Biophoton Emission Potential

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NeuroQuantology | March 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | Page 1-11

Persinger et al., Cerebral biophoton emission and non-local human-machine interaction

Cerebral Biophoton Emission as a Potential

Factor in Non-Local Human-Machine Interaction
Joey M. Caswell*, Blake T. Dotta, Michael A. Persinger*
Subjects were instructed to employ intention to affect the direction of random number generation from a device
located on their right side at 1 m distance. Biophoton emissions from the right hemisphere were recorded
simultaneously. Significant increases (~3.510 Wm ) in photon radiant flux density occurred when there were
marked deviations from random variations suggesting that the correlative variable for intent was coupled to cerebral
photon emission. Cross-spectral analyses indicated a significant coupling between photon density and deviation from
random variation within the 6 mHz range. The estimated raw power over the most likely area of influence (10 m )
over the peak duration would be within the order of 10 J. This quantum is associated with single action potentials
and the difference in energy equivalents after Lorentz contraction between the electrons Compton wavelength and
traditional particle width. The resulting ~1.5 m wavelength for this energy, which matches Bohrs solution, is also
within the width of the synapse. The moderately strong correlation between the strength of the coherence between
the deviations during intention and the photon emission and the entropy within the temporal distribution of the
random number variations in the mHz range suggests that a shared source with the earths free background
oscillations may be involved. Our results strongly indicate that photon-electron interactions between cerebral function
and electronic devices that reflect random electron tunnelling may be more powerful than accommodated by
classical physics and indicate the powerful role of a neuroquantological process.
Key Words: consciousness, random event generator, photons, non-local, intention
DOI Number: 10.14704/nq.2014.12.1.713

Photons are the quanta of electromagnetic
radiation, essentially particles of light. Their
average energies, according to the relationship
E = hc-1, are typically within the range of 10-19
J for the ultraviolet to infrared portions of the
Corresponding author: Michael A. Persinger
Address: Consciousness and Neuroquantum Research Laboratory,

Human Development Program* and Biomolecular Sciences Program ,

Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario Canada.
e-mail [email protected]
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: The authors
declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any
commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a
potential conflict of interest.
Received: Sept 30, 2013; Revised: Nov 22, 2013;
Accepted: Jan 6, 2014
eISSN 1303-5150

NeuroQuantology 2014; 1: 1-11

traditionally thought to possess no mass, recent
evidence has suggested a non-zero rest mass for
the photon (upper limit ~10-52 kg; Tu et al.,
2005). The phenomenon of biophoton emission
(BPE) refers to the occurrence of ultraweak
light emission from biological matter, typically
in association with reactive oxygen species
formation and cellular metabolism (Apel &
Hirt, 2004). Biophotons have been a major
focus in the area of biophysics for a number of
years (e.g., Li et al., 1983; Chang, 2008), and
novel approaches to molecular biology have
been revealed through the study of this

NeuroQuantology | March 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | Page 1-11

Persinger et al., Cerebral biophoton emission and non-local human-machine interaction

