AP Euro Exam Tips
AP Euro Exam Tips
AP Euro Exam Tips
A watch is critical
You must have a watch to be able to keep track of time and follow these
guidelines exactly. I recommend any analog watch. If you have a digital watch
and it makes any noise, you risk having your test confiscated and having your
score cancelled.
Multiple Choice (55 min / 80 Questions)
Answer all questions; your score is not affected by incorrect answers.
Break (10 min)
Use this as a break; dont think hard during it, you have to write three essays
when you get back in the room.
Essays (15 min reading + 1hr 55 min writing)
Use the 15 minute reading time to read all of the documents in the DBQ
(Document-Based Question). Mark the pages up; write how you will use each
document, write a quick POV for each document. Also do a quick outline for the
essay and group the documents. Pay no attention to the TEQs during these 15
Once writing begins, write the DBQ in 45 minutes, do not go over this time limit,
but make sure you have a completed essay with a conclusion. Keep track of your
time. Only practice gives you the ability to write this essay in the designated time.
Use 35 minutes on each TEQ. Choose which essay you will write extremely
quickly; do not think too long about your decision. Write about whichever topic
you know most about, even if that is not much. Make an extremely quick outline.
If you pause to think about the outline, just start writing the actual essay.
Grading / Strategies
Always use all documents and write a POV on all documents. You are not
penalized for incorrect POVs, so if you are unsure about it, just write it.
Speed is key. You have to write fast. Practice is the only way to achieve this.
The Extended core I try to do on every essay are: 4 POVs, All documents, and
Outside Information. These are the only objective extended core; the rest are just
doing basic core very well.
When referring to an essay, state it by name then in parentheses the document
number. Ex: In Tolstoys War and Peace (Doc 2) This allows the grader to
easily mark off documents used. You are writing for the grader.
APHaven.com : go here and play with the grading scale; it is not too hard to get a
good score.
Google AP Central - The AP European History Exam: On this webpage, you
can find all essay questions dating back to 2003. These are from the actual AP
Attached Multiple Choice Exam. This is hard to find, and are invaluable; study
them as was explained earlier.
Attached Practice Exam: This is very long, but also very hard to find.
Unfortunately, there are no answers, so you would have to look them up. This can
be very useful for mentally preparing for such a long test though if you take it a
week or two before the AP test. 3 hrs and 15 min is a long time and can be hard to