Biophoton Emission Potential
Biophoton Emission Potential
Biophoton Emission Potential
Photons are the quanta of electromagnetic
radiation, essentially particles of light. Their
average energies, according to the relationship
E = hc-1, are typically within the range of 10-19
J for the ultraviolet to infrared portions of the
Corresponding author: Michael A. Persinger
Address: Consciousness and Neuroquantum Research Laboratory,
traditionally thought to possess no mass, recent
evidence has suggested a non-zero rest mass for
the photon (upper limit ~10-52 kg; Tu et al.,
2005). The phenomenon of biophoton emission
(BPE) refers to the occurrence of ultraweak
light emission from biological matter, typically
in association with reactive oxygen species
formation and cellular metabolism (Apel &
Hirt, 2004). Biophotons have been a major
focus in the area of biophysics for a number of
years (e.g., Li et al., 1983; Chang, 2008), and
novel approaches to molecular biology have
been revealed through the study of this
Data Transformation
Random Event Generator (REG) data was
collected for a total of 27 test sessions from N =
11 participants. Individual REG event scores
were standardized according to .5 chance
expectations using z-scores ([x-100] /50).
Overall session scores were obtained using
Stouffers method (z/n), where z = individual
event z-scores, with n = the number of events.
While participants intended for a specific
outcome in the REG data biophoton emission
was recorded from the right side of the head
with a photomultiplier tube (PMT). One model
of PMT was used for N = 8 participants (23
sessions), while a second model was used for N
= 3 participants (4 sessions). In order to
accommodate varied sampling across PMTs, as
well as individual differences, all photon data
was standardized independently within each
session using z-scores. Prior to transformation
each session was de-trended by entering PMT
data into a linear regression with time as the
independent variable and obtaining the residual
values for subsequent standardization and
analyses. Mean values and standard deviations
were computed for each minute (8) of both REG
and PMT data. All sessions were used as
separate trials (N = 27).
sd (REG)
Spectral Characteristics
Spectral analysis is a statistical method used in
signal processing which allows examination of a
sd (PMT)
eISSN 1303-5150
Signal Complexity
Entropy as applied to information theory is
generally used to describe the measure of
uncertainty or predictability within a random
variable (Jaynes, 1957). The application of
entropy to statistical prediction was originally
There has been a long history of
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engagement in cognitive activity near dynamic
processes can affect their consequences. For
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