1995; Gourley et al., 2005). Subsequent

experiments have suggested the plasma
membrane of the cell as the most likely source
(Dotta et al., 2011). BPE has also been
examined in the context of the human body
(e.g., Kobayashi et al., 2009). Furthermore, this
phenomenon has been suggested as a potential
mechanism in cellular communication (Sun et
al., 2010). A number of more exotic
applications have been proposed in this area.
Bokkons innovative theories (2005;
2009) have implicated biophotons in visual
imagery. In order to test this hypothesis, recent
experiments examined the relationship between
BPE, visualization, as well as intention, which
suggest that imagining white light consistently
produces an increase in photon emission from
the right side of the head compared to both
mundane thoughts and baseline conditions
(Dotta & Persinger, 2011). The radiant flux
density associated with BPE increases was
measured to be approximately 510-11 Wm-2 and
was estimated to be associated with ~107
cortical neurons (Dotta et al., 2012). It was
significantly and strongly correlated with
electroencephalographic (EEG) power during
this task. Aside from the more obvious
relationship with visual imagery revealed by
these studies, cerebral biophotons have also
been suggested as a potential mechanism in
consciousness (Amoroso, 1999; Dotta et al.,
2013). Furthering Bokkons hypotheses, studies
entanglement (e.g., Persinger & Lavallee, 2010)
and the potential transfer of non-local
information (Dotta & Persinger, 2009) in the
context of human brain activity and cerebral
Given the apparent associations
between consciousness, intention, biophotons,
and non-locality, it is suggested that cerebral
BPE may play a role in mediating non-local
consciousness. Although evidence supporting
this contention has been examined in the
context of incoming non-local information
(Persinger & Saroka, 2012), BPE has not been
studied during processes associated with
collapse (3C) has suggested that a human
operator is capable of influencing the outcome
of a non-deterministic external system through
mental intention alone (e.g., Jahn et al., 1997;
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Radin & Nelson, 2003). Although brain activity

has been examined to some degree during this
apparent interaction (Gissurarson, 1992), the
non-local qualities of photon emissions and
their intimate link to consciousness provide a
reasonable measure of potential influence
within 3C processes. The following experiment
tested the hypothesis that BPE may be a factor
involved in the apparent influence of cognitive
intention on an external random physical
system. We measured BPE from the right side
of participants heads while they focused their
intention on a random event generator (REG)
device in order to produce a desired outcome in
the data. It was hypothesized that specific
ranges of photon emission would be associated
with various levels of overall performance,
determined by the overall magnitude of
deviation within the REG data, as well as
specific ranges of individual events. It was
further speculated that any relationship
between photon emission and REG device
output would likely become apparent upon
examination of both spectral characteristics of
the data and statistical signal complexity.
Participant age ranged from 22-42 years for N =
11 (N = 8 females, N = 3 males). All were
recruited from Laurentian University campus.
Biophoton emission (BPE) for the first N = 8
participants was measured using a Model 15
Photometer from SRI Instruments (Pacific
Photometric Instruments), which contained a
unit scale ranging in single units from 1 to 100.
Calibration indicated a single unit was equal to
~510-11 Wm-2. The photomultiplier tube (PMT)
housing (BCA IP21) for the RCA electron tube
was placed at a distance of approximately 15 cm
from the right side of the participant's head.
Data output was sent to a laptop computer with
a sampling rate of 3 samples per second.
Participants in this test segment contributed n
= 23 individual sessions. BPE for the latter N =
3 participants was obtained using a digital
photometer Model DM009C (Senstech Ltd.),
also placed ~15 cm from the right side of the
head, with a sample rate of 50 samples per
second. This measured the numbers of
individual photons in each sample as opposed
to an absolute measure of power. Values from
all trials were subsequently averaged and

NeuroQuantology | March 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | Page 1-11

Persinger et al., Cerebral biophoton emission and non-local human-machine interaction

standardized accordingly. Data obtained from

both PMT models were compared in previous
experiments which revealed congruence
between the devices (e.g., Persinger et al.,
2013). Participants in this segment contributed
n = 4 individual sessions.
Random data was produced using a
Psyleron REG-1 random event generator
(Figure-1; The device
produces a random output which is generated
by electron tunneling effects within two field
effect transistors. The varying voltage levels
which result from this process are converted
into digital data through a gated sampling
procedure which allows for regularly spaced bit
sequences. The output of both transistors is
internally compared through an alternating (0,
1) XOR masking process in order to maintain
true randomness and reduce any potential
influence of physical artefacts or other external
environmental variables (Jahn et al., 2000).
The device itself is further protected from static
electromagnetic factors by an aluminum outer
shielding and a Permalloy mu-metal inner
shield. Furthermore, the device was rigorously
calibrated prior to shipment in order to ensure
output conformed to statistical expectations.
The random event generator (REG) was also
tested in control experiments within our
laboratory to confirm these expectations. The
resulting data stream is collected through USBport using Psyleron FieldREG and Reflector
software packages on a laptop computer. Data
was produced at a rate of 2 events (200 0,1
bits/event) per second, with each event
referring to the number of 1's out of 200 bits
with binary probabilities, represented by a
value of 0-200. The theoretical (chance) mean
for each event is 100 with a standard deviation
of 50.
Measures of entropy (HX) were
computed using Matlab 2011a software. All
other statistical procedures, including spectral
analyses, were conducted using SPSS software
Prior to testing, participants viewed a short
demonstration with the REG software (e.g.,
Figure-2) in order to understand upon what
they would be focusing their intention. No
feedback was provided during testing. They
were seated in a dark, comfortable
environment, approximately 1 m away from the
eISSN 1303-5150

