything affecting dreamers on the mental level is reflected in
the waking world, including damage and other conditions.
There may even be psychosomatic or mystical physical repercussions of your powers, depending on descriptors.
Dream Mastery: Variable (dream powers, Free Action, Limited to
while asleep, Limited to while in dreams) 7 points per rank.

Dream Reading
You can connect to a sleeping subjects dreams and perceive them as they occur, as if they were happening to
you, but with a degree of psychological distance insulating you from their effects. You can even direct the dream
to a degree to uncover particular information the subject
knows, ranging from direct questioning of the subjects
dreaming self, to revealing imagery, such as revisiting old
memories. The subject may (with an Insight check versus
DC 10 + power rank) perceive you as a presence in the
dream, perhaps cloaked in appropriate imagery, unless
your power is Subtle. The subject gets the usual Will resistance check to prevent you from perceiving anything or
from increasing the information you receive.
Dream Reading: Mind Reading, Limited to Sleeping Subjects 1
point per rank.

An occasional Feature for Dream Reading is Dream

Viewing: the ability to project the subjects dreams as a
visible and audible playback others can perceive. This is
a rank 1 Feature added onto the cost of Dream Reading.

Dream Touch
You can reach out with your mind to touch the sleeping mind of another being known to you, sufficient for
you to connect with their dreams and use other Perception Ranged dream powers on them. This is a particularly
useful power, in spite of working only on sleeping minds,
and Gamemasters should be careful about allowing playercontrolled characters to have and use it, since it can potentially unbalance the game and may leave other characters
largely out of the activity that occurs on the dream level.
Dream Touch: Remote Sensing (mental), Senses 4 (Accurate
Ranged Detect Dreamers, mental) 4 points + 1 point per rank.

Precognitive Dreams
You receive visions of the future in your dreams. These may
be couched in symbolic dream imagery and require interpretation, but you always know the difference between
a vision and an ordinary dream. This power is often Uncontrolled in addition to only occurring while you dream,
meaning the visions come unbidden, and only when the
Gamemaster chooses.
Precognitive Dreams: Senses 4 (Precognition), Limited to
Dreaming 2 points.

Sleep Substitute
You can provide the benefits of sleep to someone without
them actually needing to sleep for any length of time.
Sleep Substitute: Healing (Energizing, Limited to Energizing) 1
point per rank.

Other Dream Powers

Considering the stuff of dreams Illusion Powers are
a natural outgrowth of creating or controlling dream
images and dreamweavers may have dream powers
in the sleeping world and illusion powers in the waking
world, mixing the two to great effect, even to the point of
victims wondering if they are truly awake or asleep!
Similarly, dream powers are essentially Mental Powers of
a sort, and many characters with one also have the other.
Some mental powers can double as dream powers when
used on sleeping minds: Dream Reading and Dream Projection, for example, are just aspects of Telepathy with
particular limitations, so a capable telepath could achieve
the same effects.
Dreamsand especially the dream dimensionare also
associated with Magic Powers. Sorcerers plumb the depths
of the psyche and the mysteries hidden there, and venture
into the realm of dreams to confront nightmare creatures

Power Profile: Dream Powers

and protect sleeping innocents. As with mental powers,

some magical powers may double as dream powers, allowing access to sleeping minds and their dreams.


Lastly, depending on how dreams and the dream dimension work in the setting, some Summoning Powers could
also be dream powers, calling servants or minions from
the depths of the dream dimension or out of a targets
own worst nightmares.

Phobias tend to function like weakness complications

for dream characters, since a deep fear of something can
manifest as a very direct confrontation in a nightmare!
Phobias provide ammunition for foes in the dreamscape,
should they learn about them, and it is not unusual for an
opponent to have the ability to sense or learn a characters fears in some fashion.

Dream Complications

Power Loss

Dreams can be fickle and mysterious, and characters

dealing in them can face certain complications, like those
described here.

Its one thing for a hero to cause collateral damage in
the real world, but what do you do when you accidentally
break something in someones mind? An accident in the
dream world could have serious psychological or even
physical consequences in waking reality, giving heroes
good reason to be careful when adventuring in others
psyches and to return to clean up or repair any damage
they might have done (an adventure unto itself ).

Plenty of fiction has speculated about addiction of dream
games or similar recreational uses of lucid or directed
dreaming. Characters might become addicted to living
in a dream world where all of their fantasies seem completely real and fulfilled, particularly if reality is harsh or
uncompromising. Those with dream powers may suffer
from the same sort of addiction or to a need to interact
withor even feed onthe dreams of others.

Dream powers do not require anything more than the
ability to sleep and dream, so they may allow a character
who is physically disabled to actively adventure in both
the dreaming and waking worlds. The characters physical
body might even be completely paralyzed or comatose!
In more extreme cases, the character could be a disembodied brain sustained by life support machinery, or a
conscious dream completely unaware that he or she is
not real, simply a figment of someone elses imagination.

Dream powered characters often pick up an enemy or two
from the realm of dreams, anything from the living embodiment of nightmares or a rogue god of dreams to a
manifestation of the heros own repressed shadow side
or a rival dreamweaver with similar powers, but different
motives for using them.

Power Profile: Dream Powers

The theme of powerless outside of dreams is largely

handled by modifiers on dream powers rather than this
complication. It might apply in unusual circumstances
when the character suffers power loss while in a dream,
due to the influence of the dreamer or some outside
force. For example, the characterand any allies along
for the tripbecomes trapped in a nightmare or the
mind of a dying coma patient, and loses the ability to
influence the dream, forced to find a means of escape
that fits the logic of the dreams narrative and the hosts
Additionally, characters might depend on something
else to provide or recharge their dream powers, ranging
from an experimental drug or exotic incense to a particular bedtime ritual or talisman, maybe even a night-light!
Deprived of the powers catalyst, the character suffers
from this complication. The same concept applies to Removable devices granting dream powers (ranging from
circlets and medallions to electronic helmets or sleeping
chambers), save that they are also accounted for in the
flaws cost modifier rather than as a complication.

Characters with dream powers are sometimes healers
of broken and scarred psyches. Day jobs as psychologists, counselors, or other mental health professionals are
common, and the character may feel a sense of responsibility to patients and those in need.

Like illusions, dreams are a subtle power. Its just a dream
is the mantra for warding off even their most frightening
effects. Characters with dream powers also often have significant limitations in the waking world, giving them good
reasons to keep the full nature and scope of their powers
and identities secret. Its one thing to deal with the mysterious Dream Mastera cloaked and hooded figure who
appears in dreams and wields great powerand learning
that the Dream Master is really a paraplegic mutant boy
living in a shoddy apartment complex by day, only barely
aware of his own nighttime activities. Indeed, given the
nature of dreams, it is possible some aspects about the
character are secret even from his or her waking self! It all
seems like just a dream.

Credits & License

Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Dream Powers
Writing and Design: Steve Kenson
Editing and Development: Jon Leitheusser
Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold
Interior Art: Storn Cook
Playtesters: Leon Chang, James Dawsey, Nathan Kahler,
Jack Norris, Aaron Sullivan
Publisher: Chris Pramas
Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Joe Carriker, Will
Hindmarch, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole
Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Dream Powers is
2012 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
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DC Adventures Heros Handbook, Copyright 2010, Green

Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
Mutants & Masterminds Heros Handbook, Copyright
2011, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Dream Powers,
Copyright 2012, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author
Steve Kenson.

Power Profile: Dream Powers

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