AWS D1.3 WPQR Guides PDF
AWS D1.3 WPQR Guides PDF
AWS D1.3 WPQR Guides PDF
AWS D1.3 (Structural Welding Code-Sheet Steel)
Quick Review on Performance Qualification
1-Guide (General on Essential Variables)
AWS D1.3, Section 4, Performance Qualification Test:
Any changes on the following items need requalification:
Thickness, F-Number (SMAW), Position, Weld Joint Type,
Process, Coating (addition or change), Vertical progression
Note 1: For the purpose of performance qualification, any one of
the steels permitted by this code can be used, with no coating or
have the same coating used in qualification.
Note 2: Two tests shall be required for each assembly test for
performance qualification.
2-Guide (Position)
AWS D1.3, Table 4.4, Groove Test on Sheet
Position Tested
Position Qualified
Square or Flare
1G (F)
2G (H)
F, H
3G (V)
F, H, V
4G (OH)
F, H, OH
AWS D1.3, Table 4.4, Fillet or Arc Plug Test on Sheet
Position Tested
Position Qualified
Fillet or Arc plug
1F (F)
2F (H)
F, H
3F (V)
F, H, V
4F (OH)
F, H, OH
AWS D1.3, Table 4.4, Arc Seam or Arc Spot Test on Sheet
Position Tested
Position Qualified
1F (F)
F (Arc seam or Arc spot)
2F (H)
H (Arc seam only)
(See AWS D1.3, Table 4.4 for Test Figures and
Welded Joint Qualified)
AWS D1.3 (Structural Welding Code-Sheet Steel)
3-Guide (Thickness of Base Metal Range)
AWS D1.3, 4.7.2 Specific Condition
Welders or welder operators shall be qualified by making a test
weldment for each weld joint type, as shown in Table 4.4 with the
following condition:
-For arc spots or arc seam welds, test for each thickness (gage) to
be used in production.
-For flare groove welds or fillet welds, test for minimum thickness
of sheet steel to be used in production.
-For square groove welds, thickness tested to be considered as the
following guidelines:
The thickness t (of the thinner sheet qualified) shall qualify the
welder or welder operator for sheet steel thickness from
0.5t Min. to 2t Max. (OR) as an alternative:
-A qualification weld performed on 18 gage sheet steel shall
qualify the welder or welder operator for metal 16 gage and
-A qualification weld performed on 10 gage sheet steel shall
qualify the welder or welder operator for metal as thin as 16 gage
and thicker, up to 4.8 mm (3/16 in.) Max.