REG (right side, placed on a wooden table 14.5

below the horizontal plane of the temporal
lobes). The PMT was located 15 cm from the
right side of the head (Figure-3). They were
then asked to intend for the data output of the
REG to deviate either up or down for one to
three periods of ~8 minutes each while the PMT
measured photon emission. REG software data
collection was hidden from the experimenters
during this process.

Figure 1. Random event generator (REG); Psyleron REG-1

device used throughout the following experiment.

Figure 2. Screenshot of Reflector software collecting data from

REG device; jagged center line is the moving cumulative

Figure 3. Schematic of experiment; relative positions of REG,

PMT, and human operator.

NeuroQuantology | March 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | Page 1-11

Persinger et al., Cerebral biophoton emission and non-local human-machine interaction

Data Transformation
Random Event Generator (REG) data was
collected for a total of 27 test sessions from N =
11 participants. Individual REG event scores
were standardized according to .5 chance
expectations using z-scores ([x-100] /50).
Overall session scores were obtained using
Stouffers method (z/n), where z = individual
event z-scores, with n = the number of events.
While participants intended for a specific
outcome in the REG data biophoton emission
was recorded from the right side of the head
with a photomultiplier tube (PMT). One model
of PMT was used for N = 8 participants (23
sessions), while a second model was used for N
= 3 participants (4 sessions). In order to
accommodate varied sampling across PMTs, as
well as individual differences, all photon data
was standardized independently within each
session using z-scores. Prior to transformation
each session was de-trended by entering PMT
data into a linear regression with time as the
independent variable and obtaining the residual
values for subsequent standardization and
analyses. Mean values and standard deviations
were computed for each minute (8) of both REG
and PMT data. All sessions were used as
separate trials (N = 27).

Figure 4. Cumulative deviations for two sessions with the

greatest overall deviations, both in the intended direction
(actual directionality of data maintained); parabolas indicate
threshold for statistical significance (p = .05, one-tailed).

Investigating Session Serial Position

Out of the N = 11 participants involved in this
experiment there were N = 8 who each
completed three consecutive sessions. Each
session consisted of an identical number of
individual events (n = 1000), and therefore
unweighted Stouffers z-scores were adequate
for comparing results between sessions. Overall
session z-scores were converted to directional
eISSN 1303-5150

measures with regard to operator intention

(e.g., output deviated in intended direction =
positive value). One-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) indicated that there were no
statistically significant differences between
sessions 1, 2 or 3 (p>.05). The two largest
individual deviations (z > 2), both in the
intended direction, were obtained within
sessions 1 and 3 (Figure-4).
Differences in Photon Emission between
REG Session Scores
Data was entered into a cluster analysis which
grouped trials by overall session REG score.
Three clusters emerged that represented
positive deviations, negative deviations, and
deviations which closely approximated chance
expectation results. A one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) was then performed to
determine potential differences in photon
emission between REG score using three
clusters (Tables 1 & 2). There was a significant
difference revealed between clusters for the
mean photon emission during minute 2
(Figure-5; F (2, 26) = 4.18, p = .03, 2 = .26). Posthoc tests (Tukey) found a significant difference
between clusters 1 and 3 (p = .022), but not
clusters 1 and 2 (p = .82), or 2 and 3 (p = .08).
This timeframe (2 minutes) is precisely what we
had previously found (Caswell et al., 2013) for
potential gravitational, electromagnetic, and
cerebral effects involved in this phenomenon.
Furthermore, when data were examined using a
temporal resolution of seconds (Figure-6), there
were significant increases in PMT units
associated with individual REG events at both
high and low extremes of ordered deviation (F =
8.41, p = .005, 2 = .13). The mean and
standard deviations for the analog PMT units
were 40 and 1.03, respectively. For a z-score
increase of 0.07 (Figure 6) the net increases in
flux density would have been 3.510-12 Wm-2.
Table 1. N, (mean) and sd (standard deviation) values of
actual REG session scores for each cluster.


sd (REG)








Spectral Characteristics
Spectral analysis is a statistical method used in
signal processing which allows examination of a

NeuroQuantology | March 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | Page 1-11

Persinger et al., Cerebral biophoton emission and non-local human-machine interaction

random time-series with respect to the

frequency domain as opposed to time. This
process is used to decompose a particular signal
into simpler components, and is particularly
useful given that many signals or processes may
be described as the summation of a number of
individual frequencies. Spectral power density
is obtained for a number of frequencies up to
the Nyquist limit (n/2) for a time series.
Table 2. N, (mean) and sd (standard deviation) values of
average (minute 2) PMT z-scores for each cluster.


sd (PMT)








Spectral density itself is a measure of power

within a signal after it has been decomposed
into separate frequencies following Fourier
transform (Figure-7).
In this example, there is an apparent
spike in PMT spectral power density during
significant REG operations compared to nonsignificant events which occurs at a frequency of
.272 Hz (3.68 s). Although subtle the effect was
consistent within individual records. The
difference in PMT spectral power density
between a significant and non-significant REG
session for a single participant is shown in
Figure 8. A number of quantifiable processes
associated with each spectral frequency of a
given signal can be obtained through this
process, including phase, amplitude, and
power. We have found that z-scores of the raw
data from which a spectral power density is
derived will minimize the inflation effects from
the absolute values of the numbers that
compose the scale.

Figure 5. Difference in average photon emission during minute

2 between actual REG session score clusters; vertical bars are
standard deviations (sd).
Figure 7. Power spectrum of photon emission during significant
(Sig) and non-significant (Non-Sig) REG output for a single
participant using complete samples (n = 1000). The results are
derived from 1 s sampling increments. This pattern was also
noted in other participants during the course of the study.

Figure 6. Difference in standardized PMT units associated with

specific ranges of REG event scores (each event = sum of 200 0,
1 bits); Anomalous (<90), Average - (91-100), Average (100),
Average + (100-109), Anomalous (>110); vertical bars represent
standard error of the mean (SEM).

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Figure 8. Difference in PMT spectral power density between a

significant and non-significant REG session for a single
participant (Spectral density significant Spectral density nonsignificant), 1 s increments.

NeuroQuantology | March 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | Page 1-11

Persinger et al., Cerebral biophoton emission and non-local human-machine interaction

A bivariate or cross-spectral analysis

can be employed to obtain a number of
statistics associated with the spectral densities
of two random variables, including the
amplitude of their cross-spectral densities
(Figure-9), which is a measure of the difference
between the extreme values of the variables
examined. The cross-spectral coherence is also
typically used. This value refers to the
covariance observed between the spectral power
densities of two variables within each frequency
(Figure-10). REG and PMT data were each
transformed to 10 second averages for each test
session and entered into a series of separate
cross-spectral analyses.
Averages of 10 seconds were employed
in order to
any temporal
mismatching between the devices; because
both devices were manually controlled it is
possible that the output of REG and PMT data
could have been discrepant by ~1-2 seconds.
The averaging procedure was used in order to
better align the output between devices.
Furthermore, this reduction in individual data
points also resulted in fewer frequency bands
for subsequent analyses. This amounted to n =
50 points for REG and PMT data from each
session, which subsequently resulted in 25
frequency bands. Data was transposed in order
to examine relevant values of each frequency in
isolation. Actual frequencies were computed by
dividing 1 by the spectral unit frequency
multiplied by the unit of time (e.g., spectral unit
frequency of .28 = (1 /.28) 10 s = 35.7 s).
Dividing 1 by the real frequency in seconds
yields a value in Hz (.28 = 1 / 35.7 = 28 mHz).
For comparison this is within the range of slow
electrical processes (infraslow potentials)
within the brain (Aladjalova, 1964).

Figure 10. Cross-spectral coherence (covariance) observed

between REG and PMT spectral densities averaged across all
sessions for each frequency, 10 s averages.

Cross-spectral amplitude between REG

output and PMT measures was entered into a
number of parametric and non-parametric
correlational analyses with overall REG session
scores. Only those of p < .05 and r .5 are
reported. It was determined that the values for
cross-spectral amplitude corresponding to a
frequency of 28 mHz were significantly
correlated with the actual value of REG session
scores (Figure- 11; r = -.58, p = .002; rho = .505, p = .007). This suggests that the
magnitude of the difference between the
extreme values of REG output and PMT
measures were statistically related to the final
overall value obtained by the REG device. More
specifically, as the photon flux density from the
brain diminished the REG effect increased.

Figure 11. Correlation between cross-spectral amplitude (28

mHz) and overall REG session score (actual value).

Figure 9. Amplitude of REG and PMT cross-spectra averaged

across all sessions for each frequency, 10 s averages.
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Signal Complexity
Entropy as applied to information theory is
generally used to describe the measure of
uncertainty or predictability within a random
variable (Jaynes, 1957). The application of
entropy to statistical prediction was originally

NeuroQuantology | March 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | Page 1-11

Persinger et al., Cerebral biophoton emission and non-local human-machine interaction

formulated by Shannon (1948), and follows the

basic equation for Shannon entropy H(X) = -x
P(x)log2P(x), where x = the random variable, X
= the number of possible values within x, and P
= the probability mass function. The entropy
function in the Matlab software package was
used to obtain a value similar to the Shannon
entropy for a time series using an internal
algorithm. A base 2 logarithm was employed in
order to produce values in units of bits.
Variables with a greater number of distinct
values, as well as those within which these
values are more evenly distributed possess
greater statistical entropy. Therefore, higher
values for entropy (HX) indicate greater
complexity, while low values represent greater
predictability within the signal.
Using the entropy function, HX values
were computed for all individual REG sessions
and examined for correlations with crossspectral properties obtained in the previous
analysis. Pearson and Spearman analyses
revealed a significant correlation between HX
values of REG data (e.g., the overall complexity)
and the cross-spectral coherence corresponding
to a frequency of 6 mHz (Figure-12; r = -.543,
rho = -.55, p = .003). This suggests that the
overall statistical complexity of REG results is
related to the covariance observed between
spectral power density of REG and PMT
measures within the 6 mHz frequency. More
specifically as the coherence between the REG
and photon emission data within this discrete
band of the earths continuous free oscillations
(Nishida et al., 2000) decreased the complexity
of the information increased.

groups of REG z-scores. This method revealed

statistically significant differences in the PMT
standard deviation during minute 3 of testing
(Figure-13; F (2, 26) = 4.051, p = .03, 2 = .253).
Post-hoc tests (Tukey) indicated a significant
difference between clusters 1 and 2 (p = .028),
but not 1 and 3 (p = .197) or 2 and 3 (p = .637).
This would suggest that the average departure
from the mean of photon emission in minute 3
significantly differed between participant
clusters based on overall complexity of REG
Table 3. N, (mean) and sd (standard deviation) values of REG
entropy scores for each cluster.
sd (HX)

Table 4. N, (mean) and sd (standard deviation) values of

minute 3 PMT standard deviations (z-scores) for each cluster.
sd (PMT)





Figure 13. Difference in PMT standard deviation during minute

3 between REG entropy clusters; vertical bars represent
standard error of the mean (SEM); * indicates a non-significant
difference from cluster 1 (p > .05).

Figure 12. Correlation between REG entropy values (HX) and

cross-spectral coherence (6 mHz).

A cluster analysis was performed using

HX values of each sample. Three clusters were
chosen for further analysis of variance (Tables 3
& 4) based on previous results using three
eISSN 1303-5150

There has been a long history of
experimentation and speculation that the
physical presence of a human being or the
engagement in cognitive activity near dynamic
processes can affect their consequences. For
decades research and casual observation have
indicated that intention can affect objects in

NeuroQuantology | March 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | Page 1-11

Persinger et al., Cerebral biophoton emission and non-local human-machine interaction

motion. More specifically these objects display a

transient acceleration (Jahn et al., 2000). With
the growing presence of electronic devices
contribution of the physical bases of intention
to their operations has become evident.
Although the energy levels, as Bohr anticipated,
would be very small, they would be within the
order of magnitude associated with the
bifurcation in events where one direction or
another occurs. The increment of energy
associated with a single shift from one electron
shell to another could result in a cascade that
ultimately influences the current structure of
matter at macrolevels.
The results of the present study replicated
the multiple experimental observations that
normal people who are proximal to random
number generators can significantly affect the
deviations of the intrinsic dynamic processes
within these devices. In addition, we have
shown that the deviations are associated with
measurable, physical changes within the brains
of the participants. These changes involved the
emissions of biophotons from the cerebral
volume as measured by photomultiplier tubes.
Comparable effects were measured from both
digital and analogue equipment; hence, the
phenomena were not likely to be a consequence
of idiosyncratic instrumentation.
The primary relationship between the
increased quantitative measures (radiant flux
density) of photon emissions from the right
cerebrums of the participants and deviations of
random number generation from chance
variation occurred for both extremes. Periods
of enhanced photon flux density from the right
hemisphere were associated with both positive
and negative extremes of the REG score. The
observation was more reflective of a scalar
process analogous to the long history of psi
hitting and psi missing that has confounded
paranormal researchers for decades.
The reliable increase in a specific power
density associated with the extreme deviations
from chance variation in REG scores could
indicate the source. The increase in power
density increase was ~3.510-12 Wm-2. If we
assume the likely focus of the effect would
involve the approximate width of an average (10
m) neuronal soma (which is within range of pn junctions) the power is 3.510-22 Js-1 (W) and
when distributed over the duration of 6 mHz,
which showed the strongest coherence between
eISSN 1303-5150

the extreme REG deviations and photon power

densities, the energy is within the order of 10-20
A NeuroQuantum unit of ~210-20 J
(Persinger, 2010) is the energy associated with
influence of an action potential (v=1.110-1 V)
upon a unit charge (1.610-19 As). The action
potential is considered the primary correlate of
the fundamental dynamic process within the
human cerebrum that mediates intention and
cognition. If thought is to be coupled to
influence upon random number generation
then the congruence between the energy
associated with the physical substrate of
intention and the photon emissions that could
affect electron tunnelling within the REG
devices would be expected. From a more
popular perspective, the energy associated with
thought and intention would be transferred into
a particular range of probabilities for electron
The two solutions for the length of an
electron, the Compton (2.4210-12 m) and the
classical (2.110-15 m) values, would require a
specific value to be accommodated by the
Lorentz contraction. The difference in velocities
approaching c, the velocity of light in a vacuum,
that would be required to produce this
discrepancy in distance that defines the wave vs
the particle properties of an electron results in a
discrete quantum. This value is ~10-20 J. This
could be the quantity of energy associated with
the frequently hypothesized collapse of the
wave function attributed to consciousness and
intention (Dotta and Persinger, 2009).
There is a second implication for this
congruence. The spin energy for s=1/2 spin
quantum number that reflects normal matter
can be calculated as S=2(s(s+1), where is
modified Plancks constant. The solution is
1.05510-34 Js multiplied by 0.866, or 0.9141034 Js. When divided by the energy associated
with an average action potential, the frequency
is 1.951014 Hz. Assuming the velocity of light in
a vacuum, the equivalent wavelength would be
1.54 m.
This solution is quite salient. Bohr (see
Lewis, 1921) showed that the quantum for
removing or adding a nucleus from a neutral
hydrogen molecule (consisting of two similar
nuclei each carrying a unit charge with two
electrons rotating in a ring between the nuclei)
could be calculated from the equation f=1.320
(mM-1), where m is the mass of the electron

NeuroQuantology | March 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | Page 1-11

Persinger et al., Cerebral biophoton emission and non-local human-machine interaction

and M is the mass of the proton. With the latter

ratio of 1835 and 0=1.911014 Hz, the
equivalent wavelength ()=1.57 m. This width
is also within the upper range of the width of a
synapse or the width of a node of Ranvier
within the human cerebral cortices. Although
this convergence does not prove the origin from
the synapse or along the axon barrel, the
similarities suggest a direction for future
In fact, if we assume the spin for
photons=1, then the quantum energy is
1.49210-34 Js and the equivalent wavelength
would be 2.23 m. The difference between the
derived photon spin wavelength and that
associated with matter (1.54 m) is 690 nm,
which is within the visible range. For traditional
models such differences could reflect phase
relationships. If this explanation is accurate,
then future experiments that compare photon
emissions from the brains of participants
through filters for this wavelength should
demonstrate the greatest proportion of the
effect compared to adjacent wavelengths.
The relevance of 6 mHz is more germane
when the contributory role of the earths free
background oscillations is considered. They
display a range between 2 and 7 mHz (Nishada
et al., 2000). Specific windows, 3.7 mHz and
4.3 mHz, reveal coupling between the Earths
surface vibrations (Raleigh waves) and
atmospheric acoustic oscillations. The typical
amplitude for this range of oscillations is 0.51011 ms-2. We (Persinger, 2012) have found that
daily power of spectral density in background
photon emissions from the ground in our
basement laboratory within the 3 mHz range,
the one that couples ground and atmospheric
oscillations, displays seasonal variations similar
to the acoustic oscillations described by
Nishada et al (2000).
The product of the 1.5 kg of brain mass
and this acceleration is 0.710-11 N and when
applied over the 0.1 m length of the cerebrum
would be 710-13 J. For 6 mHz (the coherence
peak in our data), the equivalent power would
be 4.210-15 W. The spectral power density over
the cross sectional area of the right temporal
lobe (~2.510-3 m2) would be the equivalent of
~1.710-12 Wm-2. This quantity is within the
error of measurement of the power density
increase recorded during the most extreme
deviations from random variation recorded by
the REG.
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There are several interpretations for this

complex relationship. At present we are
assuming that the greater coherence at ~6 mHz
between the photon flux density from the right
hemisphere and the deviations for the REG in
conjunction with less complexity in the
spontaneously could reflect the effect of
intention. We are pursuing the idea that the
biophotons are affecting the properties,
particularly spin, within the REG devices that in
term affect random; that is, the process exerts
a biological signature of some small order. The
congruence between the estimated energies that
would be available to the cerebral mass from
this band of the Earths free oscillations and
those measured during our experiments may be
a source of variance that could explain some of
the variability between experiments in various
laboratories as well as seasonal or daily
Increased standard deviations in the
measurements for one group compared to
another often reflect the introduction of another
source of variance within the former. The
appearance of a resonance factor within a
spectrum can produce this effect. The increased
variability of photon flux density from the right
hemisphere during the third minute in
(complexity) score in the REG, the opposite of
the 6 mHz relationship, could explain why these
processes are self-limiting. It may be relevant
that the occurrence of the greatest increased
entropy during the third minute (120 to 180 s)
is the equivalent of between 5.5 and 8 mHz.
This range encompasses the major extent of the
free background oscillations displayed by the
The photon measurements in the present
study were obtained 15 cm from the skull along
the right side. Assuming a radius of ~5.5 cm
from the center of the brain, then the energy
over this surface area of the sphere with a
radius of 20.5 cm is 5.2310-1 m2 3.510-12 Wm2 or 1.810-12 Js-1 during the extreme deviations
in the REG. This assumes no directionality.
However, from the cerebral surface (3.810-2 m2), assuming a reverse inverse square relation,
could have been as high as 210-11 Js-1. If nonlocality rather than locality (some form of
influence by propagation of photons to the REG
1 m away) were operating, then a comparable
quantity of energy equivalence should emerge
within the triggering circuitry.

NeuroQuantology | March 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | Page 1-11

Persinger et al., Cerebral biophoton emission and non-local human-machine interaction

We suggest a low probability explanation.

The energy equivalence of an electron is
~8.110-14 J. The photon energy emitted from
the cerebrum directly in our experiments could
have been as high as 210-11 Js-1 or the
equivalent of 240 electrons. A routine
calculation of REG bit rates indicates that every
1 s is associated with 400 bits. There is a
requirement of 202 bits in one direction per s,
more precisely the cumulative effect of 2,020
bits in one direction over 100 s, to obtain a
significant z-score (p=.025).
Within 100 s and certainly 167 s (6 mHz),
which would produce even more significant
variations if the ratio of bits in one direction
was maintained, there would be sufficient
transformation of photon energies from the
brain to electron equivalences to produce the
effect. If this concept is even partially valid,
then the role of thought-related photons upon
the manifestation of virtual particles (virtual
electrons) to real particles that affect dynamics
within Casimir-like settings as well as the
degree by which these transformations
determine causality must be reconsidered.
There were other periodicities shared by
variations in the photon flux density from the
brains of the participants and the REG data.
The 28 mHz peak that was apparent across all
sessions is equivalent to a period of about 36
seconds, or about two oscillations per minute.
This duration is within the range of short-term
memory when the electrical processes
associated with representation of memory and
the stream of consciousness rapidly decline.
One would expect the fundamental energies
from which intention emerges to utilize the
visual scratchpad for short-term storage of
information. The cerebral locus is primarily
within the right hemisphere, particularly the
right prefrontal region.
This range of periodicities is also the
defining feature of the brains steady
potentials or infraslow potentials. This largely
forgotten legacy from Aladjalova (1964),
involves transcerebral electrical variations in

eISSN 1303-5150


the order of 0.3 to 1.5 mV with periods of 7 to 8

s and periods of 0.2 to 2 min. For reference, 0.5
mV is the increment of postsynaptic change
over the membrane in response to the release of
molecules from a single pre-synaptic vesicle,
postsynaptic potential). Rhythmic oscillations
between 0.5 and 2 oscillations per second
within amplitudes between 0.5 and 1.5 mV can
occur for hours to days. They often follow
periods of stress as well as marked memory
consolidation. The role of glial cells, that
constitute a syncytium of integrated connection
throughout the cerebral volume, cannot be
ignored. The resting membrane potential of
astrocytes changes within about 4 to 6 sec
following the electrical stimulation from
neurons. The spectral peak for photon emission
during REG outputs that deviated significantly
from change compared to those that did not was
~4 s.
To our knowledge this is the first
experiment to demonstrate a quantitative
relationship between the deviation from
random fluctuations in an electronic device and
the photon emissions from cerebral function.
We (Dotta et al., 2012) had previously
demonstrated that imagining (a type of
intention) compared to mundane (passive or
non-intention) thinking was associated with
conspicuous and reversible photon emission
from the right hemisphere that was strongly
correlated with left prefrontal brain activity.
The coupling between electron-photon
activity within the neuronal membrane, the
presumed bases for the effect, and the electrons
within the REG might still be reciprocal. The
time required for a photon moving at c to
traverse a 10 nm membrane is 10-16 s. This is the
same order of magnitude as the time required
for an electron to complete one orbit in a Bohr
magneton. Consequently the information or
some feature of state per unit orbit could be
reversibly transferred as this dynamic photon
traverses the neuronal cell membrane.

NeuroQuantology | March 2014 | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | Page 1-11

Persinger et al., Cerebral biophoton emission and non-local human-machine interaction

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